Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1982. 137. 213-220
`Diurnal Fluctuation of Blood Ammonia Levels
`in Adult-Type Citrullinemia
`(flit-nit: of Internal Medici-rte, In'olci-Kyorits-u Gene-mt Hospital.
`Iii-oh 972 and *Deprmmem of Biochemistry, Toko-i (Fairer-Sim
`School of Medicine, helium L594!
`'l‘. Diurnal fluctuation of Blood.
`Ammonia Levels
`in Adult—Type
`Tohoku J. exp. Med..
`137(2), 213—220 ——A 48—year—old man, who was diagnosed as adult-type
`citrnllinemia by quantitative estimation of urea cycle enzymes in the liver.
`showed a regular nocturnal rise of blood iimmuiia level.
`In order to elucidate the
`mechanism of diurnal fluctuation of blood um monia level. the patient was put into
`fasting state. for four days.
`The. blood ammonia level rose at the night of the
`first Fasting day even though no food was taken. then it decreased gradually and
`reached the lowest
`in the. morning of the third fasting day.
`administration of amino acids mixture under the same starved condition gave rise
`to .1 significant elevation of blood ammonia level. Based on these results. it was
`concluded that hyperanimonemia of adult-type. eitrullinemiu could result
`the accumulation of free ammonia which was produced from the catabolism of
`amino acids absorbed from the. small intestine and surpassed the urea synthesis
`of defective urea cycle to flood into the blond. Furthermore.
`the rise of blood
`ammonia level at the night. of the first fasting day suggested that
`the circadian
`rhythm of amino acid-mirhohydrate metabolim might superimpcsc on the process
`mentioned above.
`adult—type cit-ruliinemia: hyperammonemia; diurnal
`A 48—year—old man with adult—type citrullinemia has been described in our
`previous report (Yajima et a1. 1981). He showed repetitive episodes of encephalo-
`pathy and was diagnosed by quantitative estimation of amino acids and urea cycle
`enzymes in the liver.
`In this case, a regular diurnal fluctuation of the blood
`ammonia level was seen and the drip infusion of gilltamate—arginine mixture and
`oral administration of citrate lowored the Inlood ammonia level. But
`the liver
`function tests of the patient became worse one month after the laparotoniy for
`the evaluation of urea cycle. enzymes and he clinically deteriorated to the state
`of general
`liver failure with jaundica and aseites. He died two months after the
`laparotomy. At the stage of general liver failure, citrate ingestion was inelfective
`and regular diurnal fluctuation of blood ammonia was no longer Seen.
`Received for publication. October 5. 1981.
`Dr. Yajima's present. address: The Third Department of Internal Medicine.
`University School of Medicine, Sendai £18”.
`Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. Ex. 1023
`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent Nos. 9,254,278, 9,095,559, and 9,326,966
`Page 1 of 8


`Y. Yajima et al.
`This paper discusses the mechanism of regular diurnal fluctuation of blood
`ammonia characteristic of this case from the data obtained in a starvation test,
`ammonia tolerance test.
`intravenous amino acids loading test and variation of
`blood ammonia during the period of general liver failure.
`A case of adultetype citrullinemia and, as controls, five cases of deeompenaated liver
`cirrhosis were. studied. Case 1 of control group was a 40—year-old male who had a mesocaval
`shunt operation for the esophageal varices and liypersplenism. Case 2 was a 53-year-old
`male in whom hepatic encephalopathy appeared following the rupture of the esophageal
`varices and thereafter encephalopathy of grade 1 to 2 according to Sherlock’s classification
`lasted. Case 3 was a fil-year-old female who was a deeompensated cirrhotic patient with a
`triad of ascites. jaundice and encephalopathy and in whom lactulmu: administration of 60
`ml a day after the onset of encephalopathy lowered blood ammonia level. Case 4 was a 08-
`year-old female who had intractable asoites refractory to bot-b strict salt restriction and
`the use of potent diuretics during the three—months‘ hospitalization. Case 5 was a 40-
`year-old male who was admitted to our hospital because of ascitcs and responded well to
`medical treatment. The ascites was not present at the time of blood ammonia determina-
`tion. Blood ammonia was measured by the modified method of Okuda and Fujii [1966)
`(normal range 40-80 lag} 100 ml}.
