`Dictionary of English
`Judy Pearsall
`Pauick Hanks
`.ll l>lTEI> llY
`Catherine Soanes
`Angus Stevenson
`Page 1of 5


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`- ·--... , ................. ~ . ....... , •1y•• ..... .uy w p~~cru siaa·
`4 ...,,.,.. uy to elici< Information rtom (K>m<OD.<) by
`p<nilt<nt qu<>tioni:>J'"" !lrgon ID,.,... lltT {Mui.
`busdo"n-1$ 'in.~iti~~~. 'tli',"i~d~~ ~d:;ul~~~
`• , . ... pull~ rtU,W..., tead\in:a .as n:prHnd in Hf"
`of Heh ch.uge of DUJmJ.te a unni th~ i.a.ta.kc of -
`pulse·l•b•I • "" i..t:h ott,..j ~ subjea lccll•
`2 a raised platform in. the bows or ii tis.tUn& boat or
`in a culture) to a pulstofan isot.oplclakl.
`pulae m odulation • Hu:n(l!llUnotr'l)E18Cl!Oflics a type
`• I l'Jud rill e11dOlfing 01sm11U1rca ~t the bow oh
`of modulation Ln Which puUes arc vult<l in •ome
`rnpect. such .a.s width or a:npl! lO repre2nC tbe
`- 01.ICIN £:nslish: from Latin .PWpitum 'sat•
`am,plltudc of a tip.U.
`fold. p1a.tfonn.". ln medieval Latin "pulpit'
`l"" COJ J [usu. " NJ
`pultrud• /p<;hru:d. PAI-I I> -
`pulpwood.,. flOWll [""'" r.out1j dmbttsuitable !Or :nak·
`•"'""Wdl m• k< I• rclnfoitt4 pl~ti< article] by
`'"' mto pulp.
`d .. winr min<Olt<d s lm fibm throus n • h .. ted
`pulque fpulke1, 'pulk~f ,.. net111 {tl\a$S l'tO!.t'l] a
`alcoholic drink made by ! s;1p from the
`- DUJVAtl\'ES puttrus!oft ~
`- o&m~ 1960>: liom Jllll(li•g) • EXTIMMI.
`- Ol!CIN m Amtriun Spanish 6vm Nihu•tl pvblillld
`putverize (.also pulYeftH) .,. ..,.. {!MDI :q.] r~uct- lO
`fin~ p1rcicles: Nat 17rldtofth< villagnw1u puhotri.zd by
`pulaar /'pAlsa:J llii- no11" AslfQl'll)_"'Y" a. celcnlal object.
`cM bombardnunt
`thought to be a npidly r otatina neutron star. Out
`• ~b'l'Nl.tfti""'t ltll dafHt l.lttarly.:1'11 Ud • ~l'l'lil'..gcAr
`._m.its regulu pulJd of ~io W;l.vt5 ilnd otber elec(cid:173)
`...... ,..h<n:tddl<.,,.._
`wuu.gnetk ndilDon. at ra~ of up to one tbow..tnd
`- DIE"1VATM$ .,..:tftrlut*' l'.011. ~lzef'llQ.M..
`late Middle £n&tish: &om 1.ati> Latin
`pulses per s«ond.
`- 0 1.1c;1ar-·
`pvlwrllan, from puMI. ,...,..,. "dwr'.
`- oa.1cn~ &om pu.t~iAti.111 st)a:r, OD the pa.ttcm of q&UUar,
`pulsate /l)tJ'seu. 'p,Jttn/ ..._ ver• [no obj.) e xp.t.nd ind
`pulverufent Jpl'IJ·vuuS(a)ol/ llioo adjK1lwe 1raiatconsl.Jr•
`ing oftloe-particld: powdery or crumbly.
` ''•'hb .suonc rtgUlar m~eo ts: blood ~ts
`- 0 1'.IC IN l7thC41:Dl · from Lil.tiDF'.Lhocn.iknQil, fiO:tft
`e (GllM H .... " I . . . . ) prodlltt •~,War throbbit>J
`Hnh-~OC'SOU.nd'4ar'.L( W 'l!pOWRft.r.CllKofdw'pil(cid:173)
`putvinus /p.J'v11.IMS/• lllff•(ptpuMnl l·RA1,1)8cltln,oan
`$0.l'l'"I d1sms. • {nu at oK1i. pul1o•U"•l k ""t')' cxoci.,.:
`t:nluied section at rht ba~ of a leaf n.-lk in somt
`'olltfOfyin a pWsatf"' k'm~114L
`pl:um:, which b subJtct to cl14nges orri.gidity lead•
`- DllllllVATfV!S pult•tlon l'IOl>ll, pul••tor navn, pull ..
`Ing to mo~ments of the luf or luftet.
`tot'J' fpAl$~l(O)ri/ l~td.'Wf,
`- 01.1c1>a mid ,9th cent..: from Lalin. litcn.lly •c.ush·
`- 011G1M u~ tat~C'flltfurtirr(Middl< Englllb):u pul·
`$Gliont. 6vm Laun pulr<1t- "throbbed. pul«<I". ~"'
`puma• ...,,. ~Int• 1.arg:~ Amuic1n wildat"'1th
`th< Y<rl> polsArr. ti-equonl>tlve or pdlm "to drive.
`a plaln tawny to 1reyish co01t, found from U.n~da ro
`Puaaonia, AJSO caUtd COVG•"· PAHTHEA, .and
`pulsatlle f P•l .. IAIV 1> odi<ctm c111~ ~;::1ogi pulm ·
`MOUHTAiM LION in Norl.h Americ.a.
