ANSI X3.131-1994
`The active notchfield indicates the notch that this and subsequent MODE SELECT and MODE SENSE commands
`shall refer to, until the active notch is changed by a later MODE SELECT command. The value of the active notch
`shall be greater than or equalto 0 and less than or equal to the maximum numberof notches. An active notch value
`of zera indicatesthat this and subsequent MODE SELECT and MODE SENSE commandsrefer to the parameters that
`apply acrossall notches.
`Thestarting boundary field indicates the beginning ofthe active notchor,if the active notchis zero, the beginning
`boundary of the logical unit.
`If the LPNbit is one, then the four bytes represent a logical block address,
`If the LPN
`bit is zero, then the three mostsignificant bytes shall represent the cylinder numberandthe leastsignificant byte shall
`represent the head number, This field shall be reported as unchangeable. When used with the MODE SELECT
`commandthis field is ignored.
`The ending boundary field indicates the ending of the active notchor,if the active notch is zero, the ending of the
`If the LPN bit is one, then the four bytes represent logical block address.
`If the LPN bit is zero, then the
`three mostsignificant bytes shall representthe cylinder numberandthe least significant byte shall represent the head
`number. This field shall be reported as unchangeable. When used with the MODE SELECT commandthisfield is
`Each notch shall span a set of consecutive logical blocks on the logical unit, the notches shall not overlap, and no
`logical block shall be excluded from a notch.
`The pages notchedfield is a bit map of the mode page codesthatindicates which pages contain parameters that
`maybedifferent for different notches. The most significantbit of this field corresponds to page code 3Fh and the
`least significant bit corresponds to page code OOh,
`Ifa bit is one, then the corresponding mode page contains
`parameters that may bedifferent for different notches.
`If a bit is zero, then the corresponding mode page contains
`parameters that are constantfor all notches. This field shall be reported as unchangeable.
` Read-write error recovery page
`The read-write error recovery page (see table 168) specifies the error recovery parameters thetarget shall use during
`any commandthat performsa reador write operation to the medium (e.g. READ(6), READ(10), WRITE(6), WRITE(19),
`Table 168 - Read-write error recovery page
`ro.|Pa[naorved| PagecomeIN)
`Recovery time limit
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 235/468


`ANSI X3.191-1994
`The parameters savable (PS) bit is only used with the MODE SENSE command. Thisbit is reserved with the MODE
`SELECT command. A PSbit of one indicates that the target is capable of saving the page in a non-volatile vendor
`specific location.
`An automatic write reallocation enabled (AWRE) bit of oneindicatesthat the target shall enable automatic reallocatior
`to be performed during write operations. The automatic reallocation shall be performedonlyif the target has thevalic
`data (e.g.original data in the buffer or recovered from the medium). Thevalid data shall be placed in the reallocate
`block. Error reporting as required by the error recovery bits (EER, PER, DTE, and DCR)shall be performedonly afte
`completion of the reallocation. The reallocation operation shall report any failures that occur. See the REASSIGI
`BLOCKS command(9.2.10) for error procedures.
`An AWREbit of zero indicates that the target shall not perfarm automatic reallocation of defective data blocks durine
`write operations.
`An automatic read reallocation enabled (ARRE)bit of one indicates that the target shall enable automatic reallocatioi
`of defective data blocks during read operations. All error recovery actions required by the error recovery bits (TE
`EER, PER, OTE, and DCR) shall be executed. The automatic reallocation shall then be performed onlyif the targe
`successfully recovers the data, The recovered data shall be placed in the reallocated block. Error reporting a:
`required by the error recovery bits shall be performed only after completion of the reallocation. The reallocatio:
`process shall present any failures that occur, See the REASSIGN BLOCKS command(9.2.10) for error procedures.
`An ARRFEbit of zero indicates that the target shall not perform automatic reallocation of defective data blocks durin
`read operations.
`A transfer block (TB) bit of one indicates that a data block that is not recovered within the recovery limits specifie:
`shall be transferred to the initiator before CHECK CONDITION status is returned, A TB bit of zero indicates that sucl
`a data block shall not be transferred to theinitiator. The TB bit does not affect the action taken for recovered data
`Aread continuous (RC)bit of oneindicates the targetshall transfer the entire requested length of data without addin:
`delays to perform error recovery procedures. This implies that the target may send data that is erroneous o
`fabricated in order to maintain a continuous flow of data. The target shall assign priority to this bit over conflictir
`error control bits (EER, DCR, DTE, and PER)within this byte.
`NOTE 129 Fabricated data may be data already in the buffer or any other target-specific data, This bit is typically used
`in image processing, audio, or video applications.
`A RC bit of zero indicates that error recovery operations that cause delays are acceptable during the data transfei
`Data shall not be fabricated.
`The individual bit definitions for EER, PER, OTE and DCR are contained in table 169. The combinations of these bit
`are explained in table 170,
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 236/468


