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`Webster’s New WorldTM College Dictionary, Fourth Edition
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`tents, etc. *3 an unskilled or transient laborer, as on a ranch or in
`round hand / rowan
`an oil field
`rounds, as a watchman 2 a person or thing that rounds; specif., a
`routl (rout) n. [ME mute < OFr, troop, band, lit., part broken off<
`tool for rounding corners or edges 3 [17]., with sing. 11.] a British
`L rupta: see ROUTER 1 a disorderly crowd; noisy mob; rabble 2 a
`game somewhat like baseball #24 [from the idea of making the
`disorderly flight or retreat, as of defeated troops [to be put to rout]
`rounds of bars, etc.][ [Old informal] a dissolute person or drunkard
`3 an overwhelming defeat 4 [Archaic] a) a group of people; com-
`round hand careful handwriting in which the letters are rounded,
`pany; band 1)) a band of followers; retinue 5 [Archaic] a large,
`distinct, full, and almost vertical
`fashionable social gathering in the evening —vt.
`1 to put to disor-
`Round-head (round’hed’) n. a member or supporter of the Parlia-
`derly flight 2 to defeat overwhelmingly —5YN. CONQUER
`mentary, or Puritan, party in England during the English civil war
`rout2 (rout) Vi. Ilvar. of ROO‘T’]!
`1 to dig for food with the snout, as a
`(1642-52): originally a derisive term, with reference to the Puri-
`pig; root 2 to poke or rummage about —Vt.
`1 to dig up or turn
`over with the snout 2 to force out —rout out
`1 to expose to view
`tans’ close—cropped hair in contrast to the Cavaliers’ long hair
`round-heel (round'hcl’) n. Ilorig. used of an easily beaten prize-
`2 to scoop, gouge, or hollow out (metal, wood, etc.) 3 to make (a
`person) get out —rout up 1 to find or get by turning up or poking
`fighterI] [Slang] a woman who yields readily to sexual intercourse:
`also round’-heels' ——round’-heeled’ ad].
`about e2 to make (a person) get up
`route (re—0t, rout) n. [[ME < OFr route, rote < L rupta (via), (path)
`round-house (round’hous’) n. Horig., a lockup, after Du rondhuis,
`broken through < fem. of ruptus, pp. of rumperc, to break: see
`guardhousell a1 a circular building, with a turntable in the center,
`RUPTUREH 1 a road, way, or course for traveling; esp., a highway
`used for storing and repairing locomotives 2 a cabin on the after
`1&2 a) a regular course traveled as in delivering mail, milk, newspa-
`part of the quarterdeck on old sailing ships :23 Baseball a) a pitch
`pers, etc. b) a set of customers whom one regularly visits to make
`with a wide curve b) Boxing a wide swing or book, as to the head
`deliveries, solicit sales, etc. 3 [Archaic] an order for troops to
`6:4 Pinochle a meld consisting of a king and queen of each of the
`four suits
`march —vt. rout’ed, rout'-ing o1 to direct, send, forward, or
`transport by a specified route [to route goods through Omaha] “2
`round-ish (roun'dish) adi. somewhat round
`to fix the order of procedure of (a series of operations, etc.) [to route
`round-let (round’lit) n. [[ME roundelet < MFr rondelet: see HUUN-
`orders through the sales department] iago the route [Informal]
`DELAY] a small circle or circular thing
`Baseball to pitch an entire game
`around lot the unit, or a multiple thereof, in which securities,
`router (rout’ar) n. a person or thing that routs out or a tool for
`commodities, etc. are typically traded; specif., 100 shares of stock
`routing out; specif., a) a plane for gouging out recesses and
`in a transaction: cf. ODD LOT
`smoothing the bottoms of grooves (in full router plane) bl
`roundly (round’le) adv.