`ln.J: reb.ri.0.1 to puJudon:pulsaC'lk lf11nitw.
`• ,... ;oncob:lltnirt ......
`- OlfCIN b~ MMWlc Eoo:glbb.: frorn medlcv.Z Llrtn
`- O&ICIN' l•te' 18th from Q.u«h~a.
`pu!Johlis (io """ l"'ha<>Hs "..ury'J. hmn the _.,
`pumic•fJMtnrs/• NM~m;>'i)iiJa~lighta.od Por­
`ou.s YOlcanic rock form~ wb6' a &As-rich froth or
`pu?J~rr( PULeATI!).
`pulsatilla /,:PA1U'1da/ .,. 110.11 a plant of ii genu.s th.11t
` solidifies rapidly.
`• {also pu"'icie • t•,.•I ((IOtlf'll llOll,.J., plccc or P"
`Includes the p.a.sque Oower.
`•Gellu&Pt4JJ~.fl~~ ...
`wed 11~ an .aibnsi~tipcd•l lyfor rirm0Ytn1hud dun.
`- OUCIN mod!m Uru1.. di minuti~of paW.n., 1'utcn
`• wwti(•.:llioet:.) rubwitbpumlor:msmootbordun.
`- Dll.IVATIV1:$ pwNceou•.'Pi'.c i:::n;.r~
`a.bout". uprtUiftl.tbenodon'tmall~rbf<tttnby
`the wind'.
`- oatGltrf' late Middle En1Jish.; from Old Prencb pom1s,
`from a Litin dialect variant of P".tmne, pi..mic·. Com•
`pulse• ,. 001;111 1 a rhythmical throbbing of the .uter(cid:173)
`lcs •• blood ls pro~lled throurh them. typk•l)y as
`pore wl!h ~""''"'·
`felt in tbewrisrsornttk:: Ehtd«tot'feun.d.cfaJntpubt I
`pumm•I ..._ wetb {pu ....... i.. '"'~um,, pum·
`cJw fd,n11'1Ufrl011Jh IOJCtftl.,Jp ulsc nactni'.
`mel'-4; US ""'"'~ ... fMMftnMKft9. ....-.nMIHI) ~'M'1
`cl!.) 11.-iR rcpco1«lly"'1th th< lllts:!t<Jrit lil'L o !>our
`• uc:b succeuiwtbroboftMatt~etO!'bun..
`2 a sinpvil>ration or short bunt ohound, de:ctric
`·•llol-.Ad""" .,.mmdltdmmilml)'cga1nnlM"'l'f'.
`cum::nt. light. or other wa,'t: a pwltt of rays I
`• H IV'M 1t11onri11 critid u: sew:rely: M h~u buft p:umm.t!W
`[n mod1fiet}a pulrc itntra.tor.

`... i6thcenc.: vui.lncofPoMMt:L.
`• a musica1bH.I or othuregula.rrh)l'thm.
`pummelo i.. H•• v.arUn1 speUln..a o h•auu .... o
`3 t.he centni po'nt otenefiY a.nd orpni22don in u:
`41':~ ur <ICID1 ty. Pl.ok aosr " ""pnanda.I cm~ fCVftQllric
`pump1 • Mm11 mechWcil~us:iaisuctionor
`pruw~ to rai.JC' or=~ liquids. compress gase-s. or
`4 1~ a measured •mount or an isotopiC' label
`fortt 1.lrinto infla.t1ble objt<ts ruch u cyres: 4 pt"trOI
`given toa culturcofceU.s.
`> wttb 1 [no obj} d'U'ob rhythmically; pulut~: 4 k11oi of
`• (11111~ Jan a.s If
`miudu at~ sf.dl of'ir.U jaw pulud.
`by a pump: :hi pMmp of Wood tit kn k(att,
`2 fw'lft obj.] modulate (a w;aw 01 bum) so that it
`2 ,..,. •di&!rl ~ al'j acti\'C' uansport: :ntthan·
`ism ln living ce lls by W'tlicb spec.fie ions an mO'-ed
`throurh munbr1n• .11pintL • conccntntion
`• apply a pu.hcd d,p~ ro(.a: df\ISC't'), • ~short
`gndltnt: tht hacttn"m's udium P"lm,,
`- PHiASli.S feel (or t•tw) th.'pulH of determine the
`.,."'" (#llhobj} 1 l~Oia~b'latdd!reWon) toroe (liquid. 1u.
`hurt rurof(somcon,)by feellns and timing th,pul·
`•«.] to m~ by or u !(by m...., or. pump: :ht blood
`sation of m illUry. • uce('t;jir. the cenct21 mood or
`opinion of; Ill< CDl\ll'mlu will !Ir 111 o;ipommil)' ID/ttl llw
`• C~otlt-•~oC~JmowU.Jpuruas ttouth
`drlwn by a pilmp: llbod ~ y..:..~pin.1from o W01tnd i" "ts
`· showldtr. • {p u mp . . ...-t .. lf'lt owt} product or «mit
`- DUfVATIVUpMtHl•H l:Jft"M.
`some-thing in Jara:c-qu.a.olidcs or amounts~ Cllrrti\'121
`- OlUCltl late Middle English: from Latin pubu.r 'be~t·
`l><NIJ pwn;Mgo11tlnl<Jk.
`lnJ'. frompdlcrt 'to drivt, ~ut',
`2 fill (son:tethina: .such u a tyn ot ~oon) With.
`pulse-2 • aou. tM tdibl' seed of a leruminoi.u plul.
