` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` __________________________________________
` Petitioner,
` vs.
` Case No. IPR2017-01592
` Patent No. 8,410,131
` Patent Owner.
` __________________________________________
` : MAY 24, 2018
` : 8:25 A.M.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


` 1
` 2
` 3 The Deposition of DR. HOWARD A. BURRIS, III,
` 4 taken on behalf of the Petitioner, pursuant to Notice
` 5 on May 24, 2018, beginning at approximately 8:25 a.m.
` 6 in the offices of Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute, 1100
` 7 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee, 37203.
` 8 This deposition is taken in accordance with
` 9 the terms and provisions of the Federal Rules of
`10 Civil Procedure. All objections are reserved except
`11 as to form.
`12 The signature of the witness was waived.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


` 2
` For the Petitioner:
` 3
` 4 Attorney at Law
` 5 191 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 3800
` Atlanta, GA 30303
` 6 404.954.5100
` 7
` 8
` For the Patent Owner:
` 9
` Attorneys at Law
` 1290 Avenue of the Americas
`12 New York, NY 10104-3800
` 212.218.2523
`15 Also Present:
`18 Reported By:
` TN Certified Court Reporter
`20 (877) 544-337
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


` 1 DR. HOWARD A. BURRIS, III MAY 29, 2018
` 2 C O N T E N T S
` 3 Stipulations Page 2
` 4
` 5 Appearances Page 3
` 6
` 7 Exhibit Index Page 5
` 8
` 9 Examination by Mr. Evans Page 6
`10 Examination by Ms. Jacobsen Page 249
`12 Certification Page 257
`14 Word Index Page 258
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


` 1 DR. HOWARD A. BURRIS, III MAY 29, 2018
` 2 E X H I B I T S
` 4 1121 Summary of results of 26
` Weckbecker in vivo assay
` 5
` 1122 Reference in the Journal of 106
` 6 Clinical Oncology, volume 26,
` number 10, dated April 1, 2008,
` 7 entitled Phase I Pharmacokinetic
` and Pharmacodynamic Study of the
` 8 Oral Mammalian Target of Rapamycin
` Inhibitor Everolimus in Patients
` 9 with Advanced Solid Tumors
`10 1123 Cover page for meeting of 110
` the 93rd Annual Meeting of the
`11 American Association for Cancer
` Research
` 1124 First page of the Zhu '973 173
`13 patent
`14 1125 Provisional application for 173
` Zhu patent
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`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` D R. H O W A R D A. B U R R I S, III,
` having been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
`Good morning, Dr. Burris. Thank you for
` taking the time to meet with us today. You and I
` have not met before, but I've been thinking about
` you. I've been reading your writings for quite
` some time, so I'm grateful to have the opportunity
` to chat with you. I know that you've done several
` depositions in the past, correct?
`Yes, I have.
`And so you understand the fundamental
` ground rules, correct? In other words, I will ask
` you a question, and then you wait and give your
` counsel an opportunity to object. And unless your
` counsel tells you not to answer, you have to answer
` the question. Do you understand, sir?
`Okay. And I'm going to try to speak
` clearly and ask questions slowly. If you don't
` understand, please ask me to rephrase the question.
`And if you don't ask me to rephrase the
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`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 question, I'll just understand that you understand
` 2 what I'm saying. Is that a fair assumption?
` 3 A. Yes.
` 4 Q. All right. So I have for you -- and this
` 5 is so many documents. I've got a document for you
` 6 and counsel.
` 7 MS. JACOBSEN: Thank you.
` 8 MR. EVANS: And this document is Novartis
` 9 Exhibit 2092. And it's entitled Corrected Expert
`10 Declaration of Dr. Howard A. Burris, III.
`11 And I have another document I'm going
`12 to hand to you, this is Novartis Exhibit 2001,
`13 Expert Declaration of Dr. Howard A. Burris,
`14 III. And we're going to have to refer to
`15 several of these documents.
`16 And I apologize, Jared. I didn't
`17 bring you an extra copy.
`18 MR. STRINGHAM: No worries.
