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`Volume 6 (1984) NO. 4
`Regular Papers
`M. Vetterli and H. Nussbaumer, Simple FFT and DOT algorithms with reduced number
`of operations
`J. B. Martens, Convolution algorithms, based on the CRT (Chinese Remainder
`T. Gtingen and N. C. Geckini, An algorithm for formant tracking
`I. Plotkin,‘ L. M. Roytman and N. M. S. Swamy, Unbiased estimation of an initial phase
`F. F. Liedtke, Computer simulation of an automatic classification procedure for
`digitally modulated communication signals with unknown parameters
`Author Index
`Short Communications
`G. H. Allen, Programming an efficient radix-four FFT algorithm
`J. Le Roux, Non symmetric lattice structure for pole zero filters
`Book Review
`Announcements + Call for Papers
`OLYMPUS EX. 1021 - 2/15


`‘opean Journal devoted to the methods and applications of signal processing
`alication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP)
`M. Nagao (Kyoto, Japan)
`O. D. Faugeras (Paris, France)
`H. Niemann (Erlangen, West Germany)
`A. L. Fawe (Sart Tilman, Belgium)
`t Kunt
`F. Pellandini (Neuchatel, Switzerland)
`A. Fettweis (Bochum, West Germany)
`ratoire de traitement de signaux
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`J. G. Gander (Solothurn, Switzerland)
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`scudié (Lyon, France)
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`This material may be protected by Copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)
`Signal Processing 6 (1984) 267—278
`Laboratoire d’Informatique Technique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 16 Chemin de Bellerive, CH-1007 Lausanne,
`Received 2 November 1983
`Revised 20 February 1984
`Abstract. A simple algorithm for the evaluation of‘discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) and discrete cosine transforms (DCT)
`is presented. This approach, based on the divide and conquer technique, achieves a substantial decrease in the number of
`additions when compared to currently used FFT algorithms (30% for a DFT on real data, 15% for a DFT on complex data
`and 25% for a DCT) and keeps the same number of multiplications as the best known FFT algorithms. The simple structure
`of the algorithm and the fact that it is best suited for real data (one does not have to take a transform oftwo real sequences
`simultaneously anymore) should lead to efficient implementations and to a wide range of applications
`Zusammenfassung. Ein einfacher Algorithmus zur Berechnung von diskreten Fourier Transformationen (DFT) und diskreten
`Cosinus Transformationen (DCT) wird vorgeschlagen. Diese Methode, basierend aufder “Teilen und Losen” Technik, erlaubt
`eine Verkleinerung der Anzahl Additionen gegeniiber gebraiichlichen FFT Algorithmen (30% fiir eine DFT von einem reellen
`Signal, 15% Hit eine DFT von einem complexen Signal und 25% fiir eine DCT) und braucht gleichviel Multiplikationen wie
`die besten bekannten FFT Algorithmen. Die einfache Struktur des Algorithmus und der Fakt dass er am besten fiir reelle
`Signale geeignet
`ist (man braucht nicht mehr gleichzeitig zwei reelle Signale zu transformieren) sollten zu effizienter
`Implementierung und zu zahlreichen Applikationen fiihren.
`Résumé. Un algorithme simple pour l’évaluation de la transformée de Fourier discrete (DFT) et de la transformée en cosinus
`discrete (DCT) est proposé. Cette approche, basée sur la méthode de la “division et solution”, permet une diminution
`Substantielle du nombre d’additions par rapport aux algorithmes de FFT courants (30% pour une DFT de signaux réels,
`15% pour une DFT de signaux complexes et 25% pour une DCT) tout en gardant un nombre de multiplications ‘égal a celui
`des meilleurs algorithmes de FFT connus. La structure simple de l’algorithme ainsi que le fait qu’il s’applique bien aux
`signaux réels (i1 n’y a plus besoin de prendre la transformée de deux signaux réels simultanément) devraient conduire a une
`implantation efficace ainsi qu’a un large champ d’applications.
`Ol65-1684/84/$3.00 © 1984, ‘Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North—Holland)
`transform (WFTA) [6], although a beautiful result in complexity theory, did not bring the expected
`improvements once implemented on real life computers [7], essentially due to the large total number of
`operations and to the structural complexity of the algorithm.
