Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 1 of 470 PageID #: 2206
` - VOLUME 2 -
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`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`NO. 15-474 (RGA)
` - - -
`Wilmington, Delaware
`Thursday, September 14, 2017
`8:30 o'clock, a.m.
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 2 of 470 PageID #: 2207
`APPEARANCES (Continued):
` (New York, New York)
`Counsel for Plaintiffs
` (New York, New York)
` Counsel for Defendant
`- -
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 3 of 470 PageID #: 2208
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`(Proceedings commenced in the
`courtroom beginning at 8:30 a.m.)
`THE COURT: All right. Good
`morning. Everyone, please be seated.
`Dr. Cho, wherever you are.
`MS. JACOBSEN: Good morning, your
`Honor. We have cross-examination booklets for
`the Court and for the witness.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MS. JACOBSEN: May we approach?
`(Binders handed to the Court and
`to the witness.)
`having previously been duly sworn as a
`witnesses, was examined and testified as
`follows ...
`Good morning, Dr. Cho.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 4 of 470 PageID #: 2209
`Cho - cross
`Dr. Cho, as of February 2001,
`there was a need for new treatments for advanced
`RCC; is that right?
`Yes, I would agree with that
`And you agree that attempts to use
`cytotoxic chemotherapy to treat advanced RCC had
`failed prior to 2001; is that right?
`I don't actually know what the
`word "failed" means. There were responses seen
`to different cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens. I
`think the sense in the field was it was not
`And attempts to use hormonal
`therapy to treat advanced RCC had been
`unsuccessful prior to February 2001; is that
`All right. And I would like to
`discuss your definition of a POSA, so let's have
`a look at your slide No. 6, and we've added some
`Now, in your opinion, a POSA would
`Yes, hormonal therapy had not been
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 5 of 470 PageID #: 2210
`Cho - cross
`have had experience conducting preclinical,
`clinical and/or laboratory research relating,
`among other things, to rapamycin and its
`analogs. Right, Dr. Cho?
`That is correct.
`And the only class of drugs you
`identified in your POSA definition was rapamycin
`and its analogs; is that right?
`Yes, in the context of this
`definition, what we're referring to as this
`amongst other things as an example.
`Right. But that's the only
`example you provided in your definition of a
`POSA; right?
`Yes, that's the only example we
`Several novel classes of therapies
`were being developed for cancer therapy in
`February 2001; right?
`Yes, several classes were being
`And more specifically, many
`approaches were being considered to find new
`treatments for advanced RCC in February 2001;
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 6 of 470 PageID #: 2211
`Cho - cross
`Yes, I would agree with that.
`And you also agree that a POSA in
`February of 2001 would not have only considered
`mTOR inhibitors as a potential treatment for
`advanced RCC; right?
`No, I would agree that a POSA
`would not have only considered mTOR inhibitors.
`So let's have a look at your slide
`number 13, titled scope of the prior art.
`Now, you discussed the development
`of mTOR inhibitors, but I would like to talk
`about some of the other potential approaches to
`the treatment of advanced RCC that were in
`clinical trials as of February 2001, Dr. Cho.
`Now, in February of 2001,
`immunotherapy was one approach being researched
`to find new treatments for advanced RCC; is that
`Yes, that was one active area of
`And in your direct, you did not
`describe the state of the art as of
`February 2001 with respect to the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 7 of 470 PageID #: 2212
`Cho - cross
`immunotherapies that were in development for the
`treatment of advanced RCC, did you?
`So while I did not go into an
`in-depth description of the state of the art of
`the immunotherapy, the presentation format I
`chose was actually as a summary of my opinions,
`and my opinions were derived by --
`I'm not asking for different
`opinions. I'm asking about what you did on your
`direct, Dr. Cho.
`And in your direct, you did not
`describe the state of the art as of
`February 2001 with respect to the
`immunotherapies that were in development for the
`treatment of advanced RCC; right?
`Yes. While I did not --
`Okay. Thank you, Dr. Cho.
`So you didn't discuss
`immunotherapy with tumor infiltrating
`lymphocytes in the treatment of advanced RCC,
`did you?
`No, I did not discuss that in my
`direct examination.
