`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization .
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`11 January 2007 (1 1.01.2007}
`(51) International Patent Classifiealion:
`A613 5ft?!) (2006.01)
` ||||l||||||||l||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Il||||||||l|||||||
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2007/004089 A1
`{81) Designated States (tiniest! otherwise indicated. for every
`kind of notionai protection avaiiabic}: AE. AG. AL, AM,
`AT. AU, AZ, BA, BB. BG, BR, BW, BY. BK. CA. CH, (IN.
`(:0. CR. CU. CZ, DIE, DK. DM, DZ, EC, 1115. HG, liS, lil.
`GB, GD, GE, GI-l, GM, II'N, II'R, IIU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP,
`KE. KG, KM, KN, KP. KR, KZ, LA, LC. LK, LR. LS, LT,
`LU, IN, LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA,
`NG, N1. NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, m: RO. RS. RU, SC,
`SD, 81$, 80', SK, SL, SM, SY, '1'], TM, TN, TR, '1'1‘, '12,
`UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designaled States (titties: otherwise indicated. for every
`kind oj'regiouoi protection avaiiobir'): ARI-PO (3W, G] I,
`GM, K11, LS, MW, M7“ NA. SI), 3]., 57., TZ, UG, ZM.
`24W). [Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MI), RU, Tl, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`GN. GQ. GW. ML, MR, N15, SN, TD, TG).
`fl with internwionai search report
`brfom the expiration of the time iimit for amending the
`claims and to be i'epttbt'irited in the event of mrreipl‘ of
`[21) International Applicalion Number:
`F’C'l‘i‘I 3:005:05 I 994
`[22) International Filing Date:
`20 June 2006 (30.06.2006)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priorin Data:
`30 lune 3005 (3005,2005)
`28 February 2006 (28.02.2006)
`(1'1) Applicnnl U'or (iii del'igtmteci States except US): KONIN-
`Grocncwoudsewcg l, NL—Sfi'll BA Eindhovcn (ND,
`Inventors; and
`Invmtorsffipplicanls (for US rmiy): NIELSEN. Larry
`T Thislle Road, Burlington, Massachusetts
`01803 (US). MORONEY, Richard, M. [USiUSh 3 Kons-
`inglon Court, l’rincelon. New Jersey 08540 (US). POUX,
`Christopher, J.
`[USFUSR 595 Minor Road, Cleveland,
`Ohio 44143 (US).
`Common Representative: KONINKLIJKE PHlLII-‘S
`ELECTRONICS, N.V.: (Ito Lundin, Thomas, M. 595
`Miner Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 (US).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations. refer to tire "fluid,
`once Note; on Corie: and Abbreviations " appearing at the begin-
`ning (Jami?! reguidr issue nft‘iie PCT Gazette.
`f in
`(57) Abslraol: A portable physiological monitoring device (12) includes a receiver (22) lhal wirelessly receives physiological mea-
`surements from each ofa pl uralily of in—thc—ear probes (14) upon entering a communication range ofoncoflhe in-the-earprohes (14).
`The ponable physiological monitoring device ([2) farther includes a display (30) for presenting the physiological measurements.
`Apple Inc.
`APL 1044
`US. Patent No. 8,923,941
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,923,941
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 2007I004089
`PCT! 132006.“)51994
`The following relates to monitoring physiological parameters.
`It finds particular
`application as a portable device that receives physiological measurements such as blood
`pressure, respiration, perfusion index, blood oxygen, pulse rate, body temperature, etc. from
`an in—the—ear probe, displays the physiological measurement, and conveys the physiological
`measurement to a monitoring station.
`transmitted, if at all.
`Physiological parameters have been measured from within the car via an in-the—ear
`probe. One such probe includes a multi-parameter physiological measurement system that
`non-invasiver measures blood pressure as well as respiration, perfusion, blood oxygen, pulse
`rate, body temperature, etc. item within the ear canal. This probe includes a series of iii-the-
`car sensors that interconnect to electronics and a battery pack that are mounted behind the car
`or in connection with another location on the patient (e.g., around the neck, wrist, etc.). A
`processor in the electronics analyzes the raw data and converts it into measurements of
`physiological parameters that are wirelesst sent to a central monitoring station, which is
`remote form the location of the subject being monitored
`Typically, such physiological parameters are continuously or periodically measured
`and conveyed to the central monitoring station. However,
`in some instances it
`is not
`convenient for a clinician to have to view the parameters at the central monitoring station,
`which is located away from the patient. In addition, instances exist wherein continuous andfor
`periodic conveyance of Such information is not desirable. For example, spot-check or on-
`dcmand monitoring may be more desirable with patients having their vital signs checked only
`every one, two, four
`In another example, the network used for such conveyance
`may have limited bandwidth that is shared with other wireless monitoring devices. Such
`devices may have to compete for available bandwidth, which may result in delays and/or lost
`In yet another example, the sensitivity of the information may dictate how often it is
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 20""!!004089
`In one aspect, a portable physiological monitoring device is illustrated. The portable
`physiological monitoring device includes a receiver and a display. The receiver wirelesst
`receives physiological measurements from each of a plurality of in—thc-ear probes upon
`entering a communication range of one of the in-the-car probes. The received physiological
`measurements are subsequently presented on the display.
