`jor Information Systems -
`Small Computer System
`Developed by
`WhereIT all begins
`weriean Mating
`a Ss
`Ty, OLYMPUS EX. 1014- 1/468
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 1/468
`ANSI INCITS [31-1994 (RI999)
`(formerly ANS| 43.131-1994 (R1999))
`stabilized as
`INCITS 131-1994[52013]
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 2/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 2/468
`American National Standard
`for Information Systems —
`Small Computer System Interface-2
`Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
`Approved January 31, 1994
`American Natlonal Standards Institute, Inc.
`The SCSI protocol is designed to provide an efficient peer-to-peer 1/O bus with up to 16 devices,
`including one or more hosts. Data may be transferred asynchronously at rates that only depend
`on device implementation and cable length. Synchronous data transfers are supported al rates up
`to 10 mega-transfers per second. With the 32-bit wide data transfer option, data rates of up to 40
`megabytes per second are possible.
`SCSI-2 includes command sets for magnetic and optical disks, tapes, printers, processors, CD-
`ROMS, scanners, medium changers, and communications devices.
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 3/468
`OLYMPUS EX.1014 - 3/468
`American Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI!
`requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have
`been met by the standards developer.
`Standard Consensus is established when,in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards
`Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially
`affected interests.
`Substantial agreement means much more than a simple
`majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and
`objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their
`The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary, their existence
`does notin any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards
`or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes,
`or procedures not conforming to the standards.
`The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in
`no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.
`Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of
`an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards
`Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or
`sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.
`CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or
`withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards
`Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw
`this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current
`information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards
`infringementin the use of this standard.
`CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be required for the
`implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publisher
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`of the standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search ls conducted by the developer or publisherin
`respect to any standard it processes, No representation is made of implied that licanses are not required to avoid
`Published by
`American National Standards Institute
`11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036
`Copyright ©1994 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
`All rights reserved.
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
`form, in an electronic retriaval system or otherwise,
`without prior written permission of IT|, 1250 Eye Street NW,
`Washington, DC 20005,
`Printed In the United States of America
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 4/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 4/468
`FORO och a cece eae Seay Diite seep meneeed eae wate xix
`INtFOMUCHON cack eee e eee eens slecpag lpg tats Eero ere cerns vee. Mall
`SOOQS cccaie cade areas (MERE ees cae eee:
`Normative references ... 0.6.55. aie 9.8 eee 2
`Definitions, symbols and abbreviations ...........00005 ve
`DefinitionS 2... ccs sa argaet att i patatatecariital a wine
`Symbols and abbreviations PRM MEN PEE OER ae Re
`General ........ pe a ea CAS cig ate aaie a janes (aa ue
`Overview ......... Tere be eagtale ns obi
`ei alba acdsee!
`'g aserate ‘ie
`GornventionS ......00 ce eee di
`tasetne a atewTes ates eee bei
`Physical characteristics ........ Lata Te peers »
`Physical description .,...-.-+.-. pains alg bre eared gee e
`Cab Tecuremente ieee eee eee 8
`Singleended cable .,.,...-+--. Piataelaralatln ge Ghat
`aCe wee ave
`Differentialcable . 0.44 ee eee
`eee be ee eee 9
`Cable requirements for fast synchronous:data transfer .....,
`Connector requirements ......... ip haw te EA ee eae,
`Non-shielded connector requiraments ........060.s00005
`Non-shielded connector alternative 1-Acable ...,.......,.
`Non-shielded connector alternative > Acable .......0.5. ee
`Non-shielded connector-Bcabla .....:ccccceeeeeeeeee 10
`Shielded connector requirements .......0000000 08 Wave
`Shielded connector alternative 1- A cable ,,..........+.+.
