
`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0022157 A1
` Scharschmidt (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 26, 2012
`US 20120022157A1
`(73) Assignee:
`Bruce Scharschmidt, South San
`Francisco CA (US)
`Scottsdale, AZ (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`A61K 31/216
`A6IP 3/00
`G01N 33/00
`A611" 13/12
`(52) US. Cl. ......................... 514/533; 514/532; 73/61.41
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Aug. 27, 2009
`(86) PCT No.:
`§ 371 (c)(1),
`(2), (4) Date:
`Jun. 15, 2011
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. PCT/USO9/
`30362, filed on Jan. 7, 2009, Continuation-in-part of
`application No. 12/350,111, filed on Jan. 7, 2009.
`(60) Provisional application No. 61 /093,234, filed on Aug.
`29, 2008, provisional application No. 61/093,234,
`filed on Aug. 29, 2008.
`The invention provides a method for determining a dose and
`dosing schedule, and making dose adjustments of patients
`taking PBA prodrugs as nitrogen scavengers to treat nitrogen
`retention states, including ammonia accumulation disorders
`as well as chronic renal failure, by measuring urinary excre-
`tion of phenylacetylglutamine and/or total urinary nitrogen.
`The invention provides methods to select an appropriate dos-
`age of a PBA prodrug based on the patient’s dietary protein
`intake, or based on previous treatments administered to the
`patient. The methods are applicable to selecting or modifying
`a dosing regimen for a subject receiving an orally adminis-
`tered waste nitrogen scavenging dmg, and to monitoring
`patients receiving such drugs.
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`Horizon Exhibit 2012
`Par V. Horizon
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 1 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`3523 539.”.
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 2 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`NH+ 4
`NH+4 ¥+ Gulu’tamate—g——> Glutamine
`Carbamyl Phosphate
`C‘rtrulline H“
`Sodium Phenlybutyrate
`| Phenylacetylglutamine|
`Urme Excretion
`4 ¢I
`re m
`Supplementeq,,, Argmme
`Figure 11)
`Page 3 0f 48
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 3 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
` .58:5...
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`Patent Application Publication
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`US 2012/0022157 A1
`Time (Hours)
`Time (Hours)
`Figure 4
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 7 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`UPl 204410221: Blood Metabolite Concentrations
`Vs. Time in Healthy Adults"
`Analyte: PBA
`* Shows BID dosing from days 8-15.
`Plasma PBA levels returned to near predose
`level between doses on each day during
`multiple dosing forhealthy individuals.
`PAA levels increase, but reach a steady-
`state after 3 days of BlD dosing
`N g
`= 3E
`Time (Hours)
`E 50
`E. 10-
`E 5
`Time (Hours)
`Figure 6
`Time (Hours)
`E 50
`5 10
`E 5
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 8 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`N g
`= 50
`= 10
`E 100
`E 50
`= 10
`5 5'
`Time (Hours)
`Time (Hours)
`Page 9 0f 48
`UP1204—0013‘: Blood Metabolite Concentrations
`Vs. Time in Patients With Cirrhosis (Childs-Pugh C)
`* Shows BID dosing from days 8-15.
`Plasma PBA levels returned to near predose
`level between doses on each day during
`multiple closing in cirrhotics. PAA levels
`increase and require 4 days to reach
`steady-state with BID dosing
`Time (Hours)
`5 100
`.E 50
`= 10-
`5 5
`Page 9 of 48


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 9 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`PBA. Cmax and AUC and HPN Dose
`A} AUCO-24
`100 ‘2’
` —<>— Cmaxss
`HPN Dose
`PBA AUC and HPN Dose
`—<>— PBA Auco—24
`-A— Cmaxss
`—I:I— HPN Dose
`Page 10 of 48
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 10 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`PAA AUC and HPN Dose
`—£}— HPN-100
`Page 11 of 48
`Figure 8b
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 11 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`U-PAGN and HPN Dose
`D HPN_PBA 16000000
`-14000000 12000000
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 12 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`—-— Mean
`--- Median
`38.4 :+/- 19.6
`25.1 +/- 10.3
`79.1 _+/- 40.1
`56.3 +/- 27.9
`Figure 9
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 13 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`Cumulative Ammonia Concentration TN-AUC
`_a.HPN i
`xi//7/[A1///p I.“W
`00 U1
`3x -/% —
`Figure 10
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`US 2012/0022157 A1
`:2SE52 magzigzag3%
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 15 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`Ammoniafll‘t-A—UC) After 7 Days of Treatment
`with BUPHENYL and HPN- 100
` a: 60
`HPN- 100
`E a .
