
`ANTICANCER RESEARCH 12: 1035-1054 (1992)
`Morphological and Immunocytochemical Characteristics of
`Human Tumor Cell Lines for Use in a Disease-Oriented
`Anticanc�r Drug Screen
`1 Laboratory of Drug Discovery Research and Development, Developmental Therapeutics Program, Division of Cancer
`Treatment, National Cancer Institute, Building 1052, Room 121, Frederick, MD 21702-1201;
`2Clinical Immu11ology Services, Program Resources, /11c.l DynCorp, Frederick Cancer Research a11d Development Center,
`Frederick, MD21702-1201, U.S.A.;
`3 Department of internal Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
`H (AR) is
`texes are
`the legal
`aper has
`and jour­
`. Reviews
`83, 1984,
`92: lnsti-
`A panel of 60 human tumor cell lines is currently
`features. Most of these lines were poorly differentiated. Lines
`10.00 per
`being used in the U.S. National Cancer /nstitute's in vitro
`derived from large-cell and squamous-eel/ cancers also showed
`ther con­
`anticancer drug screen. The panel is organized into 7 sub­
`some characteristics consistent with their reported origins,
`panels; 6 leukemia/lymphoma lines comprise one subpanel,
`except for one line which showed immunocytochemical and
`;$ 300.00
`and 54 other lines are organized into subpanels representing
`morphologic characteristics consistent with rhabdomyosarco­
`tage and
`solid tumors of the central nervous system (CNS), colon, lung,
`ma. The 2 lines derived from small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
`,laced at
`ovaries, kidneys and melanomas. In the present study, the
`lacked neurosecretory granules and 3 other SCLC markers but
`the pub­
`leukemia and lymphoma cell lines were analyzed by flow
`showed morhologic features consistent with SCLC. Most
`' to J.G.
`cytometry for appropriate CD antigens; all but 1 line showed
`melanoma cell lines strongly expressed melanoma-associated
`:mcer Re­
`, Editorial
`patterns of expression consistent with their reported deriva­
`antigens and were morphologically similar to human melano­
`tions. The solid tumor lines were characterized individually
`ma. Five lines produced premelanosomes, melanosomes or
`using morphological and immunocytochemical techniques to
`melanin. Most of the renal cancer cell lines showed morpholo­
`determine their relative degrees of representativity for the
`gic or immunocytochemical features consistent with renal clear
`cell carcinoma. Collectively, these morphological and im­
`subpanels within which they are currently grouped. Histologic­
`munocytochemical analyses provide information concerning
`al, histochemical and ultrastructural examinations were per­
`formed on cell lines grown under identical conventional cul­
`tissue of origin, tumor type, degree of differentiation and other
`ture conditions and as xenografts in nude mice. lmmunocy­
`biologic features essential to the use of these lines in a
`�ing Cur­
`tochemistry using panels of antibodies raised against 6 types of
`disease-oriented in vitro antitumor drug screen and to the
`itation In­
`interpretation of data derived therefrom.
`intermediate filaments, 7 adenocarcinoma-associated antigens,
`7 melanoma/neuro-ectodermal-associated antigens, 3 neuroen­
`docrine-associated aniigens, 9 urinary tract associated anti­
`The National Cancer Institute is implementing a new investi­
`gens, and 4 markers of muscle differentiation was done on cells
`gational primary in vitro antitumor drug screen in which all
`new agents are tested initially against a broad panel of human
`grown in mono/ayer culture. Central nervous system (CNS)
`cell lines lacked expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein, but
`tumor cell lines, arranged in a series of subpanels represent­
`nternal or
`all hq_d other features consistent with derivation from glioblas­
`ing various major categories of human cancer. An important
`1al use of
`design goal of the screen is to facilitate the detection and
`toma._ Lines derived from adenocarcinomas of the colon, lung
`$2.00 per
`and ovary, for the most part, expressed adenocarcinoma­
`selection of line-specific or subpanel-specific antitumor leads
`1 to Copy·
`for follow-up in vivo evaluation in xenograft models em­
`associated antigens and showed histological and/or ultra­
`,et, Salem,
`. that have
`structural evidence of gland formation and other adenomatous
`ploying the sensitive lines identified in the primary screen.
`·c a sepa­
`The rationale, evolution and current status of this ex­
`:d: The fee
`orting Ser·
`perimental screening approach are described elsewhere (1-3).
`An element critical to the design of this «disease-oriented»
`Correspondence to: Sherman F. Stinson, Ph.D., National Insti­
`(2)screening model is the composition of the cell line panels.
`ty for the
`tute, Building 1052, Room 121, Frederick, MD 21702-1201,
`Tumor types from �hich the lines were derived should be
`or for the
`,g herein.
`representative of well-defined human tumor classifications,
`and individual cell lines must faithfully reflect appropriate
`Key Words: Human tumor cell lines, characterization, im­
`biological properties of the tumor of origin. To determine if
`munocytochemistry, electron microscopy.
`0250-7005/92 $2.00+.40


