`Apple Inc.
`US. Patent No. 8,886,269
`FITBIT, EX. 1012
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,886,269
`FITBIT, Ex. 1012


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`FITBIT, Ex. 1012


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`FITBIT, Ex. 1012


`Nd t necromancv
`Nd symbol neodymium
`ND abbr
`1 doctor of naturopathy 2 North Dakota
`-nd symbol — used after the figure 2 to indicate the ordinal number sec-
`and (2nd) (724M)
`N Dak abbr Noni: Dakota
`NDE abbr near-death experience
`NDP abbr New Democratéc Party (Canad)
`Ne symbol neon
`NE abbr
`1 Nebraska 2 New England 3 no effects 4 northeast
`“é \'n5.\ 04]" [F, lit., born — more at NEE] (1905)
`1 — used to indicate
`the original, former, or legal name of a man (Robert Roe, ~ John
`D06) 2 : originally or formerly called
`ne- or neo— comb farm [Gk. fr. near new —— more at NEW]
`1 a : new
`: recent (Neogene) b : new and different period or for-re of (Neopla-
`tonism) : in a new and different form or manner (Neaplatonic) c
`: New World (Neatropical)
`d : new and abnormal (neoplasm) 2
`: new chemical compound isomeric with or otherwise related to (such)
`a compound (neostigmine)
`NEA abbr
`1 National Education Association 2 National Endowment
`for the Arts
`Ne-an-der-thal \né—'anvdar—.tol, —.thol; ne't-‘éin—der-déih n [NeanderthaL
`valley in wester: Germany] (1863)
`1 or Ne-an-der-tal \-.tol, -.t51\ : a
`hominid (Homo neanderthaletssis syn H. sapr‘ens neanderthalensis)
`known from skeletal remains in Europe, northern Africa. and western
`Asia that lived from about 30,000 to 200.000 years ago — called also
`Neanderthal man
`2 : one who suggests a caveman in appearance,
`mentality, or behavior —— Neanderthal or Neandertal adj — Ne-an-
`der-thal-oid \-,to-.loid,<')». -.ta-\ adj or n
`1near.) \'nép\ adj [ME neep, fr. OE ne'p being at the stage of heap tide]
`(bef. 12c) : of, relating to. or constituting a neap tide
`2neap n (15c) : NEAP TIDE
`Ne-a-pol-i-tan \.né-a-'pa-la-tan\ 71 [ME. fri L neapalitanus of Naples, fr.
`Gk neapolités citizen of Naples fr, Neapolis Naples] (150) : a native or
`inhabitant of Naples, Italy — Neapolitan adj
`Neapolitan ice cream It (1895) : a brick of from two to four layers of
`ice cream of different flavors
`neap tide n (ca. 1548) : a tide of minimum range occurring at the first
`and the third quarters of the moon
`1 near \'nir\ adv [ME ner, partly fr. ner nearer, fr. OE néar, comparative
`of ne‘ah nigh; partly fr. 0N naer nearer, compar. of mi- nigh w more at
`NIGH] (13c)
`1 : at, within, or to a short distance or time (sunset was
`drawing ~) 2 : ALMOST, NEARLY (was ~ dead) 3 : in a close or in-
`timate manner : CLOSELY (~ related) 4 archaic : in a frugal manner
`2nearprep (13c) : close in (beaches ~ the city) (seemed to be ~ death)
`3near adj (14c)
`1 a : not far distant in time. place, or degree (in the ~
`future) b : almost happening : narrovtly missed or avoided (a ~ win
`in the primary) (a ~ midair collision) c : nearly not happening (a ~
`2 : closely related or intimately associated (her Nest and
`dearest friend) 3 a : being the closer of two (the ~ side) b : being
`the left-hand one of a pair (the ~ wheel of a cart) 4 : DIRECT, SHORT
`(the ~est road) 5 : STINGY, CLOSEFISTED 6 a : closely resembling
`the standard or typical (a ~ desert) b : approximating the genuine
`4 (~ Silk) -— near-ness n
`near vb (1513) : APPROACH
`near beer n (1909) : any of various malt liquors considered nonalco-
`holic because they contain less than a specified percentage of alcohol
`near-by \nir-‘bi, 'nir-.\ adv or adj (14c) : close at hand
`Ne~arc~tic \.né-'ark-tik, -'ar-tik\ adj (1858) : of. relating to, or being the
`biogeographic subregion that includes Greenland and No. America
`north of tropical Mexico
`near gale n (ca. 1975) : MODERATE GALE —— see BEAUFORT SCALE table
`near—In-fra-red \.nir».in—frs~'red, —(.)fra—\ adj (1950) : of or relating to
`the shorter wavelengths of radiation in the infrared spectrum and esp.
