`Klipsch School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
`Mailing Address:
`MSC 3-0
`New Mexico State University
`P.O. Box 30001
`Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
`Phone: 575-646-3919
`Fax: 575-646-1435
`email: ccreuser@nmsu.edu
`"Perfect Reconstruction Modulated Polyphase Filter Banks Using Reverse-Time Subfilters."
`University of California at Davis, B.S. in Electrical and Computer
`University of California at Santa Barbara, M.S. in Electrical and
`Computer Engineering.
`University of California at Santa Barbara, Ph.D. in Electrical and
`Computer Engineering.
` Holder of the Frank Carden Endowed Chair in Telemetering &
`Telemcommunications and and Full Professor. Current research interests include compressive
`sensing/sparse reconstruction for LIDAR and streaming sensor data as well as EEG brain
`analysis for audiovisual perceptual quality assessment and modeling.
`October 2008 Selected for the International Foundation for Telemetering Endowed
`Jan. 2000-2008 Associate professor in the Klipsch School of Electrical & Computer
`Engineering. My teaching areas include digital signal processing, image processing, pattern
`classification, and source coding (signal compression). I have done past research in areas of
`image, video, and audio compression as well as feature vector extraction for pattern
`classification. Currently, my research interests include distributed compression, polarmetric
`image processing for scene analysis, and nonstationary signal denoising.
`1993-1999: Researcher & Team Leader, Naval Air Warfare Center, China Lake. My research
`efforts have focused on high speed image and video compression technologies which offer
`unique capabilities such as robustness to transmission errors and regional localization. My team
`(2 other people) and I have implemented a real-time (3 to 15 frames/second with 240x512
`frames) 320C80-based system which uses a wavelet transform along with embedded coding
`techniques to compress a video input and stream it through the Internet via TCP/IP protocols.
`Our recent research focus has been to add more intelligence to the encoder so that the space-
`frequency information in the image that is most useful for image analysis is received with the
`highest fidelity. While most of my recent research has been in the area of embedded
`compression, I am still very much interested in other applications of time/space-frequency
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`decompositions and of multirate digital signal processing concepts in general.
`1999, Spring Quarter: Instructor at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Taught
`graduate class in Multirate Digital Signal Processing, ECE 258B.
` Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
`University of California, Santa Barbara. Worked under Prof. S.K. Mitra on subband coding and
`multirate filter bank theory. Also implemented real-time filter banks on a Motorola 56001
`digital signal processor.
`1992: Summer Employee, AT&T Bell labs, Murray Hill, NJ. Developed and simulated new
`methods of extremely low bit rate video coding for video telephone applications.
`1985-1989: Design Engineer, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake. Designed, built, and tested
`the guidance electronics for the Laser Guided Training Round. This project included mixed
`analog and digital circuit design as well as the programming of an embedded DSP. Also
`developed software for an advanced video processor and studied ground target tracking.
`•(2000) Office of Naval Research, Compression of Digital Elevation Maps Using Non-linear
`Wavelets, 2000-2003, $94K
`•(2001) Sandia National Labs, Intelligent Compression for Remote Sensing, 2001-2003,
`•(2002) National Science Foundation (Early Career Grant), Efficient Audio Compression
`with Perceptually Embedded Scalability, 2002-2007, $350K.
` Passive Polarimetric Imagery
`•(2004) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,
`Classification Study, 2004-2006, $160K (joint with Dr. David Voelz).
`•(2005) Los Alamos National Laboratories, Signal Detection via Adapted Filter Banks and
`Geometric Dimensionality Reduction, 2005-2006, $15K (unburdened).
`•(2006) Los Alamos National Laboratories, Signal Detection via Adapted Filter Banks and
`Geometric Dimensionality Reduction, 2006-2007, $50K (unburdened).
`•(2006) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Exploiting Polarization in Imaging
`Systems, 2006-2009, $304K (joint with Dr. David Voelz).
`•(2006) Army Research Office, Distributed Source Coding Using Bitstream-based
`Detection and Classification, 2006-2009, $326K.
