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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`10th ed.
`Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. -
`Includes index.
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`I. English language-Dictionaries.
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`Preface 6a
`Explanatory Chart 8a
`Explanatory Notes
`The English Language in the Dictionary 23a
`Guide to Pronunciation 31a
`Abbreviations in This Work 36a
`Pronunciation Symbols 38a
`A Dictionary of the English Language 1
`Abbreviations and Symbols for Chemical Elements 1379
`Foreign Words and Phrases 1390
`Biographical Names 1396
`Geographical Names 1441
`Signs and Symbols 1531
`A Handbook of Style 1535
`Index 1559
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`illumination • imbecilic
`religious enlightenment 2 : persons who are or whp claim to be un-
`usually enlightened
`•ml•na·tlon \i-,lii-m:i-'nl'i-sh:in\ n 04c) 1 : the action of illumi(cid:173)
`nating or state of being illuminated: as a : . spiritual or intellectual
`·enlightenment b 0) : a lighting up
`(2) : decorative lighting or
`lighting effects c : decoration by the art of illuminating 2 : the lumi(cid:173)
`nous flux per unit area on an intercepting surface at any given 3
`: one of the decorative features used iD" the art' of illuminating or in
`decorative lightinjl
`•na•tlve \1-'IU-m:i-,na-tiv\ adj 0 644) : of, relating to; or pro(cid:173)
`ducing Illumination: 0ILLUMINATING
`. .
`·mine \i-'lii-m:in\ YI ·mined; -min-Ing 04c): ILLUMINATE -
`lu•min·able \·m:>-n:i-b:il\ adj

`•mi·nlsm \-m:i-,ni-z:.m\ n 0 798) 1 : belief in or claim to a per·
`sonal enlightenment not accessible to mankind in. general 2 cap : be·
`liefs or claims viewed as forming or principles of Illuminati -
`•mi•nist \-nist\ n
`Ill-us.age \'il-'yil-sij, -zij\ n (1593) : harsh, unkind, or abusive treat(cid:173)
`Ill-use \-'yilz\ vt (1841): to use badly: MALTREAT, ABUSE
`·slon \i·'IU-zh:in\ n [ME, fr. MF; fr. LL illusion·, i//usio, fr. L, ac(cid:173)
`tion of mocking, fr. illudere to mock at, fr. in- + ludere .to play, mock
`- more at LUDICROUS] 04c) 1 a obs: the action of deceivmg b 0)
`: the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled : MISAP·
`PRBHENSION (2) : an instance of such deception 2 a (I) : a mislead·
`ing image presented to the vision
`(2) : something that deceives or
`misleads intellectually b
`(I) : perception of something objectively
`existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature
`(2): HALLUCINATION I (3) : a pattern capable of reversible perspective
`3 : a fine plain transparent bobbinet or tulle usu. made of silk and used
`for veils, trimmings, and dresses "- it.lu0sion•al \-'lilzh-nal, · 'lii-zh:i(cid:173)
`n'I\ adj
`IMli·slon•ary \i· 'IU-zh:.-,ner-e\ adj 0 886): 'ILLUSORY
`•ism \i-'lii-zh:i-,ni-z:.m\ n 0911) : the use of artistic tech·
`niques (as perspective or shading) to create the illusion of reality esp. in
`a work of art ·
`•ist \i-'liizh-nist, -'lii-zh:i-\ n (1850) : one who produces illu(cid:173)
`sory effects: as a : one (as an artist) whose work is marked by illu(cid:173)
`sionism b : a sleight-of-hand f.erformer or a magician -
`is•tic \-,lii-zh:.-'nis-tik\ adj- i 0lu 0sion•ls-ti-cal-ly \-ti-kfo-)le\ adv
`•slve· \i·'l\i-siv, -ziv\ adj (1606) : ILLUSORY -
`ilolu0slve0ly adv -
`•slve•ness n
`11-lu•SO•ry \i-'liis-re, -'liiz-; ·'lii-s:i-, ·z:>-\ adj (ca. 1631): based on or
`producing illusion : DECEPTIVE<~ hopes) syn see APPARENT -
`SO•ri-ly \·r:i-le\ adv -
`IJ.lu0so0rl·ness \-re-n:is\ n
`IJ.Ius•trate \'i-l:is-,triit also i-'l:is-\ vb -trat0ed; -trat•ing [L illustratus,
`pp. of illustrare, fr. in- + lustrare to purify, make bright - more at
`LUSTER] YI 0 526) 1 obs a : ENLIGHTEN b : to light up 2 a archaic
`: to make illustrious b obs . (I) : to make bright (2) : ADORN 3 a
`: to make clear : CLARIFY b : to make clear by giving or by serving as
`an example or instance c : to provide with visual features intended to
`explain or decorate <~ a book) 4 : to show clearly : DEMONSTRATE
`,.., vi: to give an example or instance -
`ilolus•tra•tor \'i-l:is-,trii·t:ir

