`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`14 March 2002 (14.03.2002)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/21816 At
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`H04L 12/18
`H04M 3/56,
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`7 September 2001 (07.09.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`8 September 2000 (08.09.2000)
`(71) Applicant (jor all designated States e._-r;cept US): NOKIA
`CORPORATION [FIIFI]; Keilalahdentie 4, FIN-02150
`Espoo (FI).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): HAMBERG, Max
`[FJIFI]; Kunnaankuja9, FIN-01370Vantaa (FJ). EINOLA,
`Heikki [FJ/FI]; Kaksoiskiventie 7-9 B 5, FlN-02760 Es(cid:173)
`poo (FI). KUOPPAMAKI, Liisa [FIIFI]; Vallikuja 1 B
`11, FIN-02600 Espoo (FJ). SOININEN, Jonne [FIIFI];
`Urheilukatu 32 a 11, FIN-00250 Helsinki (FI).
`(74) Agent: KOLSTER OY AB; Iso Roobertinkatu 23, P.O.
`Box 148, FlN-00121 Helsinki (FI).
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AT
`(utility model), AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA,
`CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, CZ (utility model), DE, DE
`(utility model), DK, DK (utility model), DM, DZ, EC, EE,
`EE (utility model), ES, FI, FI (utility model), GB, GD, GE,
`GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ,
`LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN,
`MW, MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG,
`[Continued on next page]
`- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`iiiiiiiiiiii -
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`(57) Abstract: The invention relates to a method of setting up
`conference calling in a communications system. In the method,
`at least one subscriber group having two or more subscribers is
`established in a server connected to the communications system;
`subscribers registered in the set up group chat with each other
`by messages in such a manner that the server in the communica(cid:173)
`tions system receives a message of a subscriber participating in
`the message chat and transmits it on to other subscribers belong(cid:173)
`ing to the group in question. In the method, it is also possible to
`move from message chatting to conference calling by one of the
`subscribers in the subscriber group sending a pre-defined message
`to the server, which message acts as a signal to the server to move
`to conference calling; the server sets up a conference call between
`the subscribers registered as active in the subscriber group in re(cid:173)
`sponse to receiving said pre-detlned message.
`~ -<
`N -...
`Page 1 of 18
`WO 02/21816 A1
`SI, SK, SK (utility model), SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA,
`UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`with international search report
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPT patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Page 2 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`Setting up a conference call between members
`of a clj.at group.
`1 0
`The invention relates to setting up a conference call especially in
`digital communications systems.
`In message chatting, a chat group is formed in a ·communications
`server by subscribers registered into a certain group. After the server has
`received a message sent by one of the members in the group, it sends it on to
`all other active members in the group.
`Conference calling refers to a teleconference based on telephony
`between three or more participants,
`in which several subscribers are
`connected to the same call. Such a call is often referred to as a conference
`call or a group call. Conference calling can be set up either by the operator or
`the user itself.
`It is an object of the invention to add to a message chat group the
`option of also setting up a conference call between the members of the group.
`This object and other advantages provided by the invention are
`achieved by a method as claimed in claim 1, a communications system as
`claimed in claim 5 and a messaging server as claimed in claim 9. Preferred
`embodiments of the invention are disclosed in the dependent claims.
`The invention is based on joining message chatting and conference
`·Calling operationally to each other in such a manner that it is possible to move
`from message chatting in a simple way to a conference call between the
`members of the group by transmitting to the messaging server a pre-defined
`25 message which functions as a conference call request. The server reacts to
`the conference call request by setting up a conference call between the active
`members of the group. When the call is ended, chat mode is re-established.
`The functionality of a conventional message chat group can be significantly
`expanded by means of the invention. The invention makes it possible to set up
`arbitrary chat groups which can easily change from message chatting to
`conference calling and back. Chat groups can be defined by the users or the
`service provider, thus making them independent of communications operators.
`A conference call is, however, established between a pre-defined group with
`one message without any complex conference call definitions. at the beginning
`of the call. The server can, however, utilise the conference call solutions
`Page 3 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`existing in the communications network in the form of an intelligent network
`service, for instance, which the server triggers when receiving said message.
`The server can also itself act as a service switching point for the conference
`call, in which case it is completely independent of the communications
`network. One advantage provided by the invention is that it does not require
`any special terminal support, but works on all terminals capable of transmitting
`and/or receiving messages.
