
`Slepian et al.
`In re Patent of:
`5,954,781 Attorney Docket No.: 43930-0004IP1
`U.S. Patent No.:
`Sep. 21, 1999
`Issue Date:
`Appl. Serial No.: 08/813,270
`Filing Date:
`March 10’ 1997


`Table of Contents
`Introduction ...................................................................................................... 3 
`Qualifications ................................................................................................... 3 
`III.  Materials Considered ....................................................................................... 6 
`IV.  Applicable Legal Standards ............................................................................. 7 
`A.  My Understanding of Claim Construction ............................................ 7 
`B.  My Understanding of Anticipation ....................................................... 8 
`C.  My Understanding of Obviousness ....................................................... 9 
`Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art ................................................................. 13 
`VI.  Brief Overview of the ’781 Patent ................................................................. 14 
`VII.  Combinations based on Westbrook ............................................................... 16 
`A.  M. H. Westbrook & J. D. Turner, AUTOMOTIVE SENSORS (1994)
`(“Westbrook”) ..................................................................................... 16 
`U.S. Patent 4,559,599 to Habu et al. (“Habu”) ................................... 25 
`U.S. Patent 5,693,876 to Ghitea, Jr. et al. (“Ghitea”) ......................... 26 
`Combination of Westbrook, Habu, and Ghitea ................................... 30 
`U.S. Patent 5,905,457 to Rashid (“Rashid”) ....................................... 36 
`Combination of Westbrook, Habu, Ghitea, and Rashid ...................... 38 
`VIII.  Combinations based on Jurgen ...................................................................... 41 
`(“Jurgen”) ............................................................................................ 41 
`U.S. Patent 5,017,916 (“Londt”) ......................................................... 46 


`The Combination of Jurgen and Londt ............................................... 49 
`IX.  Conclusions .................................................................................................... 51 
`- 2 -


`I, Scott Andrews, declare as follows:
`I have been retained on behalf of Unified Patents, Inc. to offer technical
`opinions relating to U.S. Patent No. 5,954,781 (the ’781 Patent), and prior art refer-
`ences relating to its subject matter.
`II. Qualifications
`2. My name is Scott Andrews. I am currently a consultant for Cogenia
`Partners, LLC, focusing on systems engineering, business development and tech-
`nical strategy supporting automotive and information technology. I have been in
`this position since 2001. My consulting engineering engagements generally relate
`to advanced vehicle technologies and systems. For example, I recently served as the
`technical lead on a project funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin-
`istration (NHTSA) to develop requirements for connected vehicle safety systems in
`preparation for NHTSA regulations governing such systems. I have also served as
`a technical consultant on multiple projects sponsored by the Federal Highway Ad-
`ministration (FHWA) related to connected vehicle technology research. Several of
`these projects included extensive work with vehicle interfaces and vehicle systems,
`including the collection and use of safety information, engine operational infor-
`mation and other vehicle information.
`- 3 -


`I have over 30 years of professional experience in the field of automo-
`tive technologies and systems, including vehicle information systems and vehicle
`safety and control systems. Further, I have authored numerous published technical
`papers and am a named inventor on 13 U.S. and foreign patents.
`I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from
`University of California, Irvine in 1977 and a Master of Science degree in Electronic
`Engineering from Stanford University in 1982. From 1977 to 1979, I worked at Ford
`Aerospace where I designed, tested and delivered microwave radar receiver systems.
`From 1979 to 1983, I worked at Teledyne Microwave, where I developed high reli-
`ability microwave components and developed CAD tools. From 1983 to 1996, I
`worked at TRW, Inc., where I held various positions. From 1983 to 1985, I was a
`Member of the technical staff and a Department Manager in the Space Electronics
`sector. Between 1985 and 1990 I was a project manager working on various com-
`munications systems projects including the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced
`Research Projects Administration (ARPA) MIMIC Program. Between 1990 and
`1993 I was the Manager of MMIC (monolithic-microwave-integrated-circuit) Prod-
`ucts Organization. In this role, I developed business strategy and managed customer
`and R&D programs. During this time, I also developed the first single chip 94 GHz
`Radar, used for automotive cruise control and anti-collision systems. In 1993 I trans-
`ferred to the TRW Automotive Electronics Group, and managed about 30 engineers
`- 4 -


