`ANSI INCITS 131-I994 (R1999)
`(formerly ANS1X3.131-1994 (R1999))
`Stabilized as
`INCITS 131 -1 994[5201 3]
`for Information Systems -
`Small Computer System
`Developed by
`LYMP EX.111-1/4
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`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 1/468


`LYMP EX.111-2/4
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 2/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 2/468


`American National Standard
`for Information Systems —-
`Small Computer System Interface-2
`Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
`Approved January 31, 1994
`American Natlonal Standards Instltute, Inc.
`The SCSI protocol is designed to provide an efficient peer-to-peer l/O bus with up to 16 devices,
`including one or more hosts. Data may be transferred asynchronously at rates that only depend
`on device implementation and cable length. Synchronous data transfers are supported at rates up
`to 10 mega-transfers per second. With the 32-bit wide data transfer option, data rates of up to 40
`megabytes per second are possible.
`SCSI-2 includes command sets for magnetic and optical disks. tapes. printers, processors, CD-
`ROMS. scanners. medium changers, and communications devices.
`EX.111- /4
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 3/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 3/468


`that the
`American Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSl
`requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have
`been met by the standards developer.
`Standard Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards
`Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially
`affected interests.
`Substantial agreement means much more than a simple
`majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and
`objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their
`The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence
`does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards
`or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes,
`or procedures not conforming to the standards.
`The American National Standards institute does not develop standards and will in
`no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.
`Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of
`an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards
`Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or
`sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.
`CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or
`withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards
`institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw
`this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current
`information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards
`CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be required for the
`implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publisher
`have undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of
`publication of this standard and following calls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementation
`of the standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is conducted by the developer or publisher in
`respect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or implied that licenses are not required to avoid
`infringement in the use ofthis standard.
`Published by
`American National Standards institute
`11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036
`Copyright ©1994 by Information Technology Industry Council (iTl)
`All rights reserved.
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
`form, in an electronic retrieval system or othenNise,
`without prior written permission of lTl, 1250 Eye Street NW,
`Washington, DC 20005.
`Printed in the United States of America
`LYMP EX.111-4/4
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 4/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 4/468


`Foreword .
`Introduction .
`. xix
`. xxii
`Scope .
`Normative references .
`Definitions, symbols and abbreviations .
`Definitions .
`Symbols and abbreviations .
`Overview .
`Physical characteristics .
`Physical description .
`Cable requirements
`Single-ended cable .
`Differential cable .
`Cable requirements for fast synchronous data transfer .
`Connector requirements
`Non-shielded connector requirements
`Non-shielded connector alternative 1- A cable .
`Non-shielded connector alternative 2- A cable .
`Non-shielded connector - B cable .
`Shielded connector requirements .
`Shielded connector alternative 1- A cable .
`Shielded connector alternatIVe 2- A cable .
`Shielded connector - B cable .
`Connector contact assignments .
`Electrical description .
`Single-ended alternative .
`Output characteristics
`Input characteristics .
`Differential alternative .
`Output characteristics
`Input characteristics .
`Terminator power .
`RESERVED lines .
`SCSI bus .
`SCSI bus signals .
`Signal values .
`OH-tied signals
`Signal sources .
`SCSI bus timing .
`Arbitration delay .
`Assertion period
`Bus clear delay .
`Bus free delay
`Bus set delay .
`EX.111- /4
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 5/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 5/468


`Bus settle delay
`Cable skew delay .
`Data release delay
`Deskew delay .
`Disconnection delay .
`Hddfime .
`Negation period
`POWer—on to selection time
`Reset to selection time
`Reset hold time
`Selection abort time
`Selection time-out delay .
`Transfer period .
`Fast synchronous transfer option .
`Fast assertion period
`Fast cable skew delay
`Fast deskew delay
`Fast hold time
`Fast negation period .
`Logical characteristics .
`SCSlbusphases .
`BUS FREE phase .
`ARBlTRATION phase .
`SELECTION phase .
`SELECTION time-out procedure .
`RESELECTION time-out procedure .
`Information transfer phases .
`Asynchronous information transfer .
`Synchronous data transfer .
`Wide data transfer .
`COMMAND phase .
`Data phase .
`DATAIN phase .
`DATA OUT phase .
`STATUS phase .
`Message phase .
`MESSAGE lN phase .
`MESSAGE OUT phase .
`Signal restrictions beIWeen phases
`Attention condition .
`Reset condition .
`Hard reset alternative .
`Soft reset alternative .
`SCSI bus phase sequences .
`SCSI pointers
`Message system description .
`Messages .
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`LYMP EX.111-/4
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 6/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 6/468


`lDENfiFY .
`. ... .
`. H. .
`Queue tag messages .
`. H 56
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`. ..
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`. ..
`. ..
`. ..
`. ..
`SCSI commands and status .
`Command implementation requirements
`Reserved .
`Operation code types
`Command descriptor block .
`Operation code .
`Logical unit number .
`Logical block address .
`Transfer length .
`Parameter list length .
`Allocation length .
`Control field .
`Status .
`Command examples .
`Single command example .
`Disconnect example .
`Linked command example .
`Command processing considerations and exception conditions 74
`Programmable operating definition .
`Incorrect initiator connection .
`Selection of an invalid logical unit
`Parameter rounding .
`Asynchronous event notification
`Unexpected reselection .
`Contingent allegiance condition .
`Extended contingent allegiance condition .
`Queued |/O processes .
`Untagged queuing .
`Tagged queuing .
`Example of queued l/O process .
`LYMP EX.111-7/4
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 7/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 7/468