`Shielded connector alternative 2-Acable ..........00000,
`Shielded connmector-Beabla........ 00.000 cau u nan uue ~
`Connector contact assignmants .. 0... cee ees erie 20
`Electrical description .......... BRC ree ere cme
`Singleended alternative ......... i is Nekinea dw anee i Meee
`Output characteristics ....0. 0... ee Fe ie ar ate 25
`Input characteristics .............. lewenae cae M25
`Differential alternative ,......... pe eee ae
`Output characteristics ......... i Fella, gatas ata EIA (ieee OBS
`Input characteristics .,...---6- 54565 (ees SNe ee
`TerminatOr POWET . ccc eee eet ee ceca este e eee eeee BS
`.......550556 finer SCeenmeneedns
`SOS) Die ov aiseesn useless alae veer dee ac cuca lal ewes oO
`SCSI bus signals ...,...+..++. (Mae RS
`Signal values ......... ede ees voate a ec iaahe wee lice cin 38
`OR-tied signals ......0 eee eeu eet Ra CS
`Signal sources ....... a ee a ee Re 33
`SCSI bus timing... 6. ccc eee Wadden Raia eae at eek 34
`Arbitration delay .. 0... .cc cece cece ee eee eeu eeaveens
`Assertion period ..... a ace aaa a wc Ale MURR E aca woe ela ae 35
`Bus cleardelay ........ a 2Ce aa eek Bo Oe oe eT ee a5
`Bus free delay
`........ tae aT 8 ETT Le tla . 6
`Bus Setoplay:
`c55 ce eee ee be ees Ce ae ede eee e 36
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 5/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 5/468
`Bus settle delay... 6... cece cee ee eee ee eee nae nee 36
`Cable skaw delay . 2... 2-6 ee eee eee ee eens 36
`Data release delay... 16. eee eee 86
`Deskew delay ......0ce eee cee eee eee eee e eee 36
`Disconnection delay ......- 00 c eee ees 36
`Hold time 2... eee ee eee eee ees 36
`Negation period
`........ 2c cece eee tees 36
`Power-on to selection time
`......... 00sec eee eee eens 36
`Reset to selection time
`... 0c ccc eect eee eee ee eens 36
`Fesethold timG vic cccscvevvaseeweeeeeeavacas canes 37
`Selection abort MG 6... cc ee ee eee ee ee eee ees 37
`Selection time-out delay oo... ccc ee eee eee wees 37
`Transfer perlod . occa ee secs cs cseaeweneeueseueauneer 37
`Fast synchronous transfer option... 0.00 e eee ee eee ees 37
`Fast assertion period 2... ---. cscs aca ea ee eee 37
`Fast cable skew delay... 5. cease reece s ween eaten a7
`Fast deskew dalay
`......6.5 6.00000 c ee eee eee a7
` iisj iis gerisrisis esis sia iadet
`Fast negation period 22.0... .00 cece eee eee wees 38
`.csccsi eae ee ea dea e sean ea 39
`Logical characteristics:
`Ss bus PNAS8S 3 oes ee SA A Ree ee 39
`BUS FREE phases ciacssesiawiansle al cee eas
`ARBITRATION pHASG wi. cie ee ca cde essa eae ee ee 40
`SELECTION PHAR. ¢.00 eer a a Nee 40
`SELECTION time-out procedura .... 0. cece ee eee 41
`FRETION RRO oie ie iota eee be aa ieie Sin aa we ace waa 41
`eid duaiusistce cine wise’ aed a dane’ 44
`RESELECTIONtime-out procedure ............000000 es 42
`Information transfer phases ......., ‘inven a dew awe 42
`Asynchronous information transfer... . 6606s cece 43
`Synchronous data transfer... . 0. cece eee eee ee eae
`Wide data transfer .. 2.1... -5c ee eee eee ee ween ees 44
`COMMAND phas@ ........:00000eeee eee vee eee awed 46
`Eee. PWiis ian ese kes wie ral Ae Ra RRS hs 46
`DATAIN. phaS0 220: se ski einw deamon sera 46
`DATA QUT phase ......cc cece eee eee eee eee enews 46
`STATUS PHAGE ois se ccwna ee aaeimckadaaanaiten 46
`Message phase .... 2... ce ee ee ee 46
`MESSAGE IN phase 2... 0... ccc cece cece eee eee ees 46
`MESSAGE OUT phase ......0 0000s cece eee eee 46
`Signal restrictions between phases
`..............000 eee 47
