
`In re Patent of:
`Lebens et al.
`U.S. Patent No.:
`Issue Date:
`August 1, 2000
`Appl. Serial No.:
`Filing Date:
`March 19, 1998
`NO. 6,095,661 PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. §§ 311–319, 37 C.F.R. § 42
`Exhibit LG-1010
`Curriculum Vitae of Carney


`Paul Scott Carney
`405 N Mathews Ave
`Urbana, IL 61801
`Ph (217) 265-5428
`1120 W Church St
`Champaign, IL
`Ph (217) 356-4266
`Employment and appointments
`• Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and
`Technology, and Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
`(Assistant 2001-7, Associate 2007-14) August 2014 –
`• Diagnostic Photonics Inc., cofounder (2008), board member (2010-2015), Chief Scientific Officer, 2010–
`• Guest Researcher, CIC NanoGUNE, San Sebastian-Donostia, Spain July 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
`• Visiting Professor, Vrije Universiteit (Free University), Amsterdam, January–May 2009
`• Research Associate with Prof J C Schotland, Washington University in St. Louis, August 1999 – August 2001
`• Ph.D. in Physics, University of Rochester, June 1999
`Thesis: Optical theorems in statistical wavefields with applications
`Advisor : Professor Emil Wolf
`• M.A. in Physics, University of Rochester, May 1996
`• B.S. in Engineering Physics, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, May 1994
`• Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering 2017
`• Faculty Entrepreneurial Fellow 2016-2017
`• University Scholar (6 from ∼ 2000 UIUC faculty) 2016-2019
`• Rose Award for Teaching Excellence (2 from ∼ 400 CoE faculty) 2016
`• Rose Education Innovation Fellow (1 from ∼ 400 CoE faculty) 2015-2018
`• Fellow of the Optical Society 2015
`• Incomplete list of teachers ranked excellent by their students 13 times 2004-2016
`• Society for Applied Spectroscopy William F. Meggers Award 2014
`• Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Innovation Award 2012
`• William L. Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence (1 selected from ∼ 400 CoE faculty) 2012
`• College of Engineering Outstanding Advisor Award 2003-04, 2007-08, and 2011-12
`• Fulbright Scholar (The Netherlands) 2008-2009
`• Honorary Member, HKN, Spring 2006
`• NSF CAREER Award 2003
`• Arnold O. Beckman Research Award 2002
`• Graduate physical optics and inverse problems (ECE 569), Course director, Fall 2003, Fall 2004, Fall 2005,
`Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2009, Fall 2012, Fall 2014
`• Innovation and Engineering Design (ECE 398), Course co-creator and director, Fall 2014, Fall 2015.
`• Frontiers in Cancer (BioE 199) Co-creator and co-instructor Fall 2014, Fall 2015
`• Senior Design (ECE 445), Course director, Spring 2004, Spring 2005, Summer 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2007,
`Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Spring 2014, Spring 2015, Fall
`• Graduate nonlinear and quantum optics (ECE 570), Course director, Spring 2003, Spring 2008, Fall 2013, Fall
`• Junior-level solid state devices (ECE 340), Fall 2010, Fall 2011
`• Advanced coherence theory (ECE 598PSC), Creator and course director, Spring 2007, 2011
`• Junior-level math methods course (ECE 493/MATH 487), Co-creator, Fall 2003, Fall 2004
`• Junior-level electromagnetics (ECE 329), Fall 2001-Spring 2003, Spring 2004.
`Mentoring and advising
`• Post-docs: Richard Frazin (9/02-11/03), Brynmor Davis (6/06-9/09), Daniel Marks (7/07-7/08), Alexander
`Govyadonov (at nanoGune, 2/11–9/15), Thomas van Dijk (5/11–5/14), Bradley Deutsch (8/12–8/15), Tomasz
`Wroebel (8/14–), Martin Schnell (1/16–), Tom Galvin (6/16–9/16), Ilia Rasskazov (6/16–), Yue Zhou (8/16–),
`Heather Filipini (10/16–), Yundou Wang (11/16–)
`• PhD Theses supervised:
`Exhibit LG-1010 Page 1


`P. S. Carney
`1. Jin Sun, “Near-field scanning optical tomography: Theory and modalities,” March 2008.
`2. Andrea Mitofsky, “Lie symmetries in statistical optics,” August 2008.
`3. Robert Schoonover, “Nonstationary statistical optics,” March 2010.
`4. Rohith K Reddy, “Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging and Tomography,” Sept, 2012 (with R. Bhargava).
