`Computer Science Department
`3532C Boelter Hall
`Los Angeles, CA 90095
`Phone: (310) 794-4303 Fax: (310) 794-5056
`Email: majid@cs.ucla.edu
` Home Page: http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~majid/
`Research Lab: http://er.cs.ucla.edu/
`University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Bachelor of Science, 1982. Master of Science, 1984. Doctor of Philosophy, 1987.
`1 Computer Science Department, UCLA
`Distinguished Professor and
`Director of Embedded and Reconfigurable Computing (ER) Laboratory
`Courtesy appt: Electrical Engineering Department
`Center of SMART Health, Co-director
` BRITE center on Minority Health Disparities, Co-director
`UCLA Wireless Health Institute, Co-founder
`2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northwestern University
`Assistant Professor (January of 1987-1991) Associate Professor (1991-1997)
`Tenure (1993) Full Professor (1997-2000)
`3 Central Data Corporation
` Test Engineer (1982)
`4 IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab, Yorktown Heights
`Visiting Scientist for Physical Design (Summer 1988)
`5 Leonardo Fibonacci Institute for the Foundations of Computer Science, Trento,
`Co-Invited Lecturer/Researcher lectured with (1991)
` IBM and a number of CAD companies
` Research collaboration and consulting (1990-2000)
`7 Motorola
` Research collaboration and consulting (1994-2000)
`8 Monterey Design Systems, (acquired by Synopsys in 2004)
` Consulting and one of three original architects (1997-2000)
`9 Motorola
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,929,965
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`Sabbatical as architect and designer of a reconfigurable digital camera chip: defining
`their high-level design methodology (academic year 1997-1998)
` Hierarchical Design, Inc (acquired by Xilinx in 2004)
` Founder & Consultant (2001)
` MediSens Wireless, Co-founder in 2007
` Bruin Biometrics, Co-founder in 2009
`Werable Systems, Embedded Systems, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Health
`5 Expert Witness
` (Have Listed only cases where I have written declarations and been deposed or testified
`in court)
`• Cadence vs Avant! Corp., Case No. C95-20828 (N.D. Cal.), deposition
`IKOS Systems, Inc. et al. v. Axis Systems, Inc., Case No. C 01-21079 (N.D.
`Cal.), deposition testimony.
`• Synopsys, Inc. v. Magma Design Automation, Inc., Case No. C 04-03923
`(N.D. Cal.), deposition and trial testimony.
`Intellectual Ventures I LLC et al. v. Xilinx, Inc. et al., No. 1:10-cv-01065-
`LPS (D. Del.) (Judge Leonard P. Stark), deposition testimony.
`• Mentor Graphics Corporation v. EVE-USA, Inc. et al., No. 3:10-cv-
`00954-MO (D. Or.) (Judge Michael Mosman), deposition and trial
`testimony; (including IPR)
`• Synopsys, Inc. v. Mentor Graphics Corp., No. 3:12-cv-06467-MMC (N.D.
`Cal.) (Judge Maxine M. Chesney), deposition testimony.
`• Altera Corp. v. PACT XPP Techs., AG, No. 3:14-cv-02868-JD (N.D. Cal.)
`(Judge James Donato), deposition testimony.
`• Fitbit vs Jawbone, ITC, 2016, deposition testimony.
`1 Member of Tau Beta Pi (National Engineering Honor Society) and Eta Kappa Nu
`(Electrical Engineering Honor Society)
`2 Recipient of a 1987 NSF Engineering Initiation Award
`3 Recipient of a 1988 Design Automation Library Award
`4 Northwestern McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (MEAS)
`1989/90Faculty Teaching Honor Roll (given to best teachers)
`5 Recipient of a 1991 Design Automation Library Award
`6 Election to Senior Member Grade in IEEE (1992)
`7 A number of Best Paper Awards and Distinguished paper awards (see detailed list of
`publication) e.g., in DAC-93 for "The Buffer Distribution Problem" (joint work with
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`J.D. Cho)
`Recipient of a 1994 ACM-SIGDA Scholarship Award ($12,000)
`Recipient of a 1995 ACM-SIGDA Scholarship Award ($12,000)
`10 Fellow of IEEE (1996) The citation reads: "For Contribution to Theory and Practice of
`VLSI Design"
`11 Okawa Foundation Award.
