Experimental Cell Researdl 253, 210-229 (1999)
`• _... .®
`Article I D excr.1g99.4690, available online at on = == It Jt-L -
`The Regulation and IA"ctivities of the ~v~ultifunctional
`SeiinefThieonine Kinase AktfPKB
`Eugene S. Kandel and Nissim Hay'
`Department of Molecular Genetics. University of Illinoisat Chicago, Chicago. IIIinois60607
`The serine/threonine kinaseAkt, or protein kinase 8
`(PKB), has recently been a focusof intense research. It
`appears that .A.ktfPt<.B iies in the crossroads of muiti(cid:173)
`pie cellular signaling pathways and acts as a trans(cid:173)
`ducer of many functions initiated by grov'fth factor
`receptors that activate phosphatidy!inosito! 3-kinase
`(PI3-k:nase).AktlPKB is particularly important in me-
`diating several metabolic actions of insulin Another
`major activity of AktlPKB is to mediate cell survival.
`I n ad d it ion, the r ecen t d i scov er y of the tumor su r p r es(cid:173)
`sor PTE N as an antagon I st of PI 3-k I n ase an d AktlPK B
`kinase activity suggeststhat AktlPKB isa critical fac(cid:173)
`tor in the genesis of cancer Thus. elucidation of the
`mechanisms of AktiPKB reguiation and its physioiog(cid:173)
`i ca i fu n ct ion s sh au i d be imp a rt ant fa r the un d er st and(cid:173)
`ing of cellular metabolism, apoptoslS, and cancer
`© '999 AcauerYliC P, 03&&
`I II 1991 tVIiO independent lines of research converged
`un the discovery of C;I eDNA encoding a novel sel inel
`threonine kinase. One group cloned the ceiiuiar homo(cid:173)
`logue of the v-akt oncogene from a transforming retro(cid:173)
`virus (AKTS) in spontaneous thymoma of the AKR
`rnuuse and its prt .. vJud: \,vf!S cailed o-.A.kt [1,2]. ii'le Same
`cD!'J,i>, vIas cloned by tV!O other groups searc.I-Jing for
`novel members of the protein kinase C (PKC) and
`protein kinaseA (PKA) superfamily as possible partic.(cid:173)
`ipants in Signa! tr"ansduGiior"! c.:f!seades [3, 4]. AC,,:,:r.Jru(cid:173)
`ing!y, the nove! kinase vIas called R,Ll.C (re!ated to ,f.,
`and C kinascs) or PKB (protein kinase B)-and in this
`review we will refer to it as Akt/PKB. Eight years of
`subsequent research has left !itt!edoubt that AktlPKB
`plays a prominent role in both growth factor signaling
`and oncogenesis. Currently, closeAkt homologues have
`been identified in a variety of species, induding birds,
`insects, nematodes, slime mold, and yeast and at least
`iTo \vhom correspondence and reprint requests should be ad(cid:173)
`dressed at t he Depart ment of M o! eru!ar Genetics (M ie 669), U niver(cid:173)
`sity of Illinois in Chicago. 900 South Ashland Avenue, Chicago, lL
`60607. Fax: (312) 355-2032. E-mail:
`some organisms have more than one gene for simiiar
`yet distinct isoforms of thiS enzyme [5-11].
`Interest in AktlPKB was piqued in 1995 when it was
`shovvil to be a direct downstream eiiecio( of phospha(cid:173)
`tidyiinositoi 3-kinase (Pi 3-kinase) [·12, i3j. When giy(cid:173)
`cogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) was identified as an
`Akt/PKB target [14], it established the current para(cid:173)
`digm for insulin signaling in which Akt/PKB plays the
`key roie. The finding that Pi 3-kinase activates Akil
`PKB ied to studies showing that it is a major partici(cid:173)
`pant in growth fador-mediated cell survival [15-18]. It
`also became clear that AktlPKB is capable of linking
`growth factor signaiing through Pi 3-kinase to basic
`metabolic functions, such as protein and lipid synthe~
`sis, carbohydrate metabolism, and transcription. As
`the field evolved, new prospectives on the interplay
`between ceil grQ\Nth, survivai, and metabolism, under
`both normal and pathological conditions, have been
`established. These concepts and several emerging
`questions will be discussed in tillS review.
