`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`12 July 2001 (12.07.2001)
` (10) International Publication Number
`WO 01/50325 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`GO06F 17/00
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM,AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ,
`(21) International Application Number:©PCT/US00/35672
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(22) International Filing Date:
`29 December 2000 (29.12.2000)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`3 January 2000 (03.01.2000)
`RATION [US/US]; 1370 Bob Adams Drive, Steamboat
`Springs, CA 80487 (US).
`(72) Inventors: AVERY, Caleb; -. TOBELMANN,Ralph, -.
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD,RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR,IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`Without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
`(74) Agents: SACHS,Robertet al.; Fenwick & West LLP, Two
`Palo Alto Square, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (US).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
` Binary Data
`Segment Data
`Select Transform For
` Package Each
`(57) Abstract: A system and method for lossless data compression. A mathematical transform equivalent to the content value of
`the data, and taking fewerbits to represent, is found.
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`This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e)
`from U.S. Patent
`Application serial No. 60/174,305, filed January 3, 2000, which is incorporated by reference
`in its entirety.
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to data transformation, more particularly, to lossless data
`Background of the Invention
`Existing compression technology focuses on finding and removing redundancy in
`the input binary data. Early compression approaches focused on the format of the data.
`These format approaches utilize run-length encoding (RLE) and variations of frequency
`mapping methods. These pattern-coding approaches work well for ASCII character data,
`but never reached the compression potential for other data formats.
`Advances in compression technology evolved from information theory, particularly
`Claude Shannon’s work on information entropy. The bulk of this work is statistical in
`Shannon-Fano and Huffman encoding build probability trees of symbols in
`descending order of their occurrence in the source data, allowing the generation of “good”
`variable-size codes.
`This is often referred to as entropy coding.
`Compression is
`accomplished because more frequently occurring binary patterns are assigned shorter codes,
`allowing for a reductionin the overall average ofbits required for a message.
`Shannon-Fano and Huffman encoding are optimal only when the probability of a
`pattern’s occurrence is a negative power of 2. These methods engendered a numberof
`adaptive versions that optimize the probability trees as the data varies.
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`Arithmetic Coding overcame the negative power of 2 probabilities problem by
`assigning one (normally long) code to the entire data. This method reads the data, symbol by
`symbol, and appends bits to the output code each time more patterns are recognized.
`The need for more efficiency in text encoding led to the development and evolution of
`dictionary encoding,typified by LZ family of algorithms developed by J. Ziv and A. Lempel.
`These methods spawned numerous variations.
`In these methods, strings of symbols (a
`dictionary) are built up as they are encountered, and then coded as tokens. Output is then a
`mix of an index and raw data.
`Aswith entropy coding, dictionary methods can bestatic, or adaptive. Variants of the
`LZ family make use of different techniques to optimize the dictionary and its index. These
`techniques include: search buffers, look-ahead buffers, history buffers, sliding windows, hash
`tables, pointers, and circular queues. These techniques serve to reduce the bloat of seldom-
`used dictionary entries. The popularity of these methods is due to their simplicity, speed,
`reasonable compression rates, and low memory requirements.
`Different types of information tend to create specific binary patterns. Redundancy or
`entropy compression methods are directly dependent upon symbolic data, and the inherent
`patterns that can be recognized, mapped, and reduced. Asa result, different methods must be
`optimized for different types of information. The compressionis as efficient as the method of
`modeling the underlying data. However, there are limits to the structures that can be mapped
`and reduced.
`The redundancy-based methodologies are limited in application and/or performance.
`In general, entropy coding either compromises speed or compression when addressing the
`limited redundancy that can be efficiently removed. Typically, these methods have very low
`compression gain. The primary advantage is that entropy coding can be implemented to
`remain lossless.
`Lossy compression can often be applied to diffuse data such as data representing
`speech, audio,
`image, and video. Lossy compression implies that the data cannot be
`reconstructed exactly. Certain applications can afford to lose data during compression and
`reconstitution becauseof the limitations of human auditory and visual systems in interpreting
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`the information. Perceptual coding techniques are used to exploit these limitations of the
`human eyes and ears. A perceptual coding model followed by entropy encoding, which uses
`one of the previously discussed techniques, produces effective compression. However, a
`unique model (and entropy coder) is needed for each type of data because the requirements
`are so different. Further, the lossy nature of such compression techniques mean the results
`lose somefidelity, at times noticable, from the original, and make them unsuitable for many
`Thus, a method for compression that is both lossless and capable of high compression
`gain is needed.