`Founding Associate Editor (AE) of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
`• Guest editor special issue CFP for the JBHI, “Emerging Wireless Body
`Area Networks (WBANs) for Ubiquitous Healthcare”
`• Associate Editor, Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 2012 –
`• Editor of the Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO) by Elsevier
`Science, 2012 – present.
`• Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine
`(TITB), 2009 - 2011
`• Guest editor, Special issue on Wireless Health, ACM Transactions on Embedded
`Computing, 2008-2009
`• Guest editor, Special issue on Wireless Health, IEEE Transactions on Information
`Technology in Biomedicine (TITB), 2008-2009
`• Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of ICAS (TCAD) July
`• Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
`(TODAES) 2000-2005
`• Editorial board, Journal of Embedded Computing (JEC) by Cambridge International
`Science Publishing, 2003-present
`• Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2003-2008
`• Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on VLSI, 2003-2005
`• Editorial Board of JOLPE - Journal of Low Power Electronics.
`• Editorial Committee of the Journal Engineering Letters at at:
`• Editor, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (by UNESCO)
`• Advisory board, The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (CSIJCSE)
`• Editorial board, VLSI Design, 1995-2000
`• Co-editor-in-chief, The International Journal of High-Speed Electronics, 1995-1999
`• Editorial board, International Journals of Computer-Aided VLSI Design, 1989-1991
`1 Program committee of the First IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, March 1991
`2 Program committee of the Second Great Lakes Computer Science Conference,
`November 1991
`3 Program committee of the IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`4 Program committee of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
`5 Program committee of the IEEE International Conference on Computer-aided Design
`6 Program committee of the European Design Automation Conference (EDAC-94)
`7 Program committee chair (layout and routing) of the IEEE International Conference on
`Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD-94)
`8 Program committee chair (layout and routing) of the IEEE International Conference on
`Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD-95)
`9 Program committee co-chair (CAD) of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits
`and Systems (ISCAS-96)
`10 Best-Paper-Award committee of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design,
`11 Program committee of the 1997 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI-97),
`University of Illinois, Urbana
`12 Program committee of the 1997 European Design and Test Conference (ED & TC-97),
`Paris, France, March 1997
`13 Program committee (CAD) of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
`Systems (ISCAS-97)
`14 Program committee chair of the 1997 International Symposium on Physical Design
`15 Panelist for the 1997 NSF CAREER Awards (subject: Design Automation)
`16 Best-paper-Award committee of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design,
`17 Program committee of the 1998 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI-98),
`Lafayette, LA
`18 Program committee (CAD) of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
`Systems (ISCAS-98)
`19 Conference chair of the 1998 International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD)
`20 Best-Paper-Award committee of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design,
`21 Program committee of the 1999 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI-99), Ann
`Arbor, MI
`22 Program committee of the 1999 Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signal Design, April
`11-13, Tucson, AZ
`23 Program committee (CAD) of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and
`Systems (ISCAS-99)
`24 Program committee of the Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing (WoRC’99) held in
`conjunction with PACT’99, October 12-16, Newport Beach, CA
`25 Program committee (place and route) of the IEEE International Conference on
`Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD-99) Nov 7-11, San Jose, CA
`26 Best-Paper-Award committee of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design,
`27 General co-chair of the 2000 Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI-2000)
`Chicago, IL
`28 Program committee of the International Symposium on Physical Design, April 2000,
`San Diego, CA
`29 Chair of the steering committee of the International Symposium on Physical Design
`(ISPD) April 2000, San Diego, CA
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`30 Program committee of the 2000 Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signal Design,
`February 28-29, San Diego, CA
`31 Steering, special session chair and program committee of the Workshop on System
`Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP-2000) San Diego, CA
`32 Steering committee of the International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design
`(ISQED-2000) March 21-22 2000, San Jose, CA
`33 Program committee chair (routing subcommittee) of the IEEE International Conference
`on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD-2000) Nov 5-9, San Jose, CA