`Variation of blood ammonia tenets in adult-type cit-Hilliardth
`The effect of starvation. To prevent the hyperammonemia. protein intake was
`restricted to less than 50 g a day and the clinical course was observed. Symptoms
`of encephalopathy and asterixis occurred at night. The blood ammonia was
`measured four times a day,
`i.e., 9:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m.. 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
`during three consecutive days in order to elucidate the correlation between hyper-
`ammonemia and encephalopathy.
`lt revealed that the level of blood ammonia
`depicted a gentle curve which had its peak between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
`Blood ammonia was then measured at 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. every day. The
`average of fasting levels was 120i38 pgi100 ml at 9:00 am. and 4301—79 ,ugflOO ml
`at 8:00 p.m.
`..._ :3”
` ,.-I
`Fig. 1. Variation of blood ammonia levels during starvation. The night of the first fasting
`day had a rise of blood ammonia level without taking any food, since then it decreased
`gradually to reach the lowest level in the morning of the third day. 0.
`levels at 9:00
`a.rn.; 0.
`levels at 8:00 p.m.
`Second starvation trial was stopped on the third
`fasting day.
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`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent Nos. 9,254,278, 9,095,559, and 9,326,966
`Page 2 of 8


`Diurnal Fluctuaiiion of Blood Ammonia
`[:1 order to investigate the mechanism of the nocturnal rise of blood ammonia.
`level the patient was put into a. fasting state for four days. During the starvation
`period. water. electrolyte and 200 g glucose were supplemented intravenously and
`the blood ammonia level was measured at 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.111. every day. The
`blood ammonia level rose in the night of the first fasting day, but since then it
`decreased ,Igrraduall}.r and reached the lowest level in the morning of the third fasting
`day. But after the night of the third day the blood ammonia level began to rise
`again. Another starvation trial lmder the same condition performed a week later
`showed the same result.
`The rifled of inc-ravenous rid-ministration of amino acids. Under the same con-
`dition as the previous two starvation trials, an amino acids mixture was adminisv
`tered intravenously in the night of the first and the second day and the morning of
`the third day. The amino acids mixture was a commercially available one which
`was synthesized after
`the. constituent of'
`the human milk.
`500 n11 of a 5%
`solution of the amino acids mixture was administered by drip infusion for 2 hr
`and the blood ammonia level was measured immediately after the end of the in-
`In each occasion, the blood ammonia levels rose considerably by 100—
`111 deeornpensated cirrhotic case {Case 4) with an ascites,
`200 ,ugflOO ml.
`trials of amino acids infusiou in the fasting state in the early morning had no
`influence on the blood ammonia levels.
`2’ _.
`u E
`s 0
`? sE “s.
`8 H
`Control 4
`i510 [—
`Fig. 2. The effect of the intravenous administration of amino acids mixture during the
`starvation period. Two broken lines indicate starvation trials without amino acids
`a. blood ammonia levels after amino acids administration.
`Ammonia tolerance test. Ammonium chloride. 0.5 gi‘ l0 kg body weight, was
`loaded orally and blood ammonia was measured every half an hour. Blood ammonia
`had its peak at 60 min after loading and got to the initial value 2 hr later (Fig. 3).
`Variation of blood memento level during the stage of general tine? failure. The
`liver function tests of the patient became worse a month after the laperotomy
`for liver biopsy and clinically deteriorated to the state of general liver failure with
`Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. Ex. 1023
`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent Nos. 9,254,278, 9,095,559, and 9,326,966
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`‘I'. Yajima et- al.
`aoo —
`NH4C! {0.5 13/10 kg 3. w.)
`300 -
`200 -
`I00 -
`0 ~—-—_|__._..L.._—...I—_L.——__—J
`fime iminl
`E E
`.g E'6 o
`E ‘2
`E ‘x
`D u-
`U 1a ..
`Fig. 3. Ammonia tolerance test.
`E H 600a _
`«— anrovenous nyperalimenfafion —-
`.E g
`E 9 400
`E “a:L
`‘8 u 200
`Fig. 4. Variation of blood ammonia levels in the stage of general liver failure.
`9:00 o-.m.; 0,
`levels at 81H) p.1n.
`levels at.
