`January 20F?
`Lewis J. Rubin, MD, FACI’, FCCP, FAHA, FRCP
`Emeritus Professor of Medicine
`Emeritus Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Division
`University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
`Adjunct Professor of Medicine
`Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY
`690 Orchard Shore Road
`Colchester, VT 05446
`Tel: 802-891-9094; Fax: SSS-7364423
`August 5, 1950. New York, New York
`1968— 193‘2
`Yeshiva University
`New York, New York
`1968 — 1972
`Diploma in
`Hebraic Studies
`Yeshiva University
`New York, New York
`1972 —1975
`Albert Einstein College of Medicine
`Bronx, New York
`1975 — 1976
`1976 H 1977
`Duke University Medical Center
`Durham, North Carolina
`Jr. Assistant Resident in Medicine
`Duke University Medical Center
`Durham, North Carolina
`Sr. Assistant Resident in Medicine
`Assistant Chief Medical Resident
`Duke University Medical Center
`Durham, North Carolina
`Fellow in Allergy and Respiratory Diseases
`Duke University Medical Center
`Durham, North Carolina
`Page 1 of 62


`2016 —
`2010 - present
`Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners
`Diplomate, American Board oflnternal Medicine
`Subspeeialty Boards in Pulmonary Disease
`Subspecialty Boards in Critical Care
`North Carolina (active)
`Texas (inactive)
`Maryland (active)
`California (active)
`New York (active)
`The Pulmonary Circulation
`Pulmonary Physiology
`Cardiopulmonary Interrelationships
`Adjunct Professor of Medicine
`Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York
`Emeritus Professor of Medicine
`University ofCalifornia, San Diego School ofMedicine
`1999 — 2010
`Professor of Medicine
`1999 — 2002
`1985 — 1998
`University ofCalifornia, San Diego School ofMedicine
`Director, Division ofPuImonary and Critical Care Medicine
`University of California, San Diego School ofMedicine
`Head, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
`University of Maryland School of Medicine
`1990 - 1998
`Professor of Medicine
`1990 — 1998
`1986 a 1990
`1985 — 1990
`I984 — 1985
`University of Maryland School of Medicine
`Professor of Physiology
`University of Maryland School ofMedicine
`Associate Professor of Physiology
`University of Maryland School ofMedicine
`Associate Professor of Medicine
`University of Maryland School ofMedicine
`Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
`University ofTexas Health Science Center at Dallas
`Southwestern Medical School
`Page 2 of 62


`Assistant Professor ot'lnternal Medicine
`University of'l'exas Health Science Center at Dallas
`Southwestern Medical School
`I979— I980
`Associate, Department of Medicine
`Duke University Medical Center
`1985— 1998
`Director, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
`University of California, San Diego School ochdicinc, San Diego,
`Ilead, Pulmonary and Critical Care Divisioa
`University ofMaryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
`Chief, Pulmonary SectiOn, V.A. Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
`American College ot'Chest Physicians (Fellow)
`American College ofPhysicians (Fellow)
`American Heart Association, Cardiopulmonary Council (Fellow)
`American Society for Clinical Investigation (elected I995)
`American Thoracic Society
`Interurban Clinical Club (elected 1996}
`California Thoracic Society
`International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation
`North Carolina Commission on Occupational Lung Diseases
`Alpha Epsilon Delta (Premedical Honor Society)
`The LAM Foundation, Clinical Trials Advisory Board
`B.A., Cutn Laude, 1972
`New York State Regents Soholarship, 1968—] 972
`Yeshiva University Academic Scholarship, 1968—1972
`llaskel Schitl‘Award in Clinical Medicine, Duke University Medical
`Center, 1978
`Edward Livingston Trudeau Fellow, American Lung Association,
`Listed in Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology, 1983
`Listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 20] 1—12;2016—17
`Listed in Who‘s Who in Medicine and Ilealtheare, 2009—2012
`Listed in Who’s Who in America, 2004—2016
`Listed in Who‘s Who in the World, 2005, 2009—2016
`Listed in Best Doctors in America, 1994—2014
`Listed in America’s Top Doctors, 2005—20] 1
`Page 3 of 62