`•(2006) DARPA (Subcontract from LANL), ADAM Project, 2006-2007, $104K (joint with
`Dr. Joe Lakey and Dr. Jaime Ramirez)
`•(2009) NMSU IRG, Perceptual audio quality evaluation by direct measurement of human
`brain responses, 2009-2010, $39K (joint with Dr. Jim Kroger, Psychology)
`•(2011) National Science Foundation, CIF:Medium:Assessment and modeling of temporal
`variation in perceived audio and video quality using direct brainwave measurement, 2011-
`2015, $917K (lead PI with Dr. Jim Kroger and Dr. Joerg Kliwer as co-PIs)
`•(2011) NASA EPSCOR, Proximity Operations for Near Earth Asteroid Exploration, 2011-
`2014, $750K (co-PI, with Dr. Eric Butcher (lead), others)
`•(2012) National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA), Pulse Complexity Based LIDAR
`Scene Modeling for Sparse Reconstruction and Super-Resolution, 2012-2013 (plus 3 1 year
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`options), $150K ($75K/option year), co-PI Dr. David Voelz.
`• Awarded the International Foundation for Telemetering Professorship, October 2008.
`• Received an educational fellowship from the Department of Defense, 1989-1992.
`• Certificate of Merit for the outstanding technical paper awarded at the AIAA Missile
`Sciences Conference for the paper “Automatic target recognition directed image
`compression,” Nov. 1998.
`• Patent (classified) titled, "Microcontroller-Based Laser Pulse Decoder," awarded 1991.
`• Patent titled "Parallel digital image compression system which exploits zerotree
`redundancies in wavelet coefficients," Patent Number 6,148,111.
`• Patent titled "Efficient embedded image and video compression using lifted wavelets,"
`Number: 6,466,698, granted October 15, 2002.
`• Associate editor for IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2002-2005, 2010-2014
`• Associate editor for IEEE Trans. on Multimedia , 2008-2013.
`• Guest Editor, “Issue on Advances in Hyperspectral Data Processing and Analysis”, IEEE
`Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 5, Numbers: 5 & 6, August-September
`• Co-general chair, IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop, August 2004, Taos, NM.
`• Co-technical chair for the 2012 and 2014 Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and
`• Student Paper Contest Chair, 40th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
`October 2006.
`• Organized special session entitled "Applications of Multirate DSP" at the 40th Asilomar
`Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, October 2006.
`• Member of technical program committees for the IEEE International Conference on
`Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), the IEEE International Conference on
`Image Processing (ICIP), and the IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC).
`• Senior Area Editor, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, March 2016 to present.
`• Video compression systems (technology consultant), Abba Tech, Albuquerque, NM, 2000.
`• Expert witness in laser rangefinding technology, Asia Optical Inc. (through NY law firm of Osterlenk,
`Faber, Gerb & Soffen), Case: LTI versus Nikon/AOI, July 2001-2003. Case went to trial/ testified in
`• Technical expert for defense; Case: Real-Time v. AT&T (byte.mobile), 2011-2012, case settled June
`• Technical expert for defense; Case: Princeton Digital v. Dell, 2014-2015, case dismissed June 2015.
`• Technical expert for defense; Noninfrigement & IPR (6,597,812), Real-time v. SAP, 1/2016-6/2016.
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`• Technical expert for defense; IPRs (7,378,992 & 7,415,530), Real-time v. Riverbed, 2/2016-present.
`• Technical expert for defense; IPRs (8,643,513, 7,378,992, 7,161,506, & 9,054,728), Real-time v.
`Dell, 2/2016-present.
`• Technical expert for defense; Noninfringement, Real-time v. HP Enterprises, 4/2016-present.
`• Technical expert for defense; IPR (7,358,867, 7,161,506, & 9,054,728), Real-time v. Teradata
`• Technical expert for defense; IPRs (8,643,513 & 7,378,992), Real-time v. Veritas 12/2016-present.