`5. Yang Xu, Topics in inverse scattering, Expected 2017.
`6. Luke Pfister, Problems in classification and detection, Expected 2017 (with Y. Bresler).
`7. Lang Wang, Expected 2019.
`• 8 MS theses, 5 undergrad theses supervised.
`• ∼ 30 undergraduate advisees annually, James Scholar advisor, multiple independent studies
`Memberships and associations
`• The Optical Society
`• American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
`• The American Physical Society
`• The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
`• Union of Concerned Scientists
`• Skeptics Society
`Service and Outreach
`• University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
`– Technology and Entrepreneurship Center evaluation special committee (2012-2013)
`– Search committee for Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Director of the Office of Sponsored
`Research Programs (2012)
`– UI Office of Technology Management Board of Advisors, (2010-2012)
`– UIUC Faculty Senate (2003-2005)
`– Organizer, UIUC Reading Day Retreat: Imaging, May (2006)
`• College of Engineering, UIUC
`– Review Committee, Undergraduate Certificate Program in Innovation (Chair, 2013)
`– Review Subcommittee, BIOE MEng proposal and associated courses (2012-2013)
`– Co-op Advisory Committee (2009–)
`– Engineering Design Council (2009–)
`– Subcommittee on Bioengineering Senior Design (2011)
`– Subcommittee on undergrad minor in physics (2009)
`• Beckman Institute
`– BI Development Advisory Committee (2009-2012)
`– Beckman Fellows Committee (2004-2007)
`– Lecturer Beckman Institute Academic Career Mentorship Workshop Nov. 2009
`• Innovation, Leadership and Engineering Entrepreneurship (a new degree program in the CoE, UIUC)
`– Interim Director (March 2017-)
`– Curriculum committee (2016-)
`• Coordinated Science Lab: Policy and Planning Committee (2012–2013)
`• Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CoE, UIUC
`– Cocreator and organizer, Saturday Engineering for Everyone (2014–)
`– Faculty liaison to the Alumni Board (2013–)
`– Leung Student Venture Fund awards (Chair, 2012–)
`– Alumni Awards Committee (2010–, chair 2013–)
`– Conflict oversight Committee (2010–)
`– Communications Director Search Committee (2013)
`– ABET Committee(2012–2013)
`– Fellowship Committee(2011–2013)
`– Graduate Admissions Committee (2009–2013)
`– Graduate Committee (2009–2011)
`– Graduate Recruiting Committee (2007-2008, Chair)
`– Faculty Search Committee (2005-2008)
`– Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) faculty advisor (2006-2008)
`– Strategic Planning Committee (2006)
`– Department Head Evaluation Committee (2005-2006, Secretary)
`– Advisory Committee (2005-2006, elected, committee on committees)
`– Qual Exam Committee (2005-2006, Chair)
`– Undergraduate Awards Committee (2002-2005)
`Exhibit LG-1010 Page 2


`P. S. Carney
`• Optical Society of America
`– Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, January 2016 –
`– Committee member, Mathematics in Imaging, a COSI colocated meeting 2016
`– Frontiers in Optics (FiO), OSA annual meeting, General Chair 2016
`– Deputy Editor, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2014– 2015
`– Frontiers in Optics (FiO), OSA annual meeting, Program Chair 2014
`– Topical Editor, Propagation and Scattering, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2010– 2014
`– Optics in Information Science subcommittee, Frontiers in Optics (FiO) OSA annual meeting, member
`2010, chair 2011, chair 2012, member 2013
`– Co-organizer “The Future of Optics,” a Special Symposium at the 2012 FiO
`– Organizer and chair of “Symposium on Coherence in Physical Optics: 50 years of the Wolf Equations”
`at the 2004 OSA Frontiers in Optics Meeting (formerly the Annual Meeting)
`• Other conference and journal service
`– International program committee member, Near-field Optics 13 (NFO 13), (2014)
`– International program committee member, Near-field Optics 14 (NFO 14), (2016)
`– Associate Editor, Frontiers in Physics: Optics and Photonics (2013–2014).
`– IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical
`and Healthcare Applications, Technical Program Committee member (2013)
`– Reviewer for OSA, APS, ACS, AIP, and other journals in optics and physics
`• Public outreach and nonuniversity education
`– Speaker, Pint of Science Chicago, 20 May 2015
`– Finalist, 2014 Flame Challenge, Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, SUNY Stonybrook
`– Cofounder and coorganizer, Saturday Engineering for Everyone (2014–)
`– Lecturer and coorganizer, Biophotonics Summer School at UIUC (2009–2012, 2014)
`– Speaker at Franklin Middle school AVID program “Meet an Engineer,” (Jan 2013)
`– Lecturer in Saturday Physics for Everyone series at UIUC (Dec 2011)
`– Short course “An introduction to inverse problems,” at Vrije Universiteit, Spring 2009
`– Lecturer, NSF and DOE sponsored Los Alamos Summer School, 2002–2004
`• Contest judging
`– Illinois Innovation Prize April 2014
`– HackIllinois April 2014, March 2015
`– First LEGO League (FLL) Mindstorms competition (ages 9-14) Dec. 2008, Dec. 2009
`• Proposal reviewer for NSF, NIH, and Canadian Research Council, Science Foundation Ireland, Polish National
`Science Center
`Principal areas of research
`• Near field microscopy: Developed solutions of the inverse scattering problem for various modalities of
`near-field microscopy to enable quantitative 3-D subwavelength imaging [11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 29, 31, 50, 60, 64, 72].
`Demonstrated results experimentally [19]. Proposed new experimental techniques [13, 24]. Generalized the
`optical theorem to evanescent fields [9]. Developed strongly-scattering tip model [39] and a new volume-
`scanning method based in this model [50, 72]. Solved the inverse problem for broad-band measurements in the
`near-field [53]. Demonstrated improved resolution for subsurface objects at higher harmonics in tapping mode
`NSOM [63].
`Invented a new method of synthetic holography for high-throughput, high-speed SNOM [75].
`Demonstrated computation of sub-surface permittivity and depth from SNOM measurements [78].
`• Fundamental optical physics and coherence theory: Generalized the optical cross–section theorem for
`stochastic fields and random media [2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 20, 22].
`Investigated scattering from non-local media and
`predicted novel effects [23]. Developed eikonal and transport (geometrical optics) approaches for calculation
`of two-point coherence functions [25, 41, 56]. Found the Lie algebras and corresponding conservation laws
`for the Wolf equations [45]. Proposed and validated model for partially coherent VCSEL arrays [32, 47, 54,
`59]. Developed a cyclostationary statistical theory of coherence for ultrafast pulse trains [40, 48, 49] and
`demonstrated novel cyclostationary effects [61].
`• Optical diagnostics, tomography, and inverse scattering: Characterized the size dependence in optical
`coherence tomography (OCT) measurements of scattering from sub-resolution scatterers [26]. Derived formulae
`for diffraction of evanescent fields from vibrating nanoresonators [35]. Proposed new methods in spectral self-
`interference microscopy [37]. Developed a robust method of determining nanoparticle polarizability [44, 58].
`Developed a method of superresolusion for coherent scattering from nanoparticles [73]. Solved the inverse
`problem for low coherence interferometric forward scattering [74].
`Proposed and investigated novel techniques for diffraction tomography (3-D structural imaging) that circum-
`vent the so–called phase problem [2, 7, 9, 12]. Solved the inverse problem for projected index coherence tomog-
`raphy (PICT) [17]. Developed a novel side-lobe suppression algorithm for OCT image processing [21]. Solved
`Exhibit LG-1010 Page 3


`P. S. Carney
`the inverse scattering problem for OCT [27, 28] to produce and implement interferometric synthetic aperture
`microscopy (ISAM) [30,33,34,36,38,42,43,46,55,65,66,71,80,81,83,88,90–92] and applied ISAM to multi-focal
`plane datasets to seamlessly stitch large volumes together with improved SNR [79]. Developed a tomographic
`extension of quantitative phase imaging [62]. Proposed and investigated new method in far-field super-resolved
`imaging based on spectroscopic measurements [73] Developed and demonstrated phase-sensitive fast confocal
`imaging based on synthetic holography. Demonstrated sub-nm height sensitivity [77], robust implementations
`with low-cost components [84], and computed refocusing in post-processing [98].
`• Spectroscopy and nonliear optics: Discovered correlation-induced spectral shifts in ultra-fast pulse trains
`[48, 61]. Put the so-called transflection and transmission modalities of FTIR spectroscopy on common footing
`through a first-principles analysis and demonstrated the calculation of one type of spectra from the other
`in experiments [51]. Showed that apparent structure and spectra strongly influence each other in FTIR
`imaging [51, 52, 57, 69]. Described fundamental challenges in in the interplay of spectroscopy and instrument
`design [76,85]. Developed a new method to incorporate prior information to recover structure and composition
`simultaneously in broad-band optical imaging [87]. Explained the competition between enhancement and
`extinction in SERS [68, 70, 86]. Discovered a new behavior of the optical gain in four-wave mixing at high
`pump intensities [97].