`And you also didn't discuss
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 8 of 470 PageID #: 2213
`Cho - cross
`immunotherapy with lymphokine activated killer
`cells in your treatment, sorry. You did
`not discuss immunotherapy with lymphokine
`activated killer cells for the treatment of
`advanced RCC?
`Although I did not discuss that
`specifically and other mechanisms, that does
`not actually affect my opinion as to whether an
`mTOR path inhibitor would have been obvious for
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`And you also didn't discuss
`immunotherapy with tumor cell vaccines in
`the treatment of advanced RCC, did you,
`Dr. Cho?
`No, I did not discuss
`immunotherapy vaccines.
`Okay. And you didn't compare what
`was known about the immunotherapies that were in
`development to treat advanced RCC with what was
`known about everolimus as of February 2001, did
`No, a comparison such as that
`would not have affected my obviousness opinion.
`All right. But you didn't do that


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 9 of 470 PageID #: 2214
`Cho - cross
`comparison in your direct testimony?
`I did not do that in my direct
`testimony, particularly because I didn't think
`it was relevant.
`All right. So let's talk about
`another approach in development for advanced
`RCC. Agents targeting growth factors and
`intracellular signaling pathways.
`And if we can have here, this is
`the slide from the Adjei 2000 reference. And
`you agree this is a schematic representation of
`some of the important intracellular signaling
`pathways involved in cancer cell proliferation;
`is that correct?
`Yes, I would agree with that
`And this does not show all of the
`intracellular signaling pathways involved in
`cancer cell proliferation that were known as of
`February 2001, does it, Dr. Cho?
`No. It would be difficult to fit
`all of that into one figure.
`And this also doesn't depict all
`of the components of each of the intracellular
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 10 of 470 PageID #: 2215
`Cho - cross
`signaling pathways that were involved in cancer
`cell proliferation, does it?
`No, this figure does not depict
`every single element of every single pathway.
`So, Dr. Cho, hormones, growth
`factors and cytokines are all molecules that
`regulate the proliferation of cells through
`intracellular signaling pathways; is that right?
`I think that's a little bit
`oversimplified, but in principle, I would agree
`with that.
`And as of February 2001, it was
`known that there were many types of growth
`factors involved in cell proliferation; is that
`Yes, there were many types of
`growth factors that were involved with cell
`And the mTOR pathway was not the
`only pathway involved in growth factor signaling
`at that time; right?
`While the mTOR pathway was not the
`only factor implicated in growth factor
`regulation, I'm sorry, growth regulation, it was
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 11 of 470 PageID #: 2216
`Cho - cross
`the only pathway that was obvious based on the
`molecular biology of renal cell carcinoma.
`Well, Dr. Cho, you agree that
`agents that targeted the ras map kinase pathway
`that we've highlighted here on the slide were
`being investigated in February of 2001 for the
`treatment of advanced RCC; is that correct?
`Yes. While those agents were
`being developed, they again, this pathway was
`not clearly linked to the fundamental biology of
`RCC, which we disclosed yesterday is the VHL
`mutation, which leads to HIF overexpression.
`But agents targeting that pathway
`were in development for advanced RCC as of
`February 2001; is that correct?
`Yes, they were in development.
`And in connection with your
`obviousness opinions, you did not discuss the
`state of the art with respect to the ras map
`kinase pathway; is that correct?
`As I just answered, this pathway
`was not central to the biology of RCC.
`Therefore, we didn't discuss this pathway.
`You didn't discuss any prior art
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 12 of 470 PageID #: 2217
`Cho - cross
`relating to this pathway; is that correct?
`No, we did not discuss any prior
`art relating specifically to this pathway,
`although it was encompassed within the prior art
`we reviewed.
`And you didn't compare what was
`known about the mTOR pathway with what was known
`about the other intracellular signaling pathways
`as of February 2001. You didn't do that
`comparison, did you?
`I'm sorry. I don't know how you
`compare a pathway to each other.
`I'm asking you, you didn't do a
`comparison about what was known in the art about
`the mTOR pathway with what was known in the art
`about other intracellular signaling pathways,
`did you, Dr. Cho?
`Well, to the extent that I
`identified the mTOR pathway as the most -- I'm
`sorry, the VHL/HIF/VEGF pathway as the most
`critical pathway to the molecular biology of
`RCC, hence leading me to the relevance of the
`mTOR pathway, I believe that's a comparison of
`the relevance of various signaling pathways.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 13 of 470 PageID #: 2218
`Cho - cross
`Dr. Cho, you didn't discuss what
`was known about any of the other signaling
`pathways; is that correct?
