
`Patent Owners
`Cases IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`- i -
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622


`IPRPR2017-018804 and IPPR2017-011805
`U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,7244,622
`.... 1 
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`.... 5 
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`.. 28 
`.. 30 
`.. 30 
`.. 30 
`.. 36 
`- ii -
`A B
`P A B C
`A B C
`T A B C
`A.  Qualifications aand Experiience .........................
`B.  Mateerials Considered ........................................
`PRINCIPLEES ..............................................................
`Claimm Construcction ..........................................
`Anticcipation ....
`ousness ....
`.................mbine .........Motivatioon to Com
`The IInternet annd TCP/IP PProtocol SSuite ..........
`Voice over IP ((VoIP) ........................................
`Instannt messagiing (IM) .....................................
`IETF in RRFC 2778 – “A Moddel for Pressence and IInstant
`Messaginng” .............................................
`IETF RFFC 2779 “Innstant Messsaging / PPresence Prrotocol
`Requiremments” ........................................
`Prior Artt Instant MMessaging ((“IM”) Sysstems .........................
`THE ’622 PPATENT ....................................................
`The SSpecificati
`on ............
`The CClaims of tthe ’622 Paatent ..........................
`Claimm Construcction ..........................................
` 1.
`“an instaant voice mmessaging aapplicationn” ...............................
` 2.
`“client pllatform sysstem” ........................


`IPRPR2017-018804 and IPPR2017-011805
`U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,7244,622
`.. 38 
`.. 40 
`.. 42 
`.. 43 
`.. 43 
`.. 49 
`.. 50 
`.. 55 
`.. 58 
`.. 61 
`.. 64 
`.. 64 
`.. 65 
`.. 65 
`.. 75 
`.. 80 
`.. 83 
` 3.
`“communnication pllatform sysstem” .......
` 4.
`“connecttion object messages”” ...............
`Brieff Descriptioon and Summmary of tthe Prior AArt ..............................
` 1.
`Brief Summmary of ZZydney [EEx. 1003/11103] ...........................
` 2.
`Brief Summmary of Shinder [EEx. 1014/1
`114] ...........................
` 3.
`Brief Summmary of AAppelmann [Ex. 10044/1104] ......................
` 4.
`Brief Summmary of CClark [Ex.
` 1008/110
`8] ..............................
` 5.
`Brief Summmary of HHethmon [[Ex. 1009//1109] ........................
`Brief Summmary of MMicrosoft PPress Commputer Dicctionary
` 6.
`19] ...........
`(1991) [EEx. 1018/1118] and MMoghe [Exx. 1019/11
`11, 13,
`3, 6-8, 10, us Claims 3der ObviouZydnney and Shinder Rend
`18-211, 23, 27, 332-35, and 38. ...........................
` 1.
`Independdent Claimm 3 ..............................
`Preamble of claim 3: ““A system
`comprisinng:” ...........
`o a packet-onnected tonterface co“a network in
`swwitched nettwork” (Claaim 3[a]) .
`“a messagingg system c
`a ommunicaating with a
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstems
`viaa the netwoork interfaace; and” (CClaim 3[b]]) ..............
`“a communiccation plattform systeem maintaiining
`nnection innformationn for each oof the plurrality of
`insstant voicee message cclient systeems indicaating
`whhether therre is a curreent connecction to eacch of the
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstems,”
`(CClaim 3[c])
`“wwherein thee messaginng system rreceives ann instant
`vooice messagge from onne of the pllurality of
`3[d]) ........
`d” (Claim
`vooice messagge client syystems, an
`- iii -