`5 40
`E: 20'
`E E
`. B
`' Figure 12
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`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 16 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`I I
`IIIii E
`HM anvm
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 17 of 17
`US 2012/0022157 A1
`338$ NEE:Eng:2$322
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`US 2012/0022157 A1
`Jan. 26, 2012
`[0001] This application is a continuation in part of US.
`Nonprovisional patent application Ser. No. 12/350,111, filed
`Jan. 7, 2009 which is pending, and a continuation in part of
`International Application No. PCT/U808/303 62, filed Jan. 9,
`2009, each of which claims benefit of priority to US. Provi-
`sional Application Ser. No. 61/093,234, filed Aug. 29, 2008,
`each of which is incorporated herein by reference in its
`entirety. This application is also related to the US. provi-
`sional patent application entitled “Treating special popula-
`tions having liver disease with nitrogen-scavenging com-
`pounds,” naming Sharron Gargosky as inventor, Ser. No.
`61/048,830, filed on Apr. 29, 2008.
`[0002] This invention relates to treatment of patients with
`nitrogen retention states,
`including urea cycle disorders
`(UCDs), cirrhosis complicated by hepatic encephalopathy
`(HE) and chronic renal failure (CRF), using administered
`compounds that assist in elimination of waste nitrogen from
`the body. The compounds can be orally administered small-
`molecule drugs, and the invention provides methods for
`delivering such compounds and selecting suitable dosages for
`a patient as well as adjusting dosages and monitoring effec-
`tiveness of a treatment. As depicted in FIG. 1a, inherited
`disorders (e.g., UCDs) and acquired disorders (e.g. cirrhosis,
`typically with portal systemic shunting, complicated by HE)
`involving the liver which impair the normally efficient clear-
`ance of ammonia from the portal circulation and conversion
`to urea via the urea cycle, depicted in FIG. 1b, result in
`elevated levels in the blood of ammonia, a potent neurotoxin.
`CRF, while associated in some instances with mildly elevated
`levels ofammonia, (Deferrari, Kidlnl. 1980; 20:505), results
`in retention of other nitrogenous waste products normally
`excreted in the urine, in particular urea, the blood levels of
`which are commonly used to assess renal function.
`[0003] Restriction of dietary protein (i.e. intake of dietary
`nitrogen) is commonly used in the management of each of
`these nitrogen retention states, to avoid accumulation of
`ammonia or metabolic products containing ammonia, e.g.,
`urea. References herein to ammonia and ammonia scaveng-
`ing refer primarily to treating UCDs and HE and conditions
`that emulate UCDs, although the terms ammonia scavenging
`and waste nitrogen scavenging are used interchangeably.
`[0004] Drug dosing is usually based upon measurement of
`blood levels of the active drug species in conjunction with
`clinical assessment of treatment response. However,
`present invention is based on evidence that for certain pro-
`drugs of phenylacetic acid (PAA), measuring the blood level
`of the prodrug (e.g. PBA) or of PAA formed from it is unre-
`liable in assessing drug effect: drug levels in the blood do not
`correlate with efficacy in this case. In addition, assessment of
`treatment effect by measuring levels of ammonia in the blood
`in UCD patients is also potentially unreliable. Individual
`ammonia level measurements vary several-fold over the
`course of a day for a given patient, and withdrawing multiple
`blood samples under carefully controlled conditions over an
`Page 19 of 48
`extended period of time is clinically impractical as a way to
`monitor a treated patient. The variability in blood ammonia
`levels reflects the fact that ammonia levels in UCD patients
`are affected by various factors including dietary protein and
`timing in relation to meals, such that any individual value fails
`to provide a reliable measure of how much ammonia the drug
`is mobilizing for elimination; i.e. drug effect. The invention
`demonstrates that prodrugs of phenylbutyric acid (PBA)
`behave similarly to sodium PBA, in that measuring PBA
`levels is unreliable for assessing their effectiveness. This
`invention provides a novel method for dosing in patients with
`nitrogen retention states, in particular patients with liver dis-
`ease and clinical manifestations of hepatic encephalopathy
`and patients with UCDs. It is particularly applicable to pro-
`drugs that liberate or are metabolized to form phenylacetic
`i.e., prodrugs of PAA, and those prodrugs that are
`metabolized to form PBA.
