`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2002/0076025 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jun. 20, 2002
`Liversidge et al.
`US 20020076025A1
`(75) Inventors: Douglas E. Liversidge, Kanata (CA);
`Brian F. Beaton, Ottawa (CA);
`Cli?'ord P. Grossner, Nepean (CA);
`Roman Romaniuk, Ottawa (CA);
`Colin D.R. Smith, Ottawa (CA);
`Christopher Thompson, Manotick
`(CA); James F. Zdralek, Ottawa (CA);
`Jean J. Bouchard, Sillery (CA);
`Stephane F. Fortier, Breakeyville
`(CA); Denis Mercier, Boischatel (CA);
`L. Lloyd Williams, Kanata (CA)
`Correspondence Address:
`SUITE 1600
`(73) Assignee: Nortel Networks Limited and Bell
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 18, 2000
`Publication Classi?cation
`(51) Int. Cl? .......................... .. H04M 3/42; G06F 15/16
`(52) U.S. c1. .................................... .. 379/202.01; 709/204
`A collaboration services suite is adapted to support a plu
`rality of integrated telecommunications services accessed by
`geographically dispersed team members using a virtual team
`environment (VTE) client that generates a graphical user
`interface (GUI) for each of the respective team members.
`Communications sessions are automatically set up by the
`collaboration services suite in response to request messages
`generated by the VTE client when a team member initiates
`a communications session request using the GUI. Team
`members require no knowledge of another team member’s
`communications device address in order to initiate a com
`munications session. The collaboration services suite
`includes a VTE server that communicates with the VTE
`clients, a presence engine that collects and maintains a status
`of communications devices speci?ed in a current pro?le of
`the team member; and, a call server for handling setup and
`control of a voice component of each communications
`session completed.
`y'rg QLIENIjA]
`Personal ID: Hank
`: in the Olfioe
`'_‘ Status = Idle
`36 —
`f1 4a
`2“ m ?g “when
`Mary Ann
`Personal lD: Rachel
`: On the Road
`Status = Turned "0"‘
`= |
`126 tum) Status
`Status = In Use
`W36¢aa Jim
`922a 32%“
`51.1 Ba
`Personal ID: Mary Ann
`1 at Home
`ufstatus = idle
`{2' Status = In Use
`w 3
`VTE CL 5mm)
`Personal ‘D : Jim
`: Unavailable
`12d E status = none
`57X“ sums : “one
`5% @ Rachel
`3E5 m
`\i w Mary Ann
`22a 32
`16a) @325“ 8a
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`llxmoilllquamzw u . $>
`.mZOO 2“
`:5. m; i
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`Patent Application Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 7 0f 39
`US 2002/0076025 A1
`FIG. 7
`Services Suite
`VTE Svr
`team member data
`Instant messages
`team bulletins
`meeting notes
`connection 8: login status
`personal profile changes
`presence status
`invitation responses
`instant messages
`team bulletins
`meeting notes
`VTE Client
`Page 8 of 72
`Patent Application Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 8 0f 39
`US 2002/0076025 A1
`FIG. 8
`VTE —f
`loginHequesl (Personal ID, password)
`126V) validateUser (Personal ID, password)
`getPro?le (Personal i0]
`Profile (Personal ID]
`IoginHequest_Ok (User Preferences, current profile)
`Subscriptionjequest [ClientA)
`L132 Subscription_Request_Ok (ClienrA)
`StatusEvent (Clienl?oginj)
`StatusEvent (ClientA (|ogin))
`‘ L
`136 ‘
`statusEvenl(ClientA (Iogin))
`StarusEvent (ClienlA (login))
`VTE if‘mb
`401- VTE
`Unsubscribe (ClientA)
`142 {
`144 {
`Unsubscribe (ClientA, OK)
`StatusEvenl (CHenrAUogouU)
`StatusEvent (C|ientA(logout))
`StatusEvent (ClientA(logout))
`StatusEvent (ClientA?ogouU)
`Page 9 of 72
`Patent Application Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 9 0f 39
`US 2002/0076025 A1
`122 f
`Virtual Team Space
`Menu Bar
`Current Preference
`Team View
`Team Bulletins
`Active Communications
`Team Documents
`Page 10 of 72
`Patent Application Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 10 0f 39 US 2002/0076025 A1
`Layer 1
`Layer 2
`Layer 3
`Menu Bar
`|_—-__> New Session
`1 62 |______’
`1 56
`Active Sesslon
`1 66
`1 72
`Join Active _@
`V Schedule Event
`sh" "m"
`1 76
`1 8
`‘- 5
`Select Profile