`also i-'l:is-\ n
`llolus•tra•tlon .\,i-l:is-'tra-sh:in also i-,l:is·\ n (14c) 1 a : the action of
`·illustrating : the condition of being illustrated b archaic : the action
`of making illustrious or honored or distinguished 2 : · soniething that
`serves to illustrate: as a : an example or instance that helps make
`something clear b : a picture or diagram that helps make something
`clear or attractive syn see INSTANCE -
`iJ.lus•tra•tio11•al \-shn:il1
`-sh:.-n'I\ adj

`iJ.lus•tra•tlve \i-'l:is-tr:i-tiv also 'i-J:i-,strii-\ adj (.1643) : serving, tend(cid:173)
`ing, or designed to illustrate<- examples) -
`iJ.lus•tra•tiveoly adv
`IJ.lus•tri•ous \i-'J:is-tre-~s\ adj [L illustris, prob. fr. illustrare] ( 1588) 1
`: notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements
`or actions : EMINENT 2 archaic a ·: shining brightly with light b
`: clearly evident syn see FAMOUS -
`iJ.Jus 0tri 0ous 0ly adv -
`tri•OUS•ness n
`•vi·al \i·'lii-ve-:il\ adj 0 924) : of, relating to, or marked by illuvia(cid:173)
`tion or illuviated materials or areas
`•vi•a•tlon \i-,lii-ve-'ii-sh:in\ n ['in- + -luviation (as in eluviation)]
`0 928) : accumulation of dissolved or suspended soil materials in one
`area or horizon as a result of eluviation from another -
`\i-'IU-vi;.,ii-t:id\ adj
`ill will n (14c): unfriendly feeling syn see MALICE
`111-wish·er \'il-,wi-sh:ir, -'wi-\ n (1607): one that wishes ill to another
`il•IY \'iO)-le\ adv 0 5c) : not wisely or well : BADLY. ILL (his -
`cealed pride - Della Lutes)
`IJ.lyr•i•an \i-'lir-e-:in\ n (1584) 1 : a native or inhabitant of ancient
`Illyria 2 : the poorly attested lndo-European languages of the Illyri(cid:173)
`. ans -
`lllyrlan adj'
`ll•men•lte \'il-m:i-,nit\ n lG llmenit, fr. Jlmen range, Ural Mts., Russia]
`(ca. 1827): a usu. massive iron-black mineral composed of iron, tila·
`nium, and oxygen that is a titanium ore
`Ilooea•no or Ilo·ka·no \,e-l:i-'ka-(,)no, ,i-\ n, pl Ilocano or Ilocanos
`or Ilokano or Ilokanos 0 898) 1 : a member of a major people of
`northern Luzon in the Philippines 2 : the Austronesian language of
`the llocano people
`I'm \'im\ (ca. 1594): I am
`tlm•age \'i-mij\ n [ME, fr. OF, short for imagene, fr. L imagin-, imago;
`perh. akin to L imitari to imitate] (13c) 1 : a reproduction or imita(cid:173)
`tion of the form of a person or thing; esp : an imitation in solid form
`: STATUE 2 a : the optical counterpart of an object produced by an
`optical device {as a lens or mirror) or an electromc device b : a like(cid:173)
`ness of an object produced on a photographic material 3 a : exact
`likeness : SEMBLANCE '(God created man in his own ~ - Gen 1:27
`(RSV)) b : a person strikingly like another person (she is the~ of her
`mother) 4 a : a tangible or visible representation : INCARNATION
`(the~ of filial devotion) b archaic: an illusory form : APPARITION S
`a 0) : a mental picture of something not actually present : IMPRES(cid:173)
`(2) : a mental conception held in coinmon by members of a
`group and symbolic of a basic attitude and orientation. (a disorderly
`courtroom can seriously tarnish a community's,,....., of justice -Herbert
`Brownell) b : IDEA, CONCEPT 6 : a vivid or graphic representatton
`description 7 : FIGURE OF SPEECH 8 : a popular conception (as of or
`person, institution, or nation)· projected esp. through the mass rnect·a
`(promoting a corporate -
`of brotherly love and concern - R •a
`Buck) 9: a set of values given by a math,ematical function (as a·hC.
`momorphism) that corresponds to a· particular subset of the domain o.
`llmage vt im0aged; lm.ag0 ing (14c) 1 : to call up a mental picture
`: IMAGINE 2: to describe or portray in language esp. in 11.vivld rnann~f
`3. a : to create a representation of; also : to form an image of b . 1 r
`represent symbolically 4 a : REFL.ECT, MIRROR b : to make apfiea 0
`im• \'i-mi-j:ir\ n
`ima11e orthicon n ( 1945) : a highly sensitive television image tube
`im·ag0ery \'i-mij-re, -mi-j:.-\ n, pl -er0 ies 04c) 1 a : the product oi
`image makers : IMAGES: also: the art of making .images b : i:iictur
`produced by an imaging sys!em . 2 : .figurative language . 3 :. rnent~
`images; esp : the products .of 1magmat10n
`image tube n 0 936) : an. electron tube in which incident electrorna '
`netic radiation (as light or infrared) produces a visible image on ;f;
`fluorescent screen duplicating the original pattern of radiation
`called also image converter
`ima11•ln°able \i-'maj-n:i-b.:il, ·'ma-j:i.\ adj 04c) :. capable of being
`imagined : CONCBIVABLE -
`imag0in·able0ness n -
`\-ble\ adv
`1!mal!•l·n11J \i.·'ma-j:i-n'I~ adj [imagine + '-al] 0647): of or relating to
`1magmat10n, 1!1!-age~, or~1ma1ge~y ,
`lfma•Rl•nal \1- ma-J:i-n I, ·ma-; • ma-g:>-\ adJ .[NL 1magm-. imago)
`( 1877> : of or relating to the insect imago
`ima11•i0nary \i-'ma-j:i-,ner-e\ adj 04c) 1 a: existing only in imagine
`tion : lackine; factual reality b : formed or characterized imagina:
`lively or arbitrarily (his canvases, chiefly ~. somber. landscapes _
`Current Biog.) 2 : containing or relating to the imaginary unit ("'
`roots) -
`imag·i·nari 0Jy \i-,ma-j~·'ner-:i-le\ adv -

