`Dear PTAB:
`David Makous
`Thursday, October 12, 2017 1:50 PM
`Request to PTAB re Motions to Terminate 3 IPRs
`1. LG Electronics, Inc., Petitioner, v . Lemaire Illumination Technologies, LLC, Patent Owner
`IPR2017-01700 filed 6/30/17
`Patent No. 6,095,661 (Lebens, et al): METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR AN L.E.D. FLASHLIGHT
`LG Electronics, Inc., Petitioner, v . Lemaire Illumination Technologies, LLC, Patent Owner
`IPR2017-01744 filed 7/6/17
`Patent No. 6,488,390 (Lebens, et al): COLOR-ADJUSTED CAMERA LIGHT AND METHOD
`LG Electronics, Inc., Petitioner, v . Lemaire Illumination Technologies, LLC, Patent Owner
`IPR2017-01806 filed 7/17/17
`Patent No. 9,119,266 (Lebens, et al): PULSED L.E.D. ILLUMINAT?ON APPARATUS AND METHOD
`We are counsel for the Petitioner LGE in the three above identified pending (pre-trial) IPRs.
`Petitioner and the Patent Owner have confidentially settled the underlying patent infringement claims and
`The US District Court has not yet granted the dismissal of the actions;
`The Petitioner and the Patent Owner have agreed to terminate all three of the above identified IPRs with
`prejudice as part of that settlement;
`The parties to the underlying patent litigation (LGE and Lemaire) expect to file a Joint Motion To Dismiss the
`Iitigation this week in the US District Court. Upon grant of the dismissal by the Court, LGE will then file the
`Motion to Terminate the above three IPRs with the PTAB, along with a copy of the issued orders .
`LGE is seeking authorization from the PTAB to move to terminate these three IPRs with prejudice. The Patent Owner's
`counsel has been copied on this email and has previously agreed with us to consent to this motion to terminate with
`David N. Makous, Esq.
`A Professional Corporation
`660 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2300
`Los Angeles, California 90017
`Telephone: (213) 244-7064
`Email: dmakous@Ihlaw.com
`Web: http://Ihlaw.com/attorneys/bios/david n. makous