`In the following, the invention will be described by means of
`preferred embodiments, with reference to the attached drawings in which
`Figure 1 illustrates a communications system to which the invention
`can be applied,
`Figure 2 illustrates a database of the invention,
`Figure 3 shows a flow chart of setting up a message chat,
`Figure 4 shows a flow chart of message chatting, and.
`Figure 5 shows a flow chart of setting up a conference call.
`1 0
`Figure 1 shows a general system chart of a communications system
`to which the invention can be applied. Five subscribers ANN (MS1, Mobile
`20 Station 1), HENRY (MS2), LISA (MS3), JOHN (MS4) and MAX (MS5) are
`connected to the communications system, in this case a digital mobile system,
`i.e. a GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) system. The mobile
`stations MS1 to MSS can be conventional mobile stations equipped with a
`short message service. Although in the following the invention will be
`described by means of a short message and a short message service, a
`message can comprise e.g. at least one of the following messages: a short
`message, an instant message, an e-mail message, a multimedia message, a
`unified messaging message, a WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) message
`or a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) message. The mobile stations can also
`be mobile stations equipped with e.g. an instant message, an e-mail message,
`a multimedia message, a unified messaging message, a WAP (Wireless
`Application Protocol) message or a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) message
`The GSM system can be directly connected to the Internet. In
`addition, the GSM system is connected to a quick message server SERVER of
`Page 4 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`the invention. The quick message server SERVER is connected to the GSM
`network in the manner of an ordinary short message switching centre, but it is
`also possible to have speech channels connectable from the GSM network to
`the server SERVER for setting up a conference call as described. The quick
`5 message server can also be connected to an intelligent network, for instance
`to an intelligent network service control point SCP, in which case the quick
`message server can initiate a conference call in the GSM network as an
`intelligent network service. A work station (WS) represents an Internet work
`station, by means of which a user or a quick message service provider can
`through the Internet user interface of the server SERVER modify the group
`settings of the server or participate by means of an IP telephone (Internet
`Protocol, Voice over IP) in the operation of the group . A user can instead of
`the work station WS also use a conventional mobile station MS which has an
`Internet browser and the possibility to set up a data link to the Internet. A user
`can possibly also modify his or her user data by means of short messages
`instead of or as an alternative to the Internet user interface. A database DB
`represents a database residing in the quick message server, for instance.
`Figure 2 shows an example of the more detailed structure of the
`database DB. Altogether five subscribers, their alias names being Henry, Lisa,
`John, Max and Ann, have registered into two short message chat groups G1
`and G2. The user names, telephone numbers, status data and any possible
`notable matters (note) are stored for each group member in the database.
`When the operator allows it, a subscriber can activate or generate a
`quick message group by means of a specific GENERATE message. According
`to an alternative mode of operation, the service provider can set up the group
`through his own user interface. This is usually done when one member of the
`group orders the service and gives the names of the other .group members.
`For a flexible use of the service, it is, however, preferable that one or more
`group members are named as masters who are entitled to change group
`30 members and their rights. This can preferably be done in a fixed work station
`WS by means of an Internet browser by accessing the VWVW (World Wide
`Web) site of the server SERVER. At this time, the access rights of the user are
`requesting a user name and password,
`checked by
`Correspondingly, the changes can be made through a mobile station with a
`browser and a possibility to access the Internet. The original registration of the
`group can have been made in the same manner through the Internet following
`Page 5 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`the instructions on the Internet pages of the service provider. The user making
`the registration is then registered as the master when receiving the user
`names and passwords. An advantage of this is that less personnel is required
`by the service provider. Alternatively, the subscribers can be registered as
`groups through the Internet, for instance, according to the instructions on the
`Internet pages of the service provider. It is also possible that the master has at
`least in a restricted manner the right to modify the group data by means of
`short messages. In addition, all group members have the right to register as
`active or inactive by sending a special Login message.
`In Figure 2, Henry, Lisa, John and Ann have sent to the group's
`address, i.e. telephone number 050-123456-2, an activating short message
`LOGIN, so they are in active chat status (logged), but Max has set his status
`to "absent". This status is defined so that text messages can be sent to him,
`but since he is not in an active status, he does not want to take part in a
`possible conference call set up from the short message chat. Information on
`Max's absence and its cause may be transmitted in a reply short message to
`the other group members when they send short messages to the server or
`initiate the conference call. Other statuses than those presented here are also
`The database DB of Figure 2 shows two groups, namely the groups
`G1 and G2. The first group G! Includes Henry, Lisa and John. The second
`group G2 includes Max and Ann in addition to the members of the first group.
