`VOLUME 38 - NUMBER 05 - MAY 1995
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`© IBM Corp.
`OLYMPUS EX. 1009 - 1/2
`Eager;- Technical Disclosure Bulletin vm. 33 No.05 May1995Wm
`Communication Method between Devices through FDD Interface
`pseudo FDD device
`—..“u.—_-—.—-_——-uq.¢-——__—_—————_———_—___.__ -—..._.._-
`+--- Address
`HR-l endec
`<‘[+] ------* Host
`-------—*--> Controller
`Interface +-----------~+
`+--- Format Signal
`Disclosed is a method for communicating between devices through Floppy Disk Drive (FDD)
`. Interface which can be implemented via serial data lines, such as Write Data and Read Data. The
`FDD Host Controller compares a requested address and 3. address from the FDD in Read/Write
`operation. Only when the addresses are matched, the FDD Host Controller reads data on the
`data frame preceded by the address or Writes data there.
`In the communication method through
`the FDD Interface, the sector data from the FDD, such as ID and DATA field information, are
`handled as packet data; ID field as packet header and data field as packet data. The packet header
`has the packet attributes to indicate data type in the packet data. The Figure shows the block
`diagram of the subject method.
`6 Address Generator generates the address information compatible with FDD ID information.
`It indicates packet attribute; Command Packet, Status Packet, Device Information Packet and
`Data Packet.
`- MFM endec decodes and encodes MFM data on Read/Write data line.
`- Format Signal Generator generates FDD compatible format pattern such as Synch—patterrr.
`© lBM Corp. 1995
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