`ANTICANCER RESEARCH 12: 1035-1054 (1992)
`these minimal criteria were met among lines initially available
`to us, and to aid in the selection of the most appropriate lines
`for interim use in a pilot screening panel, in-depth character(cid:173)
`ization of candidate lines was conducted to define various
`biologic and pharmacologic traits, and to determine their
`suitability for use under assay conditions ( 4-5).
`As a part of the above essential cell line characterization,
`detailed morphological and immunocytochemical evaluations
`also were performed. There were two major objectives of
`these evaluations. The first was to define the baseline charac(cid:173)
`teristics of the individual cell lines, to confirm their tissues of
`origin, tumor type and degree of differentiation, and to relate
`certain biological properties to those attributed to tumors of
`similar histologic origin. These are described in the present
`manuscript. The second was to define features of the cell lines
`of importance in interpreting drug responses. Some of these
`features being analyzed include multidrug resistance as well
`as other
`to drug
`topoisomerases, protein kinase C, tubulin, glutathione-S(cid:173)
`transferase, etc.), growth factor receptor expression, and
`oncogene expression. These studies are in progress and will
`be reported in a later publication. The use of the current
`panel of 60 lines in a pilot-scale antitumor screen is described
`in detail in a separate paper (5). The panel, characterized in
`detail herein, was adopted by NCI for routine screening
`operations starting in 1990 (2-3).
`Materials and Methods
`Ce/I lines and cell line cultivation. The sources of the majority of the cell
`lines used in this study have been previously reported (4). Sources of the
`remaining lines arc given in Table I. Cultivation of the lines, cryop(cid:173)
`rcscrvation and quality assurance procedures are described in detail
`elsewhere ( 4,5). All cell lines were adapted to RPM! 1640 cultufe medium
`supplemented with 5% fetai" bovine serum (heat-inactivated) and 2mM
`L-glutamine. The cultivation of human tumor cell lines under standar(cid:173)
`dized culture conditions permits comparison of morphological and im(cid:173)
`munocytochcmical features, as well as growth and drug sensitivities
`among tumor cell types.
`When possible, cell lines were also established and grown as xenog(cid:173)
`rafts in nude mice, by conventional techniqLes (15). Xenografts were
`derived by implanation of freshly thawed cell stocks, or in some cases, by
`injection of cells harvested from logarithmic growth phase cultures into
`athymic NCr-nu mice (Animal Production Area, National Cancer Insti(cid:173)
`tute, FCRDC, Frederick, MD or Taconic, Inc, Germantown, NY).
`Xcnografts of cell lines were grown subcutaneously, with the exception of
`OVCAR-3 which was cultivated intraperitoneally.
`fmmunocytochemical assays of solid tumor cell lines. The anti-human
`antibodies used to characterized solid tumor cell lines, together with their
`reported antigenic specificities, working dilutions, and sources, are
`summarized in Table II. Optimal dilutions of antibodies were determined
`by titration assay against known positive and negative control samples.
`, When flask cultures were 70-90% confluent, cells were harvested with
`.a cell scraper (Costar, Cambridge, MA). Cytology specimens were
`prepared on glass slides using a Cytospin 2 cytoccntrifuge (Shandon,
`Pittsburg, PA) operated at 750 rpm for three minutes, or by application to
`Teflon coated slides containing multiple uncoated assay wells (Ccl-line
`Assoc., Inc. , Newfield, NJ). Immunostaining was performed on air-dried,
`unfixed specimens (for cell surface antigens) or on specimens fixed in
`acetone at -70°C for 1 minute (for intracellular antigens), with commer-
`Table I. Sources oj selected screening panel cell lines.
`cell line
`Reference Contributor ( Original source)
`Colon adenoca.
`Lung adenoca.
`Lung-Lg. cell ca.
`Renal carcinoma
`P.L. Kornblith
`M.L. Rosenblum, Univ. of California
`ATCC (D. L. Dexter, Roger Williams General
`I.J. Fidler, Univ. of Texas M.D. Anderson
`Hospital and Tumor Institute
`I.J. Fidler , Univ. of Texas M.D. Anderson
`Hospital and Tumor Institute
`M. Liu, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of
`M. Liu, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of
`M. Liu, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of
`H.-H. Fiebig, Univ. ofFreiburg, West
`D.H. Kern, John Wayne Cancer Clinic, UCLA
`School of Meidicine
`D.H. Kern, John Wayne CancerClinie, UCLA
`School of Meidicine
`A. Leibovitz, University of Arizona
`A . Leibovitz, University of Arizona
`S.M. Schmid , Southern Research Inst. (T.F.
`Hogan, Middleton Memorial VA Hospital
`R .V. Clayman, Washington Univ. School of
`R.D. Williams, University of Iowa
`W.J. Urba, Program Resources, Inc.
`"Developed under contract by Program Resources, Inc., from human,
`tumorxenografts contributed by H .-H. Fiebig, University ofFreiburg,
`West Germany
`I I
`J l l I )