`34 Best-Paper-Award committee, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, 2000
`35 Steering committee of the International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design
`(ISQED 2001) March 2000, San Jose, CA
`36 Chair of the steering committee of the International Symposium on Physical Design
`(ISPD) April 2001
`37 Program committee of the International Conference on VLSI Design, January 3-7, 2001,
`Bangalore, India
`38 Program committee of the Advanced Research in VLSI, March 14-16, 2001, Utah
`39 Program committee of the Design Automation Conference (DAC) June 2001, Las Vegas
`40 Best-Paper-Award committee of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design,
`41 Steering committee of the International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design
`(ISQED) March 2001, San Jose, CA
`42 Chair of the routing committee of the International Conference on Computer-Aided
`Design (ICCAD) November 2001, San Jose, CA
`43 Steering committee of the International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design
`(ISQED) March 2002, San Jose, CA
`44 Program committee of the Design Automation Conference (DAC) June 2002, New
`Orleans, LA
`45 Chair of the steering committee of the International Symposium on Physical Design
`(ISPD) April 2002, CA
`46 Tutorial chair of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)
`November 2002, San Jose, CA
`47 Executive committee of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design
`(ICCAD 2002)
`48 Program committee of the Asia-Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC
`2003) Japan
`49 Program committee of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2003)
`50 Executive committee and the program vice-chair of the International Conference on
`Computer- Aided Design (ICCAD 2003)
`51 Steering committee of the International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design
`(ISQED 2003) March 2003, San Jose, CA
`52 Program committee of DesignCon 2003, Santa Clara, CA
`53 Program committee of the Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-
`DAC 2003)
`54 Technical program committee for the CODES-ISSS'03 Merged Conference, October 1-
`3, Newport Beach, CA
`55 Advisory board of the International Program Committee (IPC) for CST 2003
`56 Program committee of the Asia-Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC
`2004) January 27-30, Minato-Mirai Yokohama
`57 Executive committee and program chair of the International Conference on Computer-
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`Aided Design (ICCAD 2004)
`58 Steering committee of the International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design
`(ISQED 2003), March 2004, San Jose, CA
`59 Technical program committee for the CODES-ISSS'04 Merged Conference September
`8-10, Stockholm, Sweden
`60 Program committee of the International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate
`Arrays (FPGA 2005) Monterey, CA
`61 Distinguished ISQED member (in the recognition of outstanding performance and
`lasting contributions to ISQED since the inception)
`62 Program committee member on the Third Workshop on Application Specific Processors
`(WASP 2004) September 8-10, Stockholm, Sweden
`63 Program committee member of the Design, Automation and Test Conference (DATE
`2005) Munich, Germany
`64 General chair of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD
`65 Program Committee member of UbiCare'06, the 1st workshop on Ubiquitous and Pervasive
`Health Care
`66 Program Committee member of Wireless Communications in Medical Applications
`(WCMA ’07) Omaha, NE
`67 Program Committee member of the Seventh IASTED International Conferences on
`Wireless and Optical Communications (WOC 2007) May 31 – June 1, 2007, Montreal,
`Quebec, Canada
`68 Program Committee member of Joint Workshop on High Confidence Medical Devices,
`Software, and Systems (HCMDSS) and Medical Device Plug-and-Play (MD PnP)
`Interoperability, June 25 – 27, 2007, Boston, MA.
`69 Program Committee member of WSNHC 2007, the 1st workshop on Wireless Sensor
`Networks for Health Care. June 6, 2007, Braunschweig, Germany.
`70 Program committee, 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing,
`Technologies for Healthcare 2008, Tampere, Finland, January 30th - February 1st, 2008
`71 Program committee of Third International Conference on Body Area Networks March
`13-17, 2008, Tempe, Arizona, USA
`72 Program committee of ICDC 2008, The Second International Conference on the Digital
`Society February 10-15, 2008 - Sainte Luce, Martinique
`73 General Chair, 1st International Workshop on TeleHealth, January 2008, Tampere,
`74 Program Committee, workshop on Software and Systems for Medical Devices and
`Services (SMDS 2007) in Dec 2007
`75 Program Committee of Petra'08: International Conference on PErvasive Technologies
`Related to Assistive Environments, July 15-19, 2008, Athens, Greece.
`76 TPC Chair, BodyNets 2009, Los Angeles, CA
`77 Technical Program Committee for the 2010 International Conference on Body Sensor
`Networks (BSN 2010)
`78 Technical Program Committee: eTELEMED 2010, The Second International
`Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine in St. Maarten - Netherlands
`Antilles, February 10-15, 2010
`79 Technical Program Committee: PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive
`Environments - PETRA 2010 Samos, Greece, June 23-25, 2010.