`\-'ma-jQ-,ner-C-n;Js\ n
`OTIC mean unreal or unbelievable. IMAGINARY applies to . something
`which is fictitious and purely the product of one's imagination (an
`imaginary desert isle). FANCIFUL suggests the free play of the imagina.
`tion (a teller of fanciful stories). VISIONARY stresses impracticality or
`incaf!ability of realization (visionary schemes). FANTASTIC implies in(cid:173)
`credibility or strangeness beyond belief (a fantastic world inhabited by
`monsters). CHIMERICAL combines the implication of VISIONARY and
`FANTASTIC (chimerical dreams of future progress). QUIXOTIC implies a
`devotion to romantic or chivalrous ideals unrestrained by ordinary
`. .

`prudence and common sense (a quixotic crusade).
`imaginary number n (ca. 1911) : a complex number· (as 2 + 3i) in
`which the coefficient of the imaginary unit is not zero -
`called also
`imaginary; compare PURE IMAGINARY
`. .
`imaginary part n (ca. 1929) : the part of.a complex number (as 3i in 2
`+ 3i) that has the imaginary unit as a factor
`imallfnary unit n (ca. 1911) :. the positive square root of minus I de-
`noted by ior + \£.'
`imag•i•na•tion \i-,ma-j:.-'nii-sh:in\ .n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L imagination-,
`imaginatio, fr. imaginari] 04c) 1 : tlie act or power of forming a men(cid:173)
`tal image of something not present to the.senses or never before wholly
`perceived in reality 2 a: creative ability b : ability to confront and
`deal with. a problem : RESOURCEFULNESS e : the thinking or active
`mind : INTEREST (stories that fired the -> 3 a : a creation of the
`mind; esp : an idealized or poetic creation b : fanciful or empty as-
`imagoi•na•tive \i-'maj-na-tiv; -'ma-;:.-,na-, -n:>-\ adj 04c) 1 a : of,
`relating to, or characterized by imagination b : devoid of truth
`: FALSB 2 : given to imagining : having a lively imagination 3 : of or
`relating to ima¥es; esp : showing a command ofimagery·- imag•i•na(cid:173)
`tive•IY adv - 1mag·i·na0tive•ness n
`lmag.fne \i-'ma-j:in\ vb imag.ined; imag•ln•ing \-'maj-nig, ·'ma-i•·\
`[ME, fr. MF imaginer, fr. L imaginari, fr. ·imagin·, imago image] vt
`{14c) 1 : to form a mental image of (something not ·present) 2 ar·
`c/1aic : PLAN. SCHEME 3 : SUPPOSE. GUESS (I -
`it will rain) 4 : to form
`a notion of without sufficient basis: FANCY <-s himself to be a charm·
`ing conversationalist) "' Vi 1 : to use the'imagination 2 : · BELIEVE 3
`syn see THINK
`i!"•ag0ing \'i-mi-jig\ n 0967): th.e . acti~n or proce~ · of producing an
`image esp. by means other than v1s1ble hght (acoustic -> - compare
` \'i-mi-Ji-z:im\ n, often ·cap 0912) : a 20th century move·
`men! in poetry advocating free verse and the expression of ideas and
`im•ag•ist \-mi-jist\ n or ad/.
`emotions through clear precise images -
`im•ag.fs·tic \,i-mi-'jis-tik\ adj -
`im 0ag•iS•ti•caloly \·!•·
`often cap -
`k(:.-)le\ adv

