Eur J Pediatr (2008) 167:305–309
`DOI 10.1007/s00431-007-0486-z
`Hypothesis: proposals for the management of a neonate
`at risk of hyperammonaemia due to a urea cycle disorder
`James Vivian Leonard & Martin Peter Ward Platt &
`Andrew Alan Myles Morris
`Received: 15 January 2007 / Revised: 19 March 2007 / Accepted: 20 March 2007 / Published online: 14 April 2007
`# Springer-Verlag 2007
`Abstract It is difficult to prevent hyperammonaemia in
`patients with urea cycle disorders that present
`in the
`newborn period. This is true, even if treatment is started
`prospectively because of an affected relative. We propose
`several additional measures that could be used in conjunc-
`tion with conventional therapy to improve the metabolic
`control. Catabolism could be reduced by delivering the
`babies by elective caesarean section, by starting intravenous
`glucose immediately after delivery and, possibly, by using
`"-blockers or octreotide and insulin. The effectiveness of
`sodium benzoate and sodium phenylbutyrate might be
`increased by giving phenobarbital
`to the mother before
`delivery and subsequently to the baby to induce the
`enzymes for conjugation. We would expect the proposed
`measures to reduce the risk of hyperammonaemia and to
`improve the outcome for these patients. They have not,
`however, previously been used in this context, so families
`would need to be counselled carefully and controlled
`studies should be undertaken.
`J. V. Leonard
`Clinical and Molecular Genetics Unit, Institute of Child Health,
`University College London,
`London, UK
`M. P. Ward Platt
`Neonatal Unit, Royal Victoria Infirmary,
`Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
`A. A. M. Morris (*)
`The Willink Biochemical Genetics Unit,
`Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital,
`Pendlebury, Manchester M27 4HA, UK
`Keywords Hyperammonaemia . Catabolism .
`Sodium benzoate . Octreotide . Phenobarbital
`ACTH Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
`Carbamyl phosphate synthetase
`ECMO Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
`Ornithine transcarbamylase
`The prognosis for urea cycle disorders presenting in the
`neonatal period is generally poor [16, 24]. In one small
`study, results were less bad for a heterogeneous group of
`patients that
`included organic acidaemias [18]. Other
`studies have suggested that even moderate hyperammonae-
`mia is very commonly associated with a poor outcome [3,
`14, 17]. The outcome of urea cycle disorders has recently
`been reviewed [6]. Until more detailed information is
`available about ways of
`reducing the morbidity and
`mortality, every effort should be made to keep the plasma
`ammonia concentration as low as possible. It is, however,
`unusual to make the diagnosis clinically before the patient
`already has marked hyperammonaemia (> 400 μmol/l).
`Prospective treatment is possible if a baby is known to
`be at risk of neonatal hyperammonaemia because of the
`family history. The history will generally be of hyper-
`ammonaemia in a sibling but, for ornithine transcarbamy-
`lase deficiency, more distant
`relatives are relevant.
`Outcomes have always been better for prospectively treated
`patients [15]. Nevertheless, it can still be difficult to keep
`the plasma ammonia concentration below 400 μmol/l with
`conventional therapy, even if started prospectively. This is
`particularly true for carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPS)


`Eur J Pediatr (2008) 167:305–309
`deficiency (OMIM #237300) and ornithine transcarbamy-
`lase (OTC) deficiency (OMIM #311250).
`In this paper we suggest some new ideas about
`management of babies at risk of having a urea cycle disorder
`that may help to control hyperammonaemia.
`Metabolic events around the time of birth
`In utero, the fetus receives a constant supply of glucose,
`which crosses the placenta down a concentration gradient,
`facilitated by the GLUT1 glucose transporter. Fetal insulin
`concentrations are high and glucagon concentrations are
`low [12]. Around the time of birth, babies show a number
`of hormonal changes. First, catecholamines and cortisol are
`released in response to the stress of the birth process.
`there is the hormonal
`response to the
`interruption of the supply of glucose from the placenta.