`Scientific Progress Award, Primary Pulmonary Ilypertension Cure
`I-‘Oundation, I99?I
`Dickinson W. Richards Memorial Lecturer, American Heart
`Association, 1997
`George Comstock, MI). Award, American Lung Association of
`Maryland, I997
`Faculty Research Lecturer ofthe Year, University of Maryland
`Founders Day Celebration, 1998
`Kenneth Moser Memorial Award, Pulmonary Hypertension
`Association, 1998
`Visiting Professor & Visiting Scientist, Wolfson Institute for
`Biomedical Research and University College London, United
`Kingdom, 1999
`Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom,
`Scientific Achievement Award, Polish Society ofCardiology, 2006
`Honorary Fellow, Venezuelan Society orCardiology, 2009
`Simon Dack Award for Outstanding Scholarship, American College
`ol‘Cardiology, 2012
`Most Influential Researchers in the World, Thomas Reuters, 2014 and
`Lifetime Achievement Award, Pulmonary Vascular Research
`Institute (PVRI), 20] 6
`CHEST College Medalist Award, American College ofChest
`Physicians, 2016
`EditorshipsiEditorial Boards:
`Structural Heart: The Journal ofthc Heart Team
`(Editorial Consultant 2017-2019)
`Journal ofthe American College of Cardiology
`(Senior Consulting Editor 2002—2014)
`e Annals oflnternal Medicine (Editorial Board 2005—
`a American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
`Medicine (Editorial Board 2003—2006))
`0 Respiratory Research (Associate Editor}
`0 Clinical Pulmonary Medicine (Associate Editor)
`Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation (Editorial
`Manuscript Reviewer:
`0 New England Journal of Medicine
`0 Lancet
`Journal ofthe American Medical Association (LAMA)
`Journal of Clinical Investigation
`Page 4 of 62


`Circulation Research
`American Journal of Physiology
`Journal of Applied Physiology
`American Journal of Cardiology
`American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular
`Intensive Care Medicine
`Critical Care Medicine
`Journal of Respiratory Diseases
`Pediatric Pulmonology
`Kidney International
`The Western Journal ot'Mcdicine
`American Journal of Medicine
`American Journal ofMedical Sciences
`Respiratory Medicine
`Journal of Rheumatology
`Mayo Clinic Proceedings
`American Journal ofPathology
`European Respiratory Journal
`European Heart Journal
`Clinical Pharmacokinctics
`Annals of Rheumatic Diseases
`Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental
`Pediatric Research
`Journal of’l‘hrombosis and Haemostasis
`FASEB Journal
`Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
`Journal of Molecular Medicine
`Avian Pathology
`Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine
`Science 'I‘ranslational Medicine
`Cell Metabolism
`1935 — 1992
`Occupational Lung Disease, United States Justice Department
`American Medical Association, Division of Drugs and
`Page 5 of 62


`I991 — 1993
`I991 — 1992
`I997 -— 2002
`1997 —
`1997 — I998
`1998 — 2001
`1998 2
`2002 —
`2002 —
`2005 —
`2005 —
`2006 —
`Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, California
`World Ilealth Organization (WHO)
`International Primary Pulmonary Hypertension ([PPI I} Study
`Diagnosis Committee
`Steering Committee, Study of Pulmonary l lypertension in
`America (SOPHIA) (through Harvard University School of
`Public Health)
`Coordinating Committee, International Registry ofl’rimary
`Pulmonary Hypertension
`Steering Committee, Glaxo Welcome, Epoprostenol in
`Scleroderma-Induccd Pulmonary l Iypertcnsion Study
`Chair, Steering Committee, United Therapeutics Corporation,
`lS-UT in Pulmonary Hypertension Study
`Advisory Committee. Schering Pharmaceutics, Inhaled
`Iloprost in Pulmonary Hypertension Study
`Chair, Steering Committee, Actelion Pharmaceuticals,
`Bosentan in Pulmonary Hypertension Clinical Trials
`Advisory Cemmittee, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Sildenafil in
`Pulmonary Hypertension Clinical Trials
`Chair, Steering Committee, Myogenr’Gilead Pharmaceuticals,
`Ambrisentan in Pulmonary Hypertension Clinical Trials
`Co-Chair, Steering Committee, Lunng, Inhaled Trcprostinil
`Pulmonary Hypertension Clinical Program
`Chair, Pfizer Data Monitoring Committee (DMC) for
`sildenafil pediatric pulmonary hypertension trials
`Advisory Committee, MondoBiotech, Inhaled Aviptadil in
`Pulmonary Hypertension Clinical Program
`I-Ixternal Reviewer, United Kingdom Medical Research
`2006 — 2008
`Scientific Advisory Board, Encysive Pharmaceuticals,
`Sitaxsentan in Pulmonary Hypertension Program
`2006 --
`Scientific Advisory Board, Aires Pharmaceuticals
`Page 6 of 62


