
`Emmi Na:
`Ya:ng at al.
`USS. 35,897,081}
`9&5{3262 s,1 76
`September- 16? 2612
`(31-9111: Art Unit:
`Diamafid; Avian
`641. 8'
`March 13,, 2813
`M&E Dmket:
`Mai} ‘Smp Int-er Farms: Raexam
`Central Reexaminatign Unit
`.Cenunissienfir fax-Patents.
`15.3,. Patem and Tiademarkflffice
`PD, Bax '1 4.3.0
`Aiexandria; VA 22313-1452}
`Certficate afEFS Web Tratzsrxzissian
`i’keréby 363??ny {km firis aarrespmdeme is being.
`imnsmified via the {£81. Pawn! and fi‘adeimxk
`Ojj‘ifie giacz‘z'flnicjfiimg3325:6321 (Efi’Si Wait?) 1:9 the
`USP??? an
`March 13. 2mg.
`Michaei ‘1; wakcms: . a KMicfzaei I
`Chakansl: 42‘"
`§ 1.132
`I, 13; Arm- Vli’sraguzej 1311.3, ck; hereby make: the; feltuwing declaration:
` (cid:9)
`fiaid 0f pharmacmfieat dwelopmeng and particuiarliy oral {Engage
`‘. mam worked
`devempmenti far 22' years. I am ainployed by: MomSoi
`LLC. (“Patmtee" andfm‘
`“MemS-ol")3 me. assignea afissued patani
`(“mg ‘8813 Patent”; as Senim‘ Uimeim‘
`for Manufacturing Stfiaiagy and? Innovation.
`Ihavaa Sin Physical Chginisn‘y ‘fi‘ojm Calaradfl State Uifiversity and a,P}1.E. in Chemical and
`BiQEngin‘earing fmm
`State University 131w; participatesd in. pflstdesimiai studies
`Biachemica] Engmeafing atitha Umfiiversity fif‘Vigginia. Ewing my smear, I have been. nammi as
`an inventm‘ an cvea‘ US. patams am numeroug foreign patants directed ta the foimulatifin,
`Dr. Reddy’s - EX1007
`Page 1
`Dr. Reddy's - EX1007
`Page 1


`pmmssing andfar packaging (if pharmacautiaal 011a} disintegratin maximums ("tabla-ts
`swim)? 'I have. iiireet fixpéarience with film mmmemiai
`sis-arms as wail as
`underflanfling 0f the unifm‘mity Gfflfm’fifiiit 0‘5 a‘3»1i‘“? 33353 “15111st f9?-
`testing the: same.
`1319663535113 “fphamaflgmim film
`'Iihave read 1:11;; 'IGSIH Patent and the flffi Cis Acfian iSsuaéf {In Navemhef 295-2812 in the" Ffigxfimififlfifln
`of the: ‘flfifi Pam: 'i’Office Action”) and the refemnees sited therein, and. 1 haw 3130' Kffi‘é’ifiwed- 1316
`to the indapemdem Glaims set-{faith in Patentee‘s Rspfiy t0 the (1*ffiieaActiaén
`enncmmndy fi!eé”hemwzith,.
`Prnducin marking fitms in :acczm'dance with the "$33 Patent
` (cid:9)
`Each 0;? the "’33 iats afresulting filing. (L015 1-?3}:wntaining appmximateiy 2,909,800 individuai
`ii} for Gamma-rem! use: and mgul‘atgry
`dosagg units par 10’: discussed harem weremafiufactm‘ad:
`appmvatg {iii} 'inwmpiianw with:
`Fwd and Drug Adminimatibn (“FDA”) standards: and
`regulatiansj inalufiing thcsereiming toanaiytigai Chemisait testing far variatian in anti’vav in. individua}
`desage units; and {iii} in. acsemt'diame with they iinvaznt-imn dist: 1:03am}. in $164089 Patient, and as; claimad
`the ‘0 89 Patent; bath. as .i'ssuad and as amended {in ‘thzePatflntefi-k Repiy if; 1125;: Offiw Astian; by:
`{a} farming axfiowabieipaléymer matrix camprismg a water-smiuble paiymer, a when: and a:
`matrix hwing asubmamiafléy unifiarm- digitributifln ofsaid. active;
`phmmacgeutiaal astive,
`(b1) Wasting: said leWabIe: pfiiymer matrix,
`viscfisity flan}. about
`"to abflut 108,900 cps;
`flo-wahie pa‘iymermanix haying a
`(a) amtmflizng,
`thmugh a pram-:33. mmprising cutawayng saici pniymermatrix
`thmugh adrying appazmus and evapemting at least :a. partial“: of said 361th in farm 2; W330»
`having said active subsmntiailiy 1y disti‘ihuted fmughnusts within ,abaut the
`513i: 4 minutas hydrapicfly 'incrfiafsing the Vis‘fliflsity Gfsaifi paiymex matrix 11130161 initiation 9f
`drying. ta maintaifi saié substantially ‘unifm-‘m disstrihufizun of‘said .actizvefby baking—in or
`subsfamialiy pmveufing migrafimwf said acfive within said. viscxahsiagfizc film Whemin the
`.pelymer matrix temperature is: 108‘ 9EC 03F {353;
`Page 2
`Page 2


