`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization -
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`1 November 2007 (01.11.2007)
`(10) International Publication Number
`W0 2007/ 12237 5 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`AME Sill-£55 (2W601)
`A618 5’08 (2006.01)
`A613 5.3024 (2006.0l)
`(74) Agent: CHARIG, Raymond; liric Potter (Ilarkson 1.].1’.
`Park View House. 58 The Ropcwalk. Nottingham NS]
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`11 Apfil2007t|1.04.2007)
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`(71) Applicant [for all designated States except US}: THE
`my Park‘ leingham NG? 2RD (GBI
`[72) Inventors; and
`lnventorst'Applicants (for US only): CROWE, John
`[(33033]; School of Electrical and Electronic Engineer
`ing. The University of Nottingham. University Park,
`Nottingham NG7 2RD (GB). GRUBB. Mark lGBKiBI;
`School of Electrical and lilectronic Engineering. The
`University of Nottingham. University Park, Nottingham Published:
`NG? 2RD (GB). HAYESflfliL, Barrie [GBJ'GB]; School
`without international scrim}! report and to be republished
`of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The University
`upon receipt of that report
`of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NUT 2RD
`(GB). MILES. Nicolas lGBt’GB]: School ot'lilectrical and
`Electronic Engineering, The University of Nottingham,
`Universin Park. Nottingham NG't' 2RD (GB).
`For terJetter codes and other abbreviations. refer to the "Guide
`mice Notes on Codes and Abbreviations " appearing tit the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`(54) Title: PHO’t‘om.n't'HstOGRAPHv
`(57) Abstract: A photoplethysmograph device includes a light source for illuminating a target object. A modulator drives the light
`source such that the output intensityr varies as a function of a modulation signal at a modulation frequency. A detector receives light
`from the target object and generates an electrical output as a function of the intensity of received light. A demodulator with a local
`: oscillator receives the detector outth and produces a demodulated output representative of the modulation signal. The demodulator
`c is insensitive to any phase difference between the modulation signal and the oscillator of the demodulator.
`lirom the demodulated
`N output. a signal indicative of blood volume as a function of time and for blood composition is generated. A number ol'dcmodulators
`may be provided to derive signals from multiple light sources of different wavelengths, or from an array ofdelectors. The plethys-
`mograph may operate in a transmission mode or a reflectance mode. When in a reflectance mode, the device may use the green part
`of the optical spectnim and may use pelarising filters.
`Apple Inc.
`APL 1049
`US. Patent No. 8,923,941
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,923,941
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007I'122375
`PCT/G 82007/001355
`The present invention relates photoplethysrnography and in particular to a method and
`apparatus for measuring pulse rate, breathing rate and blood constituents in the human
`or animal body.
`The word plethysrnography is a combination of the Greek words Piethysmos,
`meaning increase, and graph, meaning write. A plethysmograph is an instrument,
`method or apparatus used to measure the variations in blood volume in the body.
`Photoplethysmography (hereinafter also referred to as 'PPG') refers to the use of light
`to measure these changes in volume, and therefore a photoplethysmograph is an
`instrument, method or apparatus that uses light to perform these measurements.
`Although the human or animal body is generally assumed to he opaque to light, most
`tissue will
`transmit and reflect both visible and near-infrared radiation.
`Therefore, if light is projected onto an area of skin and the emergent light is detected
`after its interaction with the slcin, blood and other tissue, time varying changes of light
`intensity havhig a relation with blood volume, known as the plethysmogram, can be
`observed. This time varying light intensity signal will depend on a number of factors
`including the optical properties of the tissues and biood at the measurement site, and
`the wavelength of the light source. The signal results because blood absorbs light and
`the amount of light absorbed, and hence the intensity of remaining light detected,
`varies in relation with the volume of blood illuminated.
`Variation in the
`plethysmogram is caused by the variation in blood volume flowing in the tissue.
`This technique was introduced in 1937 by Hertzman. He was the first to use the term
`photoplethysmcgraphy and suggested that the resultant piethysmograrn represented
`volumetric changes of blood in the skin's vessels.
`The plethysmogram is usually described with respect to its AC and DC components.