`liqWd or usiJ:l.& a pum;t: J fttt.cN4 du b:r:'kc: o"4
`pllMpc:d wp 0-.l: bed '>"' I my ...nru: 111..t tiw111 pvmpc4
`• a plan• produc:lni pl.lls:u.
`fulloft lua>u.
`- 0 1uc1N Middle from Old French ~s. tram
`• INc:ir~ shoot (bulleu:) lt\to (a targirt). • (~mp •om•·
`l.lttin puts 'porrld.;t of mu.1 or pulse': to POL.(cid:173)
`thln1 lnll1'to) ln.'tlrrll lnvttt a luge sum of money in
`(Jom.-lhlnl).: Iv 91.1,.r4 •D IUr ~ uuo lnilldt11g ~"
`pull• code mod" l•tion • . . • (ma.s.'IGUJIJ ~
`"°"'- • IP""'P..,,_.hlo,,.)..,..8 111mupt!a<YOI·
`a a pulse modulation ttth.niquc io which the:-amp)~
`umeofmu.ric. • lafr:f ""'""o;,.,..-upJi."l:r:r-111
`Nde of an si(n.a.l b convened to a binary
`wry •ntbusi.utic ortxdted; M.t killm O\ll n:G!Jy
`value representtd • ••series of puhe-J.
`- PtfJtASU pump someo11•'• llan4 shake a pcrson'i
`hand vtsor<>usty. pump Iron in'°'rn11 t"~rd . .se with
`- ~11.I VA flVIS pumper llOl.A.
`- ouctit lat~ Middle fnlltsh (ononaJy in aa.utical
`~): ff11ted to l>\;.ccb pomp "ship's pump' {'artie:r in
`th~ ~JOJ'lt,. "wooditn ot m aul cond-.ilt'}. prob.ably
`pumpl "" '*' n a light shoe:. in particular:
`•"'°"I• l'l'"'• •porulhot:apllnuoU. • k • lii!<t
`shor ford.and.o&:. • !l#W &CCN."1sboc,.
`- oa1<;tN mld t6thc:enL;ofWlknownOfllin..
`p ump·•ction .,.. adiecdw 1 dcnotin1 a repe:~ting
`firearm in w h ich a new round is brou&ht from the
`m.a.iazint iniro the brt«h by a slide actlon in line
`with the bunt: a pwnp4awn shotgun.
`2 droocns an unpttnurlud 'P"Y dlsp<nser for
`hqwd thet is wor.hd by fin&tt actioa nther lhan by
`internal prc:ssurr{ai ln a n aef'OSQl),
`pumpernickel J'pumpa,n1k(~)t. 'pto.m·/ ~ 11ou• [l'IMM
`r.ouni dark. de~ <Annan bre;ad fro1n coarsitly
`i:round whot~mf!.:ril ryw.
`- ot.1c1H mid 18th C't'Qt.: tnrulerrcd we of' Germa.D
`P..:mptmld:d 1out. b\lmptin'. of unknown ulrinure
`pump gun .._ no11A a pum~action riftewlth a tubular
`pumpkin • ..-uo11. 1 • 1.arse round~ oraa_g:e-ydlow
`fruit w!lh • thick ri."ld. th<ll«borwlzldl can h< u...i
`2 thC' of the gount f:unily whJtb produces
`pumpkms. h.aYini tendn1s and ta.rge: lobed leaves
`and native to warm rqioN ofAme:ric.a.
`• Ge...,..~it.-.f~~~H'W'M'lllCMKIA,. {n~·
`• irt. tum fot SOUA.W.
`- 0:11.1c1111 Ille '7th c:ent.: altention ofea.rtit:r pumpton,
`from obrolete French pompors., viA Latin from Grttk
`ptpOn 'luge melon' (see: PmPO).
`pumpkl" 1eed • 110111111 (pl s.aC\c: or JM.t ...... inseed~)
`a. sm~. edible bri&Jidy coloured fttshw~~ 4sh or
`Ue suolhh ~m.ity, natiYt to North A.mnia.. h 11
`popular ln a.qu~ vid hu been introduced into
`many European waters.
`• Lepon0g:ObOIUJ.1amir~ Ctnntel'lldaa
`p ump-priming• 101111 fu.s rUJn] 1 the ifttroduction
`of fluid mto a pump ro prqwe it forwor~ng.
`2 chi! stLmWation of f('Onomic a.(tM;~ by in'Y'Ut·
`m<nt:(•-l• ,,..._~,.,.,,.&fl<ru!.
`- D l!JUVATIVllS pump~me wti. pump-prtmer !IOU!l.
`pump room • nou,, a room. buildin1. or c:ompart·
`rnut ln whicl\ pumpt are hou:scd or &om whic.h
`they .Ji~ controlled.
`• a room at 1 spa whac cntdidrul WJC« Is dhpensff.
`pum-pum / pu~pu:llr/ • 11i111111 w IM"• .,,.. sh.~
`(r.aule am.ltals.
`- OkJCll" ttom.aWestAfrlcinluguag:e.
`pun1 ..._ noun a j()kt txploiting the: di!fert"nt pos.sible
`muninp or .a word or the f.ilct th~t thtre: art words
`wbKb SO\lnd aJi~but Uwed.iffer'e.ot munln.p.
`~ \ltrlli [pun•. pu..nlng.. punltN) {tic ~ j (otlfl a ~ P'"•·
`ni"1111 maM a pun.
`- OElllVAtlVli 1"lnnln9l)'ff'o'tftl, punsternoun.
`- 01.1c1N mid 17 th «oL.: perhaps an abbrtviation o(
`obsoltre pundipion. u a fanciful •hendon o! PVMC(cid:173)
`pun2 .,. 'ftdt(~n--...,-"9. ,unftffJIMllel:f)Bfi.con~
`solidll< furth or rubbltl by pouoding it.