`[0005] Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) refers to a reversible
`spectrum ofneurologic signs and symptoms which frequently
`occur in patients with cirrhosis or certain other types of liver
`[0006] Urea cycle disorders (UCDs) comprise several
`inherited deficiencies of enzymes or transporters necessary
`for the synthesis of urea from ammonia. The urea cycle is
`depicted in FIG. 1b, which also illustrates how certain ammo-
`nia-scavenging drugs act to assist in elimination of excessive
`ammonia. UCDs include inherited conditions associated with
`insufficient function of any one of several ammonia-process-
`ing enzymes. Individuals born with no meaningful residual
`urea synthetic capacity typically present in the first few days
`oflife (neonatal presentation). Individuals with residual func-
`tion typically present later in childhood or even in adulthood,
`and symptoms may be precipitated by increased dietary pro-
`tein or physiological stress (e.g. intercurrent illness.) Some
`enzymes whose deficient functioning causes UCDs include
`the following:
`[0007] Carbamyl phosphate synthetase (CPS),
`ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC),
`argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS),
`argininosuccinate lyase (ASL),
`arginase (ARG; EC Number; autosomal
`recessive), (ARG) and
`[0012] N-acetyl glutamine synthetase (NAGS)
`[0013] Mitochondrial transporter deficiency states which
`mimic many features of urea cycle enzyme deficiencies, and
`thus emulate UCDs and are treatable by the methods
`described herein for treating UCDs, include the following:
`[0014] Omithine translocase deficiency (hyperorni-
`thinemia, hyperammonemia, homocitrullinuria or HHH
`[0015] Citrin (aspartate glutamate transporter) defi-
`[0016] The common feature of UCDs and similar condi-
`tions and hepatic encephalopathy that render them treatable
`by methods of the invention is an accumulation of excess
`waste nitrogen in the body, and hyperammonemia. CRF is
`similarly characterized by build-up of excessive waste nitro-
`gen in the blood in the form urea, and the ammonia scaveng-
`ing drugs described herein are likewise effective to prevent
`accumulation of excess levels of urea. In normal individuals,
`the body’s intrinsic capacity for waste nitrogen excretion is
`greater than the body’s waste nitrogen production, so waste
`nitrogen does not accumulate and ammonia does not build up
`to harmful levels. For patients with nitrogen retention states
`Page 19 of 48


`US 2012/0022157 A1
`Jan. 26, 2012
`such as UCD or HE, the body’s intrinsic capacity for waste
`nitrogen excretion is less than the body’s waste nitrogen
`production based on a normal diet that contains significant
`amounts ofprotein. As a result, waste nitrogen builds up in the
`body of a patient having a nitrogen retention disorder, which
`usually results in excess ammonia in the blood. This has
`various toxic effects; drugs that help eliminate the excess
`ammonia are an important part of an overall management
`strategy for such disorders.
`To avoid build-up of ammonia to toxic levels in
`patients with nitrogen retention states, dietary intake of pro-
`tein (a primary source of exogenous waste nitrogen) must be
`balanced by the patient’s ability to eliminate excess ammonia.
`Dietary protein can be limited, but a healthy diet requires
`sufficient protein to support normal growth (i.e. in growing
`children) and repair; thus in addition to controlling dietary
`protein intake, drugs that assist with elimination of nitrogen
`are used to reduce ammonia build-up (hyperammonemia).
`The capacity to eliminate excess ammonia in treated patients
`can be considered the sum ofthe patient’s endogenous capac-
`ity for nitrogen elimination (if any) plus the amount of addi-
`tional nitrogen-elimination capacity that is provided by a
`nitrogen scavenging drug. The methods ofthe invention use a
`variety of different drugs that reduce excess waste nitrogen
`and ammonia by converting it to readily-excreted forms, such
`as phenylacetyl glutamine (PAGN). In some embodiments,
`the invention relates to methods for determining or adjusting
`a dosage of an oral drug that forms PAA in vivo, which is
`converted into PAGN, which is then excreted in urine and thus
`helps eliminate excess nitrogen.
