6/14/2017 MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: 005: Date and Time of Latest Transaction (Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congr...
`Libram of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> M >> 005
`005 - Date and Time of Latest Transaction (NR)
`MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
`February 1999
`Indicators and Subfield Codes
`This field has no indicators or subfield codes.
`Sixteen characters that indicate the date and time of the latest record transaction and serve as a
`version identifier for the record. They are recorded according to Representation of Dates and
`Times (ISO 8601). The date requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern yyyymmdd. The time
`requires 8 numeric characters in the pattern hhmmssf expressed in terms of the 24-hour (00-
`23) clock.
`http://www. | arcflai bl iographi c/bd005.htm|
`Date characters yyyymmdd include 4 for the year, 2 for the month, and 2 for the day.
`Time characters hhmmssf include 2 for the hour, 2 for the minute, 2 for the second, and 2 for a
`decimal fraction of the second, including the decimal point. The 24-hour clock (00-23) is used.
`The date on which a record is first entered into machine-readable form is contained in field
`008/00-05. The Date entered on file never changes.
`005 19940223151047.0
`[February 23, 1994, 3:10:47P.M. (15:10:47)]
`System Generation - Field 005 should be system generated.
`Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> M >> 005
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