`When the members of the group G1 then communicate with each other, only
`the members of the group in question are allowed to participate. Likewise,
`25 when the members of the group G2 communicate with each other, only the
`members that belong to the group G2 are entitled to participate.
`Alternatively, when establishing a conference call, the sender of the
`CALL message can, if necessary, define the group members with whom he
`wants to talk. This can be done for instance by sending a short message CALL
`30 ALIAS, wherein ALIAS represents the names of the group members. For
`instance, CALL LISA HENRY ANN shows that the conference call is to be
`established with the members LISA, HENRY and ANN.
`Different groups naturally have different addresses. Thus, in Figure
`2, the address of the group G2 differs from the address of the group G1. From
`the above, it can als? be noted that a user can simultaneously belong to more
`than one group and thus receive short messages, for instance, from more than
`Page 6 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`one chat group. In conference calling, a user belonging to more than one
`group can change from one conference call to another.
`Figure 3 shows in a flow chart the action that can be taken before
`starting a short message chat. In step 3-2, a server SERVER is established in
`the short message switching centre of the mobile system, for instance. The
`quick message server in question can be established either temporarily or
`permanently. In step 3-4, a group for short message chatting is set up in the
`above-mentioned server by allocating memory space for it from the server.
`After this, the service provider can open the group in step 3-6.
`Short message chat groups can be closed or open groups.
`Examples of closed groups include a company's board of directors, a club or a
`basket ball team. An example of an open group is a chat line open for
`everyone (0700 chatting).
`After establishing the server, setting up the group and opening the
`group, the group members can, in step 3-8, be registered to the quick
`message server in question as described above, for instance. Figure 4 shows
`a flow chart of a short message chat. In step 4-2, one member of the group set
`up in the quick message server sends to the address of the group set up in the
`quick message server a pre-defined short message, one co.ntaining text, for
`instance. In step 4-4, the server receives the short message and sends it in
`step 4-6 immediately to all subscribers registered in the group. The sender of
`the text message need thus not send the text message to each member of the
`group separately, but he or she sends the short message only once to the
`quick message server which distributes it to the other subscribers of the group.
`Before sending a short message, the right of the member to send
`the short message can be checked. The routine can contain checking, for
`instance, if the member sending the short message has enough money to
`send short message(s). The quick message server can also have different
`check routines of checking, for instance, which group member is allowed to
`receive a message transmitted by a certain person. It is thus possible to have
`open and closed groups within open or closed groups. In addition, members of
`different groups can have priorities related to short message sending or
`According to the invention and
`its preferred embodiments, a
`conference call can quickly and simply be set up between persons registered
`to a quick message group. The flow chart in Figure 5 shows this conference
`Page 7 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`call set-up. In step 5-2, a group member sends to the address of the server,
`for instance E.164, a short message CALL. The quick message server can
`then check in step 5-4 whether the subscriber sending the set-up message is
`registered as a member of the group in question and/or whether the member
`in question has the right to send this set-up message. If the member in
`question is registered and has the right to send the set-up message, the
`setting up of the conference connection is started. In step 5-6; the routine then
`checks if the first group member called by the server is active, in other words,
`does he or she want to participate in a conference call. Active status can be
`checked from the subscriber's status information, for instance, by sending to
`the subscriber in question a text message and by waiting the subscriber's
`reply to this or by calling the subscriber and waiting for an answer.
`If the called member wants to participate in the conference call, the
`call is set up in step 5-8 utilising an intelligent network, for instance. The quick
`15 message server SERVER then triggers in the intelligent network service
`control point an intelligent network service which directs the GSM network to
`connect a speech connection for the called subscriber according to the
`instructions given by the service control point SCP, but leaves the call
`connection to wait for the connection of the other speech connections in the
`quick message server. After this, the server SERVER triggers a call set-up for
`all other active members of the group by performing steps 5-10, 5-6, 5-8, after
`which the intelligent network service directs the GSM network to connect the
`waiting calls into one conference call.
