
`Third Edition
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
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`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
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`Microsoft Press
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
`One Microsoft Way
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`Copyright © 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data pending.
`ISBN 1-57231-743-4
`Printed and boundin the United States of America.
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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
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`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
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`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
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`fhe number of
`jn a disk track
`he major geo-
`ni address
`are frequently found on Microsoft software Cfor
`example, Windows 95) distribution disks.
`cabinet \kab*o-not\ 2. The box in which the main
`components of a computer (CPU, the hard drive,
`floppy and CD-ROMdrives, and expansion slots
`for peripheral devices, such as monitors) are
`located. See theillustration. See aiso CPU, expan-
`Cc \C\ ». A programming language developed by
`Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in 1972. It is so
`named becauseits immediate predecessor was the
`B programming language. Although C is consid-
`ered by many to be more a machine-independent
`assembly language than a high-level language, its
`close association with the UNIX operating system,
`its enormous popularity, and its standardization by
`the American National Standards Institute CANST)
`have made it perhaps the closest thing to a stan-
`dard programming language in the microcom-
`puter/workstation marketplace. C is a compiled
`language that contains a small set of built-in func-
`tions that are machine dependent. The rest of the
`C functions are machine independent and are con-
`tained in libraries that can be accessed from C pro-
`grams. C programs are composed of one or more
`functions defined by the programmer; thus C is a
`structured programming language. See also C++,
`compiled language,
`library, Objective-C,
`tured programming.
`C++ \Cplus-plus’\
`7”, An object-oriented version
`of the C programming language, developed by
`Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 1980s at Bell Labo-
`ratories and adopted by a number of vendors,
`inchiding Apple Computer and Sun Microsystems,
`Inc. See also C, object-oriented programming,
`C2 \C+66°\ ». The lowest level of security in the
`U.S. National Computer Security Center’s hierar-
`chy of criteria for
`trusted computer systems,
`requiring user logon with password and a mecha-
`nism for auditing. The C2 level is outlined in the
`Orange Book, See also Orange Book (definition 1).
`.ca \dot'C-A’\ m. On the Internet, the major geo-
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in Canada.
`.cab \dot-kab*\ 1. File extension for cabinetfiles,
`which are multiple files compressed into one and
`extractable with the extract.exe utility. Such files
`cable \ka‘bl\ 1. A collection of wires shielded
`within a protective tube, used to connect periph
`eral devices to a computer. A mouse, a keyboard,
`anda printer might all be connected to a computer
`with cables. Printer cables typically implement a
`serial or a parallel path for data to travel along.
`cable connector \ka‘bl ke-nekter\ m. The con-
`nector on either .end of a cable. See also DB
`connector, DIN connector, RS-232-C standard, RS-
`cable matcher \ka‘bl mach’ar\ n. A device that
`allows the use of a cable that has slightly different
`wire connections from those required by the
`device(s) to whichit is attached.
`cable modem \ka°bl mo-dam\ . A modemthat
`sends and receives data through a coaxial cable
`television nelwork instead of telephone lines, as
`with a conventional modem. Cable modems,
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
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`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 003


`drill down \dril doun’\ vb. To start at a top-level
`menu, directory, or Web page and pass through
`several intermediate menus, directories, or linked
`pages, until
`the file, page, menu command, or
`other jtem being sought is reached. Drilling down
`is common practice in searching for files or infor-
`mation on the Internet, where high-level Gopher
`menus and World Wide Web pages are frequently
`very general and become more specific at each
`lower level. See the illustration. See also Gopher,
`menu, Web page.
`~B My Computer
`4-9 3i6 Flopay(A)
`‘(S88 M4 Honey (6)
`Raiolin (C:)
`8 fe
`(1-E3 Deve'osing Solutions
`EQ Documsnt
`40) Diseets
`9 Exchange
`Cl M6 ress Apclications
`‘|fs] Erimoic dl
`EE) Jewatibeexe
`File Felder
`Appication Evtersion |
`Apuiivation Emersio
`Application Extersio
`Application Esters:
`Application Estersion (
`Applicaton Catersion
`Help Fite
`DAT Fits
`Ayplica ior
` HTB]
`drive number \driv’ numbar\ 2. The naming
`convention for Macintosh disk drives. For exam-
`ple, a two-drive system calls its drives 0 and 1.
