`International Bureau
`[51) International Patent Classmcafion 7 i
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 00/44274
`{43) International Publication Date:
`3 August 2000 (03.08.00)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`28 January 2000 (28.01.00)
`(30) Priority Data:
`29 January 1999 (29.01.99)
`POUGA'I‘CI-‘IEV. Vadim I.
`(7])(72) Applicants and Inventors:
`l2422 Peacock Hill Ave. NW. Gig Harbor.
`WA 98332 (US). BOGOMOLOV. Evgueni N. {RUIUS};
`12422 Peacock Hill Ave. NW, Gig Harbor. WA 98332
`(US). IAROSLAVSTEV. Igor V. [RU/US]; 124-22 Peacock
`Hill Ave. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98332 (US). ZHIRNOV.
`Eugene N. [RUFUS]; 12422 Peacock Hill Ave. NW. Gig
`Harbor, WA 98332 (US). GRIBKOV. Eugene N. [RUNS];
`12422 Peaeok Hill Ave. NW. Gig Harbor. WA 98332
`JOHNSON, Larry. D.: Suite 130. 175 N. Redwood
`(74) Agent:
`Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903 (US).
`Without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
`(81) Designated States: AE, AL. AM, AT, AU, AZ. BA, BB, BG,
`BR. BY. CA, CH. CN. CU. CZ. DE, DK, EE. ES. FI, GB.
`GD. GE, GH. GM, HR. HU, ID. IL. IN. IS. JP. KE, KG.
`KP, KR, KZ, LC. LK, LR. LS. LT. LU. LV, MD, MG. MK.
`MN, MW. MX. NO, NZ, PL. PT. RO, RU, SD. SE. SG.
`Si, SK. SL, TJ. TM. TR. TI‘. UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU.
`ZA. ZW. ARIPO patent (GH, GM. KE. LS. MW. SD. SL.
`SZ, TZ, UG. ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ,
`MD, RU, TJ. TM). European patent (AT. BE. CH. CY, DE.
`DK, ES, FI. FR, GB. GR. IE. IT, LU. MC. NL. PT, SE).
`OAPI patent (BF. BJ. CF. CG. CI, CM. GA. GN, GW. ML,
`MR. NE. SN. TD, TG).
`US. Patent No. 8,923,941
`(57) Abstract
`A personal physiological monitor for evaluating autonomic nervous system functioning, said monitor including PPG, andfor GSR,
`andtor temperature sensors for acquiring raw physiological signals; a data processor for computing interbeat intervals from the raw PPG
`signal and re~sampling interheat interval sequences with a linear interpolation procedure; transmission means for transmitting both raw
`signals and the interbeat intervals to a computer through a communication port; a visual display; and builtein flash memory.
`Apple Inc.
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,923,941
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`Codes used to identifyr States part};r to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`osnia and Herzegovina
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Burkina Faso
`Republic of Macedonia
`'ll-inidacl and Tobago
`United Slates ofAmerica
`Vic: Nam
`Central African Republic
`C0": d’Ivoire
`New Iceland
`Russian Federation
`Czech Republic
`Uniied Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 OED/44274
`systems regulations.
`parasympathetic control. When the organism is activated by
`physical activity, psycho—emotional arousal or stress,
`organs are under dominant control of the sympathetic
`nervous system. A healthy organism is capable of adjusting
`This invention is related to the subject of the
`monitoring and assessment of the specific physiological
`conditions reflecting the functions of the autonomic
`— heart rate variability, blood
`nervous system (ANS)
`volume pulse, galvanic skin reactions (GSR) and peripheral
`skin temperature (TMP).
`It is known that the overall functioning of a living
`organism is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
`The ANS has two antagonistic branches -
`the sympathetic
`and parasympathetic nervous systems. Every organ is
`activated by one branch and inhibited by the other.
`Generally when the organism is in a calm state
`(relaxation, sleep. etc.) several organs,
`including the
`lungs and blood vessels. are under the dominance of
`to any outer influence by means of a quick and adequate
`sympathetic response. Once that factor disappears the
`parasympathetic activity increases balancing the
`organism’s overall autonomic regulation.
`It is important to have a means of measuring these
`specific physiological parameters used for the evaluation
`of the level of balance between the branches of autonomic
`nervous system and their reactions. With such means,
`specific provocative test factors are evaluated as well as
`the condition of both branches. Such a tool can help a
`human being learn how to cope with stress.
