`In re Patent of:
`Lebens et al.
`U.S. Patent No.: 6,488,390
`Issue Date:
`December 3, 2002
`Appl. Serial No.: 09/978,760
`Filing Date:
`October 16, 2001
`NO. 6,488,390 PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. §§ 311–319, 37 C.F.R. § 42
`Exhibit LG-1016
`Joseph R. Davis, ASM Materials Engineering Dictionary, ASM International,
`January 1, 1992
`Exhibit LG-1016 Page 1
`Infirmation Sochety
`Edited by
`J.R. Davis
`Davis & Associates
`‘The Materials.
`Exhibit LG-1016 Page 2
`Copyright © 1992
`ASM Intemational”
`All rights reserved
`First printing, December 1992
`Bo part of this book may be reprodidced, sianed in a retrieval syuiem, of ranemitted, in any
`form or by any mean, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwiur,
`wihoul ihe pnor aTien permission of the publisher. No warranties, cxpresas or implied, arc
`given im connection with the accuracy of complenenecs of thia publication, and no reapon-
`sibliay can be taken for any claims that may arise.
`Nothing contained in this book is to be cometrged asa grant of any night of manufactur,
`sale, or use in connection with any method, process, apparaius, product, or composition
`whelher or aot covered iy betters patent of registered trademark, mor as a defense again
`liability for the infringement of letters palent or registered trademark.
`Library of Congress Catalog Cand No.: 72. 73858
`ISBN: 0-871 70-447-1
`SAIN: Dtkh. TAG
`Text design and production coodinanon by
`Kathleen Mills Editorial & Production Services
`Cover design by Alpha Group
`Exhibit LG-1016 Page 3
`Exhibit LG-1016 Page 3
`Technical Brief 15: Gallium and Gallium Compounds
`GALLIUM-BASE COMPONENTSare found in a variety of products, ranging from compact desc players to
`advanced military electhonic warlare sysiems. Compared with components made of silicon, a material gallium
`arsenide (GaAs) has replaced in some of (hese applicatens, components mace of GaAs can amit light, have
`greater resistance to radiation, and operate at faster speeds and higher lomparatures
`Gallium occurs lin very low concentrations in the earth's crust and virtually all primary gallium is recoversd as
`@ by-product, principally trom the processing of bausdte to alumina. Most gallium applications require very high
`purity lewels. and the metal must be netined before use. Commercially available galkum metal ranges in purity
`from GO.5% to O.OG0S+5. The mos! common impurtias an matcury, lad, tin, zinc, and copper.
`If impurity
`limits of high-purity galbumn are exceeded, oplogiectric properties are degraded or destroyed.
`The pincipal use of gallium i& in the manufacture of semicen-
`Selected physical properties
`ducting compounds, More than 90% of ttre galkum consumed in
`the United States is used for oposlecironic devices and integrated
`Circuits. Opioelectronic devicas—ight-emiting diodes (LEDs),
`laser diodes, photodiodes, and solar (photovoltaic) cellse—take
` MeiewArwest
`advantage of the ability of GaAs to conver electrical energy into
`sian i ae
`Optical energy and vice versa An LED, which is a semiconductor
`da 131i Ke toolid)..........00000..,33
`thal emits light when an electric current is passed through it,
`AD SH WK dling.
`consists of ian of eptitaxially grown material on a substrate. Aaatutundy“aaeee al
`These epitaxial layers are normally gallium aluminum arsenide ——e
`(GaAlAs), gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP), or inceum gallium
`an 1801 IK
`TT w ID
`arsenide phosphide (InGaAsP): the substrate maternal is either
`Recafic heat, 1-9! RY
`GaAs or gallium phosphide (GaP). Laser diodes operate on the=Nin aa
`same principle as LEDs, but they convert electrical enengy to a
`Tacsivy a ee em!ea
`layer of Goats, GaAlAs, or InGaAsP on o GaAs substrate. fati hs
`coherentlight outpul. Laserdiodes principally consist of an aptaxial
`Bard gap, a¥
`Phofodiodes are used to detect a light impulse generated bya ca.
`souroe, such as am LED of laser chode, and convert if to an
`pcremy cme 4
`electrical impulea. Photodiodas are fabricated from tha sama
`eT E......,
`eae. SEO
`materials as LEDS. Gallium arsenide solar cells have been ek von:
`demonstrated to convert 225 of the available sunlight to electricity,
`pte enletivlie OK. ii ia i=
`compared with about 16% for sdicon solar cells.
`——————— —————=
`* K. Zwibol, Photovolac Gots, Cham, Eng Mews, Vol G4 (No. 27), 7 July 1988, p 34-48
`Although bs currently represent a smaller share of the GaAs markel than optoelectronic devices, they ars
`important for miliary and defense applicalions. Two types of ICs are produced commercially: analog and digital.
`Analog ICs are designed to process signals generated by mulitary radar systems, a6 well as those generated
`by aailellie communications systems. Digtinl ICs eseentially function ag mervory and logic olamonts in computers.
`Nonsermiconducting applications include the use of gallium cade for making single-crystal garmeats—such as
`gallium gadolinium garnet (GGG), whichis used a9 the substrate for magewstic domain (bubbée) memory devices.
`Small quantities of metalic gallium are used for low-metting-point alloys, for dental alloys, and as an alloying
`in some magnesium, cadmium, and titanium alloys. Gallium is also used in high-temperature
`thermometers and 48 a substitute for mercury in switches. Gallum-base supenonductiing compounds, such as
`Gas, have also been developed.
`Recommended Heading
`* OA. Rramer, Galum and Gatium Compounds, Mefais Hancbood, 10th ed., Vol 1, ASM Intemational, 1990, p 7ag-T4o
`* MOH, Brodeicy, Progress in Gallium Arsenide Semiconductor, So. 4m... Feb 16), p 66-75
`Exhibit LG-1016 Page 4