
`||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ll||| |||| ||||||l||||||||||||||||||||||||||
`(12) United States Patent
`[10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,378,954 I32
`May 27, 2008
`5.524.754 Bt"
`7.038.590 32“
`9.2003 Hoffman et al.
`532006 Hoffman el al.
`Inventor: Barry Myron Wendi. 9625 W. Russell
`20712. 1.21s Vegas, NV (US)
`( * 1 Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term ol'this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 161 days.
`[353003 LcmCISOD 0131‘
`200390234725 Al
`,9 cited by examiner
`Prfttrcini‘ Examiner—John R. Lee
`(74) mmmey‘ Agent m- 1.‘;m,___.Am-0n passman
`(21) APPI- N03 "12551609
`0‘3“ 21* 2005
`Prim PHblication Dam
`us 2007;0241261 A]
`0% 13‘ 2007
`Int. CI.
`G08B 5/22
`GOIJ 1/02
`GMT #02
`HMQ L00
`340539.11: 340539.12;
`(52) us. Cl.
`34053913; 340153917; 34.053919134053927;
`I 34053929; 250,3 701)?
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`250;370_07; 340/521‘ 539p 5391 1‘ 53912‘
`34053913‘ 539115. 5391153939; 53926.
`34053921 53929
`See application file for complete search history
`Rafemnces CitEd
`4.460.830 A *
`4.6?230‘) A *
`4313-782 A :
`4'8M'13‘ A
`5.256.960 A "‘
`5.604.483 A "‘
`5342.233 A *
`6.239.700 Bl *
`731984 Allemandeia].
`63198? Gandhi
`3:193” 0'5“?
`11' 1989 Wt"? d a" '
`' 3584.79
`[0.4993 Novml
`251997 Giangardella el al.
`421998 llofi‘mim ct al.
`l-lofi'man ct al.
`A safety indicator monitors environment conditions detri-
`mental to humans e.g.. hazardous gases. air pollutants. low
`oxygen. radiation levels of EMF or RF and microwave.
`tem erature. humidi
`and air
`ressure retainin
`a three
`moiiih history to uplgad to a PC Ivia infra red dataginterl'ace
`or phone link. Contaminants are analyzed and compared to
`stored profiles to determine its classification and notify user
`of all adversity by stored voice messages from. via alarm
`tones and associated [lashing Llil). via vibrator for silent
`operation or via [C D. Enviroiunenta] radiation sources are
`monitored and auto-scaled. Instantaneous radiation expo-
`sure level and exposure duration data are stored for later
`readout as a detector and dosimeter. Scans for EMF allow
`detection with auto scaling ol‘ radiation levels and exposure
`durations are stored for subsequent readout. l'ilcctronic bugs
`can be found wilh a high Sensitivity liMl“ range Setting-
`Ambient temperature measurements or humidity and bare-
`metric pressure can be made over time to predict weather
`changes. A PCS RF link provides wireless remote commu-
`nications in a first responder military use by upioad ol'alarm
`conditions. field measurements and with download of com-
`mand instructions. The link supports reception oftelernetry
`data for real little remote monitoring of personnel via the
`wrist band for blood pressure. temperature. pulse rate and
`blood oxygen levels are transmitted. Conuuercial uses
`include remote envirom'nental data collection and employee
`assignment tasking. GPS locates personnel and reporting
`coordinates associated with alarm occurrences and associ—
`a“3d cnvimlmcmal mcaqurcmcmq
`76 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
`In 30.70. W. 100. I10. 110.
`130 40.140, 150. 1”
`mow. 120. m:
`US. Patent No. 8,652,040
`Apple Inc.
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,652,040


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 1 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 2 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 3 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 4 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 5 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`ltM-gt to 120
`3.6V to 30.70, 90, 100. 110, 120.
`130 40, 140, 150. 160
`flto 40, 120, 130
`ito 26, 40
`5Vref to 120
`'Sp ay
`Alarm LEDS
`30 _
`Power C‘rcu't
`PUSh Bum“
`Radiation Detecto
`EMF Detector
`Radio waves
`Gas Sensor
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`Infra Red
`Data Interface