`- DE.J.IVATIVU pun n.,tlOUfl.
`- oucrn mid 16thcent.:dlalectvariantofPOUH02•
`puna f pu:rnJ • •01;111 1 1 high ttttlfts plateau iD the
`P<ruvwl Andes.
`2 anotbu rtr:n for At.TITUOt: s~
`- 01.1c1t-1"\.iaNneric:a.nSpanJihfrom Qu~hua.
`Pun•n /pu:'no:o/ ..._ non (pl. tame ~r P'utt•n_.) 1 a
`membu of any of v~us J?OUp$ of O.ayak peoplc.s
`inh11bfti11.1 paruof'Bomeo.
`2 (...,. Y.'JO) any of lb• rt!A!etl W\llUI" of tilt
` DCW•ith ...
`~adjrctMt ft':latins to the Put\an or their l1npag:e5.
`- 011.1c 1Nthen.arne in Day1k.
`cor<SONANTS: b but d doi
`f few g i•t h b e
`J yes k cot
`l leg m m an n no p pen
`r rtd s sit
`t top v volu
`Page 3 of 5


`'"'"·" UJ'•
`• · · - - • - - - - f ,d.._., ••· •• l 'ICJ ..... u
`<lUA"'UIO"'I '
`pronounced s'1lle1 one of a numbc-r of women who
`sar .and la::titted while ;i.ttending public execution~
`during the Fttncb RC\"Olutioo.
`.. 011;1c1,.: F'rench.ftomtnrottr 'tolcnit',
`trtc:.trac liJo. 1oun (IT'll$l noW'I] h1mrica1 a. form ofba.ckga.m·
`- ORIC?N late 1.7th cent.: horn frt:ncl\, from the clic.k·
`ing sot.ind made by the game pieces.
`trlcuspid ~r"J'kM:p:di .,_ adjtctiw 1 denoting• tooth
`with thrtt cusps or points.
`~ <knoling or n:ladng to • val•~ form•d of tllree tn·
`anguJ.u segments. particularly that between the
`right attium and \'f:ntride of the tr!Cl.lspid
`- OXIGIN late t7th cent'. from TIU· 'thre~· • La.tin
`cuspis, anpid- 'cusp".
`tricycle._ 11ovn .a veh..iclt similar t.o .a bicycle. but hav·
`ing three wheels, two a'l the b01ck and one at the
`• a three-w11etkd motor~h1Cle for a di.sabled driver.
`...... ,. [ooObJ.}(ollMii.S ~r-trtc:yclln9)ride on ;i. trieyde.
`- DE•IVATI VEStrlcycfbtnc-un.
`tricyclic ftr"J'wlchkJ • ad'Jfi:fllft Cht"n1stry (of a com·
`pound) having thrttrings of atoms in its molecule.
`.. noun (usu. t'icycucs 1 Med1Cint .any of a class of and·
`depreuant drugs h~ving rnolec.ules with th:-tt fused
`- OP..tC.U./' l.ate 19th cent.; from nt1p 'lhree' .. Cr e!:k
` "circle'• ...c..
`tridactyl {trM"dalml/ ... •dje'6ve Zooiogy (of a Yerte·
`brate limb} having thrtt toes or fingers.
`- DEl.IYATl\'IS trtdac.tyt~ no:.ti.
`- ORIGIN early 19th ~ilt.: from TAI~ 'three' • Creek
`duk!!'IDI 'tinger',
`trident,. 11ovt1 1 a thrC'C"prooied spen especially is
`.an •tttibute of Poseidon (Neptune:) or Brita.nnfa.
`2 (Trid11nt) a US design of subm:atir~e-l41unc:hed Iong(cid:173)
`n.nge b~JJisdc m.JssUe.
`- OJ.JGIN late Middle English: from Latin Pidenc-. from
`in- 'lhrtt' • tk1u. dent-"tooth'_
`Tri~entlne }ln"dcnt.un, trAl·/ ., adjediw ttlating to
`che Coun cil ofTrent, ~~peciaily as the b~is of Romm
`- OF.JGIN from medieval Latin Tridt!itirius,. ftorn
`Trtdt-nrum "Trent".
`Tridc nHne mass .., "oun the Larin E·ucha.ristic lit·
`urgy used by the Roman Catholic Ch\1rch from 1s·10
`tri d U Um /'tndju:im, 'tr r,1•/ ... noun (1" sir.9.) {espedalty iD
`the Roman C.atholic Church)~ period of three d.ys'
`. observa.nce. spedtic:~ly M~u.nctyThursd•y. Good Fri(cid:173)
`day, and HolySariird.a.y.
`- · oucnf Latin, from rn:-'thr~e· •din 'day'.
`t rldymite f tndrm ... nf ,,,,. rto1.1n [mass noun] a higb·cem·
`pcrature form of qua.rtz found u thin hexa;onaJ
`cryscals in some igneous rocks and stony meteorird .
`- 01uc;:1r.- rn1c1 i9t:h cent.; fr9m Gi:rman Tridyrr1i:, from
`Greek rrl.dumos "threefold'. from t'f'i. 'thrtt• "' -dttmos
`f3S i.n dida:m0$ 'twin')', bcc~use of its occwrc-ncc in
`groups o ft.hrte Cryst.lls,
`tried pan and past p.artictple ofTLltY. ·
`... J>Ji'l.ASES tried and f•!Jted {or tn• d :.nd• d or
`If. Amer_ tried and tn.1e ) d!:nQtillg somttl1ing that his
`provtn in t_h~ past t.o be e:ffecci~ or reliable: a tried-
`and·ttmd rtcipt'.