`jaundice and ascites. He was not fed and was maintained with intravenous hyper—
`alimentation. At
`this. stage,
`regular diurnal
`fluctuation of blood ammonia
`characteristic of this; patient was no longer seen (Fig. 4).
`Variation of blood ammonia level in decompensoted liver cirrhosis
`In the following five cases, protein intake was restricted to lees than 50 g a day.
`As a rule, blood ammonia was measured twice a day, 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.111. except
`Case 1.
`A case of mesoceml sham (Case 1}. Blood ammonia measurement was done
`twelve times serially over two days. There was no regularity observed in the
`variation of the blood ammonia level (Fig. 5).
`In Case 2. the variation pattern was no longer diurnal
`Cocos of encephalopathy.
`but rather fluctuating with cycle of several days each.
`[n Uch 3, a trend of slight
`nocturnal rise of blood ammonia was seen before the onset of encephalopathy but
`the trend became unclear after the onset. (Fig. 6).
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`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent Nos. 9,254,278, 9,095,559, and 9,326,966
`Page 4 of 8


`9% 200
`Diurnal Fluctuation of Blond Ammonia
`1 200
`Diurnal fluctuation of H1? hlnnd ammonia.
`Fig. 5.
`mvsucaval armatnmnsis.
`in the cirrhotic
`patient with
`Control 2
`300 -
`200 l»
`300 -—
`Control 5
`l Control 4
`lOO -
`O In...
`.._|_.__ |
`Control 5
`300 -—
`100 I-
`O _,_._|—L_._._.L_...._..1___1_—l——
`Variation oft-he blond ammonia low-1:4.
`Fig. 6.
`at 9:110 :1.m.: l. low-l3 at 3:04] p.m.
`in th-cmnpensated cirrhotic cases. 0, levels
`Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. Ex. 1023
`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent Nos. 9,254,278, 9,095,559, and 9,326,966
`Page 5 of 8


`Y. Yajima et a].
`seen in Fig. 6,
`In Cases 4 and 5, as
`Cases without encephalopathy.
`ammonia levels were lower than the levels of those cases with encephalopathy and
`depicted a gentle curve with a cycle of several to ten days.
`Drse ussron
`The contribution of' ammonia to the pathogenesis of hepatic encephalopathy has
`been widely investigated {Walker and Selicnker IQTO; Schenker et al. 1974). Amino
`acids imbalance (Fischer et al. 191'5} and short—chain Fatty acid {Chen et a1. 1970;
`Zieve et al. 1974) have recently been proposed as etiological
`in hepatic
`encephalopathy. Among them. ammonia is the most important in the treatment of
`hepatic encephalopathy in the sense that we can control it to some extent.
`patients with portal~systemio shunt and experimental animals with hepatic damage
`or Eek fistula, meat intoxication or protein intoxication has been known (Nencki
`et al. 1896; Monguio and Krause 1934). and protein restriction is effective for lower-
`ing the blood ammonia level and improving the clinical course.
`There was no
`report. however. dealing with hepatic encephalopathy which referred to the varia-
`tion of blood ammonia level from the view point of' diurnal fluctuation. The case
`with mesocaval shunt, one of the controls, showed no trends of blood ammonia to
`fluctuate diurnally and other four controls of deeompensated cirrhosis also did not
`show the regular fluctuation pattern of blood ammonia.
`On the other hand, in the field of congenital hyperammonemia. Batshaw et al.
`reported a case of
`thirteen~year-old female with
`carhainyl phosphate
`synthetase deficiency in which nocturnal rise of' blood ammonia was
`et a1.
`(1967) reported twu cases of argininosuccinic aciduria in which the blood
`ammonia levels were normal or slightly elevated in the fasting state but a marked
`elevation occurred postprandially.
`In the fields of adult—type citrullinemia, Suzuki
`et al. (1980} reported a case in which the variation of blood ammonia was closely
`associated with food ingestion.
`In our case. the measurement of blood ammonia
`over a two months period revealed rises of blood ammonia level every night even
`when encephalopathy was not seen. These results suggested that postprandial
`elevation, or regular nocturnal rise, of blood ammonia should be a pathognomonic
`sign of the abnormality in urea cycle.
`in the hyperammonemia caused by portal-systemic shunt, blood
`for the determination of ammonia. need not necessarily be sampled in the fasting
`state in the mornng and if adult-type citrullinemia is suspected, blood samples must
`be collected postprandially.
