film 01/0134“
`0 6 945mg MW (’1) 6/275”)
`FR 494424
`mmuwmmmJflsI AL2 We.
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`November 21, 2001
`I mu
`ll nu H“
`FILING DATE: September 26, 2000
`m. 12 By Authority of the
`Certifying Officer
`Page 1 of 16


`©6137 ’ OD
`Pleaset pa 9 Ius SIgn (+) Inside this box
`PTO/SB/I 6 (2—95)
`Approved for use throughm 131/2001 . 0MB 0551-0037
`Patent and Trademark Otirce: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`—) E
`Gwen Name (lust and mIddle [If any])
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`7 Danube Drive
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`Dav1d B . Cochran , Esq .
`Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
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`$150 . 00
`SIGNATURE Mr. .WDavid B Cochran
`Page 2 of 16


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`Approved tor use through 01/81/2001. OMB 0651-0037
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`Page 3 of 16


`Code Signing System and Method
`Michael Brown, Herb Little, David Yach
`Research In Motion Limited
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to security protocols with Java programs. Specifically
`this invention relates to assigning a digital signature to a Java program in order to use it
`on a mobile communications device (herein collectively called devices).
`Description of the Prior Art
`When a Java application arrives on a device such as the RIM Wireless
`Handheld 957T“, there is a need to control the access that the application has. For
`example. if a product is to be exported, access to strong cryptographic routines must be
`Interfaces to a radio transmitter may be protected so that destructive
`applications are unable to flood the wireless network with data; similarly, interfaces to a
`database or file system may be protected so that destructive applications are unable to fill
`a device's storage space with unwanted data.
`It is an object of the invention is to provide an improved coding signing
`system and method.
`It is an object of the invention to oversee the management and execution of
`Page 4 of 16


`Java applications arriving to the device;
`It is an object of the invention to verify that any application has beendigitally
`signed as having permission to carry out its intended function;
`It is an object of the invention to prevent unacceptable applications from
`interface (API) designated by its author as “sensitive”;
`In the present invention, digital signatures are used to control access to
`sensitive APIs, thereby allowing access to only those applications that have been digitally
`signed by the author of a sensitive API.
`In the invention, a Java application, which will access an API, is developed
`to run on a device.
`In order to run on the device and access the sensitive API, the author
`of the API must approve the application by attaching a digital signature using the author’s
`private key. Whenever the application on the device is executed the signed application
`will be verified. The author of any API may decide that the API should not be exposed to
`every application on the device, but only to those that have been verified to be non-
`destructive, or for which some business arrangement pre—exists, for example.
`Further features of the invention will be described or will become apparent
`in the course of the following detailed description.
`gaining access strong cryptographic routines and any other application programming
`In order that the invention may be more clearly understood, at least one
`embodiment thereof will now be described in detail by way of example, with reference to
`Page 5 of 16


`the accompanying drawings, in which:
`Fig. 1 is a system diagram of the invention;
`Fig. 2 is a diagram illustrating the components of the invention on the device;
`Fig. 3 is a detailed flow diagram of the signing process; and,
`Fig. 4 is a detailed flow diagram of the handling of a signed application on
`the device.
`signed application before allowing the signed application access to the sensitive API.
`The detailed description of the invention will now be described with
`reference to Figures 1-4.
`a i":3..“
`. FIG 1
`is an overall system diagram of the invention. An application
`development firm Y, 2, creates a Java application Y, 4, to run on the device 12 and access
`some sensitive API 6. Before the device application Y can be executed and granted
`access to the sensitive API, the author of the sensitive API must sign the application; that
`is, using the author’s private key, the author of the API 6 must attach a digital signature to
`the application, creating the signed application 8. The signed application may now access
`the sensitive APl it requires when it arrives on the device. The signed application may be
`sent via the wireless network 9 or via a serial link (not shown) to the device. The Java
`virtual machine (as shown in Fig. 2) on the device will verify the digital signature of the
`Page 6 of 16


`FIG 2 is a diagram of the basic components of the invention on the device.
`The basic components on the device include the Java virtual machine 20, applications 22,
`and libraries 24. The Java virtual machine is responsible for managing the linking and
`execution of all Java applications that are running on the device. The applications are
`those that have been sent to the device over the wireless network or through a serial link;
`run. The libraries are those with which the applications may need to be linked; these
`libraries may expose sensitive APls.
`If a library exposes a sensitive API, it must contain
`the following three items:
`a) A string 26 that provides a short description of the contents of the library;
`b) A public key 28 corresponding to the private key held by the author of the API; this
`public key will be used to verify signatures on signed applications that require
`these applications may need to be linked with other libraries on the device before being
`access to the API;
`c) An APl identifier 30 that uniquely identifies the APl
`Any signed application 23 on the device must contain the following three items:
`a) The Java byte code that is to be run;
`b) One or more digital signatures;
`c) An APl identifier for each digital signature indicating which APl the digital signature
`FIG 3 is a flow diagram of the code signing scheme.
`it an application
`developer is writing an application that will require access to a sensitive APl on a device,
`the finished application will need to be signed before it can run on the device. The
`Page 7 of 16