`The fact that most FFT’s are taken on real data is seldom fully taken into account. The algorithm using
`a FFT of half dimension for'the computation of a DFT on a real sequence [8] uses substantially more
`operations than the method of computing a single FFT on two real sequences simultaneously [9]. The
`Keywords. Fast Fourier transform, fast cosine transform, transforms of real data.
`1. Introduction
`Since the rediscovery of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm [1, 2] for the evaluation of discrete
`Fourier transforms, several improvements have been made to the basic divide and conquer scheme as for
`example the mixed radix FFT [3] and the real factor FFT [4, 5]. The introduction of the Winograd Fourier
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`M. Verterli, H. J. Nilssbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`latter method has the disadvantage that one has to take two DFT’s at once and that the sorting of the
`output uses additional adds. The fact that the input and output sequences are real is used explicitly in a
`real convolution algorithm [10] where the DFT and inverse DFT are computed with a single complex FFT.
`Another transform that
`is mostly applied to real data is the discrete cosine transform. Since the
`introduction of the DCT [11], the search for a fast algorithm followed two main different approaches.
`One was to compute the DCT through a FFT of same dimension [12], where one is bound to take two
`transforms simultaneously. The other was a direct approach, leading to rather involved algorithms [13].
`It should be noted that the former technique outperforms all the latter ones when using optimal FFT’s,
`a fact often left in the dark [14].
`Recently, evaluation of signal processing algorithms has shifted away from multiplication counts alone
`to the counting of the total number of operations, including data transfers [15]. This is due to the fact
`that the ratios (multiplication time)/(addition time) and (multiplication time)/(load time) are close to one
`on most computers and signal processors. Another growing concern has been the generation of time
`efficient software [16], and finally, the efficiency of an algorithm turns out to be a non-trivial combination
`of the various operation counts as well as of its structural complexity [17].
`In this communication, we address an old problem, namely, the efficient evaluation of DFT’s and DCT’s
`of real data. Efficiency is meant in the sense of m‘inimal number of multiplications and additions as well
`as in the sense of structural simplicity. As it turns out, the two problems are closely related, since a DFT
`of dimension N can be evaluated with two DCT’s of size N/4 and since a DCT of size N can be evaluated
`with a DFT of size N and additional operations. The same technique can be applied again to the reduced
`DCT of size N/4 and to the DFT of size N, and this until only trivial transforms are left over (N z 1, 2).
`This leads to an elegant recursive formulation ofthe two algorithms and to a number of multiplications
`to the best FFT’s while diminishing substantially the number of additions (typically 30%).
`Interestingly, this last saving is partly kept when computing complex DFT’s, and as an example, the total
`number of operations for a 1024-point transform is nearly 10% below the number of operations required
`for a lOO8—point WFTA. The prime factor FFT (PFA) requires about the same number of operations [18],
`but has a more complex structure.
`Note that the algorithms below were developed while searching for an efficient way to compute DCT’s
`of real data. The derived FFT algorithm for real data that follows immediately requires a number of
`multiplications identical to the one found in [19] (which is a variation of the Rader—Brenner algorithm),
`and a total number of operations that can be found in [20]. While obtaining an identical complexity, the
`derivations are quite different and the algorithm below seems more suitable for programming.
`Section 2 is used to derive the general algorithm and Section 3 evaluates its computational complexity.
`In Section 4, the results are compared to other algorithms and some implementation considerations are
`2. Derivation of the algorithms
`Let us define the following transforms ofthe length-N real vector x with elements x(0), x(l) ‘
`- x(N — 1):
`Discrete Fourier transform
`DFT(k,N,x):= z x(n)-e1'2"""/N, k=0,...,N—1,
`where j =
`Signal Processing
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`where (8) or (9) are applied when necessary.
`Hence, the cosine DFT of dimension N has been mapped into a cosine DFT of N/2 and a DCT of
`N/4, at a cost of N/4 input and N/2 output additions (note that cos-DFT(k, N, x) is evaluated for
`k =0, .
`, N/2 but that k: N/4 does not require an output addition). The cosine DFT of N/2 can be
`handled similarly (and this until the transform becomes trivial) and the case of the DCT will be treated
`Turning to the sine DFT, we take a similar approach, using the fact that the sine function is odd.
`M, Verterli, H. JfNussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`Discrete cosine transform
`DCT(k, N, x) I: Z x(n) - cos<%)—
`2 +1 k
`Cosine DFT
`Sine DFT
`sin—DFT(k, N, x) I: X x(n) - sin
`Note that in the definition of the DCT, the normalizing factor l/VE at k=0 is omitted for simplicity.