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 6 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`Variable Capacitor
` 84
`Humidity Sensor
` 81
`Frequency Convertor
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`1 00
`Figure— 10


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 7 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
` 70
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`1 10
`Figure-1 1
`Embedded Code
`CPU Core
`Figure- 12


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 8 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
` 121
`First Stage
` 1 23
`Center Stage
`Integration Amps
` 125
`Pulse Comparator
`CPM Counter
`Figure— 1 3


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 9 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`1 35
`PCB Micro-Strip
`Antenna Array
`Embedded Code
`CPU Core
`RF Power
`RF Amplifier
`RF Source
`1 72
`Bias Source
`Dated” - RF Detector


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 10 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`Gas Sensor
`Gas Sensor
`Heater Control
`Figure— 1 5
`Start Time
`Settling Time——>I
`Voltage Out
`. . .
`. .1
`\ E
`" fife! .fl...
`\°-_ / Charging Slope
`4' "
`Minimum Output Voltage
`Start Slope
`Figure— 16


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 11 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`Battery Pack
`5V Converter
`10V to
`5V Ref Generator
`External Power
`5V to 10V
`- 3.6V
`Battery To
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`Figure-1 8


`Constant Monitor Mod
`Digital Recorder
`Operation Settings:
`Play Selection
`Stress Level
`EErase Selection
`’L Microphone UplDown
`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 12 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`M in
`Audio Player:
`LEnter mbar Calibration Value
`Erase Selection
`EPlay Selection
`Volume UpiDown
`Calibration Sample
`Fresh Air Sample
`'1‘_ Enter % rh Calibration Value
`__ Calibration Sample
`Fresh Air Sample
`Air Quality
`Battery Level
`A Camera Detect
`Cell Phone Check
`Electronic Bug Detect
`_ Microwave Oven Check
`Wideband Ernf Detect
` Alarms
`L Audio OnIOff
`LVoioe Prompts OniOff
`Vibrator OniOff
`t Lonnghort Pulse
`Alarm LEDS OniOff
`Volume UplDown
`RecJPlay Resolution
`Backlit Onion
`Contrast Upi'Dovm
`PCS RF Link
`’LEnter Tel #
`Set-Points Adjust
`Wrist Monitor
`‘LMonitor OnIOff
`Infra Red lnterface:4-I: Initiate Upload
`Initiate Download
`initiate Upload
`PCS RF Link:
`Voice Message:
`Set Time & Date 8; Alarms
`E Initiate Download
`Test Link
`LStopwatch Functions
`Play Message
`Erase Message
`Record Message
`Send Message


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 13 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
` 28
`Figure-2 1
`Infra Red
`Infra Red


`US. Patent
`May 27,2008
`Sheet 14 of 14
`US 7,378,954 132
`Embedded Code
`CPU Core
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`LCD Display
`CPU Core
`Embedded Code
`NV Parameters