`SCSI bus conditlons 2... ccc e ccc ee eee eee 47
`Attention condition .... cc cess e eee ieee eee anaes 47
`PURSE CONAN io: casa ays
`irate lerackilar ea eles Aaa aR TaN
`Hard reset alternative... 0.600 cece eee stew ence seees
`Soft reset altemativa 2... .cccce cise eueeace sees cweas
`SCSI bus phase sequences ..........00ce00ceueaeuaae 50
`SCS! PONMGTE cutee aaa a wine aia wea aie sew aie eee
`Message system description 6.0.0... 0c cece eee ees
`MGSSA0CF a canine Che ee ee 55
`ABGAT scars ieie cinacneieaea area ein aie aaa eRe a RRS Sie are
`ABORT TAG ca eacaies cinema mnyeatneleinelan ewan sie sack 55
`6.6.3 BUS DEVICE RESET|isiiiid dicate scneaieeanicecceweleceie eens 56
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 6/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 6/468
`CLEAR QUEUE as sche se aN aaeNwlalae en 56
`GOMMAND COMPLETE ...2-2- eases eeeunrreeeeeeanaa 56
`DISCONNECT: os cada paeteeeas Wier wade een cea 56
`FONTii. ace ara ale lana daceiarecn sy eee aia ae a analge aia ely 57
`IGNORE WIDE RESIDUE , 0... ee eee enema 58
`INITIATE RECOVERY wine eee eee ee eee ea aes 58
`INITIATOR DETECTED ERROR .... cece cece eee e eters
`LINKED GOMMAND GOMPLETE oo... cece cece eee ee eens
`MESSAGE PARITY ERROR ...ce cece ete e ee ee tee ee eae 53
`MESSAGE REVEGT iii slag a aelee Gieeace cha a a eale ena 59
`MODIFY DATA POINTER Message .......... 5-555 e es
`NO'OPERATION wil disnad aa ba vee eeu Wada af ele ai 60
`Queue tag Messages...ee eee ees 60
`HEAD OF QUEUE TAG wo. ce ccc cette een weeny 61
`ORDERED QUEUE TAG. 2... 0... cece cece nee eens
`SIMPLE QUEUE TAG .....-- ccc cee cee eee ee eee ens
`RELEASE RECOVERY oo... 5 cee e ee eee bea ees 61
`RESTORE POINTERS .,....020c cece eee cae eeee
`SAVE DATA POINTER ...---2 6 eee cece ee eee ee eels 62
`TERMINATE IWO PROCESS ....-...... 505s beeen 64
`WIDE DATA TRANSFER REQUEST .............,..0004 64
`SCSI commands and status... . 2... ccc eee eee
`Command implementation requirements ..... 0... 0000005
`PROBOIG eae as eal ales oe ea ee eee 67
`Operation code types
`. 6.6. ee eee 67
`Command descriptor block 22... 00.00 cece ee eee eee 68
`Operation cede: ia eee de ea ee ees 69
`Logical unit number .. 2.20.00 000 00.000 eee eee 70
`Logical blockaddress 2... cece cece ee eee
`Tranéfar length ke eae ee a ee
`Parameter list length ina eerie Waa aie 70
`Allocation length cc ee 70
`Cortrol Tialel ois occa ee Pee ee 71
`SUNS aseee ae 71
`Gommand examples ......0000e creas eaauaeeeeuabees
`Single command example ....:0.0c0c ee ecuaeeuuaaeuee
`Disconnect emample .c.cicias ee cei wen va sade e eek 73
`Linked command GXAMple ....0 0c cece ete cee eee eee ae 74
`Command processing considerations and exception conditions 74
`Programmable operating definition ..................4..
`Incorrect initlator connection .........00...000 20a ee
`selection of an invalid logical unit
`............0..0..0004 75
`Parameter rounding ...........-.020.000000000000008 76
`Asynchronous event notification
`Unexpected reselection ........0.0..0 00000 e eee eee v7
`Contingent alleglance condition ..............2....205- 78
`Extended contingent allegiance condition. ............... 78
`Queued I/O processes .......... 0.02 eee 79
`Untagged quaulng .......-0- 6c cect a tans
`Tagged quauing ......0..2 222. ec a caer eeeenee
`Example of queued I/O process 2... ... cee cee eee eee BO
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 7/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 7/468
`Typical sequences for tagged queuving..................