`The starvation test. performed to clarify the mechanism of the nocturnal rise
`of blood ammonia, showed a gradual decrease of blood ammonia.
`level. supporting
`the hypothesis that orally taken nitrogens are elm;er associated with the elevation
`of blood ammonia level.
`Incidentally, the blood ammonia levels in the night of' the first fasting day were
`significantly elevated compared with those in the morning and re—elevation of
`levels began since the night of the third fasting day. As to the former, it was
`Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. Ex. 1023
`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent Nos. 9,254,278, 9,095,559, and 9,326,966
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`Diurnal Fluctuation of Blood Ammonia
`postulated that nocturnal rise of blood ammonia was not only caused by the meal
`but also can be influenced by the circadian rhythm of amino acid—carbohydrate
`metabolism regulated by the circadian rhythm of hormone secretion. The most
`probable explanation of the re-elevatiou of blood ammonia since the third day is
`the generation of free ammonia in the catabolism of endogenous amino acids.
`Intravenous administration of amino acids mixture under the same starved
`condition showed a remarkable elevation of ammonia in the adult-type citrullinemia
`but no eiTect in a decompcnsated cirrhotic patient. And, the ammonia tolerance
`test showed a peak at 80 min after ammonium ingestion, a little later than in
`cirrhosis. Murawaki et al.
`reported a case of 23-year—old male with
`ornithine transearbamylase (OTC) deficiency in which the ammonia tolerance
`test showed a unique curve abruptly rising at 75 min after loading, which is
`obviously distinct from that seen in cirrhosis. But
`in two cases of adult-type
`OTC deficiency, reported by Short et al. (1973), both of tbern showed peaks at 30
`inconsistent with the case reported by Murawaki et al.
`As regards adult-type citrullinemia, in the case of Suzuki et al. [1980) and the
`case of Yamauchi et al.
`the results of ammonia tolerance test were
`In both of them, ammouia tolerance curves rosc slowly until 60 min,
`but it was not clear whether the value at 60 min was a peak value or not because
`in general, most of the cirrhotic cases
`the data after 60 min were not presented.
`have their peak values at 15 to 45 min (Conn 1960].
`It may be said that the
`patients with deficiency of urea cycle enzyme have their peaks later than the
`liver cirrhotics. But there is a question in diagnosing the deficiency of urea cycle
`enzyme from the ammonia tolerance test because some of the cirrhotics have their
`peaks at 60 or 90 min (Ohwada et al.
`[917}. On the other hand,
`the intravenous
`amino acids loading test is thought to be a. useful test
`the diagnosis of the
`deficiency of urea cycle enzyme.
`From these data. we proposed the following mechanism for the diurnal fluctua—
`tion of the blood ammonia in our patient: Hyperammonemia of portal-systemic
`encephalopathy due to liver cirrhosis results from the generation of free ammonia
`by intestinal bacterial flora in the large intestine.
`It takes 4 hr on the average for
`non-digestible nitrogenous source to arrive at the large intestine (Read et al. 1980)
`and generate free ammonia and 50 hr on the average to be evacuated from the
`rectum [Cummings et al. 1976).
`It Follows. therefore, that the nitrogenous source
`in a meal brings about the rise of blood ammonia. with a time lag of ‘1
`to 50 hr.
`Because of' this time lag, regular diurnal fluctuation of blood ammonia associated
`with meal ingestion is not seen in the portal—systemic encephalopathy.
`0n the
`other hand, hyperammonemia of adult-type citrullinemia could result From the
`accumulation of free ammonia which was produced from the eatabolism of amino
`acids absorbed from the small intestine and surpassed the urea synthesis of defec-
`tive urea cycle to flood into the blood.
`in the night of the first fasting
`Furthermore. the rise of blood ammonia level
`day suggested that the circadian rhythm of amino acid—carbohydrate metabolism
`might superimpose the process mentioned above.
`Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. Ex. 1023
`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent Nos. 9,254,278, 9,095,559, and 9,326,966
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`Y. Ynjima ct al.
`We are indebted to Prof. Y. Goto, The Third Department of Internal Medicine,
`thuku University School of Medicine.
`for his valuable advices and encouragement
`preparing this paper.
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