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`PTO/SB/14 (06-07)
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`60386937PCT/US02/32575 2002-06-07
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`PTO/SB/14 (06-07)
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`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
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`non provisional of
` 1199-4B CIP
` 10856176 2004-05-28
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`60414276PCT/US02/32594 2002-09-27
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`10074272PCT/US02/32594 2002-02-14
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`Application Number Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD} Continuity Type Prior Application Number
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`60386937PCT/US02/32542 2002-06-07
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`Prior Application Status
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`Prior Application Status
`Filing Date (YYYY-MM-DD}
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`10074272PCT/US02/32542 2002-02-14
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`Application Number
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`Prior Application Number
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`PTO/SB/14 (06-07)
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`Attorney Docket Number|1199-4B CIP
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`PTO/SB/14 (06-07)
`Approved for use through 06/30/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Attorney Docket Number|1199-4B CIP
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`1199-4B CIP
` (cid:9)
`This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Application No. 10/768,809,
`filed January 30, 2004, whichclaims benefit to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/443,741
`filed January 30, 2003; U.S. Application No. 10/768,809is also a continuation-in-part of
`PCT/US02/32575, filed October 11, 2002, which claimspriority to U.S. Provisional Application
`No. 60/386,937, filed June 7, 2002, and U.S. Application No. 10/074,272, filed February 14,
`2002, which claimspriority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/328,868,filed October 12,
`2001; U.S. Application No. 10/768,809 is also a continuation-in-part of PCT/US02/32594, filed
`October 11, 2002, which claimspriority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/414,276, filed
`September27, 2002, U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/386,937, filed June 7, 2002, and U.S.
`Application No. 10/074,272, filed February 14, 2002, which claimspriority to U.S. Provisional
`Application No. 60/328,868, filed October 12, 2001; and U.S. Application No. 10/768,809is
`also a continuation-in-part of PCT/US02/32542,filed October 11, 2002, which claimspriority to
`U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/386,937, filed June 7, 2002, U.S. Provisional Application
`No. 60/371,940,filed April 11, 2002, and U.S. Application No. 10/074,272, filed February 14,
`2002, which claimspriority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/328,868, filed October 12,
`2001; this application is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. Application No. 10/856,176,filed
`May 28, 2004, which claimspriority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/473,902, filed May
`28, 2003; U.S. Application No. 10/856,176 is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. Application No.
`10/768,809; the contents all of which are incorporated herein by reference.
` (cid:9)
`The present inventionrelates to rapidly dissolving films and methodsoftheir
`preparation. The films contain a polymer component and active ingredients as taste-masked or
`controlled-release coated particles uniformly distributed throughoutthe film.
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`1199-4B CIP
` (cid:9)
`Active ingredients, such as drugs or pharmaceuticals, may be prepared in a tablet
`form to allow for accurate and consistent dosing. However,this form of preparing and
`dispensing medications has many disadvantages including that a large proportion of adjuvants
`that must be addedto obtain a size able to be handled, that a larger medication form requires
`additional storage space, and that dispensing includes counting the tablets which has a tendency
`for inaccuracy. In addition, many persons, estimated to be as much as 28% ofthe population,
`have difficulty swallowing tablets. While tablets may be broken into smaller pieces or even
`crushed as a means of overcoming swallowingdifficulties, this is not a suitable solution for
`manytabletor pill forms. For example, crushing or destroying the tablet or pill form to facilitate
`ingestion, alone or in admixture with food, mayalso destroy the controlled release properties.
` (cid:9)
`Asan alternative to tablets and pills, films may be used to carry active ingredients
`such as drugs, pharmaceuticals, and the like. However, historically films and the process of
`making drug delivery systems therefrom have suffered from a numberof unfavorable
`characteristics that have not allowed them to be used in practice.
` (cid:9)
`Filmsthat incorporate a pharmaceutically active ingredient are disclosed in
`expired U.S. Patent No. 4,136,145 to Fuchs, et al. ("Fuchs"). These films may be formedinto a
`sheet, dried and then cut into individual doses. The Fuchsdisclosure alleges the fabrication of a
`uniform film, which includes the combination of water-soluble polymers, surfactants, flavors,
`sweeteners, plasticizers and drugs. Theseallegedly flexible films are disclosed as being useful
`for oral, topical or enteral use. Examples of specific uses disclosed by Fuchsinclude application
`of the films to mucosal membraneareasof the body, including the mouth,rectal, vaginal, nasal
`and ear areas.