`Three major isoforms of AktfPKB encoded by three
`separate genes have been found in mammalian cells.
`Akt1 or PK8c~ was the first isolated isoform; Akt2!
`PKB{J and
`'Nere subsequently cloned
`through homology screen [19-22]. All th ree genes have
`greater than 85% sequence identity and their protein
`products share the same structural organization (Fig.
`1). The first amino-terminal 100 amino adds possess a
`pleckstrin homology (PH) domain that binds phospho(cid:173)
`lipids. A short glycine-rich region that bridges the PH
`domain to the cata!yticdomain fo!!ov.JS the PH domain.
`All AktlPKB isoforms are assumed to have identical or
`similar substrate specificity but this has never been
`overtly tested. The last 70 amino acids of the carboxy(cid:173)
`terminal tail contain a putative regulatory domain. In
`v-Akt, a truncated viral group-specific antigen, gag, is
`fused in frame to the full-length Akt1 coding region
`through a short 5' untranslated region of Akt1 [2]. All
`three AktlPKB isoforms possess conserved threonine
`and serine residues (1308 and S473 in Akt1/PKBa)
`that together with the PH domain are critical for Aktl
`0014-4827/99 $30.00
`Copyright © 1999 by Academic Press
`All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 1 of 20


`,~~~, ~--~~-'---, ~
`J tregul.[
`~ ',~---~,.
`- - - - - , ~
`': ~el!ul.11
`(utah tit
`rl\':>. I. Stj'uctural oiganization ofthettueemajor AktiPKB i50-
`forms is shown in comparison to virally encoded v-Akt and serum(cid:173)
`and glu cocorti coid-i n dud ble ki nase SGK. All AktlPKB vari ants con(cid:173)
`tain a plecsktrin homology domain (PH), a catalytic domain, and a
`putative regulatory fragment at the C-terminus (regul). SGK has a
`similar structure and sequence, but lacks a p!eckstrin homology
`domain v-Akt is an in-frame fusion of Akt-1 with a portion of
`retroviral group-specific antigen (gag). Amino acid positions are
`shown for mouse proteins. Threonine and serine residues whose
`pr'lOsphor"yiatiorl is requir"ed io induce adjvities of Hie enzyrnes are
`indicated. See text for details.
`PKB activation (see below). Equivalent threonine and
`serine residues in a similar amino ac~d context are also
`present in p70 56 kinase and in a!! PKC isoforms. !t is
`noteworthy that the distanoe between the two phos(cid:173)
`phorylated residues(~·160-170 aa) is also conserved in
`these different protein kinases. Tvvo additional Akt
`isoforms have been described and represent minor
`splioe variants of human Akt2 and rat Akt3 [19, 23].
`These isoforms exhibit a carboxy-therminal insertion
`of 40 aa and a partial deletion of 25 aa in the car boxy(cid:173)
`terminal regulatory domain (including 8473), respeCJ(cid:173)
`tively. The biological significanoe of these isoforms re(cid:173)
`mains undear.
`A close relative of AktlPKB is serum- and gluoooor(cid:173)
`ticoi d-i nduci ble ki nase (SGK) t hat was shown to h ave a
`substrate specificity similar to that of AktlPKB [24,
`25]. SGK has extensive secuenoe homology to AkllPKB
`in the catalytic domain and possesses residues equiv(cid:173)
`alent toT308andS4730fAkt1, but lacksa PH domain.