`One advantage resides in locally displaying physiological signals measured with an in—
`thc—car probe.
`Another advantage is user validation ofphysiological signals measured with an in-the-
`car probe.
`Another advantage is that spot-check monitoring of the physiological signals measured
`with an in~the-ear probe is facilitated.
`Another advantage is using the device as a continuous monitor for the physiological
`signals measured with an in—the—ear probe with or without the use of a central monitoring
`behind-the-ear supperting device.
`Still Further advantages will become apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art upon
`reading and understanding the detailed description ofthe preferred embodiments.
`The drawings are only for purposes of illustrating embodiments and are not to be
`construed as limiting the claims.
`exemplary physiological monitoring
`communicates with an in—thc—ear physiological measurement probe and other physiological
`monitoring equipment.
`FIGURE 2 illustrates another exemplary physiological monitoring device that
`communicates with an in-the-ear physiological measurement probe and other physiological
`monitoring equipment.
`FIGURE 3 illustrates an exemplary in-thc—car physiological measurement probe.
`FIGURE 4 illustrates an in—the—car physiological measurement probe connected to a
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 2007muws9
`FIGURE I illustrates a physiological monitoring system (“system’j 10. The system 10
`includes a physiological monitoring device 12, which is a mobile device that communicates
`with physiological measuring equipment (e.g., an in—the—ear probes, etc.) and devices (e.g., a
`central monitoring station, etc.) used in connection therewith. The physiological monitoring
`device 12 can be hand held or held by an ambulatory carrier. As described in detail below, the
`physiological monitoring device 12 can be used to intercept, display, validate and forward (via
`communication can be through wired (e.g., Ethernet, USB, serial, parallel, FireWirc, optical
`wire or wirelessly) physiological measurements continuously over a wireless network, or spot-
`check received physiological measurements obtained by an in-the-car probe and communicate
`or download such measurements to a central monitoring station, send and receive information
`(e.g., physiological measurements, patient history, medical history, messages, notifications,
`alarms, etc.) to an authorized individual, the central monitoring station, another physiological
`monitoring device 12, etc., as well as various other activities.
`As briefly discussed above,
`the physiological monitoring device 12 is used in
`connection with other physiological monitoring equipment For example, an in-thc-ear probe
`14 (e.g., described in detail
`in connection with FIGURES 3-4 below) may be used at a
`hospital, a home, a nursing home, etc.
`to measure, record, andfor convey physiological
`parameters (e.g., non-invasive blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen, temperature, perfusion,
`respiration, etc.) obtained by the probe 14 from within an ear of an individual.
`In such
`environments, the phySiological parameters may be wirelessly transmitted (cg, continuously,
`periodically at a predetermined rate, on-demand, upon occurrence of an event, etc.) fi-om the
`probe 14 to a central monitoring station 16, an intermediate device 18 (e.g., a bedside monitor,
`a signal router,
`this physiological monitoring device 12 acting as a continuous bedside
`monitor, an input for a wired network that carries the measured parameters to the central
`station 16, etc.), etc. The physiological monitoring device 12 communicates (uni or bi-
`directionally) with the probe 14, the central monitoring system 16, optionally the intermediate
`device 18, andfor other devices such as a second intermediate component 20.
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 20""!!004089
`wave guides,
`telephone wire, coaxial cable, etc.) and/or wireless (e.g., radio frequency,
`infrared, optical, mechanical wave, magnetism, etc.) technologies.
`Communication between the phySiological monitoring device 12 and the probe 14
`includes, but is not limited to, reception andfor retrieval via a receiver 22 of physiological
`measurements obtained by the probe 14, requests transmitted by a transmitter 24 to the probe
`14 instructing the probe 14 to perform andfor send a physiological measurement(s) to the
`receiver 22, security indicia, device information such as a probe or device serial number, user
`identification, scfiwarcffirmware upgrades for
`the probe 14, diagnostic applications to
`troubleshoot the probe 14, etc.