`10 those between 0.7 and 2.5 micrometers
`near-[y \'nir-lé\ adv (1561)
`1 : 111 a close manner or relationship (~
`related) 2 a : almost but not quite (~ identical) (~ a year later)
`: to the least extent (not ~ as good as we expected)
`near miss n (1940)
`‘3 a : a miss (as with a bomb) close enough to
`cause damage b : something that falls just short of success 2 a : a
`near collision (as between aircraft) b : CLOSE CALL
`near money 71 (1942) : assets (as savings accounts or government
`bonds) quickly and easily comerth to cash
`near point n (1876) : the point nearest the eye at which an object is ac-
`curately focused on the retina at full accommodation
`near-shore \'nit-IShGI‘, 'nir-.\ adj (1896) : extending outward an indefi—
`nite but usu. short distance from shore (~ sediments)
`near-side \-.sid\ ad] (1825) Brit : LEFr-HAND 1 — nearside n
`near-sight-ed \\ adj (1686) : able to see near things more clearly
`than distant ones : MYOPIC — nearsighted-Iv adv
`near-5i ht-ed-ness \'nir-.Si—t9d-nas\ n (1811) : \l'YOPIA
`near—u otraovico-let \.nir-.ol-tra-'vi-(o~)lot\ adj (1951) : of, relating to,
`or being the longest wavelengths of radiation in the ultraviolet Spec—
`trum esp. between 300 and 400 nanometers
`‘neat \'nét\ n, pl neat 0r neats [ME neet, fr. OE néat; akin to OHG n62
`head of cattle, OE ne'atan to make use of, Lith nauda use] (bef. 120)
`2 : the common domestic bovine (Bar mums)
`neat adj [MF net, fr. L m‘tz'dus bright, neat, fr. nite—rs to shine; prob. akin
`to Mr m‘um luster] (1542)
`1 : free from dirt and disorder : habitually
`clean and orderly 2 a : free from admixture or dilution : STRAIGHT
`(~ brandy) (~ cement) b : free from irregularity : SMOOTH (~
`3 : marked by tasteful simplicity (a ~ outfit) 4 a : PRECISE,
`SYSTEMATIC b : marked by skill or ingenuity: ADROIT 5 : NET (~
`profit) 6 : FINE, ADMIRABLE — neat-Iv adv — neat-ness n
`neat adv (1649)
`1 : in a neat manner (his hair combed back ~ —J. M.
`Cain) 2 : without admixture or dilution : STRAIGHT
`neat-en \'né-t9n\ vt neat-enecl; neat-en-ing \'nét-nin,
`1 : to set in order : make neat 2 : to finish (as a piece of sew—
`ing) carefully
`neath \'néth\ prep (1600) dial : BENEATH
`neat-herd \'nét-.hard\ n (14c) : HERDSMAN
`neat-nlk \'nét—nik\ n (1959) : a person who is compulsively neat
`Heat’s-foot oil \'néts—.fut-\ n (1787) : a pale yellow fatty oil made esp.
