
`Apple Inc.
`US. Patent No. 8,724,622
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622


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`#7 _
`: lication bina ' interface
`’L is
`e or
`) 16
`intosh computer to share files with another on the
`same network. See also file server, Mac OS.
`applet \a’plet\ n. A small piece of code that can be
`transported over the Internet and executed on the
`recipient’s machine. The term is especially used to
`refer to such programs as they are embedded in
`line as objects in HTML documents on the World
`Wide Web.
`long cited as a shortcoming of the Macintosh com-
`pared with IBM PCs and compatibles. This feature,
`along with other layout changes and the addition
`of new keys and lights, makes the Apple Extended
`Keyboard quite similar
`in form to the IBM
`enhanced keyboard. See the illustration. See also
`enhanced keyboard.
`Apple II \ap‘l
`t66’\ n. The second computer
`introduced by the Apple Computer Corporation, in
`April 1977. The Apple 1] featured 4K dynamic
`RAM, expandable to 48K (with 16K chips), and
`used the 6502 microprocessor. The Apple II was
`the first computer to offer a TV video adapter as
`an optional alternative to a color computer moni—
`tor. It also featured sound and eight expansion
`slots. See also 6502.
`Apple key \ap’l ké‘\ n. A key on Apple keyboards
`labeled with an outline of the Apple logo
`the Apple Extended Keyboard, this key is the same
`as the Command key, which functions similarly to
`the Control key on IBM and compatible key—
`boards. It is generally used in conjunction with a
`character key as a shortcut to making menu selec-
`tions or starting a macro.
`Apple Macintosh \ap‘l mak’an-tosh\ 11. See Mac—
`AppleTalk \ap’l t'ak‘\ n. An inexpensive local
`area network developed by Apple that can be
`used by Apple and non—Apple computers to
`communicate and share resources such as print—
`ers and file servers. Non-Apple computers must
`be equipped with AppleTalk hardware and suit-
`able software. The network uses a layered set of
`protocols similar
`to the 150/051 model and
`transfers information in the form of packets
`called frames. AppleTalk supports connections
`to other AppleTalk networks through devices
`known as bridges, and it supports connections
`to dissimilar networks through devices called
`gateways. See also bridge, frame (definition 2),
`application \a‘plo—kfi‘shom n. A program de~
`signed to assist in the performance of a specific task,
`such as word processing, accounting, or inventory
`management. Compare utility.
`Apple Newton \ap‘l nofi’tam 11. See Newton.
`application binary interface \a—plo-ka‘shon b?—
`\ap’l—skript‘\ n. A script
`nar—e in’ter-fas, bi‘nar-é\ n. A set of instructions
`used with Macintosh computers running under the.
`that specifies how an executable file interacts with
`System 7 operating system to execute commands
`the hardware and how information is stored. Acro—
`and automate functions. See also script.
`nym: ABI (A‘B—I’). Compare application program—
`Appleshare \ap’l—shar‘\ n. File server software
`that works with the Mac OS and allows one Mac-
`ming interface.
`Apple Extended Keyboard.


` aritlmlelic expression
`arithmetic expression \ar‘id’i—met‘ik eks-presh'w
`an\ n. A series of elements, including data labels
`and constants as well as numbers, that are joined
`by arithmetic operators, such as + and —. and can
`be calculated to produce a value.
`logic unit
`yoT)‘nit\ n. A component of a microprocessor
`chip used for arithmetic, comparative, and logical
`functions. Acronym: ALU (A‘L—U'). See also gate
`(definition 1).
`arithmetic operation \a—rith‘montik op-ar—z‘t'shan,
`it. Any of the standard calculations
`performed in
`multiplication, or division. The term is also used in
`reference to negative numbers and absolute values.
`arithmetic operator \fir-ith-met‘ik op ’ar—fi—tafl H.
