Actelion announces Full Year 2005 financial results
`Total net revenue up 41% to CHF 663.6 million – Tracleer® sales up 41 % to CHF 633.2 million - Op
`Net income of CHF 125.5 million – Rapidly growing PAH market – Expanding R&D pipeline – Ongoin
`investment forecasted for 2006
`ALLSCHWIL/BASEL, SWITZERLAND – 23 February 2006 – Actelion Ltd (SWX: ATLN) today announced its
`net revenue of CHF 663.6 million (FY 2004: 471.9 m) and operating expenses of CHF 511.3 million (FY 2004: 3
`of CHF 152.3 million (FY 2004: 85.6 m).
`Net income was CHF 125.5 million (FY 2004: 87.2 m, including a gain from discontinued operations of 9.6 m).
`2005 improved to CHF 5.62 compared to EPS of CHF 3.96 in 2004.
`On 31 December 2005, the company had a gross cash position of CHF 382.9 million (31 December 2004: 300.
`cash flow from operations of CHF 138.4 million (FY 2004: 91.7 m).
`Jean-Paul Clozel, M.D and Chief Executive Officer commented: “In 2005, our educational efforts resulted in a ra
`outstanding Tracleer® sales growth. We are well prepared for future growth, with Tracleer® being the best doc
`experienced marketing and sales team as well as by many label expansion studies. Unforeseen events excluded
`1 billion Swiss Francs in total net revenues by no later than 2009.”
`Jean-Paul Clozel concluded: “With a rapidly expanding pipeline, operating profitability, cash generation from op
`1000 worldwide, Actelion has achieved full strategic freedom to pursue multiple options to further accelerate gr
`Andrew J. Oakley, Chief Financial Officer commented: “With the PAH market continuing to expand, the outstan
`Unforeseen events excluded, I expect Actelion’s 2006 total net revenue to reach between 810 and 840 million
`Andrew J. Oakley added: “Our operating expenses in 2005 increased to CHF 511.3 million, in line with the over
`term value creation, we will manage our 2006 cost base to result in an expected operating profit of 165 to 180
`of between 655 and 725 million Swiss Francs, we can therefore continue to both invest in our marketed produc
`Accordingly, I expect Actelion will generate the necessary positive cash flow from operations to further strength
`operational and strategic flexibility.”
`Andrew J. Oakley concluded: “As a reminder, Actelion started to account for its Employee Stock Option Program
`123R as from
`1 July 2005. This will result in a non-cash charge of approximately 30 million Swiss Francs for the FY 2006, com
`Financial result 2005
`Results FY 2004
`Results FY 2005
`In CHF thousands
`Net Revenues
`Operating Expenses
`Operating Income
`Net Income
`Basic EPS in CHF
`Diluted EPS in CHF
`Cash & cash equivalents
`(1) includes non-cash charge for employee stock options of CHF 13.6 million
`(2) includes income from discontinued operations of CHF 9.6 million
`The Actelion Ltd consolidated financial statements for FY 2005 can be found on
`Outstanding growth of total net revenues
`In 2005, total net revenue increased to CHF 663.6 million (2004: 471.9 m), including Tracleer® sales revenue
`sales revenue of CHF 14.4 million (2004: 6.1 m) and contract revenue of CHF 16.0 million (2004: 16.5 m).
`in %
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 1 of 11