`The present invention compresses binary data. The data is split into segments. Each
`of these segments has a numerical value. A transform, along with state information for that
`transform, is selected for each segment. The numerical value of the transform with its state
`information is equal to the numerical value of the segment. The transform, state information
`and packet overhead are packaged into a transform packet. The bit-length of the transform
`packet is compared to the bit-length of a segment packet that includes the raw segment and
`any necessary packet overhead. The packet with the smaller bit-length is chosen and stored
`or transmitted. After reception of the packets, or retrieval of the packets from storage, the
`numerical value of each segment is recalculated from the transform and state information, if
`necessary. The segments are recombinedto reconstitute the original binary data.
`Fig. 1 is a flow chart showing an overview of the compression process.
`Fig. 2 is a flow chart showing an overview ofthe recovery process.
`Fig. 3 is a block diagram of the compression system andillustrates the general flow of
`data through the compression system.
`Fig. 4 is a flow chart of the pre-processor.
`Fig. 5 is a flow chart ofthe transform engine.
`Fig. 6 is a flow chart of a transform process.
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`Fig. 7 illustrates finding a set of favorable state information without testing every
`possible set of state information.
`Fig. 8 illustrates partial solutions within a segment.
`Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments
`Fig. 1 is a flow chart showing an overview of the compression process 100. The
`initial input 102 is binary data. Any piece of binary data is simply a number expressed in
`binary form. Thus, any piece of binary data has a numerical value. This numerical value is
`the data’s “content value.”
`The input binary data 102 is split 104 into segments, if necessary. The input binary
`data may be short enough that it is not further split. Each segment has a content value. The
`content value of each segment is identified and a transform along with appropriate state
`information is selected and tested 106 for each segment. A general transform is capable of
`representing many values. The state information provides the information necessary to
`specify an exact value for the transform. The term “state information” includes any variables,
`coefficients, remainders, or any other information necessary to set the specific numerical
`value for the transform. In some embodiments, “packet overhead,” is added to the transform
`and state information. The packet overhead includes any information beyond the transform
`and state information needed to allow later recalculation of the original segment and
`reconstitution of the original input binary data.
`The transform with its state information has the identical numerical value as the
`corresponding segment. The following equation represents the transform concept:
`M=T(State Information),
`is the content value of the segment, and T is the transform. The transform is an
`arithmetic transform, a logical transform, or another mathematical transform.
`The transform with its state information and packet overhead has a representation
`efficiency gain (“REG”). The REG is a measurementofthe efficiency ofthe transform,state
`information, and any packet overhead. The REGis defined as the ratio of Log,M/ Log,T,
`where Log,M is the numberof binary bits required to represent M, and Log,T is the numberof
`binary bits required to decodably represent the transform, state information, and packet
`NetApp; Rackspace
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`overhead. Thus, if the REG value is greater than one, the transform plus state information
`and packet overhead takes up fewerbits than the segment.
`For example, a 9-bit size message is capable of representing the transform a” , where
`each of a, b, and c is a 3-bit message. In this case, a” is the transform, and a, b, and c are
`each a variable of the transform. The values of a, b, and c make up the state information.
`Both the transform and the state information are necessary to make an expression whose
`numerical value is equal to the content value of the segment.
`With the a” example above, nine bits are capable of representing an integer over
`700,000 decimal digits long, equivalent to more than 2.3 million binary bits. As an example,
`this transform can represent the content value of 150,094,635,296,999,121, or 36° using only
`nine bits. This number would occupy fifty-eight bits if conventionally represented in binary
`form. Thus, by using this transform, the 9-bit message transmits 58 bits of content value.
`The 58-bit data segment has been greatly compressed.
`Each transform and accompanying state information are next packaged 108 into a
`packet. The packet includes additional packet overhead that provides any other information
`necessary to allow later unpackaging and recovery of the content value of the packet. This
`packet overhead can include information that identifies the segment, identifies the transform,
`or any other necessary information. The packet typically takes fewer bits to express than the
`original segment. Thus, the segment has been compressed.
`Each packetis then stored or transmitted 110. Because the packetis typically smaller
`than the segment, storing the packet takes up less space than the segment, and transmitting
`the packet takes less time than transmitting the segment.
`Fig. 2 is a flow chart showing an overview ofthe recovery process 200, in which the
`original data is recovered from packets. The packet is received 202 if it has been transmitted,
`or retrieved from storage if it has been stored. Next, the packet coding is decoded 204 to
`determine the identity of the transform and how to use the state information to recover the
`original segment. Using the decoded information, the original segment’s content value is
`recalculated 206. Finally, all recomputed segments are put together again in their original
`order to reconstitute 208 the original input binary data. Thus, the output 210 of the recovery
`process 200is identicalto the input 102 of the compression process.