`US 1378954 B2
`Design patent application filed same date is entitled
`Personal Safety Indicator. Docket BMW 2
`Sequence listing not applicable
`This is most like United States Patent application disclo-
`sure {520030234725 of an intelligent alarm system for
`detecting hazardous situations in a building.
`building occupants of optimal escape routes or survival
`strategies and assisting emergency personnel
`in rescuing
`people inside the building. Building hazards. including fire.
`intruders, etc.. have the potential
`for large
`numbers of casualties. Effective building alarm systems
`must have the capability to process a plurality of input
`sensor types to determine the nature ol'tlte situation involv-
`ing danger to persons in the building. The building alarm
`system must also have more than simple audior‘visual out-
`puts i'or helping people in the building find safe escape
`Detection and wanting of hazards that may exist in a
`surrounding environment is crucial
`to tlte safety of each
`individual. Sensor technology allows for the monitoring of
`many parameters including. but not limited to. carbon mon-
`oxide (CO). hydrocarbons. temperature. vibration. etc. Por-
`table personal sensor devices designed to protect the indi—
`Sophisticated sensor technology can minimize exposure to
`hazardous or unsafe conditions or environs.
`Many dangers to which a htunan might be exposed and be
`unaware are not apparent until it is too late. Such unappre-
`ciated hazards can result
`is immediate injuries minor or
`sever. In the complex modern world man made and natural
`perils can without waming be unrecognized and injury will
`result. Dangers of terrorism. climatic conditions. industrial
`mishaps and misuse of products or improperly made equip-
`ntent can lead to exposures that should be avoided to
`preserve one health and well being. The possibilities for
`hazards. and dealing with them. must be detennined. ana-
`lyzed recorded in order to adequately alert persons within
`the environs of dangerous situations. A portable personal
`safety system designed to use of stored parameters based on
`the knowledge and resources of experienced technical
`experts in diverse fields relating to emergency situations
`including. but not limited to. fire fighting, toxic fume detec-
`tion. earthquake physics. human tolerance to radiation.
`gases. temperature and medical problems detectable from
`changes in surrounding conditions andtor monitored bodily
`physiology will aid in protecting the individual.
`Now. most individuals are limited to their own senses;
`is environmental ambiance which they can perceive.
`Often hazards unsusceptible to recognition by the human
`senses cause damage over a long period of exposure. in the
`1940‘s before radiation badges appeared it was thought odd
`that the danger could not be perceived until the individual
`was harmed. Today man made environmental dangers. haz—
`ards and conditions are appreciated and understood but not
`monitored and recorded over time. Even noise levels are
`recognized by OSHA and legislation exists to control and
`limit human exposure bttt recreation activities result
`injuries, e.g.. hearing is still damaged at rock concerts.
`during hunting. arotutd auto races. etc. No portable personal
`safety monitor is available or known to check. record and
`warn of any potential
`for harm. We now can measure
`hazards. are aware ofdangers and understand the risks ofottr
`civilization and know the need to protect against them but a
`device to advise each individual of a need to safeguard
`oneself has not been available. 'l'errorism tu‘ld catastrophic
`weather conditions add new needs for a portable personal
`safety monitor and most certainly the measurement of
`dangers associated with those current dangers Cart to some
`extent be followed.
`Communication during situations of calamity via existing
`land based networks has failed when natural and man
`induced disasters happen so a portable personal safety
`monitor that affords two way conmttu'tication not subject to
`local infrastructure is essential for the safety and well being
`' of the individual.
`liven cell phone technology has been
`shown to have its limitations when a catastrophe occurs.
`Transcending such limited communication systems with a
`portable personal safety monitor is needed. Moreover the
`ability to monitor vital signs of the individual and transmit
`them to a central station for monitoring recording exposure
`levels and stress received by the individuals is important to
`protecting the well being. While location detertttination is of
`value to the employer of the individual, the concept without
`including protecting the individual‘s safety is less than ideal
`and not particularly useful. The need exist to monitor vital
`signs and location so that informed decisions about directing
`the endangered party from the hazard can be made.
`A portable personal safety indicator monitors environ-
`ment conditions that are detrimental to human health. The
`portable personal safety indicator continuously monitors the
`environment for at least hazardous gases. elevated levels of
`other air pollutants including smoke and exhaust fumes, low
`oxygen levels. ionizing radiation levels. adverse radiation
`levels of Electro Magnetic Radiation "EMF" radiation
`including RF and microwave transmissions. unsafe tempera—
`ture. humidity and air pressure. The Portable personal safety
`indicator maintains a three month user history of all expo-
`sure levels and duration for upload to a PC via infra red data
`interface for reporting liittctions. A field of use is mobile
`monitoring for personal safety in environments with dan-
`gerotts air born gases and other air pollutants warning the
`user when a level of air born contamination is present which
`may represent a health threat. Air contaminants are analyzed
`and compared to stored profiles to detemtine what family
`classification of contaminant is present when assessing a
`threat. Detection and classification of several hundred dif-
`ferent toxic gases is possible. The portable personal salety
`indicator notifies the user of an adverse environment by
`stored voice messages in an embedded audio circuit with
`speaker or headphones. via alarm tones and associated
`flashing 1.1551), via vibrator that may be embedded for silent
`operation or via the alphanumeric LCD display. If head-
`phones are plugged in.
`the intemal speaker circuit
`bypassed. When the user selects audio or silent operation for
`alerts. flashing LEDS with detail information located on the
`backlit LCD display is also available.
`The portable personal safety indicator continuously morti—
`tors the environment for nominal oxygen levels as deter-
`mined by factory default settings and provides alerts if low


