
`Petition for Inter Partes Review
`U.S. PatentPat. No. 8,724,622
`Case IPR2017-01804
`Patent No. 8,724,622
`Patent OwnersOwner
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622


`Mail Stop PATENT NO. 8,724,622BOARD
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board(PETITION 1 OF 2 – CLAIMS 3, 6-8, 10, 11, 13,
`14-23, 27-35, 38, 39)
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450


`Tablee of Contennts
`.... 1 
`.... 1 
`.... 1 
`.... 3 
`.... 4 
`.... 5 
`.... 5 
`.... 5 
`.... 5 
`.... 5 
`.... 6 
`.... 7 
`.... 7 
`.... 9 
`.. 10 
`.. 11 
`.. 11 
`.. 11 
`.. 15 
`.. 16 
`.. 17 
`.. 19 
`.. 19 
`A B C D E
`4 A B
`I. MMandatory Notices UUnder 37 C..F.R. § 42.
`8(A)(1) ...
`Real Party-In-Innterest undder 37 C.F
`..................R. § 42.8((b)(1) ........
`Relatted Matterss under 37 C.F.R. § 442.8(b)(2)
`Leadd and Back--Up Counssel under 337 C.F.R. §§ 42.8(b)(33) ..............
`Serviice Informaation ..........................................
`Poweer of Attornney ............................................
`FFee Paymennt - 37 C.FF.R. § 42.1003 .............................
`III. RRequirements for Inteer Partes RReview undder 37 C.FF.R. §§ 42.
`104 and
`42.108 ..........................................................................
`A. Grouunds for Staanding undder 37 C.F..R. § 42.1004(a) ..........................
` and
`Identtification oof Challengge under 377 C.F.R. §
`Statement of Prrecise Relief Requestted ...........
`IV. PPerson of OOrdinary Skkill in the AArt .............................
`.104(B)(3)) .................................
`Claim Consstruction UUnder 37 CC.F.R. § 42
`n” ............“instaant voice mmessaging application
`“cliennt platformm system” ...................................
`“commmunicatioon platformm system” ..................
`VI. TThe Challennged Claimms Are Unppatentable
`tion of the Brieff Summaryy and Date Qualificat
`Prior Art ...................
` 1.
`Overvieww of Zydneey ..............................
`14) ...........
` 2.
`Overvieww of Shindder (Ex. 10
`) ..............
` 3.
`Overvieww of Clark
`(Ex. 1008
`1004) .......
` 4.
`Overvieww of Appellman (Ex.
`, 18-21, 233, 27, 32-3
`10, 11, 13
`5, and
`BB. Grouund 1: Claimms 3, 6-8,
`38 Are Obviouss Over Zyddney + Shiinder ........
` 1.
`Claim 3 ((Independeent) ...........................
`C A B C



`Tablee of Contennts
`.. 19 
`.. 19 
`.. 19 
`.. 24 
`.. 25 
`.. 29 
`.. 31 
`.. 32 
`.. 32 
`.. 34 
`.. 34 
`“AA system coomprising::” (Preambble, Claim
`3) .............
`“a network innterface coonnected too a packet-
`laim 3[a])twork;” (Clswwitched net
`“a netwwork interrface” .......
` a packet-sswitched
`“…connnected to
`network;” ...........................
`g system c“a messaging
`a ommunicaating with a
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstems
`viaa the netwoork interfaace; and” (CClaim 3[b]]) ..............
`“a communiccation plattform systeem maintaiining
`nnection innformationn for each oof the plurrality of
`insstant voicee message cclient systeems indicaating
`whhether therre is a curreent connecction to eacch of the
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstems,”
`(CClaim 3[c])
`“wwherein thee messaginng system rreceives ann instant
`vooice messagge from onne of the pllurality of
`3[d]) ........
`d” (Claim
`vooice messagge client syystems, an
`“wwherein thee instant vooice messaage includees an
`obbject field iincluding aa digitized
`audio file..”
`(CClaim 3[e])
`“objecct field” .....................
`“digitiized audio
`file” ........
`Claim 6 ((Dependennt): “The syystem accoording to cclaim 3,
`wherein tthe instantt voice messsage incluudes an ideentifier
`field inclluding a unnique identtifier assocciated withh the
`instant vooice messaage.” ..........................

` 2.