`ANSI X3,131-1994
`An enable early recovery (EER) bit of one indicates that
`the target shall use of the most expedient form of error
`recovery first. This bit only applies to data error
`recovery and it does not affect positioning retries and
`the message system error recovery procedures,
`An EER bit of zere indicates that the target shall use an
`error recovery procedure that minimizes the risk of mis-
`detection or mis-correction,
`A post error (PER) bit of one indicates that the target
`shall report recovered errors.
`A PER bit of zero indicates that the target shall not
`report recovered errors. Error recovery procedures shall
`be performed within the limits established by the error
`recovery parameters.
`A disable transfer on error (DTE) bit of one indicates
`that the target shall terminate the data phase upon
`detection of a recovered error,
`A OTE bit of zero indicates that the target shall not
`terminate the data phase upon detection of a recovered
`A disable correction (DCA) bit of one indicates that
`error correction codes shall not be used for data error
`A DOR bit of zero allows the use of error correction
`NOTE 130 An EERbit of one may imply an increase in the probability of mis-detection or mis-correction. An EER bit of
`zero typically means that the specified retry limit is exhausted prior to using error correction codes,
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 237/468


`ANSI X3,131-1994
`Table 170 - Combined error recovery parameter descriptions
`(EER PER DTE OCR|Description .
`The full number of retries (specified in the read, write
`or verify retry count field) and error correction are
`attempted to recover the data (EER and DCR set to 0).
`CHECK CONDITION is not reported at the completion of the
`command for recovered errors (PER set to 0),
`The command
`terminates with CHECK CONDITION status before the
`transfer count is exhausted only if an unrecoverable
`error is detected,
`If an unrecoverable data error
`the data in the block with the unrecoverable
`error may or may not be transferred to the initiator
`depending on the setting of the transfer block (TB) bit
`(read operation only).
` Error correction is disabled (DCR set to one) so only the
`full number of retries (apen® ied in the read, write or
`verify retry count field) are attempted to recover the
`data (EER set to 0).
`A CHECK CONDITION is not reported
`at the completion of the command for recoverable errors
`(PER set to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK
`CONDITION status before the transfer count is exhausted
`only if an unrecoverable error is detected,
`If an
`unrecoverable data error occurred,
`the data in the block
`with the unrecoverable error may or may not be
`transferred to the initiator depending on the setting of
`the transfer block (TB) bit (read operation only).
` saves mode (PER must be set to one if DTE is set to
`Invalid mode (PER must be set to one if OTE is set to
`The full number of retries (specified in the read, write
`or verify retry count field) and error correction are
`attempted to recover the data
`(EER and DCR set to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK CONDITION status before
`the transfer count is exhausted only if an unrecoverable
`error is detected,
`If an unrecoverable data error
`the data in the block with the unrecoverable
`error may or may not be transferred to the initiator
`depending on the setting of the transfer block (TB) bit
`(read operation only).
`A CHECK CONDITION with a sense
`key of RECOVERED ERROR is reported at the completion of
`the command for any recoverable error that occurs (PER
`set to 1).
`The information field in the sense data shall
`contain the logical block address of the last recovered
`error which occurred during the transfer.
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 238/468