`I did not discuss that in my
`direct, no.
`Now, if we have a look at Adjei
`2000 and this time Figure 2, that's on page 368.
`The legend of Figure 2 shows that this is a
`simplified schematic of intracellular signaling
`pathways with an indication of the molecules to
`which clinical agents were targeted; right?
`Yes, this does note three separate
`signaling pathways and a few drugs that target
`those elements.
`And this figure depicts that there
`were multiple places in the intracellular
`signaling pathways that different agents were
`targeted towards; is that right?
`Yes. This figure does illustrate
`that there are -- the drugs act at different
`points along the signaling pathway.
`And for instance, this figure
`shows at the top RTK. That's a reference to
`receptor tyrosine kinase; right?
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 14 of 470 PageID #: 2219
`Cho - cross
`That's correct.
`And number one at the bottom here
`identified different agents that targeted the
`receptor tyrosine kinase.
`That's correct.
`And then number 6 here, that's
`CCI-779, that's temsirolimus; right?
`Yes, that is temsirolimus.
`And this figure shows temsirolimus
`targeting a downstream component of the
`PI3/AKT/mTOR pathway; is that correct?
`By downstream target, you mean
`mTOR, that's correct.
`And mTOR is downstream of the P13K
`and Akt components of that pathway?
`That's correct.
`And downstream of the receptor
`tyrosine kinase as well?
`Yes, it is.
`A POSA would have been aware of
`the hypothesis that disrupting an upstream
`component in a pathway may be more effective or
`at least silence more intracellular signaling
`pathways than disrupting a downstream one; is
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 15 of 470 PageID #: 2220
`Cho - cross
`that right?
`While a POSA would have been aware
`of that hypothesis, inasmuch as a POSA believes
`that the mTOR pathway is critical, the PI3, a
`POSA would also have been aware that there were
`not any drugs that inhibited PI3 or P13K.
`Moreover, none of the data with respect to
`tyrosine kinase inhibitors or growth factors has
`shown any ability to inhibit HIF expression
`which was shown directly shown by the mTOR
`You didn't discuss in your direct
`any prior art relating to PI3K or Akt or
`I did not as they were not in
`clinical development.
`You agree the targeting of an
`upstream component like the receptor tyrosine
`kinase, targeting an upstream component of a
`pathway would include inhibiting the receptor or
`the receptor tyrosine kinase?
`That concept would include that.
`That, however, would be limited by the fact that
`many different receptor tyrosine kinases can
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 16 of 470 PageID #: 2221
`Cho - cross
`signal to the same pathway, so it is known that
`if you inhibit one receptor tyrosine kinase, you
`may not actually inhibit the entire
`intracellular pathway.
`All right. But in connection with
`your obviousness opinions, you didn't discuss
`the state of the art as of February 2001 with
`respect to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors,
`did you, Dr. Cho?
`No, we did not.
`You didn't compare what was known
`about receptor tyrosine inhibitors in
`development to treat advanced RCC with what was
`known about everolimus as of February 2001; is
`that correct?
`Again, it's difficult for me to
`understand what you mean by compare the pathway.
`You didn't compare what was known
`about the receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in
`development to treat advanced RCC with what was
`known about everolimus as of February 2001. You
`didn't do that comparison, did you, Dr. Cho?
`Well, I actually don't know how
`you can do a comparison like that. We were led
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 17 of 470 PageID #: 2222
`Cho - cross
`to --
`Dr. Cho, I'm asking: You didn't
`do that comparison?
`MR. COTTLER: Objection.
`THE COURT: He either did or he
`didn't and he said he didn't.
`THE COURT: So let's move on.
`MS. JACOBSEN: Let's move on.
`All right. So let's discuss what
`was known about everolimus as of February 2001.
`Now, this is your slide 19, and in
`the first bullet you state that everolimus was
`described as useful as an immunosuppressant and
`antitumor agent. But as of February 2001, Dr.
`Cho, there was no clinical data on the antitumor
`activity of everolimus; right?
`That is correct. We are deriving
`that statement from the -- from what is taught
`by the '973 and '772 patents.