`visefireiastic filmlwhfirein said
`(:1) fomling the resulting. pharmaceutical fiim fmm
`waiting ghamaaeezutica} film 3121.31.35: waiar saws-rat
`10% at less and said substantially unifcxrm
`disffihutien 0f aative: by said laekingéin 0:17 substantially prewntingmigratian {if said. amine is
`mainiainedfinsh that: unifemity fireman:- in' the amount affine Iactiva
`substantialiy equal
`sizecl individual dflssaga units, sampleii from different locations cf resuifing pharmafieufigal
`film, varies by {m mere,- than 19%.; and
`{‘65) pfix'ifemling analytica} chemical taséts for wifiamaity ofccxntent of said aative Sin.
`substamially equal sized, individual dazaaga units of said. sampled faulting pharmaeaufical film,
`said tests, indiaafiiug that uniformity of Gamers? in tha amounmf the active: varies by m mare than
`[$63 Appenéix A} Said'IESLILfiHg phaflnaqemiaal film suitable foiz"cammemial and
`regulamry approval, Whgmin said raigmatoty appmval is pfavidefi by this
`Fund 3mg
`Adfiitionalliys the uniformiiy 0f mutant. fits-31111911111: ofamive: as sampled fmm the 7‘3 101s of
`making fiim. Writs 119 mm than 136% frsm'the desired amount, 0fthe active as indicated by
`said aflaiytiwl {331621131631 feasts fffim 4‘23} abuva. [See Appendix B]
` (cid:9)
`Anal. 13921,]. asiin .,fmiflniiblfimiy,,Qf'CQntfimfifl’atsnteefs Resulting :; Filmg;
`demonstrate the unifmmity of individual diisagfi unit fiims, I campijlcd individual dasagfit unit
`data fm'f individual Lats Ii ’33: all Elf whiqh ware. éififiiasefl in .MQnflSfll‘s
`1:2 Aimuai
`Prcixduat Review to the
`7?. Ten (16) individuai dang units all having the :Same- dimemims were cut {but fi‘emdiffercm
`ififlafifilm Qf-wgh 9f the: 3’3 Eats af‘rasuiti-ng E11113 using a csaimnamia} Vpaakaging machine, thus
`provifiing 173G Tandem}? sampled infiifiduat d‘asagevunits, fan each 13an the
`Separate .I'Gt‘s. All.
`sampiafi ware analyzed by 1%: Validated .Inefiiad, in mmpfianc‘e With FDA guidefinas and.
`regulatin Vx'ragarding samg:
`analyticai Chfimiflal misting; in which ‘tthhafiflacfiMticai activg
`Page 3
`Page 3