`On a quarter-to-quarter basis, net revenues increased 3% percent to CHF 186.5 million (Q3 2005: CHF 180.8 m
`Strong Tracleer® sales
`In 2005, Tracleer® sales were CHF 633.2 million (FY 2004: CHF 449.2 m). On a quarter-to-quarter basis, Tracl
`million (Q3 2005: 172.9 m). This increase may partially be attributed to buying pattern variations similar to tho
`At the end of December 2005, Tracleer® was available in 36 countries worldwide, including all major pharmace
`Japan, Brazil, Taiwan and several new EU member states, such as the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.
`signed a distribution agreement for Tracleer® in Korea with Handok Pharmaceuticals, a Korean public company
`Regulatory and/or reimbursement reviews are ongoing in many other countries, such as the remaining new EU
`Christian Chavy, President of Business Operations commented: “Tracleer® today is the established brand that
`market. To keep step with its expanding geographical presence and maximize market opportunities for its curre
`increased its marketing and sales organization. We will continue to provide a high level of service to both phys
`based on long-term safety and outcome data, generated by multiple clinical trials and more than four years of
`the undisputed cornerstone of PAH therapy.”
`Further data demonstrates unique clinical features of Tracleer® (bosentan)
`In mid-July 2005, Actelion reported top-line results of BREATHE-5, the first ever placebo-controlled study cond
`severe form of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD). The results showed that bosentan treatment decreased pulmo
`capacity without a worsening in oxygen saturation. Discussions with regulatory authorities on appropriately lab
`scientific presentation was held at CHEST in Montreal at the beginning of November 2005.
`In mid-August 2005, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) published a new study that inve
`pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) treated with bosentan with or without concomitant prostanoid therapy.
`without concomitant prostanoid therapy, in this study was shown to be efficacious for the treatment of PAH in c
`the safety profile appears similar to that in adult PAH patients.
`In early September 2005, Actelion presented two abstracts at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) confer
`of bosentan in treating PAH. The abstracts included data focusing on PAH associated with chronic thrombo-emb
`data outlining the safety profile of bosentan in PAH related to congenital heart disease (CHD).
`In early August 2005, Actelion announced the preliminary result of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomi
`bosentan, RAPIDS-2, in systemic sclerosis patients suffering from digital ulceration. Preliminary analyses indica
`occurrence of new digital ulcers during the 6-month treatment period was statistically significant. This result co
`RAPIDS-1. Actelion is currently analyzing data for presentation to regulatory authorities. A first scientific prese
`November 2005.
`Zavesca® sales continue momentum
`Zavesca® sales contributed CHF 14.4 million (FY 2004: CHF 6.1 m) in 2005. On a quarter-to-quarter basis, Zav
`(Q3 05: CHF 4.0 m). Zavesca® is commercially available in the United States and in most European markets.
`Operating expenses reflect substantial efforts in both Marketing and R&D
`In 2005, operating expenses were CHF 511.3 million (FY 2004: CHF 386.3 m). In Q4 2005, operating expenses
`quarter, this represents an increase of 20% (Q3 2005: CHF 133.6 m).
`In 2005, research and development expenses were CHF 171.5 million (FY 2004: CHF 136.3 m). In Q4 2005 res
`million. Compared to the previous quarter, this represents an increase of 5% (Q3 2005: CHF 48.0 m).
`Increased development expenses were mainly driven by the rapid enrollment of patients into the CONSCIOUS-
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 2 of 11