`achieving an autonomic balance as well as measuring
`certain physiological effects of the autonomic nervous
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`WO 00144274
`PCTfUSflfl/OZ41 8
`One of the most informative methods for the
`evaluation of the status of ANS sympathetic and
`parasympathetic branches is heart rate variability
`analysis. It is known that the time intervals between each
`two consecutive heartbeats vary and are under control of
`the autonomic nervous system. When the parasympathetic
`system is dominant the heart interbeat intervals (IBI) are
`oscillating with higher frequencies (0.15 - 0.4 Hz). When
`sympathetic arousal occurs.
`lower frequency oscillations
`take place.
`balance. The high frequency range (0.15 Hz- 0.4 Hz) of the
`There are two other physiological modalities that
`reflect the condition of autonomic regulation: skin
`conductance (galvanic skin response: GSR) and peripheral
`skin temperature. Skin conductance reflects changes in
`sweat gland activity driven by involuntary arousal of the
`sympathetic nervous system. These changes are rapid and
`varied as a reaction of the organism to outer events and
`slower changes reflecting variations of overall tonne of
`the sympathetic system. The skin temperature reflects a
`degree of vasoconstriction or dilation of the peripheral
`blood vessels, which also reflects a long-term process of
`the interaction of both branches of autonomic nervous
`systems. There is some disagreement regarding the efficacy
`of these latter two modalities for evaluating ANS balance,
`so they are noted here for reference purposes only.
`Another physiological measure — blood volume pulse
`reflects the level of peripheral blood vessels
`constriction / dilation. Blood volume pulse is affected by
`the same autonomic function activity.
`There is a standard mathematical procedure for short—
`term HRV evaluation, suggested by the Task Force of the
`European Society of Cardiology and the North American
`Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996). It
`provides both time and frequency domain analysis of the
`IEI time series. There are three important parameters of
`frequency domain analysis of HRV that reflect the levels
`of sympathetic and parasympathetic activities and their
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`WO 00/44274
`131 power spectrum (HF) reflects parasympathetic influence
`on heart rate. The low frequency range (0.04 Hz -0.15 Hz)
`of the IBI power spectrum (LF) has a considerable input of
`the both branches of the autonomic nervous system.
`To perform the HRV analysis an electrocardiograph
`(ECG) signal is usually measured. The 131 are derived from
`the ECG as the intervals between consecutive R-peaks. This
`method is very accurate and reliable but has a serious
`disadvantage - it requires the use of complex ECG
`equipment with the inconvenience of multiple site
`electrode placement. An alternative is to use a
`photoplethysmograph (PPG) measurement, which is a portable
`and convenient optical sensor that can be applied in many
`The PPG signal has periodic peaks that represent flow
`pulsation in blood vessels. It can be used to derive the
`IBI by measuring the time between two PPG peaks. Blood
`volume pulse information can be derived as well.
`places to pick up peripheral blood flow changes (e.g.
`fingers, ear lobe. etc.). The PPG emits an infrared (IR)
`light on the skin. The emitted light is partially consumed
`by the blood flow. The degree of light consumption /
`reflection is proportional to the changes in blood flow.
`intervals to a computer through a communication port:
`The personal physiological monitoring method of the
`present invention includes several possible hardware
`configurations of the physiological monitoring apparatus.
`Generally a physiological monitor continuously carries out
`any of the following functions depending on the particular
`hardware configuration:
`1. Acquires raw signals any of the following
`physiological modalities: PPG. GSR or temperature;
`2. Computes interbeat intervals from the raw PPG
`3. Re-samples interbeat interval sequence with a
`linear interpolation procedure;
`4. Transmits both raw signals and the interbeat
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 BDI442T4
`5. Displays data on an LCD display in the case of a
`standalone device configuration; and
`6. Stores data in built-in flash memory with the
`possibility to download data to a computer.
`The present invention may be embodied in either a
`standalone physiological monitoring device or in a
`computer—based unit.
`Figs. 1a depicts the standalone unit embodiment of
`the personal monitoring apparatus of the present
`Fig. 1b shows the LCD module and wireless IR or RF
`module of the standalone embodiment transmitting a signal
`of a glove combined with a flexible wristband. The soft
`to a remote computer;
`Fig. 2a shows a finger sensor unit as held by a user;
`Fig. 2b shows detail of the finger sensor pad that
`may be secured to the finger of a user;
`Fig. 3a illustrates the use of a physiological
`monitoring system having sensors integrated into a typical
`computer mouse;
`Fig. 3b shows details of the mouse of the embodiment
`of Fig. 3a;
`Fig. 4 is a schematic block diagram showing the
`structural and functional elements of the invention;
`Fig. 5 is a schematic block diagram of the 3—channel
`physiological monitor;
`Fig. 6 illustrates how PPG sensor electronic
`circuitry of the present invention operates; and
`Fig. 7 illustrates the procedure of IBI computation
`carried out by the micro—controller.