`While the transforms are usually only defined for k = 0,. .
`, N — 1, one will see that other values are useful
`as well and can easily be obtained from the ones defined above.
`Obviously, the following relations hold:
`DFT(k, N, x) = cos-DFT(k, N, x) —j sin-DFT(k, N, x),
`DCT( N, N, x) = 0,
`DCT(—k, N, x) = DCT(k, N, x),
`DCT(ZN ~ k, N, x) = * DCT(k, N, x),
`cos-DFT(N k, N, x) = cos—DFT(k, N, x),
`sin-DFT(N ~ k, N, x) = —sin-DFT(k, N, x).
`Looking at the evaluation of cos-DFT(k, N, x), we note that since the cosine function is even:
`C05-DFT(1<,N,x)= M2271x(2n)'COS<2fink>+NE71(X(2n +1) +x(N—2n — 1)) . cos<w),
`4- N/4
`or, in a more succinct form:
`cos-DFTUc, N, x): c0s-DFT(k, N/2, x.) +DCT(k, N/4, x2),
`k = O, .
`, N — l,
`with x1(n)=x(2n),
`x2(n)=x(2n+l)+x(N—2n—l), n=0,...,N/4—l,
`sin—DFT(k, N, x): Z x(2n) - sin<
`N/2>+ E0 (x(2n+1)—x(N—2n—-1))
`Vol. 6, No. 4, August I984
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` sgé
`M. Vetterli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`Using the following identity:
`Sin<217(2n]\[+1)k> :(“1)“‘COS<27T(2n +1])\([N/4—k)>,
`we can rewrite (13), using (8) or (10) when necessary, as:
`sin-DFT(k, N, x) = sin-DFT(k, N/2, x,) +DCT(N/4— k, N/4, x3),
`with k3(n)=(—1)"-(x(2n+l)—x(N~2n—l)).
`k = 0, .
`, N — l,
`Therefore, the sine DFT of dimension N has been mapped into a sine DFT of N/2 and a DCT of N/4,
`at the cost of N/4 input and (N/2)—2 output additions (note that sin-DFT(k, N, x) is evaluated for
`k = 0, .
`, N/2 but that k : 0, N/4 and N/2 do not require any output additions). The sine DFT of N/2
`is handled in a similar fashion until the length is reduced so that the transform becomes trivial.
`We now focus our attention on the computation of the DCT. Using the following mapping [12]:
`x4(N—n—1)=x(2n+l), n=0,...,N/2—l,
`the DCT can be evaluated as:
`4 +1 k
`DCT(k, N, x): Z x4(n)-cos(—1—n——i), k:0,..., N—l.
`Using basic trigonometry, (17) becomes:
`DCT(k, N, x) 2 cos TN ~cos-DFT(k, N, x4)~sm W -s1n—DFT(k, N, x4),
`k = 0, .
`, N — l.
`With the symmetries of trigonometric functions, (18) can be computed as follows:
`. (wk)
`cos — —s1n ~—
`‘ [cos—DFT(k, N, 3%)]
`sin~DFT(k, N, x4)
`] _
`[ DCT(k, N, x)
`DCT(N— k, N, x) _
`sm — cos m
`DCT(N/Z, N, x) = cos(1-r/4) - cos-DFT(N/2, N, x4).
`The matrix product in (19) can be evaluated with 3 multiplications and 3 additions (instead of 4
`multiplications and 2 additions) [9] as follows:
`a . (my, (age)
`0s 4N ,
`pz—sm 4N
`s, : cos-DFT(k, N, x4) +sin-DFT(k, N, x4),
`m1=sl - cos m,
`Signal Processing
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`M. Vetterli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`~ m2 = Sin-DFT(k, N, x4) - 171,
`m3 : cos—DFT(k, N, x4) ' P2,
`DCT(k, N; x) = ml — m2,
`DCT(N — k, N, x) x ml +m3,
`where p. and p; are precomputed. Using all simplifications, the computation of (19) requires therefore a
`total of (3N/2)72 multiplications and (3 N/2)~3 additions.