`V Edit pro?les
`V Synchronize
`Open Scheduler
`Open Member
`Into. Window
`Update Personal
`Protlle Selection
`V pen Profile Edit
`4? object
`ynchron ze
`Profile across
`ulti le Team
`V Membership
`Leave team f
`V Management
`' create Team
`"""te '° Team
`Open Create
`Team Window
`Open Team
`invite Window
`Remove from f 220
`DisbandTeam r222
`Multiple Teams
`Show Team 1 J- 284
`Show Team 2
`Update Team
`vlew Display
`Page 11 of 72
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 11 0f 39
`US 2002/0076025 A1
`FIG. 12
`VTE -
`4-0 1
`(L crealeProlile (Personal 10, Pro?lelD,
`communicalionDevice Address)
`submit (Personal lD, ProfilelD,
`comm. Preferences)
`saveProlile (Personal ID,
`Pro?le lD, Pro?le)
`Pro?le saved
`noll?calion_new_profile (Personal ID, Device/Address(lnfo)
`nolillcalion_vali_dali0n (ClientA,Pro?le,OK)
`seleclProiile ProfilelD)
`4O'\_ VTE
`gelProlile (ProlilelD)
`198-) Profile (ProlilelD)
`stalusEvent (Client A, profileChange,newProlile)
`changePro?le (ClientA,
`~ 200
`stalusEvenl (Client A,
`Page 12 of 72
`Patent Application Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 12 0f 39 US 2002/0076025 A1
`M v44),
`VTE _f 44a
`VTE _f 44°
`VTE If 40
`Create Team (Team ID=Team Name)
`Select Members (ClIentB, ClientC)
`CreateTeam (Team ID, Client A,Cl_ient B,ClientC)
`CreateTeam (Team ID)
`zsoxpigddMember (Team ID, ClientA)
`232? ?atusEvent (Team ID, ClienIA added)
`StatusEvent (Team ID, Team Created)
`StatusEvent (Team ID, ClientA, Status)
`StaIusEvent (Team ID, ClIentB, Status)
`StatusEvent (Team ID, ClientC, Status)
`4 L
`Invitation (Team ID, ClientA,
`262 4
`Display Invitation
`User Input
`InvItationF esponsejTeam ID
`Personal I) CIIenIB ,Acce t
`p) L266 AddMember (Team ID, GIMME); ‘
`StatusEvent (Team ID, CIientB, Status)
`<Sta’tusEvent (Team ID, CIientB, Status)
`iatusEvent (Team ID, CIientB added)
`Display Invitation
`User Input
`Invitation (Team ID, ClientA,
`(Team ID, Personal Tb
`StatusEvent (Team ID, ClientC, Status)
`StatusEvent (Team ID, CIientC, Status)
`Page 13 of 72
`Patent Application Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 13 0f 39 US 2002/0076025 A1
`FIG. 15
`User's current availability
`a [Personal lDj rCurrentProfile] Profile Message J
`F 290
`*> Change text
`Select default
`Select custom from list
`lnput custom at keyboard
`Edit custom at keyboard
`Delete custom from list
`\> change profile -—>Select from list
`view I edit
`personal contact into
`\ address
`\>otfice phone
`k>home phone
`\>cell phone
`\> pager
`change text communication
`Instant messaging
`1way text message
`1way numeric message
`change voice communication _>
`office phone
`home phone
`cell phone
`temporary p one
`input temporary
`telephone Number
`Page 14 of 72
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`Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 14 0f 39 US 2002/0076025 A1
`FIG. 16
`Team View
`294 ,D I] niersonal ID #1 ] motile Message
`| Profile Message
`U ‘PersonallD #2 |
`Select a
`team member
`New comm. options
`Active Comm. options
`Show team
`member data
`Use contact option
`from menu bar
`Select and invite into
`active session
`object to invite to ioin
`communication session
`Drag-and-drop into
`active session object
`to invite contact to join
`Open empty communication
`\->SingleClick——> object that includes selected
`member as inviteelrecipient
`Open communication object that includes
`\> DoubleClick —>selectecl team member as invites/recipient and
`initiate communications
`LvRightClick -_>‘ Alternative text/voice
`communications paths
`: office phone
`\->home phone
`k>cell phone
`\> temporary phone
`k>instant messaging
`k» 1-way text message
`k>1-way numeric message
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 15 0f 39
`US 2002/0076025 A1
`FIG. 17
`monitor device staiu_s\c>
`stalusEvent (ClienlA, device1 status = in use)
`devicet status = in use)
`devicei status = in use)
`Page 16 of 72
`Patent Application Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 16 0f 39 US 2002/0076025 A1
`FIG. 18
`Team Bulletins W
`Edit Bulletins
`E _ r B H r
`ms mg u ems
`New Bulletin Text
`FIG. 19