` 3.
` 4.
` 5.
` 6.
`Tablee of Contennts
`Claim 7 ((Dependennt): “The syystem accoording to cclaim 3,
`wherein tthe instantt voice messsage incluudes a sourrce field
`includingg a unique identifier aassociated d with at leaast one
`of a given one of thhe pluralityy of instantt voice me
`client sysstems that
`created thee instant vooice messaage and
`a given oone of the pplurality off users usinng the giveen one
`of the pluurality of innstant voicce messagee client sysstems.” .....
`Claim 8 ((Dependennt): “The syystem accoording to cclaim 3,
`wherein tthe instantt voice messsage incluudes a desttination
`field inclluding a unnique identtifier assocciated withh at least
`one of a given one of the plurrality of in
`stant voicee
`message client systtems identiified as a rrecipient off the
`ality of of the pluragiven one oage and a ginstant vooice messa
`users usinng the giveen one of tthe pluralitty of instannt voice
`message client systtems.” ........................
`ent): “The Claim 100 (Depende
`system acccording to
`3, furtherr comprisinng: a messsage databaase storing
` the
`instant vooice messaages receivved from thhe instant vvoice
`message client systtems.” ........................
`.................ent) ...........Claim 111 (Depende
`, upon
`“TThe systemm accordingg to claim 33, wherein
`recceipt of an instant vooice messagge, the
`s if
`rm system mmunicatiion platfor
`theere is the ccurrent connnection to
`one of thee
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstems
`ideentified as a recipientnt of the insstant voice
`meessage,” .....................................
`of the
`“annd if there is no connnection witth the one
`pluurality of instant voicce messagee client sysstem
`ideentified as the recipieent, the insstant voice
`meessage is sttored and ddelivered wwhen the oone of
`thee plurality of instant
`voice mes
`sage clientt
`systems idenntified as thhe recipiennt re-establlished a
`nnection.”” .................................
`.. 36 
`.. 39 
`.. 40 
`.. 41 
`.. 41 
`.. 43 



`Tablee of Contennts
` 7.
` 8.
` 9.
` 10.
` 11.
`Claim 133 (Dependeent) ............................
`each of
`“TThe systemm accordingg to claim 33, wherein
`thee instant vooice messaage client ssystems coomprises
`ann instant vooice messagging appliccation…” ...................
`“…… [an instaant voice mmessaging aapplicationn]
`generating ann instant vvoice messaage and
`ssage overr the
`t voice metraansmitting the instant
`paacket-switcched netwoork to the mmessaging
`system.” .......................................
`o claim ccording toe system acent): “TheClaim 188 (Depende
`13, wherrein the instant voice
`messagingg applicatioon
`includes an audio ffile creationn system ccreating an
`received d on input rsage based voice messfile for thhe instant v
`via an auudio input ddevice couupled to thee client devvice.” .......
`Claim 199 (Dependeent): “Thee system acccording too claim
`13, wherrein the instant voice
`messagingg applicatioon
`includes an encrypttion/decrypption systeem for encrrypting
`the instannt voice messages to
`be transmmitted over
`packet-swwitched neetwork andd decryptinng the instaant
`voices [s
`ic] messagges receiveed over thee packet-swwitched
`” ................................................
`Claim 200 (Dependeent): “Thee system acccording too claim
`13, wherrein the instant voice
`messagingg applicatioon
`includes a compresssion/decommpression
`system forr
`compresssing the instant voicee messagess to be trannsmitted
`decompreswork and ditched netwover the packet-swi
`sing the
`instant vooice messaages receivved over thhe packet-s
`network.” ................................................
`o claim ccording toe system acent): “TheClaim 211 (Depende
`13, wherrein the instant voice
`messagingg applicatioon
`displays a list of onne or more
`potential rrecipients ffor the
`.................age.” .........instant vooice messa
`.. 44 
`.. 44 
`.. 45 
`.. 46 
`.. 47 
`.. 49 
`.. 50 