`Thus, we have shown how to map a N dimensional DFT into two DCT’s of N/4 (5, 12 and 15) and
`how to map a DCT of N into a DFT of same size (16 and 19). In other words, since the DCT is computed
`through a DFT, it is shown how to compute a DFT of N with 2 DFT’s of N/4 plus auxiliary operations}
`and this operation can be repeated until N has been reduced sufficiently so as to lead to trivial transforms.
`Figures 1
`to 4 try to visualize schematically the interaction of the various transforms. Combination of
`these figures in appropriate order show how to compute a transform of any dimension.
`Vol. 6, No.4, August 1984
`l. Decomposition ofa DFT of size N into a cosine DFT of size N and a sine DFT of size N.
`Fig. 2. Decomposition iof a cosine DFT of size N into a cosine DFT of size, N/2 and a DCT of size N/k4.
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`M. Venerli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`Fig. 3. Dccomposition of a sinc DFT of size N into a sine DFT of size N/2 and a DCT of size N/4.
`Fig. 4. Decomposition of a DCT of size N into a cosine DFT of size N and a sine DFT of size N plus auxiliary operations.
`The algorithm is best suited for DFT’s on real data, but if the input is complex, one simply takes the
`real and imaginary parts separately (thus doubling the computational load) and evaluates the output with
`2N—4 auxiliary adds (k = 0 and N/2 require no additions).
`’3. Computational complexity
`Even if the derivation above used only the fact that N was a multiple of 4, the algorithm, as other
`divide and conquer schemes, performs best when N is highly composite, typically a power of 2.
`Below, we restate the number of operations required for the various steps needed in the evaluation of
`the transforms, where OM[-] and OA[-] stand for the number of multiplies and adds respectively.
`Signal Processing
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`M. Vetterli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`DFT on length—N real data:
`OM[R-DFT( N)] = OM[cos-DFT(N)] + 0M [sin-DFT(N)],
`0A[R—DFT(N)] = OA[cos-DFT(NI)] + OA[sin—DFT(N)].
`DFT on length-N complex data:
`OM[C-DFT(N)] = 2- (OM[cos-DFT(N)]+ OM[sin-DFT(N)]),
`OA[C-DFT(N)] = 2 - (OA[cos-DFT(N)] + OA[sin-DFT(N)]) +2N —4.
`DCT on length-N real data:
`OM [DCT(N)] = OM[cos-DFT(N)] + OM[sin—DFT(N)] +(3 N/2)~2,
`OA[DCT(N)] = OA[cos-DFT(N)] + OA[sin-DFT(N)] +(3 N/2) — 3.
`Cosine DFT on length-N real data:
`OM[cos—DFT(N)] = OM[DCT(N/4)] + on; [cos‘DFT(N/ 2)],
`OA[cos—DFT(N)] : OA[DCT(N/4)] + OA[cos—DFT(N/2)] +(3 N/4).
`Sine DFT on length-N real data:
`OM[sin-DFT(N)] = OM[DC'I‘(N/4)] + OM[sin-DFT(N/2)],
`OA[sin-DFT(N)] = OA[DCT(N/4)]+ OA[sin-DFT(N/2)] +(3 N/4) —2.
`OM[R-DFT(2)] = OM[C-DFT(2)] = OM[cos-DFT(2)] = OM[sin-DFT(2)] = 0,
`OM[DCT(2)] : 1,
`0A[R-DFT(2)] = OA[DCT(2)] : OA[cos-DFT(2)] = 2,
`OA[C-DFT(2)] : 4,
`OA[sin-DFT(2)] : 0.
`But, when N is a power of 2 and that the recursions are therefore applied Logz N times, the operation
`counts for the DCT reduces simply to:
`Vol. 6, No. 4, August I984
`, From (21)—(25) one can compute recursively the number of operations needed for the various transform
`types and sizes greater than 2. For N = 1, no operations are required, and the values for N = 2 are given
`in (26), thus defining the initial conditions for the above recursions.
`0M[DCT(N)]= N/2 ‘ L0g2(N),
`OA[DCT(N)] = N/2 - (3 Log2(N)—2) + 1.
`From (27) it follows immediately with (21)—(23) that:
`OM[R-DFT(N)]= N/2 - (Log2(N) —3) +2,
`OA[R-DFT(N)] = N/2 - (3 Log2(N)—5)+4,
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`M. Verterli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`OM[C—DFT(N)] = N- (Log2(N)—3) +4,
`OA[C-DFT(N)]= 3N- (L0g2(N)— 1) +4.