`An operator that performs an arithmetic operation:
`+, —, X, or /. An arithmetic operator usually takes
`one or two arguments. See also argument, binary,
`logical operator, operator (definition 1,), unary.
`\dot‘A-R-]'\ n. The DOS file extension used
`with archive files created with the AR] compres—
`sion program.
`.armymfil \dot—iir’me—dot-mil', dot—iir’me-dot—M-I-
`it. On the Internet,
`the major geographic
`domain specifying that an address belongs to the
`United States Army.
`AR]? \A‘R-P', arp\ n. Acronym for Address Resolu—
`tion Protocol. A TCl’/llJ protocol for determining
`the hardware address (or physical address) of a
`node on a local area network connected to the
`Internet, when only the IP address (or logical
`address) is known. An ARP request is sent to the
`network, and the node that has the 11’ address
`responds with its hardware address. Although ARP
`technically refers only to finding the hardware
`address, and RARP (for Reversed ARP) refers to the
`reverse procedure, ARP is commonly used for
`both senses. See also IIJ address. TCP/IP.
`ARPANET \iir‘pa—net‘. A‘R-P‘A—N‘E—TW n. A large
`wide area network created in the 19605 by the U.S.
`of Defense Advanced Research
`Projects Agency (ARPA, renamed DARI’A in the
`the free exchange of
`between universities and research organizations,
`although the military also used this network for
`communications. In the 19805 MILNET. a separate
`network, was spun off from ARPANET for use by
`the military. ARPANET was the network from which
`the Internet evolved. See oiso Internet, MILNE’I‘.
`rt. Shon for
`ARP request \arp' ra—kwest‘, A—R—I"\
`Address Resolution Protocol request. An ARP
`packet containing the Internet address of a host
`computer. The receiving computer responds with
`or passes
`along the
`corresponding Ethernet
`address. See also ARP, Ethernet, IP address, packet.
`array \ar-a’\ n. In programming. a list of data val-
`ues, all of the same type, any element of which
`can be referenced by an expression consisting of
`the array name followed by an indexing expres—
`sion. Armys are part of the fundamentals of data
`structures, which, in turn, are a major fundamental
`of computer programming. See also array element,
`index, record], vector.
`array element \ar-a ' e1“ o-mont\ n. A data value in
`an array.
`array processor \or-fi' pros‘e—safl n. A group of
`identical processors operating
`synchronously, often under the control of a central
`it. Any of four keys labeled
`arrow key can ké‘\
`with arrows pointing up, down,
`left, and right,
`used to move the cursor vertically or horizontally
`on the display screen or,
`in some programs, to
`extend the highlight. See the illustration
`Arrow keys
`(when Num Lock is off)
`Arrow keys
`Arrow key. When Nam Lock is ofi,‘ the arrow keys
`on the number keypad can be used
`article \ar’to-koh n. A message that appears in an
`Internet newsgroup. Also coiled post. See aiso


`file formal
`.fldonetorg \dot-dec‘i-net—dot—orgW it. On the
`the major domain specifying that an
`address is located on Fidonet.
`field \f61d\
`rt. 1. A location in a record in which a
`particular type of data is stored. For example,
`EMPLOYEE—RECORD might contain fields to store
`Last-Name, First-Name, Address, City, State, Zip-
`Code, Hire-Date, Current-Salary, Title, Department,
`and so on. Individual fields are characterized by
`their maximum length and the type of data (for
`example, alphabetic. numeric, or financial) that can
`be placed in them. The facility for creating these
`specifications usually is contained in the data def—
`inition language (DDL). In relational database man—
`agement systems, fields are called columns. 2. A
`space in an on—screen form where the user can
`enter a specific item of information.
`field-effect transistor \féld‘o—fekt tranz-i’stafl n.
`See PET.