`in the Systems Engineering and Advanced Product Development organization. In
`this role, I managed advanced development programs such as automotive radar,
`adaptive cruise control, occupant sensing, automatic crash notification systems, in-
`vehicle information systems, and other emerging transportation products.
`I previously was employed as a Project General Manager in the Elec-
`tronics Division of Toyota Motor Corporation. I worked at Toyota headquarters in
`Toyota City, Japan from April 1996 to around April 2000. Between July 1999 and
`April 2000, I transitioned from working in Japan to working in a Toyota office in
`San Jose, California. In this position, I was responsible for leading the development
`of vehicle telematics systems, infotainment systems, including on-board and off-
`board navigation systems, traffic information systems, vehicle communications sys-
`tems, safety applications, and automated vehicle control systems.
`In 1998, I founded the Automotive Multimedia Interface Collaboration,
`a consortium of car makers developing standards for in-vehicle computing and in-
`terfaces between consumer multimedia systems and consumer electronics devices.
`This work resulted in a variety of standards for vehicle interfaces, user interfaces
`and vehicle software management that were eventually transferred to other standards
`organizations such as ISO and the OSGi Alliance.
`In the various positions mentioned above, I was responsible for research
`and development projects relating to numerous vehicle information systems, user
`- 5 -


`interface systems, sensory systems, control systems and safety systems, and also had
`the opportunity to collaborate with numerous researchers and suppliers to the auto
`industry. I therefore believe that I have a detailed understanding of the state of the
`art during the relevant period, as well as a sound basis for opining how persons of
`ordinary skill in the art at that time would understand the technical issues in this
`case. In 2000, I founded Cogenia, Inc. to develop enterprise class data management
`software systems. I served as the company’s Chief Executive Officer until 2001,
`when I created Cogenia Partners, my current consulting firm.
`A copy of my curriculum vitae is attached hereto, and it includes a list-
`ing of my prior experience in litigation matters as an expert. My work on this case
`is being billed at an hourly rate, with reimbursement for actual expenses. My com-
`pensation is not contingent upon the outcome of these proceedings or on the content
`of my opinions.
`III. Materials Considered
`In forming my opinions expressed in this declaration, I have considered
`and relied upon my education, background, and experience. I reviewed U.S. Patent
`No. 5,954,781 (“the ’781 patent”) and its patent file history.
`10. Additionally, I have reviewed and relied upon the following list of ma-
`terials in preparation of this declaration:
`U.S. Patent 5,954,781 (EX1001)
`- 6 -


`M. H. Westbrook & J. D. Turner, AUTOMOTIVE SENSORS (1994) (“West-
`brook”) (EX1002_
`U.S. Patent 4,559,599 (“Habu”) (EX1003)
`U.S. Patent 5,693,876 (“Ghitea”) (EX1004)
`R. Jurgen (Ed.), AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS HANDBOOK (1995) (“Jurgen”)
`U.S. Patent 5,017,916 (“Londt”) (EX1006)
`U.S. Patent 5,905,457 (“Rashid”) (EX1007)
`EP Publication No. 0 392 953 (“Tresse”) (EX1012)
`PCT Publication No. 91/07672 (“Montague”) (EX1013)
`U.S. Patent 5,357,438 (“Davidian”) (EX1014)
`I have also considered all other materials cited herein.
`IV. Applicable Legal Standards
`A. My Understanding of Claim Construction
`I have been informed that claim terms of an expired patent in IPR are
`construed in accordance with the standard set forth in Phillips. See Facebook Inc.
`v. Pragmatus AV LLC, 582 Fed.Appx 864, 866 (Fed. Cir. 2014). I have been in-
`formed that this means that the words of a claim “are generally given their ordinary
`and customary meaning” as understood by a person of ordinary skill in the art in
`- 7 -


`question at the time of the invention. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1316,
`75 USPQ2d 1321, 1329 (Fed. Cir. 2005). I have also been informed that the claim
`terms must be construed in light of the specification and the prosecution history, and
`not in isolation. Id. at 1313..
`13. For the purpose of this proceeding, I have used March 10, 1997, which
`is the filing date of the ’781 patent, as the approximate time of the invention.
`B. My Understanding of Anticipation
`I understand that documents and materials that qualify as prior art can
`be used to invalidate a patent claim as anticipated or as obvious.
`I understand that, once the claims of a patent have been properly con-
`strued, the second step in determining anticipation of a patent claim requires a com-
`parison of the properly construed claim language to the prior art on a limitation-by-
`limitation basis.
`I understand that a prior art reference “anticipates” an asserted claim,
`and thus renders the claim invalid, if all elements of the claim are disclosed in that
`prior art reference, either explicitly or inherently (i.e., necessarily present).
`I understand that anticipation in an inter partes review must be shown
`by a preponderance of the evidence.
`- 8 -