`developer Can write an application 4, and can test it using a device simulator (not shown)
`because signature checking is disabled in the device simulator environment. Once the
`developer is satisfied that the application is working properly, in step 44, he submits it to
`the author of the protected API to have the application reviewed and possibly signed. In
`step 46, the author of the protected API is responsible for reviewing the application that
`has been sent to him and verifying that it may be granted access to the sensitive API on
`in step 48, the author makes a determination of whether or not to sign the
`submitted application. If the author is satisfied, in step 50, the author signs the application
`using the author’s private key, and appends the digital signature (including the API
`identifier) to the application. The signed application is then returned to the application
`developer as in step 52. The application developer may then send the signed application,
`as in step 54, to a real device for execution therein. In step 56,
`if the author does not
`accept the code, the developer receives a rejection notice and the submitted application
`will not run on the device, if sent to it.
`the device. The author may have a plurality of criteria by which the author makes his
`FIG 4 is a flow diagram of the method that the device uses to handle a
`signed application. Once an application has arrived on the device in step 60, the virtual
`machine may begin the verification process. Any libraries that the application requires
`must also be present on the device before the process can continue. Once the device has
`all of the libraries required by the application, it will determine whether the application
`needs access to a sensitive API within one of these libraries in step 62.
`If not, the
`application can be linked with all of the libraries it requires, and executed in step 76.
`Page 8 of 16


`step 64, if the application does' require access to a protected API,~ the virtual machine can
`extract the public key and API identifier from the library exposing the API. Then, in step
`66, the virtual machine looks through all of the signatures appended to the application, and
`tries to find one with an identifier matching the API identifier extracted from the library. The
`virtual machine determines if there is a match in step 68.
`If the signature cannot be
`verified, in step 74, the application is not loaded or executed.
`In one embodiment, the non-
`70, the application must have been signed using the private key matching the public key
`in the library; only the author of the sensitive API has access to that private key, thus the
`author of the API must have been satisfied that this application should be granted access
`to the sensitive API. The virtual machine will display a notification message to the user,
`including the description of the API required by the application, similar to: “Application X
`requires access to the ‘strong cryptographic primitives’ API." The user will then be asked
`if the application should be allowed to proceed.
`If the user chooses to execute the
`application, the virtual machine will continue to link the application. Once the linking
`process is complete, the application will be executed as in step 72; otherwise, the
`verified application is purged from the device. If the signature is verified properly in step
`invention as described and claimed, whether or not expressly described.
`application will be executed.
`It will be appreciated that the above description relates to the preferred
`embodiment by way of example only. Many variations on the invention will be within the
`scope of those knowledgeable in the field. and such variations are within the scope of the
`Page 9 of 16


`1. A system for assigning a digital signature comprising:
`a) an application written in Java that will access the device;
`b) a code signing program that will maintain a public/private key pair and API
`identifier and assign a digital signature to the application.
`2. A method for assigning and certifying a digital signature comprising steps of:
`a) compiling an application to be run on a device;
`b) reviewing the application;
`0) accepting or rejecting the application;
`d) assigning a signature to the application using the code signing program;
`the application;
`using the private key corresponding to a sensitive API, and an unique identifier which
`3. The method of claim 2d) wherein the signature is comprised of a signature generated
`identifies the sensitive API.
`4. A system for certifying a digital signature comprising:
`a) an application sent to the device with an associated library;
`b) a virtual machine which manages and executes the application ;
`c) a public key and API identifier attached to the library to verify the signature on
`Page 10 of 16


`d) a digital signature and API identifier attached to the application;
`5. A method for certifying a digital signature comprising steps of:
`a) receiving a signed application on the device;
`b) determining whether the application requires secure access;
`0) obtaining the public key and API identifier from the library;
`d) matching the API identifier from the library with an API identifier from the
`e) verifying that the corresponding signature on the application is correct;
`linking the signed application with the library;
`the application without attempting to verify a signature.
`9) executing the signed application.
`6. The method of claim 5 wherein the signature cannot be verified further comprising the
`step of rejecting the application;
`7. The method of claim 5 wherein the application does not require secure access further
`comprising the step of linking the application with the associated library and executing
`Page 11 of 16


`developer Y
`00“ Signer
`Signed appllcation
`Page 12 of 16


`Descnphon smng
`VImJal Machine
`S1gl'lature Idenhfler
`Pubhc key to venfy
`HAamm5smmxw,mm Application
`Page 13 of 16


`Application 4
`Application 5
`Application 1
`Application 2
`Application 3
`Page 14 of 16


`Application Y to code
`Code signer reviews
`code of application Y
`Send rejection
`notification to developer
`Accept code 7
`Code signer signs
`application Y with his
`signing authority
`Return application Y to
`developer Y with
`appended signature
`Send signed application
`Application Y uses
`library X
`Test application Y in
`device Simulator
`wherein simulator has
`no signature checking
`Y to device
`Page 15 of 16


`Signed applicatlon
`Y arrive on devrce
`- pplrca’tron
`needs access
`to sensrlive API
`Virtual Machine gels
`public key and Signing
`identity from Ilbmry,
`Virtual Machine links
`applrcalion Y wrth
`library X and execules
`E—User prompled
`A ute srgne
`Application Y not
`loaded or
`Virtual Machine
`looks for signature
`wrth that identity
`on application Y
`application Y
`Page 16 of 16

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