`ANSI X3.131-1994
`Table 170 ~ (continued)
`The fewest possible retries and error correction are
`attempted to recover the data (EEA set to one and DCR set
`to ae A CHECK CONDITION is not reported at the
`completion of the command for recoverable errors (PER set
`to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK CONDITION
`status before the transfer count is exhausted only if an
`unrecoverable error is detected.
`If an unrecoverable
`data error occurred,
`the data in the block with the
`unrecoverable error may or may not be transferred to the
`initiator depending on the setting of the transfer block
`(TB) bit (read operation only).
`Error correction is disabled (DCR set to one) so only the
`full number of retries (specified in the read, write or
`verify retry count field) are attempted to recover the
`data (EER set to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK
`CONDITION status before the transfer count is exhausted
`only if an unrecoverable error is detected.
`If an
`unrecoverable data error occurred,
`the data in the block
`with the unrecoverable error may or may not be
`transferred to the initiator depending on the setting
`the transfer block (TB) bit (read operation bn
`CHECK CONDITION with a sense key
`reported at the completion of the command for an
`recoverable error that occurs (PER set to 1).
`information field in the sense data shall contain the
`logical block address of the last recovered error which
`occurred during the transfer.
`The full number of retries (specified in the read, write
`or verify retry count eae) and error correction are
`attempted to recover the data
`(EER and DCR set to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK CONDITION status
`the transfer count is exhausted if any error (recoverable
`or unrecoverable) is detected (DTE set to 1).
`information field in the sense data shall contain the
`logical block address of the block in error,
`If an
`unrecoverable data error occurs the data in the block
`with the error may or may not be transferred to the
`initiator depending on the setting of the transfer block
`(TB) bit (read operation only).
`Error correction is disabled (DCR set to one) so only the
`full number of retries Uipect ied in the read, write or
`verify retry count field) are attempted to recover the
`data (EER set to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK
`CONDITION status before the transfer count is exhausted
`if any error (recoverable or unrecoverable) is detected
`(DTE set to 1).
`The information field in the sense data
`shall contain the logical block addrass of the block in
`If an unrecoverable data error occurs the data in
`the block with the error may or may not be transferred to
`the initiator depending on the setting of the transfer
`block (TB) bit (read operation only).
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 239/468


`ANSI X9.131-1994
`Table 170 - (concluded)
`Invalid mode (DCR must be set to zero if EER is set to
` Invalid mode (PER must be set to one if DTE is set to
`Invalid mode (PER must be set to one if DTE is set to
`The fewest possible retries and arror correction are
`attempted to recover the data (EER set to one and DCA set
`to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK CONDITION
`status before the transfer count is exhausted only if an
`unrecoverable error is detected.
`If an unrecoverable
`data error occurred,
`the data in the block with the
`unrecoverable error may or may not be transferred to the
`initiator depending on the setting of the transfer block
`(TB) bit (read operation only).
`sense key of RECOVERED ERROR is reported at the
`completion of the command for any recoverable error that
`occurs (PER set to 1).
`The information field in the
`sense data shall contain the logical block address of the
`last recovered error which occurred during the transfer.
`ee co (DCR must be set to zero if EEA is set to
`The fewest possible retries and error correction are
`attempted to recover the data (EEA set to one and DCA set
`to 0).
`The command terminates with CHECK CONDITION
`status before the transfer count is exhausted if any
`error (recoverable or unrecoverable) is detected (DTE set
`to 1).
`The information field in the sense data shall
`contain the logical block address of the block in error.
`If an unrecoverable data error occurs the data in the
`block with the error may or may not be transferred to the
`initiator depending on the setting of the transfer block
`(TB) bit (read operation only).
` Invalid mode (DCR must be set to zero if EER is set to
`sent by the initiator the target shall return CHECK CONDITION status with the sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST and the
`If an invalid mode for the error recovery combination is
`The read and write retry count fields specify the numberoftimes that the target shall attemptits recovery
`algorithm during read and write operations, respectively.
`If the retry count field and the recovery timelimit field
`are both specified ina MODE SELECT command,thefield that requires the least time for data error recovery
`actions shall have priority.
`The correction span field specifies the size, in bits, of the largest data error burst for which data error correction
`may be attempted. A correction span of zero specifies that the target shall useits default value orthat this field is
`not supported.
`The head offset count field specifies in two's-complement notation an incremental offset position fram the track
`center to which the heads shall be moved, Theeffect of this field on write operations is unspecified. A head
`offset count of zero indicates that no offset is specified. A positive value indicates moving in the direction of
`increasing logical block addresses. A negative value indicates moving in the direction of decreasing logical block
`addresses, Any value specified in this field does not preclude the target from using positive or negative head
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 240/468