`IPRPR2017-018804 and IPPR2017-011805
`U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,7244,622
`.. 84 
`.. 90 
`.. 93 
` 102 
` 104 
` 106 
` 106 
` 110 
` 111 
` 112 
` 113 
` 119 
` 120 
`- iv -
`“wwherein thee instant vooice messaage includees an
`obbject field iincluding aa digitized
`audio file..”
`(CClaim 3[e])
`Dependeent Claim 66 ................................
`Dependeent Claim 77 ................................
`Dependeent Claim 88 ................................
`Dependeent Claim 110 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 111 ..............................
`“wwherein, uppon receiptt of an instaant voice
`meessage, thee communiication plattform systeem
`determines iff there is thhe current
`connectionn to one
`of f the pluraliity of instaant voice mmessage cliient
`stems idenntified as a
`recipient oof the instaant
`vooice messagge,” ...........................
`“annd if there is no connnection witth the one
`of the
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstem
`ideentified as the recipieent, the insstant voice
`meessage is sttored and ddelivered wwhen the oone of
`thee plurality of instant
`voice mes
`sage clientt
`lished a nt re-establhe recipienntified as thsystems iden
`nnection.”” .................................
`Dependeent Claim 113 ..............................
`“wwherein eacch of the innstant voicce messagee client
`systems commprises an iinstant voicce messagiing
`plication……” ..............................
`“……[an instannt voice mmessaging aapplication
`generating ann instant vvoice messaage and
`traansmitting the instantt voice me
`ssage overr the
`system” ...
`paacket-switcched netwoork to the mmessaging
`Dependeent Claim 118 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 119 ..............................
` 2.
` 3.
` 4.
` 5.
` 6.
` 7.
` 8.
` 9.


` 10.
` 11.
` 12.
` 13.
` 14.
` 15.
` 16.
` 17.
` 18.
`IPRPR2017-018804 and IPPR2017-011805
`U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,7244,622
` 123 
` 128 
` 128 
` 129 
` 130 
` 130 
` 131 
` 133 
` 133 
` 135 
` 136 
` 143 
` 143 
` 144 
` 144 
` 145 
` 146 
` 146 
`Dependeent Claim 220 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 221 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 223 ..............................
`Independdent Claimm 27 ............................
`Preamble of claim 27:
`ing:” ......... “A systemm comprisi
`“a client devvice” (Claimm 27[a]) ...
`“a network innterface cooupled to thhe client ddevice
`annd connectiing the clieent device tto a packett-
`swwitched nettwork; and”” (Claim 227[b]) .........................
`“ann instant vvoice messaaging appllication insstalled
`onn the client device, whherein the
`instant voiice
`[c]) ..........
`meessaging appplication
`(Claim 27
`“a client plattform systeem for gennerating an
`vooice messagge and,” (CClaim 27[cc1]) ............................
`“a messagingg system fofor transmittting the innstant
`twork vooice messagge over thee packet-swwitched ne
`viaa the netwoork interfaace,” (Claimm 27[c2]) ...................
`“wwherein thee instant vooice messaaging applic
`inccludes a doocument haandler systtem for attaaching
`onne or more files to thee instant vooice messaage.”
`(CClaim 27[d]]) ...............................
`Dependeent Claim 332 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 333 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 334 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 335 ..............................
`Independdent Claimm 38 ............................
`le) ............
`“AA system coomprising::” (Claim 338 Preamb
`“a client device; annd” (Claim m 38[a]) .....
`- v -


`IPRPR2017-018804 and IPPR2017-011805
`U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,7244,622
` 146 
` 146 
` 146 
` 146 
` 146 
` 147 
` 147 
` 154 
` 155 
` 155 
` 155 
` 167 
` 169 
` 170 
` 175 
` 185 
`“a netwoork interfacce coupled
`to the clieent device aand
`connecting thhe client ddevice to a
`twork; andd” (Claim 338[b]) ......
`“an instaant voice mmessaging aapplicationn installed
`on the
`cliient devicee, wherein tthe instantt voice messsaging
`application inncludes” (CClaim 38[cc]) .............................
`platform ssystem for
`generatingg an instannt voice
`“a client
`meessage andd” (Claim 338[c1]) .....
`voice he instant v“a messaaging systeem for transsmitting th
`via the
`meessage oveer the packeet-switche
`d network
`network interface,” (Cllaim 38[c22]) ..............................
`potential e or more pa list of oneisplaying a“a display di
`reccipients forr an instannt voice meessage.” (CClaim
`388[d]) ...........................................
`Zydnney in Vieww of Shindder and Apppelman Reenders Obvvious
`Claimms 22 and 39 ..............................................
` 1.
`.................22 .............Dependeent Claim 2
` 2.
`Dependeent Claim 339 ..............................
`Zydnney in Vieww of Shindder and Claark Renderss Obvious
`14-177 and 28-31 ................................................
`Dependeent Claim 114 ..............................
` 1.
`“wwherein thee instant vooice messaaging applic
`inccludes a mmessage dattabase storiing the insstant
`vooice messagge,” ...........................
`“wwherein thee instant vooice messaage is repreesented
`byy a databasee record inncluding a
`unique ideentifier.” ...
`Dependeent Claim 115 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 116 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 117 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 228 ..............................
` 2.
` 3.
` 4.
` 5.
`- vi -