`Journal publications
`[1] J R Tucker, C Wang and P S Carney, “Silicon field–effect transistor based on quantum tunneling,” Appl.
`Phys. Lett. 65 618-620 (1994).
`[2] P S Carney, E Wolf and G S Agarwal, “Statistical generalizations of the optical cross-section theorem with
`application to inverse scattering,” Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A 14 3366–3371 (1997).
`[3] T D Visser, P S Carney and E Wolf “Remarks on boundary conditions for scalar scattering,” Phys. Lett. A
`249, 243-247 (1998).
`[4] P S Carney, and Emil Wolf, “An Energy Theorem for scattering of partially coherent beams,” Opt. Comm.
`155 1-6 (1998).
`[5] G Gbur and P S Carney,“Convergence criteria and optimization techniques for beam moments,” Pure Appl.
`Opt. 7, 1221-1230 (1998).
`[6] P S Carney and G Gbur, “Optimal apodizations for finite apertures,” Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16, 1638-1640
`[7] P S Carney, E Wolf, and G S Agarwal, “Diffraction tomography using power extinction measurements,” Journ.
`Opt. Soc. Am. A 16, 2643-2648 (1999).
`[8] A V Shchegrov and P S Carney, “Far-field contribution of evanescent modes to the electromagnetic Green
`tensor,” Journ. Opt. Soc Am. A 16. 2583-2584 (1999).
`[9] P S Carney,“The optical theorem with fields containing evanescent waves,” Journ. Mod. Opt. 46, 891-899
`[10] P S Carney, D G Fischer, J T Foley, A T Friberg, A V Shchegrov, T D Visser and E Wolf, “Comment:
`Evanescent waves do contribute to the far field,” Journ. Mod. Opt. 47, 757-758 (2000)
`[11] P S Carney and J C Schotland, “Inverse scattering for near-field microscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 2798-2800
`[12] P S Carney and E Wolf, “Power extinction diffraction tomography with partially coherent light,” Opt. Lett.,
`26, 1770-1772, (2001).
`[13] P S Carney, V A Markel and J C Schotland, “Near-field tomography without phase retrieval,” Phys. Rev.
`Lett. 86 5874-5877 (2001).
`[14] P S Carney and J C Schotland, “Three-dimensional total internal reflection microscopy,” Opt. Lett. 26,
`1072-1074 (2001).
`[15] P S Carney and J C Schotland, Determination of three-dimensional structure in photon scanning tunneling
`microscopy, Journ.Opt. Pure Appl. Opt, 4 S140-S144 (2002).
`[16] P S Carney and J C Schotland, “Theory of total-internal-reflection tomography,” J Opt. Soc. Am. A 20,
`542–547 (2003).
`[17] A M Zysk, J J Reynolds, P S Carney, D L Marks, S A Boppart, “Projection index coherence tomography,”
`Opt. Lett., 28 701 (2003).
`[18] R A Frazin, D G Fischer, and P S Carney, “Information content of the near-field: two-dimensional samples,”
`Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21 1050-1057 (2004).
`[19] P S Carney, R A Frazin, S I Bozhevolnyi, V S Volkov, A Boltasseva, and J C Schotland, “A computational
`lens for the near-field,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 163903 (2004).
`[20] P S Carney, J C Schotland, and E Wolf, “A generalized optical theorem for reflection, transmission and
`extinction of power for scalar fields,” Physical Review E 70 036611 (2004).
`Exhibit LG-1010 Page 4


`P. S. Carney
`[21] D L Marks, P S Carney, S A Boppart, “Adaptive spectral apodization for sidelobe reduction in optical
`coherence tomography images,” Journ. Biomed. Optics, 9, 1281-1287 (2004).
`[22] D R Lytle II, P S Carney, J C Schotland, and E Wolf, “A generalized optical theorem for reflection, transmission
`and extinction of power for electromagnetic fields,” Phys Rev E 71, 056610 (2005).
`[23] R Schoonover, JM Rutherford, O Keller, P S Carney, “Nonlocal constitutive relations and the quasi-
`homogeneous approximation,” Phys. Lett. A. 342, 363-367 (2005).
`[24] D L Marks and P S Carney, “Near-field diffractive elements,” Opt. Lett. 30 1870–1872 (2005).