`SGK is more similar to the Akt homologues, Ypk1 and
`Ypk2lYkr2, in budding yeast [26], suggesti ng that SGK
`might be doser to the ancestral prototype of the Aktl
`PKB famiiy,
`All three AktlPKB isoforms are ubiquitously ex(cid:173)
`pressed in mammals, although the levels of expression
`vary among tissues [-19-23,27]. Aki I/PKBa IS the pre(cid:173)
`dominant isoform in most tissues. The highest expres(cid:173)
`sion of Akt2/PKB{3 was observed in the insulin-respon(cid:173)
`sive tissues: skeletal muscle, heart, liver, and kidney
`[20], suggesting thai this isoform is important for in(cid:173)
`suiin signaiing. This is further substantiated by the
`observation that Akt2IPKB{3 expression In developing
`embryos is also highest in the insulin-responsive tis(cid:173)
`sues, including iiver, brown fat, and skeletal rnusde
`[28j. A pecuiiar paiiern of AktiiPKB" expression was
`detected in brain, vvhere it is markedly increased in
`regenerating neurons [29]. Akt1/PKBu is also the pre(cid:173)
`UUrTllflcUli Isoform III muuse emDIYu fibrubia~is (VV.
`Cnen and N.H., unpublished). Unlike two other iso(cid:173)
`forms, Akt3fPBK)i shovvs a more restricted pattern of
`expression. Higher levels of Akt3!PKBl' were detected
`Ifl testis cHIll or cUll i::IrH.i iU\f'/ ieveis III the i::Illuit pclllCl'ei::lS,
`heart, and kidney [2'1-23]. The expression pattern of
`the three isoforms may not alvv-ays reflect their activi(cid:173)
`t ies. Different levels of ki nase activit ies of t he different
`isofo((ns have been obse(vetj if! c:er'iaif! tissues and
`during differentiation, whic.~ is not necessarily corre(cid:173)
`lated v.;ith their level of expression [30, 31].
`Activation by PI 3-Klnase
`The viral gag domain in v-A.kt possesses a myristoy!(cid:173)
`atian signa! that mediates its targeting to the plasma
`membrane and renders the enzyme constitutively ac(cid:173)
`tive. This suggested that membrane association might
`be important in the activation process of c-Akt and
`subsequent studies bore out this hypothesis. ! ndeed,
`while CJ-Akt is localized primarily to the cytoplasm, a
`large proportion of v-Akt is localized to the plasma
`membrane [32]. Only upon stimulation does a fraction
`of c-,.6.,kt migratetothe membrane and attach there via
`its PH domain [33]. The presenoe of a PH domain
`together wit h the observation t hat the kinase activities
`of both Akt1!PK8a and Akt2!PK8f3 can be rapidly ac(cid:173)
`tivated by PDGF in rodent fibroblasts led to studies
`showing that AktlPKB is a direct target of PI 3-kinase
`[14,13]. PI 3-kinase is activated by growth factor re(cid:173)
`oeptors through binding of its regulatory subunit to
`phosphotyrosine residues in the reoeptor. Upon activa(cid:173)
`tion the catalytic subunit of PI 3-kinase phosphory(cid:173)
`lates phosphoinositides (PI) at the 3-position of the
`to generate PI3P, PI (3,4)P2, and
`PI (3,4,S)P3 (see review by B. van H aesebroeke and M.