`All right. But there was no
`clinical data on the antitumor activity of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 18 of 470 PageID #: 2223
`Cho - cross
`everolimus in the prior art; is that correct?
`Yes. As I said in my direct,
`there was no clinical data towards that effect.
`All right. And the only
`everolimus clinical data that you relied on was
`from Phase I dosing studies in transplant
`patients; right?
`The only clinical data that was
`available was in the transplant setting
`indicating the safety, which is how we used that
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`And as of February 2001,
`everolimus had not even shown preclinical
`activity against any model of RCC?
`That -- that type of data was not
`disclosed in the prior art.
`Okay. So turning to the other
`mTOR inhibitors that were known as of
`February 2001, as of February 2001, no mTOR
`inhibitor had been FDA approved to treat any
`type of cancer; right?
`Yes. As of February 2001, no mTOR
`inhibitor had been FDA approved for any cancer.
`And if we focus on rapamycin, as


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 19 of 470 PageID #: 2224
`Cho - cross
`of February 2001, there was also no clinical
`data on the antitumor activity of rapamycin;
`As of 2001, there was no clinical
`data on the antitumor activity of rapamycin.
`And in preclinical testing,
`rapamycin had not been shown to have activity in
`any RCC models; is that correct?
`There was no data specifically
`about rapamycin and RCC models.
`All right. May we have a look at
`Sekulic’ 2000. That's JTX-27. And on page
`3512, this reference states, "Clearly,
`additional experiments are required to establish
`the relationship between deregulated PI3K-Akt
`activity and rapamycin sensitivity in human
`cancer cells."
`Do you see that, Dr. Cho?
`I do see the sentence, yes.
`Okay. And PI3K and Akt are
`components of the larger PI3K, Akt, mTOR
`signaling pathway; right?
`Yes, it is.
`And this reference goes on to say,
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 20 of 470 PageID #: 2225
`Cho - cross
`"If this hypothesis proves correct."
`Do you see that?
`I do not see that on this -- oh,
`We've added the highlighting, so
`it says, "If this hypothesis proves correct."
`Yes, I do see that.
`All right. So this paper states
`that whether deregulation of the PI3K, Akt, mTOR
`pathway leads to rapamycin sensitivity in human
`cancer cells was a hypothesis; right, Dr. Cho?
`While that is the hypothesis
`they're discussing, I would notice several
`points here. One is that is not a hypothesis we
`used to actually make our obviousness argument.
`What they are expressing in this paper in the
`context of this overall manuscript is a study
`showing whether or not molecular alterations
`which caused constitutive PI3 kinase, and by
`constitutive I mean baseline PI3, or mTOR
`pathway hyperactivation can predict whether or
`not those tumors would be sensitive to drugs
`targeting that pathway.
`In renal cell carcinoma, we've
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 21 of 470 PageID #: 2226
`Cho - cross
`never made the argument that this pathway is
`hyperactive. We have only made the argument
`that the VHL pathway is hyperactive. Therefore,
`our obviousness argument does not depend upon
`this pathway being hyperactive.
`So this really is an entirely
`separate hypothesis scientifically.
`But you agree that this was a
`hypothesis as of February 2001?
`Yes, and this is, as we discussed
`in my direct, which is actually the basis upon
`which we believe Hidalgo, I'm sorry, I believe
`that Hidalgo makes the statement that this is a
`developmental challenge, because they're trying
`to develop predictive biomarkers.
`Now, Dr. Cho, you contend that
`claims 1 to 3 of the '131 patent are obvious
`over the '772 patent in view of Hidalgo,
`Hutchison -- sorry, Hidalgo 2000, Hutchinson
`2000, and the '973 patent, and the '772 patent.
`MS. JACOBSEN: You can take this
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Okay. So let's take those


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 22 of 470 PageID #: 2227
`Cho - cross
`references in turn, starting with the '772
`patent. Okay.
`You agree that the '772 patent
`does not contain any preclinical or clinical
`data demonstrating an antitumor effect of
`everolimus; is that correct?
`Yes, I would agree that this shows
`no preclinical or clinical data.
`Okay. And you do not contend that
`the '772 patent contains any suggestion that
`everolimus would be effective for the treatment
`of RCC, do you?
`Inasmuch as RCC is a tumor, this
`patent does state that everolimus and other
`related compounds would be, it could be, will be
`useful for the treatment of tumors.