`[0018] Based on prior studies in individual UCD patients
`(e.g. Brusilow, Pediatric Research, vol. 29, 147-50 (1991);
`Brusilow and Finkelstien, J Metabolism, vol. 42, 1336-39
`(1993)) in which 80-90% of the nitrogen scavenger sodium
`phenylbutyrate (a PAA prodrug) was reportedly excreted in
`the urine as PAGN, current treatment guidelines typically
`either assume complete conversion of sodium phenylbutyrate
`or other PAA prodrugs to PAGN (e.g. Berry et al., J Pediat—
`rics, vol. 138, S56-S61 (2001)) or do not comment on the
`implications of incomplete conversion for dosing (e. g. Singh,
`Urea Cycle Disorders Conference Group ‘Consensus State—
`mentfrom a Conferencefor the Management ofPatients with
`Urea Cycle Disorders’, Suppl to JPediatrics, vol. 138(1),
`S1-S5 (2001)). Based on what is known, one expects essen-
`tially complete conversion of these drugs into urinary PAGN.
`PBA is currently the preferred nitrogen scavenging
`drug for UCD patients in need of substantial nitrogen elimi-
`nation capacity. Current treatment guidelines recommend 4
`times per day dosing with PBA, based on the fact that PBA is
`absorbed rapidly from the intestine when administered in the
`form of sodium PBA and exhibits a short half life in the
`bloodstream (Urea Cycle Disorders Conference Group ‘Con-
`sensus Statement’ 2001). Current
`recommendations for
`sodium phenylbutyrate dosing in UCD patients indicate that
`dosage should not exceed 600 mg/kg (for patients weighing
`up to 20 kg) or in any case 20 grams total per day. Frequent
`dosing helps minimize the peak levels of ammonia, which can
`be very harmful, and it minimizes buildup of high concentra-
`tions of PAA as well.
`[0020] CRF (chronic renal failure) resulting from a variety
`of causes (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, glomerular disease,
`etc.) is associated with diminished excretion from the body of
`water soluble waste products normally present in the urine,
`including nitrogenous waste such as urea. While the contri-
`Page 20 of 48
`bution of increased blood levels of urea, per se, to the clinical
`manifestations of CRF and end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
`known as uremia is uncertain, urea levels in the blood are
`commonly used as one measure ofrenal function and the need
`for and frequency ofrenal replacement therapy such as dialy-
`sis. As a corollary ofthe findings noted above in UCD patients
`(e.g. Brusilow, Pediatric Research, vol. 29, 147-50 (1991);
`Brusilow and Finkelstien, J Metabolism, vol. 42, 1336-39
`(1993)), increased waste nitrogen excretion in the form of
`PAGN resulting from administration of PAA prodrugs
`decreases urea synthesis and therefore can serve as an alter-
`native to urea excretion. Consistent with this, Brusilow (US.
`Pat. No. 4,284,647) has demonstrated that administration of
`sodium benzoate, which increases waste nitrogen excretion in
`the form of hippuric acid, lowered blood urea levels in a
`patient with renal failure (FIG. 14). Accordingly, PAA pro-
`drugs, including PBA and HPN-100 can be used to treat CRF
`as well as UCDs and HE, and methods for determining and
`adjusting dosage ofthese PAA prodrugs and monitoring treat-
`ment efficacy are among the inventions disclosed herein. In
`general, and without being limited by theory, prodrugs of
`PAA which do not contain sodium would be preferred for
`treatment of treatment of those nitrogen retention states,
`including CRF as well as cirrhosis and HE, which are also
`known to be associated with sodium and fluid retention mani-
`fested, for example, as ascites and or peripheral edema. HPN-
`100 is one such sodium-free PAA prodrug.
`[0021] The invention provides a novel approach for deter-
`mining and adjusting the schedule and dose of orally admin-
`istered nitrogen scavenging drugs, including sodium phenyl-
`butyrate and glyceryl
`based upon the urinary excretion of the drug metabolite phe-
`nylacetylglutamine (PAGN) and/or total urinary nitrogen. It
`is based in part on the discovery that bioavailability of these
`drugs as conventionally assessed based on systemic blood
`levels of the drugs themselves or of the active species pro-
`duced in vivo from these drugs does not accurately predict
`removal ofwaste nitrogen or reduction ofplasma ammonia in
`healthy human volunteers, adults with liver disease, or
`patients with UCDs receiving ammonia scavenging drugs as
`defined below. Conversion of orally administered sodium
`phenylbutyrate (NaPBA, or sodium PBA) to urinary PAGN
`(uPAGN) is now shown to be incomplete: conversion is typi-
`cally about 40-70%, or about 54% on average. (A preliminary
`analysis suggested the range would be around 60-75%, but
`final analysis shows the average is about 54%.) The average
`value of about 54% conversion was determined experimen-
`tally for orally administered HPN- 100 or PBA converting into
`urinary PAGN, and a range of about 40-70% represents the
`average plus or minus approximately one standard deviation
`for this data set. By comparison, correlating urinary PAGN
`with drug dosage using information available in the art would
`have provided substantially different results, since the prior
`art suggests a much higher conversion, e. g., 90% or more. As
`used in this context, “about 54%” refers to a value between
`50% and 60%, and the urinary PAGN output refers to a
`measure of urinary PAGN output for a subject receiving
`ongoing stable daily dosages ofthe nitrogen scavenging drug.