`Ima.go \i·'mii-(,)go, ·'ma-\ n, pl imagoes or ima•lli•nes \-'ma-g:i-,riez,
`·'ma-; ~·ma-j:i-, ·'ma·\ (NL, fr. L, image]. (ca. 1797) 1: an insect in its
`final, adult, sexually mature, and typically winged state 2 : an ideal·
`ized mental image of another person or the self
`Imam \i-'miim, e-', · 'mam\ n, often cap rAr imaml 0613) 1 : the
`prayer leader of a mosque 2 : a Muslim [eader of' tlie line of Ali held
`by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of
`Muhammad 3 : any of various rulers that claim descent from Mu•
`· hammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim
`imam 0ate \-'mii-,miit, ·'ma-\ n, often cap (ca. 1740 1: the office of an
`imam 2 : the region or country ruled over by an imam
`ima•ret \i·'miir-:it\ nf.Turk] 0613): an inn or hospice in .Turkey
`Ima•ri \i-'miir-e\ n Imari, Japan] 0875) : a multicolored Japanese
`porcelain usu. characterized by elaborate floral designs -
`Imarl adj
`lm 0bal•ance \(,)im-'ba-l:in(t)s\ n (ca. 1890): lack of balance: the state
`of being out of equilibrium or out of proportion (ii vitamin ~> (racial
`lm•bal·anced \-l~n(t)st\ adj
`in schools) -

`im•be•clle \'im-b:i-sal, -,sil\ n fF imbecile, n., fr.' adj., weak, . weak•
`minded, fr. L imbecillus] (1802
`1 : a mentally deficient person; esp
`: a feebleminded person having a mental age of three to seven years
`and requiring supervision in the performance of routine daily tasks of
`self-care 2 : FOOL, IDIOT -
`imbecile or im·be·ciloic \,im-b:i-'si-lik\
`Page 6 of 8


`see-through • select
`see-through \'se-,thrii\ adj ( 1945) : TRANSPARENT I
`•seg•ment \'seg-mont\ n [L segmentum, fr. secare .to .. cut - more at
`SA w] 0 570) 1 a : a separate piece of something : BIT. FRAGMENT
`(chop the stalks into short ~s) b : one of the constituent parts .into
`which a body, entity, or quantity is divided or marked off by or as· if by
`natural boundaries (all ~s of the population agree) 2 : a portion cut
`off from a geometric figure by one or more points, lines, or planes: as
`a : ·the pad of a circular area bounded by a chord and an . arc of tliat
`circle or so much of the area as is cut off by the chord b : the part of a
`sphere cut off by a plane or included between two .Parallel planes c
`: the finite part of a line between two points in the line syn see PART
`seg•men•tary \-mon-,ter-e\ adj

`'seg·ment \'seg-,ment\ vt 0 859) : to separate into segments ! giye off
`as segments
`seg•men.tal \ seg-'men-t' l\ adj 0816) 1: of, relating to, ot having the
`form of a segment and esp. the sector of a circle (~ fanlight) 2 : of,
`relating to, or composed of somites or metameres : Mf'TAMERIC 3 a
`: divided into segments <~ knowledge) b : PARTIAL. INCOMPL)lTE' c
`seg•men•taloly \-t'l-e\ adv
`: resulting from· segmentation -
`seg;men·ta~tlon \,seg-mon-'tii-sh:m, -,men-\ n (185 I) : the process of
`dividingfato seginents; esp: the formation of many cells from a single

`cell (as in a developing egg)
`segmentation cavity n (1888): BLASTOCOEL
`seg•ment·ed \'seg-,men-tod, seg-'\ adj 0 854) : divided into or com-

`posed of segments or sections (-worms)
`se•gno \'siin-(,)yo\ n, pl segnos}lt, .sign, fr. L signum·- more at SIGN]
`0 908) : a notational sign; speci : the sign that marks the beginrting·pr
`end of a musical repeat