`The absorption of light by uon—pulsatile blood, bone and tissue is assumed to be
`constant and giVes rise to the DC component. The DC component represents the
`volume of non-pulsatile blood below the sensor, plus light reflected and scattered off
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
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`W0 2007f122375
`the skin, bone and other tissues. The AC component is caused by the time varying
`absorption of light caused by temporal changes in blood volume below the sensor.
`Changes in the blood volume can be caused by cardiovascular regulation, blood
`pressure regulation, fliermoregulation and respiration. Thus the ple’diysmogram can
`be analysed to determine mforrnation on such parameters as pulse rate, breathing rate,
`blood pressure, perfusion, cardiac stroke volume and respiratory tidal volume. These
`can be observed as periodic and non-periodic changes in the amplitude of AC and DC
`components in the plethysmogram. This has been described in more detail in Kamal
`et at:
`'Skz'n Phoroplerhysmography — a review’, Computer Methods and Programs in
`Biomedicine, 28 (1989) 257-269).
`The plethysmogram can also he analysed to
`determine blood constituents.
`One such technique is pulse oximetry, which
`determines the relative amount of oxygen in the blood. Other blood constituents can
`also be measured by using photoplethysmography.
`There are two modes of photoplethysmography, the transmission mode and the
`reflection mode. In transmission mode the light source is on one side of the tissue and
`the photodetector is placed on the other side, opposite the light source. The use of
`transmission mode is limited to areas where the tissue is thin enough to allow light to
`propagate, for example the fingers, toes and earlobes of a human subject.
`In reflection mode the light source and photodetector are place side-by—side. Light
`entering the tissue is reflected and a proportion of this is detected at the photodetector.
`This source—detector configuration is more versatile and allows measurements to be
`performed on almost any area of tissue. However, the use of reflectance mode is
`much harder to design than transmission because the signal level is significantly lower
`at the most effective wavelengths. Thus, considerable attention must be given to
`maximising signal-to-noise ratio. As a result, the most common PPG sensors use
`transmission mode and hence are restricted to positions where light can pass through
`As a photodetector is used to measure light from the source, the photoplethysmograph
`can also respond to interfering signals from other sources of light, for' example
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
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`W0 2007;122:375
`fluorescent lighting and computer monitors. The sensor must also respond to changes
`in the light propagating through tissue, i.e. the plethysmo gram. These physiological
`changes contain frequency components between DC and 25 Hz. However, it is
`desirable for the sensor not to respond to ambient light noise. Accordingly, the
`phot0plethysmograph should reject ambient
`plethysmogram in the bandwidth ofinterest.
`light noise while detecting the
`A second source of interference is other electrical apparatus. Other electrical devices
`can generate radio frequency signals that a photoplethysmograph can detect.
`It is
`desirable to minimise the Sensitivity of the system to interfering sources of this nature.
`A third source of
`electrical noise generated by the
`photoplethysmo graph itself. Such noise can be generated by electronic components,
`and can include thermal noise, flicker noise, shot noise, as Well as noise spikes, for
`example, harmonics generated by missing codes in an analogue-to-digital converter.
`It is also desirable to minimise the sensitivity of the system to interference from these
`A known technique for reducing the noise generated by these three sources of
`interference is to drive the sensor's light source with a carrier modulated at a
`frequency that is not present, or dominant,
`in the ambient
`light, electrical radio
`frequency signals, 'or photoplethysmograph system noise. This can be done by
`modulating the sensor’s light source with a square wave, by pulsing it on and off. The
`detected signals are then band pass filtered to attenuate interference outside the
`fiequency range of
`Subsequent demodulation will
`In general, any periodic signal such as a sine wave may be used to
`modulate the light source.