`from the bones of cattle and used chiefly as a leather dressing
`or influencing the course of events 2 : MAGIC SORCERY —« "e"
`1 a : t
`neb \'neb\ 71 [ME, fr. OE: akin to ON nef beak] (bef. 12c)
`beak of a bird or tortoise : on; b chiefly dial : a person’s mouth he
`: NOSE 1, floor 2 : ms, TIP
`Neb or Nebr abbr Nebraska
`NEB abbr New English Bible
`neb-bésh \Ine—bish\ n [Yiddish nebek}; poor, unfortunate, fr, CZe
`nebohfi] (1951) : a timid meek, or ineffectual person — neb.bisfih
`\-bi-she\ adj
`ne-ben-kern \'ni-banqkafii, -.kern\ n [G, 1it.. subsidiary mic]e
`(1895) : a 2-strarrded helical structure of the proximal tail region o'f‘s]
`spermatozoon that is derived from mitochondria
`neb-u-la \'ne-bya-lo\ n. pl -|ae \-.lé, -,li\ also -las [NL, fr. L, mist, Clo“
`akin to OHG nebul fog, Gk nephele', nephos cloud] (ca. 1738)
`1 : a d;
`of numerous clouds of gas or dust in interstellar space 2 : ti)
`esp : a galaxy other than the Milky Way galaxy — not used technical“;
`— neb-u-lar \-19r\ adj
`nebular hypothesis n (1837) : a hypothesis in astronomy: the Sela
`system has evolved from a hot gaseous nebula
`neb-u-lize \'ne-bya-.iiz\ vt -l%zed; -liz-ing [L nebula] (1872) : to red“
`to a fine spray — neb-udi-za-tion \.ne<byo<la-'za-Shan\ n — mmhe
`Iéz-er \'—zar\ n
`1 : the quality
`neb-u-Ios-i-ty \.ne-bya-'la-sa—té\ n, pl -ties (1833)
`state of being nebulous 2 : nebulous matter: also : NEBULA 1
`nee-uaious \'ne—byaulos\ adj [L nebulosus misty, fr. nebula] (1734)
`: of, relating to. or resembling a nebula : NEBU’LAR 2 : TNDISTINC‘
`morn—,1 — neb-uolous-ly adv — nebudous-ness n
`nee-es.sar.i-Iy \.ne—so—'ser—a-lé\ adv (15c)
`1 : of necessity : UNAva
`ABLY 2 : as a logical result or consequence
`1nec-es-sary \'ne-se-.ser-é\ adj
`necessarie, fr. L necessarius f
`necesse necessary. prob. fr. ne- not + cedere to withdraw — mor’e r'
`No] (14C)
`1 a : of an inevitable nature : INESCAPABLE b (1) : logic;
`1y unavoidable
`(2) : that cannot be denied without contradiction
`: determined or produced by the previous condition of things
`: COMPULSORY 2 : absolutely needed : REQUIRED
`2necessary n, pl -sar-ies (14c) : an indispensable item : ESSENTIAL
`necessary condition n (1696)
`1 : a state of affairs that must 131-3le
`if another is to occur 2 PREREQUISITE 2 : a propositi0n whose falsit
`assures the falsity of another
`ne-ces-si-tani-an-ésm \ni—.Se-so-'ter-é\ n (1854) : the theory
`that results follow by invariable sequence from causes — naieesgi.
`tar-i-an \-'ter-é-9n\ my or n
`ne-ces-si-tale \ni-'se-sa—.t5t\ Vt -tat-ed; -tat-ing (1628)
`1 : to make
`necessary : REQUIRE 2 : FORCE, COMPEL —- ne-ces-si-ta-tion else.
`s;—'ta—Shan\ n
`ne-cessi-tous \ni—‘se-sa-tes\ adj (1611)
`2 : URGENT, PRESSING 3 : NECESSARY —— ne-ces-si-tous-ly adv _
`ne-ces-si-tous-ness n
`ne-ces-si-ty \ni—'se-sa-té, —'seS—té\ n, pl -ties [ME necessite, fr. AF ne_
`cessité, fr. L necessitat~, necessitas, fr. necesse] (144:)
`1 : the quality or
`state of being necessary 2 a : pressure of circumstance b : physical
`or moral compulsion c : impossibility of a contrary order or condi.
