`Oct. [7-20. 2007 in COEX, Seoul. Korea
`Development of a wearable health monitoring device with motion artifact reduced algorithm
`(ICCAS 2007)
`Hyonyoung Han, Yunjoo Lee and Jung Kim
`I Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea
`(Tel : +82-42-869-327l; E-mail: rangel@kaist.ac.kr)
`2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea
`(Tel : +82—42-869-3270: E-mail: rosela@kaist.ac.kr )
`3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea
`( Tel :+82-42-869-323l; E-mai|;Jungkim@kaist.ac.kr)
`Abstract: ln this paper. a real-time. wearable and motion artifact reduced health monitoring device is represented. A
`finger band. wearable health monitoring device.
`is consists of photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor. 3~axis
`accelerometer, microprocessor and wireless module. The PPG sensor acquire distorted heart beat signal due to motion
`artifact. The finger movements are detected using the accelerometer, and major motion directions causing of the noise
`are researched by comparing each directional motion signals and distorted PPG signal. Two directional motions are
`significantly related to noise,
`these two directional active noise cancellation algorithm was applied to
`reconstruct the noise added heart beat signal. Low order (4th order) NLMS (normalized Least Mean Square) adaptive
`filter is employed for small size wearable device. The finger band device is experimented in daily body motion
`condition (l—3 Hz), and reduce distortion rate less than 5% by active noise cancellation algorithm. The motion artifact
`reduced finger band sensor can offer continuous health monitoring without daily motion artifact.
`Keywords: real-time. wearable. photopletbysmography, motion artifact. active noise cancellation
`US. Patent No. 892394
`Vital signal measurement devices and techniques are
`important research fields for health care monitoring and
`an emergency health alarm system for patients and the
`aged. These person who has weak vital signal, should
`monitor their bio-signal. such as pulsation. continuously
`and alarm to others when their signal is weaker. Among
`various vital signals, pulsation is adequate to health
`monitoring device since it can be measured easier and it
`needs simple devices than others.
`Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a noninvasive heart
`beat, pulsation, measurement
`instrument, which has a
`potential to be developed into a portable device due to
`relatively small size. Heart beat affect
`to blood
`pressure and it change the volume of the vessel and rate
`of blood flow. These volume and flow change can be
`detected using near red and infrared wave length light
`source and detector. Using these properties, pulsation,
`which is related to heart heat, can be measured by
`gathering detector’s signal.
`The instrument has been developed for, monitoring
`and diagnosis patient not only in the hospital but also at
`home. However, for portable and ubiquitous health care
`system, the real-time measurement. wireless and motion
`artifacts problems should be worked out. ln particular,
`To reduce the problem many methods were researched
`this hindrance; one is sensorless approaches, which
`the pulsation’s Frequency component using
`frequency and time domain feature analysis [2, 3]
`any other
`sensors. Another
`the sensor
`approach. which obtain pulsation signal by removing
`the motion noises, using body movement
`from other motion acquisition sensors. The most
`well-known method about this approach is active noise
`cancellation algorithm with an adaptive filter [4. 5]. But
`most of their research is off-line analysis, large program
`size which is not adequate to wearable and portable
`device. and experiments are not mostly wireless system.
`This paper presents a real-time. wireless and wearable
`device with a motion artifact reduction algorithm. The
`device has an applicable small programming size for
`portable devices.
`2.1 Hardware Description
`motion artifact reduction Is the most challenging issue.
`978-89-950038-6-2-98560l07f$ | 5 “ET-[CROPS
`t.t~‘inger band sensor
`The wearabIe sensor device should be small and light
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,923,941
`FITBIT, Ex. 1025
`and attach to body tightly to reduce noise effect and feel
`to wear. Additionally, wireless
`communication device also reduces motion artifact by
`reducing effect of the data cable inertia.
`The finger band sensor, wearable PPG sensor, is
`attached to the finger base, as shown in Fig. 1. The size
`and weight is 25 x 30 mm2 and 16.8g, respectively. The
`PPG sensor is located on the inner layer of the band, and
`the accelerometer is on the circuit.