`1 in a round form; circularly, spherically,
`machine for routing out areas on a wood or metal surface
`etc. 2 in a round manner; specif., a) vigorously, bluntly, severely,
`rou-tine (ro’o tén’) n. [[Fr < route: see ROUTEII
`1 a regular, more or
`etc. [he was roundly rebuked] 11) fully; completely and thoroughly
`less unvarying rocedure, customary, prescribed, or habitual, as of
`round of beef ROUNDI (n. 3)
`business or dai y life 2 such procedure in general [to dislike rou-
`tine] 3 a theatrical skit or act
`‘94 a series of steps, body move-
`round robin IlROUND‘ + pers. name Robin]
`1 a document, as a
`ments, etc. in a dance performance, in gymnastics, etc. 5 a set of
`petition, protest, etc., with the signatures written in a circle to
`conceal the order of signing 2 a contest or tournament, as in ten-
`computer instructions for performing a specific operation -—ad/.
`having the nature of, using, or by routine —rou-tine’ly adv.
`nis, chess, etc., in which every entrant is matched with every other
`one 3 a letter circulated among the members of a group, which is
`rou-ti-nier (n73 te me?) n. [[Fr] a person who adheres to a routine;
`signed and forwarded by each in turn, often with additional com—
`esp., a competent but uninspired orchestra conductor
`ments, etc.
`rou‘tin-ism (rm tén’iz’em) n. adherence to or prevalence of routine
`—rou-tin’.ist n.
`round-shouldered (round’shol’dard) adj. stooped because the
`shoulders are bent forward
`wrou-tin-ize (ro—o te’niz) Vt. --ized, --iz-ing to make routine; reduceto
`a routine —rou'-tini-za’-tion n.
`--men (-men) a person who
`rounds-man (roundz’man) n., pl.
`makes rounds, esp. of inspection
`roux (r076) n. [[Fr roux (beurre), reddish-brown (butter) < L russus:
`round steak a steak cut from a round of beef
`see RUSSET]! a cooked mixture of melted butter (or other fat) and
`flour, used for thickening sauces, soups, gravies. ctc.
`Round Table 1 Arthurian Legend (1) the large table around which
`rovel (rov) vi. roved, rov’-ing [ME raven, orig. an archery term as
`King Arthur and his knights sit: it is circular to avoid disputes
`vt. < 7]]
`1 to wander about; go from place to place, esp. over an
`about precedence 1)) King Arthur and his knights, collectively 2
`extensive area, with no particular course or destination; roam Zia
`lr— t-J a) a group gathered together for an informal discussion or
`look around: said of the eyes —vt. to wander over; roam through
`conference at, or as if at, a circular table [1) such a discussion,
`[to rave the woods] —n. the act of roving; a ramble
`conference, etc. —round'-ta’ble adj.
`round-the-clock (round’flta klak') adj., adv. throughout the day
`rove2 (rov) Vt. roved, rov’-ing fl< ?]] to twist (fibers) together and
`draw out into roving before spinning in. Brit. var. of ROWNG
`and night; without interruption
`rovea (rov) Vt. alt. pt. & pp. of REEVEZ
`wound trip 1 a trip to a place and back again 2 ROUNDHOUSE
`(sense 4) ~round'—trip' adj.
`rove beetle any of a large family (Staph linidae) of swiftly mot.
`round-tripper (round’trip’er) n. c[Slang] Baseball a home run
`ing beetles with a long, slender body an very Short €1.11”:th
`round turn one complete turn, as of a rope, around something: see
`feed Chlefly 01} decomposmg organic matter
`mOTl’ mus.
`roven (ro'ven) Vt. alt. pp. of REEVE2
`roundup (mund'upr) n. a] a) the act of driving cattle7 etc,
`roverl (ro’var) n. [IROVEl + -ER]I
`1 a person who roves, or wanting
`together on the range and collecting them in a herd, as for brand-
`2 ATChe’YY 11) a mark, 01' targefi, Chosen at random 1’) any 0f SW91?
`ing, inspection, or shipping 17) the herd of cattle, etc. thus collected
`5% marks f01‘ dlStance Shooting 0) an aI‘Cher Who ShOOiS for dial
`c) the cowboys, horses, etc. that do this work c2 any similar driv-
`ing together, collecting, or gathering [a roundup of suspected per-
`rover? (ro'ver) n. [[ME < MDu, robber < ruuen, to rob (for IE has:
`sons] :13 a summary, as of information, news, etc.
