`Washington, DC 20024 — USA
`Mobile: +1—443-336-5497
`Email: pilarw@wmanindexing-com
`Freelance Indexing Services. Initial indexing is done with Cindex or IndexManager (Idx)
`software on the latest Lenovo Ultrabook computers. Embedding skills include InDesign,
`MSWord, and Oxygen. Additional word-processing skills include OpenOffice, MSWord,
`WordPerfect, and XyWrite. Tagging skills include ASCII, HTML, and XML. (February, 1990 to
`Over 1,400 titles indexed to date. Subject areas indexed include:
`art — biography — clinical medicine — economics — education — health care — history —
`linguistics — maritime studies — mathematics — nursing — political science — religion —
`social science — technology — contemporary affairs
`American Society for Indexing (1990-); Chair, Washington, DC Chapter (1995-1996); Chair,
`Web Committee (1996-1997); Editor, The Capital Indexer (19912000); Teller (1998); Secretary
`(1998-1999); Chair, Nominating Committee (1999-2000); Chair, Wilson Award Committee
`(2000-2001); Editor, Key Words (2000-2006); Order of the Kohlrabi (2002-); International
`Representative (2007-); Exam Reviewer, Training in Indexing Course (200?-2013); Chair, Hines
`Award Committee (2008-2009); Vice-PresidentfPresident- Elect (201 1-20] 2); President (2012-
`2013); Chair, Publications Committee (2014—); Hines Award (2017)
`American Medical Writers Association (1995-); Secretary, Mid-Atlantic Chapter (1999)
`Society for Technical Communication (1995-2010); Judge, Washington, DC Chapter Technical
`Publications Competition (1995, 1996, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013); co—Editor, A
`to Z: The Newsletter of STC’S Indexing SIG (1997-1998); Judge, International Technical
`Publications Competition (2004, 2005, 2006, 2011); Certificate of Achievement In recognition
`for attaining the grade of Senior Member (2006)
`Page 1 of 10


`Applied Indexing Instructor:
`IUSDA: Graduate School: USA
`Basic Indexing Instructor:
`gUSDA! Graduate School, USA
`Computer and Digital Video Teacher 1' All School Technology Support:
`2005-201 1
`Key School, Annapolis, MD
`Assistant Librarian:
`Key School, Annapolis, MD
`Associate Indexer:
`M. L. Coughlin Editorial Services
`Page 2 of 10


`Spring, 1987
`Computer Supervisor:
`Spring, 1987
`IUSDA: Graduate School, USA
`Key School, Annapolis, MD
`Key School, Annapolis, MD
`National Science Foundation Minority Graduate Fellow, Mathematics, University of California
`at Berkeley, and Mills College, Oakland, CA, 1987-1989
`St. John’s College, Annapolis, MD and Santa Fe, NM, BA. Liberal Arts, May 1986
`“The Book Index Symposium: Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford”. Key
`Words, Winter 2017: 11-15.
`“Reflect, Refresh, and Celebrate: ISCJ’SCI (Indexing Society of Canada:F Société Canadienne
`d’lndexation) 40th Anniversary Conference, 2—3 June, 2017, Montreal, Quebec”. Key
`Words, Fall 2017: 17-19.
`“Pilar Wyman Recipient of the 201'? Hines Award: Acceptance Remarks”. Key Words, Fall
`201?: 13.
`“Book Review: The Accidenta! Taxanamisl, 2nd ed. by Heather Hedden”. Techrrfca!
`Communication, Volume 63, Number 4, November 2016: 384-385.
`“You Are Here, X Marks the Spot” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Winter 2016: 4.
`“Pointers, the Pointing Men and Women” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Fall 2016: 4.
`Page 3 of 10