`2007 — 2008
`Member, Data and Safety Monitoring Board (138 MB) Gleevee
`puImOnary hypertension Phase 2 trial
`2008 —- 2009
`Scientific Advisory Board, Gilead Sciences, Inc.
`2009 720 | 6
`2013 —
`Scientific Advisory Board, United Therapeutics
`Special Government Employee (SGE) to the Food and Drug
`Administration (FDA)
`1985 — I989
`I985 — [99?
`1936 — 1989
`1986 — 1998
`I990 — 1991
`199l _ 1993
`Research and Development Committee, Baltimore V.A.
`Medical Center Baltimore, Maryland
`ManagementCommittee, University of Maryland School of
`Medicine, Department of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
`MDJPhD. Advisory Committee, University ofMaryland
`School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
`Admissions Review Committee, University of Maryland
`School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
`Radiology Chairman Search Committee, University of
`Maryland School ofMedieine, Baltimore, Maryland
`Promotion and Tenure Appeals Committee, University of
`Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland
`Selection and Program Committee, University of Maryland,
`Baltimore, Maryland (NHLBI sponsored Short-term Research
`Training for Minority Students Program
`Associate Dean Search Committee, University of Maryland
`School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
`House Staff Selection Committee, Department oFMedicine,
`Duke University Medical Center
`Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Committee, Duke University
`Medical Center
`Emergency Room Advisory Committee, Duke University
`Medical Center
`Page 7 of 62


`NI “.81 ad hoc study section for Primary Pulmonary
`Hypertension, National Data and Coordinating Center
`Planning Committee for NI “.8! Primary Pulmonary
`Hypertension Multiecnter Study
`Participating Investigator, NHLBI Cooperative Study of
`Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
`Alfred Richman Competition Review Committee, American
`College ol‘Chcst Physicians
`Planning Committee for Nl-ILBI, Pulmonary Vascular
`Diseases and Respiratory Failure Programs
`Research and Development Committee, Dallas VA. Medical
`Site Visit Committee, Pulmonary SCOR Application Division
`ol‘lxmg Diseases, NHLBI, Nlll for Yale University, New
`Haven, Connecticut
`Executive Committee on Pulmonary Circulation, American
`Thoracic Society
`Medical School Admissions Committee, University ofTexas
`Health Science Center Southwestern Medical School, Dallas,
`Publications Committee, NHLBI, Registry for Primary
`Pulmonary I lypcrtcnsion
`Secretary, Pulmonary Circulation Section, American Thoracic
`Chairman Elect, Pulmonary Circulation Section, American
`Thoracic Society Site Visit Committee, Cystic Fibrosis
`Foundation, for Johns Hopkins University Grant Application
`Member at Large, Executive Committee, Cardiopulmonary
`Council, American Heart Association
`Executive Committee, Maryland Thoracic Society
`Chairman, Pulmonary Circulation Section, American Thoracic
`Page 8 of 62


`I 992
`I992 — I997
`I992 — Present
`[992 — I993
`I993 — I995
`I993 — I996
`Program Committee, American College ot'Cliest Physicians
`Original Investigations Committee, American College of
`Chest Physicians
`Program Committee, Cardiopulmonary Council, American
`Heart Association
`Board of Governors, American College ot‘Chest Physicians
`President-Elect, Maryland Thoracic Society
`Research Review Committee, American Heart Association,
`Maryland Affiliate
`National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, ATS Lung
`Transplantation Committee
`President, Maryland Thoracic Society
`Board ofDirectors and Executive Committee, American Lung
`Association of Maryland Study Section, University of
`California Tobacco-Related Disease Program
`Program Specialist in Respiratory and Pulmonary Disease,
`Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC.
`Research Progress and Initiatives Committee, National Heart,
`Lung and Blood Institute National Institutes of Health
`Chairman, American College of Chest Physicians Consensus
`Panel on Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
`Executive Committee ofthe Council on Cardiopulmonary and
`Critical Care, American Heart Association
`Scientific Advisory Board, United Patients Association for
`Pulmonary Hypertension
`Oversight Committee Pulmonary SCOR Program, National
`Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes ofllealth
`President, American Lung Association of Maryland
`Scientific Sessions Committee, American Heart Association
`National Institutes of} Iealth, National Heart, Lung, and Blood
`Institute, Program Project Committee
`Page 9 of 62