`US 1378954 B2
`oxygen levels are detected. The user tnay also set a desired
`range of acceptable oxygen levels so an alarm is generated
`measures and signals if the measured level is outside of the
`user specified range. Environmental radiation sources are
`monitored and if radiation is detected. the portable personal
`safety indicator alerts and auto-scales to measure the radia-
`tion level.
`AGC (analog gain controlled) used in amplifiers is a well
`known electronic design concept commonly used in RI"
`receivers. Typical AGC circuits are designed to control the
`overall gain of an analog circuit to eliminate saturation of the
`final amplifier stage which would result
`in the loss or
`distortion of received information. Instrumentation used in
`detecting radiation and EMF energy usually consists of a
`manual form of analog gain control implemented through
`the setting of control knobs and switches. This is partially
`due to the sensitivity required at low signal levels requiring
`the isolation of circuits to maintain a very low noise floor.
`The large signal bandwidth requirement of the portable
`personal safety indicator necessitated a special form ofAC'rC
`such that it could automatically track the smallest detectable
`signal without saturation or distortion of the end stage
`amplifier if a sudden surge in rtxcived signal was experi-
`enced. There is an essential need in dosimeter applications
`where accurately measured and stored EMF or radiation
`exposure levels and durations are accumulated.
`Essentially. the portable personal safety indicator uses a
`new auto—scaling analog gain concept that forces the output
`of the receive circuits to hover at a center range of its current
`gaintoutput setting. This results in the best accuracy without
`loss of information as the receiver at any point in time has
`the most dynamic range to readjust to a decaying or increas-
`ing signal prior to establishment ofa new scaling factor. If
`one assumes the output could range from 0-10 vol ls. than for
`any given input signal the gain of the circuit is adjusted so
`the average output is 5 volts. The resulting measurement
`consists ofa value (010) and an amplification scaling factor
`which could be from 0.00001 to 10.000. Given the preceding
`an output value of 7 with a gain setting of 0.00] results in
`a measurement value of 7.000 which is equal to the value
`divided by the scaling factor. Specifically. an output value of
`5 with a gain setting of 1000 results in an actual measure—
`tnent of 50000 which equals 0.005. The auto—scaling algo—
`rithm monitors sensor circuit outputs and adjusts the analog
`gain of the receiver circuits so clipping does not occur based
`a moving average of the received signal. As the signal
`average moves towards ground the gain is increased as the
`average moves towards VCTC‘. the gain is reduced such that
`a midrange average output is 111aintained between ground
`and VCC. VCC is a positive supply voltage which could be
`anything such as 3.6 volts. 5 volts. etc.
`radiation exposure level and exposure duration data are
`stored for later readout.
`The portable personal safety indicator functions as a
`radiation detector and dosimeter. Measurements frotn 0 to
`3.000.000 CPM. 0.5 to 3000 lehr with an accuracy of
`+t—10% are possible. User defined set points. set trigger
`detection alarms thresholds. The portable personal safety
`indicator functions as an EMF detector and EMF dosimeter.
`Continuous scans for EMF.
`in the frequency range of
`approximately 100 khz to 20 ghz allows detecting from 1
`nano waft
`to 10 watts RMSlcm2 with an accuracy of
`+r‘-lO°/u. EMF detection includes an attto scaling circuit to
`accurately detect EMF radiation levels and exposure dura—
`tions that are stored for subsequent readout. Factory default
`alarm set points can be reconfigured depending on user
`application. Electronic bugs can be found with a high