`field-programmable logic array \fEld‘ pro—gram-
`a—bl loj’ik orwz'i‘\ n. An integrated circuit containing
`an ariay of logic circuits in which the connections
`between the individual circuits, and thus the logic
`functions of the array, can be programmed after
`manufacture, typically at the time of installation in
`the field. Programming can be performed only
`typically by passing high current through
`fusible links on the chip. Acronym: FPLA (F‘P—L—
`A'). Also called PLA, programmable logic array.
`field separator \feld’ sep‘or—a—t31'\
`it. Any charac—
`ter that separates one field of data from another.
`See also delimiter. field (definition 1).
`FIFO \fi'ft‘i, F‘I-F-O‘\
`it. See first in, first out.
`computer \fiftli‘jen-ar-a‘shan
`it. See computer.
`fifth normal form \fifth‘ nor‘mol
`Abbreviated SNF. See normal form (definition 1).
`file \le\ n. A complete, named collection of infor-
`mation, such as a program, a set of data used by a
`program, or a user—created document. A file is the
`basic unit of storage that enables a computer to
`distinguish one set of information from another. A
`file is the "glue" that binds a conglomeration of
`instructions, numbers, words, or images into a
`coherent unit
`that a user can retrieve, change,
`delete. save, or send to an output device.
`file allocation table \fil' al-a-ka‘shan tz't‘bl\ n. A
`table or list maintained by some operating systems
`to manage disk space used for file storage. Files on
`a disk are stored, as space allows,
`in fixed-size
`groups of bytes (characters)
`rather than from
`beginning to end as contiguous strings of text or
`numbers. A single file can thus be scattered in
`pieces over many separate storage areas. A file
`allocation table maps available disk storage space
`so that it can mark flawed segments that should
`not be used and can find and link the pieces of a
`file. In MS-DOS, the file allocation table is com-
`monly known as the FAT. See also FAT file system.
`file attribute \fil'
`n. A restrictive
`label attached to a file that describes and regulates
`its use—for example, hidden, system, readwonly,
`archive, and so forth. In MS—DOS, this information
`is stored as part of the file’s directory entry.
`file backup \fil' bak‘up\ it. See backup.
`file compression \fil’ kam-presh‘on\ n. The pro—
`cess of reducing the size of a file for transmission
`or storage. See also data compression.
`Elle control block \ftl' kon-trél‘ blok\
`rt. A small
`block of memory temporarilyassigned by a com-
`puter‘s operating system to hold information about
`an opened file. A file control block typically con-
`tains such information as the file‘s identification,
`its location on disk, and a pointer that marks the
`user's current (or last) position in the file. Acro—
`nym: FCB ('F‘C-B’).
`file conversion \Fi'l’ kan-var‘zhom a. The pro-
`cess of transforming the data in a file from one for-
`mat to another without altering its contents—for
`example, converting a file from a word processor‘s
`format to its ASCII equivalent.
`file extension \fil' eks—ten‘shan\ it. See extension
`(definition 1).
`file extent \fil’ eks-tent‘\ It. See extent.
`file format \fil' for‘mafi n. The structure of a file
`that defines the way it is stored and laid out on the
`screen or in print. The format can be fairly simple
`and common. as are files stored as "plain" ASCII
`text, or it can be quite Complex and include vari-
`ous types of control instructions and codes used
`by programs, printers, and other devices. Exam-
`ples include RTF (Rich Text Format), DCA (Docu-
`ment Content Architecture), PICT, DIF (Data
`Interchange Format). DXF, TIFF (Tagged Image
`File Format). and EI’SF (Encapsulated PostScript
`I m


`local loop
`local loop \lo‘kol ICE—Op’\ n. A telephone connec—
`tion that rtms from the subscriber to the local tele—
`usually to ensure that only one program at a time
`uses that resource.
`rt, A condition in which prcc
`lock up \lok' up\
`cessing appears to be completely suspended and
`in which the program in control of the system will
`accept no input. See also crashl.