`was extractad and: analyzfisd by High Perfommnce Liquid Chmmatagraghy (HFLC) againsi an
`enema} standard tie; quantify the ammmt 01?“ active. prawn: in flash individual cimage unit.
`Accerdinig m the invantive pmmss set {firth and claimed in the 1385:} Patent, and in amortiance
`with FDA namemiatm‘eg I have prepmfed tables ShGWfl 2:5 Appexrxdifisas A, B and C, reflaefing the
`wife-unity Qif Wflfrfiflt 0f aetive of individual dusags units within particular Iota: and amass
`difiémm 11313.
`First, tilt}; unifm‘miiy {if 90111231101? activa in a {at is determian Ih‘mugh estflbiishing the; amount 0f
`active {Aug}; actually presantrin Bafih sampied individual desagya unit fmim. thesame law) as
`fictermincd. by taking the difim‘enee hatween the: amasth afaetive inthe' 3amp1awith the mag:
`aefive (Max-WW) minus the amaunt of actiwv in the sample with the least. amaum aflacféivue
`(#4311371134ng and dividing the: differenca by {he awxiaga amount if acme in the.”le samples (140th
`Sample Awerage). That. is: CMamem » Min-1mm) f ( {Amm Ami.“ + .Ammfifl The results
`in Appendix
`Semnd, the unaiifmim £131 £3312” Czentent flGFQSS diffemnt 30:3 is'dateflninied fhi‘angfh estabfishihg the
`amaunt flf‘active actualiy prewar in emf: sampled individua} (image unit from a}; 73 1013 am:
`comparingthat amfiumtflf active with a"‘ta1:gsz’* 0r “zdes-irad“ 211110th (If active, camaineé therein.
`T1316: target 3111c;th 9f' v'c.1c:f£ibv£2a Wham iris a pharmaeeutiiaai, is areiérmd was
`“Label Claim“, ihus
`identifing tin:- amcsunt ufpharmaesutiflal active in the film 1:0 amen; The: dasimd amaum
`186% of the target; amaum; Each individual dasage unit film cut .f-mm any individual fat must
`have the»; dgsimd 003$th 01“ phamaawtiaai active, varying
`miflrethat 119% fifemthe- t‘atgfi or
`dagir'ed amgunt; Sets: Appendix
` (cid:9)
`@830 Patent i’mcasslmdmss.Fflms. Whit}:
`mired Unifmmift ofCantanf 0f
`Th€r~ res-111m Shawn in ‘tha appendices astahfifih that tin: regulfing: fiims produced by the inventive
`metth {If' 31%: "03830 Patent-as tfiSClfi’sfiz} am} claian haw. the-‘imuired unifermity Of content based
`(in. anaiyfiflg? chemica} testing; Fitsg 1116 fimmmt cf azfi'v-te varies
`mi) mare {than
`daaagfi units. :sampikad fmma ‘partjiaular 1m ofrasuhifiggfilm
`Page 4
`Page 4


`'S-ewniia.'an10unt of activa- amass difimznt his Bf wwlfingfilm variesna mare {ham {8% fmm
`the desired zmfium 0“? 11m acfive,. See. Appendix 33. Finally, the uniformity 3f mn’tent of the 723
`101$ Qf'regsulting film mflet‘s iWEfinanre‘Sifingfint standards; fm‘ exampia, the flaw shaws; (i) '46
`lots Qflffisuifing film wherein maunifmmity (If cant-en: of active is Shawn with the amen-nit 0f
`actim varying: by less than 5%;
`15 his aft-68111:“:ng film. wherein the unia‘brmity- 13f cement of
`active is Shaw-n: with the amount efaetive varying 15:33,: Bess than, 4%; 4 1m of remitng film
`whmein the unifcrmity ofmntrent afacfiva is. ShDWH with the amaunt cf acme: varying
`than 3%.; and 1 East Gf'msuiting
`Whetidfl {h‘fit miibrmiiy thmnitant {If tactiv: is; 51mm with the
`anmuntof active varying; by only
`flee Appendix
`1 harem? deciam margin statements made harem of my own hawkeng are true: and that
`31} 81332611131113 made an infcxrmafifln and befietf are. ‘bsiieved ta: be true; and fizfihar that {base
`staiements were made with thakmwlisdgfi that @1113)! féise: Statements and the 13m- s‘a maria are
`punishabie by fihe or imprisanmem, or 50th, 'undmf Sgctieun 11301 ufT‘itla 1:8 0f the United Stags
`Eadie, andf that such statements. may jéfiflpafd‘ififi the vafidfiity afthaappliwtifin arva 'pai‘gnts
`issued {harem}.
`Dated this 13th day oifMamh, X313
`Arlie Bague
`Page 5
`Page 5


`4% v
`2%% ~
`“r- m 13
`413 46 49'
`19 2,2 25 218
` (cid:9)
`Lot Mumbesr
`1:3? 49'
`5:::§:‘:::;% Riga-laws???"39%; ‘
`5 5:8
`8.4 a? m 713.
`Page 6
`Page 6


`1.01%.0 r
`‘1 6&0 '
`‘1 GM}
`1 man
` 1
` (“Aa?Target)
`939- ~
`v m 123:
`:16. 19. 22 25 2a 34' 34 ‘3? m is 46 49 52 55 53 64: 54. a? m 33
`Lat Number
`Page 7
`Page 7


`Eats. $933.19 W53
` (cid:9)
`7% D'iiffesrenue
`Page 8
`Page 8


`It is certified that a copy of this DECLARATION OF B. ARLIE BOGUE, PH.D.
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 1.132 has been served, by first class mail, on March 13, 2013, in its
`entirety on the third party requester as provided in 37 CFR § 1.903 and 37 CFR § 1.248 at the
`addess below.
`/Daniel A. Scola Jr./
`Daniel A. Scola, Jr.
`Registration No.: 29,855
`Attorney for the Patentee
`Page 9
`Page 9

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