`80 Technical Program Committee: eTELEMED 2011, The third International Conference
`on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
`81 Technical Program Committee-Chair, MobiHealth 2011-First ACM MobiHoc
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare Paris, France May 16-20, 2011
`82 Co-Chair of IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
`(MCCIS 2011) Rome, Italy July 20-26, 2011
`83 Program Chair of 2011 ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI
`2011) Miami, Florida on November 9-11, 2011
`84 Program Committee of CIMTEC 2012 4th International conference “Smart Materials,
`Structures and Systems” Montecatini Terme, Italy on June 10-15 2012
`85 Technical Program Committee: eTELEMED 2012, The International Conference on
`eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
`86 Technical Program Committee: The 9th International Conference on Wearable and
`Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN) London, UK, May 10-12 2012
`87 Steering Committee: MobiHoc 2012, the Thirteenth International Symposium on Mobile
`Ad Hoc Networking and Computing at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, June 11-14
`88 Program Committee: IADIS International Conference, e-Health 2012 at Lisbon,
`Portugal, July 17-19 2012
`89 Steering Committee: MobileHealth 2012: Second ACM MobiHoc Workshop on
`Pervasive Wireless Healthcare, South Carolina, USA, June 11 2012
`90 Program Committee: GLOBAL HEALTH 2012, The First International Conference on
`Global Health Challenges, Venice, Italy, October 21-26 2012
`91 Founding Member of Wireless Health conference.
`92 Steering committee and Technical program committee of Wireless Health 2010 – 2012.
`93 Program committee: PETRA 2013 The 6th International Conference on PErvasive
`Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, island of Rhodes, Greece 05/29/13-
`94 Program committee: 10th Body Sense Network Conference (BSN), Cambridge, USA,
`May 6-9 2013.
`Prague, Czech Republic, 24 - 26 July 2013
`96 Steering Committee of MobileHealth workshop, Banglore, India July 2013.
`97 Technical Program Committee: IEEE HealthCom 2013 15th International Conference
`on E-Health Networking, Application & Services Lisbon, Portugal, October 9-12 2013
`98 Technical Program Committee: SENSORDEVICES, August 25 - 31, 2013 - Barcelona,
`99 Technical Program Committee: ICHI 2013 - IEEE International Conference on
`Healthcare Informatics 2013, 09 Sep - 11 Sep, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
`100 Technical Program Committee of Wireless Health 2013, Baltimore, MD November 1-
`3, 2013.
`101 Program Committee: AMBIENT 2013, The Third International Conference on Ambient
`Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, Porto, Portugal, September 29 –
`October 3 2013
`102 Program Committee: GLOBAL HEALTH 2013, The Second International Conference
`on Global Health Challenges, Lisbon, Portugal, November 17-22 2013
`103 Program Committee: Brain/Health Informatics 2013 (BHI'13), October 29-31 2013,
`Maebashi, Japan
`104 Technical Program Committee: The 2014 International Conference on Wearable and
`Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2014), Zurich, Switzerland, June 16-20 2014
`105 Program Committee: International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2014 (ICHI),
`Verona, Italy, September 15-17, 2014
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`106 Program Committee: International Advisory Board of Symposium "Progress in
`Wearable/Wireless and Implantable Body Sensor Networks for Healthcare Applications"
`CIMTEC 2016, Perugia, Italy June 5-10, 2016
`107 Steering committee, IEEE CHASE (IEEE International Conference on Connected
`Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies).
`108 Technical Program Committee: IEEE CHASE 2016 (2016 the IEEE 1st International
`Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering
`Technologies), Washington D.C, June 27-29 2016
`A. Undergraduate Students
`Many students have worked in my research group since 1987. They have been involved
`in design, analysis and implementation of algorithms for Embedded Systems and
`Wireless Health. They have been supported e.g., by REU grants from NSF (i.e., Research
`Experience for Undergraduates by the National Science Foundation), Motorola and other
`B. Master Students
`At Northwestern University and UCLA there have been more than 100 students who
`have received their M.S. degree under my supervision. They are either working toward
`their Ph.D. degree or are working in industry.