`Instead of the intelligent network service and the GSM conference
`call, the quick message server SERVER can first set up the individual calls
`between the server and each active group member and then connect the calls
`to each other as a conference call in the server. This requires the possibility of
`setting up speech connections from the GSM network to the server and some
`kind of a switch in the server, but, on the other hand, the server then does not
`need a intelligent network interface or an intelligent network service. In such a
`case, the server of the invention is as independent as possible of the actual
`communications network.
`If the subscriber sending the conference call set-up message is not
`registered or the member in question does not have the right to set up the
`conference call in question, the initiation routine of the conference call is
`ended in step 5-15. If the called subscriber is not active, the routine moves
`Page 8 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`from step 5~6 to step 5-10, in which the routine checks if there are other users
`in the group that could be called. If there are other such users, the routine
`moves back to step 5-6.
`If the number of simultaneous subscribers is limited by the number
`of subscribers in the conference call, this can, at the same time, limit the
`maximum size of a short message chat group.
`The conference call is ended when all subscribers end their calls in
`the usual manner from their mobile stations. A single subscriber can exit the
`conference by ending his or her call while the other group members continue.
`10 When the conference call has been ended, the subscribers can continue
`exchanging short messages or at any time initiate a new conference call as
`described above.
`Billing the method of the invention and its preferred embodiments
`can be implemented in may ways. These include:
`- the sender of the initiating CALL message pays for all calls,
`- the participants in the conference call pay their own share when
`they answer,
`- a fixed monthly fee is used.
`The group members can thus move from short message chatting to
`conference calling simply by one short message. Exiting the conference call is
`also simple. It can, for instance, be done by each participant ending his or her
`own call or switching off his or her phone. Alternatively, one group member
`sends to the server address a message END, whereby the quick message
`server ends the conference call for the entire group or a part of the group.
`25 Various permission and priority checks can also be included in the ending
`routines of a conference call.
`One advantage of the invention is that it does not require any
`specific terminal support, but works with the present terminals capable of
`sending and/or receiving short messages.
`It is obvious to a person skilled in the art that while technology
`advances, the basic idea of the invention can be implemented in many
`different ways. The invention and its embodiments are thus not limited to the
`above examples, but may vary within the scope of the claims.
`Page 9 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`1. A method of setting up a conference call in a communications
`system, in which method
`at least one subscriber group having two or more subscribers is set
`in a server connected
`to the communications system; subscribers
`registered in the set up group chat with each other by messages in such a
`manner that the server in the communications system receives a message of a
`subscriber participating in the message chat and transmits it on to other
`subscribers belonging to the group in question, characterized in that
`moving from message chatting to conference calling is done by one
`of the subscribers in the subscriber group sending to the server a pre-defined
`message which acts as a signal to the server to move to conference calling,
`the server sets up a conference call between the subscribers
`registered as active in the subscriber group in response to receiving said pre-
`defined message.
`2. A method as claimed in claim 1, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that
`said messages comprise at least one of the following: short message, instant
`message, email message, multimedia message, unified messaging message
`WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) message or SIP (Session
`20 Protocol) message.
`3. A method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in
`the server, in response to receiving said pre-defined message,
`initiates an intelligent network service which directs the communications
`system to connect a conference call between the subscribers advised by the
`4. A method as claimed in claim 3, c h a r a c t e r i .z e d in that
`the server, in response to receiving said pre-defined message, sets
`up individual calls from the server to each active member of the subscriber
`group and connects the calls into a conference call in the server.
`5. A communications system which comprises
`a messaging server in which at least one subscriber group having
`two or more subscribers is established, the subscribers being capable of
`chatting together by messages in such a manner that the server in the
`Page 10 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`communications system receives a message of a subscriber participating in
`the message chat and transmits it on to other subscribers belonging to the
`group in question, c h a r act e r i z e d in that
`the messaging server is responsive to a pre-defined message sent
`by one of the subscribers in the subscriber group to the server for setting up a
`conference call between the subscribers registered as active in the subscriber
`claim 5,
`6. A communications system as
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that said messages comprise at least one of the
`following: short message,
`instant message, email message, multimedia
`message, unified messaging message WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
`message or SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) message.
`7. A system as claimed in claim 5 or 6, characterized in that
`the server, in response to receiving the pre-defined message,
`initiates an intelligent network service which directs the communications
`system to connect a conference call between the subscribers advised by the
`8. A system as claimed in claim 5 or 6, characterized in that
`the server, in response to receiving the pre-defined message, sets
`up individual calls from the server to each active member of the subscriber
`group and connects the calls into a conference call in the server.