`Tablee of Contennts
`.. 50 
`.. 51 
`.. 51 
`.. 52 
`.. 53 
`.. 54 
`.. 55 
`.. 57 
`.. 58 
`.. 58 
`.. 58 
`.. 58 
`.. 58 
`Claim 233 (Dependeent): “Thee system acccording too claim
`13, wherrein the instant voice
`message aapplicationn
`generatess an audiblle or visuall effect inddicating recceipt of
`an instannt voice meessage.” .....................
`Claim 277 (Independdent) .........................
`“AA system coomprising:: a client ddevice;” (C
`277[a]) ............................................
`“a network innterface cooupled to thhe client ddevice
`annd connectiing the clieent device tto a packett-
`swwitched nettwork; and”” (Claim 227[b]) .........................
`“ann instant vvoice messaaging appllication insstalled
`onn the client device, whherein the
`instant voiice
`meessaging appplication
`tform includes aa client plat
`system for geenerating aan instant vvoice messsage
`annd,” (Claimm 27[c1]) ....................
`messagingg system fofor transmittting the innstant
`vooice messagge over thee packet-swwitched ne
`viaa the netwoork interfaace,” (Claimm 27[c2]) ...................
`“wwherein thee instant vooice messaaging applic
`inccludes a doocument haandler systtem for attaaching
`onne or more files to thee instant vooice messaage.”
`(CClaim 27[d]]) ...............................
`Claims 32-35 (Deppendent) .....................
`Claim 388 (Independdent) .........................
`le) ............
`“AA system coomprising::” (Claim 338 Preamb
`“a client device;” (CClaim 38[aa]) ............
`“a netwoork interfacce coupled
`to the clieent device aand
`connecting thhe client ddevice to a
`twork; andd” (Claim 338[b]) ......
`on the
`n installed applicationmessaging a“an instaant voice m
`cliient devicee, wherein tthe instantt voice messsaging
`application inncludes” (CClaim 38[cc]) .............................
` 12.
` 13.
` 14.
` 15.



`Tablee of Contennts
`.. 58 
`.. 58 
`.. 58 
`.. 59 
`.. 59 
`.. 65 
`.. 66 
`.. 67 
`.. 70 
`.. 70 
`“a client platform ssystem for
`generatingg an instannt voice
`meessage andd” (Claim 338[c1]) .....
`voice he instant v“a messaaging systeem for transsmitting th
`via the
`meessage oveer the packeet-switche
`d network
`network interface,” (Cllaim 38[c22]) ..............................
`“a display diisplaying aa list of onee or more ppotential
`Claim essage.” (Cnt voice mer an instanreccipients for
`388[d]) ...........................................
`Are Obvioous Over ZZydney
`CC. Grouund 2: Claimms 14-17 aand 28-31
`+ Shiinder, In F
`urther View of Clarkk ...............
`Claim 144 (Dependeent): “Thee system acccording too claim
` 1.
`13, wherrein the instant voice
`messagingg applicatioon
`oice e instant vostoring thee database sincludes a message
`message,, wherein tthe instant
`voice messsage is
`representted by a daatabase reccord includding a uniqque
`identifierr.” ..............................................
`Claim 155 (Dependeent): “Thee system acccording too claim
`14, wherrein the meessage dataabase incluudes a pluraality of
`instant vooice messaages recordded by a usser of the cclient
`device annd instant vvoice messsages receiived over tthe
`packet-swwitched neetwork.” .....................
`Claim 166 (Dependeent): “Thee system acccording too claim
`15, wherrein the instant voice
`messagingg applicatioon
`at least one of the pluurality of iinstant voicce
`messagess stored in the messaage databasse.” ............................
`Claim 177 (Dependeent): “Thee system acccording too claim
`14, wherrein the instant voice
`messagingg applicatioon
`a file man
`ager systemm performming at leasst one of
`ant voice ng the instand retrievinstoring, ddeleting an
`messagess from the
`message ddatabase.” .
` 5.
`Claims 228-31 (Deppendent) .....................
`DD. Grouund 3: Claimms 22 and 39 Are Obbvious Oveer Zydney
`Shindder, In Furrther View
`of Appelmman ...........
` 2.
` 3.
` 4.



`Table of Contents
`VII. This Petition is substantively identical to IPR2017-01667, aside from
`sections VII-VIII ........................................................................................... 77 
`VIII. The Board should institute in view of §325(d) ............................................. 77 



`Table of Contents
` Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Pat. No. 8,724,622



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`Ex. No
`List of Exhibits
`Description of Document
`1001 U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622 to Michael J. Rojas (filed July 11, 2012,
`issued May 13, 2014)
`1002 Declaration of Tal Lavian, Ph.D.
`PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US00/21555 to Herbert Zydney et
`al. (filed August 7, 2000, published February 15, 2001 as WO
`01/11824 A2) (“Zydney”) (with line numbers added)
`1004 U.S. Patent No. 6,750,881 to Barry Appelman (filed February 24,
`1997, issued June 15, 2004) (“Appelman”)
`COMPLETE REFERENCE (McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2d ed. 2002)
`1006 N. Borenstein et al., Request for Comments (RFC) 1521: MIME
`(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for
`Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies,
`September 1993 (“RFC 1521”)
`1007 U.S. Patent No. 6,757,365 B1 to Travis A. Bogard (filed October 16,
`2000, issued June 29, 2004)
`1008 U.S. Patent No. 6,725,228 to David Morley Clark et al. (filed Oct.
`31, 2000, issued April 20, 2004) (“Clark”)
`(Manning Publications Co., 1997) (“Hethmon”)
`(O’Reilly, 2d Ed. 1998) (“Hunt”)
`1011 HTTP Working Group, Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1,
`Nov. 22, 1995 (draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.txt)
`Excerpts from MICROSOFT COMPUTER DICTIONARY (Microsoft Press,
`3d ed. 1997)