`Example of tagged queuing ...............-2002e sees a1
`Unit attention condition ........... 000 eee eet ees 83
`PAHn En gs ect ig aid seinem aoe neal eee SE ee a4
`Model for all device types 6.0.6... eee cee teers a4
`BCS SOCKGASGS 6c dict sje ee eee eels nag oe le ale ee as B4
`SCSI device address oo... cece ese eee eee eee tues 84
`erential UTM Sisko,
`iaia ele tgl RR GA eta ea crate talialsacecaoaca eal atiaeerar atts
`Teareget POCISS ee alae eee eee ne eee le ele B4
`Commands implemented by all SGS] devices ..........., 54
`Using the INQUIRY command .....................24,
`Using the REQUEST SENSE command ................, a5
`Using the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command ................ as
`Using tha TEST UNIT READY command ..............4,
`Commandsfor all devicea types .............2022222005 85
`GHANGE DEFINITION command ..............00000005 86
`COMPARE command ............0.00 000s cee 88
`8.2.3 COPY command-i iciinid iain ee a9
`Errors detected by the managing SCSI device ............
`Errors detected by atarget
`.....0ceccee eee ee eee ween a1
`GOPY function code OOh and O1h ......c0 ese e ee eee eens
`COPY function code 02h .ccaies cece edeck eerie ee eile 92
`COPY function code OS woes es eve eee eee ee
`COPY function code O4h ..ca cece eee nec eeeneeetena een 54
`Copies with unequal block langths ............00200 000s 94
`COPY AND VERIFY command ...........00000000055 5 95
`INQUIRY command 5.05.06 66 cca e ee eee ee ea eee ene es
`Standard INQUIRY dalla. .cccee reese eases ee ee eee Fd
`NOBeR A vscitetssin iaectac rect arachicetacianelig ala a Ualia
`alin Telia alls tots 100
`LOG SELECT command ..cceeuvawa sean eae ea awa dan 104
`LOG SENSE command . 2.685. 0 sees see ea eee eee eee 103
`MODE SELECT(6) command ............0000c ee eee ees 104
`MODE SELECT(i0) command ...........0000 eee e eens 106
`MODE SENSE(6) command .................000000005 106
`Gurrant values 2.220 eee eta eee ees 107
`Changeablevalues ........ 000 ccc ccc e cece eee eee ees 108
`Defaultvalues ...... 0.0 cece eee eee cece eee aes 108
`Saved values .... 0c. cee eee eee ieee eee eee 108
`Inlial PAEGPONEES cece ee ee ee ee 108
`MODE SENSE(10) command ........00000 ceca eee e eens 109
`READ BUFFEA command oo. cise ea cess ee eeeenaaeas 109
` Gombined header and data mode (000b)............065 - 110
`Vendor-specific mode (OD1B) ..... 0.0 ccc eee eee eee eee 110
`Data imode (010B) .... ccc beeen eee ee eee ee eee eeaueeen 110
`Descriptor mode (O11B) .. 26. eee eee eee 111
`RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command ..........055 112
`REQUEST SENSE command .......0000eeeeeueeeeuena 112
`Sense-key specific ....... 0.0: c cee eee tence nee ee eee 116
`Bhd «(Daleaccesses eeecage Taye wearer aa aes 117
`Sense key and sense code definitions ...........00000 6s 119
`SEND DIAGNOSTIC command ,.....-:.00s000 ese eee eeee 125
`TEST UNIT READY command .......cc cence eee eee 126
`WRITE BUFFER command ..4.iiic0 080s. cere a eee ea we 127
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 8/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 8/468
`Combined header and data mode (000b)................ 128
`Vendor-specific mode (001b) ......................-4.. 128
`Data mode (O10b) .....-..6. 002 eee ee eee ee 128
`Download microcode mode (100b)
`...............00085 129
`Download microcode and save mode (101b) ............. 429
`Parameters for all device types ......... 0.00 cece ee ee 429
`Diagnostic parameters
`.....ec cc een scene sees eneeeas , 128