`C. My Understanding of Obviousness
`I understand that a patent claim is invalid if the claimed invention
`would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the field at the time of the
`claimed invention. This means that even if all of the requirements of the claim cannot
`be found in a single prior art reference that would anticipate the claim, the claim can
`still be invalid.
`19. As part of this inquiry, I have been asked to consider the level of ordi-
`nary skill in the field that someone would have had at the time the claimed invention
`was made. In deciding the level of ordinary skill, I considered the following:
`the levels of education and experience of persons working in the field;
`the types of problems encountered in the field; and
`the sophistication of the technology.
`20. To obtain a patent, a claimed invention must have, as of the priority
`date, been nonobvious in view of the prior art in the field. I understand that an in-
`vention is obvious when the differences between the subject matter sought to be
`patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have
`been obvious at the time of the invention to a person having ordinary skill in the art.
`I understand that a person of ordinary skill in the art provides a refer-
`ence point from which the prior art and claimed invention should be viewed. This
`- 9 -


`reference point prevents one from using his or her own insight or hindsight in decid-
`ing whether a claim is obvious.
`I also understand that an obviousness determination includes the con-
`sideration of various factors such as (1) the scope and content of the prior art, (2) the
`differences between the prior art and the asserted claims, (3) the level of ordinary
`skill in the pertinent art, and (4) the existence of secondary considerations such as
`commercial success, long-felt but unresolved needs, failure of others, etc.
`I understand that an obviousness evaluation can be based on a combi-
`nation of multiple prior art references. I understand that the prior art references them-
`selves may provide a suggestion, motivation, or reason to combine, but other times
`the nexus linking two or more prior art references is simple common sense. I further
`understand that obviousness analysis recognizes that market demand, rather than
`scientific literature, often drives innovation, and that a motivation to combine refer-
`ences may be supplied by the direction of the marketplace.
`I understand that if a technique has been used to improve one device,
`and a person of ordinary skill in the art would recognize that it would improve sim-
`ilar devices in the same way, using the technique is obvious unless its actual appli-
`cation is beyond his or her skill.
`- 10 -


`I also understand that practical and common sense considerations
`should guide a proper obviousness analysis, because familiar items may have obvi-
`ous uses beyond their primary purposes. I further understand that a person of ordi-
`nary skill in the art looking to overcome a problem will often be able to fit together
`the teachings of multiple publications. I understand that obviousness analysis there-
`fore takes into account the inferences and creative steps that a person of ordinary
`skill in the art would employ under the circumstances.
`I understand that a particular combination may be proven obvious by
`showing, among other things, that it was obvious to try the combination. For exam-
`ple, when there is a design need or market pressure to solve a problem and there are
`a finite number of identified, predictable solutions, a person of ordinary skill has
`good reason to pursue the known options within his or her technical grasp because
`the result is likely the product not of innovation but of ordinary skill and common
`27. The combination of familiar elements according to known methods is
`likely to be obvious when it does no more than yield predictable results. When a
`work is available in one field of endeavor, design incentives and other market forces
`can prompt variations of it, either in the same field or a different one. If a person of
`ordinary skill can implement a predictable variation, the patent claim is likely obvi-
`- 11 -


`I understand that a proper obviousness analysis focuses on what was
`known or obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art, not just the patentee. Ac-
`cordingly, I understand that any need or problem known in the field of endeavor at
`the time of invention and addressed by the patent can provide a reason for combining
`the elements in the manner claimed.
`I understand that a claim can be obvious in light of a single reference,
`without the need to combine references, if the elements of the claim that are not
`found explicitly or inherently in the reference can be supplied by the common sense
`of one of skill in the art.
`I understand that secondary indicia of non-obviousness may include (1)
`a long felt but unmet need in the prior art that was satisfied by the invention of the
`patent; (2) commercial success of processes covered by the patent; (3) unexpected
`results achieved by the invention; (4) praise of the invention by others skilled in the
`art; (5) taking of licenses under the patent by others; (6) deliberate copying of the
`invention; (7) failure of others to find a solution to the long felt need; and (8) skep-
`ticism by experts. I understand that evidence of secondary indicia of non-obvious-
`ness, if available, should be considered as part of the obviousness analysis.
`- 12 -