`19 MR. EVANS: And then I have a third
`20 document. This is Breckenridge Exhibit 1010. This
`21 is Dr. Pantuck's declaration. And I'm going to
`22 hand you that copy.
`23 And then I'm going to put those away.
`24 Okay.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 Q. So, Doctor, I've put before you three
` 2 documents. Do you recognize these documents, sir?
` 3 A. Yes, I do.
` 4 Q. Okay. And so these -- the first document,
` 5 which is 2001, the smaller document, you understand
` 6 that that was the first declaration that you
` 7 submitted and corresponds to Novartis's -- the
` 8 preliminary patent owner's response?
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 Q. Or patent owner's preliminary response.
`11 Now, you have a second document there,
`12 2092, that's your corrected declaration. And you
`13 recognize that document. And that was filed in
`14 conjunction with patent owner's response, was filed
`15 early in April, right?
`16 A. Correct.
`17 Q. And of course you recognize Dr. Pantuck's
`18 declaration. And so with that said, I would ask
`19 you to turn to your corrected declaration. And
`20 that's Exhibit 2092. And if you would, please,
`21 sir, turn to paragraph one at page one.
`22 And just for the record, there are Bates
`23 numbers on the lower right-hand corner. This is
`24 Bates number 41 of 218.
`25 So, Doctor, if you would please read
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 paragraph one for the record.
` 2 A. "Challenged claims 1 to 3 and 5 to 9 of US
` 3 patent number 8,410,131 (the ''131 patent') relate
` 4 to methods for inhibiting growth of solid excretory
` 5 system tumors in a subject, consisting of
` 6 administering a therapeutically effective amount of
` 7 everolimus."
` 8 Q. Thank you, sir.
` 9 And so your understanding, then, Doctor,
`10 is that the challenged claims 1 through 3 and 5
`11 through 9 relate to methods for inhibiting growth
`12 of solid excretory tumors in a subject, correct?
`13 A. Correct.
`14 Q. Thank you, sir.
`15 So I am going to hand you another document
`16 which you have considered extensively. This is an
`17 exhibit numbered 1021. A document -- Doctor, do
`18 you recognize this document?
`19 A. Yes, I do.
`20 Q. It may have been also referred to as
`21 Weckbecker. So, Doctor, you realize if you look in
`22 the upper left-hand -- upper right-hand corner,
`23 pardon, this is a PCT document, WO 97/47317.
`24 A. Yes, I do.
`25 Q. Okay. Thank you.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 And you see that it was published on 18
` 2 December, 1997?
` 3 A. Yes, I do.
` 4 Q. Okay. And if you look on the left-hand
` 5 corner, it's an INID code 71, the left-hand margin.
` 6 It says "the applicant"? Do you see where it says
` 7 "Novartis AG"?
` 8 A. Yes, I do.
` 9 Q. Okay. And then 75, you see the inventor
`10 applicant is Weckbecker?
`11 A. Yes, I do.
`12 Q. Okay, sir. Thank you.
`13 And INID code 21 at the top, where it says
`14 "International Application Number PCT/EP97/03036."
`15 Do you see that, Doctor?
`16 A. Yes, I do.
`17 Q. Okay. Thank you.
`18 And you understand from the abstract that
`19 the document here refers to a combination of a
`20 compound of the somatostatin class and a rapamycin
`21 macrolide, and it states, "is useful for the
`22 prevention or treatment of cell
`23 hyperproliferation."
`24 A. Yes, I see that.
`25 Q. Okay. Thank you, sir.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 So if you would, please, I'd like you to
` 2 turn to page 14. And when I refer to page 14, I'm
` 3 referring to the native page number. And it's at
` 4 the top, but it's also the Bates number in the
` 5 lower right-hand corner, page 0016. And you see in
` 6 Section A there it refers to an in vitro assay?
` 7 Do you see that, Doctor?
` 8 A. Yes, I do.
` 9 Q. Okay. Thank you.
`10 And so it refers there to AR42J cell
`11 cultures. Doctor, are you aware what the AR42J
`12 cell cultures, what cancer that represents?