`Waterfield in this issue). PI 3-kinases are classified
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 2 of 20


`intothreemajorgroups.lnthisreviewwewill usethe
`term PI 3-kinase to refer to the heterodimeric enzyme
`composed of p85 regulatory subunit and pi iO catalytic
`subunit. Two major observations strongly suggested
`that the activation of AktlPKB is dependent on PI
`3-kinase. First, activation of AkilPKB was shown to
`depend on tyrosines Y740 and Y75i in the PDGF re(cid:173)
`oeptor that had been identified as the binding sites for
`the p85 regulatory subunit of PI 3-kinase [13]. Second,
`the Pi 3-kinase inhibitors worimannin and L Y94002
`couid diminish the activation of AktJPKB by growth
`factors [12-14, 34J. These Initial observations were
`follovliOO by experiments shCNving that over-expression
`of a constitutiveiy activated PliO catalytic subunit of
`Pi 3-kinase can activate AkiiPKB [35]. in addition, it
`vv'assho'vvn that point mutationsin thePH domain that
`reduce phospholipid binding abrogate the ability of
`AktfPKB lU ue activClted by gruwth facturs, anu a mu(cid:173)
`tation that increases phospholipid binding superacti(cid:173)
`vates the enzyme [13, 36]. Further 5t udies sh oVved til at
`both PI (3,4)P2 and PI (3,4,5)P3 bind with high affi nity
`tu the PH dumClln uf AktlPKB [37-39], Huwevel, the
`reiative contribution of each 3-phosphory!ated phos(cid:173)
`phoinositide species to AktJPKB activation in vivo re(cid:173)
`mai ns u nelear, Exposu re of cells to syntheti e phospho(cid:173)
`lipids si-]cn."!ljfj lhai Pi (3,4)P2 is a belle! aCliv8io( in
`some experiments [38, 39], \!Vhereas other experiments
`sho'v'vcd higher binding affinity and better activation by
`PI (3,4,5)P3 [37, 40, 41] The latter experiments "vere
`corroborated by observations that the SH2-containing
`(8H! P),
`PI (3,4,5)P3 to PI (3,4)P2, is a potent inhibitor of AktJ
`P~<B activity in vivo ([42, 431, and see belovli),
`Upon binding of 3-phosphory!ated phosphoinosi(cid:173)
`tides, the PH domain of ,11,ktlPKB facilitates dimeriza-
`tion of the enzyme [44, 38], Experimental evidence
`suggests that Akt/PKB exists in vivo as a dimer or a
`trimer and this mu!timerization is required for the
`regulation of ,.o.,ktlPKB activity. The interaction be(cid:173)
`tween monomers within such a complex may well ex(cid:173)
`plain the behavior of at least some dominant-negative
`forms of the enzyme (reviewoo in [45]),
`Because AktlPKB activity is dependent on P! 3-ki(cid:173)
`nase, any mechanism that activates PI 3-kinase can
`theoretically lead to stimulation of AktlPKB activity.
`! ndeed, activation of AktfPK8 through P! 3-kinase is
`not restricted to growth factors. For example, AktlPKB
`is activated by integrins through activation of focal
`adhesion kinase, which in turn binds and activates PI
`3-kinase and subsequently AktlPKB [46-48]. Other
`oeli surfaoe reoeptors that activate AktlPKB via PI
`3-kinase indude CD28 and CD5 in T oelis, B oell re(cid:173)
`oeptor (BCR) In B oells, G-protein-coupled reoeptors,
`and the wopioid reoeptor [42, 49-54]. Angiotensin II
`and hydrogen peroxide were also reported to activate
`Akt/PKB through PI 3-kinase [55-57]. Among viral
`proteins that activate Akt/PKB via PI 3-kinase are
`polyomavirus middle-T antigen and H IV Tat protein
`[58, 59]. in addition, AkiiPKB was shown to be acti(cid:173)
`vated by the oncogenic Ras through PI 3-kinase (re(cid:173)
`viewed in [60]). The GTP-bound Ras binds and acti(cid:173)
`vates the caiai ytic su bu nit p-l -lOaf Pi 3-ki nase and Ras
`muiani ihat is noi ableio bind piiO could not activaie
`AktlPKB [61]. It is not clear, however, whether the
`activation of AktlPKB by activated Ras is as strong as
`the activation by growth fadors and activated p-l-10,
`and whether it is universai or dependent on the ceii
`Fi ii all y, as discussed below 1 th ere is some evidence of
`Pi 3-kinase-independent rnecr'lanisrns of AktfPK8 adi(cid:173)
`vat i on.