`2000 — 2002
`2001 -
`2002 —2004
`2002 —
`2003 —
`2005 —
`2006 -—
`2008 —
`Chair, Working Group on Pulmonary Vascular Diseases,
`American Heart Association
`Co—Chair, World Health Organization Conference on Primary
`Pulmonary Hypertension
`European Society oi'Cardiology Task Force on Pulmonary
`Scientific Advisory Committee orthe University ofCalifornia
`'l‘obacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP)
`Chair, Research Committee, Pulmonary Hypertension
`Special Emphasis Panel, NHLB] Mentored Scientist
`Development Award Program
`Chair, ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline
`Consensus Panel on Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
`Member, Medical Advisory Board, Scleroderma Foundation
`Member, Organizing Committee, 3“1 WHO Conference on
`Pulmonary Hypertension
`Chairman, Data Monitoring Committee, Sildcnafil for
`Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Program, Pfizer Inc.
`Chairman, Data Monitoring Committee, Boscntan in addition
`to Sildenafil in Pulmonary Hypertension Program, Aetelion
`European Society ofCardiology Task Force Meeting on the
`Diagnosis & Treatment ofPulmonary Arterial Hypertension
`American College ofCardiologyl/tmerican Heart Association
`Clinical Expert Consensus Document (CECD) Writing Group
`on Pulmonary Hypertension
`Special Emphasis Committee, Ni 0.3!, Respiratory Integrative
`Biology and Translational Research (RIB’I') Study Section (4-
`6 Feb, Washington DC)
`Co-Chairman, Steering Committee, 4th World Symposium on
`PAH, Dana Point, CA, 1 1-14 Feb 2008
`Presenter on behalf ofNational Pulmonary Hypertension
`Page 10 of 62


`2008 —
`Centers 01. UK Physicians Committee Stakeholders to National
`Institute of Clinical [Excellence (NICE), Westminster, London,
`24 June
`Joint European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European
`Respiratory Society (ERS) Task Force Meeting on the
`Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
`Data Safety Monitoring Board, Clinical Trials in Pulmonary
`Diseases with HIV Infections, NHIBI, NIH
`Organizing Committee, 4‘" World Symposium on Pulmonary
`NHLB] Review Section, Scientific Conferences
`Steering Committee, 5lh World Symposium on Pultnonary
`Chair, Site Visit and Grant Review Committee for expert
`evaluation ofthc Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Lung
`Vascular Research (LBI-LVR), Vienna, Austria
`Chair, Site Visit and Grant Review Committee for expert
`evaluation ofthe Ludwig Boltzmann 1nstitute for Lung
`Vascular Research (LBI-LVR), Vienna, Austria
`201 l —
`2012 —
`2012 — 2013
`2013 ~ 2014
`2016 — 201?
`Section Director: Respiration Physiology Section (170 students)
`1986 — 1992
`1986 — 1995 Medical Physiology Course (MBPH 501, MBPll 601) (150 students)
`1996 — 1998 Respiration Pathology Course {170 students)
`Respiration Physiology {170 students)
`Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Observed Structured Clinical Examination
`Course (10 students)
`July— Aug 2008
`Medical Volunteer, Pacific Partnership, USNS Mercy
`Tintor Leste, Southeast Asia
`May 2009 -
`Medical Volunteer, UCSI) Free Clinic Project
`Southeast San Diego, CA
`August 2012 —
`Medical Volunteer, Comfort the Children (CTC) International
`Maai Mahiu, Kenya, Africa
`Page 11 of 62