`1. C.D. Creusere and S.K. Mitra, "A simple method for designing high-quality prototype filters for
`M-band pseudo-QMF banks," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 43, No. 4, April 1995, pp. 1005-
`2. C.D. Creusere and S.K. Mitra, "Efficient audio coding using perfect reconstruction noncausal IIR
`filter banks," IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 4, No. 2, March 1996, pp. 115-123.
`3. C.D. Creusere and S.K. Mitra, "Image coding using wavelets based on perfect reconstruction IIR
`filter banks," IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 6, No. 5, Oct. 1996, pp.
`4. C.D. Creusere, "A new method of robust image compression based on the embedded zerotree wavelet
`algorithm," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol 6, No. 10, Oct. 1997, pp. 1436-1442.
`5. C.D. Creusere and A. Van Nevel, "ATR-directed image and video compression," Journal of Aircraft,
`Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 626-31, July-August 1999.
`6. C.D. Creusere, "Fast embedded compression for video," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 8,
`No. 12, pp. 1811-16, December 1999.
`7. C.D. Creusere, "Motion compensated video compression with reduced complexity encoding for
`remote transmission," Signal Processing: Image Communications, Vol. 16, pp. 627-42, April 2000.
`8. C.D. Creusere, "Understanding perceptual distortion in MPEG scalable audio coding," IEEE Trans.
`on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 422-431, May 2005.
`9. L. E. Boucheron and C.D. Creusere, "Lossless wavelet-based compression of digital elevation maps
`for fast and efficient search and retrieval," IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 43,
`No. 5, pp. 1210-1214, May 2005.
`10. V. Thilak, D. Voelz, and C.D. Creusere, "Polarization-based index of refraction and reflection angle
`estimation for remote sensing applications," Applied Optics, Vol. 46, Bo. 30, pp. 7427-7536, Oct.
`11. C.D. Creusere, K. Kallakuri, and R. Vanam, "An Objective Metric of Human Subjective Audio
`Quality Optimized for a Wide Range of Audio Fidelities," Audio, Speech, and Language Processing,
`IEEE Transactions on [see also Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE Transactions on] , vol.16, no.1,
`pp.129-136, Jan. 2008
`12. S. Kandadai and C.D. Creusere, "Scalable Audio Compression at Low Bitrates," Audio, Speech,
`and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on [see also Speech and Audio Processing, IEEE
`Transactions on] , vol.16, no.5, pp.969-979, July 2008
`13. S. Kandadai and C.D. Creusere, "Reverse engineering and repartitioning vector quantizers using
`training set synthesis," Signal Processing, August 2008.
`14. V. Thilak, C.D. Creusere, and D. Voelz , "Passive Polarimetric Imagery-Based Material
`Classification Robust to Illumination Source Position and Viewpoint," Image Processing, IEEE
`Transactions on , vol.20, no.1, pp.288-292, Jan. 2011.
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`15. C.D. Creusere and J. Hardin, "Assessing the Quality of Audio Containing Temporally Varying
`Distortions," Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.19, no.4, pp.711-
`720, May 2011.
`16. Castorena, J.; Creusere, C.D., "The Restricted Isometry Property for Banded Random Matrices,"
`Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.62, no.19, pp.5073-5084, Oct.1, 2014
`doi: 10.1109/TSP.2014.2345350.
`17. Castorena, J.; Creusere, C.D., "Sampling of Time-Resolved Full-Waveform LIDAR Signals at Sub-
`Nyquist Rates," Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.53, no.7, pp.3791-3802,
`July 2015. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2014.2383839.
`1. H. Babic, S.K. Mitra, C.D. Creusere, and A. Das, "Perfect reconstruction recursive QMF banks for
`image subband coding," Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov.
`1991, pp. 746-750.
`2. S.K. Mitra, C.D. Creusere, and H. Babic, "A novel implementation of perfect reconstruction QMF
`banks using IIR filters," Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, San Diego, CA, May 1992,
`pp. 2312-2315.