`Activation by Phosphorylation: The PDKs
`,l\ctivation of ,l\ktiPi{B in vivo by exposure to grO'Nth
`factors or synthetic phospholipids is preceded by an
`increase in seri n e and t h jeoni ne phosphorylat i on oft he
`killClse itseif. SUllie residues such i::lS ser IIle 124 ClfJ(j
`threonine 450 in the mouse Akti/Pf{BH' are consiilu-
`ttvely phosphorylated in a grO'vvth factor-independent
`manner and 'vvere predicted to render the protein re(cid:173)
`sponsive lo subsequent 8c:l.ivalion ever'lls [36]. Twu
`other residues that are rapidly phosphorylated upon
`exposure to gro'vvth factors and arc the most ctiticai for
`full activation of Akt/P~<B are threonine 308 (T308)
`and serine 473 (8473). T308 resides within the activa(cid:173)
`tion loop of the kinase domain and 8473 lies in the
`carboxy-terminal tai I. \Nhen these tv.o amino acids are
`mutated to nonphosphorylatable residues activation of
`the kinase is abolished, vl,lhereas mutations to acidic
`residues render the kinase more active even in the
`8bsence of growth factors [62. 36]. The phosphorylntion
`of T308 and S473 induoed by I GF-1 or insulin is sen(cid:173)
`sitive to wortmannin, suggesting that this process is
`dependent on P! 3-kinase [62]. TI.'vo possible exp!ana(cid:173)
`tions for this phenomenon are that the binding of phos(cid:173)
`pholipids to the PH domain of Akt/PKB is a prerequi(cid:173)
`site for its availability to other kinases or that the
`kinases that phosphorylate T308 and 8473 are also
`dependent on PI 3-kinase. It turns out that both expla(cid:173)
`nations are correct. The enzyme that phosphorylates
`T308 was purified and c~onoo [63, 64, 40, 41]. The
`ability of the enzyme to phosphorylate T308 is depen(cid:173)
`dent on the presenoe of synthetic PI (3,4,5)P3 in vitro
`and therefore it was termed 3-phosphoinositide-depen(cid:173)
`dent kinase (PDK1) [64, 41]. PDK1 possesses a PH
`domain in its carboxy-terminus and binds with high
`affinity to PI (3,4,5)P3 and more weakly to PI (3,4)P2.
`Deletion ofthePH domain ofPDK1 and mutatlonsthat
`decrease binding to PI(3,4,5)P3 strongly decrease its
`ability to activate Akt1/PKB" [65]. However, the ki(cid:173)
`nase activity of PDK1 is tolerant to low conoentrations
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 3 of 20


`of wortmannin. This is likely to be explained by a
`relatively high affinity of the PH domain of PDK1 to
`PI(3,4,5)P3 [4i, 65]. Alihough ii was reporied ihai
`PDK1 can be translocated to the plasma membrane
`upon growth factor stimulation [66], other studies us(cid:173)
`Ing Immunoeiedron mlcrosoopy, confocai microscopy,
`and a green fluoresoent protein-PDKi chimera ciearly
`show that it is mostly cytosolic and remains so upon
`stimulation [65]. Nevertheless a small portion ofPDK1
`was always found in the piasma membrane even in
`unsti muiated cei is and this may be aiso due to t he high
`affinity of its PH domain to PI (3,4,5)P3. Alternatively
`another unknovvn factor is requirecl for the binding of
`PDKI to the piasrna rnernbrane.
`Ii is possible ihai ihe membrane-bound PDKi may
`be required tor the phosphorylation ot Akt/PKB and
`other membrane-localized substrates, whereas the cy(cid:173)
`iusuiir..: fUl'm IS requlreu ful' the phospflUlyiclliufl uf cy(cid:173)
`tosoiic proteins such as prO S6 kinase. Like l\ktlPKB,
`PDK1 is evolutionarily conserved [64,67] and genetic
`studies in Caenorhabditis elegans confirm that PDK1
`lies upstreaHl uf Akt bui duwf1~il'ealTl uf Pi 3-kim:lse.
`PDKi gain-or-function mutant bypasses the require(cid:173)
`ment of PI 3-kinase for Akt activation [67].