` (cid:9)
`however,reveals that such films suffer from the aggregation or conglomeration ofparticles,i.c.,
`Examination of films made in accordance with the process disclosed in Fuchs,
`self-aggregation, making them inherently non-uniform. This result can be attributed to Fuchs’
`process parameters, which although notdisclosedlikely include the useof relatively long drying
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`Page 9


`1199-4B CIP
`times, therebyfacilitating intermolecular attractive forces, convection forces, air flow and the
`like to form such agglomeration.
` (cid:9)
`The formation of agglomerates randomly distributes the film components and any
`active present as well. When large dosages are involved, a small changein the dimensionsof the
`film wouldlead to a large difference in the amountofactive per film. If such films were to
`include low dosagesofactive, it is possible that portions ofthe film may besubstantially devoid
`of any active. Since sheets offilm are usually cut into unit doses, certain doses may therefore be
`devoid of or contain an insufficient amount ofactive for the recommendedtreatment. Failure to
`achieve a high degree of accuracy with respectto the amountofactive ingredient in the cutfilm
`can be harmfulto the patient. For this reason, dosage forms formed by processes such as Fuchs,
`would notlikely meet the stringent standards of governmental or regulatory agencies, such as the
`U.S. Federal Drug Administration (“FDA”), relating to the variation of active in dosage forms.
`Currently, as required by various world regulatory authorities, dosage forms may not vary more
`than 10% in the amountof active present. When applied to dosage units based onfilms, this
`virtually mandates that uniformity in the film be present.
` (cid:9)
`The problemsofself-aggregation leading to non-uniformity of a film were
`addressed in U.S. Patent No. 4,849,246 to Schmidt ("Schmidt"). Schmidt specifically pointed
`out that the methods disclosed by Fuchsdid not provide a uniform film and recognized that that
`the creation of a non-uniform film necessarily prevents accurate dosing, which as discussed
`aboveis especially important in the pharmaceutical area. Schmidt abandonedthe idea that a
`mono-layer film, such as described by Fuchs, may provide an accurate dosage form andinstead
`attempted to solve this problem by forming a multi-layered film. Moreover, his processis a
`multi-step process that adds expense and complexity and is not practical for commercial use.
` (cid:9)
`Other U.S. Patents directly addressed the problemsof particle self-aggregation
`and non-uniformity inherent in conventional film forming techniques. In one attempt to
`overcome non-uniformity, U.S. Patent 5,629,003 to Horstmannet al. and U.S. Patent 5,948,430
`to Zerbe et al. incorporated additional ingredients, i.e. gel formers and polyhydric alcohols
`respectively, to increase the viscosity of the film prior to drying in an effort to reduce
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`1199-4B CIP
`aggregation of the components in the film. These methods have the disadvantage ofrequiring
`additional components, which translates to additional cost and manufacturingsteps.
`Furthermore, both methods employthe use the conventional time-consuming drying methods
`such as a high-temperature air-bath using a drying oven, drying tunnel, vacuum drier, or other
`such drying equipment. The long length ofdrying time aids in promoting the aggregation ofthe
`active and other adjuvant, notwithstandingthe use ofviscosity modifiers. Such processes also
`run the risk of exposing the active,i.e., a drug, or vitamin C, or other components to prolonged
`exposure to moisture and elevated temperatures, which may renderit ineffective or even
` (cid:9)
`In addition to the concerns associated with degradation of an active during
`extended exposure to moisture, the conventional drying methods themselvesare unable to
`provide uniform films. The length of heat exposure during conventional processing, often
`referred to as the “heat history”, and the manner in which such heat is applied, have a direct
`effect on the formation and morphologyofthe resultant film product. Uniformity is particularly
`difficult to achieve via conventional drying methods wherea relatively thicker film, which is
`well-suited for the incorporation of a drug active, is desired. Thicker uniform films are more
`difficult to achieve because the surfaces of the film and the inner portionsofthe film do not
`experience the same external conditions simultaneously during drying. Thus, observation of
`relatively thick films made from such conventional processing shows a non-uniform structure
`caused by convection and intermolecular forces and requires greater than 10% moisture to
`remain flexible. The amountof free moisture can often interfere over time with the drug leading
`to potency issues and therefore inconsistency in the final product.
` (cid:9)
`drying oven, drying tunnel, and the like. The difficulty in achieving a uniform film is directly
`Conventional drying methods generally include the use of forced hotair using a
`related to the rheological properties and the process of water evaporationin the film-forming
`composition. Whenthe surface of an aqueous polymersolution is contacted with a high
`temperature air current, such as a film-forming composition passing through a hotair oven,the
`surface water is immediately evaporated forming a polymerfilm or skin on the surface. This
`seals the remainder of the aqueousfilm-forming composition beneath the surface, forming a
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`1199-4B CIP
`barrier through which the remaining water mustforceitself as it is evaporated in o

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