`see RUPTURE): prob. merged with prcc.]] [Archaic] a pirate or pirate
`round-worm (mund’wurm’) n. NEMATODE
`roup (IE-0p) n. [[pmb. akm to m. < MFr rouple, smvel < 7]} an mfee
`rover3 (ro’var) n.
`1 a person who operates a machine for root:
`fibers 2 such a machine
`tious disease of poultry, characterized by mucous discharge from
`the eyes and nasal passages —roup'y adj. roup'rer, roup'i-est
`rov'lng (-vin) "- l[< ROVE2ll
`1 the strand of twisted and dram-nu:
`Rous (rous), Francis Fey-ton (pat”n) 187971970; U.S. pathologist
`fibers of gotton, wool, 51111:, etc. frolm which yarns are made 215?
`rouse‘ (rouz) Vt. roused, rous’qng IILME rowsen. orig. technical
`process 0,,Pr‘3133m‘5 SP" 4.5”?“
`term in hawking & hunting, hence prob. < Anglo-Fr or OFr]]
`1 to ROVIEO Srav'rm ’
`'nai NV“) flty m W_Ukral‘ne: p9“ 2397000 *
`cause (game) to rise from cover, come out of a lair, etc.; stir up to
`row (r0) n. [[ME mice < 0h raew, akin to Ger relhe < IE base "i
`flight or attack 2 to stir up, as to anger or action; excite 3 to cause
`to tear, Spllt > RIVE, REAPll
`1 a number 9f 1390919 01' thin?
`to come out of a state of sleep, repose, unconsciousness, etc.; wake
`arranged 50,85 ‘30 for!“ a linei 6513- a Stralght 11119
`any 0f“?er
`4 Naut. to pull with force, esp. by hand; haul —vi.
`1 to rise from 0!" SUCh honzoma-l 111195 1“ Parana], 35 9f 5‘3an m *3 [Emmi “‘7
`cover, etc.; said of game 2 to come out of a state of sleep, repose,
`airplane}! com “3 a fiEIds .etc' 3 a Street Wlth ‘3 lme 0f budding”
`etc; wake 3 tu become active _n'
`1 the act 0f musing 2 a violent
`either Side, specif. one With occupants or establishments of as
`stir _SYN' STIR] ,musrer n.
`fied kind [fraternity row] —Vt. to arrange or put in a row or TOW)'
`rouse2 (rouz) n.
`[[aphetic for CAROUSE (from mistaking drink
`f£grg°$vrilgggiggggigg,h&:::£a;g ydleficuu or weansomew {lt—
`d ' k
`rm :1 rouse)l]
`a drink of honor 2 a
`rgw2 (1.6) W. [ME rowen < OE rowan) akjnGto 0N ma < my hi”,
`eré-, to row, oar > RUDDER, L remus, oar,
`r eretés, rower
`r35? 23.32“oziniiigiy 13$;fo913$???griaugir‘fgnguss‘ffifiégi i
`5:01)“ (abgggtvefiC-ngpmtgrlay35:31:31“gigs varslolvtgcgge‘f
`_ ,"_
`on a
`0 cm ,
`'"9,'y adv’
`number of oars): said of a boat 4 to use (oarsmen, a strokeen a
`Rous-seau (rm) so )
`1 Henri (an re ) 1844-1910; Fr, primitive
`Specified) in mWing esp in a race 5 to engage in (a rm, ,,
`painter. called Le Douamer (The Customs Oflicer) 2 Jean Jacques wwmg 5 to row agamst m a race _V,
`1 to use Dal-s m propel,“
`12-78' Fr.
`olitical philosopher & writer born in
`(,Zh?" Zhak ) 17 .
`_ P
`a boat 2 to be repelled by means of oars. said ofa boat —n. 11-
`1bwrdtzerland '3 thIerre Etienne) Theodore (ta 6 do!) 1812767; Fr.