`triene f trAri:D/ ,,,,. 3oun. Chemistry ~n u nsotur.ued hydro(cid:173)
`carbon conu.ining three double bonds betwttn
`c;;irbon .1.(0ClS.
`triennfaf /trAJ'tnl<)l/ • adjt cti'H re<:Urring every three
`years: W rn't~nial mt-ttingoftht.A.ssociatkn.
`• hasting for or 1tiating to a p uiod ofthru )'
`•t1oun a vi!itation of .:i.n Anglie::in diocese by ita bishop
`t\lcry Jlu'iee )'ta.TS.
`- DFltlVATIVf:5tricnntaiUyaO.-e:rh_
`- ox1c11" mid 16th cen t,; from late Latin Pit"n.fJ (from
`Ullin fr'i· "tlute' .. 011n:a "yc:tx'J +·Ai...
`trivnnlum /trAJ"cru~mJ,._ no1,1n(pl. ttle-nni•/·ru~or trl·
`enniurns) a specified period Oflhrtt )'Ci.IS.
`- OR.IGIN mid 19th cent.: from Latin, from tri- 'three' ..
`Trier /tn~,: a city on the Ether Mo:sel in
`Pafatinite:, \\'l!Stc.--n pop. 99.ioo (est 2001).
`f nncb na.:nc TRtv11•. Est:lblished by a Germanic
`rribe. the ~ri. l'-400 I C, 1'rier is one of the oldest
`nOWt\-er unsuccie.ssru.J mey may be: Xd!y \\.W daeribed
`by htr ttadim: o~ a rr41 tTkr:.
`2 a person or body re:sponsible for ln,-esti.g<itting a.nd
`d«iding a case judici.llly: tht Jtn)' U thl ~rof/«t.
`T rieste / ln'a l( a thy i.ri NE the 1.J.rg-ett port on
`the Adriatic and capital of Friuli·Vene-zia Ciulfa
`region ; pop. ~.520{2001). Formerly held by Au:nria
`{138:2.-1918), Trieste w~ annie:<~ by Italy afte,r the
`Pim World \.Var. The Free Territory ofTrie:ne w.1$ ere·
`a.r~ after the Second \'V()r ld War but returned to
`trlfa j't!hrf>/ I> adjediv .. nother ttnn forTIW'A.
`trifaclal nerve /trn'feil(>)~ I> ,.,. another term
`t rlfecta r~•I°f<kt>/ I> mn N Am~. A ;.,•r.oJ\liZ a bet in
`which the person betting foreCa.$U tht- fast three tin·
`ishen in a race in the corre-ct order.
`• (iriurig.)a. run of three wins or i ra.nd ~nts:l!:twill
`a.tftmpt a trlfttt4.tef rJ.~ ln11gj """J". trlpft> )1r1t1p, dn.d
`: to-mmrhigtl hur41a.
`- 011.1c;:11'<1 197QS: from Ttup •three·• "IAF'EC'ta .
`trlfficl .. no"" (i n science 6cti'.on ) i mvnberofa or
`pred.arory planu whkb uc ca.poi.bit' of growing to a
`gig3:ntic size and arc possess.ed o(locomotivc: ability
`.;md a poisonous sting .
`- ORJCIN" coined by John Wyndham in DayofihtTrifflds
`(195 1).
`trlffd fe rAJftd/ ~ edjKtln 1 dllefry Siokgy partly or who lly
`split into thtte divisions or lobes.
`2 (also h'cfid) (of an anriqut' spoon) ~;th three
`notches splitting the end of the handle-:.
`- 0•1crn mid 1810 ttnt.: from Latin mji4w:. from o;.
`•three· • fid· '$pl!t. divided'(from the \1!rbJhidm).
`trifle ... 110Y• 1 a thing oflittlc va.luf' or lmpo.rtance: W"r
`nerdn 't trouble t"hl ht-~dmarttf'O\'<r suda trijld.
`• r .. 3iro,t .t. small amou ell of somr:thing: the thl)IU$4!'1d
`Y'• ht"d paid Jee med t'w: mtrtSt rr'.fl.t..
`2 8r1t. a cold dessert of sponge cake .and fruit covertd
`with layers of custard,jdly. and ae01.m.
`• Vfllli(nootij.J 1 (trifl•wUh}trcat·without seriousness or
`respec:t; ht is not a man to be rrijltd with I mm who
`2 archa t talk or a.ct frivolously: ¥-'t .... 111 nor '1"'iflt-ttft U
`• tMttioobj,.) (trifle m0fne1.h1~ away) wu re fso111ot1.hing.
`e1ped~Uy time) frivolously.
`- PH:RASi.S • trifle a little; somewhal; his mt:.hod.s arr c
`- Dl!lll\rATlVU trifterl'W3l.ltl.
`- OJ:leu.- MiddJe £ngli.Sh (also denoting ~n idl e s tory
`tol4 to deceive or a mu se): from Old Frtnch 'auflt.
`by·fonu ofrruft 'd1:C"eit". o funknOWl'l o rigin. The verb
`<le rives from Old frcncb h'ujJftr 'mock, decti\-c '.
`trifling .., &lljedive u nimportant or tnvfal; o trifti11g
`- DER:l'YATrvr.s trifli"9t1ad\1tb.
`tri fluopora..lna (,1r .... 1nu;9(u )'pcnri:nJ ,,... "'o'" ' (mu~
`noun] ~slflcine: an ir.tipsychork and se:d:iit.f\•e drug
`related to pheno1hiazine.