`Figs. 1a and 1b depict a first preferred embodiment
`10 of the personal physiological monitoring apparatus of
`the present invention, particularly illustrating the
`standalone unit concept. It can be implemented in the form
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`WO 00/44274
`glove 11 supports embedded sensors in any combination of
`transmits digital information to the computer 52 via
`PPG 12, GSR 14 and temperature 16, all of which are well
`known in the art. Collectively,
`these elements comprise
`the sensor unit.
`The sensors are wired to a main
`processing unit 18 embedded in a flexible wristband 20,
`which also supports an LCD module 22. The main processing
`unit includes a battery unit 24, which powers the main
`processing unit and which is also connected to the sensors
`via sensor circuits 1? to provide power to the sensors
`sufficient to conduct their respective measurements. It
`may also include a flash memory module 28 to collect
`physiological data and a wireless infrared (IR) or radio
`frequency (RF) module 30 capable of transmitting a signal
`32 for downloading of the data to a remote computer 34.
`When the above—described glove is worn by a user, all
`built-in sensors come in contact with the user's skin.
`When the device is turned on, it begins to continuously
`scan all available sensors and display the resulting data
`on an LCD display module. If there is a flash memory
`module installed.
`this data is collected in a compact
`format providing up to 24—hour data storage. At any time
`the user may command that all collected data be wirelessly
`downloaded to the remote computer. In fact,
`this design
`could allow for a continuous real—time data transmission
`to the remote computer instead of saving in a flash memory
`with respective download.
`Figs. 2a, 2b, 3a, and 3b depict a computer-based unit
`concept. There are two different implementations of the
`device: Fig. 2a shows a finger sensor unit 40 in use; Fig.
`2b shows detail of the finger sensor pad 42 that may be
`placed on a finger and secured. for example, with a strip
`of hook and loop fastening material
`(not shown).
`In a finger sensor pad design, Fig. 2a,
`there are up
`to three sensors located on top of the pad: PPG optical
`sensor window 44,
`two GSR electrodes 46 and a temperature
`sensor 48. All physiological signals are sent to the data
`processing unit 50 that processes the signals and
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 [NI/44274
`serial interface 54.
`Fig. 3a illustrates the use of a mouse-based
`physiological monitoring system 60 having sensors
`integrated into a typical computer mouse; and Fig. 3b
`shows details of the mouse of this embodiment.
`In a mouse-
`built into device (standalone or wireless models) or from
`integrated sensor design concept, Figs. 3a and 3b,
`are up to three sensors integrated into the body of the
`computer mouse. To provide better contact between sensors
`and the skin, a PPG sensor 62 and/or a temperature sensor
`64 can be placed on the lateral side of the mouse 66 where
`a thumb is normally situated when mouse is in a grip. Two
`GSR electrodes (metal plates or conductive rubber patches}
`68 can be placed either on the left and right mouse
`buttons where two fingers are typically situated or can be
`placed on the top of the mouse body to maintain contact
`with the palm surface when mouse is in a grip. All
`physiological signals are sent to the data processing unit
`70 that processes the signals and transmits digital
`information to the computer 72 via the serial interface
`Fig. 4 is a schematic block diagram showing the
`structural and functional elements of the invention. The
`device measures any combination of the physiological
`signals of PPG 80, GSR 32 and temperature 84 by means of
`the respective sensors that are combined in one device.
`The device has a built—in microprocessor 86 that controls
`all of the functions and processing of the PPG signal to
`derive the IEIs. In the case of the computer«based design
`(finger pad or mouse-integrated device) all physiological
`data is transmitted to the computer via serial interface
`(RS232 port, USB port, wireless infrared (IR) or radio
`(RF) port) 88. In case of standalone design physiological
`data is displayed on built-in LCD display 90 and can be
`stored in the flash memory module 92. Data collected in
`the flash memory 92 can be downloaded to the computer via
`the serial port 88. Depending on the particular design
`concept the device can be powered from the power supply 94
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 Oil/44274
`the computer via USB port. It can also be powered via
`RS232 port if the model does not include the GSR sensor.