`The above closed form expressions can now easily be compared to existing algorithms.
`4. Comparison with existing algorithms
`First, the introduced algorithm (which is called in the following fast Fourier-cosine transform or FFCT)
`is compared to other algorithms which work directly on real data. Then we look at the case where
`two transforms on real data are taken simultaneously with an optimal FFT algorithm. The case of the
`FFT on complex data is investigated as well, and the issue of algorithm structure is addressed. The
`operation counts for FFT’s are taken from [9] unless otherwise specified.
`For the computation of a DFT on real data, one can use the algorithm based on an FFT of N/2 [8].
`Using again the 3 mult/3 adds approach for the auxiliary output operations, one gets the following
`OM[FFT(N)] = OM[FFT(N/2)] +(3N/2)_2,
`OA[FFT(N)] = 0A[FFT(N/2)] +(9N/2)—2.
`Table 1 compares this result with the FFCT and shows the substantial savings that are obtained.
` .mmmm.&mwmmawWWMWMWtMM.WMgMW)WWWa.
`Table 1
`Comparison of direct computation of a DFT on real data with a FFT of N/2 or
`the FFCT algorithm (the FFT of N/2 is computed with the Rader—Brenner algorithm)
`FFT of N/2 +ops.
`FFCT algorithm
`real mults
`real adds
`real mults
`real adds
`1 028
`1 678
`2 436
`3 870
`43 262 8 19410 2422 048 28 676
`Turning to the DCT, one can compare the FFCT to fast discrete cosine algorithms which perform the
`transform directly, without going to the FFT (and therefore to the need to perform 2 transforms on real
`data at the same time). The various operation counts are shown in Table 2. The number of multiplications
`for the FFCT is always below the other algorithms, and even if the number of additions is slightly above
`the Chen et a]. version, the total number of operations is always substantially less.
`Signal Processing
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`M. Vetlerli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCTAIgorirhms
`Table 2 '
`Comparison of direct computation of a DCT on real data with the algorithms of Chen et a]. [13], Wang er a1. [14]
`and the FFCT (the operation counts for the two first algorithms are taken from [14])
`size FFCT Chen et a1. . Wang et a1.
`r. mults r. adds r. adds r. multsN r. adds
`2 817
`1 024
`3 075
`l 283
`2 690
`l 668
`6 401
`2 304
`7 043
`2 947
`3 844
`14 337
`5 I20
`15 875
`6 659
`13 826
`8 708
`19460 30 722 14 851 35 331 112642048 31745
`Vol. 6, No. 4, August 1984
`The other general approach to transforms on real data is to compute simultaneously the transform of
`two real sequences. Beside the drawback that one has always to compute two transforms (otherwise the
`approach is suboptimal), the sorting of the output requires about N output additions. The operation count
`for a DFT on real data are given below:
`OM[R-DFT(N)] = 1/2 - OM[FFT(N)],
`OA[R-DFT(N)]=1/2' OA[FFT(N)] + N —2.
`Table 3 compares (31) with the FFCT, and, as can be seen, the multiplication count is identical while a
`saving of about 30% is made with regard to additions.
`The situation is quite similar when computing a DCT with an FFT [12]. It is assumed that 2 DCT’s on
`real data are evaluated at the same time. Thus, the operation count is:
`OM[R-DFT(N)]=1/2 - OM[FFT(N)]+(3N/2)—2,
`OA[R~DFT(N)]= 1/2- OA[FFT(N)]+(5N/2)—5.
`Table 3
`Comparison of the computation of a DFT on real data with an FFT of N on two
`data sequences simultaneously and output additions or the FFCT algorithm (the
`FFT of N is computed with the Radar—Brenner algorithm)
`size FFCT algorithm FFT of N+adds
`real mults real adds real multsN real adds
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`M. Vellerli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCT Algorithms
`A technique similar to the one used in (23) was used in the computation of the output of the DCT. The
`results are compared in Table 4 where it is seen that the additions are reduced in the FFCT by about
`25% with an identical number of multiplies.
`Table 4
`Comparison of the computation of a DCT on real data with the algorithm using
`an FFT on two data sequences simultaneously or the FFCT (the FFT is the
`Rader—Brenner version)
`FFT of N +ops.