`driver \dri’ver\ n. A hardware device or a pro-
`gram that controls or regulates another device. A
`line driver, for example, boosts signals transmitted
`over a communications line. A device driver is a
`device-specific control program that enables a
`computer to work with a particular device, such as
`a printer or a disk drive. See also device driver.
`DRO \D°R-O’\ . Acronym for destructive read-
`out. See destructive read.
`drop cap \drop kap*\ x. A large capital letter at
`the beginning of a tex block that occupies the ver-
`tical depth of two or morelines of regular text. See
`the illustration.
`sectetuer sed
`elite in sed
`utm diam
`nonummy nibh wisi
`tincidunt eusismond ut
`laoreet dolore
`Drop cap.
`drop-dead halt \drop’ded halt’\ n. See dead halt.
`drop-down menu \drop’doun men yod\
`n. A
`menu that drops from the menu bar when
`requested and remains open without
`action until the uscr closes it or chooses a menu
`item. Compare pull-down menu.
`drop in \drop in’\ vb. To read a spurious signal
`during a data read/write operation, producing
`droplet \droptit\ n. 2. An extension for Quark
`Expressthat allows files to be dragged onto a page
`from the finder. 2. A feature from Frontier that
`allows scripts to be embedded within an applica-
`tion and run when the application is double-
`clicked. 3. A general name for any AppleScript
`program that allows files
`to be dragged and
`dropped into it for processing. See also Apple-
`vb. To lose the signal
`drop out \drop out’\
`momentarily during a data read/write operation,
`thus producing erroneous data.
`drum \drum\ 1. A rotating cylinder used with
`some printers and plotters and (in the early days
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 004
`Drill down.
`drive \driv\ nm. See disk drive.
`drive bay \driv’ ba\ 7. A hollow, rectangular area
`in a computer chassis designed to hold a disk
`drive. A drive bay always has side walls, usually
`made of metal,
`that generally contain holes to
`facilitate installation of a disk drive. Some drive
`bays, such as those intended to hold hard disks,
`are not visible to the user. Most drives are located
`on the front of the chassis so that the user can
`interact with the drive.
`drive letter \driv’ letar\ ~. The naming conven-
`tion for disk drives on IBM and compatible com-
`puters. Drives are named byletter, beginning with
`A, followed by a colon.
`drive mapping \driv’ map’éng\ 1. The assign-
`mentofa letter or nameto a disk drive so that the
`operating system or network server can identify
`and locate it. For example,
`in PCs,
`the primary
`drive mappings are A: and B: for floppy disk drives
`and C: for the hard disk. See also A:, disk drive,
`hard disk.
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 004


`smaller than a postage stamp and require only a
`few milliwatts of power. See also integrated cir-
`muicrofiche \mi‘kro-fesh\ ”. A small sheet of
`filo, about 4 by6 inches, used for recording pho-
`tographically reduced images, such as document
`in rows and columns forming a grid pat-
`tern. The resulting images are too small to read
`with the naked eye, and a microfiche reader is
`required to view the documents. Compare micro-
`microfilm \mi‘kré-film’\ #. A thin strip of film
`stored on a roll and used to record sequential data
`images. As with microfiche, a special device mag-
`nifies the images so that they can he read. See also
`CIM(definition 2), COM (definition 4). Compare
` mictokernel \mikré-karnol\ n. 1. In program-
`ming, the strictly hardware-dependent part of an
`operating system that is intended to be portable
`from one type of computer to another. The micro-
`kernel provides a hardware-independentinterface
`to the rest of the operating system, so only the
`microkernel needs to be rewritten to port
`operating system to a different platform. See also
`kernel, operating system. 2. A kernel that has been
`designed with only the basic features and typically
`in a modular fashion.
` mnicrologic \mi‘kré-lofik\ 1. A set ofinstructions,
`stored in binary form, or a set of electronic logic
`circuits that defines and governs the operation
`within a microprocessor.
`microminiature \mtkrd-min‘o-chur\
`extremely small circuit or other electronic compo-
`nent, especially one that is a refinement of an
`microfloppy disk \mTkrd-flop’é disk\ 7. A 3.5-
`already miniaturized element.