`ANSI XS 191-1994
`offset during error recovery. However, after any error recovery is completed the target shall return the head offset
`to the value specified in this field.
`NOTE 181 The degree of offset for each incremental value and the numberofvalid values are device specific..
`recommended that the numberof valid values be equal for the positive and negative head offset counts.
`It is
`Thetarget shall return CHECK CONDITIONstatus and shall set the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUESTif an
`unsupported head offset value is specified. The valid bit shall be set to one andthe information field shall be set
`to the positive value of the maximum head offset count that is supported. The target shall set the valid bit to zero
`if it cannot determine the maximum headoffset count supported.
`NOTE 132 lf the target does not support this field, it returns a zero value in the MODE SENSE command.)
`The data strobe offset count field specifies in two’s-complement notation an incremental position to which the
`recovered data strobe shall be adjusted from its nominal setting. The effect of this field on write operationsis
`unspecified, A value of zero indicates that no data strobe offset is specified. A positive value indicates
`movementin a positive direction as defined by the target. A negative value indicates movementin the negative
`direction as defined by the target. Any value specified in this field does not preclude the target from using
`positive or negative data strobe offset during error recovery. However, after any error recovery is completed the
`target shall return the data strobe offset to the value specified in this field.
`NOTE 133 The degree of offset for each incremental value and the numberof valid values are device specific.
`recommended that the numberof valid values be equal for the positive and negative data strobe offset counts.
`It is
`The target shall return CHECK CONDITIONstatus and shall set the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUESTif an
`unsupported data strobe offset count value is specified. The valid bit shall be set to one andtheinformation field
`shall be set to the positive value of the maximum data strobe offset count that is supported. The target shall set
`the valid bit to zeroif it cannot determine the maximum data strobe offset supported.
`NOTE 134 If the target does not support the data strobeoffset countfield, it returns a zero value in the MODE SENSE
`The recovery timelimit field specifies in increments of one ms the maximum time duration that the target shall use
`for data error recovery procedures, The target may roundthis value as described in 7.5.4. The limitsin this field
`specifies the maximum error recovery time allowed for any individual logical block. A recovery time limit of zero
`specifies that the target shall useits default value.
`If both retry count and recovery time limit are specified, the field that specifies the recovery action of least
`duration shall have priority.
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 241/468


`ANSI X3.131-1994
` Rigid disk drive geometry page
`Therigid disk drive geometry page (see table 171) specifies parameters for direct-access devices employing a
`rigid disk drive,
`Table 171 - Rigid disk drive geometry page
`Page code (Om)
`fie.|Page length (16h)
`Number of cylinders
`Number of heads
`Starting cylinder-write precompensation
`Drive step rate
`Landing zone cylinder
`| 16
`Starting cylinder-reduced write current
`[20 |
`Rotational offset
`Medium rotation rate
`The parameters savable (PS) bit is only used with the MODE SENSE command.Thisbit is reserved with the
`MODE SELECT command. A PSbit of oneindicates that the target is capable of saving the page in a non-
`volatile vendor-specific location,
`NOTE 135 This pageis intended to define drive geometry parameters of rigid disk drives,
`devicesif applicable.
`It may be used for other
`The numberofcylinders field defines the numberof physical cylinders used for data storage.
`The numberof headsfield defines the physical number of heads used for data storage. Heads used exclusively
`for servo information are excluded.
`The starting cylinder for write precompensation field is the physical cylinder at which write precompensationis to
`begin. Thefirst cylinder is numberzero.
`If the starting cylinder for write precompensation is equal to the value in
`the numberof cylinders field, write precompensation shall be disabled by the target.
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 242/468