`C1. Ph.D. Students in Academia
`Ph.D. Alumni in Academia
`1. Jun Dong Cho
`PhD 1993 Chair, Dept. of Human ICT Convergence
`Professor, Dept. Electronic Engineering
`SungKyunKwan University, Korea
`PhD 1995 Professor (EE), National Chung Hsing
`University, Taiwan
`PhD 1995 Professor (IECS), Feng Chia University,
`PhD 2000 Associate Professor (ECE), University of
`Minnesota, USA
`2. Weiliang Lin
`3. De-Sheng Chen
`4. Kia Bazargan
`5. Ankur Srivastava
`PhD 2002 Associate Professor (ECE), University of
`Maryland, USA, Full Professor 5-2014
`6. Ryan Kastner
`7. Seda O Memik
`PhD 2002 Associate professor (CS), University of
`California, San Diego, USA
`PhD 2003 Associate Professor (ECE), Northwestern
`University, USA
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`8. Elaheh Bozorgzadeh
`PhD 2003 Associate Professor (CS), University of
`California, Irvine, USA
`9. Soheil Ghiassi
`10. Roozbeh Jafari
`11. Philip Brisk
`PhD 2004 Associate professor (ECE), University of
`California, Davis, USA
`PhD 2006 Associate Professor BME, CSE and ECE at
`Texas A&M, USA
`PhD 2006 Associate Professor (CS) University of
`California, Riverside, USA
`12. Ani Nahapetian
`PhD 2007 Associate Professor, California State
`University, Northridge
`13. Tammara Massey
`PhD 2009
`Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics
`14. Jamie MacBeth
`PhD 2010 Assistant Professor (CS), Fairfield University
`15. Diane Myung-kyung Suh PhD 2012 Assistant Professor, University of San
`Francisco, Dept of Analytics
`PhD 2012 Research Assistant Professor, UCLA
`PhD 2013 Assistant Professor (Computer Science &
`Engineering) University of New York at
`16. Navid Amini
`17. Wenyao Xu
`18. Bobak Mortazavi
`19. Sunghoon Lee
`PhD 2014 Assistant Professor- Texas A&M CS
`PhD 2014 Assistant Professor- UMass Amherst CS
`20. Ming-Chun (John)
`21. Nabil Alsurafa
`PhD 2014 Assistant Professor- Case Western Reserve
`University, CS and EE
`PhD 2015 Assistant Professor – Northwestern University,
`Dept of Preventive Medicine and Computer
`C2. Ph.D. Students in Industry
`Ph.D. Alumni in Industry
`1. R. D. Lou
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`2. Charles Chiang
`3. Jaosn K. F. Liao
`4. Gary K. H. Yeap
`5. Salil Raje
`6. Gustavo Tellez
`7. Amir Farrahi
`8. James Crenshaw
`9. Maogang Wang
`10. Xiaojian Yang
`11. B. K. Choi
`12. Taraneh Taghavi PhD
`Sandia National Laboratories
`Sandia National Laboratories
`13. Foad Dabiri
`14. Hyduke Noshadi
`15. Mahsan Rofouei
`16. Jonathan
`17. Diane Myung-
`kyung Suh
`18. Alireza
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`19. Mars Lan
`20. Maryam Moazeni PhD
`21. Jason Liu
`22. Konstantinos
`23. Lauren Samy
`Northrop Grumman- Software Engineer
`24. Haik Kalantarian PhD
`Brain of Things
`D. Current Ph. D. Students
`1. Ebrahim Nemati
`2. Farhad Shahmohammadi
`3. Babak Moatamed
`4. Anahita Hosseini
`5. New student1
`6. New student 2
`7. New student 3
`8. New student 4
`E. POSTDOCS/Asst Reseacher (A few examples)
`Kevin Bouchard
`Christine King (Asst Project
`Scientist V)
`Young Soo Suh (Asst
`Visiting Researcher)
`Ramin Ramezani (Asst
`11/14-11/22/15 Technical Managing Director of CTSI
`Researcher III)
`Mohammad Pourhomayoun
`Eun Jeong Park (Visiting
`Hassan Ghasemzadeh (Asst
`Assistant Prof, Cal State LA
`1/2013-3/2015 Chair of Health IT and Yonsei
`Assistant Professor, Washington State
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`Atshushi Takahashi
`Benjamin Carrion Schafer
`Chunhong Chen
`Professor, Tokyo Inst of Technology
`Professor, UT Dallas
`Professor, Univ of Windsor
`F. Awards Received by my PhD Students
`Haik Kalantarian 2016 Northrop-Grumman Outstanding Student Research Award
`Symantec Outstanding Graduate Student Award in
`Nabil Alshurafa
`Computer Science
`Outstanding Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
`Nabil Alshurafa
`Sunghoon Lee
`Jason Liu
`Navid Amini
`Northrup-Grumman Outstanding Research Student Award
`Best Paper Runner up “On-bed Monitoring for Rangeof
`Motion Exercises with a Pressure Sensitive Bedsheet”
`2012-2013 Google Outstanding Graduate Student Award
`Mahsan Rofouei
`Mahsan Rofouei
`Mahsan Rofouei
`Bobak Mortazavi 2012
`Navid Amini
`Navid Amini
`Wenyao Xu
`Hyduke Noshadi
`Foad Dabiri
`Hyduke Noshadi
`Edward K. Rice Outstanding Doctoral Students (given to
`one UCLA engineering student each year)
`UCLA Computer Science Outstanding Graduate
`Student Research Award (Sponsored by Google)
`Runner up Best Paper Award at The 9th International
`Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor
`Networks (BSN)
`Best Demo Award, 9th international conference on
`wearable and implantable body sensor networks.