`- 0 RI C::IN 1950s: from TRI• ... fluo(rint-J. (pi)ptta..:int.
`t tifoca I ..._ adjec.titt {of a pair of gl<1ssts) having lensts
`with three parts wich difftttnt foc~l lengths.
`.._ 11011.n {tr1focal•) a p.Ur of glines wirh uifocal lenses.
`t rlfofd f't.rAJfauJd/ • adjectiw triple: threefold: a triJOW:
`partnu5hip betw!m gowrnmtnt. tm,r:Ui>"""!. tutd stt..dt-nu.
`t rifollate /trAr"f~ulm/ ,,,,. adJteti\'e (of a compound
`le~f) havin.&: three le.dlets:d4rkgrun trif~iatt'ltallltS.
`• {of .a pl2ntj h.t.vini trifoli.ate lea vu. • {of 2n objccc
`or design) havini: the form of a trifoltate l ea.foe bnmzi
`trifori um JtrAl"fo:r:~m/ 11J1o 111101.11111 (Ill'. tritoria l·rran a gal•
`Jery or ucadc abO\~ the arches of the: nave. choir,
`&nd transepts of a church.
`- OJLIGIN carty 'Sch from Ani,:lo-t..:ati.n. of
`unkc:own origin.
`trfforrn >- teerviiuJ com.posed of three
`nro:wbttrln: ru:s:tlfng among !htfr trifimn I raves.
`trffu re a t e Jli. verb /'tr.vf::ikertJ [!IC ct;.) dividt' three
`branches or forks.
`• adjtclfn Ffa~btJ divided into thn:c bran-ches or
`- DElllVATJVES tlifurcztfortnotll.
`- 01uc1:s mid 19th cient.: from Latin lri.fuTl'llJ "thrtt-
`forlced' ~from hi· 'three'+ furca 'fork') • ·•n;l_
`llJl>'lertl (trigs, trigging, trigged) tWrtri Ob;) make neat and
`sm•rt in a.ppearance: M has riggrd htf' and fl"iggtd htr
`wftl:: l"!~ftt and :51'~
`- ORIGIN Middle E:nglish tin the .sense •faithful,
`trusty' ): from Old S otS(' Lryggr. rel.3.ted to T.-Ve_ Th~
`current verbs~ da.tes from the late 17thoenc.
`trigamous tmgamil.r llJlo l(Jtclivt h.avin.g three wive~
`or husbandsn the same ti me_
`- DlilUVATIViS trJg~mlst n~un, tr'i9•my noun..
`- 01.Jc;JN mid igth ct.nt.: from Greek tri.samo$ (from tri·
`"three' • gamos 'ma.rriatl!") "' ·ous The noun1 Pigam-
` trlgamy d•t• from the mid ' 7th cem.
`trlgemlnal nerve /tr.1'd3smm(o)~ I> oouo AN<OIT'f
`t'.acli of the fifth and largest pair of cr~oial n erves,
`supplying the front pan of the head and dividing
`into the ophthalmic, ma;c.ill~ry. <and m3:od!bular
`trig eminal neuralgia ._ ~'"' fna!.! flO!JnJ Medieilll!
`nl!:ul"alg!;i involving one or mOr(' of the bnnche1 of
`ch.e tri.gcminal ntn.'e5.. often ca..l!sing severe
`t rlgeminvs JtrM'd;5sm1n~/ • no11n (pl. trigeml nl
`{prv.t/) Atlatomr each oft_he crigeminal nerves.
`- OJ.IGl N l.ue 19rh cent.: from Latin. litenlly "thrt:e:
`born al the birth'. extended to mean 'three(cid:173)
`t rigger,,,,. noun a small de-.?c~ that releases a spring or
`calch an4 so :st=u off a mechmlsm, ts~iaUy 1n
`orde:rto fire• gun: he pulled du £rlgitrofihtsllotgun.
`• an t"L~IH tha Us the ca.use oh pa.rticularaction, p ro(cid:173)
`«SS. or situa.tio~: tht' rn:ggttfor:ht .siri1<twa.s tto..tao.nm
`,.. • 11.rti ['llllh OOj.J c.iuse ia device) to function: b!J!'gfars JI~
`t'mpty-hamkd ufta' trtggrrt?lg !ht alurm..
`• (alsq triggll!lr s;om.Olng offic;aun (an evmtor SIN"·
`ation)tohappm oru.isr;G110Dnxrc.ot! be trfggernf b)'
`- PHJLASES quick on th•trl99•rquickto respond.
`- DElUVATIVf:S trigg• r.d <ldijec;M.
`- O~ICJN early '-7th· cc1Jt.· from di:a.lect tr'~. from
`Dutch trtkler, from irtkkrn 'to pull".
`trigger f;nger ,,,,. nCM.1n 1 the fordinger of the right
`h•nd, as thOltwith which the trigger of• gun ~' typic·
`2 (ma$$ ncu-nl Mtdieif"ll!l a defec-t in ~ l~ndon ca.u$irtg .a Jin •
`ger to je:r:k or sn•p straigh t wh~ the h:and is
`t ri99erfish .., 110111 (p1. nme or trigg• rfishes) a mar·
`ine fish ()('('urrin g chiefly in tropic:~I lruhore '4.'3lers.
`Jr has a large stot.1 c doual spine which can be erected
`and lockied into pl.lee. allowing the !i:sh to wedge
`icu.lfi.nto crevic~.s.
`• Nmt; Sa~Midu:ootnnous """"• illtd spedes.