`3. S.K. Mitra, C.D. Creusere, and H. Babic, "Design of transmultiplexers using IIR filter banks,"
`Signal Processing VI: Theories and Applications, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, pp. 223-226.
`4. C.D. Creusere and S.K. Mitra, "Efficient image scrambling using polyphase filter banks," Proc.
`International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, TX, Nov. 1994, pp. 81-85.
`5. C.D. Creusere and G. Hewer, "Wavelet-based nearest neighbor pattern classification using scale
`sequential matching," Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov.
`1994, pp. 1123-1127.
`6. C.D. Creusere, "Embedded zerotree image coding using low complexity IIR filter banks," Proc. Int.
`Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Detroit, MI, May 1995, pp. 2213-16.
`7 C.D. Creusere and Gary Hewer, "Digital video compression for weapons control and bomb damage
`indication," AGARD Conference Proceedings 576, Chapter 16, Sept. 1995.
`8. C.D. Creusere, "Image coding using parallel implementations of the embedded zerotree wavelet
`algorithm," Proc. of the Digital Video Compression Conference (Algorithms and Technologies 1996),
`San Jose, CA, Jan. 28-Feb. 2, 1996, pp. 82-93.
`9. C.D. Creusere, "A family of image compression algorithms which are robust to transmission errors,"
`Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 2825, Denver, CO, August, 1996, pp. 890-900.
`10. C.D. Creusere, "Perfect reconstruction time-varying IIR filter banks," Conf. Rec. Asilomar Conf.
`Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 1996, pp. 1319-23.
`11. C.D. Creusere, "Out-of-loop motion compensation for reduced complexity video encoding," Proc. of
`the Data Compression Conf. (pp. 428) & Data Compression Industry Workshop (pp.28-37), March 1997,
`Snowbird, UT.
`12. C.D. Creusere, "Periodic pan compensation for reduced complexity video compression," Proc. Int.
`Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol IV, pp. 2889-92, April 1997, Munich, Germany.
`13. C.D. Creusere, "A new approach to global motion compensation which reduces video encoding
`complexity," Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Vol. III, pp. 634-7, October 1997, Santa Barbara, CA.
`14. C.D. Creusere, "Spatially partitioned lossless image compression in an embedded framework,"
`Conf. Rec. 31st Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 1997, Pacific Grove, CA.
`15. C.D. Creusere, "Adaptive embedding for reduced complexity image and video compression," Proc.
`of the SPIE, Vol 3309 (Visual Communications and Image Processing), pp. 48-57, Jan. 1998, San Jose,
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`16. C.D. Creusere, "Successive coefficient refinement for embedded lossless image compression," Proc.
`of the Data Compression Conf., pp. 539, March 1998, Snowbird, UT.
`17. C.D. Creusere, "Subband coding of speech and audio," Proc. of the European Signal Processing
`Conf. (invited paper), Sept. 1998, Isle of Rhodes, Greece.
`18 C.D. Creusere, "Fast embedded video compression using cache-based processing," Proc. of the
`European Signal Processing Conf., Sept. 1998, Isle of Rhodes, Greece.
`19. C.D. Creusere, "Successive coefficient refinement for embedded lossless image compression," Proc.
`Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Oct. 1998, Chicago, IL.
`20. C.D. Creusere and A. Van Nevel, "Autonomous target recognition directed image compression,"
`Proc. of the AIAA, Nov. 1998.
`21. C.D. Creusere," Improved successive refinement for wavelet-based embedded image compression,"
`Proc. of the SPIE, Denver, CO, July 1999.
`22. A. Van Nevel and C.D. Creusere, "Intelligent Bandwidth Compression," Proc. of the SPIE, Denver,
`CO, July 1999.
`23. C.D. Creusere, "Optimal refinement/significance map tradeoffs in SPIHT-based image compression,"
`Conf. Rec., 34th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, & Computers, pp. 1026-30, Oct. 2000.
`24. C.D. Creusere, "Compression of digital elevation maps using nonlinear wavelets," Proc. Int. Conf.