`Supported diagnostic pages 2.6... 650 cs eee e eee eens 130
`Log parameters views ee cada see eee ee eee eee ae 134
`Buffer over-run/Undermun page ..... 0. cece eee 194
`Erion counter GROW o5f0 heii wee mantel eae es 135
`Last in efror events Page .... 2.0. eee 136
`Non-medium for page «2... cc esse scabs ew icae cas 136
`Supported log pages ......-------. eee eee ee eee eee 136
`Woda PANNA:
`ica eaicisicsedn aera ecN ET 137
`Gontral mod@ page: is sec se sdch sacks wee ewes 140
`Disconnect-raconnect page .......00e reece ere rere eee 142
`Peripheral device page .... 2... 5c eee e eee eee eee 144
`Vital product data parameters .............00ec eee eee 144
`ASCIl implemented operating definition page ............. 145
`ASCll information page ........-....... 0604 c eee eee 145
`implemented operating definition page .. 0... 6. cece eas 146
`Supportedvital product data pages .........0 00. .e cee 146
`Unit serial number page ....... 000. ccc eee eens 149
`Direct-aceess deviceS 2.1.2... ccc ee 150
`Direct-access device model ..........0.0.0 00.2 eee 150
`Removable medium ....... 000 cece cece eee eee een 150
`Logieal bIOGKS cciins uae ee eee 150
`Ready state. icc sac wi aaa pe ema ial 161
`(RGN eee ie ea eee WR eee 154
`Madium defects .. 2c. cise cede eed ie a eee 154
`Death CHONG.
`ss tarsus eRee 152
`FIGSGTVAHONG: sca ta testers Wit ala eee eee eae ewe 153
`Seek and (eZO ii ere ieee wee 154
`Notched drives wi ua pede eee ae eee 154
`Rotational position locking ©. 6. cscs sete eee eee ee 154
`Relative addressing .....c:ese settee enh eee aae 154
`Etter TenQning: -aiecawrean as aeaeaeie nee aes 154
`PeAMPIOS: e:ssceceuey veer we eo cee 155
`Rotating media: «iis ccceiaawsewweneeeewaweds aK 155
`Sequential media .......0. 0000 cece e eee eed eee 156
`81.13.38 Memon median. ...c ici iaev vases sae eee ee awa saan eas 156
`Commands for direct-access devices.
`...........0000005 157
`FORMAT UNIT COMMAND ices ee eee eee eee 1568
`Defect list foriniais vices aw crea eee 162
`Initialization pattern Option 2.6.44. 0 cee eee eee ewe eee 163
`LOCK UNLOCK CACHE command ...............222555 165
`PRE-FETCH command .:.......:e:ececee es eaee ese ees 166
`PREVENT ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL command ......... 167
`READ(G) command ...cc0cea secures eevee eee wa eed. 166
`READ(IO) command 222... cde eeeee eee eee ede es 168
`READ CAPACITY command ................202000005. 169
`READ DEFECT DATAcommand................2..005. 171
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 9/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 9/468
`READ'LONG command .......seneeee eee e aren eneees 173
`REASSIGN BLOCKS command ......0cee cree cree nenee 174
`RELEASE Command oo .c cee cece eee ete ee ee eee nee eee 175
`Logical unitrelease ........0cce eevee seen ener ee neens 176
`Extentralease 2... ccc cer eect e ene n eee eee nee ne 176
`Third-party release . 0.0... cece eee eee eee eee ens 176
`RESERVE command ..... scene eee eee eee ee nnees 177
`Logical unit reservation ...........0 0c cece ee eee eee 177
`Extentreservation ........6. 00 cee eee eee ee eee 177
`Third-party reservation
`........-. eee e eee tenn eeee 179
`Superseding reservations .............0000eeee eee eens 180
`REZERO UNIT command ........-.....2.00220 eee eee 180
`SEARCH DATA commands .........0000004e ene eeeaee 181
`SEARCH DATAEQUAL command ...................-: 183
`SEARCH DATAHIGH command...............----.--- 183
`SEARCH DATALOW command ..................-+5-- 183