`13 A. If I could, could I go to my report --
`14 Q. Sure. Please.
`15 A. -- and just refresh my memory on this
`16 particular section.
`17 Q. And I will try to assist you. I believe
`18 it's at page 81. Pardon. Page 86. Paragraph 163.
`19 A. Yes, I do. I see that.
`20 Q. Okay.
`21 A. Yes, I do. I see that. Yes.
`22 Q. Okay. And so the question was: Do you
`23 see the AR42J cell cultures?
`24 A. Yes, I do.
`25 Q. Do you understand what type of cell
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 culture that is, sir?
` 2 A. Yes. That's a pancreatic tumor cell.
` 3 Q. Is that a solid tumor, as you understand
` 4 the term?
` 5 A. Yes, it is.
` 6 Q. Okay. It's not a liquid tumor?
` 7 A. No, it's not.
` 8 Q. Okay. So if you look at this experiment
` 9 -- and this experiment kind of runs pages, native
`10 pages 14 through 15 -- and they refer to exposing
`11 these various cell lines, these AR42J solid
`12 pancreatic tumor cell lines, to a certain amount of
`13 either octreotide -- do you see that, sir, the
`14 table on the right?
`15 A. Yes, I do.
`16 Q. Okay. And then there's compound B.
`17 Do you understand what compound B is, sir?
`18 A. Yes, I do.
`19 Q. Okay. So if you refer to -- for the
`20 record, this is at page 12 of Exhibit 1021,
`21 left-hand side. It says a preferred compound is
`22 40-O-(2-hydroxy)ethyl-rapamycin?
`23 A. Yes, I do, sir.
`24 Q. Referred thereafter as compound B?
`25 A. Yes, I do.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 Q. And Dr. Burris, you understand this
` 2 compound to be everolimus?
` 3 A. Yes, I do.
` 4 Q. Thank you, sir.
` 5 So if you look at this table here, Doctor,
` 6 you see that an octreotide concentration of 1.2
` 7 nanomolar. The Weckbecker reference describes a
` 8 certain cell growth represented by a delta OD.
` 9 A. Yes, I see that.
`10 Q. And you understand what the OD is?
`11 They're looking at the absorbance difference,
`12 difference in absorbance; do you understand that,
`13 sir?
`14 A. Yes, I do.
`15 Q. Thank you.
`16 And you see that compound B is at 12
`17 nanomolar concentration?
`18 A. Yes, I do.
`19 Q. Okay. And then the reports say cell
`20 growth delta OD percent of 420. And there's
`21 standard error plus or minus 12. And then, of
`22 course, the octreotide is 39 -- 397 plus or minus
`23 60.
`24 So do you see those values, Doctor?
`25 A. Yes, I do see those.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 Q. Okay. And you see that just above that
` 2 they have results for a control. And the cell
` 3 growth delta OD percent is 664 plus or minus 9.
` 4 A. Yes, I do see that.
` 5 Q. Okay. Thank you, sir.
` 6 And so would you agree, then, that this
` 7 data shows that compound B and octreotide both
` 8 inhibit growth of this AR42J solid cancer cell
` 9 line, sir?
`10 MS. JACOBSEN: Object to the form.
`11 Mischaracterizes the document.
`12 A. Well, I think that, as I've written in my
`13 report here, there -- and taken in context from
`14 what's described here, it doesn't clearly show that
`15 with the overlap that there's substantial
`16 inhibition as shown here. I've written on my
`17 report, as in paragraph 165, just beginning at the
`18 beginning, "additionally, Weckbecker tested only
`19 one tumor cell line in both in vitro and in vivo
`20 assays: A pancreatic tumor cell line."
`21 Q. Okay.
`22 A. "I disagree with Dr. Pantuck that
`23 Weckbecker disclosed that everolimus alone,
`24 exhibited in vivo antitumor activity against solid
`25 pancreatic tumors." The results are summarized
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 there below with the tumor volumes and the standard
` 2 error.