`Though modulated light photoplethysmography exists in the prior art, there are still
`critical limitations in how it has been applied, especially in terms of suitable signal
`conditioning circuits for attenuating or removing noise, and demodulation. For
`example, EP0335357, EPG314324, W00144780 and W09846125 disclose modulated
`light phot0plethysmography. However,
`they use a demodulation method. and
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007;122:375
`apparatus that requires
`the modulating and demodulating carrier phase to be
`synchronised. Error in the synchronisation timing will add noise to the demodulated
`signal (timing jitter or phase noise). The prior art also fails to make full use of band
`pass filter characteristics to remove ambient interfering light, by still relying on a
`separate channel to measure ambient light, and later subtracting it fi'om the signal,
`which adds
`filrther complexity and is arguably less efficient at attenuating
`interference. These limitations reduce immunity to broadband and narrowband noise
`from sources such as fluorescent lighting, computer monitors, sunlight, incandescent
`light, electrical RF interference, thermal noise, flicker noise, and shot noise.
`A further limitation in the prior art is the choice of wavelength for reflectance mode
`sensors. Both reflection mode and transmission mode sensors use light sources in the
`red andfor infrared part of the spectrum, wavelengths between 600nm and lOOOnrn
`being typical. However, red l infrared reflectance sensors do not function well
`because light at red and infrared wavelengths is poorly absorbed by blood. This
`results in low modulation of the reflected signal and therefore a small AC component.
`Therefore red / infrared reflectance probes give poor results when compared to
`transmittance probes. It has been shown in Weija Cui er al: “In Vivo Reflectance of
`Blood and Tissue as a Function of Light Wavelength”,
`IEEE Transactions on
`Biomedical Engineering, Volume 37, No 6, June 1996), that a larger plethysmogram
`AC component amplitude can be recorded if a reflectance mode sensor uses light of
`wavelengths between 500nm and 600nm (green light).
`A continuous non-modulated green light photoplethysmograph was described in W0
`9822018Al. HUWever, the objective of this invention was reflectance pulse oximetry,
`and the patent does not explain the steps necessary to produce a reliable
`photoplethysmograph suitable for measuring the plethysmogram AC and DC
`component. Such a green light sensor would be necessary to reliably detect the AC
`component, for example heart rate, but moreover the breathing signal, which is
`extremely small and was not detected by this system.
`In Benton er al: “Integrated synchronous receiver channelfor optical instrumentation
`applications” Proceedings of SPIE — The International Society for Optics]
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007;122:375
`3. modulated
`photcplethysmograph is described that uses a switching multiplier to systematically
`change‘the gain of the signal path between +1 and —1. This is the equivalent of
`mixing the modulated signal with a square wave to recover the plethysmogram.
`However, similar to the other prior art described previously, this method needs the
`modulating carrier and demodulating local oscillator signals to be iii-phase.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved plethysmograph.
`According to one aspect,
`the present
`invention provides a photoplethysmograph
`device comprising:
`a light source for illuminating a target object;
`a modulator for driving the light source such that the output intensity varies as
`a function of a modulation signal at a modulation frequency;
`a detector for receiving light from the target object and generating an electrical
`output as a function of the intensity of received light;
`a demodulator for receiving the detector output, having a local oscillator and
`producing a demodulated output representative of the modulation signal and any
`sidebands thereof, in which the demodulator is insensitive to any phase difference
`between the modulation signal and the oscillator of the demodulator; and
`means for generating, from the demodulated output, a signal indicative of
`blood volume as a function of time and f or blood composition.
`According to another aspect, the present invention provides a method of generating a
`plethysmograrn, comprising the steps of:
`illuminating a target object with a light source;
`driving the light source with a modulator such that the output intensity varies
`as a fimction of a modulation signal at a modulation frequency;
`receiving light from the target object with a detector and generating an
`electrical output as a function of the intensity of received light;
`receiving the detector output in a demodulator having a local oscillator and
`producing a demodulated output representative of the modulation signal and any
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007f122375
`sidebands thereof, in which the demodulator is insensitive to any phase difference
`between the modulation signal and the oscillator of the demodulator; and
`generating, from the demodulated output, a signal indicative of blood volume
`as a function of time and / or blood composition.
`According to another aspect, the present invention provides a photoplethysmograph
`device comprising:
`one or more light sources each for illuminating a portion of a target object;
`one or more modulators for driving the light sources such that the output
`intensity of each light source varies as a function of a modulation signal at a
`modulation frequency;
`one or more detectors for receiving light from the target object and generating
`one or more electrical outputs as a function of the intensity of received light;
`a plurality of demodulators each for receiving one or more of the electrical
`outputs and producing a demodulated output representative of the modulation signal
`of one of the modulated light sources and any sidebands thereof, to thereby produce a
`plurality of demodulated outputs corresponding to the plurality of light sources and!or
`plurality of detectors; and
`means for generating, from the demodulated outputs, plethysmogram signals
`indicative of blood volume as a function of time and f or blood composition for each
`of the demodulator outputs.