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`List of Exhibits
`Ex. No
`Description of Document
`PCT Patent Application No. PCT/US00/21555 to Herbert Zydney et
`al. (filed August 7, 2000, published February 15, 2001 as WO
`01/11824 A2) (as-published version without added line numbers)
`NETWORKING ESSENTIALS (Cisco Press, 2002) (“Shinder”)
`Library of Congress stamped/dated copy of PAUL S. HETHMON,
`ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO HTTP (Manning Publications Co., 1997)
`Library date stamped copy of CRAIG HUNT, TCP/IP NETWORK
`ADMINISTRATION (O’Reilly, 2d Ed. 1998)
`Library of Congress stamped/dated copy of DEBRA LITTLEJOHN
`Excerpts from Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary (1991)
`(“Microsoft (1991)”)
`1019 U.S. Patent No. 6,173,323 to Pratyush Moghe (filed Dec. 24, 1997,
`issued Jan. 9, 2001) (“Moghe”)



`List of Exhibits
`Petition for Inter Partes Review
`U.S. PatentPat. No. 8,724,622
`This is a petition for Inter Partes Review of claims 3, 6-8, 10, 11, 13, 14-23,
`27-35, 38, and 39 of U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622 (Ex. 1001) (“’622 patent”).
`Compare copy of the current Petition showing differences between
`the current Petition and the petition filed in IPR2017-01667
`Compare copy of the Declaration of Tal Lavian, Ph.D. (Exhibit
`1002), showing the differences between Exhibit 1002 and the
`Declaration as filed in IPR2017-01667



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`A. Real Party-In-Interest under 37 C.F.R. § 42.8(b)(1)
`Facebook,Apple Inc. and WhatsApp Inc. (“Petitioners”) are(“Petitioner”) is
`the real partiesparty-in-interest to this inter partes review petition.
`B. Related Matters under 37 C.F.R. § 42.8(b)(2)
`The ’622 patent was the subject of two requests for inter partes review
`(IPR2017-00223 and IPR2017-00224) filed by Apple Inc.Petitioner on November
`14, 2016, which were denied by the Board on May 25, 2017. The Petitioners
`herein were not parties to and did not participate inThe ’622 patent is also the
`preparationsubject of those petitions. two requests for inter partes review
`(IPR2017-01667 and IPR2017-01668) filed by Facebook, Inc. on June 22, 2017.
`Concurrent with the filing of this Petition, the Petitioners are is filing a
`second petition for inter partes review to address claims not covered by the present
`Petition. More specifically, the present Petition addresses claims 3, 6-8, 10, 11, 13,
`14-23, 27-35, 38, and 39, whereas the other petition addresses claims 4, 5, 12, and
`24-26. The Petitioners filed theirits challenges against these claims in two separate
`petitions to provide a more complete and thorough treatment of each claim.
`The ’622 patent is also the subject of twoone pending litigations involving
`the Petitioners: Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Facebook,Apple Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`0072800638-JRG (E.D. Tex. filed July 5, 2016 and served July 11, 2016) and
`Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. WhatsApp, Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-00645-JRG (E.D. Tex.
`filed June 14, 2016 and served July 21, 2016), which havehas been consolidated
`for pretrial purposes with Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Samsung Electronics America,
`Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-00642-JRG (E.D. Tex.). These petitions are timely under
`the one year statute of limitations in 35 U.S.C. § 315(b). Currently, these
`litigations are is stayed pending the outcome of other IPR petitions filed by third
`party Apple IncPetitioner.
`The Petitioners are is also aware of the following additional pending
`litigations involving the ’622 patent: Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Apple Inc., Case No.
`2:16-cv-00638-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Blackberry Corporation
`et al., Case No. 2:16-cv-00639-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Snap
`Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-00696-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. AOL
`Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-00722-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Green
`Tomato Limited, Case No. 2:16-cv-00731-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al.
`v. Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC., Case No. 2:16-cv-00732-JRG (E.D. Tex.);
`Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Avaya Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-00777-JRG (E.D. Tex.);
`Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Telegram Messenger, LLP, Case No. 2:16-cv-00892-JRG
`(E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. HTC America, Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-
`00989-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Kyocera America, Inc. et al.,