`vasospasm as consequence of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). In late November 2005, CONSCIO
`clazosentan increased with the publication of the Phase IIa study results in the July 2005 edition of the Journal
`reduce the number and severity of cases of vasospasm following SAH.
`In 2005, marketing and advertising expenses were CHF 140.0 million (FY 2004: 101.7 m).
`In Q4 2005 marketing and advertising expenses were CHF 51.4 million, an increase of 61% compared to the p
`substantial increase is mainly due to the congress season, but also due to the high start-up costs associated w
`effort to evaluate the long-term outcome of either the bosentan/sildenafil combination or sildenafil monotherap
`several patient registries and similar programs to collect and share real-life experience with Tracleer® in PAH.
`In 2005 selling, general and administrative expenses amounted to CHF 132.1 million (FY 2004: CHF 95.7 m). I
`expenses were CHF 39.4 million, an increase of 13% compared to the previous quarter (Q3 2005: CHF 34.8 m)
`force headcount and related sales-based remuneration.
`Strong operating profit
`In 2005, a strong increase in sales revenues resulted in an operating profit of CHF 152.3 million (FY 2004: CHF
`spending, Q4 2005 operating profit of CHF 26.2 million was 45 % lower than the previous quarter (Q3 2005: C
`Non-operating items and cash
`In 2005, the net profit of CHF 125.5 million (FY 2004: CHF 87.2 m) includes interest income of CHF 3.0 million
`charge on the Convertible Bond of CHF 7.8 million, other financial expense of CHF 11.3 million and an income t
`In Q4 2005, the net profit was CHF 24.3 million compared to CHF 35.3 million in the previous quarter.
`In 2005, Actelion generated net cash flow from operations of CHF 138.4 million (FY 2004: CHF 91.7 m). Cash a
`31 December 2005 were CHF 382.9 million (30 September 2005: CHF 344.0 m).
`Review of Research and Development programs
`(cid:122) The EARLY study, a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of bo
`enrolling 170 patients worldwide. Study results are expected by year-end 2006.
`(cid:122) The pediatric Phase III study FUTURE-1 is evaluating the safety and bioequivalency of a special pediatric
`expected in Q3 2006, with patients then rolled over in the open-label study FUTURE-2.
`(cid:122) The COMPASS program evaluates the safety and efficacy of bosentan in PAH patients in combination wit
`both hemodynamic benefits (COMPASS-1) as well as effects on mortality/ morbidity of the combination
`(cid:122) The BENEFIT study, a double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase III trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy
`from chronic thrombo-embolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). CTEPH is caused by blockage of the m
`thrombotic material. Study results are expected in Q2 2007.
`(cid:122) The ASSET Program with two trials, ASSET-1 and ASSET-2, has been initiated to evaluate the safety and
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 3 of 11


`secondary to sickle cell disease. The program also explores the potential of Tracleer® to reduce the freq
`believed to play a central role. Results are expected in Q3 2007.
`(cid:122) A placebo-controlled randomized trial is currently enrolling patients to evaluate the safety and efficacy o
`melanoma. An earlier open-label trial in end-stage patients with metastatic melanoma at five centers in
`well tolerated. Results of the new event-driven study are expected in 2007.
`(cid:122) Following encouraging findings in the BUILD-1 study evaluating the safety and efficacy of bosentan in id
`currently finalizing the design for a mortality-morbidity driven Phase III study, BUILD-3, for discussions
`(cid:122) The MAINTENANCE program, evaluating the long-term safety and efficacy of miglustat (Zavesca®) as m
`replacement therapy (ERT) in adult type 1 Gaucher patients with stable disease, has been initiated in la
`by year-end 2007.
`(cid:122) Analyses have been recently completed for three clinical programs, with a total of 100 adult and pediatr
`high-dose miglustat (Zavesca®) in lysosomal storage disorders with predominant neurological manifesta
`Gaucher type 3 (GD3) and Late onset Tay-Sachs (LOTS). In NP-C, encouraging results have been seen
`improvement or stabilization of key features of the disease such as saccadic eye movements, swallowing
`ability of miglustat to work in the brain. After consultation with experts, Actelion has decided that these
`authorities. The NP-C study is continuing as planned for 24 months, as is the GD3 study, where the 12-
`LOTS, the 24-month results in a group of severe, heterogeneous and advanced patients showed no chan
`studies, the safety profile was consistent with earlier observations in patients with type 1 Gaucher disea
`(cid:122) CONSCIOUS-1, a multi-center, international, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel grou
`levels of clazosentan in preventing the occurrence of cerebral vasospasm following aneurysmal subarach
`in late November 2005. CONSCIOUS-1 has recruited over 400 patients in 52 centers in 11 countries wo
`should provide the necessary information (dose, number of patients) for a mortality-morbidity-driven Ph
`(cid:122) Actelion-1, an undisclosed compound is currently in a Phase IIa program to evaluate its potential in card
`(cid:122) The single-dose Phase I study evaluating Actelion’s Orexin Receptor Antagonist was successfully conclud
`with quick absorption and disposition as well as other necessary features required for a sleep agent. The
`insomnia, the primary target indication, is expected to commence enrollment in Q1 2006. First results m
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 4 of 11