`ANSI X3.131-1994
`Thestarting cylinder for reduced write currentfield is the physical cylinder at which write current is reduced, The
`first cylinder is number zero.
`If the starting cylinder for reduced write current is equal to the value In the number
`of cylindersfield, reduced write current shall be disabled bythe target.
`The drive step rate field indicates the step rate in 100 ns increments. The target shall use the drive step rate,
`greater than or equalto the drive step rate specified.
`If the target roundsthis field it shall terminate the command
`as described in 7.5.4. A value of zero requests the target to setits default value.
`The landing zonecylinderfield indicates two's complement location where the target shall position the disk
`heads. A negative valueindicates that the heads are positioned below cylinder zero by that numberof cylinders.
`A positive value greater than the numberof cylinders indicates that the heads are positioned beyond the cylinders
`used for data storageat the cylinder location specified. A zero indicates that the default should be used,
`Therotational position locking (RPL)field is used for spindle synchronization as defined in table 172. See K of
`the ANSI X3.170A-1991for further information on synchronized spindles.
`Table 172 - Rotational position locking
`Indicates that spindle synchronization is disabled or not supported
`The target operates as a synchronized-spindle slave
`The target operates as a synchronized-spindle master
`The target operates as a synchronized-spindle master control
`NOTE 136 The signals and connectors used for rotational position locking are external to the SCSI bus and are not
`part of this standard.
`\f a targetfails to achieve synchronizationit shall create a unit attention condition to all initiators. The sense key
`shall be set to UNIT ATTENTION andthe additional sense code set to RPL STATUS CHANGE.
`If subsequent to achieving synchronization the target detects a change of synchronization;
`a) and, if the logical unit is not presently executing an |/O processfor theinitiator, the target shall create a unit
`attention condition. The sense key shall be set to UNIT ATTENTION and the additional sense code set to
`b) and, if the logical unit is presently executing an |/O process and no othererror occurs,then the target shall
`return CHECK CONDITIONstatus. The sense key shall be set to RECOVERED ERRORif the target is able
`to complete the I/O process or HARDWARE ERRORif the targetis unable to complete the |/O process.
`The additional sense codeis set to RPL STATUS CHANGE.
`Therotational offset indicates the amount of rotational skew that the target shall use when synchronized. The
`rotational skew is applied in the retarded direction (lagging the synchronized spindle master control). The value
`in the field is the numerator of a fractional multiplier that has 256 as its denominator (e.g. a value of 128 indicates
`a one-half revolution skew). A value of zero indicates that rotational offset shall not be used. This value may be
`rounded as defined in 7.5.4. Therotational offset is not used when a target is configured as synchronized-spindle
`The medium rotation rate indicates the speed at which the medium rotates. The unit of measure is rotations per
`minute (e.g. 3 600 rpm).
` Verify error recovery page
`Theverify error recovery page (see table 173) specifies the error recovery parameters the target shall use during
`the VERIFY command, the verify operation of the WRITE AND VERIFY commandand the verify operation of the
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 243/468


`ANSI X3.131-1994
`Table 173 - Verify error recovery page
`eT aa So
`yte ASaeTiSeyRLPEre
`—_| —_
`Verify recovery time limit
`The parameters savable (PS) bit is only used with the MODE SENSE command. This bit is reserved with the
`MODE SELECT command, A PShit of one indicates that the target is capable of saving the page in a non-
`volatile vendor-specific location,
`The AWREbit as defined in the read-write error recovery page (see applies to the WRITE AND VERIFY
`command, The VERIFY and COMPARE commandsshall not perform automatic reallocation. The COPY and
`COPY AND VERIFY commands might or might not perform automatic reallocation depending on the settings of
`the mode parameters,
`The EER, PER, OTE and DCRbits are defined in, The combinations of these bits is defined in 93.3.6,
`The verify retry count field specifies the numberof times that the target shall attemptits recovery algorithm during
`a verify operation.
`If the verify retry count and the verify recovery timelimit are both specified, the one that
`requires the least time for data error recovery actions shall have priority.
`The verify correction span field specifies the size, in bits, of the largest burst data error for which data error
`correction may be attempted.
`If the target does not Implementthis field, a value of zero Is returned in MODE
`Theverify recovery timelimit field specifies in increments of one millisecond the maximum time duration that the
`target shall use error recovery procedures to recover data for an individual logical block. The target may round
`this value as described in 7.5.4.
`If the verify retry count and the verify recovery time limit are both specified, the
`one that requires the least time for data error recovery actions shall have priority.
`NOTE 137 To disable all types of correction and retries the initiator should set the EER bit to zero, the PER, DTE and
`DCR bits to ane and the numberofretries and recovery timelimit to zero,
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 244/468