` 3 And if you go to the table on the top of
` 4 page 89, one can see that "A POSA would recognize
` 5 there is no statistical difference in tumor volume
` 6 between the control group, which received no drug,
` 7 and the everolimus group. Even taking into
` 8 consideration the fact that the control group data
` 9 was taken at the third week and the other data at
`10 the fourth week, these data would not have
`11 suggested to a POSA that everolimus alone had
`12 antitumor activity against the cell line. And
`13 because this experiment was conducted in vivo in
`14 mice, a POSA would have considered the data more
`15 informative than the in vitro data in Weckbecker."
`16 Q. Thank you, sir. That's a remarkable
`17 answer, but can you answer the question? I was
`18 asking about the in vitro data.
`19 MS. JACOBSEN: Objection to form.
`20 Q. And you realize that what you explained to
`21 me was the in vivo data?
`22 A. Yes.
`23 Q. I was asking about the in vitro data.
`24 If you would please turn to paragraph 168,
`25 page 90 of your report.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 A. Yes.
` 2 Q. And so my question to you, sir, is related
` 3 to your parenthetical on the third and fourth line.
` 4 A. So, "Furthermore, in both the in vitro and
` 5 in vivo assay, the results with everolimus alone
` 6 clearly were inferior compared to the combination
` 7 of everolimus with the somatostatin analog.
` 8 Exhibit 1021, Weckbecker at 15, 16, showing that in
` 9 vitro tumor cell growth was 63.3 percent of the
`10 control with everolimus alone and 15.6 percent of
`11 the control with everolimus in combination with
`12 octreotide, and showing that in vivo the tumor
`13 volume after treatment with everolimus alone was
`14 3,685, plus or minus 263 cubic millimeters. While
`15 the combination of everolimus and octreotide --"
`16 Q. Thank you, sir.
`17 A. "-- resulted in a tumor volume of 130
`18 cubic millimeters plus or minus 75 cubic
`19 millimeters."
`20 Q. Thank you, sir.
`21 So in this passage that you just read, you
`22 stated that tumor cell growth was 63.3 percent of
`23 the control with everolimus alone. Would you agree
`24 with that statement, sir, which relates to the
`25 original question that was outstanding?
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 MS. JACOBSEN: Objection to form.
` 2 A. I agree with that statement that I read
` 3 there, yes.
` 4 Q. Okay. Thank you, sir.
` 5 So let's go back to page 15 of the
` 6 Weckbecker reference.
` 7 A. Okay.
` 8 Q. And do you see the in vitro results,
` 9 octreotide plus compound B?
`10 A. Yes.
`11 Q. And do you see, sir, that the
`12 concentrations of octreotide and compound B are at
`13 1.2 and 12 nanomolar respectively?
`14 A. Yes, I do.
`15 Q. And do you see that the cell growth delta
`16 OD percent is 103, plus or minus 5 percent, sir?
`17 A. Yes, I do see that.
`18 Q. Thank you.
`19 And if you go up to this top paragraph,
`20 Weckbecker here -- do you see the sentence where it
`21 says "Chou and Talalay," and then it goes on to the
`22 next line, it says, "if the measured cell growth"?
`23 A. If -- correct, I see that sentence.
`24 Q. Okay. Thank you.
`25 And it says, "if the measured cell growth,
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`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 percent of control, is less than to the calculated
` 2 cell growth, this shows evidence for a synergistic
` 3 effect."
` 4 Do you see that, Doctor?
` 5 A. Yes, I do.
` 6 Q. Okay. And if you go to the next
` 7 paragraph, they refer to in this assay -- and I'm
` 8 quoting -- "the following results are obtained with
` 9 octreotide alone, compound B alone, and a
`10 combination of octreotide and compound B."
`11 Do you see that, Doctor?
`12 A. Yes, I do.
`13 Q. And do you see where it says, "the synergy
`14 according to the Webb method is confirmed by using
`15 the Chou-Talalay method"?
`16 A. Yes, I do see that.
`17 Q. So then you would agree that Weckbecker
`18 here states that the combination of everolimus and
`19 octreotide at the stated concentrations against
`20 this in vitro solid pancreatic cell tumor line
`21 exhibits synergy?
`22 MS. JACOBSEN: Objection to form.