`You do not contend that the '772
`patent contains any suggestion that everolimus
`would be effective for the treatment of RCC, do
`you, Dr. Cho?
`Well, I mean, in terms -- if you
`are using the word suggestion, and a POSA knows
`that this is an orally available mTOR inhibitor
`and believes that mTOR inhibitors will be
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 23 of 470 PageID #: 2228
`Cho - cross
`effective against cancer, I believe this does
`suggest that.
`Okay. Dr. Cho, you recall being
`deposed in this case?
`I do.
`You have a copy of your deposition
`transcript in front of you? Can you turn to
`page 297, line 16 to 21.
`I don't think I have a copy.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`MS. JACOBSEN: May I approach?
`So, Dr. Cho, at page 297, Lines 16
`to 21, you were asked the question:
`"You don't contend that the '772
`patent contains any suggestion that everolimus
`would be effective for the treatment of RCC,
`And the answer you gave was:
`"I do not make that contention."
`Was that question you were asked
`and the answer you gave --
`MR. COTTLER: Objection.


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 24 of 470 PageID #: 2229
`Cho - cross
`-- in your deposition?
`MR. COTTLER: Objection, your
`This is not the same question that
`counsel has asked the witness.
`THE COURT: All right.
`Well, overruled.
`THE WITNESS: This is what I said.
`You can put your deposition away,
`Dr. Cho.
`And yesterday you pointed the
`Court to Column 2, Lines 56 to 62 of the '772
`patent. I just want to look at what this says.
`Line 35 says, "The novel compound
`for an immunosuppressive use are preferably
`everolimus," correct?
`Yes, that is what it says here.
`And you didn't note that it said
`immunosuppressive use, did you, yesterday, Dr.
`No, I did not.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 25 of 470 PageID #: 2230
`Cho - cross
`Now, I would like to discuss the
`'973 patent.
`You agree that the '973 patent
`does not contain any preclinical or clinical
`data demonstrating any antitumor effect of
`everolimus, right?
`Yes, I would agree with that.
`And you do not contend that the
`'772 -- sorry -- the '973 patent contains any
`suggestion that everolimus would be effective
`for the treatment of RCC, right?
`No, I did not make that
`So let's discuss Hutchinson 2000
`Now, Hutchinson 2000 does not
`mention everolimus at all, does it?
`No, everolimus is not mentioned in
`So this is a half-page article
`from the Lancet under the heading News Desk,
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 26 of 470 PageID #: 2231
`Cho - cross
`That's correct.
`And it was not formally peer
`reviewed, right?
`This was not peered review in this
`instance, no.
`And this half-page article
`summarizes preliminary results from two Phase I
`dose escalation studies for temsirolimus, right?
`Inasmuch as they were not fully
`published, then, yes, that would be true.
`And the primary objective of a
`Phase I clinical study was most typically to
`assess safety and determine the dose of
`experimental therapies, right?
`Well, that is the most common and
`frequently the primary end point. Efficacy end
`points are always included. And their signal of
`efficacy can be determined. Otherwise, they
`would never be included in the conclusions of
`abstracts and manuscripts.
`But you agree, Dr. Cho, that the
`Phase I studies were not powered to demonstrate
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 27 of 470 PageID #: 2232
`Cho - cross
`efficacy, right?
`No, not Phase I studies. They
`were powered to demonstrate efficacy.
`You're saying it is powered to
`It is -- Phase I trials are
`typically not powered to demonstrate efficacy.
`And that's true of the Phase I
`temsirolimus studies as well, correct?
`I'm actually not familiar with how
`they were powered, but I would agree in general
`that Phase I trials are not powered to determine
`Now, the first of the Phase I
`temsirolimus dose escalation studies discussed
`in Hutchinson 2000, took place in France, and it
`was done by the investigator Raymond, right?
`Yes, that is true.
`And this half-page article does
`not tell a POSA the total number of RCC patients
`enrolled on the French Phase I study, correct?
`This does not instruct a POSA
`about the total number of RCC patients in this
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 28 of 470 PageID #: 2233
`Cho - cross
`Okay. And Hutchinson 2000, does
`not tell a POSA whether there were any RCC
`patients with tumor growth during the study,
`does it?
`No, it does not say that.