`IPRPR2017-018804 and IPPR2017-011805
`U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,7244,622
` 186 
` 186 
` 187 
` 188 
` 188 
` 198 
` 199 
` 200 
` 201 
` 201 
` 201 
` 201 
` 214 
` 215 
` 215 
` 6.
`Dependeent Claim 229 ..............................
` 7.
`Dependeent Claim 330 ..............................
` 8.
`Dependeent Claim 331 ..............................
`Zydnney in Vieww of Shindder and Hetthmon Rennders Obvi
`Claimms 4, 5, andd 24-26 .....................................
` 1.
`Dependeent Claim 44 ................................
` 2.
`Dependeent Claim 55 ................................
` 3.
`Independdent Claimm 24 ............................
`Preamble of claim 24:
`ing:” ......... “A systemm comprisi
`o a packet-onnected tonterface co“a network in
`swwitched nettwork;” (Cllaim 24[a]
`) ...............
`“a messaaging systeem communnicating wwith a pluraality of
`insstant voicee message cclient systeems via thee
`network interface; and”” (Claim 224[b]) .........................
`intaining system maiplatform s“a commmunication
`connection innformationn for each oof the plurrality of
`insstant voicee message cclient systeems indicaating
`whhether therre is a curreent connecction to eacch of the
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstems,”
`(CClaim 24[c]]) ...............................
`“wwherein thee messaginng system rreceives
`connection oobject messsages fromm the plurallity of
`insstant voicee message cclient systeems,” (Claaim
`244[d]) ...........................................
`“wwherein eacch of the coonnection
`object messsages
`inccludes dataa representting a statee of a logic
`connection wwith a givenn one of thhe pluralityy of
`insstant voicee message cclient systeems.” (Claaim
`244[d1]) .........................................
`Dependeent Claim 225 ..............................
`Dependeent Claim 226 ..............................
` 4.
` 5.
`- vii -


`IPRPR2017-018804 and IPPR2017-011805
`U.S. Pat.
`No. 8,7244,622
` 218 
` 218 
` 226 
` 228 
`Zydnney in Vieww of Shindder and Miccrosoft (19991) and MMoghe
`Rendders Obviouus Claim 112 ..............................
` 1.
`Dependeent Claim 112 ..............................
`VIII.  CCONCLUSSION ...........................................................
`- viii -


`I, Tal Lavian, Ph.D., declare as follows:
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`A. Qualifications and Experience
`I have more than 25 years of experience in the networking,
`telecommunications, Internet, and software fields. I received a Ph.D. in Computer
`Science, specializing in networking and communications, from the University of
`California at Berkeley in 2006 and obtained a Master’s of Science (“M.Sc.”)
`degree in Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv University, Israel, in 1996. In
`1987, I obtained a Bachelor of Science (“B.Sc.”) in Mathematics and Computer
`Science, also from Tel Aviv University.
`I am employed by the University of California at Berkeley and was
`appointed as a lecturer and Industry Fellow in the Center of Entrepreneurship and
`Technology (“CET”) as part of UC Berkeley College of Engineering. I have been
`with the University of California at Berkeley since 2000 where I served as
`Berkeley Industry Fellow, Lecturer, Visiting Scientist, Ph.D. Candidate, and
`Nortel’s Scientist Liaison. I have taught several classes on wireless devices and
`smartphones. Some positions and projects were held concurrently, while others
`were held sequentially.
`- 1 -