`The specific software could collect physiological data via
`and push button 132 control circuitry. It also provides a
`the specific device driver 96 to perform certain tasks
`like physiological monitoring, evaluation or training.
`Fig. 5 is a schematic block diagram of the 3—channel
`physiological monitor 100. This particular design
`describes a mouse-integrated version of the monitor as an
`example. A standalone device is equivalent to this
`embodiment, excluding the mouse-specific components
`of X-
`coordinate control circuitry, Y-coordinate control
`circuitry, and push buttons control circuitry. The photo
`sensor 102 consists of two 880nm IR emitters 104 and one
`880nm IR detector 106. Such a combination provides better
`movement artifact reduction. The micro-controller 108
`carries out all the signal process functions of the
`device. An input signal goes to the internal sample and
`hold circuit 110 of the micro-controller passing an input
`amplifier 112 and an analog one—pole high-pass filter 114.
`This allows for input signal conditioning. The sample and
`hold circuit 110 is connected to the cascade of an output
`amplifier with built-in band—pass filter 116 and a one-
`pole low-pass filter 118. The output of this cascade is
`connected to the input multiplexer of the 12—bit analog—
`to—digital converter 120. The signals from GSR electrodes
`and temperature sensor (thermoresistor) go to the input
`multiplexer of A—to-D converter 120 passing a low-pass
`filter 122. The current source 124 provides both G83 and
`TMP sensor circuits with the necessary power to conduct
`the measurements. The power supply 126 is preferably one
`of two types:
`two AAA batteries with switching voltage
`regulator or (B) one S-V battery with a linear voltage
`regulator. However,
`the apparatus may be modified to run
`from any of a number of other suitable power sources.
`microwcontroller 108 carries out sensor functioning,
`interbeat interval computing as well as standard mouse
`functioning along with X—coordinate 128, Y—coordinate 130
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 004’44274
`circuitry operates. The operation of GSR and TM? is not
`reflected here because of its extreme simplicity. The
`at the moment of next crossing of the zero line. The
`serial interface communication with a serial port 134 of a
`computer 136.
`Fig. 6 demonstrates how the PPG sensor electronic
`micro—controller generates square 200uS-long (Tp)
`140 with 3.3V amplitude and ZmS periods (Te) pulse 142,
`sent to the IR emitter. The use of switch power mode
`provides better power consumption and eliminates an
`excessive sensitivity to the external lights. An output
`signal of the IR detector is a function of the intensity
`of the signal reflected by the skin surface. The output
`signal of the IR detector is sent to the input of the
`analog switch of the micro—controller through the input
`amplifier (ourrent—to—voltage converter with a gain) and
`the high-pass filter to eliminate a signal offset 144. The
`micro—controller controls an internal analog switch in a
`"Sample and Hold“ mode 146. switching the capacitor Ch
`between an output of the input amplifier and an input of
`the output amplifier, so Ch holds constant voltage
`depending on the input signal 148. The output amplifier is
`an AC amplifier with a built-in bandwpass filter and gain
`of 70 appr. It provides an output signal in the voltage
`range of the A—to—D converter 150. The micro-controller
`carries out the PPG signal processing and sends data to
`the PC.
`Fig. 7 illustrates the procedure of IBI computation
`carried out by the micro-controller. The raw PPG signal
`160 varies in the range of 0 ... 1000 units. It is
`filtered by a low—pass digital filter (2.5 Hz cut-off).
`The LP filter gives a filtered signal 162 that looks
`almost like a sine wave. Then the signal is filtered by a
`high-pass digital filter (0.5 Hz cut-off). The HP filter
`gives a signal 164 that is oscillating at around zero.
`Then IBI (interbeat intervals) are computed as the time
`intervals between the moments when the signal is crossing
`a zero line. So the IBI sequence 166 gets every new value
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`WO 00144274
`sequence of the interbeat intervals also called
`is because of the moments when next PPG peak occurs are
`not predictable. The micro-controller then does a re—
`sampling procedure to convert a periodogram into a
`stabilized sequence of IBI values by means of linear
`interpolation 168. This allows for the processing of
`signals to do spectral analysis of IBis to evaluate the
`various physiological parameters.