`SEEK(6) and SEEK(10) commands ............00000 eas 183
`SET LIMITS COMMAN . ow. cc eee tee eee eee eas 184
`START STOP UNIT command ....00.0ce cues sees ee eaen 185
`SYNCHRONIZE GAGHE command ..........6600e00ee05 186
`VERIFY command .ic.eee cent etter aaa ae aa enananaa 187
`WRTGSSHORE aoa ace ces lasa s'alavalla (ole gk ld ayo ata laa als 188
`WRITEGIO) command... cc ad dae ee 188
`WRITE AND VERIFY command ..........-...0.0.050045 189
`WRITE LONG command ........0.00 cece eee 130
`WRITE SAME command ...... 0.0.00 0000 cece eee eae 194
`Parameters for direct-access devices ........ 000.000.0005 192
`Diagnostic parameters ..... ee eee 192
`Translate address page - SEND DIAGNOSTIC ............ 192
`Translate address page - RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC ......... 193
`Log parameters ..... ce eee eel 194
`Mode PAPAMGIOMS Jc cde eee eee eee eee eebeees 194
`Caching PAQR circa ee lS 196
`Flexible disk page suc dice cee ieee vas eee a eee ee ees 199
`Format device page .. i... eset eee eas 202
`Medium types supported page 2... .. 6 cee ee ee eee 205
`Noteh and partition page .....0 0... seek eee eee eae aes 206
`Read-write error recovery page 2... 6. cee eee ee eee 207
`Rigid disk drive geometry pag® ..........500 cc eee cease 2i4
`Verily error recovery page .. 6.60: e eet eee eee 215
`Definitions specific to direct-access devices ...........065 217
`Sequantial-acceass devices .,.....c cece cee eee eeeeee 2168
`Sequential-access device model ....... cece eee v nnn nnes 218
`Physical slaments. 0. circ eaten eed teeeen een en 218
`Data storage characteristics 16... . ccc e eee een eee 219
`Partitions within a Volume ......0.600 cece ee eee eee eee 221
`Logical alamants within a partition ..........0.0000 ee eee B22
`Date BUMBANE sci sa yas eae lee Re T EE PS NN NS 229
`Recorded object descriptors (block identifiers) ............ 224
`Direction and position definitions
`.......60000c0 cere aee 224
`BNrOr Ceceiia cect wie ke RS CERT TRA 225
`Command descriptions for sequential-access devices ...... 226
`ERASE COMMON fica Se ee ea ee eee eee eS 227
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 10/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 10/468
`LOAD UNLOAD command ......66cc eee e ue eee eee nnans 228
`LOGATE Command oo... cece eee eee eee ee eee eee eens 229
`READ command wo. cece cae eet eee tee eee eee eens 230
`READ BLOCK LIMITS command .....66 ccc c eee ee eens 202
`READ POSITION command ..... 000 0e ence eee eee eee nae 233
`READ REVERSE command .....ccceee een eet ewer enuee 235
`RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command .......00000eeues 236
`RELEASE UNIT command ....0 cee eee eee ee eee eee 237
`Third-party Te1@AS@ 2. eee 237
`RESERVE UNIT command ........6 666 e cece eee eee ane 238
`Third-party reservation .... 0. cee ees 258
`10,2.10.2 Superseding reservations .... 4c eee tee eee eens 239
`REWIND command .....6..00 cece eee eee ween eens 239
`SPACE command 1... .ccceueeeeeeueneeevennwneenns 240
`VERIFY command on... cece cece eee teen beeen eens 2d2
`WRITE Command wo. ccc cece eee nee teen neneeeeeenes 243
`WRITE FILEMARKS command ......0ec cece eee e eee eees 244
`Parameters for sequential-access devices 2.2... 6. ee 246
`Diagnostic Parameters ... 6 ccc eee ete eee eee 246
`LOG PATAMSHSTS oe eee eee ee teen eee nents 246
`Mode Paramelers coe eee tee eee eee eee eae 246
`Device configuration page .. 0... 0c eee eee eens 250
` Medium partition page(i)........ Serene ee ee o59
` Medium partition page(2-4)