`Symantec Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award
`Outstanding Project Award – Bruin innovation &
`Technology Magazine (BIT)
`Best Demo Award – Wireless Health Conference in San
`Diego, Oct. 2011
`Best Contributor Award in Bruin Innovation &
`NLM's University-based Biomedical Informatics Research
` Training Fellowship
`NIH/National Library of Medicine Medical Informatics
`Training Program Fellowship
`Outstanding graduate student research award
`Edward K. Rice Outstanding Doctoral Student Award
`(given to one PhD student at UCLA)
`Best Paper Award
`Ubiquitous Personal Assistive System for Neuropathy,
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`Hyduke Noshadi
`Ani Nahapetian
`Outstanding masters student award
`Edward K. Rice Outstanding Masters Student Award
`(given to one MS student at UCLA)
` I
` take teaching very seriously. I devoted a major portion of my time working with my
`undergraduate and graduate students, as evident from the large number of publications
`produced with my students. In 2006 I completely redesigned CS 152 A/B: two major
`design courses in the departments. I have updated these courses every year ever since. I
`have also included undergrad students in my research group. I teach two core
`undergraduate courses; Algorithms and Complexity (CS 180) and a series of graduate
`courses in the area of embedded systems and Wireless Health. My teaching evaluation
`average since I have joined UCLA is 8.21 compared with departmental average of 7.56
`(At Northwestern, my teaching evaluations have averaged (around) 3.7 (on scale of 1 to
`CS 152A lab involves of implementing digital logic designs and applying concepts
`students learned in CS 51A. The specific objectives of the course is to instruct students
`learning how to use discrete components, breadboards, oscilloscopes, voltmeters, data
`sheets, and instruction manuals under digital laboratory environment. Students are expect
`to be able to collaboratively design digital systems with their partners and implement
`their designs with a schematic editor, VHDL, and FPGA.
`CS152B covers advanced digital design techniques using Xilinx FPGA platforms.
`Students develop structural and behavior RTL code, perform simulations, and synthesize
`their designs onto FPGAs for evaluation. Four progressively challenging laboratory
`assignments cover fundamental hardware concepts such as finite state machines, register
`files, ALUs, and video standards. The course also emphasizes collaborative group work,
`testbench development, and technical documentation. The course was significantly
`revised again in 2013. The previous Xilinx XUPV2P boards were upgraded to Virtex5-
`based development platforms, which support many more peripherals. This allows new
`labs/projects to emphasize a greater range of embedded systems applications, rather than
`focusing on a camera-based project.
`Sample CS152 B Final Projects:
`1. An autonomous robot capable of navigating on a path set by a colored line using image
`2. An FPGA-based atari emulator with DVI output, an analog joystick, and buttons.
`3. An iRobot-based robot that is capable of reacting to external sound, and moves towards the
`4. Accelerometer-based implementation of a Wii remote using a VmodCAM camera.
` also teach courses in Design and Analysis of Algorithm and graduate courses in
`Wireless Health.
` I
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`We were selected as a Wireless Health Research and Education (REU site) by NSF (with
`funding of $380,000). A number of undergraduates from across the country have been
`trained through our program at UCLA.
`1. Methods for design optimization using logical and physical information (09,097,299)
`Filed June 1998, Granted March 2001.
`System and method for concurrent placement of gates and associated wiring (6,385,760)
`Filed June 1998, Granted May 2002.