`trigger hair,,,,. inoun 1 Zocfogy(in a coelcntt:ratc)a fila·
`rnent at the in()uth of & nematocyst which triggers
`tht' emission ofthe sringiog hair when touched..-
`2 8~"1y • bl"htlc OD the leaf of~ Venus nYQ"Ot;p WfdCll
`triggers the dorure of&.n~ leaf around an insect.
`trigger-happy ... 'djtcti._.. ready to rca.ct violcnlly.
`especi.aHy by shooting, on the slightest provocation;
`knit-Ory cor~rro!led by t."'igg:tr-hc:ppy bandfu.
`trigga r point lliio ricun 1 a. particula.r citc:wn$tance
`which calliJes at:i. evtnt: the G.rm.y's T"tf..scl. ro wirMraw
`from Utt ttnifory'Wa.s rht fl"iggt-rpointformUitaryaaton.
`2 f»:ysi~og~ & M~ Qr.t :;i sensitive ue:a of the body,
`stimulation or ' rritation of which. ca.uses a speci6c
`effect in another p.;a.,rt, especially .a tender area in a
`ruusclt' which causes generalized. muSC1.1toskeletal
`pain when O\"e:rstimulatt:d.
`Trig I av f'lri:9la1j' a mount-'!oin in the Julfain Alps, h"W
`Slovenia, near the it•lbn border. Rlring to 2.863 m
`(9,392 ft). it is the h ighest ?c=:.alc in the mour.tairu ust
`of the Adriatic.
`t riglyceride j'tr11!"gllsarArdJ ,,,,. no1.1111 Chl!mlstry e.stet
`foTm~ from g)yct:rol a.nd three f.any acid groups.
`Trigl)'Cerides ue th~ main constituenn of nstunl
`triglyph / ttA19ltfl ... no&1n Ardii~tiJre a tablet in; Doric
`·rritte wiEh thrtt ven:ical gtooves alcematJng with
`- D!ilJVATlVU trJ9typhlc aO,!di'.t.
`... OJUGJN mid 16th cent.: via ~tin from Grttk
`trig!uphos. from r-i· 'thrtt' + gh1phi 'a.rving'.
`trig o n f u ... 1gcn1' ~ ROii.ft arthaictum fO?TIUAHGL&.
`VOWELS: a cat o: arm
`s bed
`e:: hair ~ ago
`~= her
`t sit i cosy
`i; see o h oc o: saw
`A run u put u: roo Al my
`Page 4 of 5


`Watteau f woi.uJ, jean An'tolne {16$4-17 21). French
`p.a.inter, o f Flemish de-scent. AD initiator of the
`rococo style. ht is also known for his invention of the
`watt..ftour !Iii- noun a mea5ure of electrfcal energy
`equiwlmt to a power consumption of one watt for
`one hour.
`wattle' f"wut(•)l,I > ftOUft 1 (rr.m. r.ounj a materiaJ for
`m.»ting (eQceS. walls. etc .. consisting o( rod1 or
`stU"es intf!.rl<1ced with or bI<ir.ches:.
`• ~wu1i1.1iu..-1j \T14olt(t • wi.-.:U:r lnudi~.
`2 chiefty Aus';at an acacia.
`• GcrnusAuc;.,, family L.eg1.J1M1oue: tMl'TY aoec;ea, ~udir.g
`h padenwa«M..
`• vtrb(wlU\O!lj.] mUe, endos.e. OJ' 611 up with. wattle.
`- 01.1G1~ Old £nglish warut. of'.lnlcnown origin.
`wattl&l fwot(~)I/ .., rt0un "- coloured fleshy lobe h.ang·
`lng f.rom the bud or neck of the rur-key· and some
`- DEl.JVATIVES w • ttled adfeci;~.
`- ouc;1N eair1y16th cent.:ofunknown origin.
`w a ttle and daub "'° novn [mas.s nct.'11] a material for(cid:173)
`merlyor traditionally used in buU41ng walls. consist·
`ing of a octv.'Ork of inl<:rwovw iticks ~nd rwip
`covered with mud or-clay.
`wattlebird • noun 1 the ~argest oft.he hon~aten
`fou nd in Aurtr3li3, with a wattle hanging from each
`• Ge~.4n(hochHfw(endMM'dec::.'e:S).;tyW~~:
`four specie1.
`2 a songbird of a New family distinguished
`by W<lttlr:s hanging from the b.ue of the bill,
`• F:lfrdtyC:1111~1r~: lf\t s.adclebecli: an~th• 11.ok:tko, togWwu
`wattle.eye.,_ n11u11 :;i small African flycatche r with a
`coloured patch of bare skin around or ;ibo\'t the~·
`typkally having black and white plumage.
`• Gentis Pta~eirtl, 1~ Pf3tysteif.dae (<.Y t.AonarclTdae);
`5CYeBI opecies.
`wattmete r • noun a meter for mearnring electric
`power in watts.
`Watts1• George Frederick
`(18"1?-19041. Eng lish
`p.a.inter and S(.""ulptor. He is bf:st known for his por(cid:173)
`craits of public figures. including Clad.stone. Tenny·
`son, and J. s. Mill. He was married co the actress Ellen
`Terry from 2864 to 2877.
`Watts2• Isaac (,674-1748). English hymn writer and
`poet. remembl:ttd for hymns $uch as 'O God. Ot.:r
`Help in A.get P.asr' (1.719).
`Wah.Isl ~·tu:si/ ( W•tutal fw~'tut.siJ) .,. aoun
`1 (lft3ted as Pl.l th~ Tutsi peopl.e collectively {now dated
`in English use).