`I also understand that there must be a relationship between any such
`secondary considerations and the invention. I further understand that contemporane-
`ous and independent invention by others is a secondary consideration supporting an
`obviousness determination.
`In sum, my understanding is that prior art teachings are properly com-
`bined where a person of ordinary skill in the art having the understanding and
`knowledge reflected in the prior art and motivated by the general problem facing the
`inventor, would have been led to make the combination of elements recited in the
`claims. Under this analysis, the prior art references themselves, or any need or prob-
`lem known in the field of endeavor at the time of the invention, can provide a reason
`for combining the elements of multiple prior art references in the claimed manner.
`I understand that obviousness in an inter partes review must be shown
`by a preponderance of the evidence.
`V. Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`34. A person of ordinary skill in the art related to, and at the time of the
`invention of, the ’781 Patent (“POSITA”) would have been someone with a working
`knowledge of electrical engineering, including sensors, processing systems, and no-
`tification circuitry. The person would have a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical
`engineering or a comparable field, in combination with training or at least two years
`of related work experience with vehicular systems such as automotive electronics. I
`- 13 -


`am familiar with the knowledge and capabilities of one of ordinary skill in these
`areas based on my experience working with colleagues from academia, with under-
`graduate and graduate students, and with engineers practicing in industry.
`VI. Brief Overview of the ’781 Patent
`35. The ’781 patent is generally related to an “[a]pparatus for optimizing
`operation of an engine-driven vehicle.” EX1001, Abstract. “It has long been rec-
`ognized that the improper operation of a vehicle may have many adverse effects.
`For example, the fuel efficiency of a vehicle may vary dramatically based upon how
`the vehicle is operated.” EX1001, 1:12-15. The ’781 patent refers to operating a
`vehicle at excessive speeds, excessive RPMs, and excessive manifold pressures as
`leading to reduced fuel economy and increased operating costs. EX1001, 1:15-18.
`These increased operating costs can be considerable, particularly for an owner or
`operator of a fleet of vehicles. EX1001, 1:17-20. Accordingly, the ’781 patent de-
`scribes a processor subsystem for determining when to issue notifications as to rec-
`ommended changes in vehicle operation that, when executed by the driver, may in-
`crease efficient vehicle operation. Notably, the recited “processor subsystem” is not
`limited to any specific physical implementation. For example, the ‘781 patent only
`describes the processor subsystem in terms of functionality without restricting the
`physical components or hardware. See EX1001 at 5:54-59, 13:46-52.
`- 14 -


`36. The ’781 patent describes three types of circuits for issuing notifica-
`tions that indicate operating inefficiencies: a shift notification circuit (upshift and
`downshift), a fuel overinjection notification circuit, and a vehicle proximity alarm
`circuit. The upshift notification circuit issues a notification that the engine of the
`vehicle is being operated at an excessive engine speed. EX1001, 5:3-8. The down-
`shift notification circuit issues a notification that the engine of the vehicle is being
`operated at an insufficient engine speed. EX1001, 5:20-23. The fuel overinjection
`notification circuit issues a notification that excessive fuel is being supplied to the
`engine of the vehicle, and the vehicle proximity alarm circuit issues an alarm when
`the vehicle is too close to an object. EX1001, 7:18-22. In the context of the ’781
`Patent, the plain and ordinary meaning of “excessive fuel is being supplied” is that
`more fuel is being supplied than is desired according to some threshold metric such
`as a target fuel efficiency.
`37. According to the ’781 patent, a series of sensors, including road speed
`sensor 18, RPM sensor 20, manifold pressure sensor 22, throttle sensor 24, wind-
`shield wiper sensor 30, and brake sensor 32, are coupled to processor subsystem 12,
`and are periodically polled by the processor subsystem to determine their states or
`levels. EX1001, 5:65-6:4. The system 10 includes a memory subsystem 14, which
`stores information used by the processor subsystem 12 to determine whether to take
`corrective actions and/or issue notifications via activation of the notification circuits.
`- 15 -