`se.go lily \'se-(,)go-\ n [sego the bulb of the sego lily,
`fr. ·Southern Paiute siyo?o] (1913): a mariposa lily
`(Calochortus 11uttallii) of western No. America hav(cid:173)
`ing mostly white or in some areas mostly yellow
`flowers mottled with a darker color
`seg•re•gant \'se-gri-gont\ n 0 926) :. a genetic segre(cid:173)
`1seg•re.gate \ 'se-gri-,giit\ vb -gat.ed; -gat•ing [L
`segreg(llus, pp. of segregare, fr. se- apart + greg-,
`grex herd - more at SECEDE] vi (I 542) 1 : to sepa(cid:173)
`rate or set apart from others or from the general
`mass : ·ISOLATE 2 : to cause or force the separation.
`of (as from the rest of society) ,..., vi . 1 : SEPARATE.
`WITH DR Aw 2 : to . practice or enforce a policy of
`segregation 3 : to undergo genetic segregation -
`seg•re•ga.tive \-,ga-tiv\ adj
`2seg-re·gate \'se-gri-got, -,gat\n (1871): one that is
`in some respect segregated; esp : one that differs
`sego lily
`genetically from the parental tine because of genetic
`segregated adj ( 1652) 1 a : set apart or separated from others of the
`same kind or group (a - account in a bank) b: Clivided in facilities or
`administered separately for . members of different groups or races (~
`education> c : 'restricted to members of one group .or one race by a
`policy of segregation <-schools) 2 : practicing or maintaining segre(cid:173)
`gation esp. of races<- states) ·
`seg·re•ga.tion \,se-gri-'ga-shon\ n (I SSS)' 1 : the act or process of
`segregating : the state of being segregated 2 a : the separation or
`isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary resi(cid:173)
`dence in a restricted area, by barriers to social interco~rse, by separate
`educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means b : the .. epa(cid:173)
`ration for special treatment or observation of individuals cir items from
`a larger group <- of gifted children into ·accelerated classes) 3 : the
`separation of allelic genes that occurs typically during meiosis
`seg•re•ga.tion•ist \-sh{a-)nist\ ·11 (1913): a person who believes in or
`practices segregation esp. of races -
`segregationist adj

`· ·
`1se•gue \'se-(,)gwa, 'sii-\ vb imper[It, there follows, fr. seguire to follow,
`fr. L sequi - more at SUE] (ca. 1740) 1 : proceed to what follows
`used as a direction in music 2 : perform the music
`without pause -
`that follows like that which has preceded -
`used as a direction in mu·
`2segue vi se0 gued; (ca. 1913) 1: to proceed without pause
`from one musical number or theme to another 2 : to make a transi(cid:173)
`tion without interruption from One activity, topic, scene, or part to
`'segue n (ca. 1937) : the act or an instance of segueing
`. ·
`Se•gui·di·lla \,se-ga-'de-ya, -'del-ya\ n fSp, dim. of seguida, a dance, lit ..
`sequence, fr. seguido, pp. of seguir to follow, fr. L sequ1] 0 763) · 1 a
`: a Spanish dance with many regional variations b : the music for
`such a .dance 2 : a Spanish stanza of four or seven short partly asso-
`nant verses
`sei•cen•to \ sa-'chen-(,)!O\ n [It, lit., six-hundred, fr. sei six (fr. L sex) .+
`cento hundred - more at SIX._CJNQUECENTO] (ca. 1902) : the· 17th cen(cid:173)
`tury; specif: the 17th century period in Italian literature and art
`seiche \'sash, 'sech\ n [F] (ca. 1839} : an oscillation of the surface of a
`lancjlocked body of water (as a lake) that varies in period from a few
`minutes to several hours
`sei·del \'si-d'l, 'zi-\ n [G. fr. MHG side/, fr. L situ/a bucket] (l 908) : a
`large lllass for beer
`Seid·htz powders \'sed-lots-\ n pl [Sedlitz, (Scdleany), village in ,Bohe(cid:173)
`mia; fr. the similarity of their effect to that of the water of the village)
`0815) : effervescing salts consisting .of one powder of sodium bicar.(cid:173)
`bonate and Rochelle salt and another of tartaric acid that are mixed in
`water and drunk as a inild cathartic
`sei·gneur \ san-'yar\ n. often cap [MF, fr. ML senior, fr. L, adj., elder -
`more at SENIOR] ( 1 snr 1: a man of rank or authority; esp: the feudal
`lord of a manor 2 : a member of the landed gentry of Canada
`sei•gneur-ial \ -'yur-e-ol, -'yor-\ adj 0<!56): of, relating to, or befitting
`a seigneur
`sei•gneury \'san-yo-re\ n, pl -gneur.ies (1683) 1 a : the territory
`under the government of a feudal lord b : a landed estate held in
`Canada by feudal tenure until 1854 2 : the manor house of a Cana(cid:173)
`dian seigneur
`sei•gnior \ siln-'yor, 'san-,\ n [ME seigniour, fr. MF seigneur] 0 5c): SEl-
`sei•gnior•age or sei•gnor•age \ 'siin-ya-rij\ n [ME seigneurage, fr. MF,
`right of the lord (esp. to coin money), fr. seigneur] 05c): a govern1t1
`revenue from the manufacture of coins calculated as the differenent
`between the face .value and the metal value of the coins