`“Book Indexes in Metadata, an Interview with Patricia Payton (Bowker, Proquest) and
`Allison Feist (Proquest)” (Ream and Wyman). Key Words, Summer 2016: 16-21.
`“Best Indexes, Best Wonders” (Editor’s File). Key Words“, Summer 2016: 4.
`“Key Words Index Volume 23.” Key Words, Spring 2016: 6—1 1.
`““She’s ba-a-a—ck!”” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Spring 2016: 4.
`“ASI Key Words“ Interview with Sanders Kleinfeld” (Ream and Wyman). Key Words,
`January 2015: 7-15.
`“ASI Publications Revamp: eBooks and an Index Mashup” (Ream and Wyman), Key Words,
`vol. 22, no. 11, November 2014, pp. 156-157.
`“Conference Report: Writers UA West, 3-6 March 2014, Palm Springs, CA”. Key Words,
`May 2014: 5-6. [Reprinted in The Slice, (1 Potomac Indexing Newsletter, Fall 2014: 2, 4.]
`“Between the lines / Entre les lignes, 2013 Indexing Society of Canada / Société Canadienne
`d’Indexations.” Key Words, July 2013: 115-116.
`“Intrepid Indexing: Indexing without boundaries.” Key Words, June 2013: 100-101.
`“President’s Report: River Edition.” Key Words, May 2013: 7-78.
`“President’s Report: Special Edition”. Key Words, Mar 2013. [Reprinted as “Tools of
`Change” in 1'he Indexer, Vol. 31 No. 2 June 2013: 70.]
`“President’s Report.” Key Words, Jan 2013: 1-2; Feb 2013: 2; April 2013:55-56.
`“Society of Indexers (SI) Annual Conference.” Key Words, Oct-Dec 2012: 133-135.
`“From the President’s Desk.” Key Words, Jul-Sep 2012: 76-77; Oct-Dec 2012: l 12,
`1 15,
`“Hand-helds as ereaders: exploratory thoughts on hand-held devices and indexes”. The
`Indexer, March 2012: 17-24. [Reprinted and updated as “Indexes for Apps: Preliminary
`thoughts” in Key Words, Oct—Dec 2012: 124—130.
`“Standing Up for Indexing” (Wyrnan, Russell, Pincoe, Kingdom, and MacGlashan). Key
`Words, Jan-Mar 2012: 33.
`“Indexing in the Age of e—Everything.” Key Words, Jan-Mar 2012: 33-34.
`“The Challenging Future of Indexing,” Key Words, Jan-Mar 20] 1: 28-33.
`“Ten for Ten: Perfecting Our Craft.” Key Words, Oct-Dec 2010: 135-138, 142.
`“Knotty Bits: Indexing Negatives.” Key thtv, Oct-Dec 2009: 126-128, 140.
`Page 4 of 10


`“ASAIB International Conference.” Key Words, Jul-Sep 2009: 102-106.
`“Indexes in the News.” Key Words, Oct-Dec 2006: 141.
`“Indexing with Open Source Tools” (Brown) (review). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2006: 140.
`The CSE Monuatjor Authors, Editors, and Publishers, Seventh Edition (CSE Style Manual
`Committee) (review). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2006: 139.
`“The Business of Being in Business.” Key Words, Oct-Dec 2006: 130—133, 141. [Reprinted
`and updated in Starting an Indexing Business, 4th ed., Information Today, Inc. 2009.]
`“Interview with Bruce Hubbard, Canada’s House of Commons Infonnation Management
`Unit.” Key Words, Oct-Dec 2006: 125—126, 142.
`“Key Words Index Volume 14.” Key Words, Oct-Dec 2006: 118-124.
`“The Times, They Are A-Changin'” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2006: 113.
`“How to Edit an Index—Last, but Not Least!” AMWA Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2006: I 10-] 1].
`Website indexes: Visitors to Content. in Two Clicks (Lamb) (review). Key Words, July-Sept
`2006: 105-106.
`INDLXING: Engage, Enlighten, Enrich: Proceedings ofthe Austroiion and New Zeoiond
`Society oftndexers Conference, Melbourne, March 1 8-1 9, 2005 (Gillen, ed.) (review). Key
`Words, July-Sept 2006: 103-105.
`“Technical Communicators: A Winning Community — Society for Technical
`Communication (STC) 53rd Annual Conference” (conf rpt). Key Words, July-Sept 2006:
`“Triennial International Indexing Meeting and Conference” (conf rpt). Key Words, July-Sept
`2006: 90-99.
`“Penultimate Postings” (Editor’s File). Key Words, July-Sept 2006: 77.
`“Joint Meeting with the National Writers Union Washington, DC Chapter, ASI (DCtASI)
`September 22, 2005” (conf rpt)- Key Words, Apr-June 2006: 58.
`“Interview with Elspeth Richmond, Sheilagh Simpson, and Susan Wilson-Murray, members
`of ASI organizational member Bookmark: Editing & Indexing” (Editor). Key Words, Apr—
`June 2006: 46-47.
`“Metadata Is Our Friend” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Apr-June 2006: 40.
`Pocket Guide to Technicmr Presentations & Professionoi Speaking (Zwickel and Pfeiffer)
`(review). Key Words, Jan-Mar 2006: 31.
`Page 5 of 10