`on Image Processing, pp. 824-7, October 2001.
`25. C.D. Creusere and G. Dahman, "Object detection and localization in compressed video," Conf. Rec.
`35th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 2001, Pacific Grove, CA.
`26. C.D. Creusere, "An analysis of perceptual artifacts in MPEG scalable audio coding," Proceedings of
`the Data Compression Conference, pp. 152-161, April 2002, Snowbird, UT.
`27. C.D. Creusere and N. Tolk, "Combining wavelets and GLICBAWLS to achieve resolution-
`progressive lossless compression," Proc. of the International Conference on Image Processing, pp.
`III-229-32, October 2002.
`28. L. Boucheron and C.D. Creusere, "Compression of digital elevation maps for fast and efficient
`search and retrieval," Proc. of the International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 629-32,
`September 2003.
`29. S. Kandadai and C.D. Creusere, "An experimental study of object detection in the wavelet domain,"
`Conf. Rec. 37th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 1620-4, Nov. 2003, Pacific
`Grove, CA.
`30. C.D. Creusere, "Quantifying perceptual distortion in scalably compressed MPEG audio," Conf. Rec.
`37th Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 265-9, Nov. 2003, Pacific Grove, CA.
`31. C.D. Creusere and L. Zhou, "Spatial object detection and classification in JPEG bitstreams ,"
`Proceedings 11th Digital Signal Processing Workshop, pp. 115-9, August 2004, Taos Ski Valley, NM,
`32. L. Zhou and C.D. Creusere, "Spatial object detection in JPEG bitstreams," Proceedings European
`Conference on Signal Processing, pp. 949-52, September 2004, Vienna, Austria.
`33. V. Thilak and C.D. Creusere, "Tracking of extended size targets in H.264 compressed video using
`the probabilistic data association filter," Proceedings European Conference on Signal Processing, pp.
`281-4, September 2004, Vienna, Austria.
`34. S. Kandadai and C.D. Creusere, Reverse engineering vector quantizers by training set synthesis,"
`Proceedings European Conference on Signal Processing, pp. 789-92, September 2004, Vienna,
`35. V. Thilak, J. Saini, D. G. Voelz, C. D. Creusere , "Pattern recognition for passive polarimetric data
`using nonparametric classifiers," Proc. of the SPIE Vol. 5888, p. 337-344, Polarization Science and
`Remote Sensing II; Joseph A. Shaw, J. Scott Tyo; Eds.
`36. R. Vanam and C.D. Creusere, "Evaluating low bitrate scalable audio quality using advanced version
`of PEAQ and energy equalization approach ," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
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`Processing, Vol. III, pp. 189-92, March 2005.
`37. S. Kandadai and C.D. Creusere, "Reverse engineering vector quantizers for repartitioned signal
`spaces," Proc. 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 1208-12, Pacific
`Grove, CA, Nov. 2005.
`38. R. Vanam and C.D. Creusere, "Scalable perceptual metric for evaluating audio quality," Proc. 39th
`Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 319-23, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2005.
`39. S. Kandadai and C.D. Creusere, "Perceptually-weighted audio coding that scales to extremely low
`bitrates," Proc. IEEE Data Compression Conference, pp. 382-391, Snowbird, UT, March 2006.
`40. V. Thilak, D. Voelz, C. Creusere, S. Damarla, “Estimating the refractive index and reflected zenith
`angle of a target using multiple polarization measurements,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 6240, 624004,
`Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing VII; Dennis H. Goldstein, David B.
`Chenault; Eds., May 2006.
`41. V.M. Prasad and C.D. Creusere, "Analyzing reversible lapped transformations using Reng
`probing," Proc. 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 873-877, Oct.
`42. N. Balachandran and C.D. Creusere, "Chirp classification using hidden Markov models," Proc. 40th
`Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 545-549, Oct. 2006.
`43. V. Thilak and C.D. Creusere, "Estimating the complex index of refraction and view angle of an
`object using multiple polarization measurements," Proc. 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals,
`Systems, and Computers, pp. 1067-1071, Oct. 2006.