`ANSI X3 131-1994
`9.4 Definitions specific to direct-access devices
`9.4.1 cache memory: A temporary (and often volatile) data storage area outside the user-accessible area. A
`cache memory is usually faster to access than the medium andthus hasthe effect of increasing data throughput
`by reducing the numberof accesses to the medium.
`9.4.2 non-volatlla medium: Physical storage medium that retains data written to it for a subsequent read
`operation through a power-on condition, An exampleof this is a disk device that stores data as magneticfields
`that do not require device powerto exist.
`9.4.3 notch: A notch refers to all or part of the medium having a consistent set of geometry parameters.
`Notches are used to increase storage capacity by optimizing the numberof sectors per track between the inner
`and outer tracks.
`9.4.4 user-accessible: The area of the medium that can be read from or written to by READ and WRITE
`9.4.5 volatile medium: Medium that may not retain data written to it for a subsequent read operation through a
`power-on condition, An example of this is a silicon memory device that loses data written toit if device poweris
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 245/468


`ANSI X3.131-1994
`10 Sequential-access devices
`10.1 Sequential-access device model
`10.1.1 Physical elements
`Sequential-access devices (called devices below) optimize their use in storing or retrieving user data in a
`sequential manner. Since access is sequential, position changestypically take a long time, when compared ta
`direct-access devices,
`Sequential-access devices are usually tape devices. The remainderof this description is from the point of view o!
`a tape device; however, other implementations are not precluded.
`The recording medium for tape devices consists of various widths and lengths of a flexible substrate coated with
`a semi-permanent magnetic material, The recording medium may be wound onto single reels or encapsulated
`into cartridges containing both a supply reel and a take-up reel. Several American National Standards exist
`covering the construction of reels and cartridges for interchange as well as recording techniques for many of the
`format or density combinations.
`A complete unit composed of the recording medium andits physical carrier (6.9, reel, cartridge, cassette) is
`called a volume. Volumes have an attribute of being mounted or de-mounted on a suitable transport mechanism
`Mounted is the state of a volume whenthe device is physically capable of executing commands that cause the
`medium to be moved. A volume is de-mounted whenit is being loaded, threaded, unloaded, unthreaded, or
`when not attached to the device.
`Ready is the state of the device when medium access and non-medium access commands can be executed.
`The device is not ready when no volume is mounted or, from theinitiator's perspective, whenever all medium
`access commands report CHECK CONDITIONstatus and a NOT READYsense key. Some devices may have a
`separate switch function which places the device in a not ready state even when a volume is mounted,
`The write enabled or write protected state determines when aninitiator may write information on a volume. This
`attribute is usually controlled by the user of the volume through manualintervention (e.g. thumbwheel switch).
`The recording medium has two physicalattributes called beginning-of-medium (BOM) and end-of-medium (EOM).
`Beginning-of-medium is at the end of the medium thatis attached to the take-up reel. End-of-medium is at the
`end of the medium that is attached to the supply reel.
`In some cases, the medium is permanently affixed to one
`or both of the reel hubs.
`As shown in figure 18, the entire physical length of medium is not usable for recording data. For most volumes, a
`length of the medium is reserved before the beginning-of-medium and after the end-ot-medium position. This is
`done to provide sufficient tape wraps onto the reel hub(s) and to ensure that recording starts in an undamaged
`section of the medium.

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