`.sei•gniQry or. sei•gnory \'siin-ya-re\ n, pl -gnior·ies or ·gnor•
`(14c) 1 : LORDSHIP. DOMINION; specif.; the power or authority 0
`feudal lord 2 :·the territory which a lord' holds /'urisdiction · f a
`sei•gno•ri·al \san-'yor.e-al, -'yor-\ adj (1818): of, re ating to, or bef
`. ting a seignior : MANORIAL
`. .
`"seine \'san\ n [ME, fr. OE segne, fr. L sagena, fr. Gk sageni] (bef 12 )
`.1 a large ')et with sinkers on on~ edge and floats ~n the othe~ th c
`hangs vertically an the water and ts used to enclose fi sh when its en~t
`are pulled. together or are drawn ashore
`'seine vb seined; sein·ing vi ( 1836) : to fish with or catch fish With
`seine l"lrJ vt : . to fish for or in with a seine
`sein•er \'sii-nar\.n (1602) 1: one who fishes with a seine 2·: a bot
`used for seinin\l
`sei·idn .or sei•ZID ,\'se-z'n\ n [ME seisine, fr. OF saisine,. fr. saisir to seize
`- more at SEIZE] (l 4c) 1 : the possession of land or chattels 2 • th
`possession of a freehold es11>te in land by one having title thereto
`seis•mic \'siz.mik, 'sis-\ adj [Gk seismos shock, earthquakedr. seiein lo
`·shaki:i ·prob. akin to .Av thwaeshiJ fear] 08~8) 1: of, subject to, 0
`caused by an earthquake; also : of or relating to an earth vibratio r
`caused by something else (as an explosion or the impact of a meteorite)
`2 : of or relating to a vibration on a celestial body (as the moon) com
`parable to a seismic event on earth 3 : having a strong or widespread
`seis•mi•ca).Jy \•mi
`impact : EARTHSHAKING <- social changes) -
`k(o-)le\ adv

`seis·mlc·i•tY \siz-'mi-sa·te, sis·\ n (1902) : the relative frequency and
`distribution of earthquakes

`seismo· comb form [Gk, fr. seismos]: earthquake: vibration (seismom.
`eter) .
`. .
`. .
`seis•mo•gram \'siz-ma-,gram, 'sis-\ n{ISY] (ca. 1891) : the record of
`an earth tremor by a seismograph
`seis•mo•graph \-,graf\ n [!SY] 0 858) : an apparatus to measure and
`record vibratioM within the earlh·and of the ground .- seis•mog•ra(cid:173)
`pher \siz-'mii-gro-for, sis-\ · n . .,..- sels,mo•graph0 ic \,siz-mo-'gra-fik
`,sis-\ adj-seis•mog.ra•phy \ siz-'mii-gr"·fe, sis-\ n
`seis•mol•!>-gy \ sJz.'mii-lo-je, sis-\ n [!SY] (1858) : a scienee that deals
`with earthquakes and with artificially produced vibrations of the earth
`seis•mo.Jog•l•cal \,siz-ma-'lii-ji-kal, ,sis-\ adj .-· seis0 mol•o•glst
`\siz·'mii-la-jist, sis-\ n

`seis•mOm•e.•ter \siz-'mii-ma-t"r, sis-\ n (1841): a seismograph measur(cid:173)
`ing the actual movements of the ground (as on the earth or the moon)
`sei$•mo.met•ric \,siz-m;)·'me-trik. ,sis·\ adj
`seis•mom•e-try \siz-'mii-ma-tre, sis-\ n [!SY] 0 858) : the scientific
`study.of earthquakes