`44. V. Thilak, C.D. Creusere, and D.G. Voelz, "Material classification using passive polarmetric
`imagery," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., Vol. 4, pp. IV-121-124, Sept., 2007.
`45. A. Pamba, V. Thilak, D. G. Voelz, C. D. Creusere “Estimation of incidence and reflection angles
`from passive polarimetric imagery: extension to out-of-plane scattering,” Proc. SPIE Vol 6682,
`66820O, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing III, Joseph A. Shaw; J. Scott Tyo, Editors,
`September 2007.
`46. V. Thilak, D. G. Voelz, C. D. Creusere, “Image segmentation from multi-look passive polarimetric
`imagery, Proc. SPIE 6682, 668206, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing III, Joseph A. Shaw; J.
`Scott Tyo, Editors, October 2007.
`47. S. Kandadai and C.D. Creusere, "Optimal Bit Layering for Scalable Audio Compression Using
`Objective Audio Quality Metrics," Signals, Systems and Computers, 2007. ACSSC 2007. Conference
`Record of the Forty-First Asilomar Conference on , pp.560-564, 4-7 Nov. 2007.
`48. C.D. Creusere and I. Mecimore, "Bitstream-based overlap analysis for multi-view distributed video
`coding," Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, pp. 93-96, March
`49. V. Thilak, C.D. Creusere, and D.G. Voelz, "Passive Polarimetric Imagery Based Material
`Classification For Remote Sensing Applications," Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image
`Analysis and Interpretation, pp. 153-156 March 2008.
`50. V. Thilak, Q. Wang, D. G. Voelz, C. D. Creusere, “Estimation of target geometry from Mueller
`matrix imagery,” Proc. SPIE 6972, March 2008.
`51. C.D. Creusere and I. Mecimore, "Bitstream-based correlation detector for multi-view distributed
`video coding applications," Proc. Int. Conf. on Accoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 1001-
`1004, April 2008, Las Vegas, NV.
`52. S. Kandadai, J. Hardin, and C.D. Creusere, "Audio quality assessment using the mean structural
`similarity measure," Proc. Int. Conf. on Accoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 221-224,
`April 2008, Las Vegas, NV.
`53. S. Matta and C.D. Creusere, "Efficient correlation extraction for distributed audio coding," Signals,
`Systems and Computers, 2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on , vol., no., pp.1272-1276, 26-29 Oct.
`2008 .
`54. J.C. Hardin and C.D. Creusere, "Objective analysis of temporally varying audio quality metrics,"
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`Signals, Systems and Computers, 2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on , vol., no., pp.1245-1249, 26-29
`Oct. 2008 .
`55. S. Matta and C.D. Creusere, “Distributed audio coding with efficient source correlation extraction,”
`Proceedings 13th Digital Signal Processing Workshop, pp. 16-20, January 2009, Marco Island, FL.
`56. I. Mecimore and C.D. Creusere, “Unsupervised bitstream based segmentation of images,”
`Proceedings 13th Digital Signal Processing Workshop, pp. 642-647, January 2009, Marco Island, FL.
`57. Q. Wang, C.D. Creusere, V. Thilak, and D.G. Voeltz, "Active polarimetric imaging for estimation
`of scene geometry," Proceedings 13th Digital Signal Processing Workshop, pp. 659-663, January
`2009, Marco Island, FL.
`58. J.C. Hardin and C.D. Creusere, "A temporally varying objective audio quality metric,"
`Proceedings 13th Digital Signal Processing Workshop, pp. 21-25, January 2009, Marco Island, FL.
`59. I. Mecimore, W. Fahrenkrog, and C.D. Creusere, “On bitstream based edge detection techniques,”
`ITEA Conference, January 2009, El Paso, TX (best graduate student paper award).
`60. Mecimore, Ivan; Creusere, Charles D.; , "Low complexity multi-view distributed video coding
`based on JPEG," Image Analysis & Interpretation (SSIAI), 2010 IEEE Southwest Symposium on , vol.,
`no., pp.165-168, 23-25 May 2010.