`In one instance, the foregoing communication is directly
`between the physiological menitoring device 12 and the probe 14, while in another instance,
`such communication between the physiological monitoring device 12 and the probe 14 is
`facilitated by the intermediary component 18 and/or other components.
`receiver 22 and/or
`transmitter 24 can communicate over various
`communication mediums. For instance, the probe 14 may reside within a body area network
`[n this instance, the physiological monitoring device 12 can communicate within such
`network to interact with the probe 14, one or more physiological sensors 62 positioned on the
`patient, one or more emitters 64 positioned on the patient,
`local measurement devices
`measuring physiological parameters, the intermediary component 18, another physiological
`monitoring device 12, etc. The central monitoring station 16 may communicate over a
`network local to the facility, regional within the facility, and/or global to the community. The
`network may be part of or communicate with one or more larger networks such as a large area
`network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), including the Internet, as well as other public
`andfor private networks. The central monitoring station 16 may communicate this selected
`information to the physiological monitoring device 12.
`A processor 26 controls the receiver 22 and the transmitter 24. For instance, upon
`entering a communication range of the probe 14, the processor 26 can automatically invoke
`the receiver 22 to detect and capture information emitted by the probe 14, automatically
`invoke the transmitter 24 to send a request to the probe 14 for information stored therein,
`automatically invoke the transmitter 24 to perform measurements, establish a secure
`communication link with the probe 14, etc. Such requests may indicate which of a plurality of
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 20""!!004089
`possible physiological parameters (e.g., blood pressure, blood oxygen, heart rate, respiration
`temperature, etc.)
`to measure.
`The processor 26 can also automatically invoke
`conveyance of such information via the transmitter 24 to the central monitoring station 16 or
`the intermediary component 20.
`Controls 28 provide various knobs, buttons, switches, sliders, audio receivers, tactile
`transducers, etc. to receive/send control commands item a user. For example, the controls 28
`may include a mechanism with which the user can employ to invoke reception of information
`stored or received information by the transmitter 24 to the central monitoring station 16 andfor
`from the probe 14 andfor the intermediary component 18 by the receiver 22 or transmission of
`the intermediary component 20.
`A display 30 visually presents received physiological measurements, or information
`from the central monitoring station, for observance by a user of the physiological monitoring
`device 12.
`In order to facilitate displaying such data, the display 30 can include, but is not
`limited to, one or more light emitting diodes, seven segment displays, a liquid crystal display,
`a flat panel display, a graphical user interface, etc. The controls 28 provide a user with a
`means for selecting information to present by the display 30 and configuring how the
`information is presented by the display 30.
`Information, applications, etc. can be stored within the physiological monitoring
`device 12 in a storage component 32, which may include resident storage 34 and portable
`storage 36. Both the resident and the portable storages 34 and 36 can include various types of
`memory including volatile (cg, vari0us flavors of random access memory (RAM)) and non-
`volatile (e.g., various flavors of read only memory (ROM), flash memory, magnetic RAM
`(MRAM), non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), etc.) memory. The portable storage 36 can be used
`to transfer infcrmation stored therein from the physiological monitoring device 12 to the
`intermediary component 20 and/or the central monitoring station 16 and vice versa. For
`instance, flash memory (e.g., a universal serial bus (USB) based memory stick) can be inserted
`into a suitable port on the physiological monitoring device 12.
`Information can then be
`directly stored thereto or transferrcdfcopied from the resident storage 34 to the portable
`storage 36. This can be achieved automatically upon inserting the portable storage 36 into a
`corresponding port, alter manually selecting information to store within the portable storage
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`34, etc. The portable storage 36 can then be removed and inserted into a suitable port of the
`intermediary component 20 andfor the central monitoring station 16. The infomration can be
`automatically or manually retrieved from the portable storage 36.
`In another instance, the
`portable storage 36 can inserted into a suitable port of the intermediary component 20, the
`central monitoring station 16, etc. and applications,
`soltware/finnware, and/or other
`information can be loaded to the portable storage 36. The portable storage 36 can then be
`removed therefrom and inserted into a suitable port of the physiological monitoring device 12,
`wherein the information stored within the portable storage 36 can be moved to the resident
`storage 34 of the phySiological monitoring device 12.