`sei whale \'sa-, 'si-\ n· [part trans. of Norw seihva/, fr. sei coalfish +
`·hval .whale] (1912): a common and widely distributed dark gray ror(cid:173)
`.qual (Balaenoptera .borealis) that has a ridge on the top of the head and
`grows to a length of nearlf 60 feel (18 meters) ~ called also sei
`seize \'sez\, vb .seized; se1z.lng [ME saisen, .fr; OF saisir to put in pos(cid:173)
`session of, fr. ML sacire, of Gmc origin; perh. akin to OHG sezzen to
`set - more at SET] vi (14c) 1 a usu selse \'sez\ : to vest ownership
`of a freehold .estate in b often seise : to put in possession of some(cid:173)
`thing (the biographer will be seized of .all pertinent papers) 2 a : to
`take possession of .: CONF.ISCATE b : to take possession .of by legal
`process 3 a : to possess or. take by. force : CAPTURE b : to take pris(cid:173)
`oner : ARREST 4 a : to take hold of : CLUTCH b : to possess oneself
`of : GRASP c : to understand fully and distinctly : APPREHEND 5 a
`: to attack .or overwhelm. physically : AFFLICT (suddenly seized with an
`acute illness - H. G. Armstrortg) b: to possess (as one's mind) com(cid:173)
`pletely or overwhelmingly (seized the popular ima11ination - Basil
`Davenport) 6 : to bind or fasten together with a lashing of small stuff
`(as yarn, ma.rline, or fine wire) ,..., vi 1 : to take or lay h.old suddenly
`or forcibly 2 .a: to cohere to a relatively moving part through.exces(cid:173)
`used esp. of machine parts (as
`sive pressure, temperature, or friction -
`beanngs, brakes, or pistons). b : to fail to operate due to the seizing of

`a part - used· of an engine syn see TAKB -
` n
`seizing n (14c). 1 a : the cord or lashing used in binding or fastening
`b : the fastening so made~ see KNOT illustration 2 : the .operation of
`fastening together or lashing with tarred small stuff

`sei•21:ure \'se,zhar\ n (!Sc) 1 a: the act, action, or process of seizing
`: the state of.being seized b : the taking. possession of person or prop(cid:173)
`.erty by legal process 2 : a sudden attack (as of disease) (an epileptic
`se•jant \'se~jant\ adj .[modif. of MF seant, prp. of seoir to sit, fr. L
`seiliire ~ more at SIT] \ca.-1500): SITTING- used of a heraldic: animal
`sel \'sel\ chiefly Scot varo/SELF

`se•la·chl·an \sa-'la-ke-an\ n [ultim. fr. Gk selachos cartilaginous phos(cid:173)
`. phorescent fish; akin to Gk selas brightness] (1835): any of.a .variously
`defined group (Selachii) of cartilaginous fishes that includes all the
`elasmobranchs or all elasmobranchs except the.chimaeras, the·existi~g
`sharks .and rays or in its ·most restrioted·use the existing sharks as dts·
`selachian adj
`tinguished from the rays -

`se•lag•i•n! \ so-,la-jo•'ne-lo\ ·n [NL, fr. L .se/agin,, selago, a plant
`resembling the savin] .(1835) : any of.a ·genus (Selagine/la) of mossy
`lower ·tracheophytes that are related to or grouped with the club
`mosses and have branching stems atid scalelike leaves and produce
`one-celled· sporangia containing both· megaspores and micros pores
`se•lah \ 'se-la, -,Iii\ interj. [Heb seliihl 0530) -
`a term of uncertain
`meaning found in the Hebrew text of the P,salms and Habakkuk carried
`over. untranslated into some English versions

`sel-couth \'sel-,kiith\ adj [ME, fr. OE seldciith. fr. seldan seldom +
`ciith known - more at ·UNCOUTH] (bef. Uc) archaic : UNUSUAL.


`. ·
`•sel·dom \'sel-dam\ ·adv [ME, fr. OE selda·n; akin to OflG seltan sel·
`dom] (bef. 12c): in few instances: RARELY.INFREQUENTLY
`'seldom adj (lJc) : . RARE. INFREQUENT .
`.tse•lect \sa-~lekt\ adj [L selectus, pp. of seligere to select, fr. se- apart (fr~.
`sed, se without) + legere to gather, select - more at SUICIDE. LEGEND
`(1565) 1: chosen from ·a number or group by fitness or preference
`a : of special· value or excellence : SUPERIOR; CHOICE b : exclusively o~
`fastidiously chosen often. with regard to social, economic, or cultura
`characteristics 3 : judicious or restrictive· in choice : DISCRIMINATING
`Page 7 of 8