`Placement method for integrated circuit design using topo-clustering (6,442,743) Filed
`June 12, 1998, Granted August 27, 2002.
`4. Method and system for progressive clock tree or mesh construction concurrently with
`physical design (6,651,232) Filed November 5, 1998, Granted November 18, 2003.
`Placement method for integrated circuit design using topo-clustering (6,851,099) Filed
`2/23/2000, Granted 2/1/05.
`Foot pressure alert and sensing system (US 7726206 B2), Priority date Nov 2006;
`Granted June 1, 2010.
`SEM scanner sensing apparatus, system and methodology for early detection of ulcers,
`Australian patent No AU2011253253, Bates-Jensen, B., Boystak, J., Flesch, M., Kaiser,
`W., Lam, Y., Mehrnia, A., Sarrafzadeh, M., Wang, F. Filed and accepted 6/5/11.
`8. Method and Apparatus for Quantitative Assessment of Neuromotor Disorders
`(8,845,554) filed 8/26/09, Granted 9/30/14.
`SEM Scanner Sensing Apparatus, System and Methodology for Early Detection of
`Ulcers, Application No 20140288397, Sarrafzadeh, M., Kaiser, W., Mehrnia, A., Bates-
`Jensen, B., Wang, F., Flesch, M., Boystak, J., Lam, Y. Sept 25, 2014.
`10. Method of Assessing Human Fall Risk Using Mobile Systems (13/378,937) filed
`12/16/11, Granted September 2014.
`11. Distributed External and Internal Wireless Sensor Systems for Characterization of
`Surface and Subsurface Biomedical Structure and Condition, Granted Japanese Patent
`No. 5774590.
`12. Apparatus and method for implementing a mobility aid device (8,974,232) filed 3/3/09,
`granted March 10, 2015.
`13. Fabric-Based Pressure Sensor Arrays and Methods for Data Analysis, US Patent
`Application No. 13/475,654, Sarrafzadeh, M., Xu, W., Huang, M., Raut, N., Yadegar,
`B., October 26, 2015.
`14. SEM Scanner Sensing Apparatus, System and Methodology for Early Detection of
`Ulcers, Patent No. 9,220,455 Filed 6/6/14, issued 12/29/15
`15. Apparatus, Systems, and Methods for Tissue Oximetry and Perfusion Imaging,
`Application No: 2012207287, Patent Application in Australia, Accepted 30 November
`16. On-Bed Monitoring System for Range of Motion Exercises With A Pressure Sensitive
`bed Sheet, US Patent Application No.: 14/101,765, Sarrafzadeh, M., Xu, W., Huang,
`M., Liu, J., publication date June 12, 2014.
`And 14 other pending patents in the area of Wireless Health.
`FITBIT, Ex. 1004
`I. Books
`Sarrafzadeh, M., and Lee, D.T., "Algorithmic Aspects of VLSI Layout", Lecture Notes
`Series on Computing, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, (1993)
`Sarrafzadeh, M., and Wong, C.K., "An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design", McGraw
`Hill Publishing, pp. 1-334 (1996)
`3. M. Sarrafzadeh, M. Wang, X. Yang, Modern Placement Techniques, Kluwer, 2002
`4. Kastner, R., Kaplan, A., Sarrafzadeh, M., "Synthesis Technique and Optimizations for
`Reconfigurable Systems", Springer, pp. 1-256 (2003)
`II. Book Chapters
`1. Yang, X., E. Bozorgzadeh, M. Sarrafzadeh and M. Wang, "“Modern Standard-Cell
`Placement Techniques”", In: In Layout Optimization in VLSI Design, Kluwer Academic
`Publishers, (January 2002)
`2. Bozorgzadeh, E., R., Kastner, S.O. Memik, M. Sarrafzadeh,, "Strategically
`Programmable Systems", In: The Computer Engineering Handbook, CRC Press,
`(December 2001)
`Srivastava, A., Sobaje, J., Potkonjak, M., Sarrafzadeh, M., "Optimal Node Scheduling
`for Effective Energy Usage in Sensor Networks", In: System-Level Power Optimization
`for Wireless Multimedia Communication, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2002)
`4. Bozorgzadeh, E., A. Kaplan, R. Kastner, S. Ogrenci Memik and M. Sarrafzadeh,
`"Optimization for Reconfigurable Systems