`“Building Skills, Bridging Ideas: American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) Annual
`Conference” (conf rpt). Key Words, Jan-Mar 2006: 26.
`“Key Words Index Volume 13.” Key Words, Jan-Mar 2006: 10-16.
`“Welcome to a Brave New World” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Jan—Mar 2006: 5.
`Yahoo! to the Max: An Extreme Searcher Guide (Hock) (review). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2005:
`1 35-1 36.
`Practical RDF (Powers) (review). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2005: 135.
`“Transforming Your Career: STC -Phi1adelpliia Metro Chapter (STCPMC) Annual
`Conference 2005” (conf rpt). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2005: 128-132.
`“Indexes vs. Indices: A summary of postings on Index-L” (Mauer and Haskins) (Editor). Key
`Words, Oct-Dec 2005: 12?.
`“Interview with Stephen Ingle, founder of AS] organizational member WordCo Indexing
`Services” (Editor). Key Words, Oct—Dec 2005: 117—118.
`“Riding the Wave of the Future” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2005: 112.
`“Indexing Is a Science: How to tell an index from a concordance” (letter). Schooi Library
`Journal, August 2005. [Available online at School Library Journal]
`“The Textile Museum: Collections Management and Data Systems” (conf rpt). Key Words,
`July—Sept 2005: 100— 101.
`“I is for Indexing: The Art and Craft of Indexing” (conf rpt). Key Words, July-Sept 2005: 88-
`“What’s New in Indexing-” Information Today, Volume 22, Number ”I, JulyIAugust 2005:
`Information Representation and Retriever! in the Digitai Age (review). Key Words, Apr-June
`2005: 63-64.
`“Digging In and Out” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Apr-June 2005: 41.
`“Judging Indexes.” A to Z: The Newsietter ofSI'C ’s Indexing SIG, Spring 2005: 14- 18.
`[Reprinted in Key Words, July—Sept 2005: "II—T8]
`Website Indexing: Enhancing Access to Information Within Websites (review). Key Words,
`Jan-Mar 2005: 32-33.
`“The Human-Written Index: Why It Will Survive” (review). Key Wtrds, Jan-Mar 2005: 32.
`Page 6 of 10