`23 A. The data in this chart and the calculated
`24 method utilized demonstrate mathematically that the
`25 two drugs together are better than either drug
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 alone.
` 2 But there's a number of factors that could
` 3 enter in this to why that sort of effect would take
` 4 place.
` 5 Q. Sure. Sure. Understood. Thank you,
` 6 Doctor.
` 7 So in the bottom of the page here, where
` 8 it refers to the in vivo assay --
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 Q. Do you see that, sir?
`11 A. Yes, I do.
`12 Q. So again, Weckbecker is using this same
`13 pancreatic tumor cell line, the AR42J?
`14 A. Yes.
`15 Q. And you see that, if you would please turn
`16 to page 16, where they identify that they inject
`17 the cell lines -- or this cell line, pardon -- into
`18 the female nude mice nu/nu Balbc-A.
`19 Do you see that, sir?
`20 A. Yes, I do see that.
`21 Q. Then it refers to the cages -- they talk
`22 about the experiment. I just want to go through
`23 this with you, sir, to make sure that we're on the
`24 same page.
`25 It says, "the cages are placed in
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`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 ventilated cabinets that are maintained at a
` 2 certain temperature, and the animals have free
` 3 access to drinking water," and it says, "to
` 4 initiate tumors" -- do you see that, sir, from
` 5 cultured cells?
` 6 A. Yes.
` 7 Q. It says, "AR42J cells are trypsinized and
` 8 ten times ten to the sixth tumor cells (in 0.2
` 9 mils) are injected subcutaneously into both flanks
`10 of nude mice."
`11 Do you see that, sir?
`12 A. Yes, I do.
`13 Q. And it says, further, "when tumors have
`14 reached a volume of .03 centimeters cubed, animals
`15 are randomized into control and treatment groups."
`16 And do you understand, sir, that .03
`17 centimeters cubed is 30 millimeters cubed?
`18 A. Yes, I do.
`19 Q. Thank you.
`20 And it says here that "control animals
`21 receive placebo. Animals are treated as indicated
`22 below for three weeks with single agents or the
`23 drug combination."
`24 Do you see that, sir?
`25 A. Yes, I do.
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 Q. And it refers to "the somatostatin analog
` 2 is given as a single injection of a slow release
` 3 form at 30 mg per kilogram subcutaneous."
` 4 Do you see that, sir?
` 5 A. Yes, I do.
` 6 Q. And it further says, "the size of the
` 7 tumors is determined with a caliper. To calculate
` 8 the tumor volume in mils" -- which of course is the
` 9 same thing as cubic centimeters, correct?
`10 A. Correct.
`11 Q. Thank you.
`12 Then, "the equation 'volume" -- and that's
`13 in quotes -- "(ellipsoid) equal length times depth
`14 times height times .52' was used."
`15 And you see that, sir?
`16 A. Yes, I do.
`17 Q. All right. So I apologize for doing that.
`18 I just wanted to make sure that we understood what
`19 type of experiment was performed here.
`20 So we have two different groups: We have
`21 a treatment group and we have a control group.
`22 Correct?
`23 MS. JACOBSEN: Objection to form.
`24 A. Correct.
`25 Q. Okay. And so in the control group they
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`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 receive a placebo, correct?
` 2 A. Correct.
` 3 Q. And then for -- we have four different --
` 4 pardon me, five different experiments that are
` 5 identified as A, which is compound B; B, which is
` 6 rapamycin; C, which is octreotide pamoate.
` 7 Do you see those, sir?
` 8 A. Yes, I do.
` 9 Q. Okay. And so on the next page, or page
`10 17, do you see where it says "compound B plus
`11 octreotide, C." So -- do you see that, sir?
`12 A. Yes, I do.
`13 Q. And do you understand that to be that both
`14 compound B and octreotide pamoate were administered
`15 to the mice that were referred to?
`16 A. Yes, I do.
`17 Q. Thank you, sir.
`18 And then finally, there's a rapamycin plus
`19 octreotide. So you would agree, then, that in both
`20 of these two examples -- meaning the examples at
`21 the top of page 17: The compound B plus
`22 octreotide, and then the rapamycin plus octreotide
`23 -- those are the combination experiments, correct?