`tion 3 : the quality or state of being in need;
`: POVERTY 4 a
`: something that is necessary : REQUIREMENT b : an urgent need or
`desire — of necessity : in such a way that it cannot be otherwise; also
`: as a necessary consequence (further changes will occur ofnecessity)
`'neck \'nek\ u [ME nekke, fr. 0E hnecca,‘ akin to OHG hnac nape] (bef,
`1 a (1) : the part of an animal that connects the head with the
`body (2) : the siphon of a bivalve mollusk (as a clam) b : the part of
`a garment that covers or is next to the neck 2 : a relatively narrow
`part suggestive of a neck: as a (l) : the constricted end of a bottle (2)
`: the slender proximal end of a fruit b : CERVIX 2 c : the part of a
`stringed musical instrument extending from the body and supporting
`the fingerboard and strings d : a narrow stretch of land e : STRAIT
`f : the part of a tooth between the crown and the root —— see
`TOOTH illustration
`9 : a column of solidified magma of a Volcanic
`pipe or laccolith 3 : a narrow margin (won by a ~) 4 : REGION,
`PART (my ~ of the woods)
`2neck vi (1842)
`1 : to kiss and caress amorously 2 : to reduce in diam-
`eter ~ vi
`1 : to engage in amorous kissing and caressing 2 : to her
`come constricted : NARROW
`neck and neck adv or adj (1799) : very close (as in a race)
`necked \'nekt\ adj (14c) : having a neck esp. of a specified kind —— of-
`ten used in combination (long-necked)
`neck-er-chief \'ne-kor-chof, -(.)chif, -.chéi\ n, pl -chiefs also -chle\(es
`\see HANDKERCIIIEF pl\ [ME nekkerchef, fr. nekke + kerchef kerchiefl
`(14c)_: a kerchief for the neck
`neck-mg \'ne-kin\ n (1804)
`1 : a narrow molding near the top of a 001-
`rous y
`umn1 or pilaster 2 : the act or practice Of kissing and caressing amo‘
`neck-lace \'ne-klas\ 11 (ca. 1590)
`1 : an Ornament worn around the
`neck 2 : something likened to a necklace esp. in forming a linked 55‘
`ries or a circular pattern (a ~ of islands)
`neck-line \'nek-.lin\ n (1904) : the line of the neck opening of a 33“
`neck—rein \—.r5n\ vi (1940) ofa saddle horse : to respond to the Pliessure,
`of a rein on one side of the neck by turning in the opposite direction ~
`vt : to direct (a horse) by pressures of the rein on the neck
`neck-tie \-.m n (1838) : a narrow length of material worn abOUt the
`neck and tied in front; esp : FoURfN-HAND
`neck-wear \-.wer\ n (ca. 1879) : ariicles of clothing (as ties and scal'Vas
`worn about the neck
`necr— or necro- comb form [LL, fr. Gk nekr-, nekra-, fr. trek??? (1‘32
`body — more at NOXIOUs]
`1 : those that are dead (necrophilia)
`: one that is dead (necropsy)
`neocrol-o~gy \no-‘kri-lo-jé, ne—\ 7:, pl -gies [NL necrologium, fr»
`-logium (as in ML eulogium eulogy)] (1799)
`the recently dead — nec-ro-Iog-i-cal \.ne-kra—'la-ji-kel\ ad!
`crol-ocgist \no—‘kra-la-jist, ne»\ 7;
`necoro-man-cy \'nc—é\ n [alien of ME nigromaflc‘éi’fik
`AF, fr. ML nigmmantia, by folk etymology fr. LL necromamia, f“ {on
`nc/qomanteia, fr. Gk Irekr— + -manteia —mancy] (1522)
`1 : conlufatilre
`of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the f“ w.
`FITBIT, Ex. 1012

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