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`Case No. 2:16-cv-00990-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. LG
`Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Case No. 2:16-cv-00991-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA,
`Inc. et al. v. Motorola Mobility LLC, Case No. 2:16-cv-00992-JRG (E.D. Tex.);
`Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. ZTE (USA), Inc. et al., Case No. 2:16-cv-00993-JRG
`(E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Huawei Device USA, Inc. et al., Case No.
`2:16-cv-00994-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Google, Inc., Case No.
`2:17-cv-00214-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Google, Inc., Case No.
`2:17-cv-00224-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. Google, Inc., Case
`No. 2:17-cv-00231-JRG (E.D. Tex.); and Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. KIK
`Interactive, Inc., Case No. 2:17-cv-00347-JRG (E.D. Tex.); Uniloc USA, Inc. et
`al. v. Hike Ltd., Case No. 2:17-cv-00349-JRG (E.D. Tex.). Although the
`Petitioners are not parties to those other litigations, because they involve
`allegations of infringement of the ’622 patent, they may be impacted by a decision
`by the Board in this IPR proceeding.
`C. Lead and Back-Up Counsel under 37 C.F.R. § 42.8(b)(3)
`Petitioners provides the following designation of counsel.



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`Heidi L. KeefeJason D. Eisenberg (Reg.
`No. 40,673)43,447)
`ATTN: Patent Group
`1299 PennsylvaniaSterne, Kessler,
`Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.
`1100 New York Avenue NW
`Suite 700
`, N.W. Washington, DC 20004
`Tel: (650) 843-5001 20005
`Phone: 202.772.8645
`Fax: (650) 849-7400 202.371.2540
`Phillip E. MortonMichael D. Specht
`(Reg. No. 57,835)54,463)
`ATTN: Patent Group
`1299 PennsylvaniaSterne, Kessler,
`Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.
`1100 New York Avenue NW
`Suite 700
`, N.W. Washington D.C. 20004, DC
`Tel: (703) 456-8668
`Phone: 202.772.8756
`Fax: (703) 456-8100202.371.2540
`Trent W. Merrell (Reg. No. Mark R.
`Weinstein (Admission pro hac vice
`Tel: (650) 843-5007
`Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20005
`Phone: 202.772.8519
`Fax: (650) 849-7400202.371.2540
`Service Information
`This Petition is being served to the current correspondence address for the
`’622 patent, Legacy Town Center, 7160 Dallas Parkway, Suite 380, Plano, Texas



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`75024. The Petitioners consents to electronic service at the addresses provided
`above for lead and back-up counsel with a courtesy copy to
`Power of Attorney
`Filed concurrently in accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 42.10(b).
`FEE PAYMENT - 37 C.F.R. § 42.103
`This Petition requests review of 28 claims. A payment of $29,800 is
`submitted herewith, based on a $10,600 request fee and $19,200 post-institution
`fee. This Petition meets the fee requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 312(a)(1). If
`additional fees are due at any time during this proceeding, the Director is hereby
`authorized to charge such fees to Cooley LLP’s deposit account number 50-
`1283.19-0036 (Customer ID No. 45324).
`AND 42.108
`A. Grounds for Standing under 37 C.F.R. § 42.104(a)
`The Petitioners certifyies that the ’622 patent is available for inter partes
`review and they arethat the Petitioner is not barred or estopped from requesting
`inter partes review on the grounds identified herein.
`Identification of Challenge under 37 C.F.R. § 42.104(b) and
`Statement of Precise Relief Requested
`The Petitioners respectfully requests that the Board initiate inter partes
`review on the following grounds (bold underlining showing independent claims):