`This response has two phases: within the first postnatal
`the physiological
`in the blood glucose
`concentration triggers a surge in the glucagon concentration
`and a fall in the insulin concentration [12, 22]. There is then
`a more prolonged phase of catabolism,
`the severity of
`which depends on the length of time to reach adequate
`volumes of feed.
`These changes increase the rate of proteolysis, gluco-
`neogenesis and the urea cycle so that
`inborn errors of
`catabolic pathways commonly present
`in the immediate
`post-natal period, even if milk feeds are withheld.
`Investigation of the new baby is simplified if the diagnosis
`is known in the index case. If the index case died, the
`diagnosis may be uncertain: further studies should be
`undertaken urgently if appropriate samples have been
`If there is a risk of neonatal hyperammonaemia, it is
`extremely helpful to know whether the baby is affected
`before birth so that appropriate plans can be made. Affected
`babies should be transferred in utero or soon after delivery
`to a centre with facilities for full intensive care, whereas
`babies known to be unaffected can stay locally and be
`treated normally.
`If prenatal diagnosis has not been
`undertaken earlier, the mother may agree to amniocentesis
`late in pregnancy. In some cases, however, it is not possible
`to determine whether the fetus is affected (for example in
`CPS or OTC deficiencies if molecular genetic studies have
`not been undertaken on the index case). In these cases,
`serial ammonia measurements and specific tests will be
`needed following delivery.
`Intensive care
`The standard management of a hyperammonaemic neonate
`is discussed elsewhere [23] and will only be summarised
`here. As any patient at risk of severe hyperammonaemia
`may deteriorate rapidly, careful thought should be given to
`their transfer to ICU. If there is any doubt, patients should
`be ventilated electively with good vascular access, usually
`via a multi-lumen central
`line. Initially babies may be
`dehydrated but rehydration should be cautious because of
`the sodium load from the medication and the risk of
`cerebral oedema.
`Feeding and intravenous therapy
`Milk feeds are probably less significant than endogenous
`catabolism in precipitating hyperammonaemia. Neverthe-
`less, protein should be withheld initially in a baby at risk of
`a severe urea cycle disorder (i.e.,
`if the index patient
`presented within the first few days). Unless there is severe
`hyperammonaemia (>200 μmol/l), however, some milk
`should gradually be introduced, starting within about 48
`hours of birth. Withholding protein for longer will only
`exacerbate the catabolic state.
`If the index patient presented after the first week, the
`new baby should be given the minimum safe level of
`protein intake from birth (approximately 1.5 g/kg/day).
`Breast feeding should be allowed under these circumstances
`with top-up feeds of a low protein formula over the first 48
`hours to minimise catabolism. It is particularly difficult to
`decide on the intake for females with OTC deficiency as the
`severity of their disorder cannot be predicted: a few females
`with unfavourable lyonisation will develop neonatal hyper-
`ammonaemia. Careful monitoring of the plasma ammonia
`concentration is essential, and if
`there is any doubt
`treatment with drugs should be started (see below).
`Prevention of catabolism: Mode of delivery
`The stress of birth is the first perinatal stimulus to
`catabolism, associated with the release of cortisol and
`catecholamines. Hyperammonaemia does not occur till a
`number of hours after delivery but once catabolism has
`started it may be difficult to reverse in babies with severe
`urea cycle disorders. Delivery by an elective caesarean
`section is associated with lower catecholamine and cortisol
`levels compared to vaginal delivery [4] and this is the only
`process known to reduce the stress associated with being
`born. If a fetus is known to have a severe urea cycle
`disorder, the option of elective caesarian section should be
`discussed with the parents, along with the plans for


`Eur J Pediatr (2008) 167:305–309
`subsequent neonatal management, so that they can make an
`informed choice.