`The finger band device is divided into two parts; the
`sensor device and the host analysis computer. In detail,
`the sensor device part can be divided into three parts, as
`shown in Fig.2.
`Fig. 21 Block diagram of photoplethysmography
`The first sensor part consists of a light source, a photo
`sensor for PPG and an accelerometer for motion
`detection. A 940 nm wavelength, a surface mounted
`type Infrared LED, and a photo-diode are used to
`acquire the PPG signal. Although a more detailed
`explanation follow in the next chapter, motion is
`considered to be directly related to noise, so to measure
`and analysis the body motion and a noise source, a
`3-axis accelerometer is used.
`Next part is the pre-signal processing, circuit part,
`which contains an analog signal processing part,
`amplifiers, filters, and analog to digital converters
`(ADC). Since the raw signal on the sensor signal
`(especially the AC component) is so small and distorted,
`signal processing is demanded before being sent to a
`communication system. The raw signal demands a low
`pass filter for reducing high frequency noise and high
`pass filter for rejecting a DC component to enhance the
`AC component. As filters, second order active analog
`high and low pass filters (Sallen-Key Filter) are used.
`Filtering signals are amplified to enhance and acquire
`discriminable signals by a thousand times.
`The last part is digital signal processing. High order
`filtering has good performance to extract wanted signal,
`but more number of components are required to increase
`filtering order. Therefore, digital filtering is employed
`to satisfy both circuit size and filtering performance.
`The filters are designed as a 0.5 – 3 Hz band pass filter,
`and totally fourth order analog active filter and digital
`filter are used in this signal processing.
`The following part is the communication system. To
`transmit obtained data from the sensor device to the host
`the microcontroller converts data
`communication language, an 8bit digital signal. Then it
`transmits the data through a wireless device, Bluetooth.
`It is a widely used device, especially for portable
`devices such as in MP3 players or cellular phones. The
`device has up to 30m communication distance, and size
`of the device is 20 x 18 mm2. The operation voltage is
`3.7 V.
`Labview software from National Instrument obtains
`transmitted data and display by graph on the host
`computer. Also, digital filtering and analysis algorithm
`are programmed
`2.2. Motion artifact reduction algorithm
`Active noise cancellation algorithm is used to reduce
`motion artifact. This is a signal filtering algorithm from
`a noise added pulsation signal and body motion signal
`to noiseless pulsation signal. The distorted PPG signal
`contains motion signal components and using adaptive
`filter, heart beat signal is extracted from various noise
`signal components.
`Fig. 3. Block diagram of the active noise cancellation algorithm
`Fig. 3 shows a block diagram of an active noise
`cancellation algorithm, which reconstructs a raw
`pulsation signal (sk) from the corrupted signal (dk),
`using measurable noise signal (xk). Here, PPG and body
`motion data correspond to dk and xk respectively. This
`research predominantly used 3-axis accelerometer
`signals (xk) for body motion data (nk).
`In this study, NLMS (Normalized Least Mean
`Square) adaptive filters were employed due to their fast
`processing and low order filter coefficients [6]. In the
`equation (1), w(n), the digital filter coefficient is
`computed from products of step size ((cid:541)(n)), input data
`(x(n)) and error data (e(n)). Instead of fixed step size in
`LMS algorithm,
`the step size are changed and
`normalized by the energy of input data vector. Step size,
`FITBIT, Ex. 1025
`almost same number of reference signal.
`Table 1 Error between signals on various
` frequency conditions
`(cid:1659) Z.C. error (%)
`1.5 (Hz)
`2.0 (Hz)
`2.5 (Hz)
`Reference v.s.
`Reference v.s.
`Table 1 shows error rates between the numbers of
`each signal’s zero-crossing
`in various
`conditions. Error rates increase from 25 % to 75 % as
`the frequency is higher. However reconstructed PPG
`signal case have low error rate, averagely lower than 5%.
`Besides it is represented lower than 4 count on beat per
`minute unit. Especially, in the 2.5 Hz motion condition,
`the error rate between reference and measured signal is
`74 %, but between reference and reconstructed signal is
`2.56 %. It means that the designed device and algorithm
`reduce motion artifacts efficiently.