`Facing the Text: Content and .S'fmcmre in Book Indexing (review). Key Words, Jan-Mar
`2005: 30-32.
`“ASI Salary Survey 2004 — Executive Summary.” Key Words, Jan-Mar 2005: 16-17.
`“Key Words Index Volume 12.” Key Words, J an—Mar 2005: 9—14.
`“Happy New Year!” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Jan-Mar 2005: S.
`“Loony Tunes for Loony Times” (Editor’s File). Key Words“, Oct-Dec 2004: l 13.
`“Navigating the Future of Technical Communication: STC’s S lst Annual Conference” (conf
`rpt). Key Words, July-Sept 2004: 100-104.
`“An Indexing Odyssey: From Core Competencies to Future Visions” (conf rpt). Key Words,
`July-Sept 2004: 90-99.
`“Future Directions for Key Words” (Editor’s File). Key Words, July-Sept 2004: 7?.
`“The Literature of the Book: Indexing” (review). Key Words, Apr-June 2004: 68-69.
`“The 15th Edition of The Chicago Manna! ofSryie: Highlights” (review). Key Words, Apr-
`June 2004: 66.
`“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Thoughts on Free Trade” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Apr-June
`2004: 41.
`“Indexing Children’s Books with Barbara DeGennaro” (conf rpt). Key Words, J an-Mar 2004:
`“Key Words Index Volume 11.” Key Words, Jan-Mar 2004: 9-14.
`“Cure for the Wintertime Blues” (Editor’s File). Key Words, Jan-Mar 2004: 5—6.
`“Library Terms That Users Understand,” “Library Terms Evaluated in Usability Tests and
`Other Studies,” “Terms Found on Usability-Tested Library Home Pages” (review). Key
`Words, Oct-Dec 2003: 125—126.
`“Analysis of Serials Indexed in Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts (MGA)”
`(review). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2003: 123—124.
`“Information Retrieval: SciFinder and SciFinder Scholar” (review). Key Words, Oct-Dec
`2003: 123.
`“Checking In and Out of the Indexing Library” (Editorial). Key Words, Oct-Dec 2003: 101.
`Page 7 of 10


`“Northern Entries, 2003 Joint ASI-IASC/SCAD Annual Conference Report.” Key Words,
`July-Sept 2003: 82-93.
`“Kudos to Anne Leach!” (Editorial). Key Words, July-Sept 2003: 69.
`“Put Your Index in Order” (review). Key Words, Apr—June 2003: 61.
`“How Do People Evaluate a Web Site’s Credibility? Results from a Large Study”
`(review). Key Words, Apr-June 2003: 60-61.
`“To Mark, or Not to Mark: That Is the Question!” (conf rpt). Key Words, Apr-June 2003: 54-
`“The business of survival, or, What I learned when I went to Israel in February 2003”
`(Editorial). Key Words, Apr-June 2003: 3?, 39.
`“Looking Inside: Enterprise search offers companies several options to deal with data
`overload” (review). Key Words, Jan/Feb/Mar 2003: 29.
`“Search Technology: SAS uncovers text—mining deal” (review). Key Words, Jaanebz’Mar
`2003: 28.
`“More Than a Database: Mining Your Data for Decision-making Success” (review). Key
`Words, Jaanebear 2003: 28.
`“Common Medical Terminology Comes of Age, Part One: Standard Language Improves
`Healthcare Quality” (review). Key Words, Janj'Febear 2003: 28.
`“Key Words Index Volume 10.” Key Words, Jaanebr'Mar 2003: 12-16.
`“The Year of the Sheep” (Editorial)- Key Words, Jan/Febear 2003: 5.
`“The Indexing of Scholarly Journals: A Tipping Point for Publishing Reform?” (review). Key
`Words, NovI'Dec 2002: 164-165.
`Index Morganagus, A Fufl— Text Index QfLibrary—Related Electronic Serials (review). Key
`Wants, Novaec 2002: I64.
`“Bibliometrics of electronic journals in information science” (review). Key Wrrds, NowIDec
`2002: 164.
`“Key Words Goes Quarterly” (Editorial). Key Words, Novaec 2002: 145-146.
`“Indexes in Fiction.” Key Words, SepIOct 2002: 134.
`“Indexing Foreign Names” (Editorial). Key Words, Sepr’Oct 2002: 1 17.
`Page 8 of 10


