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`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`March an, 1016
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`I a
`U.S. PATENT: 9,254,273
`ISSUE DATE: February 09, 2016
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`E: II. .
`1' -
`Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
`and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office?
`Certifying Officer
`Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. Ex. 1001
`Par v. Horizon, IPR of Patent No. 9,254,278
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`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 9,254,278 BZ
`Scharscinnidt et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Feb. 9, 2016
`Applicant Horizon
`IL (US)
`Therapeutics, Inc, Deerfield,
`III-nee Seharschmidt, San Franciscan,
`CA (US); Masomi Meridian-mi, Walnut
`Creek, CA (US)
`Assignee: Harmon Therapeutics, In, Deetfleld,
`IL (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, theta-m ofthis
`patem is waded or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 1540:) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Appl. No; 141816,674
`Aug. 3, 2015
`Prior Publication Data
`Nov. 26, 2015
`US 201510335605 A1
`Related [1.5. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 131775,”, filed on
`Feb. 22, 2013, now Pat. No. 9,095,559, which is a
`continuafion of application No. 13/417,137, filed on
`Mar. 9, 2012, now Pat. No. 8,404,215.
`Provisional application No. 611542,100, filed on Sep.
`30, 201i, provisional application No. 61!564,668,
`IiiedonNov. 29, 2011.
`on. C}.
`.401? mm
`03. c1.
`33/4925 (2013.01); GOINMW (2013.01);
`Y10T430'175383 (2015.01)
`(58] Field of Classification Search
`........ A61K3U216; 601N31f221; Y10’I’
`USPC _.._.... 42419.2; 5141432, 433, 544, 570, 533;
`43624, 113
`See application file fin- complete semh history.
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