`.. 0... ee eee eae 254
`Read-write error recovery page 10... 6c cece eee eee 254
`Definitions specific to sequential access devices .......... 256
`Commands for printer devices ....... ACCC CET EAE PSE ae 257
`Model for printer devices 2... tcc eee eee eee 257
`Commands for printer devices 2.0.66 eee eee 258
`FORMAT command .....0cscee ener etna ee ee eee eebeee 259
`PRINT command ...ccc cere eee e ewe eee eee eee eees 260
`RECOVER BUFFERED DATA command .......000000 eee 260
`SLEW AND PRINT command .....00 00s sce e eee ewes 261
`STOP PRINT command .........0000eeeeeeueuuuueees 262
`SYNCHRONIZE BUFFER command ....:....00000000008 262
`Parameters for printer devices . 0.0... ccc ceeeeeeeeeeae 263
`Diagnostic parameters . c cee teense eee eeeuee 263
`Log parameters... 0.0. c cee cece cece cent eueeeuns 263
`Mode parameters occ c cece cent teen enews 263
`Parallel printer interface page... . cee ee ees 264
`Printer options page .... 6. ee eee ee tees 266
`Serial printer interface page 6... cee eee eee 269
`Processor d@ViCeS . icc cece ete seen e un eueetuueennns eri
`Model for processor devices... . ccc cee cece eee eee eee 271
`Host-to-host communication, SEND only .,.....6..05e0 0 272
`Host-to-host communication, SEND and RECEIVE ......... 272
`Host-to-special-output peripheral cece eee eee 272
`Host-to-special-input peripheral cc eee eee eee 272
`Commands for processor devices . 0.0... ccc ee eee eens 273
`RECEIVE command ........06 0 ccc eee eee ee ene e ee eees 273
`SEND command .. ieee eee ew eee eee ee ees 274
`Parameters for processor devices
`..........0cccueueues 275
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 11/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 11/468
`Diagnostic parameters .... 2... - eee ees 275
`Lid SARIS oN Re on. on ot oo. Mine oh DR eens 275
`Definitions specific to processor devices
`..........44455. 275
`Write-once dOVIGES: 2... ceed ee eee ee ee ee eeeenbeas 276
`Model for write-once devic@S .. 66. cee ee eee eens 276
`Leogboadl “BGR aass ayes eee cence acececeece bond dle Rabble Ge eR a wa 276
`EAGT aaieteee eee a ae ae ee ee eee eget 276
`Physical medium defects .... 00: ete ee ee eee ny 276
`Error THRONE ia eee on Sere Oe 276
`Commands for writeonce devices ,....... 000.000 e eae, 277
`Parameters for write-once devices ......0.0.0000.00 0000 279
`Definitions specific to write-once devices ..............-, 279
`CD-ROM devices 2.25 0858s 6c ec pee be eee sie 260
`Model for CD-ROM devices 00 ce eee 280
`CD-ROM media organization .......... 0000 cee eee eee 280
`CD-ROM physical data format cece cee eee eee 283
`Frame format for AUGIO 2.2.6 ceeee 283
`Sectorformatfordata .... cece ee ec er eeaeeeeeeenenes 283
`Sub-channel information formats .. .0 eee ee eee 284
`CD Audio error reporting ......0ccu eee eee eee renee 285
`CD-ROM ready condition/not ready condition ........2..6, 285
`CD-ROM address reporting formats (MSF bit) .......-..-. 255
`Sensing support for CD-audio commands, ......0.0000005 286
`BNSE TSS OHINE isis ciedainaetn et eeee 256
`Commands for CD-ROM devices ........000000 eevee eee 287
`PAUSE RESUME command ............. 0000 cee eee 268
`PLAY AUDIO(10) command ...... ccc cee eee eee ees 289
`PLAY AUDIO(12) command .......0000s00ceeeeveeeees 290
`PLAY AUDIO MSF command .......... 00 cee eee eee ees 290
`PLAY AUDIO TRACK INDEX command ...............2.6, 292
`PLAY AUDIO TRACK RELATIVE(10) command ............ 295
`PLAY AUDIO TRACK RELATIVE(12) command ............ 254
`READ CD-ROM CAPACITY command.........00 cece eee 294