`inch floppy disk of the type used with the Apple
`Macintosh and with IBM and compatible micro- microphone \mi‘kro-fon"\ ». 1. A device that
`computers. A microfloppy disk is a round piece of
`converts sound waves into analog electrical sig-
`film coated with ferric oxide and
`nals. Additional hardware can convert the micro-
`encased in a rigid plastic shell equipped with a
`phone's output into digital data that a computer
`sliding metal cover. On the Macintosh, a single-
`can process; for example,
`to record multimedia
`sided microfloppy disk can hold 400 kilohytes
`documents or analyze the sound signal. 2. A com-
`(KB); a double-sided (standard) disk can hold 800
`munications program that runs on the Apple Mac-
`KB; and a double-sided high-density disk can hold
`intosh computer.
`1.44 megabytes (MB). On IBM and compatible microprocessor \m@kré-pros’cs-or\ 7. A central
`machines, a microfloppy can hold either 720 KB or
`processing unit (CPU) on a single chip. A modern
`1.44 MB of information. See also floppydisk.
`microprocessor can have over 1 million transistors
`microform \mi‘krd-form\ n, The medium, such
`in an integrated-circuit package that is roughly 1
`as microfilm or microfiche, on which a photo-
`inch square. Microprocessors are at the heart ofall
`nm A
`graphically reduced image, called a microimage,is
`personal computers. When memory and power
`stored. A microimage usually represents text, such
`are added to a microprocessor, all
`the pieces,
`and main-
`as archived documents. See also microfiche, micro-
`excluding peripherals, required for a computer are
`present. The most popular lines of microproces-
`capable of
`iréssed so
`micrographics \mifkrd-graf‘iks\ #. The=tech-
`sors today are the 680x0 family from Motorola,
`iters are as
`niques and methods for recording data on micro-
`which powers the Apple Macintosh line, and the
`film. See also microform.
`80x86 family from Intel, which is at the core of all
`microimage \mi“kro-im‘aj\ 7”. A photographically
`IBM PC-compatible and PS/2 computers. See also
`reduced image, usually stored on microfilm or
`6502, 65816, 6800, 68000, 68020, 68030, 68040,
`microfiche, that is too small to be read without
`80286, 80386DX, 80386SX, 8080, 8086, 8088,
`magnification. See also microform, micrographics.
`88000, DECchip 21064, i486DX, i486DX2,
`microinstruction \mi‘kré-in-struk’shan\
`2. An
`i486SX, Pentium, Pentium Pro, PowerPC, SPARC,
`instruction that is part of the microcode. See also
`microprogramming \mikrd-pro’gram-éng\
`microjustification \mfkro-ju-sto-fo-ka’shan\
`The writing of microcode for a processor. Some
`dee microspace justification,
`systems, chiefly minicomputers and mainframes,
`ic-ink char-
`t measurc-
`aning 10
`dus in TBM
`d 30). The
`ally incom-
`the PC/AT
`ner a 16-bit
`an also be
`Tiaster pro-
`grated. cir-
`uctor chip.
`ected tran-
`. However,
`set of vac-
`: integrated
`devel code
`le; it speci-
`executes a
`hine code,
`only a few
`» also. com-
`3\0 #-The
`ircuits: and
`Ost signifi-
`lology has
`M40 years
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 005
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 005


`Professional GraphicsDisplay —
` slot“\
`2 s
`ting system.
`le operating
`‘rations that
`lo perform;
`vutines have
`3€ particular
`. A mode of
`cd mode of
`| operations
`the system,
`sorts Cchan-
`executed in
`of the OS/2
`2 programs
`attached to
`» See access
`name for
`JOS operat-
`e, PRN usu-
`| port, also
`ften he esti-
`28, slalislics
`ds. In com-
`e the likeli-
`n, 1. The
`3a strategy
`ning a less
`itable- one.
`vherein: the
`solely. by 4
`ng woj\
`2 basic pro-
`trol. In the
`is the procedure (a named
`gramming clement
`processor \pros’es-or\ 1. See central processing
`nternet, the
`sequenceof statements, such as a routine, subrou-
`unit, microprocessor.