`sensitivity EMF range setting. Ambient temperature mea—
`surements from —55 to +125 degrees centigradc accurate to
`+f—0.5 degrees centigrade or. humidity from 0% to 100%
`with an accuracy of +l’—l% relative humidity and barometric
`pressure from T50 to 1100 mille-bar (tuber). with +l—0.5
`mbar accuracy can be made.
`Measurements of temperature. humidity. EMF (lightning)
`and pressure over time can with software predict subtle or
`potentially dangerous weather changes functioning as a
`portable weather station. Ambient data of oxygen. tempera-
`ture, humidity and pressure are used to normalize gas sensor
`readings as environmental variables can affect typical gas
`sensor readings by more than 400%. Due to the incorpora-
`tion and real—time measurement of these environmental
`conditions. the portable personal safety indicator is the first
`accurate self calibrating portable gas sensor available. A
`PCS RF link provides wireless remote communications via
`PCS cell phone technology in for example first responder
`command control applications to upload of alarm condi-
`tions. field measurements and with download of command
`instructions to field personnel. Military applications includ—
`ing troop monitoring, deployment and command control are
`Common commercial uses include remote environmental
`data collection and employee assignment tasking. The PCS
`RF link also supports reception of telemetry data for real
`time remote monitoring of personnel via the optional wrist
`band bio—monitoring which periodically samples ofwearer’s
`data including blood pressure. temperature. pulse rate and
`blood oxygen levels and transmits this data to the portable
`personal safety indicator. Field personnel are critically
`monitored as sttpport for first responder and military or for
`retnote medical patient care. The portable personal safety
`indicator environmental measurements with the wrist band
`bio—monitor provide for a causefefl‘ect reporting capability.
`The portable personal safety indicator includes a GPS option
`useful for remotely locating personnel and reporting coor-
`dinates aSsociated with alarm occttrrences and associated
`environmental measurements. Infra red data interface pro-
`vides for uploading and downloading data at rates up to 250
`k band to a PC via an optional docking station which also
`provides for recharging the battery pack. Infra red data
`interface also allows for exchange of data with the portable
`personal safety indicator. Uploaded data can be formatted
`for custom reporting requirements to support a wide range of
`applications using available proprietary reporting software.
`Up to three months of sensor data is stored for later custom
`reports. Battery pack with a typical continuous use lasts
`thirty two hours per charge and can be recharged in l .2 hours
`with an expected life cycle of 500 charges (approximately 3
`years of use) before battery pack 66 replacement is required.
`The portable personal safety indicator incorporates a high
`quality microphone and digital audio storage to enable
`digital recording of up to 3 hours of audio stored for
`subsequent playback or uploading and downloading via the
`PCS RF link 131 or infra red data interface 160. Recording
`and playback sample rates of up to 44 kHz with 8. 10 or 12
`bit A! D. DEA resolution are available for playback. Digital
`recorder functions and play selections include music. If an
`alarm is given. the user has the portable personal safety
`indicator to determine what
`the potential environmental
`threat is and to detertnine when they have removed them-
`selves from the threat environment.
`The portable personal safety indicator is a lightweight
`device with an approximate size of 2—54: inches wide by 3-'/2
`inches high by 1
`inch thick with weight and construction
`characteristics similar to cell phones. The portable personal