`According to another aspect, the present invention provides a method of generating a
`plethysmogram, comprising the steps of:
`illuminating a portion of a target object with one or more light sources;
`driving the light sources with one or more modulators such that the output
`intensity of each light source varies as a function of a modulation signal at a
`modulation frequency;
`receiving light from the target object with one or more detectors and
`generating one or more electrical outputs as a fimction of the intensity of received
`receiving one or more of the electrical outputs with a plurality of
`demodulators, each producing a demodulated output representative of the modulation
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007f122375
`signal of one of the modulated light sources and any sidebands thereof, to thereby
`produce a plurality of demodulated outputs corresponding to the plurality of light
`sources; and
`generating, from the demodulated outputs, plethysmogram signals indicative
`of blood volume as a function of time and X or blood composition for each of the
`demodulator outputs of the pixel array.
`According to another aspect, the present invention provides a photoplethysmograph
`device for non—contact use, comprising:
`alight source for illuminating a target object via a first polarising filter;
`a modulator for driving the light source such that the output intensity varies as
`a function of a modulation signal at amodulation frequency;
`a detector for receiving light from the target object via a second polarising
`filter having a different polarisation state than the first polarising filter, the detector
`adapted to generate an electrical output as a function of the intensity of received light;
`a demodulator for receiving the detector output and producing a demodulated
`output representative of the modulation signal and any sidebands thereof; and
`means for generating, from the demodulated output, a signal indicative of
`blood volume as a function of time and f or blood composition.
`According to another aspect, the present invention provides a method of generating a
`photoplethysmogram, comprising the steps of:
`illuminating a target object with a light source via a first polarising filter;
`driving the light source with a modulator such that the output intensity varies
`as a function of a modulation signal at a modulation frequency;
`receiving light from the target object with a detector via a second polarising
`filter having a different polarisation state than the first polarising filter, the detector
`generating an electrical output as a function of the intensity of received light;
`receiving the detector output with a demodulator and producing a demodulated
`output representative of the modulation signal and any sidebands thereof; and
`generating, from the demodulated output, a signal indicative of blood volume
`as a function of time and f or blood composition.
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007f122375
`According to another aspect, the present invention provides a photoplethysmograph
`devicc for non-contact use, comprising:
`a light source for illuminating a target object with optical
`radiation of
`wavelength less than 600 nm;
`a modulator for driving the light source such that the output intensity varies as
`a function of a modulation signal at a modulation frequency;
`a detector for receiving light from the target object and adapted to generate an
`electrical output as a function of the intensity of received light, the light source and
`detector being disposed laterally adjacent to one another on a substrate such that the
`active surfaces thereof can be directed towards substantially the same point on a
`surface of the target body;
`a demodulator for receiving the detector output and producing a demodulated
`output represtative of the modulation signal and any sidebands thereof; and
`means for generating, from the demodulated output, a signal indicative of
`blood volume as a function of time and/ or blood composition.
`According to another aspect, the present invention provides a method of generating a
`photoplethysmogram, comprising the steps of:
`illuminating a target object with optical radiation of wavelength less than 600
`nm fi'om a light source;
`driving the light source with a modulator such that the output intensity varies
`as a function of a modulation signal at a modulation fi‘equency;
`receiving light from the target object with a detector to generate an electrical
`output as a function of the intensity of received light, the light source and detector
`being disposed laterally adjacent to one another on a substrate such that the active
`surfaces thereof can be directed towards substantially the same point on a surface of
`the target body;
`receiving the detector output with a demodulator and producing a demodulated
`output representative of the modulation signal and any sidehands thereof; and
`generating, from the demodulated output, a signal indicative of blood volume
`as a fitnetion of time and f or blood composition.
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007f122375
`The invention provides a modulated light photoplethysmograph device.