`[25] A Zysk, J C Schotland, P S Carney, “Eikonal method for calculation of coherence functions,” Phys. Rev. Lett.
`95, 043904 (2005).
`[26] C Xu, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Wavelength-dependent scattering in spectroscopic optical coherence
`tomography,” Opt. Express, 13, 5450 - 5462 (2005).
`[27] T S Ralston, D L Marks, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Inverse scattering for optical coherence tomography,”
`Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23, 1027-1037, (2006).
`[28] D L Marks, T S Ralston, P S Carney, and Stephen A. Boppart, “Inverse scattering for rotationally-scanned
`optical coherence tomography,” Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23, 2433-2439 (2006). 1
`[29] J Sun, J C Schotland, and P S Carney, “Near-Field Scanning Optical Tomography: A Nondestructive Method
`for Three-Dimensional Nanoscale Imaging ,” IEEE Journ. Special Topics in Quant. Electron., 12, 1072-1082,
`[30] T S Ralston, D L Marks, S A Boppart, and P S Carney, “Inverse scattering for high-resolution interferometric
`microscopy,” Opt. Lett, 31, 3585-3587 (2006).
`[31] G Y Panasyuk, V A Markel, P S Carney, and J C Schotland, Nonlinear inverse scattering and three-dimensional
`near-field optical imaging, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 221116, (2006).
`[32] A C Lehman, J J Raftery, Jr., P S Carney, K D Choquette, “Coherence of Photonic Crystal Vertical Cavity
`Surface Emitting Laser Arrays,” IEEE Journ. Quant. Elect., 43,25-30 (2007).
`[33] T S Ralston, D L Marks, P S Carney and S A Boppart, “Interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy,”
`Nature Physics, 3, 129-134, (2007). 1
`[34] B J Davis, S C Schlachter, D L Marks, T S Ralston, S A Boppart and P S Carney, “Non-paraxial vector-field
`modeling of optical coherence tomography and interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy,” Journ. Opt. Soc.
`Am A, 24,2527-2542, (2007).
`[35] M D Karabacak, K L Ekinci, S B Ippolito, C H Gan, G J Gbur, M S ¨Unl¨u, B B Goldberg, P S Carney, “Diffrac-
`tion of evanescent waves and nanomechanical displacement detection,” Opt. Lett., 32, 1881-1883, (2007).2
`[36] B J Davis, D L Marks, T S Ralston, S A Boppart and P S Carney, “Autocorrelation artifacts in optical
`coherence tomography and interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy,” Opt. Lett, 32, 1441-1443, (2007). 1
`[37] B J Davis, A K Swan, M S ¨Unl¨u, W C Karl, B B Goldberg, J C Schotland, and P S Carney, “Spectral
`self-interference microscopy for low-signal nanoscale axial imaging,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24, 3587-3599 (2007).
`[38] D L Marks, T S Ralston, S A Boppart, and P S Carney, “Inverse scattering for frequency-scanned full-field
`optical coherence tomography,” J. Opt. Soc. Am A, 24, 1034-1041 (2007).
`[39] J Sun, J C Schotland and P S Carney, “Strong probe effects in near-field optics,”, J. Appl. Phys., 102, 103103
`[40] R W Schoonover, B J Davis, R A Bartels, P S Carney, “Optical interferometry with pulsed fields,” Journ.
`Mod. Opt., 55, 1541-1556 (2008).
`[41] R W Schoonover, A M Zysk, P S Carney, J C Schotland, E Wolf, “Geometrical limits of stochastic electro-
`magnetic fields,” Phys. Rev. A 77, 043831 (2008).
`[42] T S Ralston, D L Marks, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Real-time interferometric synthetic aperture
`microscopy,” Opt. Express, 16, 2555-2569 (2008).
`[43] B J Davis, D L Marks, T S Ralston, P S Carney and S A Boppart, “Interferometric Synthetic Aperture
`Microscopy: Computed Imaging for Scanned Coherent Microscopy,” Sensors, 8, pp. 3903-3931 (2008). invited
`[44] B J Davis and P S Carney, “Robust determination of the anisotropic polarizability of nanoparticles using
`coherent confocal microscopy,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 25, 2102-2113 (2008). 3
`[45] A Mitofsky and P S Carney, “Symmetries and conservation laws for the wave equations of scalar statistical
`optics,” Journ. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41, 415207 (2008) .