`The physiological menitoring device 12 may also include one or more ports 38 for
`communicating information. The transmitter 24 can transmit information through the ports 38
`to the central monitoring station, the intermediary component 20, etc. Suitable wired ports
`include, but are not limited to, Ethernet, USB, serial, parallel, FireWire, optical, and the like.
`A power component 40 provides power to power the various components of the
`physiological monitoring device 12. The power component 40 can include one or more of a
`rechargeable andfor a non-rechargeable battery, 3. solar cell, a port for receiving DC from an
`AC to DC converter, an AC to DC converter, and/or the like.
`In one instance, the ear probe 14 continuously transmits/emits information to the
`central monitoring station 16. When a user enters an area (cg, a room) with the physiological
`monitoring device 12,
`the physiological monitoring device 12 receives real-time signals
`emitted by the probe 14 and presents a corresponding display via the display component 30.
`The user can view the information, validate the monitored vital signs,
`infbr whether the
`monitored signals are accurate (cg, by assessing signal quality, by comparing the information
`with previously stored information, ranges for typical information, etc.), etc.
`If a reading
`appears suspicious, the user can wait for signal quality to improve, take action to improve
`signal quality, or check the measurement with another instrument. When all readings appear
`to be correct, the user can provide the information and/or a validation indication to the central
`monitoring station 16.
`In another instance, the physiological monitoring device 12 is used for on-demand
`monitoring or spot-checks.
`In this embodiment, the probe 14 is configured such that it does
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 200711004089
`not continuously broadcast inlbrmation. Rather, each time the user wants to view vital signs,
`the physiological monitoring device 12 requests and receives the current or stored vital signs
`using a low power
`short-range communication,
`such as Bluetooth, body coupled
`communications, and the like. Once the user has validated the readings, the physiological
`power transmission with longer range. This conveyance can be achieved in real time by a
`radio frequency signal or the like, or the physiological monitoring device 12 can store the
`readings of one or more individuals in the storage component 32 and subsequently transfer the
`readings via a wireless or wired means to the central monitoring station 16.
`In another instance,
`the physiological monitoring device 12 performs the above-
`diseussed functions and further assumes additional fimetions that were previously performed
`by other devices. For example,
`the physiological monitoring device 12 may be able to
`communicate with staff members.
`In addition to communicating with other physiological
`monitoring devices 12 being used by other staff members, the physiological monitoring device
`12 may be able to interact with personal data assistant, cell phones, beepers, telephones, email,
`etc. directly or through the central station 16. Through such devices, the physiological
`monitoring device 12 may be able to receive and deliver messages, notifications, medication
`schedules, documented delivery of medication, chart highlights, vitals validation, information,
`alarms, paging, etc. to a care-giver, a guardian, etc.
`monitoring device 12 conveys the readings to the central monitoring station 16 with a higher
`The physiological monitoring device 12 can also be used to memorialize, document,
`chart, etc. activity.
`Such activity can include, but
`is not
`limited to, physiological
`measurements and data derived thereform, the delivery of medications or medical assistance,
`the individual(s) adminisan the medications or medical assistance,
`the time such
`medications and assistance was given, scheduled procedures, medical histOry, unique
`identification, patient name, health insurance provider, family history, treating physicians, test
`results, etc.
`FIGURE 2 illustrates the physiological monitoring device 12 further having an
`analyzer 42, a messaging component 44, and a security component 46. The analyzer 42
`analyzes information received from the probe 14 and generates trends, predicate future health,
`suggest treatments, etc.
`In addition, the analyzer 42 provides processing capabilities to
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`process the received physiological measurements information. Suitable processing includes
`combining, averaging, weighting, etc. data. The raw and/or processed data can be presented to
`the user via alpha-numeric symbols, graphs, plots, audio, icons, trends, projections, historical
`comparisons, etc. on the display 30 andfor the central processing station 16.
`The analysis can also be used to validate that received physiological measurements are
`within pro-stored ranges. For example, the analyzer 42 can assess signal quality and compare
`received measurements with acceptable ranges stored in the storage 32.
`measurements having insufficient signal quality, or that fall outside of expected physiological
`ranges may invoke the phySiological monitoring device 12 to request re-transmissions of the
`information, request performance of new measurements, andfor sound an alarm. Such alarm
`may be a visual andi’or audio alarm within the physiological monitoring device 12, an alarm at
`the central monitoring system, andjor other alarms.