`Fig.5. Reference (bottom), corrupted (middle) and reconstructed (top)
`signal in 2.5 Hz hand waving conditions
` A
` real-time, wearable and wireless finger band sensor
`is designed with
`the motion artifact
`algorithms. We obtain body motion data which is source
`of motion artifact using the accelerometer, and it is
`applied to active noise cancellation algorithm. As
`experiments, one directional hand motions which has
`difference frequency conditions are given. Fig.5 shows
`experimental signals;
`lower periodical signal
`reference pulsation signal, middle complex signal is
`measured corrupted signal, and
`top smooth and
`periodical signal is reconstructed signal. On the graph
`also represent the performance is well-done. As a result,
`counting error of pulsation signal is reduced less than
`(cid:541), are computed with the coefficients a, b and input data
`as equation (2), and the role of the coefficients are
`prevent the step size not to fluctuate excessively.
`Thorough this various step size condition, in NLMS
`cases, more flexible and stable signal processing is
`possible, which is appropriate for real-time and wireless
`( ) ( ) ( )n n e nx
`(cid:14) (cid:32)
`( )n
`( )n
`x x
`(cid:14) T
`PPG signals are measured at not only moving left
`finger but also right finger in fixed pose, as a reference
`signal. Pre-experiment resulted that longitudinal axis
`and rotational direction to finger directional movements
`are strongly related to motion artifact. Therefore, two
`directional active noise cancellation algorithms are
`applied to reconstruct the pure PPG signal. The
`experiments are progressed in that various frequency
`movement conditions are experimented during 30 sec in
`finger longitudinally and 20-cm-long hand waving. The
`range of the frequency is similar to daily body motion,
`1.5~2.5 Hz. Zero-crossing (Z.C) peak counting method
`are used as an evaluation method.
`(cid:52)(cid:71)(cid:72)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:50)(cid:41) (cid:47)(cid:71)(cid:67)(cid:85)(cid:87)(cid:84)(cid:71)(cid:70)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:50)(cid:41) (cid:52)(cid:71)(cid:69)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:84)(cid:87)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:71)(cid:70)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:50)(cid:41)
`Fig.4. Pulsation counts from the Z.C. of the signals
`The result, Fig.4, shows that the motion artifact
`reduction algorithm improve performance. The x, y axis
`represent number of
`zero-crossing during a minute, respectively. Lower than
`1Hz condition, zero-crossing error between reference
`and distorted measured PPG signal are nearly zero. The
`number of reference pulsation is 72 to 78 bpm (beat per
`minute), from normal healthy subject, and That of
`measured signal is 90 to 136 bpm in 1.5~2.5 Hz hand
`waving conditions, the error rates increase as movement
`frequency is higher. However, that of the reconstructed
`signal with motion artifact reduced algorithm detected
`FITBIT, Ex. 1025
`The experimental frequency condition is similar to a
`hand’s daily movement. For example as hand motions,
`running, walking [7], and hand gesture [8] have
`approximately 2 to 4 Hz frequency motion, and as
`finger motions, object exploration and texture scanning
`[9] have 0.8 to 2 Hz in table 2. But in hand writing,
`typing and tapping condition (4~7 Hz), they demand
`more high frequency artifact experiments and it remains
`future works.
`Table 2 Frequency of daily hand movement
`Frequency (Hz)
`0 - 4
`0.8 – 1.6
`0.8 – 2.2
`Hand motion
`Finger motion
`4 - 7
`Hand gesture
`Texture scan
`Hand writing
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`Humans are moved more than remain fixed, relaxed
`pose on our daily life. Moreover, accidents and
`emergencies occur in movement condition. Therefore,
`wearable and portable health care device with motion
`artifact reduced algorithm techniques are demanded for
`continuous health monitoring. And the proposed device
`in this paper could have a potential to developing this
`portable and wearable device without daily motion
`This work was supported by the IT R&D program of
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`FITBIT, Ex. 1025