`Prevention of catabolism: Intravenous glucose
`The next stimulus to catabolism is the fall in blood glucose
`once the placental supply is interrupted. This stimulus to
`catabolism could largely be prevented by an intravenous
`infusion of glucose at 6 to 8 mg/kg/min. The infusion
`would, however, have to start immediately after delivery,
`for example, through an umbilical catheter, because the
`hormonal mediators of catabolism are released with 30
`minutes of delivery (see above). Though glucose can be
`given orally (for example, as a soluble glucose polymer), it
`is not possible to rely on the intake being sufficient to
`prevent catabolism completely. Moreover, small babies may
`only tolerate relatively small quantities without developing
`diarrhoea. If hyperglycaemia develops, it is important to
`start an insulin infusion rather than cutting back on the
`glucose infusion. The energy intake could be increased by
`adding a fat emulsion, either orally or intravenously. Long
`chain fatty acids are important
`in activating carnitine
`the rate limiting step in β-
`palmitoyltransferase type I,
`oxidation. Fat emulsions have not been used extensively in
`neonates with inborn errors but they should be safe in urea
`cycle disorders.
`Pharmacological prevention of catabolism
`There have been no published reports of babies with urea
`cycle disorders managed prospectively with all the aggres-
`sive strategies discussed above. It is, therefore, uncertain
`whether these measures will completely prevent catabolism.
`there will be some cases in which these
`measures cannot be implemented fully. It would, therefore,
`be helpful to have drugs that could prevent catabolism.
`Adrenergic blockade has been shown to reduce catabolism
`in patients with severe burns [8] and it may have a role in
`neonates with inborn errors of metabolism.
`We have already mentioned the need for insulin if
`glucose infusions lead to hyperglycaemia. There may also
`be a role for octreotide combined with insulin. Octreotide is
`a long acting analogue of somatostatin: both agents
`suppress insulin secretion and octreotide is now widely
`used for
`the neonatal and long term management of
`congenital hyperinsulinism [10]. It is given as a continuous
`subcutaneous (or intravenous) infusion in doses of 5–
`25 mcg/kg/day and it appears to be safe in these babies.
`Octreotide suppresses the secretion of glucagon, growth
`hormone and ACTH in addition to insulin. If given alone,
`octreotide would probably increase protein catabolism by
`lowering insulin levels. If it is combined with infusions of
`glucose and insulin, however, octreotide is likely to
`its effects on
`suppress protein catabolism because of
`glucagon, growth hormone and cortisol. Evidence support-
`ing this has been obtained in adults with multiple organ
`dysfunction syndrome [2].
`Flux through the urea cycle is regulated by the synthesis of
`N-acetylglutamate (NAG), an allosteric activator of CPS.
`NAG synthase deficiency is a rare cause of neonatal
`hyperammonaemia but an important one to consider, because
`patients respond to treatment with N-carbamylglutamate, an
`analogue of NAG [21]. N-carbamylglutamate can also lower
`ammonia concentrations in some patients with partial CPS
`deficiency and organic acidaemias [5, 13]. If a neonate has
`died of hyperammonaemia without these conditions being
`excluded, N-carbamylglutamate should be given to future
`siblings, either prophyllactically from birth or immediately if
`ammonia concentrations start to rise.
`Alternative pathways for nitrogen excretion: inducing
`the enzymes of conjugation
`Large doses of arginine are used in patients with citrulli-
`naemia and argininosuccinic aciduria to promote nitrogen
`excretion as citrulline or argininosuccinate. Sodium benzo-
`ate and sodium phenylbutyrate (or sodium phenylacetate)
`are used in all severe urea cycle disorders to exploit
`alternative pathways for nitrogen excretion [23]. At the
`recommended doses, these drugs appear to be safe and
`reasonably effective in older subjects. There are, however,
`few published data about plasma concentrations, the rates
`of conjugation and nitrogen elimination in neonates. Neo-
`nates are usually given loading doses followed by contin-
`uous infusions. Despite these, the available data suggest
`that maximal rates of conjugation are not achieved for
`several days. Figure 1 shows the concentrations of
`ammonia, benzoate and hippurate over the first two weeks
`in a neonate with argininosuccinic aciduria: maximal
`hippurate concentrations are only reached on day 9. The
`conversion of benzoate to hippurate depends first on
`benzoate:CoA ligase and then on benzoyl-CoA:glycine N-
`acyltransferase. In neonatal rodents, these enzyme cannot
`be induced by benzoate itself but they can be induced by
`phenobarbital [1, 19]. The rate of conjugation in neonates
`with urea cycle disorders might, therefore, be increased by
`giving phenobarbital as well as sodium benzoate. Pheno-
`barbital has been used extensively in neonates but its use in
`this context should, of course, be closely monitored to
`establish whether the observations in rodents are also true
`in humans.