`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`I have more than 25 years of experience as a scientist, educator and
`technologist, and much of my experience relates to telecommunication, data
`communications, and computer networking technologies. For eleven years from
`1996 to 2007, I worked for Bay Networks and Nortel Networks. Bay Networks
`was in the business of making and selling computer network hardware and
`software. Nortel Networks acquired Bay Networks in 1998, and I continued to
`work at Nortel after the acquisition. Throughout my tenure at Bay and Nortel, I
`held positions
`including Principal Scientist, Principal Architect, Principal
`Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, and led the development and research
`involving a number of networking technologies. I led the efforts of Java
`technologies at Bay Networks and Nortel Networks. In addition, during 1999-
`2001, I served as the President of the Silicon Valley Java User Group with over
`800 active members from many companies in the Silicon Valley.
`Prior to that, from 1994 to 1995, I worked as a software engineer and
`team leader for Aptel Communications, designing and developing wireless
`technologies, mobile wireless devices and network software products.
`From 1990 to 1993, I worked as a software engineer and team leader
`at Scitex Ltd., where I developed system and network communications tools
`(mostly in C and C++).
`- 2 -


`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`I have extensive experience
`in communications
`including wireless technologies, routing and switching architectures and protocols,
`including Multi-Protocol Label Switching Networks, Layer 2 and Layer 3 Virtual
`Private Networks, and Pseudowire technologies. Much of my work for Nortel
`Networks (mentioned above) involved the research and development of these
`technologies. For example, I wrote software for Bay Networks and Nortel
`Networks switches and routers, developed network technologies for the Accelar
`8600 family of switches and routers, the OPTera 3500 SONET switches, the
`OPTera 5000 DWDM family, and the Alteon L4-7 switching product family. I
`wrote software for Java-based device management, including a software interface
`for device management and network management in the Accelar routing switch
`family’s network management system. I have also worked on enterprise Wi-Fi
`solutions, wireless mobility management, and wireless infrastructure.
`I am named as a co-inventor on more than 100 issued patents and I co-
`authored more than 25 scientific publications, journal articles, and peer-reviewed
`papers. Furthermore, I am a member of a number of professional affiliations,
`including the Association of Computing Machinery (“ACM”) and the Institute of
`Electrical and Electronics Engineers (“IEEE”) (senior member). I am also certified
`under the IEEE WCET (Wireless Communications Engineering Technologies)
`- 3 -


`Program, which was specifically designed by the IEEE Communications Society
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`(ComSoc) to address the worldwide wireless industry’s growing and ever-evolving
`need for qualified communications professionals.
`From 2007 to the present, I have served as a Principal Scientist at my
`company TelecommNet Consulting Inc., where I develop network communication
`technologies and provide research and consulting in advanced technologies, mainly
`in computer networking and Internet technologies. In addition, I have served as a
`Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of VisuMenu, Inc. from 2010 to
`the present, where I design and develop architecture of visual IVR technologies for
`smartphones and wireless mobile devices in the area of network communications.
`I have worked on wireless and cellular systems using a variety of
`modulation technologies including time-division multiple-access (TDMA), code-
`division multiple-access (CDMA), and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing
`(OFDM). I have additionally worked on various projects
`transmission and streaming of digital media content.
`10. The above outline of my experience with communications systems is
`not comprehensive of all of my experience over my years of technical experience.
`Additional details of my background are set forth in my curriculum vitae, attached
`- 4 -