`act or period Dimming 2 a trip made by mwboat _rowne,,,l
`an Scépe Dam er
`row“ (rou) n. [[back—form. < ? ROUSE‘, with loss of s, as in Film
`Rous~sl|~|on (ruTu sé yon') historical region of S France bordering
`CHERRY] a noisy quarrel, dispute, or disturbance; squabble, brat
`011 the Pyrenees
`the Gulf 0f Llofls
`or commotion —vi. to make, or take part in, a noisy quam. it
`roust (must) Vt.'|[d1al. form of ROUSEl with unhistorlc -t]] [Informal]
`1 to rouse or stir (up) 2 to rout or drive (out)
`rowan (ro’en, mu’-) n. |[< Scand, as in Norw rogn, mun, ON rm:
`must-about (rous’ta bout’) n. [[prec. + ABOUTD M a deckhand or
`akin to ON rauthr, RED: from the color of the fruit] 1 the En?-
`waterfront laborer w2 a laborer in a circus who helps set up the
`pean mountain ash (Sorbus aucupmia), a tree with pinnateim:
`in th
`vercign‘ ma i
`haractenstic of a sogiiier
`ape. 20 bra-“any law
`a Small sari
`[firet‘mes R-l [In
`royal blue
`a deep. Vivid reddjs
`en a uatic
`fern a tall, oft
`daceae) o
`that Contain s
`“royal flush Pfgfllliahj
`kmg’ Queen, jack and teghetgt St
`fOV'aI-ism (roi’allizlam) n 0 3'“
`monarghism 2 adherencgt 1 th
`roy‘al‘lst (-ist) n.
`1 an dh0 mo
`a monarch or a monarnha
`"em ‘
`2 "H a) a 311D filter of 8318511). m
`Porter of the firitish in thar 95 I
`porter of the Bourbons in d Ame
`royal je.”y a high]
`y no ‘
`gauds in young hone dgtlgvldi'km
`W days and then
`royal mast a gma
`Royaldoak [[in allusion to a
`3V6 hidden c1
`ty m SE
`[ova palm any of several tall f
`flea) native to Flor-id
`ound leaves, w '
`liar American mhdiiiigi‘in
`rowan: also row’an-ber’
`firow-boat (na’bat’) n. a s
`rowdy (mu’dé) n. pl --d
`avmg the nature
`rough, quarrelsonie, and
`some, etc. _r°wr.
`rgw’ry-ism’ n.
`e .(rou’al) n.
`revolving wheel
`mg paints, forming the e
`r—vt. --eled or --elled --el-
`Inc to spur or prick, (a
`wrth or as with a rowel
`, f
`mgamer: see RE. &
`mass” m hay m o
`crow house (r6) any of a 1i
`Sides by common
`rowing machine a type of
`Ricayi'ty of rowi
`' and (ro’lend)
`‘ n. a ma
`painter on (r0 lend sen),
`row-lock (ral’ak, rul’-
`OARLOCKJJ chiefly Brit.’t:griza ‘
`“ROX-anne (rék san
`Igoxéburgh (raks’bar wing:-
`gn . also, for the county Ro
`(m) n. [[as if < on]; i
`re ] a masculine name
`y I
`n ,
`royal (roi'el) adj. [ME roial <
`b or to a M
`“Ben, 0r othe
`lowance] 2 h
`9410‘; the rpyai a
`chm ; Its
`- "ties [[ME ,
`32ml] poi’itifffilnltggggcank. Status
`-' sO‘v'ere'
`4 myélmyalljpersons 3 [Archaic] 315;)
`[I [Arqua ty 01' character
`a fight, pnvfle
`are] a) a royal I’i ht
`ge’ or ‘
`g . as over some n
`oilrson, camaration etc
`as a pate
`e prqceffiis or prdduct
`share pmfitltfol‘ Permisswn to use it o
`leased c) a sh
`for the work 0
`r018) J
`Royce (
`roz-zer (


`2 any
`1 number between nine and eleven, 10, X
`Inf rmall aten-
`gémipflciiL‘efiirplelbéi‘fle or things 3 something numbered ten or havmg
`temp'e I tender
`Eerfiumg‘sfl as a p aymg Lard m. a throw of dlce o4 [
`Jehovah successively built in ancient Jerusalem3 b) 2;,syn‘hagg’gliiei
`0 3,.
`Conservative congregation
`a c urc
`eigieilo? livlflfifisolinner Temple and Middle Temple) of London ten_ (ten) TENO_: used before a vowel
`h M see TENAN
`li‘ ']din 5 housing two of England’s four prinCipa] law societies.