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`System Overview
`Fig. 3 is a block diagram of the compression system 300 andillustrates the general
`_ flow of data through the compression system 300. The compression system 300 performs the
`processes of Figs. 1 and 2. The flow through the compression system 300 starts with the
`input of a binary string 302 that is to be compressed.
`The control program 306 serves as the process controller for all compression system
`300 functions. The control program 306 monitors other compression system 300 components
`and tracks all information related to the input binary string throughout processing. The
`control program 306 also interacts with and terminates any process according to time,trial, or
`other parameters.
`The pre-processor 304 takes the input binary string 302 and splits the binary string
`302 into segments. The length of each segment is appropriate to a given data type, transforms
`likely to be used, processor capacity, and application parameters. In somesituations, the pre-
`processor 304 also mutates the segments in order to give more favorable variations of a
`segmentto the transform engine 308.
`The transform engine 308 receives the segments from the pre-processor 304 and
`computes permutations of transforms and state information, each permutation equivalent to
`the content value of the segment. The size of each permutation, including associated packet
`overhead, is analyzed, and the most efficient combination of transform, state information, and
`packet overhead is selected. If the permutations show no data compression, the segmentis
`sent unmodified to the packager 310 as raw data.
`The packager 310 receives the output of the transform engine 308. For each segment,
`the packager receives from the control program 306 all relevant information, including state
`information, as to how the segment was transformed. From the transform, state information,
`and other associated information, the packager 310 creates a packet. Thus, the packet
`includes the transform, state information, and packet overhead information that together
`allows later decoding of the packet.
`At this point, the input binary string 302 has been segmented, transformed, and
`packaged into packets. Together, the packets are smaller than the original input binary string
`NetApp; Rackspace
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`302. These packets can be either stored or transmitted through established storage and
`transmission protocols 312. Because the packets are smaller than the original input binary
`string, they have the advantage of taking less storage space and being transmitted more
`quickly than the original binary data.
`The unpackager 314 receives the packetif the packet has been transmitted, or retrieves
`the packet from storage if the packet has been stored. The unpackager 314 interprets the
`packet overhead instructions, unpacks the packet components and associated information for
`use by the decoder 316, and unpacks any unmodified data as raw data segments.
`The decoder 316 receives the unpackaged information from the unpackager 314 and
`recalculates the content value of the original segment. The decoder 316 applies the state
`information to the appropriate transform(s) to recalculate the content value of the segment. If
`the data was mutated, the process is reversed for that given segment to recover the original
`format of the segment.
`The reconstitutor 318 receives the segments from the decoder 316 and concatenates
`the segments in sequence to reconstitute the original binary string. Based on application
`parameters, this can be doneto an entire file or streamed as needed by the application. The
`reconstitutor 318 then outputs the binary string 320. The binary string 320 output by the
`reconstitutor 318 is identical to the input binary string. Thus, the compression system 300
`provides lossless compression.
`Control Program
`The control program 306 tracks data related to each data segment and transformation
`of the segment, as well as information regarding the pre-processor 304, the transform engine
`308, and all other compression system 300 functions. This information can include, but is not
`limited to:
`1. The identification of each segment, including information providing the
`location ofthe segment within the original input binary string
`2. The size of each segment
`3. The data type of each segment
`4. Computational powerofthe transform engine 308
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`5. Computational power ofthe decoder 316
`6. Application requirements, such as time constraints for real-time streaming
`7. Data type requirements
`8. Whether the segment has been mutated, and the technique used to mutate the
`9. Time spent on the segment by the pre-processor 304
`10. Computational cycles spent on the segment by the pre-processor 304
`11. Time spent on the segment by the transform engine 308
`12. Computational cycles spent on the segment by the transform engine 308
`13. The identity of the transform or transforms used for the segment
`14. Any Combinatorial Optimization Heuristics used to select state information
`15. Tracking information related to any heuristic used
`16. Successful transform(s)
`17. State information of successful transform(s)
`18. Bit-length of transform reference(s) and associated state information for
`successful transform(s)
`19. Bit-length of associated packet overhead for successful transform(s)
`20. Partial solution transform(s)
`21. State information ofpartial solutions (including offsets)
`22. Bit-length of transform references and associated state information for partial
`23. Bit-length ofpacket overhead for transforms used by partial solutions
`24. Finite State Machine(s) used
`25. Finite State Machine information, such as reference data and Finite State
`Machinetree data
`26. de Bruijn Sequencestarting point and log of index
`27. 3-D Graph Tree tracking information
`28. N-space curve data
`29. “BOTS”used
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`30. BOTSinformation, such as content value locations of BOTS and deltas from
`BOTSto segment content value
`The process monitor (not shown) is a major subpart of the control program 306. The
`process monitor monitors the pre-processor 304 and the transform engine 308. The process
`monitor has parameters that constrain the operations of the pre-processor 304 and transform
`engine 308. These constraint parameters can include a target REG,the time spent processing,
`the number of computational cycles spent processing, or other parameters. A target REG is a
`REGvalue that is sufficiently high so that the compression system 300 stops searching for
`higher REG transforms when a combination of transform, state information, and packet
`overhead with the target REG is found. The constraint parameters for time spent processing
`and computational cycles spent processing ensure that the compression system 300 does not
`spend an indefinite amount of time and resources searching for the best combination of
`transform and state information. The parameters are preset or changed by the control
`program 306. The parameters are changed if the data type changes, if the computational
`resources change, if the application changes, or by human or other external intervention.