`[46] D L Marks, B J Davis, S A Boppart and P S Carney, “Partially coherent illumination in full-field interferometric
`synthetic aperture microscopy,” Journ. Opt. Soc. Am A 26, 376–386 (2009). 3
`[47] A C Lehman Harren, K D Choquette, and P S Carney, “Partial coherence in coupled photonic crystal vertical
`cavity laser arrays,” Opt. Lett., 34, 905-907 , (2009).
`1Also published in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physical Research.
`2Also published in the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology.
`3Also published in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics
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`P. S. Carney
`[48] R W Schoonover, B J Davis, and P S Carney, “The generalized Wolf shift for cyclostationary fields,” Optics
`Express, 17, 4705-4711 (2009).
`[49] R W Schoonover, B J Davis, R A Bartels, P S Carney, “Propagation of spatial coherence in fast pulses,”
`Journ. Opt. Soc. Am A 26, 1945-1953 (2009) 4
`[50] J Sun, J C Schotland, R Hillenbrand and P S Carney, “Nanoscale optical tomography based on volume-
`scanning near-field microscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 121108 (2009). 2
`[51] B J Davis, P S Carney, R Bhargava, “Theory of mid-infrared absorption microspectroscopy I. Homogeneous
`samples,” Anal. Chem. 82, 34743486 (2010).
`[52] B J Davis, P S Carney, R Bhargava, “Theory of mid-infrared absorption microspectroscopy II. . Heterogeneous
`samples,” Anal. Chem. 82, 34873499 (2010).
`[53] B J Davis, J Sun, J C Schotland, P S Carney, “Inverse scattering near-field scanning optical microscopy with
`broadband illumination,” Journ. Mod. Opt. 57 809-815 (2010).
`[54] D Siriani, K D Choquette, P S Carney, “Stochastic Coupled Mode Theory for Partially Coherent Laser
`Arrays,” Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A 27, 501-508 (2010).
`[55] T S Ralston, S G Adie, D L Marks, S A Boppart, P S Carney, “Cross-validation of interferometric synthetic
`aperture microscopy and optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Lett. 35, 1683-1685 (2010).
`[56] A M Zysk, R W Schoonover, P S Carney, M A Anastasio, “Transport of intensity and spectrum for partially
`coherent fields,” Opt. Lett. 35, 2239-2241 (2010).
`[57] B J Davis, P S Carney, R Bhargava, “Theory of infrared microspectroscopy for intact fibers,” Anal. Chem.
`83, 525532 (2010).
`[58] S Tripathi, B J Davis, K Toussaint, and P S Carney, “Determination of the second-order nonlinear suscepti-
`bility elements of a single nanoparticle using coherent optical microscopy,” Journ. Phys. B 44, 015401 (2011).
`[59] D Siriani, P S Carney, K D Choquette, “Coherence of leaky-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser arrays,”
`Journ. Quant. Electon., 10.1109/JQE.2011.210773376 (2011).
`[60] D G Fischer, R A Frazin, M Asipauskas, P S Carney, “Information content of the near-field: three-dimensional
`samples, ” Journ. Opt. Soc Am. A, 28, 206-306 (2011).
`[61] R W Schoonover, R Lavarello, M Oelze, P S Carney, “Observation of generalized Wolf shifts in short pulse
`spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 251107 (2011).
`[62] Z Wang, D L Marks, P S Carney, L J Millet, M U Gillette, A Mihi, P V Braun, Z Shen, S G Prasanth, and
`G Popescu,“Spatial light interference tomography (SLIT),” Opt. Express, 19, 19907–19918 (2011).
`[63] R Krutokhvostov, A A Govyadinov, J M Stiegler, F Huth, A Chuvilin, P S Carney, R Hillenbrand, “Enhanced
`resolution in subsurface near-field optical microscopy by virtual tip sharpening,” Opt. Express 20 599 (2012).
`[64] P S Carney, B Deutsch, A A Govyandinov and R Hillenbrand, “Phase in nanooptics,” ACS Nano, 6, 8-12
`(2012). invited
`[65] S G Adie, B W Graf, A Ahmad, P S Carney, S A Boppart, “Computational adaptive optics for broadband
`optical interferometric tomography in biological tissue,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1121193109, (2012).
`[66] S G Adie, N D Shemonski, B W Graf, A Ahmad, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Guide-star-based compu-
`tational adaptive optics for broadband interferometric tomography,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 221117 (2012).
`[67] R Reddy, M Walsh, M Schulmerich, P S Carney, and R Bhargava, “High-definition infrared spectroscopic
`imaging” Appl. Spec. 67 86-92 (2013).