`(cid:122) Entry-into-man for the S1P1 agonist is expected in the coming months. S1P1 agonism might have therap
`such as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis. Initial Phase I findings are expected by year-end 2006
`(cid:122) In 2005, a second milestone in the Global Actelion Merck Renin Inhibitor Alliance project was achieved,
`selected for full preclinical development, which is currently ongoing. Entry into man is planned before m
`(cid:122) A broad research program in the field of antibacterials focusing on fighting resistant bacterial pathogens
`(cid:122) An additional number of unnamed projects are in various phases of drug discovery. These projects targe
`diseases, infectious diseases and central nervous system disorders.
`For documentation purposes – table Q4 2005 vs. Q3 2005
`In CHF thousands
`Results Q4 2005
`Results Q3 2005
`Net Revenues
`Operating Expenses
`Operating Profit
`Net Profit
`Basic EPS in CHF
`Net cash from operations
`in %
`Actelion Ltd will hold an Media & Analyst conference today to further comment on its financial performance and
`approved indication, PAH. On the same day, the company will also provide a full update on its major current de
`Location: Unique Conference Center, Airport Zurich
`Media Conference: 23 February 2005, 09.30 am CET
`Analyst Conference: 23 February 2005, 12.30 pm CET
`The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders approving the Business Report of the year ending 31 December 2
`Shareholders holding more than 1 million CHF nominal value of shares (i.e. 400'000 shares at nominal value of
`agenda of the general meeting of shareholders, are invited to send in proposals, if any, for the annual general
`Corporate Secretary, Gewerbestrasse 16, CH-4123 Allschwil, to arrive no later than 3 March 2006. Any proposa
`In order to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders must be registered in
`2006 at the latest.
`Please note that the annual report 2005 will be available in March 2006, both in hard copy as well as on the co
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 5 of 11


`Actelion Ltd
`Actelion Ltd is a biopharmaceutical company with its corporate headquarters in Allschwil/Basel, Switzerland. Ac
`endothelin receptor antagonist, has been approved as a therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension. Actelion m
`key markets worldwide, including the United States (based in South San Francisco), the European Union, Japan
`founded in late 1997, is a leading player in innovative science related to the endothelium – the single layer of c
`stream. Actelion focuses on the discovery, development and marketing of innovative drugs for significant unme
`SWX Swiss Exchange (ticker symbol: ATLN).
`For further information please contact:
`Actelion Ltd, Gewerbestrasse 16, CH-4123 Allschwil
`Investor Contact
`Roland Haefeli
`+41 61 565 64 58
`+1 650 624 6936
`Media Contact
`Peter Engel
`+41 61 565 66 28
`+1 650 624 6996
`Videocast – Live and replay on demand
`Actelion videocasts its Analyst Conference, taking place on Thursday, 23 February 2006, 12.30 CET /
`06.30 am EST / 11.30 GMT.
`To access the videocast, simply visit the link on our homepage 5-10 minutes before t
`minutes after the conference has ended, the archived investor videocast will be available for replay via our hom
`Conference Call – Live
`Actelion will host a live transmission of the Analyst Conference via conference call on Thursday,
`23 February 2006, 12.30 CET / 06.30 am EST / 11.30 GMT. Please note that questions can not be taken on the
`+41 (0)91 610 56 00
`(Europe and ROW)
`+1 (1)866 291 4166
`+44 207 107 06 11
`Actelion’s financial calendar 2006
`10 April 2006
`Annual General Meeting
`20 April 2006
`Q1 2006 financial results
`20 July 2006
`H1 2006 financial results
`19 October 2006
`9-month 2006 financial results
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 6 of 11


`2/20/2006 / 11:17 AM
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 7 of 11