`as Exhibit A to this Declaration, which provides a more complete description of
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`my educational background and work experience.
`I am being compensated for the time I have spent on this matter at the
`rate of $400 per hour. My compensation does not depend in any way upon the
`outcome of this proceeding. I hold no interest in the Petitioner (Apple Inc.) or the
`Patent Owner (Uniloc Luxembourg, S.A.) or plaintiff Uniloc USA, Inc.
`B. Materials Considered
`12. The analysis that I provide in this Declaration is based on my
`education and experience in the telecommunications and information technology
`industries, as well as the documents I have considered, including U.S. Patent No.
`8,724,622 (“’622” or “’622 patent”) [Ex. 1001/1101], which states on its face that
`it issued from an application filed on July 11, 2012, in turn claiming priority back
`to an earliest application filed on December 18, 2003. For purposes of this
`Declaration, I have assumed December 18, 2003 as the effective filing date for the
`’622 patent. I have cited to the following documents in my analysis below:
`Title of Document
`Exhibit No.
`1001/1101 U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622 to Michael J. Rojas (filed July 11, 2012,
`issued May 13, 2014)
`1003/1103 PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US00/21555 to Herbert Zydney
`et al. (filed August 7, 2000, published February 15, 2001 as WO
`01/11824 A2) (“Zydney”) (with line numbers added)
`- 5 -


`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`Title of Document
`Exhibit No.
`1004/1104 U.S. Patent No. 6,750,881 to Barry Appelman (filed February 24,
`1997, issued June 15, 2004) (“Appelman”)
`COMPLETE REFERENCE (McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2d ed. 2002)
`1006/1106 N. Borenstein et al., Request for Comments (RFC) 1521: MIME
`(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for
`Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies,
`September 1993 (“RFC 1521”)
`1007/1107 U.S. Patent No. 6,757,365 B1 to Travis A. Bogard (filed October
`16, 2000, issued June 29, 2004) (“Bogard”)
`1008/1108 U.S. Patent No. 6,725,228 to David Morley Clark et al. (filed Oct.
`31, 2000, issued April 20, 2004) (“Clark”)
`(Manning Publications Co., 1997) (“Hethmon”)
`(O’Reilly, 2d Ed. 1998) (“Hunt”)
`1011/1111 HTTP Working Group, Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1,
`Nov. 22, 1995 (draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.txt)
`1012/1112 Excerpts from Microsoft Computer Dictionary (3d ed. 1997)
`NETWORKING ESSENTIALS (Cisco Press, 2002) (“Shinder”)
`1018/1118 Excerpts from Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary (1991)
`(“Microsoft (1991)”)
`1019/1119 U.S. Patent No. 6,173,323 to Pratyush Moghe (“Moghe”)
`- 6 -


`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`I understand that an assessment of claims of the ’622 patent should be
`undertaken from the perspective of a person of ordinary skill in the art as of the
`earliest claimed priority date, which I understand is December 18, 2003. I have
`also been advised that to determine the appropriate level of a person having
`ordinary skill in the art, the following factors may be considered: (1) the types of
`problems encountered by those working in the field and prior art solutions thereto;
`(2) the sophistication of the technology in question, and the rapidity with which
`innovations occur in the field; (3) the educational level of active workers in the
`field; and (4) the educational level of the inventor.
`14. The ’622 patent states that the perceived problem and the purported
`solution are generally related to the field of Internet telephony (IP telephony). The
`patent states: “More particularly, the present invention is directed to a system and
`method for enabling local and global instant VoIP messaging over an IP network,
`such as the Internet, with PSTN support.” (’622, 1:18-22.) The ’622 patent
`purports to describe a “voice messaging system (and method) for delivering instant
`messages over a packet switched network.” (Id., Abstract). The ’622 patent
`purports to depict architectures of Internet and PSTN technologies, global and
`local IP networks, VoIP switches and gateways, and phone systems. The patent
`- 7 -