`Regulating expression oftransicnt receptor potential channel genes.
`The present
`polynncleotide encoding a transient receptor potential channel gene.
`Also disclosed is
`the use of this polynucleotide,
`its homologs,
`fragments, variants and its resultant polypeptides in the diagnosis,
`treatment of disease,
`pttlmonary arterial hypertension {II'AI[). This inventiOn also teaches
`the use of these polynucleotides and polypeptides as assays for drug
`discovery and therapies. Issued USP'I‘O 60 If] 1
`Treatment for pulmonary hypertension. A method oftreating
`pulmonary hypertension based upon co-adininistering to a Subject in
`need thereofa pharmaceutically effective amount ofau oral
`therapeutic agent for treating pulmonary hypertension and a
`pharmaceutically effective amount ofan inhaled therapeutic agent for
`treating pulmonary hypertension. Issued USPTO l2!l?r’l3
`Treatment for pulmonary hypertension. A method oftreating
`pulmonary hypertension comprising eo-administering to a subject in
`need thereofa pharmaceutically effective amOunt ofan oral
`therapeutic agent for treating pulmonary hypertension and a
`pharmaceutically effective amount of an inhaled therapeutic agent for
`treating pulmonary hypertension, wherein the oral therapeutic agent is
`beraprost or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof administered
`orally and the inhaled therapeutic agent is treprostinil or a
`pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereofadministered by inhalation.
`Issued USP’I'O 03.103!”
`Treprostinil administration by inhalation. Treprostinil can be
`administered using a metered dose inhaler. Such administration
`provides a greater degree ofautonomy to patients. Also disclosed are
`kits that include a metered dose inhaler containing a pharmaceutical
`formulation containing treprostinil. Issued USP’I‘O Sfl‘h‘lfi
`Treprostinil administration by inhalation. 'l‘reprostinil can be
`administered using a metered dose inhaler. Such administration
`provides a greater degree ofautonomy to patients. Also disclosed are
`kits that include a metered dose inhaler containing a pharmaceutical
`formulation containing trcprostinil. Issued USPTO 6f07t'16
`Page 12 of 62


`1979 - 1980 American Lung Association ol‘North Carolina: "Vasodilators in Pulmonary
`Hypertension," $2,500, LJ. Rubin, Principal Investigator.
`I980 — 1982 American Lung Association: “The Ell‘ects ot‘VasodiIators in Experimental
`Pulmonary Hypertension," $30,000. I..J. Rubin, Principal Investigator.
`I980 — 198$ Burroughs Welcome Company: “Prostacyelin (P612) as Pulmonary Vasodilator in
`Pulmonary Hypertension," $15,000. LJ. Rubin and BM. Groves, Co-lnvestigators.
`OIISI — I2f81 National Institutes of Health, Biomedical Research Fund (through the University of
`Texas Health Science Center): “Prostaglandins as Modulators of Pulmonary
`Vascular Tone,” $4,000, LJ. Rubin, Principal Investigator.
`1981 ~ I982 Veterans Administration: “Role of Prostaglandins as Mediators ofl Iypoxie
`Vaseulature," $25,000, LJ. Rubin, Principal Investigator.
`121’81 — I 1184 National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute, Nlll: “Prostaglandin Modulation of
`Pulmonary Vascular Tone,” $82,579 (total award), LJ. Rubin, Principal
`198i — 1985 Division of Research Resources, NIH: “Hemodynamie and Gas Exchange Effects of'
`Therapy for Primary and Secondary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension." LJ. Rubin,
`Principal Investigator, through the General Clinical Research Center Program,
`University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas.
`1982 — 1985 Betty Crossman Marcus Memorial Fund for Pulmonary Research, through the
`University of'rexas Health Science Center. $75,000, LJ. Rubin, Principal
`I933 — 1984 Miles Institute for Preclinical Research: “The effects of Nafazatron on Hypoxie
`Pulmonary Vasoconstrietion in Dogs,” $4,000, L.J. Rubin, Principal Investigator.
`I983 — 1984 Miles Laboratories: “The Effects ofNitrendipine in Patients with Primary and
`Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension,” $27,500, Lewis .1. Rubin, Principal
`I984 — 1987 Veterans Administration Research Service (Merit Review): “Mechanisms of
`Pulmonary Vascular Reactivity in Chronic Lung Disease,” $1 19,800, 1...]. Rubin,
`Principal Investigator.
`I984 — 1986 Burroughs Welcome Company: “The I Iemodynamic and Gas Exchange Effects at
`Rest and During Exercise ofProstaeyelin {131312) and BW in Patients with Chronic
`Cor Pulmonale,” $45,000, LJ. Rubin, Principal Investigator.
`I984 — 1986 American Edwards Laboratories: “Measurement of Right Ventricular Ejection
`Fraction (RVEF) Using Thermodilution Technique and Correlation Between RVEF
`and Pulmonary I-Iemodynamics in Patients with or Pulmonale,” $5,000, LJ. Rubin,
`Principal Investigator.
`Page 13 of 62