`;, UCLA
`100l of
`Stinson et al: Characterization of Human Tumor Cell Lines
`Table II. Antibodies used for solid tumor cell line characterization.
`Immunizing agent/
`Intermediate filaments
`lgG 1
`lgG 1
`lgG 1
`Rabbi t-ser.
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`DuPont (Boston, MA)
`DuPont (Boston, MA)
`DuPont(Boston, MA)
`DuPont (Boston, MA)
`Centocor (Malvern, PA)
`Centocor(Malvern, PA)
`Signet (Dedham, MA)
`Signet (Dedham, MA)
`Signet (Dedham, MA)
`Signet (Dedham , MA)
`Signet (Dedham, MA)
`Signet (Dedham, MA)
`Sanbio bv (Uden, Neth)
`Sanbio bv (Uden, Neth)
`ICN (Lisle, IL)
`CRL(Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL(Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL(Cambridge , MA)
`CRL(Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`CRL (Cambridge, MA)
`ICN (Lisle, IL)
`ICN (Lisle,.IL)
`ICN (Lisle, IL)
`ICN (Lisle, IL)
`I Designation
`• I
`Type I acidic keratins
`Type II basic keratins
`Vi men tin 57 Kd
`Neurofilament 70 & 200 Kd
`Adenocarcinoma associated surface antigens
`Carcinoembryonic Antigen
`Cell line MCF7
`, CelllineA-549(GP67-98)
`Mammary Carcinoma (T AG-72)
`Cell line OVCAR-3
`Cell line SW1116
`Melanoma associated antigens
`B5 .2
`S-100 protein
`Cell line SK-MEL-28
`Cell line SK-MEL-93
`Cell line SK-MEL-37
`Cell line SK-MEL-33 '
`Cell line SK-MEL-23
`Neuroendocrine associated antigens
`SCLC0 cells
`SCLC membrane prep.
`Bovine brain gig homodimer (90 kd)
`Urinary tract associated antigens
`Cell line 253-J
`Cell line SK-RC-7
`Cell line SK-RC-7
`Kidney epithelium (GP 140)
`Cell line T-43
`Cell line T-24
`Muscle associated antigens
`Desmin (porcine stomach)
`Human skeletal myoglobin
`Skeletal muscle myosin
`Actin ( chicken gizzard)
`"Abbreviations: asc. = ascites fluid; sup. = hybridomasupernatant ; ser. = whole serum bGlial fibrillary acidic protein; <Epidermal growth factor
`receptor; dParentheses enclose antigen characterization infordiation, e.g. glycoprotein, 170 kd; •small cell lung cancer; 1Neuron specificenolase;
`8Transitional cell carcinoma . .