`ten-awe (tenra be“ ad], [FT < OFT $ tenm to“ obilkityn or my.
`thldir sith was formerly occupied by the London branch of the;
`that can be held, defended, or mamtamed __ten a
`Knights Templars: see also INNS OF COURT 5 a building, usually 0
`ablemess _tenr,ably adv_
`L mums
`imposing size, etc., serving the public or an fvgallgzfigrlleglanofle
`tenace (ten/as" as) n. [k Sp “mam, ht? tlofglsifiérgigers; imperfeu;
`tam le Of am aMasomc tempe — e
`thin s that hold fast <_
`tcnax: see
`tseprgilgllevggefi’pahi' HOFr < VL tempula’ alt-ewd < L tempora'
`sequince of high cards in the same unit, as the ace and quem
`tern les pl of tempus, akin to tempos, time (in reference to pulse; Without the king
`- ) ( “mm to
`qee I'lEMiJEiill
`1 either of the flat surfacesalongsule the forelheo v
`tenacious (ta Dashes) ad} “Lien” (gem imam?
`1 I 2 that
`in front of each ear {:2 either of the sidepieces of a pair of g asses
`ho1d: see TENANTD 1 holdmg' firle [a tenacfubhgfig to Ether
`that fit across the temples and over the ears
`retains well; retentive [a tenaciousmemory!1 Sat tfitlt glingsgadhe-
`t m.
`Ie3 (tem'pel) n.
`[[LME < MFr: see TEMPLATElI a deVice .for
`Strongly-, cohesive; tough [a tenacmus wooh]
`9] 4mm"
`fieepgng the cloth in a loom stretched to its correct Width during
`give; Smoky 5 persisttmt; Stubborn [hmacwus coumg
`ciously adv. ——te-na'-cuous-ness n.
`litem’pal)’ Sir William 1628-99; Brit“ diplomat & 1Wtrite-lid
`te-nac-ity (to nas’a te) n. llL tenacztasll the Quality or state of being
`London gateway before the Temp e 'u_i
`TemPlficlig'ags fgtlrgifgcuted traitors and criminals were exhibited te,nacu,lum (m nakry-C—fi 19m? _ya_) n" pl. _,la 154;) EL} lgsgrofifigt
`Eligisl. see TEMPLE (sense 4)
`for holding < L tenere, to. hold: self l'll‘ilfiNAN'gnS uggb 00d vessels,
`tem-plet (temrplit) n. alt. sp. of TEMPLATE
`hooked instrtumentI i('(tir liftipg
`mt;(1:35 11)“;
`p1mars tongs (VL
`i (- é) [Ht < L tempos,
`ime: see
`tename or anal
`arm n.
`temipPgRllte‘lmllliof? [5.5923 asoV‘sllllTChpa 13‘153’331 Composm‘m 15.7 or 15
`*tenauula, for LL tenacu]um: see precll an outwork before
`TEN osed to be performed: it is indicated by such notations as
`curtain between two hastmns
`(“ion of bang a
`I — n em
`t' occupation 0
`an , a
`27112220 ondante etc. or by reference ti; megonom: tirg‘ijncgonlforraltle mnency (tenlan 59f ,1,” 5L _€eisldi1ng)ettce elmal or lease b)
`lece of musm 15‘ or s O“
`e-’ p aye
`ro erty occupied by a tenan c
`of actiVity, pace [the tempo of modern iv}n,
`| h M b
`tenan ,
`) the dmatmn of such an
`135);: glib-iii??? iltnvi‘iiliiihtearribo 2 Jazz deliberately deViating from Lew lagcypz possessimfim occupatmn of property? an office, m. by
`t m 0; mbato
`any 'nd of title or rig t
`t?!$l,re(g;.l|1':tll ftcfd’pe rel
`-pral) adj. llME < L tamporalzs < lempus,
`tenant (tenrent) n. “ME tenaunt (*OFr tenanlgi gimbals: $135.31?