`also purports to disclose local and global instant voice messaging servers
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`communicating over an IP Network. In the Summary of the Invention, the
`applicant states: “The present invention is directed to a system and method for
`enabling local and global instant VoIP messaging over an IP network, such as the
`Internet.” (Id., 2:57-59.)
`In my opinion, a person of ordinary skill in the art as of December
`2003 would have possessed at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science,
`computer engineering, or electrical engineering with at least two years of
`experience in development and programming relating to network communication
`systems (or equivalent degree or experience).
`16. My opinions regarding the level of ordinary skill in the art are based
`on, among other things, my over 25 years of experience in computer science and
`network communications, my understanding of the basic qualifications that would
`be relevant to an engineer or scientist tasked with investigating methods and
`systems in the relevant area, and my familiarity with the backgrounds of
`colleagues, co-workers, and employees, both past and present.
`17. Although my qualifications and experience exceed those of the
`hypothetical person having ordinary skill in the art defined above, my analysis and
`- 8 -


`opinions regarding the ’622 patent have been based on the perspective of a person
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`of ordinary skill in the art as of December 2003.
`18. My opinions and views set forth in this declaration are based on my
`education, training, and experience in the relevant field, as well as the materials I
`have reviewed for this matter, and the scientific knowledge regarding the subject
`matter that existed prior to December 2003.
`A. Claim Construction
`It is my understanding that, when construing claim terms, a claim
`subject to inter partes review receives the “broadest reasonable construction in
`light of the specification of the patent in which it appears.”
`B. Anticipation
`It is my understanding that in order for a patent claim to be valid, the
`claimed invention must be novel. It is my understanding that if each and every
`element of a claim is disclosed in a single prior art reference, then the claimed
`invention is anticipated, and the invention is not patentable according to pre-AIA
`35 U.S.C. § 102 effective before March 16, 2013. In order for the invention to be
`anticipated, each element of the claimed invention must be described or embodied,
`either expressly or inherently, in the single prior art reference. In order for a
`- 9 -


`reference to inherently disclose a claim limitation, that claim limitation must
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`necessarily be present in the reference.
`C. Obviousness
`21. Counsel has advised me that obviousness under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103 effective before March 16, 2013 is the basis for invalidity in the Petitions.
`Counsel has advised me that a patent claim may be found invalid as obvious if, at
`the time when the invention was made, the subject matter of the claim, considered
`as a whole, would have been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the field
`of the technology (the “art”) to which the claimed subject matter belongs. I
`understand that the following factors should be considered in analyzing
`obviousness: (1) the scope and content of the prior art; (2) the differences between
`the prior art and the claims; and (3) the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art. I
`also understand that certain other factors known as “secondary considerations”
`such as commercial success, unexpected results, long felt but unsolved need,
`industry acclaim, simultaneous invention, copying by others, skepticism by experts
`in the field, and failure of others may be utilized as indicia of nonobviousness. I
`understand, however, that secondary considerations should be connected, or have a
`“nexus”, with the invention claimed in the patent at issue. I understand that a
`person of ordinary skill in the art is assumed to have knowledge of all prior art. I
`- 10 -


`understand that one skilled in the art can combine various prior art references
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`based on the teachings of those prior art references, the general knowledge present
`in the art, or common sense. I understand that a motivation to combine references
`may be implicit in the prior art, and there is no requirement that there be an actual
`or explicit teaching to combine two references. Thus, one may take into account
`the inferences and creative steps that a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`employ to combine the known elements in the prior art in the manner claimed by
`the patent at issue. I understand that one should avoid “hindsight bias” and ex post
`reasoning in performing an obviousness analysis. But this does not mean that a
`person of ordinary skill in the art for purposes of the obviousness inquiry does not
`have recourse to common sense. I understand that when determining whether a
`patent claim is obvious in light of the prior art, neither the particular motivation for
`the patent nor the stated purpose of the patentee is controlling. The primary
`inquiry has to do with the objective reach of the claims, and that if those claims
`extend to something that is obvious, then the entire patent claim is invalid. I
`understand one way that a patent can be found obvious is if there existed at the
`time of the invention a known problem for which there was an obvious solution
`encompassed by the patent’s claims. I understand that a motivation to combine
`various prior art references to solve a particular problem may come from a variety
`- 11 -


`of sources, including market demand or scientific literature. I understand that a
`IPR2017-01804 and IPR2017-01805
`U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622
`need or problem kno

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