`EX1001, 6:43-46. In the context of ’781 Patent, the plain and ordinary meaning of
`the processor subsystem “activat[ing]” a notification circuit is where the processor
`subsystem determines when to provide a notification using the specified circuit. See
`e.g., EX1001 at 13:2-17.
`38. Notably, beyond the broad goal of “optimizing vehicle operation,” the
`’781 Patent does not set forth any specific advantages of the combination of notifi-
`cation circuits it integrates into a vehicle. In other words, there is no teaching in the
`’781 Patent that any particular set of driver notification circuits result in an unex-
`pected increase in efficient vehicle operation. Rather, a POSITA reading the ’781
`Patent would have understood that the driver notification circuits independently con-
`tribute to potential increases in efficient and/or safe vehicle operation, the selection
`of which would have simply been a design choice.
`VII. Combinations based on Westbrook
`A. M. H. Westbrook & J. D. Turner, AUTOMOTIVE SENSORS (1994)
`39. Westbrook is a textbook that provides a detailed description of many of
`the sensors in use in motor vehicles at the time of its publishing, as well as examples
`of the control systems in which those sensors were used. See Westbrook (EX1002)
`at x. The objective of these vehicle control systems and the sensors upon which they
`rely is to realize “an integrated total vehicle system which can be looked upon as a
`- 16 -


`complete vehicle control system, with all systems being fully interactive.” Id. at
`239. Such an integrated vehicle simplifies the task of a driver navigating the vehicle
`in a complex and ever-changing environment. Id. at xv. Thus, one goal is to use
`these control systems to automate “as many as possible of the mechanical functions
`of the vehicle.” Id. Another goal of these control systems—and a recurring theme
`throughout Westbrook—is “to make the vehicle operate more efficiently and effec-
`tively within its total environment”. Id. at 29.
`40. Each of the automated control systems in a vehicle relies upon data col-
`lected by sensors. Id. at xiii. At the time of Westbrook, a car “contain[ed] on average
`about 30 sensors,” which “include, for example, the transducers necessary to ensure
`efficient and clean operation of the engine.” Id. at 207. Westbrook includes a sam-
`pling of these sensors in a page-and-a-half long table starting on page 9. The partic-
`ular sensors listed in this table are “typical” for “engine and transmission (‘power-
`train’) control.” Id. at 9. By their very nature, these sensors collectively monitor
`operation of the vehicle in which they are installed and gather data. Among West-
`brook’s list of sensors are an inlet manifold absolute or differential pressure sensor,
`a crankshaft mounted timing/trigger/speed sensor (i.e., a sensor that measures engine
`speed in RPM), a road speed sensor, and a throttle position sensor. Id.
`- 17 -


`41. Each of these sensors is connected to one or more microprocessors,
`which “decide what action should be taken” based on the data collected by the sen-
`sor. Id. at at xiii. In FIG. 12.2 (reproduced below), Westbrook illustrates numerous
`sensors connected to a “central microprocessor” via “in-vehicle data links or multi-
`plex systems.” Id. at 4, 207-08.
`42. This “central microprocessor” would in turn be connected to the various
`control systems throughout the vehicle, such as those shown in FIG. 2.1 (reproduced
`below). See id. Each of these control systems may themselves include one or more
`- 18 -


`microprocessors for taking actions specific to that control system based on the data
`provided by the sensors. Indeed, at the time of Westbrook, it was common for vehi-
`cles include a number of microprocessors for accomplishing the various automated
`tasks needed to control the vehicle1. These microprocessors serve as a processing
`subsystem for the entire vehicle, connected either directly or indirectly via another
`processor to the various sensors positioned throughout the vehicle.
`1 See, e.g., Trevor Mellard, AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (1991); AU-
`HANDBOOK (1994).
`- 19 -


`43. These microprocessors are often coupled to semiconductor memory
`that stores information (e.g., look-up tables) that the processor relies upon to execute
`its routines. See Westbrook (EX1002) at xiii, xvi, 10. For example, Westbrook de-
`scribes that “pressure and speed signals [] provide the input to a microprocessor
`which is programmed to look up the optimum advance angle from a three-dimen-
`sional table relating speed, load, and advance angle and stored in memory (see
`figure 2.2).” Id. at 10 (emphasis added).
`44. A look-up table is effectively just a large set of data points that are cor-
`related with one another in the table according to a predefined relationship. See id.
`at 10-11. A microprocessor uses a look-up table by taking one or more dimensions
`of measured sensor data to “look-up” a correlated output value stored in the table.
`Thus, instead of utilizing complex and processor intensive calculations, a micropro-
`- 20 -