`9. A messaging server which is connected to a communications
`system and to which at least one subscriber group having two or more
`subscribers is established, the subscribers being capable of chatting together
`by messages in such a manner that the server in the communications system
`receives a message of a subscriber participating in the message chat and
`transmits it on to other subscribers belonging to the group in question,
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that
`the messaging server is responsive to a pre-defined message sent
`by one of the subscribers in the subscriber group to the server for setting up a
`conference call between the subscribers registered as active in the subscriber
`10. A messaging
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d
`in that said messages comprise at least one of the
`following: short message,
`instant message, email message, multimedia
`Page 11 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`message, unified messaging message WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
`message or SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) message.
`11. A server as claimed in claim 9 or 10, c h a r act e r i z e d in
`the server, in response to receiving said pre-defined message,
`initiates an intelligent network service which directs the communications
`system to connect a conference call between the subscribers advised by the
`12. A server as claimed in claim 9 or 10, characterized in
`the server, in response to receiving said pre-defined message, sets
`up individual calls from the server to each active member of the subscriber
`group and connects the calls into a conference call in the server.
`Page 12 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`FIG. 1
`Ann IM~ll ¥//'
`HenryiM~2~ ¥//' I
`Page 13 of 18
`Group 1: 050~123456~1;
`DB.....r Group 2: 050~123456-2
`E.164 Status Note
`Henry 050-
`wo 02/21816
`FIG. 2
`---- Lisa
`.___ Max
`absent sleep.
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 4
`Page 14 of 18
`wo 02/21816
`FIG. 5
`5-6 No
`Receiving Member >--....,
`Set Up
`Up Calls
`Page 15 of 18
`International application No.
`PCT/FI 01/00781
`IPC7: H04M 3/56, H04L 12/18
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`IPC7: H04L, H04M, H04Q
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`SE,DK,FI,NO classes as above
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable,. search terms used)
`Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`EP 0817457 A2. (AT & T CORP.), 7 January 1998
`(07. 01. 98)' column 1, 1 ine 10 - column 2., line 45,
`figures 4-6, abstract
`us 5818836 A (DUVAL), 6 October 1998 (06.10.98),
`column 1, line 17 - line 2.8; column 3,
`1 ine 54 - column 4, line 2.8, figures 4-5, claims 1,
`4, abst.ract
`EP 0984608 A2 (AT & T), 8 March 2.000 (08.03.00),
`column 2., 1 ine 55 - column4, line 14, claims 1,8,
`15, abstract
`U1 See patent famlly annex.
`IJil Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C.
`Special c,ategories of cited docwnents:
`"All document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`to be of particular relevance
`"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international
`filing date
`"L" document which may throw doubts on priority clairn(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`special reason (as flllecified)
`"0" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other
`"PII document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`the priority date claimed
`later docwnent published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`"X" document of particular relevance: the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`step when the docwnent is taken alone
`/Jy/1 document of particular relevance: the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`combined with one or more other such document~, such oombination
`being obvious to a person Skilled in the art
`N&N document member ofthe same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`2.6 November 2.001
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/
`Swedish Patent Office
`Box 5055, S-102 42 STOCKHOLM
`Facsimile No. +46 8 666 02 86
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1998)
`05 -12- 2001
`Authorized officer
`Stefan Hansson/JAn
`Telephone No. +46 8 782 25 00
`Page 16 of 18
`International application No.
`PCT/FI 01/00781
`Category* Citation of docur,nent, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`EP 1059798 A2 (AT & T), 13 December 2000
`(13.12.00), page 1, line 10- page 2, line 24,'
`figures 1,3, claim 1, abstract
`WO 0131903 A1 (GENUITY INC.), 3 May 2001
`(03.05.01), page 2, line 5- page 3, line 6,
`figure 4a, claim 1, abstract
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (contmuation of second sheet) (July 1998)
`Page 17 of 18
`Information on patent family members
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`0817457 A2
`Patent family
`International application No.
`PCT/FI 01/00781
`2206174 A
`6148067 A
`5818836 A
`9902584 A
`0984608 A2
`6175619 8
`0002174 A
`1059798 A2
`1576601 A
`0131903 A1
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex) (July 1998)
`Page 18 of 18
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