`(in CHF thousands, except per share amounts)
`Net revenue:
` Product sales
` Contract revenue
` Total net revenue
`Operating expenses (1)
` Cost of sales
` Research and development
` Marketing and advertising
` Selling, general and administration
` Amortization of acquired intangible assets
` Write-off of acquired in-process research and development
` Total operating expense
`Three Months Ended
`December 31,
`Twelve Months Ended
`December 31,
` Operating income
`Interest income
`Interest expense
`Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs
`Other financial income (expense), net
` Income from continuing operations before income tax
` expense
`Income tax benefit (expense)
` Income from continuing operations
` Income from discontinued operations, net of tax
` and minority interest
` Net income
`Basic income per share
` Continuing Operations
` Discontinued Operations
` Net income
`Number of shares (in thousands) used in computation
`Diluted income per share
` Continuing Operations
` Discontinued Operations
` Net income
`Number of shares and share options (in thousands) used in computation
`(1) Includes stock-based compensation as follows:
`Research and development
`Marketing and advertising
`Selling, general and administrative
`Total stock-based compensation
`The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 8 of 11


`(in CHF thousands, except share amounts)
`December 31,
`December 31,
`Current assets
`Cash and cash equivalents
`Short term deposits
`Derivative instruments
`Marketable securities
`Trade and other receivables, net
`Other current assets
` Total current assets
`Property, plant and equipment, net
`Other assets
`Intangible assets, net
`Goodwill, net
`Deferred tax asset
` Total assets
`Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
`Current liabilities
`Trade and other payables
`Accrued expenses
`Deferred revenue, current portion
`Other current liabilities
` Total current liabilities
`Long-term financial debt
`Deferred revenue, less current portion
`Other non-current liabilities
`Deferred tax liability
` Total liabilities
`Shareholders' Equity
`Common shares (par value CHF 2.50 per share, authorized
`41,406,640 and 33,406,640 shares; issued 22,545,547
`and 22,209,953 shares in 2005 and 2004, respectively)
`Additional paid-in capital
`Accumulated deficit
`Unearned compensation
`Treasury shares, at cost
`Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
` Total Shareholders' Equity
` Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
`The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 9 of 11


`(in CHF thousands)
`Three Months Ended
`December 31,
`Twelve Months Ended
`December 31,
`Cash flow from operating activities
`Net income
`Gain from discontinued operations, net of minority interest
`Income from continuing operations
`Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided from operating
` Depreciation and amortization
` Stock-based compensation
` Excess tax benefits from share based payment arrangements
` (Gain) / loss on derivative instruments
` (Gain) / loss on marketable securities
` Write-off of acquired in-process research and development
` Amortization of debt discount and expense
`Trade and other receivables
`Other current assets
`Other assets
`Trade and other payables
`Accrued expenses
`Deferred revenue
`Other liabilities
`Net cash flow provided by operating activities
`Cash flow from investing activities
`Purchase of short term deposits
`Withdrawal of short term deposits
`Purchase of property, plant and equipment
`Purchase of marketable securities
`Purchase of derivative instruments
`Proceeds from sale of derivative instruments
`Purchase of intangible assets
`Proceeds from sale of subsidiary
`Increase of investment
`Net cash flow used in investing activities
`Cash flows from financing activities
`Payments on capital leases
`Repayment of financial debt
`Proceeds from exercise of stock options
`Excess tax benefits from share based payment arrangements
`Net cash flow provided by (used in) financing activities
`Net effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents
`Net change in cash and cash equivalents
`Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period
`Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
`Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information
`Cash paid during the year for:
`The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 10 of 11


`(in CHF thousands, except share amounts)
` At January 1, 2004
` Comprehensive income net of tax effect:
` Net income
` Other comprehensive result:
` Currency translation adjustment
` Comprehensive income
` Exercise of stock options
` Transactions in treasury shares
` Stock-based compensation expense, net
` Issuance of stock options
` Stock options forfeitures and cancellations
` At December 31, 2004
` Comprehensive income net of tax effect:
` Net income
` Other comprehensive result:
` Currency translation adjustment
` Unrealized loss on marketable securities
` Comprehensive income
` Change in accounting principle
` Excess tax benefit from share-based payment
` Exercise of stock options
` Transactions in treasury shares
` Stock-based compensation expense, net
` Stock option forfeitures and cancellations
`Common Shares
`Income (Loss)
` At December 31, 2005
`The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
`WATSON LABORATORIES, INC. , IPR2017-01621, Ex. 1062, p. 11 of 11

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