`[0022] Urinary PAGN can be measured in various ways; in
`some embodiments, as described herein, it is a 24-hour mea-
`surement, which means measurement of total urinary PAGN
`Page 20 of 48


`US 2012/0022157 A1
`Jan. 26, 2012
`output for a period of 24 hours following the first dose of the
`day of a nitrogen scavenging drug. In other embodiments, a
`12-24 hour urinary PAGN level is used, which is the total
`amount of urinary PAGN excreted over the time period 12-24
`hours after the first dose of the day. As an alternative, as
`described herein, spot testing of urinary PAGN levels can be
`used, by normalizing the value as a ratio to urinary creatinine
`output. Daily creatinine output is relatively stable for most
`subjects, and this has been found to be true even in the UCD,
`HE, and CRF patients receiving the nitrogen scavenging
`drugs described herein. Because creatinine output is rela-
`tively stable, it can be used to normalize urinary PAGN output
`levels: from a ‘spot test’ of a partial sample, the ratio of
`uPAGN to urinary creatinine can be used to estimate a total
`daily urinary PAGN output. These values may be used in
`calculations of dosages or protein intake based on urinary
`PAGN output as well as for determining initial drug dosage
`for a patient taking a given amount of protein.
`[0023] The invention further provides methods to easily
`monitor treated patients to determine from urinary PAGN
`output whether their overall treatment program (diet and
`medication) is working, and when the patient needs a modi-
`fied treatment program or adjusted drug dosage. These meth-
`ods comprise monitoring urinary PAGN output, either as a 24
`hour output, or as a 12-24 hour total urinary PAGN output, or
`as an estimated value from a spot test, where the urinary
`output is normalized to urinary creatinine and converted to an
`estimated 24-hour (or 12-24 hour) output. In one embodi-
`ment, the method comprises comparing that value for urinary
`PAGN to a cut-off value that distinguishes patients likely to
`have normal ammonia levels from patients likely to have high
`ammonia levels.
`Prodrugs of phenylbutyrate (PBA, the active ingre-
`dient in BUPHENYL® (sodium phenylbutyrate), which is
`the sodium salt of PBA along with small amounts of inert
`ingredients), which is itself a prodrug of phenylacetic acid
`(PAA), are especially subject to the effects described herein.
`Phenylacetic acid
`[0025] As used herein “ammonia scavenging drugs” is
`defined to include all orally administered drugs in the class
`which contain or are metabolized to phenylacetate. Thus, the
`Page 21 of 48
`term includes at least phenylbutyrate, BUPHENYL® (so-
`dium phenylbutyrate), AMMONAPS®, butyroyloxymethyl-
`4-phenylbutyrate, glyceryl
`100), esters, ethers, and acceptable salts, acids and derivatives
`thereof. These drugs reduce high levels of endogenous
`ammonia by providing phenylacetic acid in vivo, which is
`metabolized efficiently to form phenylacetyl glutamine
`(PAGN). PAGN is efficiently excreted in urine, carrying away
`two equivalents of nitrogen per mole of PAA converted to
`PAGN. References herein to sodium phenylbutyrate are
`understood to include reference to the drug product BUPHE-
`NYL®, and BUPHENYL® was used for the Examples herein
`wherever test subjects were treated with sodium phenylbu-
`tyrate. Thus the sodium PBA dosages used in the Examples
`generally refer to a dosage of BUPHENYL®, and the
`amounts of sodium phenylbutyrate in those Examples should
`be interpreted accordingly. Note that the terms ‘ammonia
`scavenger’ and ‘nitrogen scavenger’ are used interchangeably
`in this invention, reflecting the fact that the drugs described
`herein lower blood ammonia and/or urea levels through
`elimination of waste nitrogen in the form of PAGN.
`In some embodiments, the invention uses prodrugs
`that can be converted into PAA within the body. Sodium
`phenylbutyrate (sodium PBA) is one such drug; it is converted
`by oxidative mechan

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