`time-psee TEMPERll
`1 lasting onl
`for a time; tranlsnéory;{;cmpggfifg;
`to hold < L tang“), m mile < IE baset, {1:251:31gua {13mg em 2”
`“VI or s
`ho pavs ren o occupy o
`not eternal 2 of this world, wor dly, 110115le
`5 Gram
`d person w
`law 3 a person Who p03
`CICSiaStical 4 Of 0". llmlted by “me
`occupant of or dweller in a spe
`he m;
`Ieiggiisitnhgazilisgicnctions in time; pertaining to tense —n. a temporal
`gasses lands” amt. bgl aria-km:1er :Lttljeglgajm hold as a
`to" _tem"p°‘ra"y a V'
`occupy —ten in -a e a
`. i -
`tgirfigygigfirltim’pa ml’ 'pml) adj' IILL temporal” < L tempora: see
`tenant farmer a person who farms land owned by another and
`TEMPgliEZB of or near the temple or temples (of the head)
`pays rent in cash or m a Share-0f the crops
`NANT & RYE 1 “he
`temporal bone either of a pair of compound bones forming the
`tenentry “my?” tré) "I, pl. __"es [M131 isle Trondifion of bang 8
`sides of the skull: see SKULL, illus.
`“ME t
`tenants collecnvely‘ as of an estate
`He <
`ral’e té) n. pl. —-t|es
`empora l
`ti]? gig?! 'Eyalitgfipfi the quality’ or state of being temporal 2 fitemcent store (tenkenv) short for Fwnlgf}? hing LL
`[usuallv pl. secular properties or revenues of a church
`tench (tench) n” pl. tench,“ or tench “ML
`fl h (grim mm”
`tempo-raw (tem’pe rer’é) adj. iIL temporarius <1tempgs, time: :5]:
`2mm]! 3 small, Eurglpeafi’ggshwater cyprmm S
`d, used, etc. for a time on y; no perman
`now established in
`TE}?P513{Eglgygeelii’rtgiefor temporary service, esp._onc hired as an Ten Commandments Bible the ten laws consntugn “I: {Muggit
`office worker ——tem'-po-rai’i-ly adv. itemhpo-rar‘i-ness n}.1 ld‘
`mental mural CO(1% ofzaséafé, five? $96 games by
`ost held (or to the person 0 mg
`Sinai. Decalogue:
`ssYuAéli 3302313? illrlisigi ‘tlildie, sub'ect to dismissal1 by thosje
`tend1’(tend) Vt. “ME tendemta hem. <1 aglt‘ezge‘; :ifegrgfggqgg [18[:3
`max camel. -
`f' minister to‘ wa c over; 0
`havmg the power of appomtn‘ient [a temporary
`take care 0 ,'
`, h
`> k] 2 m be m charge of or atwork
`if an a had to 3' wemmenl' eh
`lants or animals to tend t e Sic
`$033331iieiszlé‘i‘n‘é colmfrg, a newly armed nation, etc. until
`fit; manage or operate [_to tend a store] 3fNelly: trffioati’lzilfilég
`aorermanent overnment can be formed; ad Interim refers to a1;
`keep (a rope, divefs a“, lmehetcl) fliom 0“ mg
`apppoiiitment or an intervening period, ascbtetweerggéeglgxoe
`mm; attend f‘endEon to walt upon,
`the election ofa successor a mg is
`endz, (tend) V]. [M t
`arhgfflfmlpolggilv takes over the powers of a‘ regular officml dpr-
`textend’ tend. see THIND 1 to be dltecteld, procied or gggngétlz
`ing the latter’iabscnce [a vice-president otten serves as acting
`road tends south] 2 m have; an mchnatlon, tenl my; be (1mm
`preSidem/ “ANT' permanent
`do something; inclinchh‘zindmglxtto overeat] 3 to ea
`'. --rized’, --riz’-ing [[Frtemponser <V
`(to or tawdry a Spem 9 Few
`tem pc- 25: )tl/Ilne: 59° TEMPE“ 1 L” Smt 0116’s “73.1095
`tend-ante (ten’dens) n.