`log \log\ n. 1. A record of transactions or activities
`that take place on a computer system. 2. See loga-
`it. Abbreviated log, In
`logarithm \log’or-idh‘om\
`mathematics, the power to which a base must be
`raised to equal a given number. For example, for
`the base 10, the logarithm of 16 is (approximately)
`1.2041 because 101'2041 equals (approximately) 16,
`Both natural logarithms (to the base 9, which is
`approximately 2.71828) and common logarithms
`(to the base 10) are used in programming. Lan-
`guages such as C and Basic include functions for
`calculating natural logarithms.
`the assertions,
`logic \loj'ik\ o.
`in programming,
`assumptions, and operations that define what a
`given program does. Defining the logic of a pro
`gram is often the first step in developing the
`program’s source code. See also formal logic.
`logical \loi'a—kol\ adj. 1. Based on true and false
`alternatives as opposed to arithmetic calculation of
`numeric values. For example, a logical expression
`is one that, when evaluated, has a single outcome,
`either true or false. See also Boolean algebra. Com—
`pare fuzzy logic. 2. Of or pertaining to a concep-
`tual piece of equipment or frame of reference,
`regardless of how it may be realized physically.
`Compare physical.
`logical decision \loj‘a—kal do-sizh'am it. Any
`decision that can have one of two outcomes (true/
`false, yes/ no, and so on). Compare fuzzy logic.
`logical device \loj‘a—kol
`n. A device
`named by the logic of a software system, regard-
`less of its physical relationship to the system. For
`example, a single floppy disk drive can simulta—
`neously be, to the MS-DOS operating system, both
`logical drive A and drive B.
`logical drive \loj‘o—kol drlv'\ it. Seelogical device.
`logical error \Ioj‘a—kol arm it. See logic error.
`logical expression \loj‘owkol eks-presh‘em o. 599
`Boolean expression.
`it. A file as seen from a
`logical file \loj‘o—kol fll‘\
`conceptual standpoint, without reference to and as
`phone exchange.
`local memory \lo‘ka] mem'orwa n. In multipro-
`cessor systems, the memory on the same card or
`high—speed bus as a particular processor. Typi~
`cally, memory that is local to one processor cannot
`be accessed by another without some form of per—
`local newsgroups \l€)‘kol nfiz'grdfipfl n.1‘v‘ews—
`groups that are targeted toward a geographically
`limited area such as a city or educational institu—
`tion. Posts to these newsgroups contain informa-
`tion that is specific to the area, concerning such
`topics as events. meetings, and sales. See also
`local reboot \lo‘kol ré’b66t\
`rt. A reboot of the
`machine that one is directly working on, rather
`than a remote host. See also reboot.
`rt. An inexpensive cabling
`Incal'l'alk \lo‘kal—tak‘\
`scheme used by Apple-Talk networks to connect
`Apple Macintosh computers. printers. and other
`peripheral devices. See also Apple'l‘alk.
`local variable \Io‘kal var’é—a—bh
`rt. A program
`variable whose scope is limited to a given block of
`code, usually a subroutine. See also scope (defini—
`tion 1). Compare global variable.
`location \16-kfi’shan‘\
`it. See address
`tion 1).
`it, 1. A software security feature that
`lock \lok\
`requires a key or dongle in order for the applica-
`tion to run correctly. See also dongle. 2. A mech-
`anical device on some removable storage medium
`(for example, the write-protect notch on a floppy
`disk) that prevents the contents from being over—
`written, See also write-protect notch.
`locked file \lokd fil'\ rt. 1. A file on which one or
`more of the usual types of manipulative operation
`cannot be perfonned—typically, one that cannot
`be altered by additions or deletions. 2. A file that
`cannot be deleted or moved or whose name can-
`not be changed.
`locked volume \lokd‘ vol ‘y66m\ o. On the Apple
`Macintosh, :1 volume (storage device, such as a disk)
`that cannot be written to. The volume can be locked
`either physically or through software.
`lockout \lolt’out\ 'l'l. The act of denying access to
`a given resource (file, memory location, I/O port),

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