`ing over of
`tine, or function). ‘he most widely used high-level
`Processor Direct Slot \pros‘es-or-dor-ekt’
`nv. See PDS (definition 1).
`languages (C, Pascal, Basic, FORTRAN, COBOL,
`ndustry. For
`2d from the
`Ada) are all procedural languages. See also proce-
`Prodigy Information Service \prod’ajé_in-far-
`ma‘shan sar-vas\ 7. An online information service
`dure. Compare nonprocedural language.
`procedural renderimg \pro-s@jar-al ren“dar-éng\
`founded by IBM andSears. Like its competitors
`n. The rendering of a two-dimensional image from
`America Online and CompuServe, Prodigyoffers
`coordinates with
`access to databases andfile libraries, online chat,
`according to user-specified conditions, such as
`special interest groups, e-mail, and Internet con-
`direction and degree oflighting.
`nectivity. Also called Prodigy.
`procedure \pra-sé‘jor\ 2. In a program, a named
`product \prod‘ukt\ 7. 1. An operator in the rela-
`sequence of statements, often with associated con-
`tional algebra used in database managementthat,
`stants, data types, and variables, that usually per-
`when applied to two existing relations (tables),
`forms a single task. A procedure can usually be
`results in the creation of a new table containingall
`called (executed) by other procedures, as well as
`possible ordered concatenations (combinations)
`by the main bodyof-the program. Some languages
`of tuples (rows) from the first relation with tuples
`from the second. ‘the number of rows in the
`distinguish between. a procedure and a function,
`with the latter (the function) returning a value. See
`also function, parameter, procedural
`routine, subroutine.
`procedure call \pro-sé’jar kal\ . In program-
`ming, an instruction that causes a procedure to he
`executed. A procedure call can be located in
`another procedure or in the main body of the pro-
`gram. See also procedure.
`process! \pros“es\ 1. A programorpart of a pro-
`gram; a coherent sequence of steps undertaken by
`a program.
`process” \pros’es\ vb. To manipulate data with a
`process-bound \pros‘es-bound’\ adj. Limited in
`performance by processing requirements. See also
`process color \pros‘es kalar\ m. A method of
`handling color in a document in which each block
`of color is separated into its subtractive primary
`color components for printing: cyan, magenta, and
`yellow (as well as black). All other colors are cre-
`ated by blending layers of varioussizes of halftone
`spots printed in cyan, magenta, and yellowto cre-
`ate the image. See also color model, color separa~
`tion (definition 1). Compare spot color.
`processing \proses-éng\ , The manipulation of
`data within a computer system. Processing is the
`vital step between receiving data Gnput) and pro-
`ducing results Coutput)—the task for which com-
`puters are designed.
`resulting relation is the product of the number of
`rows in the.two source relations. Also called Car-
`tesian product. Compare inner join. 2. Tn mathe-
`the result of multiplying two or more
`numbers. 3. In the most general sense, an entity
`conceived and developed for the purpose of com-
`peting in a commercial market. Although comput-
`ers are products,
`the term is more commonly
`applied to software, peripherals, and accessories
`in the computing arena.
`production system \pro-duk’shon sistem\ x. In
`expert systems, an approach to problem solving
`based on an “IF this, THEN that” approach that
`uses a set of rules, a database of information, and
`a “rule interpreter? to match premises with facts
`and form a conclusion, Production systems are
`also known as rule-based systems or inference
`systems. See also expert system.
`Professional Graphics Adapter
`graf‘iks a-dap‘tar\ 7. A video adapter introduced
`by IBM, primarily for CAD applications. The Pro-
`fessional Graphics Adapter is capable of display-
`ing 256 colors, with a horizontal resolution of 640
`pixcls and a vertical resolution. of 480 pixels. Acro-
`nym: PGA (P°G-A’).
`Professional Graphics Display
`graf‘iks dis-pla*\ ». An analog display introduced
`by IBM, intended for use with their Professional
`Graphics Adapter. See also Professional Graphics
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 006
`Veritas Techs. LLC
`Exhibit 1010
`Page 006


`t of
`That is, the result, C, of any union of A and Bis Universal Product Code
`true (1) except whenA and B are bothfalse (0), as
`ukt kod*\ . See UPC,
`shownin the following truth table:
`universalserialbus \y60-na-varsal sér“é-al bus’ \
`OR B= C
`n, See USB.