`1985 — I989
`1986-- 1989
`1993 — 1998
`1994 — 1997
`1996 — 1997
`I996 — 1998
`1998 -— 2002
`1997 — I998
`I999 _ 2003
`Miles Pharmaceuticals: “Nitrendipine Vs. Placebo in Pulmonary I lypcrtension
`Secondary to Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease," $65,000. LJ. Rubin, Principal
`Institute for Preclinical Pharmacology, Miles Laboratories: “Effects ofCaIcium
`Channel Blockade on Pathogenesis ol'Cor Pulmonale in Papain-Induccd
`Emphysema in Dogs," $10,000, 1,] Rubin, MD, Principal Investigator.
`Veterans Administration Research Service (Merit Review}: “Superoxide-Mediated
`Pulmonary Vascular Reactivity,” $540,500, G. Rosen & I..J. Rubin, Principal
`lnvesti gators.
`Veterans Administration Research Service (Merit Review): “Pathogenesis of
`Pulmonary Hypertension in Emphysema," $324,900, LJ. Rubin, Principal
`NIH: NHLBI Vascular Disease Academic Award, Direct cost: $517,614, indirect
`m:$41,409,1.l Rubin, MD, Principal Investigator.
`Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program: Role oflon Channels in Hypoxia Pulmonary
`Vasoconstriction,” Xiao-Jian Yuan, MD, PhD., Principal Investigator, LJ. Rubin,
`MD, Sponsor
`Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Cure Foundation: 1C Channel Structure and
`Function in PPH. Direct cost: $316,642, Indirect cost: $100,000, LJ. Rubin, MD,
`Principal Investigator, X-J Yuan, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator.
`Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Research Foundation: Ion Channels in Primary
`Pulmonary Hypertension. $50,000, LJ. Rubin, Principal Investigator, JX—J Yuan,
`Glaxo Welcome: Flolan in Pulmonary Hypertension Secondary to Scleroderma.
`Direct cost: $400,000, Indirect cost: $66,667, Lewis J. Rubin, M.D., Principal
`Harvard School of Public Health: Study of Pulmonary Hypertension in America.
`Direct cost: $400,000, Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Principal Investigator.
`United Therapeutics: A Dose Range-Finding Study oflntravenous ISAUSI in
`Patients with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. Direct cost: $36,800, Indirect cost:
`$7360, Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Principal Investigator.
`NIH: Cellular Mechanisms of PP] 1: Role ofK+ Channels. (R01 HL64945-01).
`Direct cost: $901,753, Indirect cost: $453,029 Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Co-Investigator.
`NIH: Pulmonary Vascular Responses in Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. NHLBI
`Pharmacogenomics Research Centers. Direct cost: $775,346, Indirect cost:
`$399,303, Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Co-Investigator.
`Page 14 of 62


`NIH: Capacitative Ca2+ Entry in Pulmonary Myocyte Growth. (1 R0lHL66012-
`OlAl). Direct cost: $1,250,000, Indirect Cost: $650,000. Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Co-
`2002 — 2005 NIH: Autonomic Pharmacodynamic Phannacogenomics—Pulmonary Vascular
`Responses in PPH. (5U01HL69758—02). Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Principal Investigator
`on Project 1 .
`2003 ~ 2007 NIH: Cellular Mechanisms of PPH: Role ofPotassium Channels (5R01 HL 64945-
`08). Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Co-Investigator
`2005 — 2007 NIH: SNPs in Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (1 R21 HL 80033-02).
`Lewis J. Rubin, MD, Co-Investigator
`2001 — 2012 NIH: Capacitative Ca2+ Entry and TRP Channels in Thromboembolic Pulmonary
`Hypertension. (SROI HL066012-0'i). Lewis J. Rubin, MD, (Jo-Investigator.
`Page 15 of 62