`Active Communications
`314 T°Pi°
`I CommunicationType I
`I Current Participants
`308& (icon) W310
`I Commu'nicationType I \ITurrent Participants
`Choose Participation
`Send Join Session (listener)
`Msg. to VTE server
`Send Join Session (full)
`Msg. to VTE server
`Page 17 of 72
`Patent Appllcatlon Publication Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 17 0f 39 US 2002/0076025 A1
`(A) /
`~/*\ VTE
`Open IM Session Obj
`Select Session Type = PUBLIC
`Select Participants (ClientB)
`Enter Topic Text
`Enter Message Text
`IM (Client, PUBLIC, To in, Message)
`Open Session Record (SJ
`IM (ClientB,PUBLlC)
`StatusEvent (IM Session,SessionlD,
`Topic, Participants)
`StatusEvenl (lM Session
`SessionlD, Topic,Participants)
`JoinSession (Se. sionlD, Participate)
`addParty(C|ientC, ParlicipT?j)
`StatusEvent (SessionlD,ClientC)
`StatusEvent (Se$si0nID,ClienlC)
`StatusEvent (SessionlD,ClientC)
`StatusEvent (SessionlD,ClientC)
`JoinSession (SessionlD, Listen)
`addParty(ClienlD, Listen)
`‘ 352 X 1-Way IM Messages
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` LeSidOlt
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` dA]uolssas‘y)JsenboyuoIsses
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` 8v9abassewAejdsiq
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` eyoe
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`Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 26 of 39
`US 2002/0076025 Al
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` sy5
` aBpug
`(,6ui6uu,,JUaAASNEIS “O)
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`Jun. 20, 2002 Sheet 27 of 39
`US 2002/0076025 Al
`206) 76()((a)dNSt-S=010)]926Tau-d/Ns!
` ((W)dNSI-3=910]Tae-dNst‘aulSID!
` hussSIATanuensSIATwasSLAuoIssagSUOILOIUNWIWODaJI0AAeM-e8509/562‘Sls
` (GIvolsseg)esolg
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`US 2002/0076025 Al
`poolaransTCog Jae-dNsl
`(paso[9‘gluoisseg‘edA|udlssag)juaAgsnie}S ‘dAuo!
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`US 2002/0076025 Al
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` (aBessayy‘aidoL‘adA|u
` olsses)
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`US 2002/0076025 Al
` Aejdsiq|(,Guypuad,“yyusaasnyeys9ZoLebessayyAeldsiqO-~¥ZOL
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` elN=Aeldsiquoysseg
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` (adNSIS=010(@O)NG=NalWI-d/NsiOLZtL
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` SSCAAEGcS,msndOmCano@©©Oe||Se
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` auodlAéld(o'a'yed)waagsnyesuoissegAe\dsig&
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` “tl‘ordoLy1UoIssag‘g)ysanbayuoissag
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` obpug
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` oora(aluojssag‘Nq)YORneyAUARI
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`US 2002/0076025 Al
` PING©Osh2ClUolssagO6rLheldsiguoissessyepdyylzex(Ssalppydl§,0Juedioued‘seeypulsuedomeg‘sajonBueayy‘o1do|)“ojujuoisseg
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`US 2002/0076025 Al
`Jun. 20, 2002
`[0001] This is the first application filed for the present
`[0002] Not Applicable.
`[0003] The invention relates in general to work environ-
`ments and, in particular, to a virtual team environment that
`facilitates collaboration among geographically-dispersed
`team members using a distributed application that provides
`the virtual team environment.
`setup and control by permitting calls to be initiated from a
`worldwide web interface or the like, problems are still
`inherent. It is still impossible to determine the availability of
`a called party before a call is placed. Even when a call
`attempt is unsuccessful, the caller is generally not provided
`with any feedback to indicate why the call attempt failed.
`For example, the called party may be on anothercall, or may
`be away from their desk oroffice. It is estimated that at least
`as many as 84% (6 out of 7) of business calls fail to connect
`directly to the called party.
`[0008] Electronic mail provides a convenient and inex-
`pensive mode of communicati