`Z a.n energetic dance popular in the t960s,
`-..verb (Watue lH, Watu,llng, W~tu•ied) jn~ob!.} d.:ince
`the Watusi.
`- 01.1c1N a loc:il name. from che prefix •wa· +
`TVT5 1.
`waugh1 f-J;J. E\·e1yn 1-'UthU.I' SI John}f1903-66). 2:'.11.g•
`lisb novelist. His wot11: was: profoundly influt!::n<::ed
`by hjs cOn'-~rsion to Rom a n Catholicism in t 930.
`:-lotobk works: Oedfll• and Fall 1t92S): Brldtshtad
`Waugh;i; fw;J;/. Serve: (b.1965). Aus{ralian cricketer.
`captain of"i:l 1999- 1<>04.
`... ;~- waul fw"J:IJ Iii- 'l'trb (no utit.} give a loud plainth·-e cry like
`;i.;·;~~ rhunf=i f'.:Lt
`ft.! - OlllGINtarly16th cent.: imitative.
`.;::!:~ wave.• vRrti 1 (n~ obj.] m.ovt' emfs h<\ud to and fro i n
`greeongoras a signal: he ·.....avrd co mcfrwn thl troin.
`• [Nilti~.)m0'1e (oni="s h:lnd or arr::..orsocnethl:)g
`held in On'1'S ha.nd) to and fro::iitWl."l"•'tdo s'htafofpa~
`!!'I i1i.tciir. • fWil!hdlj.J con~y(:tptttingorot.hcr mtt·
`sag~) byw:wing on~·s hand or somet hing held in it: wt
`.... '4Vt40li"Tfartwtfls I (Mtn t""'°cbjs)sht ~'C\.'tdhltttgoodbyt.
`• [ ..... ruu:1ti;. a'.'ld .t.'iltllal of direh! :nsa-uct ($omeonc) to
`mov,tn :tp.artfcul:lrdin:ction 'bymovingoc.e's:hand:
`r.t W4\'td htr bade. • (l'lfl:tt obj,J(wavto som.onelthin9
`doWn)u.seooe·.s hand togi\'~i. signal to stop toa
`driver 01 vthicie.
`2 (no ~J.J !llove to and frc with • swaying motion
`w hile fixt:d ro one po:nt: rht flo.g \o\.Y.l.vtd iJt
`3 (w~"obj.) stylt (h a.Ir ) so th•t it curls: slightly: hrr haiT
`h1Jd brrn c.Qrtful?y 'W'llved fr;rr ihc cvming.
`• (nocti-] ( gr'O\ol.' ,,.ith' slight cul"l: In adj.
`w....tn9] thid:. wavint grey i'l.air ba.d:lrt1m his
`form and breakiz1g: on the .shore: ~11: .... "'.s: swept c1.1t to S«"a
`1 a ridi.e of water ber."ttD t;..-o depressions in ope.c.
`watu:g-..1lb"and cormorants bohlJtd cm tht wcwt.i:. •
`shape reprded as ttttmbling a bre<ikiog Wl\'t: ca \ol.G\tr
`of uttrop.s strttdtftf to tht horiz.on . • (t h9 WMIH) liUriry
`2 a suddtn O«Urrence of or in 'phenom(cid:173)
`enon. feeling. or emotion: a WC\tt of rrrikl' hod para.·
`lys~ iht goviernmtnt I ft:QrcamtOVt:7' mt in Wt1Vt'$..
`3 a gf!.snm: or iignal made by movin.g on~·s hand to
`and ft.o: ht gave a J~trir wave Qftd walttd olf.
`4 a slightly c urling loc:kofhair: his hair\"Rls d .tyfngin
`• fln Wi;.!a tende:llqtocu.rl in a pcuon"s h• ir;hch.air
`P;Q$ 4 ~If.Pt n11noro.i "-aw..
`s 9fr)'sits :;I period.le dinurbance or tht p.a.nicles or a
`substance which may be propapted withou t net
`movcmit:.ot of the particle s. such as in th~ pa ss.age of
`undul:ltin.ll motion. heat. or sound. Stt also STANO.
`• a stng:le C'lJl'W' in th~ course ofl..hl..s mode>n. • -. Simi·
`l•1vui4.tion ofandectrom.agn~<ic fit.Id in th.e propa·
`gadon of light O{ ottier 1adiation thl'oug:h i medium
`- PM us ES maac. wavH l~lomi» cttate a sign.l.fic:ant
`im pression: ht has already ntadt wa\"1 as a scuJpror:
`• cause ttouble: I don't. warH to risk JierwdfaTe by malc(cid:173)
`- DER IVA TJ\'I! s wav.le55 il!IJl!Cfr;~. wave-llke .1dJl:?ciM.
`- OIUGIN Old English WG)\an tvcrb}. from the Germanic
`bau: o f WAVt:.R: the noun by alteration lin1luenced by
`the verb) ofMiddle English wawt '(sea) wave'.
`waveband 9"' riovn a range of wavelengths falling
`betwe:en twO given Umits. used in r.adio tn.nsmis·
`wave equation ~ inovn ._,mernalics a differential
`equation expressing tM: properties or motion in
`waveform 9"' noufti f'ttl'$iU a curve showing the shapt
`of:. w:ivt ~t:agivcn time.
`W&Yefront). ftOLrlt ~a surfacecont.ainingpoints
`affec.1ed in the s.a1ne way by a wavt! i l a given time.
`wave function • now P'll)'Slts a func:rion t ~;itis·
`fies & wave equation and describf:s the properties of a
`wave guide.,_ i.o11n a meu11 tu~ or other device con·
`fin ing and com •eying 111JcrowaVl!::s.

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