`Pulmonary Heart Disease, 1.] Rubin, editor, 1984. Martinus Nijhoff, Boston, MA.
`Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, l..l Rubin and SR Rich, editors, 1996. Marcel Dekker,
`NY, NY.
`Pulmonary Circulation, A] Peacock and LI Rubin, editors, 2004. Edward Arnold
`Publishersi0xford University Press, London, UK.
`Tire Endotheiin System in Cardiopuimonary Diseases. M Clozel and LJ Ru bin, editors,
`2004. Rheinhard Druck Publishers, Basel, Switzerland.
`PutmonaryArteriai Hypertension Hearted to Congenitai Heart Disease, M Beghetti, RJ
`Barst, R Naeije, and IJ Rubin, editors, 2006, Elsevier Publishers, Munich, Germany.
`Putmonary Circulation: Diseases and Their Treatment, 3'‘1 edition, A] Peacock, R Naeije,
`and LJ Rubin, editors. Hodder Arnold, 20] 1, London, UK.
`Pulmonary Circulation: Diseases and Their Treatment, 4th Edition, AJ Peacock, R Naeije,
`LJ Rubin, editors. CRC Press, 2016, London UK.
`. Konstam MA, Dracup K, Baker DW, Bottorit MB, Brooks NH, Dacey RA, Dunbar SB,
`Jackson AB, Jessup M, Johnson JC, Jones RH, Luchi R], Massie BM, Pitt B, Rose EA, Rubin
`Q, Wright RF, Hadorn DC: Heart Failure: Evaluation and Care of Patients with Left
`Ventricular Dysfunction. Clinical Practice Gaideiine Number 11, AHCPR Pubtication No.
`9449612, US. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockvilie, Maryland, June I994.
`. Rubin L], editor: Proceedings of the Brenot Symposium on the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary
`Hypertension. Chest (Suppl) 1998, Vol. 114 (3}: l83S-247S.
`Rubin LJ guest editor: Pulmonary Vascular Diseases. Progress in Cardiovascuiar Diseases
`2002; 45 (2}.
`editors: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Epidemiology,
`Galié N, Rubin L], guest
`Pathobiology, Assessment, and Therapy. JAmer Cot! Curtiioi 2004 (supplement); 43 (I2): IS
`. Rubin Ll, editor: Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: ACCP
`Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2004 (supplement); 126 (I) 18-928.
`Rubin LJ Hoeper MM, Simonneau G, editors: Pathogenesis and Treatment of Chronic
`Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension. Proc Amer Thoracic Society, 2006; 3: 563—6l6.
`Page 16 of 62


`Peer Review Manuscripts:
`Rubin [.J, Gulman RA: Ilypolension during hemodialysis. Kidney 1978; l1:2]~26.
`Rubin LJ, Peter R“: Oral hydralazine therapy for primary pulmonary hypertension. N Eng!
`J’Med 1980; 302:69-73.
`Rubin IJ, Peter Ril: Primary pulmonary hypertension new approaches to therapy. Am
`HenrtJ 1980; 100:757-759.
`Rubin L], Peter RH: Rest and exercise heinodynamic effects of oral hydralazine in patients
`with cor pulmonale. Am J Cardin! 1981;47:116-122.
`Rubin Li, Lazar JD: Influence of prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors on the pulmonary
`vasodilator effects ofhydralazinc in dogs with hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. J Clin
`Invest 1981; 67:193-200.
`Rubin Li, Handel F, Peter R1]: The effects of oral hydralazine on right ventricular end
`diastolic pressure in patients with right ventricular failure. Circulation 1982; 65: 1 369-1 373.
`Rubin L], Groves BM, Reeves JT, Frosolono MF, Handel F, Cato AB: Prostacyclin-induced
`acute pulmonary vasodilation in primary , pulmonary hypertension. Circulation 1982;
`Cohen MD, Rubin LJ, Taylor WE, Cuthbcrt JA: Primary pulmonary hypertension A unique
`case associated with cxtrahcpatic portal hypertension. Hepntotogy 1983; 3:588-592.
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