`[68] T van Dijk, S T Sivapalan, B M DeVetter, T K Yang, M V Schulmerich, C J Murphy, R Bhargava, and P S
`Carney, “Competition between extinction and enhancement in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” Journ.
`Phys Chem. Lett., 4, 1193-1196 (2013).
`[69] T van Dijk, D Mayerich, P S Carney and R Bhargava, “Recovery of absorption spectra from Fourier transform
`infrared microspectroscopic measurements of intact spheres,” Appl. Spec. 67 546–552, (2013).
`[70] S Sivapalan, B Devetter, T Yang, T van Dijk, M Schulmerich, P S Carney, R Bhargava, and C Murphy,
`“Off-resonance SERS from gold nanorod suspensions as a function of aspect ratio: not what we thought,” ACS
`Nano 26, 2099–2105, DOI: 10.1021/nn305710k (2013).
`[71] A Ahmad, N D Shemonski, S G Adie, H Kim, W W Hwu, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Real-time in vivo
`computed optical interferometric tomography,” Nat. Phot. 7 444-448 (2013).
`[72] A A Govyadinov, I Amenabar, F Huth, P S Carney, and R Hillenbrand, “Quantitative measurement of local
`infrared absorption and dielectric function with tip-enhanced near-field microscopy,” Journ. Phys Chem. Lett.
`4, 1526-1531 (2013).
`[73] T van Dijk, D Mayerich, R Bhargava, and P S Carney, “Rapid spectral-domain localization,” Opt. Express
`21, 12822-12830, DOI: 10.1364/OE.21.012822 (2013). 3
`[74] T Kim, R Zhou, M Mir, S D Babacan, P S Carney, L L Goddard, and G Popescu, “White-light diffraction
`tomography of unlabelled live cells,” Nat. Phot. DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2013.350 (2014).
`[75] M Schnell, P S Carney R Hillenbrand, “Synthetic optical holography for rapid nanoimaging,” Nat. Commun.,
`5 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4499 (2014).
`4Also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science
`Exhibit LG-1010 Page 6


`P. S. Carney
`[76] D Mayerich, T van Dijk, M Walsh, M Schulmerich, P S Carney and R Bhargava, “On the importance of image
`formation optics in the design of infrared spectroscopic imaging systems,” Analyst, 139 (16), 4031-4036 DOI:
`10.1039/C3AN01687K (2014).
`[77] M Schnell, M J Perez-Roldan, P S Carney and R Hillenbrand, “Quantitative confocal phase imaging by
`synthetic optical holography,” Opt. Exp. 22, 15267-15276, DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.015267 (2014).3
`[78] A A Govyadinov, S Mastel, F Golmar, A Chuvilin, P S Carney, and R Hillenbrand, “Recovery of permittivity
`and depth from near-field data as a step towards optical nanotomography,” ACS Nano, DOI:10.1021/nn5016314
`[79] Y Xu, X K B Chng, S G Adie, S A Boppart, and P S Carney, “Multifocal interferometric synthetic aperture
`microscopy,” Opt. Exp. 22, 16606-16618, DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.016606 (2014).3
`[80] N Shemonski, S Adie, Y Liu, F South, P S Carney, and S Boppart, “Stability in computed optical interferomet-
`ric tomography (Part I): Stability requirements,” Opt. Express 22, 19183-19197, DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.019183
`[81] N Shemonski, S Adie, Y Liu, F South, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Stability in computed opti-
`cal interferometric tomography (Part II): In vivo stability assessment,” Opt. Express 22, 19314-19326, DOI:
`10.1364/OE.22.019314 (2014). 1
`[82] Y-Z Liu, N D Shemonski, S G Adie, A Ahmad, A J Bower, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Computed optical
`interferometric tomography for high-speed volumetric cellular imaging,” Biomed. Opt. Exp., 5, 2988-3000, DOI:
`10.1364/BOE.5.002988 (2014).
`[83] N D Shemonski, S S Ahn, Y-Z Liu, F A South, P S Carney, S A Boppart, “Three-dimensional motion
`correction using speckle and phase for in vivo computed optical interferometric tomography,” Biomed. Opt.
`Exp. 5 4131-4143 DOI: 10.1364/BOE.5.004131 (2014).