`FFCT algorithm
`real mults
`real adds
`real mults
`real adds
`1 217
`1 675
`2 817
`1 024
`3 867
`1 024
`19 579
`31 745
`11 264
`43 259
`11 264
`2 048
`Turning to the computation ofa DFT on a complex input, one can use (29) for the FFCT. The comparison
`to the Rader—Brenner FFT is given in Table 5 where the number of multiplies turns out to be identical
`while the number of additions is reduced by nearly 20%.
`Looking at last at the Winograd Fourier transform, one sees that even if the number of multiplies is
`larger in the FFCT case, the total number of operations is smaller for large transforms (for example 5%
`for the WFTA(504)/FFCT(512) and 9% for the WFTA(1008)/FFCT(1024) comparison). Note that the
`gain is less in the PFA case (5% and 2% respectively).
`Concerning the WFTA and the PFA, one recalls that its main drawback is the involved structure of the
`algorithm. Even if the structure of the FFCT is not as straightforward as the radix-2 FFT,
`it remains
`simple (it is similar to the structure of the Rader—Brenner algorithm). In the FFCT, the reduction in the
`number of operations is obtained at the cost of additional permutations and data transfers. Even if these
`Table 5
`Comparison ofthe Rader—Brenner FFT with the FFCT when applied to complex data
`FFT of N
`FFCT algorithm
`real mults
`real adds
`real mults
`real adds
`l 104
`5 380
`1 284
`6 464
`,1 284
`27 652
`7 172
`34 048
`7 172
`16 38876 28816 3882 048 61444
`Signal Processing
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`M. Velterli, H. J. Nussbaumer/ Simple FFT and DCTAIgurillnns
`permutations can be grouped with previous ones (for example at the entry of the DCT), the resulting
`structure is more complex. But this increase in topological complexity is annihilated by the substantial
`decrease in arithmetic complexity.
`Looking at the implementation, one sees the importance of using very eflicient small transforms. Together
`With the explicit coding technique [16], this should lead to fast code for real transforms, especially on
`micro and signal processors, where the number of arithmetic and data registers is small (leading to
`uneflicient implementations of the complex transform on two real sequences version).
`5. Concluding remarks
`We have introduced a simple, recursive algorithm for the computation of the discrete Fourier transform
`and the discrete cosine transform. First, this algorithm can be applied directly to real data, providing
`therefore an attractive alternative to the method using a complex transform oftwo real sequences. Secondly,
`it uses the same number of multiplies as the best structured FFT algorithms but decreases the number of
`additions by about 25 to 30% for DFT’s and DCT’s on real data and by nearly 20% for DFT’s on complex
`data when compared to currently used algorithms. At last, its structure is simple enough so that it should
`lead to efficient implementations.
`It is worth noting that the proposed algorithm, while leading to the same computational complexity
`for the FFT as the one in [20], is not isomorphic. Interestingly, the algorithm in [20] has been around for
`15 years but was seldom referenced and even less used. Meanwhile, literature was published on amelior-
`ations of the Cooley—Tukey FFT which leads to less efficient algorithms than the one in [20]... . More
`recently, actually just as the final copy was being sent to the publisher, yet another algorithm appeared
`that leads to the same complexity for the complex FFT [21].
`Investigations are under way in order to generalize the above ideas to other sinusoidal transforms and
`to higher dimensions, as well as to prove the efficiency of an implementation.
`Vol. 6, No. 4, August 1984
`The authors would like to thank one of the anonymous reviewers for bringing [20] and [21] to their
`attention as well as the “Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique” for supporting this research.
`[l] C. Runge, and H. Konitz, Vorlesungen iiber Numerisches Reclinen, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1924.
`[2] J.W. Cooley, and J.W. Tukey, “An algorithm for the machine calculation of complexfourier series", Math. of Comput., Vol.
`19, pp. 297—301, April 1965.
`[3] R. Singleton, “An algorithm for computing the mixed radix fast fourier transform“, IEEE Trans. on Audio. and Electraacoustics,
`Vol. AU—l7, pp. 93—103, June 1969.
`[4] CM. Rader, and N.M. Brenner, “A new principle for fast fouricr transfoimation”, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing,
`Vol. ASSP-24, pp. 264—265, June 1976.

`[5] G. Bruun, “z—transform DFT filters and FFT’s”, IEEE Trans. Acoust, Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-26, pp. 56—63, Feb.
`[6] S. Winograd, “On computing the discrete fouricr transform”, Proc.

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