`US 1378954 B2
`safety indicator may be worn externally by a clip to attach
`to a belt. pocket. shirt or lapel; holster mounts for attachment
`to a vehicle dash or by plugging into an AC outlet are
`possible in addition to portable or hand held use. The
`portable personal safety indicator is enclosed in a plastic
`clam shell type case that is secured by screws. The internal
`assembly consists of several circuit boards layered in a stack
`configuration with header interconnects between layers. For
`compactness the circuit board construction is predominately
`type-2 surface mount technology (i.e.; components mounted
`on both sides of the circuit boards]. The combination of
`type-2 construction. layered boards and miniature surface
`mount components allow for a large number of product
`functions to be incorporated in a small footprint, lightweight
`package. The preferred embodiment consists of a charcoal
`gray plastic case with silkscreen legends in black with neon
`blue borders. Variations in the physical characteristics of the
`portable personal safety indicator.
`including methods of
`construction. material used or nomenclature should be con-
`sidered as evident alternatives to the current description or
`Portable personal safety indicator is a comprehensive
`environmental monitoring. device suitable for mobile per-
`sonal safety use in these circumstances: automatically moni-
`tor the environment for dangerous air born gases amd other
`air pollutants. detect and classify up to several hundred
`different toxic
`notify the user of environmental prob-
`lems, continuously monitor the environment for ambient
`oxygen levels. monitors the enviromnent
`sources. provides an indication of radiation detection and
`radiation dosage. continuously scan for electm magnetic
`radiation. EMF radiation detector and EMF dosimeter.
`locate electronic bugs including RF transmitters, micro-
`phones and cameras. monitor and measure ambient tempera-
`ture. humidity. barometric pressure, predict weather changes
`and function as a portable weather station.
`Portable personal safety indicator is the first accurate self
`calibrating portable gas sensor or EMF dosimeter available
`and the first portable auto-scaling radiation detector dosim-
`eter. First responder command control applications to pro-
`vide for reporting o f field measurements and downloading of
`command instructions to field personnel. Military applica-
`tions including troop monitoring. deployment and command
`control. Commercial applications include remote environ-
`mental data collection and employee assignment tasking.
`FIG. 1
`is a front view of the portable personal safety
`FIG. 2 is a left side view of the portable personal safety
`FIG. 3 is a right side view of the portable personal safety
`FIG. 4 is a top view of the portable personal safety
`FIG. 5 is a bottom view of the portable personal safety
`FIG. 6 is a rear view of the portable personal safety
`FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the portable personal
`safety indicator.
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram in showing the relationship of
`the various circuits that are also shown as blocks.
`FIG. 9 is a humidity sensor shown as block diagrams of
`circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 10 is a temperature sensor shown as block diagrams
`of circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 11 is a pressure sensor shown as block diagrams of
`circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. .12 is an oxygen sensor shown as block diagrams of
`circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 13 is a radiation detector shown as block diagrams
`of circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 14 is an EMF detector dosimeter shown as block
`diagrams of circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 15 is a gas sensor shown as block diagrams of
`circuits for that function and operation.
`I-‘IG. 16 is a graphical plot of an initial start slope, start
`time to minimum output voltage. charging slope and settling
`time which form the data for an individual associated
`detection response curve of a gas sensor such as that in FIG.
`FIG. 17 has power circuits shown as block diagrams of
`circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 18 is a push button array shown as block diagrams
`of circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 19 is a push button user menu structure shown for the
`main menu selection for aiding understanding of its function
`and operation.
`FIG. 20 is an infra red data interface shown as block
`diagrams of circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 21 is an audio circuit shown as block diagrams of
`circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 22 is an alarm vibrator shown as block diagrams of
`circuits for that function and operation.
`FIG. 23 is a LCD display and alarm LEDS signal shown
`as block diagrams of circuits for that titnct'ion and operation.
`FIG. 24 is a CPU core shown as block diagrams ofcircuits
`for that function and operation.
`The described embodiment(s} of the structures and
`method are described herein and unless specifically noted, it
`is intended that the words and phrases in the specification
`and claims be given the ordinary dictionary or accustomed
`meaning to those of ordinary skilled artisans. If any other
`meaning is intended. that special meaning applied to a word
`or phrase will be specifically stated. It is intended that the
`inventions not be limited only to the specific structure.
`material or methods that are described in the preferred
`embodiments, but in addition. include any and all structures.
`materials or methods that perform the claimed function.
`along with any and all known or developed subsequently
`equivalent structures. materials or methods for perforating
`the claimed function.
`through 7 illustrate a portable
`The attached FIGS.
`personal safety indicator 25 operating for real time personal
`safety monitoring by testing the environment for conditions
`that may be detrimental to an individual‘s health and for
`reporting those conditions and measurements including the
`iodividual's physiology of the individual.
`According to one embodiment of the preferred portable
`personal safety indicator 25 there is an alphanumeric liquid
`crystal display. herein “LCD” display 26 consisting of two
`lines ol'eight characters in each as depicted in FIG. 1. LCD
`display 26 is backlit
`for low light applications and the
`contrast may be adjusted via operation settings selected by
`the operator from a main menu 88 illustrated in FIG. 19.
`Environmental alarm legends 27 shown in FIG. 1. and
`associated alarm light emitting diodes. herein “LEDS” 30
`indicate detected enviromnental alarm conditions observ-