`In selected
`embodiments, it combines the features of modulated light, band pass filtering, and IQ
`demodulation to give a plethysmogram of perfuse tissue. When used in reflectance
`mode, light in the blue and/or green portion of the optical spectrum is used which
`gives a larger pulsatiie signal and improved signal to noise ratio.
`Selected embodiments of the invention provide improved reliability through the
`reduction of noise when the photoplethysmograph device is used in transmission
`In addition, the choice of light in the blue K green portion of the optical
`spectrum (i.e. wavelengths of between 400 nm and 600nm) gives improved reliability
`through the reduction of noise and the increase in AC component signal amplitude,
`when the photoplethysmograph device is used in reflection mode.
`Selected embodiments can be applied to different photoplethysmography techniques
`single wavelength
`photoplethysmography, multiple wavelength
`Embodiments of the present invention will now be desoribed by way of example and
`with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
`fiinctional block diagram of
`single wavelength
`photoplethysmograph device;
`Figure 2 is a functional block diagram of a demodulator suitable for use in the
`photoplethysmograph device of figure 1;
`Figure 3
`functional block diagram of a multiple wavelength
`photoplethysmograph device;
`Figure 4 is a schematic plan view of a pixel array photoplethysmograph
`Figure 5a is a schematic side view of a non—contact photoplethysmograph
`device with polarising filters;
`Figure 5b is a plan view of a polarisng filter for use with the reflectance mode
`photoplethysmo graph device of figure 7;
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007f122375
`block diagram of a
`single wavelength
`photoplethysmograph device;
`Figure 7 is a schematic plan View, side view and end View of a reflectance
`mode photopiethysmograph device;
`Figure 8 is a circuit diagram of a transimpedance amplifier suitable for use in
`the photoplcthysmograph devices described herein;
`Figure 9 is a circuit diagram of a band pass filter circuit suitable for use in the
`photoplethysmograph devices described herein;
`Figure 10 is a circuit diagram of a light source driver circuit suitable for use in
`the photoplethysmograph devices described herein;
`Figure 11 is a process flow diagram illustrating a demodulation algorithm
`suitable for use in the photoplethysmograph devices described herein;
`Figure 12 is a functional block diagram of a light source brightness control
`loop suitable for use in the photoplethysrnograph devices described herein;
`Figure 13a is a photoplethysrnogram showing a combined AC and DC output
`of a photoplethysmograph device;
`Figure 13b is a photoplethysmogram showing the magnified AC component
`from figure 13a;
`Figure 14a is a photoplethysmogram showing combined pulsatiie and
`breathing signal;
`Figure 14b is a photoplethysmogram showing the breathing signal of figure
`14a only;
`Figure 15a. is a photoPIethysmogram showing a breathing signal only;
`Figure 15b is a corresponding breathing signal as measured by an oral
`Figure 16 is a photoplethysmogram recorded using a green light source of
`wavelength 510 nm;
`Figure 17 is a photoplethysmogram recorded using a red light source of
`wavelength 644 nm;
`Figure 18 is a fimctiona] block diagram of an alternative demodulator suitable
`for use in the photoplethysrnograph device of figure 1;
`Figure 19 is a functional block diagram of an alternative demodulator suitable
`for use in the photoplethysmograph device of figure 1;
`FITBIT, EX. 1049
`FITBIT, Ex. 1049
`W0 2007;122:375
`Figure 20 is a functional block diagram of an alternative demodulator suitable
`for use in the photoplethysmo graph device of figure 1.
`Single wavelength photoplethysmogmph device
`With reference to figure I, a photoplethysmograph device 100 comprises a driver
`circuit 101 which is coupled to energise a light source 102 with modulated drive
`signal such that the output intensity of the light source varies as a function of a
`modulation signal having a specific modulation frequency (fm) and modulation
`amplitude (Ml(t)). The waveform driving the light source is therefore a modulating
`carrier characterised by its frequency and amplitude.
`The light source 102 is configured to illuminate a. target object 103 such as an area of
`tissue of the human or animal body. The light source 102 preferably comprises one or
`more light emitting devices each of a given wavelength or range of wavelengths.