`Typical sequences for tagged queuing .
`Example of tagged queuing .
`Unfiaflenfioncondfion .
`AHdechtypes .
`SCSI addresses .
`SCSI device address .
`Logical units
`Target routines
`Commands implemented by all SCSI devices
`UflngflmlNQwRYcomnmnd .
`UdngmeREQUESTSENSEcommmm .
`Using the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command .
`Using the TEST UNIT READY command .
`Commands for all device types
`COMPAREcomnmnd .
`COPYcomnmnd .
`Errors detected by the managing SCSI device .
`Errors detected by a target
`COPY function code 00h and 01h .
`.n .
`COPY function code 02h .
`COPY function code 03h .
`COPY function code 04h .
`Copies with unequal block lengths .
`COPYANDVEmFchnmmw .
`lNQUMYcomnmnd .
`Standard INQUIRY data .
`Vital product data
`LOG SELECT command .
`LOG SENSE command .
`MODE SELECT(6) command .
`. . .
`MODE SELECT(10) command .
`MODESENSEw)cmnnmnd .
`Current values .
`Changeable values
`Default values .
`SaVed values .
`. ..
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`. ..
`. ..
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`. 90
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`. 101
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`. ..106
`. 107
`. 108
`. 108
`. 108
`. 108
`. 109
`. 109
`Initial responses .
`MODE SENSE(10) command .
`READ BUFFER command .
`Combined header and data mode (000b) .
`Vendor-specific mode (001 b)
`Data mode (O10b)
`Descriptor mode (011b) .
`Sense-key specific .
`Definedenom .
`Sense key and sense code definitions .
`TEST UNIT READY command .
`WRITE BUFFER command .
`. 110
`. 110
`. 110
`. 111
`. 112
`. ..112
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`. 127
`LYMP EX.111-/4
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`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 8/468


`Combined header and data mode (OOOb) .
`Vendor—specific mode (001b)
`Data mode (O10b)
`Download microcode mode (100b)
`Download microcode and saVe mode (101 b)
`Parameters for all device types
`Diagnostic parameters
`Supported diagnostic pages .
`Log parameters .
`Butter over-run/under-run page .
`Error counter pages .
`Last n error events page .
`Non-medium error page
`Supported log pages .
`Mode parameters
`Control mode page .
`Disconnect-reconnect page .
`Peripheral device page .
`Vital product data parameters
`ASCII implemented operating definition page .
`ASCII information page .
`Implemented operating definition page .
`Supported vital product data pages .
`Unit serial number page .
`Direct-access devices
`Direct-access device model
`Removable medium .
`Logical blocks .
`Ready state .
`initialization .
`MedMniddems .
`Data cache .
`Reservations .
`Seek and rezero .
`Notched driVes
`Hcflafionalposfionlochng .
`Flelative addressing .
`Error reporting .
`Rotating media .
`Sequential media .
`&1J33 Memowrnewa .
`Commands for direct-access devices.
`FORMATUNWcomnmnd .
`Defect list formats
`initialization pattern option .
`PFiE-FETCH command .
`HEAD(6) command .
`FlEAD(10) command .
`FiEAD CAPACITY command .
`. 126
`. 126
`. 12B
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`. 129
`.‘. 129
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`LYMP EX.111-/4
`HUAWEI EX. 1011 - 9/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1011 - 9/468


`READ'LONG command .
`RELEASEcmnmand .
`Logical unit release .
`Extent release .
`Third-party release .
`RESERVEcomnmnd .
`Logical unit reservation .
`Extent reservation .
`. 173
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`. 176
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`. 177
`. 177
`Third-party reservation
`Superseding reservations .
`REZERO UNIT command .
`SEARCH DATA commands
`SEARCH DATA HlGH command .
`SEARCH DATA LOW command .
`SEEK(6) and SEEK(10) commands .
`SET LIMITS command .
`START STOP UNIT command .
`VERIFY command .
`WRITE(6) command .
`WRITE(10) command .
`WRITE LONG command .
`WRITE SAME command .
`Parameters for direct-access devices .
`Diagnostic parameters .
`Translate address page - SEND DIAGNOSTIC .
`Translate address page - RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC .
`Log parameters .
`Mode parameters
`Caching page .
`Flexible disk page .
`Format device page .
`Medium types supported page .
`Notch and partition page .
`Read-write error recovery page .
`Rigid disk drive geometry page .
`Verify error reCOVery page .
`Definitions specific to direct-access devices .
`Sequenfiataccess dechs .
`Physical elements .
`Data storage characteristics .
`Partitions within a volume .
`Logical elements within a partition .
`Data buffering .
`Recorded object descriptors (block identifiers)
`Direction and position definitions .
`Error reporting .
`Command descriptions for sequential-access devices
`ERASE command .
`. 179
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