`24 A. Yes.
`25 Q. Okay. So then Weckbecker identifies tumor
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`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 volumes, ones that they were measured with the
` 2 caliper. And you see that there is control value
` 3 of 4,020, and then on the right-hand side it has
` 4 SE.
` 5 Do you understand that to be the standard
` 6 error, sir?
` 7 A. Yes, I do.
` 8 Q. Okay. And, Doctor, did you consult with
` 9 Novartis at the time this publication was prepared,
`10 1997?
`11 A. In 1997 I don't believe I had any ongoing
`12 consultation with Novartis.
`13 Q. So prior to this proceeding or -- you
`14 know, let's say prior to 2001, you weren't aware of
`15 this data; would that be a fair assessment, sir?
`16 A. I don't know that I could say that for a
`17 fact. I had done some work with octreotide during
`18 the '90s.
`19 Q. Okay.
`20 A. During the time when Novartis was known as
`21 Sandoz and other companies, before it became known
`22 as Novartis.
`23 Q. Okay.
`24 A. But I don't remember being familiar with
`25 this information.
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`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 Q. Okay. Fair enough. Thank you, sir.
` 2 And so I would refer to your declaration
` 3 again. Let's set Weckbecker aside. And this is on
` 4 page 88. And you've identified what we referred to
` 5 on pages 16, 17, the treatment groups and the
` 6 control groups. And then you've identified the
` 7 tumor volumes in cubic millimeters, and then you've
` 8 identified the standard errors.
` 9 A. Correct.
`10 Q. And I see that you've added here what's
`11 commonly referred to as tumor volume range. And I
`12 don't see that you explained what that means in
`13 your declaration, sir.
`14 Can you please explain what that means?
`15 A. So the tumor volume range is taking the
`16 tumor volume -- for example, the control at 4,020,
`17 and with the standard error ranging at 579 cubic
`18 millimeters, subtracted 579 from 4,020 and added
`19 579 to 4,020 to get the potential range that could
`20 have occurred.
`21 Q. I see. So this range is not in
`22 Weckbecker; this is a range that you calculated and
`23 included in your declaration, correct?
`24 MS. JACOBSEN: Objection. Form.
`25 A. Well, it's -- the data to create this
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`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 table is contained in Weckbecker. One would
` 2 understand that that's how that would be
` 3 calculated.
` 4 Q. Okay. So -- but I don't see that you've,
` 5 in your table here, identified the percent
` 6 shrinkage of the tumors for each of the control
` 7 everolimus group, rapamycin, octreotide, everolimus
` 8 plus octreotide, and rapamycin plus octreotide.
` 9 MS. JACOBSEN: Objection to form.
`10 A. So the -- I just took the data -- directly
`11 extrapolating from the data that was available in
`12 Weckbecker to look at how the standard errors would
`13 affect the tumor volume. And then with the graphic
`14 shown on the top of page 89 demonstrating the
`15 overlapping confidence intervals or standard of
`16 error bars for the various combinations and the
`17 single agents.
`18 Q. And so you actually haven't calculated the
`19 percent shrinkage for each of the treatment groups
`20 from Weckbecker, have you?
`21 MS. JACOBSEN: Objection to form.
`22 A. No, I have not made that calculation.
`23 Q. Okay. Sir, I have.
`24 MR. EVANS: And I would like to mark as
`25 Petitioner's Exhibit 1021 -- I'm going to hand this
`NorthStar Deposition Services
`(877) 544-3377


`Dr. Howard A. Burris, III
` 1 out, and please bear with me while I make sure I
` 2 have the --
` 3 MS. JACOBSEN: What is this being marked,
` 4 1021?
` 5 MR. EVANS: One moment, please. I'm
` 6 looking for the -- sorry, 1121.
` 7 (EXHIBIT NO. 1121, summary of results
` 8 of Weckbecker in vivo assay, was marked for
` 9 identification and attached hereto.)
`10 A. Yes.
`12 Q. Thank you, sir.

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