`A photodetector 104 is configured to receive light from the target object 103 after its
`interaction therewith. Depending on the relative positioning of the light source 102,
`the target object 103 and the photodetector 104, this_received light may be one or
`more of light that has been transmitted through the target object, light that has been
`reflected from the surface of the target object, and light that has been scattered by and
`f or reflected from structures or fluids within the target object. The photodetector will
`generate an electrical current that is a function of, eg. proportional to, the amount of
`light incident to its active area.
`A detector 105 may be provided to convert
`the electrical current
`from the
`photodetector 104 to a voltage that is proportional to the current. The detector 105
`may incorporate an amplifier (not shown). The gain of that amplifier can be rolled off
`at a frequency greater than the modulation frequency. The detector 105 and amplifier
`can, with careful design, minimise the noise at the input to a band pass filter 106
`coupled thereto.
`In a general sense, the photodetector 104 and detector 105 functions
`may be provided by any detector capable of receiving light from the target object and
`generating an electrical output that is a_ function of the intensity ofthe received light.
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`W0 2007f122375
`The band pass filter 106 may be provided for attenuating signals outside a bandwidth
`of interest. The filter bandwidth is preferably centred on the modulation frequency fin
`and is sufficiently wide to pass the modulating carrier and sidebauds caused by
`plethysmogram amplitude modulation, but narrow enough to attenuate frequency
`components of interference and noise. To reduce noise, the bandwidth of the band
`pass filter 106 should be as narrow as possible.
`It need only be wide enough to pass
`the upper and lower sidebands of the plethysmograrn, typically but not limited to 50
`Hz. The band pass filter 106 may incorporate an amplifier (not shown) to provide
`additional gain. The band pass filter 106 and amplifier are preferably designed to
`minimise noise at the input of the following stage, namely a demodulator 107. It will
`be appreciated that the provision of a band pass filter 106 is not always necessary but,
`if employed, an increase in signal—to-noise ratio (SNR) may result.
`A preferred arrangement of demodulator 107 is shown in more detail in figure 2. The
`demodulator 107 is adapted to demodulate the output of the band pass filter 106 and
`hence recover a plethysmogram from the detected light received from the target
`object. The preferred demodulator 107 uses a method that is insensitive to the phase
`difference between the modulation carrier and a demodulation carrier. In other words,
`the demodulator is insensitive to any phase difference between the modulation signal
`and an oscillator in the demodulator, as will be explained later.
`unnecessary to maintain a predetermined phase relationship between the modulation
`and demodulation process.
`The demodulator 107 may comprise a multiplexer 210 for splitting the modulated
`signal M16) into two channels. A first channel processes a first modulated input
`signal Ml(t)a and a second channel processes a second modulated input signal
`M1(t)b. The first modulated input signal Ml(t)a is provided as input to a first
`multiplier 201 together with an Output of a first demodulator local oscillator (LO)
`signal 204, D1(t). The frequency of the local oscillator signal 204 is preferably
`substantially equal to the frequency of the modulation signal and therefore equal to
`the modulating carrier
`frequency of input signal M16).
`The result of the
`multiplication of Ml(t)a with the first LO signal 204 is mil (‘in phase’) signal. In the
`second channel, the second modulated input signal is multiplied, using a multiplier
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`W0 2007f122375
`206, with a second demodulator local oscillator (LO) signal that also has a frequency
`preferably substantially equal to the fi'equency of the modulation signal. However,
`the second demodulator LO signal is phase shifted by phase shifter 205 with respect
`to the first demodulator LO signs].
`The phase difference between the first
`demodulator L0 and second demodulator L0 is preferably 90 degrees. The result of
`the multiplication of M1(t)b with the second demodulator LO signal
`is the Q
`(‘quadrature phase') signal.
`It will he understood that the local oscillator, although
`shown as a producing a sine wave output, could produce other waveforms of the
`required frequency.
`The separate I and Q signals are preferably separately low pass filtered in filter
`elements 202 and 207 respectively to remove unwanted harmonics and products of the
`multiplication process. Optionally,
`the resulting signals may be decimated in
`decimators 203 and 208 respectively to reduce the sample rate. The results of this are
`the I’ and Q’ signals.
`The I’ and Q’ sig