`I n addition to T308, the phosphorylation of S473 is
`aiso ftt~uifed rOf !na),-:.!(nai activation or AidJPKB [62,
`36]. The findings that PDK1 cannot phosphorylate
`8473 in vitro or in cotransfcction experiments sug(cid:173)
`gested that a distinct kinase activity termed PDK2 is
`responsible for this function [63,40,41] but the iden(cid:173)
`tity of this kinase has remained elusive. !t has been
`reported that integrin-linkcd kinase (I LK-1) is capable
`of phosphorylating 8473 in vitro and in cotransfection
`experiments [68]. However, others failed to reproduce
`these results [69]. Recent!y it \AJas shO'Nn that PDK1
`interacts specifically in vitro and in vivo 'Nith the Glr(cid:173)
`boxy-terminus region of protein kinase C-related ki(cid:173)
`nase (PRK2) that was termed POK 1-interacting frag(cid:173)
`ment (P! F) [69]. The interaction of PDK1 \!t/ith P! F
`converts it to an enzyme that can phosphorylate both
`T308 and 8473 residues in AktlPKB [69]. The possibil(cid:173)
`ity exists therefore that PDK1 can phosphorylate both
`residues in vivo depending on postrans!ationa! confor-
`mational change and/or interaction with another oellu(cid:173)
`lar protein. A related observation may be the finding
`that one point mutation in POK1 of C. e!egans is suf(cid:173)
`ficient to bypass the requirement of PI 3-kinase for
`AktlPKB activation [67]. It remains to be determined,
`however, whether this constitutively active form of
`PDK1 is capable of phosphorylating both T308 and
`8473. Interestingly, the minimal functional fragment
`of PI F contains the putative PDK2 recognition site
`with senne substituted With the negatively charged
`aspartate [69]. Thus, PI F may be considered a mimicof
`PDK2 substrate. While modulation of PDK1 specificity
`by endogenous PRK2 remainsto bedemonstrated, it is
`tempting to speoulate that onoe 8473 or an equivalent
`residue in other enzymes is phosphorylated it will
`serve as a caialysi ihai pri mes PDK2 act ivii yin PD K i.
`Another possibility that cannot be completely exciuded
`at present is that T308 phosphorylation permits auto(cid:173)
`phosphoryiation of S473 by AktlPKB itseif. This POSSI(cid:173)
`biliiy cannoi be ruled oui by ihe observaiion thai a
`kinase-deficient mutant of AktlPKB can still be phos(cid:173)
`phorylated on 8473 [62], because multimerization with
`the wiid-type Akt/PKB in vivo may enabie the phos(cid:173)
`phoryiation of 8473 of the mutant protein.
`Negative Regulation of Aktl PKB Aciivity
`Similar io oiher protein kinases, AkiiPKB is subject
`to negative regulation. The PH domain of AktJPKB tor
`example may act both as a negative and as a positive
`reyuii:lim uf ihe enzyme. Deietiun uf ihe PH UUrTlCllfl
`rendering the enzyme incapable of interaction 'Nith
`3-phosphoinositldes leads to a slightly higher basal
`kinase activity than that of itvild type, but this activity
`lGIn siiii be [lUl'rllCliiy eievaied in CI Pi 3-kinCise-uepen(cid:173)
`dent manner [34,64]. This suggests that in itsinaciive
`form (not bound to 3-phosphoinositides) the PH do(cid:173)
`main may confei a conformation that is not accessible
`lo PDKs. Anolhef possibility is thal lhe PH uOf"IHtin
`interacts "·"lith a cellular protein that negatively regu(cid:173)
`lates the kinase and binding to 3-phosphoinositidcs
`relieves this interaction.
`is also
`The subcellular
`localization of AktlPKB
`tightly regulated and may provide a mechanism for
`regulating cytoplasmic AktfPK8 activity. After 2 min
`of stimulation ilvith IGF-1, Akt1lPK8(}' is transloc.ated
`to the plasma membrane in a PH domain-dependent
`manner but following this ,.t..ktlPKB is translocated to
`the nucleus by ~ln unknown mec."anism [33]. ~4uclear
`translocation is probably independent of the PH do(cid:173)
`main or kinase activity because both a mutant that
`lacks the PH domain and a kinase-deficient mutant of
`Akt/PKB are also found in the nucieus [33]. The phys(cid:173)
`iological significance of the nudear localization is not
`c~ear. !t might be required for phosphorylation of nu(cid:173)
`dear proteins. A!ternative!y, the sequestration in the
`n ud eus could be a way to I i mit the exposure of cytosol i c
`substrates to the kinase and might serve as a mecha(cid:173)
`nism that indirectly negatively controls the kinase. !t
`has to be noted that Akt/PKB targeted to the plasma
`membrane via a myristoylation signal exhibits consti(cid:173)
`tutively active phenotype in regard to all known func(cid:173)
`tions of activated wild-type enzyme, but fails to trans(cid:173)
`locate to the nudeus [33].