`nm. 1.
`Universal Server \yGona-var-sal sar‘vor\
`Software from Oracle Corporation that supplies
`information fromits database in a variety of forms,
`such as text, sound, and video,
`in response to
`HTTP requests. 2, Database software from Infor-
`mix that works with snap-in software modules to
`3, In programming, a structure that can be used to
`handle user needs for specific data types and ways
`store different types of variables (such as integer,
`of processing.
`character, or Boolean). 4. In database manage-
`ment, a relational operator. Given two relations Universal
`(tables), A and B, that are union-compatible (con-
`\y6o-ni-vorsal sin*kra-nas ra-sé-var-tranz “mit-dr\
`tain the same numberoffields, with correspond-
`n. See USRI’.
`ing fields containing the same types of values), A Universal Time Coordinate \y60-na-var® sal tim
`UNIONB builds a new relation containing those
`ko-6rda-nat\ n, For all practical purposes,
`tuples (records) that appeareither in A or B or in
`same as Greenwich Mcan Time, which is used for
`both. Compare difference, intersect.
`the synchronization of computers on Lhe Internet.
`union-compatible \ydOn‘yan-kem-pati-bl\
`Acronym: UTC (LIT-C%). Also called coordinated
`t by
`In database management, of, pertaining to, or
`universal time format.
`orm characteristic of two relations (tables) that are of|UNEX \yoo’niks\ », A multiuser, multitasking
`© by
`the same order
`(have the same number of
`Operating system originally developed by Ken
`attributes) and whose correspondingattributes arc
`Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Labo-
`based on the same domain (the set of acceptable
`ratories in 1969 for use on minicomputers. UNIX is
`considered a powerful operating system that,
`because it is written in the C language,
`is more
`unipolar \yGoni-po‘ler\ adj. Having onestate. In
`less machine-specific—than
`electronics, a unipolar device or signal is one in
`other operating systems. UNIX is available in sev-
`which the same voltage polarity (positive or nega-
`eral related forms,
`inchiding ATX (a version of
`tive) is used to represent binary states—on/off or
`UNIX adapted by IBMto run on RISC-based work-
`truc/falsc. Compare bipolar.
`United States of America Standards Institute
`stations), A/UX (a graphical version for the Apple
`Macintosh), and Mach (a rewritten but essentially
`\yG6d-nitad stats” ov a-mari-ko stan“dardz insta-
`toot\ . The former name of
`the American
`UNIX-compatible operating system for the NeXT
`National Standards Institute. See ANSI.
`computer). See also BSD UNIX, GNU,Linux.
`UNIX shell account \yGOniks shel” a-kount’\ 1.
`A shell account providing command-line access to
`a UNIX system. See also shell account.
`UNIX shell scripts \yGO°niks
`Sequences of UNIX commandsstored as files that
`can be run as programs. In MS-DOS, batch C.bat)
`files provide similar capabilities. See also batchfile,
`shell’, shell script.
`UNIX-to-UNIX Copy \yd0°niks-ta-yG0"niks kop’é\
`n. See UUCP.
`7”. The “one’s
`unit position \yGod ‘nit pa-zishan\
`place” in a multiple-digit number—for example,
`the 3 in the number 473.
`UNIVAC I \y6o°na-vak wan’\ x. Short for Univer-
`sal Automatic Calculator I. The first commercially
`available electronic computer, designed by J. Pres-
`per Eckert and John Mauchly, also the inventors of
`ENIAC (gencrally considered the first fully elec-
`tronic computer). UNIVAC I was the first computer
`to handle both numeric and textual information.
`universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter
`\yoo-ni-varsal 4-sin*kra-nas ra-s€-var-tranzmit-
`ar\ 1. See UART.
`UNIX wizard \yG6‘niks wiz ard\ n. A particularly
`expert and helpful UNIX programmer. Some com-
`panies actually use this phrase as a job title. The
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`Exhibit 1010
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`Exhibit 1010
`Page 007

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