`cessor is simply searching a large table of stored values or “set points.” In West-
`brook’s example of controlling ignition advance, a microprocessor would collect a
`manifold pressure and engine speed reading from the appropriate sensors and search
`its memory to find the manifold pressure and engine speed set points corresponding
`to the measured data in the look-up table. See id. Correlated with those manifold
`pressure and engine speed set points is an ignition advance angle output value that
`the microprocessor reads from memory and uses to control the ignition system. See
`45. Westbrook also describes the use of memory for individual sensor di-
`agnostics and calibration, including storing prior levels of sensed pressure and RPM
`values. For example, Westbrook describes that systems can use low-cost sensors
`“with relatively poor linearity but high repeatability” by initially cycling each of the
`sensors “under carefully controlled condition through their full operating cycle, ide-
`ally in situ in the vehicle.” Westbrook (EX1002) at 5, 239-40. The incremental
`change of the sensor output “then represents the calibration of the sensor.” Id. The
`vehicle stores this data in “memory where it can be used as the calibration curve
`against which future operational measurements are made.” Id. In other words, pre-
`viously measured values are stored and can be compared and calibrated with cur-
`rently measured values. This means the vehicle stores, at least temporarily, present
`and prior values for each of the sensors to facilitate diagnostics and calibration. Id.
`- 21 -


`46. Each of these building blocks represents the constituent parts of each
`of the various vehicle control systems described by Westbrook. The control systems
`described by Westbrook include systems that determine “optimum operation [of the
`transmission] for economy and performance” (id. at 20), systems that determine fuel
`flow in order to meet the steadily increasing “demand for the measurement of ‘in-
`stantaneous’ and trip fuel economy” (id. at 25), and systems for collision avoidance
`that “perceiv[e] the environment and traffic situation using multiple sensors [e.g.,
`radar], predict[] possible collisions with objects and other vehicles and provid[e]
`appropriate driver information and possible intervention where appropriate” (id. at
`214, 230).
`47. One of the control systems for which Westbrook devotes specific atten-
`tion is the “collision avoidance and autonomous driver warning system.” Id. at 229-
`234. Westbrook describes the use of vehicle radar to detect “objects in front of the
`vehicle and in the same road lane which are either stopped or travelling at signifi-
`cantly lower speed.” Id. at 229-30 (emphasis added). Radar is a device that relies
`upon the emission (via a transmitter) and reception (via a receiver) of electromag-
`netic waves to detect information about objects relative to the radar’s antenna. In
`this regard, the radar system is a “detector” in that it detects information about phys-
`ical objects. A POSITA would have understood that such detection relies upon the
`- 22 -


`radar system’s ability to measure the distance to and relative speed of these detected
`48. Like the other sensors described by Westbrook, the radar detector de-
`scribed as part of the collision avoidance system senses information about the envi-
`ronment of the vehicle and returns it to the relevant control systems within the vehi-
`cle. Thus, like the other sensors pictured in FIG. 12.2, a POSITA would have un-
`derstood that the radar detector would be connected to the “central processor” and
`could be connected to one or more other processors specific to the collision avoid-
`ance system—altogether part of the vehicle’s processor subsystem. In fact, a
`POSITA would have understood that the “collision avoidance and autonomous
`driver warning system” is a type of “traffic and road information system” shown in
`FIG. 2.1. The processor subsystem processes the input from the vehicle radar “to
`give a driver warning at a high level of reliability.” Id. at 230. The “driver warning”
`output and display of the collision avoidance and autonomous driver warning sys-
`tems described by Westbrook are forms of a vehicle proximity alarm circuit that
`issues an alarm that the vehicle is too close to another object.
`49. One well-known method of processing the speed and distance data de-
`tected by Westbrook’s radar in order to generate the desribed driver warning was
`through a look-up routine based on a vehicle speed/stopping distance table. West-
`brook describes optimization of engine operation through the use of data “stored in
`- 23 -


`a microprocessor memory in the form of a look-up table.” See Westbrook (EX1002)
`at xvi, 7, 10, 13. Though Westbrook does not explicitly describe a “first vehicle
`speed/stopping distance table,” a POSITA would have found it obvious to store such
`a table for use by the exemplary vehicle’s central processor in implementing the
`functionality of the collision avoidance and autonomous driver warning systems de-
`scribed by Westbrook2. Such tables reduce required processing power and increase
`the speed of performing complex cal

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