`As described above phosphorylation of AktlPKB is
`reqUired for its aciivation. It appears that this phOS(cid:173)
`phoryl ation is tightly controlled. The facts that the key
`phosphoserine and phosphothreonine residues in Akt/
`PKB havea relatively short half-life and that phospha-
`Breckenridge v. Novartis, IPR 2017-01592
`Page 4 of 20


`tase i nh i bitors such as vanadate and okadai c acid were
`shown to augment AktlPKB kinase activity both indi(cid:173)
`cate that the enzyme is negatively regulated by de(cid:173)
`phosphorylation [70,71]. Phosphatase 2A (PP2A) may
`be the key enzyme associated with dephosphorylation
`of AktiPKB in vitro and in vivo [70-72]. Hyperosmoiic
`shock rapidly inactivates AktlPKB and this is preceded
`by dephosphorylation of T308 and S473. The dephos(cid:173)
`phorylation and the decrease in AktlPKB activity can
`be prevented by calyculin A, a relatively specificinhib(cid:173)
`itor of PP2A [72].
`It was also shown that the major Srcfamily tyrosine
`kinase in hematopoeitic celis, Lyn, antagonizes the
`activation and phosphorylation of AktlPKB by BCR in
`B cells r731. It is possible that Lyn exerts its effect by
`activation of serine/threonine phosphatases or by acti(cid:173)
`vation of a 3-phosphoinositide-preferring phosphatase
`that antagonizes PI 3-kinase activity.
`A 3-phosphoinositide-specific phosphatase activity
`was found to reside in thetumor suppressor PTEN (for
`phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted from chro(cid:173)
`mosome 10), which is mutated or deleted in a wide
`range of human cancers (reviewed in [74]). PTEN
`shares homology with dual-specificity phosphatases
`that can dephosphorylate serine, threonine, and ty(cid:173)
`rosine residues. However, attempts to oonfirm PTEN
`as a protein phosphatase revealed only relatively weak
`activity r75, 76], suggesting that PTEN is a specialized
`phosphatase for certain proteins and/or it possesses a
`different activity. I ndeed it was found that PTEN is a
`potent lipid phosphatase [77, 78]. Overexpression of
`PTEN significantly reduced PI (3,4,5)p3 production in(cid:173)
`duced by insulin, and PTEN-null cells have higher
`levels of PI (3,4,5)P3 [79, 77, 80]. A recombi nant PTEN
`dephosphorylates 3-phosphoinositides specifically at
`position 3 of the InOSitol ring and has highest speaflG(cid:173)
`ity for PI (3,4,5)P3 [77]. Since PTEN antagonizes the PI
`3-kinase activity its role in tumor suppression may
`involve AktlPKB (see disaussion below). Experiments
`in tumor cell lines with inactive PTEN and in PTEN(cid:173)
`null fibroblasts showed that these cells exhibit high
`basal activity of Akt/PKB [78-82]. These results. to(cid:173)
`gether with genetic studies in C. elegans demonstrat(cid:173)
`ing that PTEN lies in the same pathway with PI 3-ki(cid:173)
`nase/Akt and inhibits Akt [83], established PTEN as a
`bona fide negative regulator of AktlPKB.
`Another lipid phosphatase that can negatively regu(cid:173)
`lateAkt/PKB activity isSHIP-an inositol 5' phospha(cid:173)
`tase that hydrolyzes PI (3,4,5)P3 to PI (3,4)P2. Overex(cid:173)
`pression of SHIP was shown to inhibit AktlPKB
`activity and SHIP-null cells exhibit prolonged activa(cid:173)

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