`1 a tending, attention, or care 2 [Ohsl
`it”? gridZme occasion or‘circumstances, without reference to princi-
`attendants collectlvdy-
`lia < L mums
`argun '
`f tendere to TEND
`a) to give temporary compliance or agredement,le(:’ta£}y€;
`tendency (terydan 59)
`q]. acifiiliglltatiotgntoezmve or an H
`immediate deciswn, etc., so as to gain time orlaV 0,1
`05mm] m some amen“?
`t d
`tc‘) so as to gam time 3 m e 9-0 a
`articular direction or way, constan
`persons or pa
`tater leaning bias, propenSi y, en
`to parley or deal (mm a person, 9
`b t can
`'t - b
`t 2 a course or ap arent court-r
`cnmpromlse (with a Perfop’ em! or
`t or result' drift 3 a de nite puma
`' —tem’- o-rI-za -tion n. —tem pool or n._
`toward some_ purpose, 0 Jec ,
`tnfi?tlzt.:o-man-%ib-u-Iar (tem’pa r6 man dib’yoo ler) ad].
`0,. point of Vlew m something salld of “mth
`EEMPemmLZ) + —0- + MANDIBULAR] designating or of either of two
`SYN—tendency refers to an inchnahm? or dispomtmn to 110$
`joints connecting the lower jaw with the temporal bones
`a pm‘icular directiqn or act m a certam Wz‘xyt’igsp- 3&3; 9mg.
`temporomandibular joint disorder adsyniirornengaéifisdasglera
`sum? ingeientdquamy g; 3::gag-ha? (111ialigigun w{égyneithe” M
`t . of the temporomann u ar J01
`oration .
`fen sng as
`fizgifidfgigllyllbgyheegdache, facial pain. dizzmess, partial loss of
`fine cow'se no; goai itbwrf‘; P0 £135ng fzfiffigfilgfifg;321';
`'> '
`force arecen re
`heanng, em
`l d fi ied course but one also sublet
`OFr tempter < LL(Ec) temptare <
`“and m connotmg a c ear y F,
`timigtti'emt‘lit; Vsttrliehrligtltielgftegrge < IE *temp-: see TpMPERll t1
`to Change [the fingent oftfipes_Llfgéhfglfz:fifisoflalg‘fegofii
`de- induce or entice, esp.‘ 0
`course along w w some mg l.
`b” ‘
`[Ardmm to teat) try 2 to try to perma
`d . e m.
`l t
`nformitv] or to a course taken.
`5. some
`leasurable 3 to rouse es1r
`d" t toward absou e co ‘
`iometbépg lfiwgfgrlagi ngzugrgrgke or run the risk of provoking
`alng that has unstateq lnlpllc‘fltlofilifi‘lWhat lstizh‘etgrafrl‘gf
`d pui-
`(Fag;1Vetlcn)g 5 to incline strongly [to be tempted to accept] —SYN.
`argument”; ‘enor, Cquwalent m his cmmec
`stron iv the clarity oi purport of the upstate
`LURE, —tempt’-able adj.
`temp ta tion (temp “3"119“) "' [OFF < LLlEcl temptati" < L" an
`sgsllbolrngbfective [gthe general tenor of the Bill of Rights]
`d z omething that
`d'. Ger tendenzios < t2ndenz<<lil
`attack, trialll
`1 a tempting or being tempte
`tender! tlous g;g&?f$§fgge;i§ed by a deliberate tandem ,,
`tempts; enticement
`te-ndwma)’ TEN IA
`[t ndmtious “mm;
`tem ter (tenip’tar) n.
`[[ME temptour < MFr tempteur <
`mm; esp” advancmg a defimte pom; 9 Vlew s
`temgtator tempter, in LL(Ec), Satanll a person who tempts —the
`also Sp tendenncious _ten_den mous‘y a V. _
`. m ter the Devil; Satan
`mess "I
`1‘ m
`in . y en
`tgingt-ing (-tin) ad}. that tempts; alluring; attractive: seductive — tender; (ten’dlar) 5:? mm]; tetndzeis(T2111?)<<LS3%,}:2 grit;3:1"1:“
`tempt'.|ng|y adv.