`US T378954 BZ
`able by user. Present measurements of a given environmen—
`tal condition reaches alarm status signaling of. for example
`but not by way of limitation. air quality. oxygen. tempera-
`ttlre. humidity. air pressure. radiation. radio waves as mea-
`sured electromotive force herein “EMF” or physiological
`human stress levels is given by audio herein speaker 28.
`LCD display 26 or LEDS 30. shown in FIG. 1 or vibrator
`150 shown only as a block in FIG. 22. Alarm conditions are
`predetermined by factory default settings or user specified
`settings at which point portable personal safety indicator 25
`will signal alarm conditionts).
`Alarms may be indicated by vibrator 150 if hidden silent
`operation is selected. Flashing of appropriate alarm LEDS
`30 is preferred. If more than one alarm condition is present.
`then multiple alarnts may be shown by individual LEDS 30
`that will thereby be illuminated or [lashed indicating appro-
`priate warnings. In the preferred circumstance. LCD display
`26 will show the current measurement for the alarm condi-
`tion(s) indicative of the harard associated with alarm LEDS
`30 being constantly lit for a period of five seconds. Any of
`the other alarm LEDS 30 that is active will be flashing.
`Portable personal safety indicator 25 will display all alarm
`condition measurements on LCD display 26 in a round-robin
`fashion until the user turns the alarm state to olf by depress-
`ing a push button array 31 shown in FIG. 3 twice within two
`seconds thereby clearing each alarm condition signal. Push
`button array 31 is used to select user options and for all users
`initiated functions as will be described. Switch 32 also
`shown in FIG. 3. controls the on or 011' power to the portable
`personal safety indicator 25 also in FIG. 3.
`A gas sensor 40 depicted in FIG. 4 provides for continu-
`ous measurement of air borne agents. An oxygen sensor 50
`provides for continuous measurement of ambient oxygen
`levels. To house portable personal safety indicator 25. a top
`case 33 illustrated in FIGS. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5 and 6 is attached to
`a bottom case 34 shown in FIG. 6 are provided and held
`together by six assembly screws 35. Thus the portable
`personal safety indicator 25 is packaged in a plastic clam
`shell shaped case 36 depicted in FIG. 7 that is secured with
`6 screws. Case 36 has a left vent 37 shown in FIG. 2 and a
`center vent 38 illustrated in top view FIG. 4 to create a path
`for cross ventilation air flow for gas sensor 40. Similarly a
`right vent 39 shown in FIG. 3 and center vent 38 create a
`path for cross ventilation air flow for oxygen sensor 50. FIG.
`7 depicts in a perspective view of portable personal safety
`indicator 25 as a small. lightweight and therefore compact
`device with an approximate size of Z-Va inches or 5.7
`centimeters wide by flu-'23 inches or 8.9 centimeters high by
`1 inch or 2.5 centimeters thick with weight and cons

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