`Such alarms may also include
`transmission of alarms, messages, notifications, etc. by the messaging component 44 to
`various individuals through various devices. Examples of suitable devices include, but are not
`limited to, another physiological menitoring device 12, a personal data assistant, a cell phone,
`beepcrs, a telephone, email, a beeper, a pager, etc.
`The messaging component 44 may also send general messages, notifications, etc. to
`such individuals and/or equipment. The general messages, notifications, etc. may indicate that
`it is time to read a physiological meaSurement, administer a medication, replace or recharge a
`battery, etc. and/or that a physiological measurement has been acquired, a medication has been
`administered, an identification of the medical professional performing the activity, etc.
`In one
`instance, the messaging component 44 can be used as a walkic-talkie to allow the user to
`audiny communicate with an individual at the central monitoring station, an individual using
`a similar device, a cell phene, etc.
`The security component 46 can be used to determine whether the user of the
`physiological monitoring device 12 is an authorized user. For instance, the physiological
`monitoring device 12 may require the user to enter a password or other identifying indicia that
`can be checked against predetermined authorized information. Likewise, security component
`46 can validate the probe 14 to ensure that the probe 14 is aSSOciat'cd with the correct
`individual (cg, via unique identification entered by user or read from an RFTD tag), that the
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 2007mt14089
`PCT! 132006.“)51994
`physiological monitoring device 12 is authorized to communicate with the probe 14 (e.g., by
`checking unique identification, serial number, etc.), set up an encoded communication link
`with the probe 16, etc. For unauthorized use or communication, the physiological monitoring
`device 12 can lock the controls 28, dim the display 30, invoke the messaging component 44 to
`sound an alarm, etc.
`FIGURE 3 illustrates an exemplary configuration of the probe 14.
`In this
`configuration, the probe 14 is an in-the—ear (ITE) physiological measurement apparatus for
`measuring one or more physiological signals (e.g., blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen,
`perfirsion, temperature, respiration...) fi‘om within an ear canal. The probe 14 includes a
`the ear.
`structure 48 that inserts into the ear canal. The structure 48 is suitably dimensioned to enter
`the ear canal to a suitable depth and adapts to various shaped ear canals (e.g., different
`curvatures). That is, the structure 48 is small in diameter compared to the diameter of the ear
`In one instance, the structure 48 projects into the ear canal such that an end portion is
`positioned proximate to a bony region ofthe ear or other relatively quiet zone of the ear canal.
`The end portion of the structure 48 residing in the ear canal may be fabricated with a
`spongy expandable material, or include an annular inflatable balloon 50. The spongy material
`or inflatable balloon 50 surrounds the end portion of the structure 48 (as illustrated) or suitable
`portions thereof. The spongy material or inflatable balloon 50 ideally supports one or more
`sensors 52 that are operatively coupled to a surlace of the spongy material or balloon 50 and
`that measure phySiological signals. Suitable sensors include light emitting diodes (LEDs), an
`infrared (IR) source,
`light detectors, a pressure transducer, a microphone, a speaker, an
`accelerometer, and a thermistor, for example. The sensors 52 are strategically positioned on
`the spongy material or balloon 50.
`For example, a light detecting sensor typically is
`positioned to minimize or prevent absorption of light not indicative of the physiological
`process under measurement (c.g., light from outside the car, light emitted li'om another sensor
`located on the spongy material or balloon 50...). Although depicted as circular, the one or
`more sensors 46 can be any shape. Alternatively, the sensors could be mounted within the end
`portion of the structure 48 and could be mowed into contact with the tissue once inserted into
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`W0 20""!!004089
`The inflatable balloon 50 is inflated to position, or the spongy material positions the
`one or more sensors 52 proximate to appropriate tissue within the ear canal with ideal force
`and pressure to ensure close ecupling of sensors with tissue but without causing decreased
`pcrfiision or blanching of the tissue. By way of example, the structure 48 is inserted such that
`the end portion with the spongy material or balloon 50 residing in the ear canal is in a bony
`region of the ear. The balloon 50 is inflated to position, or the spongy material positions the
`sensors 52 proximate to inner ear tissue to sense signals indicative of physiological states,
`including blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood oxygen, for example.
`For adult humans, this includes inflating the balloon, or allowing the spongy material
`pressure. For a non-invasive blood pressure measurement, the inflatable balloon 50 is inflated
`50 to conform to the widely varying ear canal diameters From about 6 mm to about 13 mm.