`tender, prob. a_
`IE *ter— tender weak, mg” mm
`_ u
`ho tempts, esp. sexually
`iile to Gr mm”,
`te-n er <
`inggurgsfiédgiigonr'; $332039) n. lIJpn < '? Port terrf‘pero, con‘di-
`Wor‘xl] dgwn <d bgsekaterguttn
`Ecgufgrflz 05mgegcfigakafif
`e351 3 C “awe ’
`1-0 en,
`, 1
`d h. 3m
`gating of shrimp,
`is i, vege 11-
`I d' h
`figgtggah‘iglpgdlipgdihgg blzttsffrdiild deep—fried
`confifituftiori oar §h311igu£gglkrfibslse (tseeiifgeutrflaiiiifil$122“?eip uni
`_ u
`e; no
`ehn < [E fidékm’
`fem-pus fury]! (tcm’pes fyag’Jlli) llLll time figs
`[the tender years] 4 of soft quality or delicate again
`ten (ten) ad]. [ME < 0E terl: lEim’ millet, ikl'n tgoongrizore than nine — der colors] 5 that requires careful handling,
`ten > Sans (loco, Gr déka,
`ecem o a in
`Ten-edos (ten'e das’) oncie ,
`tender question] 6 gentle,
`tender touch] 7 n) that has
`tion, etc. [a tender smilc
`another’s feelings] 8 spari
`acutely sensitive, as to pa'
`sions, emotions, moral infl
`conscience] c) sensitive to
`sionate [a tender heart] 10
`or when not fully healed; p
`11 Naut. tending to lean o
`tender 2 [Archaic] to trea
`ten’-der-ness n.
`SYN.———tender, in this conne
`in one‘s relations with 0th
`tion. concern, etc. [a tende
`one who is easily aflected
`quick to show pity or me
`thetic implies the ability -
`mental state or emotion
`desires, etc. [a sympathet
`warm and warmhearted s
`tinn characterized by ordi
`hearted, hospitality]
`llFr t
`ten-der2 (ten’dor) vt.
`1 to offer in paym
`acceptance; offer [to tender .
`as a tender [to tender a bid]
`made to satisfy an obligati
`offer, as a proposal of marr
`or a bid on a printed form 5
`price a3 something offered
`DER ——ten'~derer n.
`1 a pe
`ten-tier“ (ten’dar) n.
`thing 2 a) an auxiliary s
`ship or a submarine, seapl
`passengers, etc. to or from
`carrying fuel and water f
`which it is attached
`fitender-foot (ten’der foot’)
`to the ranching and minin
`hardships of the life 2 an
`beginner in the Boy Scouts
`tender-hearted (ten’dar h
`to feel pity; sympathetic
`heart’ed-ness n.
`ten-der-ize (ten’der iz’) Vt.
`by using a process or addi
`ten'-deri-za’-tion n. iten“
`etenderdoin (ten’dar loin’)
`pork, etc., located on either
`the psoas muscle 2 [usual]
`Tender-loin (ten’dar loin’)
`in which there was much _
`regarded as a choice assign
`tender offer a public off
`corporation, often the contr-
`and at a stipulated price,
`ten-di-ni-tis (ten’da nit’is)
`DON + eitis, —ITIS]] inflamma
`ten-di-nous (ten’da nos) ad
`or like a tendon 2 consisti
`ten~don (ten’den) n.
`stretch) < Gr tem‘m, sinew <
`inelastic cords of tough, fib
`fibers end and by which in
`parts; sinew
`ten-dresse nan dres’) n.
`feeling; fondness
`ten~dril (ten’dral) n. flearlie
`young tender shoot < OFr t
`threadlike part of a dim
`plant, often in a spiral f
`supporting it by clinging t
`coiling around an object
`wispy or curly strand of
`often clinging to the face or
`Ten~ebrae (ten’e bra’, .
`pl.n. IIL, pl., shadows, dark
`see TEMERITYH [with sing. o
`0.] a Holy chk night so
`(Wednesday through Frid
`formerly widely observed in
`Western Church, consistin
`recitation of Matins
`of the following da
`commemoration of Chri
`death and burial
`ten-ebrif-ic (ten’e brif'ik) .
`making dark; obscuring
`ten-ebrous (ten'e bras) adj.
`legwbrae: see TEMERITYJ] dar

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