`(pleased with the ~ appreciation of his books - Osbert Sitwell) -
`Ject·able \so-'lek-t:rbol\ adj -
`se·lect•ness ·\s~·'lek(t)-nos\ n -
`Jec•tor \ so-'Jek-tor\ n
`iselect vt (1567): to choose (as by fitness or excellence) from a number
`or group : pick out ...., vi: to make a choice
`•select n 0610): one that is select - often used in pl.
`se•lect•ed adj ( 1590) : SELECT; specif : of a higher grade or quality than
`the ordinary

`l : '?ne inducted into military s~rvice
`se•lect•ee \s:i-,t ek-'t~\ n (1940)
`under selecttve service .2 : one •who 1s chosen from a group by fitness
`or preference
`l : the act or process
`se•lec•tlon \••·'lek•shon\ n (ca. 1623)
`ing : the state of being selected 2 : one that is selected : CHOICE:' also
`• a collection .of•selected things 3 : a natural or artificial process that
`~esults or tends to result in the survival and propagation of some indi·
`viduals .or organisms but not of others with the tesult <that the inherited
`traits of the survivors are perpetuated -
`se•lec•tlon•ist \:-shfo-)nist\ n ( 1892): one who considers natural selec(cid:173)
`selectionist adj
`tion a fundamental factor in< evolution -
`se•lec·tive \ s•·'lek-tiv\ adJ(l625) . l : of, relating to, or characterized
`by selection: selecting o• tending to select 2 :. highly specific in.activ(cid:173)
`ity or effect<~ pesticides)(~ absorption) -
`se•lec·tive•IY adv '---' se·
`Jec·tive•ness n -
`se·lec•tiv·i·tY \so-,lek-'ti-vo-te, ,se-\ n
`selective service n (1917) : a system under which men· are called .up
`for military service : DRAFT
`se•lect•man \si-'lek(t)-,man, -,lek(t)-'man, .-'lek(t)-mon; 'se-,lek(t)-,man\
`n (1635) : one of a board of officials elected in towns of all New En·
`gland states except Rhode Island· to serve as the chief administrative
`. ·
`· ·

`authority of the town
`•selen· or. seleno· comb fo~m [L selen-, fr. ·Gk seli!H-, fr. selenii-- more

`at SELENIUMl: moon (selenium/ (selenology)
`zselen- or seleni· comb form [Sw, fr. NL selenium] : selenium (selenif·
`sel•e·nate \'se-l:r,nlit\ n [Sw selenat, fr, selen of or containing: selenium,
`fr. NL selenium] \1818): a salt containing the ·anion Seo,2-
`Se•le•ne· \s~-'le-ne\ n: the Greek goddess of the moon
`sel·e·nlde \'se-lo-,nld\ n (1849) : a binary compound of selemum with
`a more electropositive element or group
`sel•e•nif·er•ous \,se-lo-'ni-f(a.)ros\ adj (1823) : containing or.yielding
`selenium <- vegetation)<- soils)
`sel•e•nite \'se-lo-,nlt\ · 11 [ME selinete, fr, L selenites, fr. Gk seli!nites
`(lithos), lit., stone of.the moon, fr. selehi!;fr. the b~lief that it waxed and
`waned with the ·moon] 05c) : a variety of gypsum occurring in trans(cid:173)
`parent crystals or crystalline masses
`se•le•ni•mn \ so-'le-ne-om\ n [NL, fr. Ok seli!ne moon, fr. selas bright(cid:173)
`ness] (1818): a nonmetallic element that resembles sulfur and tellu(cid:173)
`rium chemically, is obtained chiefly as a. by-product in copper refining,
`and is a photoconductive semiconductor in its crystalline form "--- see
`ELEMENT table
`< <
`selenium cell n (1880) : an insulated strip of selenium mounted with

`electrodes and used as a photoconductive element
`se•le•nO•cen•tric \ so-,le-n~-'sen-trik\ . adi[ISV] (ca . . 1852): of or relat(cid:173)
`ing to the center of the moon; also·: referred to or involving the moon
`as a center
`sel•e•nol•o•gy'\,se-la-'na.lo-ie\ n (1821): a branch of astronomy that
`deals with the moon -
`se 0le0no 0log0i•cal \,se-1~-n!i-'lii·ji-kol, so•1le(cid:173)
`n•l-'a-\ (ldj- seJ.e•nol·O·~lst \,se-lo-'nil-lo-jist\ n
`Se·leu•cid \ so-'lii-sod, sol- yii-\ n [NL seleucides. fr. S eleucus I]' (1851)
`·: a member of a Greek dynasty ruling Syria and at various times other
`Asian territories from 312 o.c. to 64 o.c.-Seleucid a,dj
`•self \'self, Southern also 'sef\ pron [ME (intensive ·prom). fr. OE; akin
`to OHO selb, i

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