`ANTICANCER RESEARCH 12: 1035-1054 (1992)
`Table Ill. Expression of intermediate filaments.
`Lung-Ad Ca
`Lung-Lg cell
`Lung-Sm . cell
`Cell line
`OMS 114
`OMS 273
`· o
`95 ++
`50 ++
`100+ +
`100+ +
`100+ +
`100+ +
`100+ +
`cially available kits using the peroxidase anti-peroxidase technique (Sig-
`net Laboratories, Inc., D edham, MA) the avidin-biotin complex method
`(Vector Labora tories, Inc. , Burlingame, CA), or alkaline phosphatase
`methods (BIO/CAN Scientific, Portland , ME). The three techniques
`gave comparab le results. Negative controls co nsisting of isolypic im-
`munoglobulin or ascitic fluid at a similar protein concentration to the
`primary rmtibody were run for each smnplc . '!ides were prepared from 11
`nlinirnum of 2 cparatc cultures for each ecll linc . Microscopicall}',,lhrcc
`separate fie lds, each consL ting of approximmcly 100 cells. were selected
`randomly from c.ich slide , und the percentage of po itivcly. mince.I ;ells
`was cou nted. In 11ddi1io n, the relative , l:lli ning intensity was qunlin11ivcly
`assessed on a .calc of + 10 +:t-+, with + rcprcscnling,dctcctablc swinin&·
`~ I and++
`i frorn an
`al! field:
`formed ,


`Stinson et al: Characterization of Hum an Tumor Cell Lines
`Table IV. Expression of adenocarcinoma associated antigents.
`Cell line
`· NCI-H522
`DMS 114
`DMS 273
`0 .
`· 0
`60+ + +
`Lung-Ad Ca
`Lung-Lg cell
`Lung-Sm. cell
`from a
`1, three
`. elected
`ed cells
`tativel y
`•' I and++ strong and++ + very strong staining respectively. Results from
`all fields and slides for each cell line were averaged and rounded to the
`nearest 5%.
`fli.1·10/ogy and hisruchemislry . Histology and histochemistry were per-
`formed on xe_nografts of the cell lines. Tumors (0.5-1.0 cm) were removed
`• frmn ~nimals, fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and cmbcddc\J in
`paraffin. Five µm thick sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin ,
`alcian blue-PAS (for differentiation of mueopolysaecharides), Kreyberg
`stain (for keratin), Lilic stain (for melanin), and Bodian stain (for
`argyrophilic substances) .
`Electron microscopy. Ultrastructural examination was performed on solid
`tumor cell lines grown in monolayer culture and on xcnografts of cell


`ANTICANCER RESEARCH 12: 10~5-1054 (1992)
`Table V. Expression of melanoma associated antigens.
`Lung-Ad Ca
`Lung-Lg cell
`Lung-Sm. cell
`' Kidney
`Cell line
`DMS 114
`DMS 273
`lines. For in vitro lines, cells were scraped from culture vessels after the
`monolaycr had reached 70-90% conOuency. The cell were edlmcntcd
`into pellets· by centrifugation O.l approximately 200 x g for 10 minutes,
`and fixed in .1,25% glu1araldehydc in 0.1 M cucodylatc buffer (pH = 7.2)
`for I hour. For .xenografts, several piece of ti sue ranging in diameter
`from 0.5 to 'I mm were cut from non-necrotic areas and lixcd for 24 hours
`in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer. Cell pellets and tissue
`pieces were post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in graded solu-
`lions of ethanol and embedded in Epon 812 resin (Fluka AG, Ducks,
`wit:zcrland). Uitrathin sections were 1aincd with uranyl acetate und l~ 3d
`citrate and examined with a JEOL JEM- IOO X c.lectron. microscope using
`an accelerating voltage of 60 KV.
`Flow cytometry of le11kemia and lymphoma cel/ li11e.s. Phcnotypic clmruc-
`rcrization of the cell liaes K-562, MOLT-4, HL-60, CCR f'-CEM, · RP~l
`8226 and SR were conducted by flow cytometry . Cells were uspen led 10
`for C