`While this invention has been described in connection
`with preferred embodiments thereof, it is obvious that
`modifications and changes therein may be made by those
`skilled in the art to which it pertains without departing
`from the spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly,
`the scope of this invention is to be limited only by the
`in other words,
`periodogram has an irregular nature,
`time intervals between its elements are not constant. This
`appended claims and equivalents.
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 00l442'74
`What is claimed as invention is:
`A personal physiological monitoring apparatus
`for monitoring autonomic nervous system balance,
`a sensor unit;
`user when in use, said sensors selected from the group
`consisting of photoplethysmograph (PPG) sensors, galvanic
`skin response (GSR) sensors, and peripheral skin
`temperature (TMP) sensors, said sensors for the
`acquisition and transmission of raw physiological data;
`sensor circuits connecting said sensors to said power
`transmission means comprises a wireless radio frequency
`power means;
`a plurality of sensors operatively located in said
`sensor unit so as to be in contact with the skin of the
`a data processing unit electrically connected to
`power means and to said plurality of sensors, said data
`processing unit receiving the raw physiological data
`transmitted by said sensors and including means for
`evaluating the raw data for autonomic nervous system
`balance and for providing display output; and
`display means for displaying the display output from
`said data processing unit.
`The apparatus of claim 1 further including
`memory means for collecting the raw physiological data for
`downloading the data to a remote computer.
`The apparatus of claim 2 wherein said memory
`means comprises a flash memory module.
`The apparatus of claim 1 further including
`transmission means for transmitting raw physiological data
`to a remote computer having means for evaluating said data
`to assess ANS functioning and balance.
`The apparatus of claim 4 wherein said
`transmission means comprises a wireless infrared module.
`The apparatus of claim 4 wherein said
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 flflf44274
`(GSR) sensors, and peripheral skin temperature (TM?)
`unit comprises a glove having embedded sensors that bring
`sensors into contact with the wearer's skin when in use..
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said
`transmission means provides continuous real—time data
`transmission to a remote computer.
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said display
`means comprises a video display monitor.
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said display
`means comprises a flexible wristband having an LCD
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said sensors
`include at least one PPG sensor for transmission of a raw
`PPG signal to said data processing unit.
`The apparatus of claim 10 wherein said data
`processing unit includes means for computing interbeat
`intervals from the raw PPG signal and resampling the
`interbeat interval sequence with a linear interpolation
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said sensor
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said sensor
`unit comprises a finger sensor pad and further includes
`means for securing said finger sensor pad to the finger of
`a user, and further including a data interface connecting
`said finger sensor pad to a computer.
`The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said sensor
`unit comprises a computer mouse, and further includes a
`data interface connecting said mouse to a computer.
`A method of monitoring autonomic nervous system
`functioning, comprising the steps of:
`providing a personal physiological monitoring
`apparatus for monitoring autonomic nervous system balance,
`said apparatus comprising a sensor unit, power means, a
`plurality of sensors operatively located in said sensor
`unit so as to be in contact with the skin of the user when
`in use, said sensors selected from the group consisting of
`photoplethysmograph (PPG) sensors, galvanic skin response
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 00M4274
`sensors. said sensors for the acquisition and transmission
`of raw physiological datar sensor circuits connecting said
`sensors to said power means, a data processing unit
`electrically connected to power means and to said
`plurality of sensors, said data processing unit receiving
`the raw physiological data transmitted by said sensors and
`including means for evaluating the raw data for autonomic
`nervous system balance and for providing display output,
`and display means for displaying the display output from
`said data processing unit; and
`securing said sensor unit to the skin of the subject
`to be monitored.
`The method of claim 15 wherein said sensor unit
`comprises at least one PPG sensor.
`The method of claim 16 wherein said data
`processing unit includes means for computing interbeat
`intervals from the raw PPG signal and resampling the
`interbeat interval sequence with a linear interpolation
`The method of claim 17 wherein said personal
`physiological monitor includes transmission means for
`transmitting both raw signals and said interbeat intervals
`to a computer.
`The method of claim 18 wherein said personal
`physiological monitor includes a built in flash memory for
`storing physiological data and means for downloading said
`data to a computer at a later time.
`The method of claim 15 wherein said sensor unit
`of said personal physiological monitor comprises a glove
`having embedded sensors that bring said sensors into
`contact with the skin of the user when worn in use, and
`further includes a flexible wristband having an LCD
`display operatively connected to said data processing
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`WO 00144274
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 00M4274
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
`W0 [IO/44274
`FITBIT, Ex. 1066
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`W0 00M42‘T4
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`WO 00144274
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