`61. Creusere, C.D.; Mehta, K.; Voelz, D.G.; , "Model-based estimation of surface geometry using
`passive polarimetric imaging," Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE
`International , vol., no., pp.4557-4560, 25-30 July 2010.
`62. Castorena, J.; Creusere, C.D.; Voelz, D.; , "Modeling lidar scene sparsity using compressive
`sensing," Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2010 IEEE International , vol., no.,
`pp.2186-2189, 25-30 July 2010.
`63. Castorena, J.; Creusere, C.D.; Voelz, D.; , "Using finite moment rate of innovation for LIDAR
`waveform complexity estimation," Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 2010 Conference
`Record of the Forty Fourth Asilomar Conference on , vol., no., pp.608-612, 7-10 Nov. 2010
`64. Creusere, C.D.; Siddenki, S.; Hardin, J; Kroger, J; , "Early investigations into subjective audio
`quality assessment using brainwave responses," Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 2011
`Conference Record of the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on , vol., no., pp., Nov. 2011.
`65. Castorena, J.E.; Creusere, C;, “Remote-sensed LIDAR using random sampling and sparse
`reconstruction,” Proc. International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 2011.
`66. Davis, P; Creusere, C.; “Quantifying the gains of compressive sensing for telemetering application,”
`Proc. International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 2011.
`67. Creusere, C.D.; Kroger, J.; Siddenki, S.R.; Davis, P.; Hardin, J.; , "Assessment of subjective
`audio quality from EEG brain responses using time-space-frequency analysis," Signal Processing
`Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European , vol., no., pp.2704-2708, 27-31
`Aug. 2012.
`68. Castorena, J.; Creusere, C.D.; , "Compressive sampling of LIDAR: Full-waveforms as signals of
`finite rate of innovation," Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012 Proceedings of the 20th
`European , vol., no., pp.984-988, 27-31 Aug. 2012.
`69. Castorena, J.; Creusere, C.D.; "Random impulsive scan for LIDAR sampling," Proc. IEEE Int.
`Conf. on Image Proc., October 2012.
`70. Creusere, C. ,Nelson, E., Critz, T., Butcher, E.; “Analysis of communication interconnectedness in
`the proximity of near-earth asteroids,” Proc. International Telemetering Conference, San Diego, CA,
`October 2012.
`71. Castorena, J.E.; Creusere, C;, “Remote-sensed LIDAR using random impulsive scans,” Proc.
`International Telemetering Conference, San Diego, CA, October 2012.
`72. Castorena, J.; Creusere, C.D., "Sub-spot localization for spatial super-resolved LIDAR," Acoustics,
`Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 IEEE International Conference on , vol., no.,
`pp.2227,2231, 26-31 May 2013.
`73. Charles D. Creusere ; Juan Castorena, “A unified framework for 3rd generation lidar pulse
`processing based on finite rate of innovations,” Proc. SPIE 8858, Wavelets and Sparsity XV, 88580T
`(September 26, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2022447.
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`74. Nelson, E., Creusere, C., Critz, T., Butcher, E.; “Analysis of communication rates in the proximity
`of near-earth asteroids,” Proc. International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 2013.
`75. Castorena, J.E.; Creusere, C;, “Full-waveform LIDAR recovery at sub-Nyquist rates,” Proc.
`International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 2013.
`76. Davis, P.; Creusere, C.D.; Kroger, J., "EEG and the human perception of video quality: Impact of
`channel selection on discrimination," Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing
`(GlobalSIP), 2013 IEEE , vol., no., pp.9,12, 3-5 Dec. 2013, doi: 10.1109/GlobalSIP.2013.6736798.
`77. Creusere, C.D.; McRae, N.; Davis, P., "Sample-based cross-frequency coupling analysis with CFAR
`detection," Signals, Systems and Computers, 2014 48th Asilomar Conference on , vol., no.,
`pp.179,183, 2-5 Nov. 2014; doi: 10.1109/ACSSC.2014.7094423.