`Now, the second of the Phase I
`temsirolimus dose escalation studies discussed
`in the Hutchinson 2000 references to a study in
`the U.S., and it was done by the investigator
`Hidalgo, correct?
`That's correct.
`And Hutchinson 2000, also doesn't
`tell a POSA the total number of RCC patients
`enrolled in the U.S. study, right?
`While -- while this does not say
`the total number, a POSA would actually know
`that renal cell carcinoma, would expect that
`renal cell carcinoma would actually be a
`minority of the patient population, because in
`the overall population, renal cell cancer is
`actually a rare tumor.
`That is not discussed in this
`reference, though, is it, Dr. Cho?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 29 of 470 PageID #: 2234
`Cho - cross
`It is not discussed in this
`And weren't an expert in the field
`of RCC in 2001, were you, Dr. Cho?
`I was not an expert in 2001. I'm
`an expert now. And I'm familiar with the
`prevalence of RCC in the advanced tumor
`And this reference does not tell a
`POSA in Hutchinson 2000, does not tell a POSA
`whether RCC patients had tumor growth during the
`U.S study, correct?
`This does not discuss tumor growth
`in this study.
`And you have not disputed that by
`February of 2001, that literature also reported
`the spontaneous regressions were known to occur
`in RCC tumors even without treatment, correct?
`While I have not disputed that, I
`discussed in my direct yesterday that was in a
`very specific clinical scenario.
`Dr. Cho, you did not cite any
`prior art relating to your opinions regarding
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`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 30 of 470 PageID #: 2235
`Cho - cross
`spontaneous regression that you gave yesterday,
`While I did not cite that, I also
`noticed that this was never a concern raised in
`the prior art regarding these studies.
`You weren't practicing in the
`field of RCC in February of February 2001, were
`While I was not practicing in that
`field, I'm very familiar with conduct of
`spontaneous regression. I've treated over a
`thousand patients with RCC, and it's an
`extremely rare phenomenon, limited to a very
`specific clinical scenario, which is not
`relevant to patients treated in this trial.
`That's not in Hutchinson, it's not
`mentioned in Hutchinson, correct?
`This is not mentioned in
`Now, in your direct you noted that
`Hutchinson 2000 says that temsirolimus had
`entered a phase II clinical trial for advanced
`RCC, right?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 31 of 470 PageID #: 2236
`Cho - cross
`That is correct.
`There was no data available as of
`February 2001, for that temsirolimus phase II
`RCC trial, right?
`There was no data available as of
`And a POSA would not assume, on
`the basis of a drug entering phase II testing,
`that it would have a reasonable expectation of
`success, right, Dr. Cho?
`A POSA would not make a
`determination or reasonable suggestion simply
`based in isolation upon whether a drug enters
`phase II. A POSA would consider many other
`All right.
`And you have not disputed that
`between 1990 and 2000, more than 70 percent of
`oncology drugs failed at phase II, correct?
`No, I have not disputed that fact.
`So let's discuss Hutchinson 2000
`That's JTX-14.
`Sorry, Hidalgo 2000 does not
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 32 of 470 PageID #: 2237
`Cho - cross
`mention everolimus at all, does it?
`Everolimus is not mentioned in
`this manuscript.
`And in your direct you noted that
`Hidalgo 2000, discussed preclinical testing of
`rapamycin and temsirolimus in cancer models,
`Yes, I do -- I did discuss that
`And with respect to rapamycin,
`Hidalgo 2000 does not suggest that rapamycin had
`shown any preclinical activity in any RCC
`models, right?
`No, that suggestion is not made in
`this manuscript.
`And just because a compound showed
`tumor regression in a model of one type of
`cancer, does not mean that it would show tumor
`regression in a model of a different type of
`cancer, right?
`No, a POSA would not make that
`And with respect to temsirolimus
`now, Hidalgo 2000 does not mention RCC, among
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


`Case 1:15-cv-00474-RGA Document 98 Filed 12/04/17 Page 33 of 470 PageID #: 2238
`Cho - cross
`the types of tumor cell lines that were most
`sensitive to temsirolimus, correct?
`While Hidalgo 2000 does not
`specifically mention data with RCC, it also does
`not disclose that was even studied in this
`study, nor did we rely on that data for an
`obviousness argument.
`And you agree that there were
`examples in the prior art where preclinic

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