`“2002 AS] Annual Conference Report, from Galveston, TX.” Key Words, Julyi’Aug 2002:
`“Special Conference Issue” (Editorial), Key Words“, July/Aug 2002: 89.
`“The Anti—Thesaurus Part 2: Expansion of Proposal for Increasing Search Relevance”
`(review). Key Words, Manyune 2002: 28-?9.
`“The Anti-Thesaurus: A Proposal For Improving Internet Search While Reducing
`Unnecessary Traffic Loads” (review). Key Words, Manyune 2002: "IS-T9.
`Indexers and Indexes in Fae! & Eviction (review). Key Words, Manyune 2002: 77-78.
`“Dancing Backwards in High Heels: An Introduction to Database Indexing” (conf rpt). Key
`Words, Manyune 2002: 70-74-
`“Welcome, New Members and Indexers!” (Editorial). Key Words, Manyune 2002: 61.
`“TI Taxonomist Talk: Indexing & Information Architecture.” Key Words, Marr'Apr 2002: 4].
`“The T] Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part III” (Editor). Key MJFdS, Man’Apr 2002: 36-4].
`“The TJ Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part II” (Editor). Key Words, Jaaneb 2002: 10-15.
`“Journal Indexing” (Editorial). Key Words, Janr’Feb 2002: 5.
`“HTML Indexing Course” (review). Key Words; Novr’Dec 2001: 182-183.
`“The TI Taxonomist Show: Indexing, Part 1” (Editor). Key Words, Novaec 2001: ITO-175.
`“Picking up the Pieces” (Editorial). Key Words, Now’Dec 2001: 165.
`“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part IV” (Editor). Key Words, Sepr’Oct
`“Putting Index Pieces Together” (Editorial). Key Words, SepiOct 2001: 131138.
`“HTML Indexing — a few hints on what it’s all about,” Web Indexing SIG (now the Digital
`Publications Indexing SIG) of the American Society for Indexing.
`“Can User Manuals Be Saved?” (letter). PC Worid, August 2001: 23. [Available online
`“Conference Reports.” Key Words, July/Aug 2001: 120-127.
`“ASI/H.W. Wilson Award for Excellence in Indexing, 2000.” Key Words, July/Aug 2001:
`l 1 1-1 12.
`Page 9 of 10


`“SoCAL Medical Indexing Panel Discussion: Part 11” (Editor). Key Words, Man’Apr 2001:
`“SoCAL Medical Indexing Panel Discussion: Part 1” (Editor). Key Words, Jan/Feb 2001: 13-
`“The History of Indexing” (Editorial). Key Words, Jaaneb 2001: 4.
`“The ABCS of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part III” (Editor). Key Words, Novaec
`2000: 204-205, 207.
`“Consortium of Indexing Professionals: “Facing the Electronic Challenge” Inaugural
`Symposium 2000.” Key Words, Now’Dec 2000: 20?.
`“Usability Testing for Indexes” (Editorial). Key Words, Novaec 2000: 192-193.
`“Great Moments in Indexing” (Editorial). Key Words, Sepr'Oct 2000: 156.
`“Achieving the Ideal Index: Workshop Summary.” Key Words, Julyr'Aug 2000: 133-135.
`“Beyond MEDLINE” (review). Key Words, JulyfAug 2000: I48.
`“Eliminate Your Index Hassles: Don’t Create One” (review). Key Words, Julyr’Aug 2000:
`“Let’s Get Profitablelz Workshop Summary.” Key Words, JulyfAug 2000: 132.
`“Nursing Knowledge Indexes” (review). Key Words, July/Aug 2000: 14?.
`“Portals Empower Corporations: Gathering, Organizing, Distributing Information”
`(review). Key Words, Julyi’Aug 2000: 148.
`“Searching Intelligently” (review). Key Words, Julyr’Aug 2000: 149.
`Anthologvfor the Miflermium (review). Key Words, Mayflune 2000: 105.
`“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part 11” (Editor). Key Words, Manyune
`2000: 85, 93.
`“The ABCs of Indexing in the New Millennium: Part 1” (Editor). Key Words, Jam/Feb 2000:
`1, 20.
`Key Words, Editor. American Society of Indexers, 2000-2006.
`Page 10 of 10

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