`READ HEADER command .......c0ccneeereeaeeureans 296
`READ SUB-CHANNEL command ........ 00500 c eee ee een 297
`Sub-O channel data format
`......c05s ee eer een eeeernes 298
` CD-ROM current position data format.........6..06.00008 302
` Media catalogue number data format... 66 ee eee 302
` Track international standard recording code data format .... 303
`14.2.11 READ: TOG conninaed|eciceccccacnas cae ea wee ewes 305
`Parameters for CD-ROM devices . 2.0... cee ee eee 307
`Diagnostic parameters .....6 0:0 c eee eet eee eee eeee 307
`Log PATAMBtS 0. ccs eee eee eee e ee een eeennees 307
`Mod@ parameters
`oo ci ee eee eee eee es 307
`CD-ROM audio control parameters... 6.00.66 309
`CD-ROM device parameters 22... 0. 0e ccs c ances eeeees 311
`Read errorrecovery parameters 00 60 c enna 312
`Varify error recovery parameters
`......0 000s ences sees 318
`Definitions specific te CD-ROM devices
`......:050s eee eee 318
` .-ns 95, oom Wee EEN AGW ACT UR TALE 321
`Modal for scanmer devices 2.0... 0.6 ees 321
`OLYMPUS EX. 1014 - 12/468
`OLYMPUSEX. 1014 - 12/468
`Commands for scanner devices 6... 66.66 ee 322
`GET DATA BUFFER STATUS command ...........405055 323
`GET WINDOW command .......0.0eeneecn even eeeeean 325
`OBJECT POSITION command .....- ccc cece nee eee eens 329
`READ command vcccctcaeeee ee eene env neenuenee ee 331
`SCAN GCOMMANG cei cic tee eee eee heen ee eens 332
`SEND command on. cess cere ee ee eb teen eee waveeaan 332
`SET WINDOW cCOMmMANG .... cece eee eee ew ens 333
`Parameters for scanner devices 22.2.6... ete eee eect tees 334
`Diagnostic parameters 2.0... ee tba 344
`LO PARAMOS cs. ccs be ee sade sth veel e nese keane 334
`Mode PAram@ieTe. vice ceca see eee eee ee eee ea 395
` Measurement units page co.cc cee eee eee eee eee 335
`Definitions specific to scanner devices .. 6... ooage ST
`Optical memory devices 2.6.66. cee eee eee eee eee 338
`Model for optical memory devices oo... 5c cece ee eee eee 338
`Defect MAMAQGMIEN 6.6 cc eee eee eee 339
`Bere FeRSE ai'c cies a Galas ele eal eae alatd a gialatel 339
`Commandsfor optical memory devices ,...-..6-50052205 340
`ERASE(1O) command yan eee Caney ya calea ig 341
`ERASE(12) command .ieiileseceeiaaddecaee abe eden 342
`MEDIUM SGAN command .........-..0.00 400220004005 a42
`READ (2) connate’
`ij yea eee waa diel iarella wee 344
`READ DEFECT DATA(12) command ...........00.5000 08 345
`READ GENERATION command ............0000 0000 oe 346
`READ UPDATED BLOCK(10) command .............0005 a47
`SEARCH DATA(12) commands 0. es 3458
`SET UMITS(12) command ........ 06.40 cc eee 348
`UPDATE BLOCK command 00 0000 cee es 349
`VERIFY(10) command 2.2.66 26065 bee ees 350
`VERIFY(12) command occ yaa eae eh ea’ 351
`WRITE(10) command ...220 060.00 e ee eee ean 352
`(WRITE(12) commands ieee iad alee ela eee o's a53
`WRITE AND VERIFY(10) command ............000005 0 353
`WRITE AND VERIFY(12) command ....,.........0000 ee 354
`Parameters for optical memory devices ................. a55
`Diagnostic parameters ..........00 000020002 355
`Log parameter... cic ee eee eee 855
`Mode parameters
`22s cies eee eee ee ees 355
`Optical memory page ..... 0.0.0. ee S57
`Definitions specific to write-once and optical memory devices , 358
`Medium-changer devices 2.0.20... 00 ccc eee eee eee enue 359
`Medium-changer device model .......0 00200 cee ee eas 359
`Medium-changer elements ......0.0.0000 000005 c eae eee 359
`Medium transport elements .....0.0..0 0... c cee eee 359
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