`If the pre-processor 304 or the transform engine 308 exceeds a constraint parameter,
`the process monitor signals the control program 306 to terminate pre-processor 304 or
`transform engine 308 operations. When pre-processor 304 operations are terminated, the
`binary string is split into segments. The length of the segments are the best approximation of
`optimum length thus far determined by the pre-processor 304. When transform engine 308
`operations are terminated, the transform engine 308 will output the current best transform and
`state information, or, if no transforms compressthe data, send the segment as raw data.
`Fig. 4 is a flow chart of the pre-processor 304. First, the pre-processor 304 analyzes
`400 the data type of the binary string 302.
`In analyzing the data type, the pre-processor 304
`attempts to identify or characterize the data type of the binary string 302. The data type is
`used to help determine which segmentsize, which transform, and which state information for
`the transform, which will be used to test and transform the binary data. The pre-processor
`304 characterizes the binary string 302 by either knowing which application generated the
`binary string 302 or by analyzing the data itself. One method for analyzing the data to
`determine the data type is comparing the binary string 302 to an existing database of data
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`types. One method for generating such a database is by sampling information generated by
`known digital applications.
`If the pre-processor 304 characterizes the binary string 302, the control program 306
`stores the data type associated with that string. If the pre-processor 304 cannot characterize
`the binary string 302, the control program 306 keeps a record that the binary string’s 302 data
`type is unknown.
`The pre-processor 304 next determines 402 whether the size of the input binary string
`302 is greater than a minimum optimum processing block size. The minimum optimum
`processing size is different for different data types. The control program 306 stores each
`known minimum optimum processing size associated with the corresponding data type.
`the pre-processor 304 has characterized the data type and the minimum optimum processing
`size for that data type is known, the pre-processor 304 simply compares the input binary
`string 302 to the stored minimum optimum processingsize.
`If the data type is unknown,or an optimum size for a data type is unknown,the binary
`string 302 is split 404 into segments of a size that has worked well previously with many
`types of data. Alternatively, the binary string 302 is initially split 404 into segments of
`differing bit-lengths. As these segments of differing bit-lengths are processed by the
`compression system 300, the control program 306 keeps a record of which segment sizes are
`most easily processed. By trying different sizes, and tracking which sizes work best, the
`control program 306 builds a record of an optimum processing size for each data type, so that
`the optimum processing size for that type of data becomes known. If the control program 306
`develops a record of an optimum processing size for a data type, that segment size can be
`incorporated for future use.
`If the input binary string 302 is larger than the minimum optimum processing block
`size, the binary string 302 is split 404 into segments. The bit-length of the segments is
`determined by several factors.
`The computational power of the transform engine 308 affects the bit-length of the
`segments. If the transform engine 308 has little computational poweravailable, the segments
`must be shorter than if the transform engine 308 has a great deal of computational power.
`Similarly, if the computational power of the decoder 316 is known,it will influence the bit-
`length of the segments. The more computational power the decoder 316 has, the greater the
`bit-length of the segment can be.
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`The application using the compression system 300 also affects the bit-lengths of the
`segments. For instance, applications such as video conferencing, which require human-
`perceptible real-time encoding, require shorter segments than those of off-line archiving
`where larger segments can be transformed and encoded over longer timeframes and more
`processing cycles.
`The data type also affects the bit-lengths of the segments. For instance, audio data
`may lend itself to different segment sizes than ASCII data. Another factor related to data type
`is what transforms will likely be used with the data type. The transforms used with a
`particular data type may perform better with a specific segment length. The control program
`306 monitors the transform engine 308 and stores which transforms work well with specific
`data types, which segments sizes work well with those transforms, and which segment sizes
`can be incorporated for future use.