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`Basis for Challenge
`Unpatentable over Zydney (Ex. 1003) and Shinder (Ex.
`1014) under § 103(a)
`3, 6-8, 10,
`11, 13, 18-
`21, 23, 27,
`32-35, 38
`22, 39
`Unpatentable over Zydney (Ex. 1003) and Shinder (Ex.
`1014) and Clark (Ex. 1008), under § 103(a)
`Unpatentable over Zydney (Ex. 1003) and Shinder (Ex.
`1014) and Appelman (Ex. 1004), under § 103(a)
`Part VI below explains why the challenged claims are unpatentable based
`on these grounds. These references were not cited during the original ’622 patent
`prosecution, and were not cited in the separate IPR petitions filed by Apple Inc.
`(IPR2017-00223 and IPR2017-00224) that were denied by the Board on May 25,
`2017. Submitted with the Petition is the Declaration of Tal Lavian, Ph.D. (Exhibit
`1002) (“Lavian”), an expert with decades of relevant technical experience.
`(Lavian, Ex. 1002, ¶¶1-10, Ex. A.) 
`As Dr. Lavian explains, a person of ordinary skill in the art for purposes of
`the ’622 patent would have possessed at least a bachelor’s degree in computer
`science, computer engineering, or electrical engineering with at least two years of
`experience in development and programming relating to network communication
`systems (or equivalent degree or experience). (Lavian, ¶¶13-15.)  



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`“instant voice messaging application”
`The broadest reasonable interpretation of an “instant voice messaging
`application” in the context of the claims of the ’622 patent is “hardware and/or
`software used for instant voice messaging.” (Lavian, ¶¶49-57.)1
`The written description does not use the word “application” in any way
`relevant to the alleged invention. The word “application” appears in the written
`description solely in reference to related patent applications. (’622, Ex. 1001, 1:4-
`14.) The term “application” to a person of ordinary skill in the art typically refers
`to computer software for performing a particular function. (Lavian, ¶53.) But the
`written description of the ’622 patent indicates that the term “instant voice
`messaging application” should not be limited to software.
`The written description does not identify any particular software program
`capable of performing all of the functions associated with the “instant voice
`messaging application” recited in the claims. (Id., ¶54.) To the contrary, the
`1 The Petitioners do does not contend that any term herein, under its broadest
`reasonable construction, is a “means-plus-function” element subject to 35 U.S.C. §
`112, ¶6 (pre-AIA). The Petitioners reserves their the right to argue that terms are
`indefinite under narrower litigation claim construction standards.



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`patent describes these functions as being performed by an instant voice messaging
`(“IVM”) client, IVM client 208, which is a “general-purpose programmable
`computer.” (’622, 12:11-14.) Figure 3, an excerpt of which is reproduced below,
`shows these various boxes inside IVM client 208 (shown in annotated red box).
`(Id., Fig. 3 (annotation added).) IVM client 208 in Figure 3 above contains client
`platform 302 and messaging system 320. (Id., 12:17-21; 12:6-11.)
`Claims 27 and 38 recite an “instant voice messaging application” that
`includes a “client platform system” and a “messaging system,” which correspond



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`to the two components of the IVM client 208 from Figure 3 above. This
`correspondence indicates that the ’622 patent equates the claimed “instant voice
`messaging application” with the IVM client 208 which, as noted above, is a
`general-purpose computer. (’622, 12:11-14.) Accordingly, “instant voice
`messaging application” should not under its broadest reasonable construction be
`limited to software. (Lavian, ¶¶55, 56.) The broadest reasonable interpretation of
`“instant voice messaging application” is “hardware and/or software used for
`instant voice messaging.” (Id. ¶57.)
`“client platform system”
`As noted in the preceding section, one component of the claimed “instant
`voice messaging application” is a “client platform system.” In particular, claims
`27 and 38 state that the “instant voice messaging application” includes “a client
`platform system for generating an instant voice message.” As shown below, the
`broadest reasonable construction of “client platform system” is “hardware
`and/or software on a client for generating an instant voice message.” (Lavian,
`The written description does not use the term “client platform system” but
`describes “client platform 302” whose purpose is “generating an instant voice
`message.” (’622, 12:7-8.) The written description further states that the client
`platform 302 “comprises a client engine 304, which controls other components”



`Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. 8,724,622
`such as the document handler, file manager, and encryption/decryption. (Id.,
`12:17-21.) The written description does not identify what “client engine 304”
`actually is, e.g., whether it is hardware and/or software. The written description
`instead provides a functional description of client engine 304 as performing at least
`two functions: (1) communicating with the server and (2) performing operations
`required to generate an instant voice message. (Id., 12:24-25, 13:15-28.) Figure 3
`similarly shows client engine 304 as a nondescript box within client platform 302.
`(Id., Fig. 3.)
`As explained above, the claimed “instant voice messaging application” is
`composed of hardware and/or software under its broadest reasonable construction.
`Because the claimed “client platform system” is part of the “instant messaging
`the “client platform system” under
`its broadest reasonable
`construction should similarly not be limited to software. Accordingly, “client
`platform system” under its broadest r

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