`Lung-Ad Ca
`Lung-Lg cell
`Lung-Sm. cell
`Table VJ. Erpre.ssim1 of neuroendocrine associated a111rge11s.
`Cell line
`OMS 114
`OMS 273
`Stinson et al: Characterization of Human Tumor Cell Lines
`MOC 1
`95++ +
`80+ ++
`obtained from Becton-Dickinson lmmunocy lometry Systems (Mountain
`phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing 2% heat-inactivated pooled
`View, CA). FITC-conjugated anti-CD?, CD116, CD29 and CD45RA
`human AB serum for 5 minutes to block Fe receptors or in PBS-2% BSA
`for CD16 (Fe receptor III) staining. Fluorescein (FITC)-conjugatcd were obtained from Coulter Corporation (Hialeah, FL) . FITC-conju-
`gated an tiglycophorin and unconjugated anti-CD18 were obtained from
`antibodies to CO2, CD3, CO4, CDS , CDlO, CD16, CD19, CD25, CD45 ,
`CD57 , and CD71; phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated antibodies to CD8, GcnTrak, Inc. (Plymouth Meeting, PA). Cells incubated with unconju-
`gated primary antibodies were washed and incubated with fluorescein-
`CD14, CD23, CO33, CD38, CD56 and HLA-OR; and uneonjugated
`conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Tago, Inc. , Burlingame, CA). Stained
`antibodies to human IgG, lgM, kappa and lambda light chains were
`- - . ,
`G , Bucks ,
`le and \cad
`.cope using
`pie charac-
`M, RPM!
`spended in


`ANTICANCER RESEARCH 12: 1035-1054 (1992)
`Tabl~ VII. Expression of urinary tract associated antigens.
`Lung-Ad Ca
`Lung-Lg Cell
`Lung-Sm. Cell
`Cell line
`1143 .
`55 ++
`85 ++ +
`75 ++
`100++ + 0
`90+ ++
`100++ + 0
`DMS 114
`DMS 273
`JOO+++ 0
`MALME-3M 90+++
`15+ +
`55+ +
`55+ +
`55 ++ +
`45 ++
`100+++ 0
`50+ +
`85 ++ +
`s +
`80++ +
`50+ +
`· 80+
`95 + +
`65 + +
`25 ++
`95 ++
`95 ++
`cells were washed in protein-free phosphate buffered saline, fixed with
`buffered I% paraformaldehyde and stored in the dark at 4°C overnight
`prior to analys is. Flow cytomctric analysis of cells was performed on a
`Coulter Profile flow cytometer (Hialeah, FL) with 4 decade log amplifica-
`Viable cell. ·were bitmap guted bn cd on light ·cnttcr (Qr nnalysi . . Two
`color immunolluore cent
`·mnplcs were co1Tcetcd for spectral overlap
`using color compensation . The photomultiplier tube (PMT) vollogc u cd
`t nnalyzc fluorescence si lt1ols was adjusted for cilch ccll lin bas~ on the
`intensity of autofluorcs nee obtained on nuorcsccntly labelled
`Cell I


`Stinson et al: Characterization of Human Tumor Cell Lines
`Table VIII. Selected ultrastructura/ features of cell lin~s cultivated in mono/ayer culture and as xenografls in nude mice.
`Cell line
`in vitro
`in vivod
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivod
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivod
`in vitro
`in vivod
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`+ ++fp
`+ ds,za
`++ ds
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivod
`in vitro
`in vivod
`in vitro
`in vivod
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`in vitro
`in vivo
`lysis. Two
`,I overlap
`ltage used
`scs on the
`:I subclass
`++ ds,za

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