`Ideally, one would like the conjugating enzymes to have
`maximal activity at the time of birth. It may be possible to


`Eur J Pediatr (2008) 167:305–309
`Concentrations µmol/l
`Fig. 1 Serial concentrations of
`ammonia, benzoate and hippu-
`rate over the first two weeks in a
`neonate with argininosuccinic
`aciduria. Concentrations are on
`a logarithmic scale
`Age (days)
`achieve this by inducing the enzymes in utero.
`phenobarbital induces increased activity of benzoate:CoA
`ligase and benzoyl-CoA:glycine N-acyltransferase in neo-
`nates, it might also induce increased activity before birth. It
`might, therefore, be helpful to give the mother phenobar-
`bital for a few days before delivery if the fetus is known to
`have a severe urea cycle disorder. Phenobarbital has been
`given to mothers in the past to induce the conjugation of
`bilirubin in neonates, before the introduction of photo-
`therapy simplified the management of neonatal jaundice
`[20]. Obviously,
`the use of phenobarbital would need
`careful monitoring and the experimental nature of this
`treatment should be discussed fully with the family.
`Sodium benzoate appears not to induce its enzymes of
`conjugation but sodium phenylbutyrate may do so, as it
`induces the expression of many genes [11]. If phenyl-
`butyrate can be shown to induce its own conjugation, it
`may be helpful to give the mother this drug as well as
`Early diagnosis and intensive therapy are important and, if
`the metabolic disturbance cannot be controlled quickly,
`dialysis should be started early. The various alternatives for
`dialysis have been reviewed elsewhere [23]. ECMO/
`haemodialysis and haemodiafiltration are the most effective
`[7, 23] but they are technically more demanding. Although
`somewhat less effective, continuous veno-venous haemofil-
`tration is widely available and less likely to cause serious
`complications [9]. Peritoneal dialysis lowers ammonia
`concentrations more slowly. Exchange transfusion has no
`place in the management of hyperammonaemia.
`Various forms of treatment have been proposed to reduce
`the adverse effects of hyperammonaemia on the brain.
`Potential neuroprotective measures include hypothermia
`[26] and NMDA receptor antagonists, such as memantine
`[25]; their effectiveness is not yet clear. Obviously, trials
`should be undertaken in patients with established hyper-
`ammonaemia before they can be justified in those at risk of
`to control
`is often difficult
`With standard treatment,
`hyperammonaemia in patients with severe urea cycle
`defects presenting in the newborn period, particularly CPS
`and OTC deficiencies. We suggest some additional mea-
`sures that may help to control plasma ammonia concen-
`trations. The measures we propose include giving the
`mother phenobarbital
`for a few days before delivery,
`delivering the baby by an elective caesarean section and
`managing the baby aggressively, with intravenous glucose
`from birth and drugs started soon afterwards. Several of
`these ideas have not yet been tried so that controlled studies
`need to be done to confirm that they are both safe and
`effective. Obviously, the situation needs to be discussed
`fully with the family in advance and a detailed management
`plan needs to be agreed by the metabolic specialist,
`obstetrician and neonatologist. It is likely that the some of
`the proposals are also applicable to other disorders that
`present with early decompensation in the neonatal period,
`such as organic acidaemias.


`Eur J Pediatr (2008) 167:305–309
`Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr Claude Bachmann
`for valuable discussion and particularly for permission to publish
`Fig. 1. We are also grateful to Dr Khalid Hussain for his help with
`this work.
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