`[84] B Deutsch, M Schnell, R Hillenbrand, P S Carney, “Synthetic optical holography with nonlinear-phase refer-
`ence,” Opt. Exp. 22, 26621-26634 DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.026621 (2014). 1
`[85] T van Dijk, D Mayerich, P S Carney and R Bhargava, “Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging: Recent trends in using
`theory, computation, modeling and visualization to enhance information quality,” Analyst, in press (2014).
`[86] X K B Chng, T van Dijk, R Bhargava, and P S Carney, “Enhancement and extinction effects in surface-
`enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopy,” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., DOI:10.1039/C4CP05089D (2015).
`[87] B Deutsch, R Reddy, D Mayerich, R Bhargava, and P S Carney, “Compositional prior information in computed
`infrared spectroscopic imaging,” Journ. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32(6), 1126-1131 (2015). 3
`[88] N D Shemonski, F A South, Y-Z, S G Adie, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Computational high-resolution
`optical imaging of the living human retina, ” Nat. Photon., DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2015.102 (2015).
`[89] A M Zysk, K Chen, E Gabrielson, L Tafra, E A May Gonzalez, J K Canner, E B Schneider, A J Cittadine, P S
`Carney, S A Boppart, K Tsuchiya, K Sawyer, L K Jacobs, “ Intraoperative assessment of final margins with a
`handheld optical imaging probe during breast conserving surgery may reduce the reoperation rate: Results of a
`multi-center study,” Ann. Surg. Oncol., DOI: 10.1245/s10434-015-4665-2 (2015).
`[90] F A South, Y-Z, Liu, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Computed Optical Interferometric Imaging: Methods,
`Achievements, and Challenges, ” IEEE Journ. Special Topics in Quant. Electron., 10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2493962
`[91] F A South, Y-Z, Liu, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Polarization-sensitive interferometric synthetic aperture
`microscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett., doi: 10.1063/1.4936236, 107, 211106 (2015).
`[92] Y Xu, Y-Z Liu, S A Boppart, and P S Carney, “Automated interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy and
`computational adaptive optics for improved optical coherence tomography,” Appl. Opt. 55, 2034-2041, (2016).
`[93] Y Xu, D Darga, J Smid, A M Zysk, D Teh, S A Boppart, and P S Carney, “Filtering and Unwrapping Noisy
`Wrapped Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography Images for Extended Microscopic Fluid Velocity Measurement
`Range,” Opt. Lett., 41, 4024-4027 (2016).
`[94] Y-Z Liu, F A South, Y Xu, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Computational optical coherence tomography
`[Invited],” Biomed. Opt. Express, 8(3), 1549-1574 (2017).
`[95] S Berisha, T van Dijk, R Bhargava, P S Carney, D Mayerich, “BIM-Sim: Interactive Simulation of Broadband
`Imaging Using Mie Theory,” Frontiers in Physics, 5, DOI=10.3389/fphy.2017.00005 (2017).
`[96] Z Gao, S T M Fryslie, B J Thompson, P S Carney, K D Choquette, “Parity-time symmetry in coherently
`coupled vertical cavity laser arrays” Optica 4(3), 323-329 (2017).
`[97] T van Dijk, R Bhargava, and P S Carney, “A nonlinear Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem and application to
`gain factor in third-order optical processes” submitted.
`[98] S Buercklin, M Schnell, R Hillenbrand, P S Carney, “Computational refocusing with confocal synthetic optical
`holography,” submitted.
`Substantial reviewed proceedings
`1. P S Carney and J C Schotland, “Inverse scattering with subwavelength resolution in the near zone,” Proc.
`SPIE 4261, 1-6 (2001).
`Exhibit LG-1010 Page 7


`P. S. Carney
`2. Meng Lu, Mingyu Lu, P S Carney, and E Michielssen, “FDTD simulation of 3-D surface plasmon polariton
`band gap waveguide structures,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium 2004 Digest 3 3155-3158
`3. T S Ralston, D L Marks, P S Carney, and S A Boppart, “Phase stability technique for inverse scat-
`tering in optical coherence tomography.” Proc.
`IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
`10.1109/ISBI.2006.1624982, 578-581 (2006).
`4. B J Davis, T S Ralston, D L Marks, S A Boppart, P S Carney, “Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Mi-
`croscopy: Physics-Based Image Reconstruction from Optical Coherence Tomography Data, ” IEEE Interna-
`tional Conference on Image Processing, 2007, 4, IV - 145 — IV - 148 (2007).
`5. R Reddy, B J Davis, P S Carney, R Bhargava, “Modeling Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging of
`Prostate and Breast Cancer Tissue Specimen,” Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,

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