`Thus, when the pre-processor 304 successfully
`characterizes a data type, the control program 306 is capable of retrieving information as to
`the optimum bit-length of the segment.
`If the input binary string 302 is equal to or smaller than the minimum optimum
`processing block size, the binary string 302 is treated as a single segment. Each segment,
`whether it is a portion of the split binary string 302, or the entire binary string, is treated the
`same throughoutthe rest of the compression system 300.
`The segment size is output 406 to the control program 306. The control program 306
`stores the segment size and uses it to compare to the size of possible combinations of
`transform, state information and packet overhead.
`The control program 306 assigns to each segment specific identification information
`so that the original binary data may be reconstituted later, and tracks each of the segments,
`along with the identification information, associated data type, settings for the process
`monitor, and any other associated data.
`Each of the segments may next be mutated 408. The segment is mutated 408 if the
`control program 306 has stored information indicating that previously, mutated segments of
`that data type and segmentsize resulted in successful transforms, or that unmutated segments
`of that data type and segment size did not result in successful transforms.
`If the control
`program 306 has no information stored that indicate that a mutated segment would result in
`successful transforms, the segment is not mutated. However, the segment may subsequently
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`be returned 412 from the transform engine 308 to be mutated if a successful transform for the
`unmutated segmentis not found.
`The pre-processor 304 mutates 408 segments by creating different versions of the
`segment to provide the transform engine 308 with more permutations of the same segment.
`By providing more permutations of the segment,
`the likelihood of finding an efficient
`transform is increased. Some segments for which the transform engine 308 failed to generate
`an efficient transform 412 are also returned to the pre-processor 304 and mutated 408.
`By monitoring and storing information on which data type and segment sizes are
`returned to the pre-processor 304 to be mutated 408,
`the control program 306 gains
`information on which data types and segment sizes should be initially mutated. Further, by
`monitoring mutated segments through the compression system 300, the control program 306
`gains information on which mutations result in successful transforms. This information can
`be re-incorporated into the control program.
`There are several ways to mutate the segment. If the control program 306 has a record
`stored of which mutating technique has resulted in successful transforms, that mutating
`technique is used.
`If the control program 306 does not have such a record, the mutating
`technique is chosen by stepping through a stored library ofpossible mutations.
`In a first mutating technique, the bit-length of the segment is adjusted. This involves
`splitting a group of segments differently. By doing so, the pre-processor 306 sends different
`content values to the transform engine 308 to process. Another technique is “cutting and
`shuffling”the data. A predefined shuffle library is used. The index of the shuffle is included
`as part of the packet overhead. Yet another technique is finding the complement of the
`segment and sending the complement to the transform engine 308. In another technique, the
`bits within the segment are shifted or rotated. When the bits are shifted or rotated, the
`direction and numberofbits to rotate or shift is sent as part of the packet overhead. The
`segment can be modified by an arithmetic (scaling) or logical (XORing) operation.
`In an
`alternate technique, other traditional compressions are used to change the content value of the
`The control program 306 tracks mutated segments, and how the mutated segments
`were mutated. This information is provided to the packager 310 so that the packager 310 can
`add the associated appropriate packet overhead codes. These codes identify the data as
`mutated data, as well as how the data has been mutated.
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`The segments, mutated or not, are next output 410 to the transform engine 308.
`Transform Engine
`Fig. 5 is a flow chart of the transform engine 308. The segment output by the pre-
`processor 304 is input 410 to the transform engine 308. The segment is sent to as many
`transform processes 502 as are available and as computational resources allow. The segment
`is processed by the transform processes 502either serially or in parallel.
`Each transform process 502 provides another transform (or transforms) available to
`represent the content value of the segment. The transform engine 308 has multiple transform
`processes 502 available to it since a single transform may not be appropriate to the content
`value of every input segment. This is seen from studying the example, discussed previously,
`of the 9-bit size transform a” , where each of a, b, and c is a 3-bit message. Using this
`transform, the content value of an integer over 700,000 decimal digits long can be transmitted
`using only nine bits. Such a number would occupy over 2.3 million bits if conventionally
`represented. While this transform provides the capability for nine bits to transmit a 2.3
`million-bit number, the nine bits still are only capable of conveying less than 512 different
`messages, corresponding to 512 different content values. Therefore, there exist a significant
`numberof values between 0 and 7”that the transform a” cannot represent.
`Normally, arithmetic transforms include a remainder R, so that the previously
`examined a”transform becomes a’ + R. After values are chosen for a, b, and c, the
`transform is set equal to the c

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