`For neonates and small pediatrics, where the ear canal diameter various from about 4 mm in
`diameter to about 7 mm in diameter, smaller and shorter ITE devices are used. Typically,
`sensors for measuring blood oxygen are positioned proximate to ear canal tissue that is
`perliised with arterial blood supplied by branches of the External as well as the Internal
`Carotid Arteries,
`thus serving as a well perfused physiological site even if the body is
`experiencing peripheral shutdown due to shock or other conditions. Such sensors include an
`energy emitting means (e.g., an LED, an IR source...) and an energy detecting means that
`detects energy transmission through the vascular tissue.
`In another example, a temperature
`Sensor (e.g., a thermistor) is also positioned proximate to vascular tissue.
`In yet another
`example, sensors for sensing audio signals (e.g., a microphone) indicative of pulse pressure
`sounds, andfor respirations are suitably positioned in relatively quite regions of the ear canal to
`mitigate sensing extraneous audio signals (noise).
`The inflatable balloon 50 must be used to facilitate non-invasiver measuring blood
`until it oeeludes blood flow in a portion of the ear proximate a blood pressure sensor(s) (e. g., a
`pressure transducer) operativer connected to the inflatable balloon 50. The pressure in the
`inflatable balloon 50 is then suitably released to deflate the inflatable balloon 50. A systolic
`and a diastolic blood pressure are obtained during inflation andfor deflation using an
`auscultatory approach (e.g., via a microphone operativer connected to the balloon 50) and/or
`an oscillomctric approach (e.g., via optical sensing components attached to the balloon).
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`A continuous non-invasive blood pressure is measured by obtaining an initial blood
`pressure measure as describe above and then re-inilating the balloon 50 to a mean pressure. A
`servo mechanism periodically adjusts balloon pressure to locate a maximum pulse waveform
`amplitude indicative of mean blood pressure. As long as the derived mean pressure is
`close, the derived continuous systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure are calculated with
`relatively close to the initial pressure andfor the pulse waveform amplitudes are relatively
`high accuracy.
`The structure 48 includes one or more passageways (not shown) that extend through
`the structure 48. Such passageways house sensor data, power, and control wires, provide a
`hermetically sealed channel for inflating/deflating the balloon 50, and/or allow pressure inside
`the ear to equalize with the environment during balloon inflation/deflation.
`In one instance,
`the structure 48 includes a channel for both housing sensor wiring and inflating/deflating the
`balloon 50. The channel
`isolates the wires from the inner ear environment, mitigating
`contamination of both the ear and the sensor wiring and provides a pressurized air conduit to
`the balloon 50.
`In another instance, the structure 48 includes separate channels for sensor
`wiring and inflating/deflating the balloon 50; one or more first channels house sensor wiring
`and a second channel provides the pressurized air conduit for inflatingdeflating the balloon
`In yet another example, an optional channel previch an ear pressure stabilizing
`mechanism that allows car pres5ure to equalize with the environment during balloon inflation
`and/or deflation. This channel mitigates pressure build-up in the car during balloon inflation
`andfor deflation and potential pain therefrom. The passageways can be variously shaped (e.g.,
`oval, rectangular, irregular. . .) to be conducive to the ear canal.
`FIGURE 4 illustrates the [TE probe 14 mechanically and electrically coupled with an
`exemplary behind-the-ear (BTE) device 54.
`In one instance, the structure 48 and the BTE
`device 54 are formed as a single unit, while in another instance the structure 48 and the BTE
`device 54 are detachany connected (as illustrated).
`Such attachment can be through a
`fastening means including a threaded connector, a snap, a set screw, an adhesive, a rivet, etc.
`An arm 56 provides support behind the ear and a battery 58 powers both devices. An optional
`sheath (not shovm) can be placed over the structure 48 andfor balloon 50 to protect the ear and
`the stmcturcfballoonfscnsor assembly from contamination.
`In one aspect, the sheath can be
`FITBIT, Ex. 1044
`semi-permeable to allow air flow, but prevent fluid from moving fi‘om one side of the sheath
`to the other side.
`In another aspect, the sheath prevents substantially all matter from moving
`from one side of the sheath to the other side. The structurefballoom’scnsor assembly can be
`disposable, washable, and/or sterilizeahle.
`In another embodiment, the in the ear structure 48 houses a smaller battery, a low
`powered transmitter, a processor and the like. A separate unit carried by the patient houses a
`physiological monitor device 12, the central station 16, etc., a larger battery, and, optionally, a
`processor, memory, and action appropriate components and software.
`The invention has been described with reference to the preferred embodiments.
`Modifications and alterat