`78. Davis, P.; Creusere, C.D.; Kroger, J., "Classification of human viewers using high-resolution EEG
`with SVM," Signals, Systems and Computers, 2014 48th Asilomar Conference on , vol., no.,
`pp.184,188, 2-5 Nov. 2014; doi: 10.1109/ACSSC.2014.7094424.
`79. Davis, P.; Creusere, C. D.; Tang, W., "ASIC implementation of the cross frequency coupling
`algorithm for EEG signal processing," 2014 14th International Symposium on Integrated Circuits
`(ISIC), pp.248-251, Dec. 2014 doi: 10.1109/ISICIR.2014.7029468
`80. Nelson, Evan; Creusere, Charles D.; Butcher, Eric, "Determining position around an asteroid using
`communication relays and trilateration," Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE , vol., no., pp.1,6, 7-14
`March 2015; doi: 10.1109/AERO.2015.7118955.
`81. Davis, Philip; Creusere, Charles D.; Tang, Wei, "Window length effect on cross frequency
`coupling in an EEG processing circuit," in Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2015 IEEE 58th
`International Midwest Symposium on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 2-5 Aug. 2015 doi:
`82. Davis, Philip; Creusere, Charles D.; Kroger, Jim, “Subject Identification Based on EEG
`Response to Video Stimuli,” Proceedings International Conference on Image Processing, 2015 IEEE,
`September 2015.
`83. Newtson, Kathy; Creusere, Charles D., “Histogram oriented gradients and map seeking circuits
`pattern recognition with compressed imagery,” Proc. Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and
`Interpretation, Santa Fe, NM, March 2016.
`84. Davis, Philip; Creusere, Charles D.; Kroger, Jim, “ Assessing Cross Frequency Coupling in EEG
`Collected from Subjects Viewing Video using a Modified Metric ,” Proc. Southwest Symposium on
`Image Analysis and Interpretation, Santa Fe, NM, March 2016.
`85. Davis, Philip; Creusere, Charles D.; Kroger, Jim, “The Effect of Perceptual Video Quality on
`EEG Power Distribution,” Proceedings International Conference on Image Processing, 2016 IEEE,
`Phoenix, AZ, September 2016.
`86. Creusere, Charles D.; Castorena, J.; Dragulin, I.; Voelz, D., “Quantifying the Accuracy of
`FRI_based LIDAR Waveform Analysis,” Proceedings International Conference on Image
`Processing, 2016 IEEE, Phoenix, AZ, September 2016.
`1. C.D. Creusere, "Generic Tracking Laboratory Study," NWC Technical Paper 7018, Nov. 1989,
`Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA.
`2. C.D. Creusere," Robust image coding using the embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm," presented at
`the Digital Compression Conference, Snowbird, UT, April 1996.
`3. C.D. Creusere, "Creating a compressed and embedded image representation which is robust to
`transmission errors," presented at the Office of Naval Research Workshop on Error Resilient Compression,
`San Diego, CA, February, 1996.
`4. C.D. Creusere, "Data Compression Project Final Report," NAWCWD Technical Paper, TP 8442.
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`5. C.D. Creusere: "Applications of multirate digital signal processing to communications
`systems," NATO/RTA lecture series 216 on Applications of Mathematical Signal Processing
`Techniques to Mission Systems, presented in Paris, France; Cologne, Germany; and Monterey, CA,
`November 1999.
`6. C.D. Creusere, "Object detection and recognition in compressed video," invited
`presentation and white paper for the Motion Imagery Workshop, sponsored by the National
`Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
`7. C.D. Creusere, "Application specific compression: digital elevation map browsing, video
`surveillance, and scalable audio," invited seminar at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,
`March 2003.
`8. C.D. Creusere, "Compressing Digital Elevation Maps for Efficient Search and Retrieval," presented at
`the Office of Naval Research Workshop on Image Processing, Minneapolis, MN, May 2003.
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