
`The Experience of Developing and Providing
`Driver Route Information Systems
`John Wootton and Michael Ness
`Wootton Jeffreys Consultants Limited
`Brookwood, Woking, Surrey GU24 OBL, UK
`Tel : Brookwood (+44 4867) 80033
`Fax : Brookwood (+44 4867) 88887
`Table 2. Drivers’ inefficiency in choosing a route
`Percentage excess
`Percentageof drivers
`cost above the
`achieving their reason
`minimum that was
`for selecting a route
`strictly necessary
`Trip purpose
`To work
`Firm's business
`Commercial vehicle
`49.6% 54.0%Leisure 8.0%
`Table 2, from the same survey, clearly demonstratestheinability
`of drivers to satisfy their desired criteria. Only 50% of drivers
`seeking either the quickest or shortest routes succeed in finding
`the route they desire. Theinefficiency introducedbytravelling a
`time longer or a distance greater than desired has been estimated»
`to be between 4 and 6, percent of total travel costs.
`substantial part, arounda third, of the inefficiencyis thought to be
`concernedwith the “terminal search”, the problem offinding the
`exact location of the destination. Consequently the best driver
`route information systems needsolve the terminal search problem
`Common sense suggests that drivers are influenced by
`by giving more detail as the destination is approached.
`Table 3. Comparison of actual and ‘ideal’ routes
`information from a variety of sources in selecting the route they
`travel. Sources of information such as maps, signs, personal
`Percentage of actual routes the same as
`knowledge, experience and hearsay play an importantpart in Min. time—Min.dist.Planned
`Trip purpose
`selecting the route. The impact that each of these sources of
`information has on route selection can not be easily quantified,
`Journey to work
`studies “| and experiments @ have suggested that there are
`Employer's business
`Commercial vehicle
`limitations in maps and road signsthat result in excess mileage
`All journeys 63.4 86.2 53.3
`being driven. The implication being that the information given to
`drivers influences their choice and behaviour.
`Further analysis of the survey comparedthe actualroutes driven
`by drivers with a “planned route” obtained by consulting a map
`interviews with drivers suggestthat a minority, about a quarter,
`and the direction signs found an the roads. The results in Table
`have somedifficulty in planning a route. The great majority say
`3 show that there is little difference between the actual and
`that their journeys are repeated. They feel they know the route
`plannedroutes, 86% of routes being the same. Far more ofthese
`that is travelled well or that their experienceis suchthat they can
`planned routes are the sameas the actualroutes than either the
`overcome any route planning problems that they encounter.
`minimum time or minimum distance, which puts into question the
`Several studies have asked drivers the criteria they use for
`assumptions madein transport planning studies for more than
`25 years that drivers follow a minimum time, distance or cost
`selecting a particular route. Table 1, taken from a survey ©in the
`United Kingdom, is typical of the results that are obtained. The
`overwhelming majority, about 70%, of drivers are trying to select
`The quantitative and qualitative evidence suggests that the
`the quickest route, with approximately 10% trying to select the
`shortest distance route and another 10% having no known
`majority of drivers respondto the information that is given. If the
`driver can be provided with accurate information on the quickest
`alternative. Other important criteria are scenic routesfor leisure
`route to follow the majority of drivers will obey that information.
`trips and specified routes for commercial vehicles.
`Ifthe route that is given is better than the driver currently follows,
`Tabie 1. Reasons given by drivers for choice of raute
`the driver will obtain a benefit and the communitywill benefit from
`Percentage of sample
`fewer miles being driven implying fewer accidents and iess
`No known
`pollution. If information can be obtainedin reai time, for example
`Scenic motorway Specified alternative
`Trip purpose
`ontraffic incidents or congestion, then drivers might be advised
`To work
`Firm's business
`of new routesto follow to their destination with the consequent
`Commercial vehicle
`Leisure 10.9 479 10.3 28.8 15 08
`reduced travel times and better use of the capacity of the read
`CH2789-6/89/0000-0071 $01.00 © 1989 IEEE
`The contents ofthis paper draw uponthe experience of developing
`several driver route information systems over a period of 10
`years. We werefirst concerned with improving the information
`given on direction signs and this was quickly followed by the
`development of systems for providing route information for
`journeys. Subsequently these developed into an
`autonomousin-vehicle route guidance system as early as 1980
`and systems which have allowed automobile clubs to automate
`the route information services they provide to members.
`The future also offers exciting prospects. We are involvedin the
`Autoguidetrial in London andlook forward to using the two-way
`communication features of this system for improving traffic
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`Every route information system needs information about the
`roads that the vehicles can use. Maps are the most common
`sources ofthis information for current computerised information
`services. The information that can be obtained includesclassof
`road, distance betweenintersections, horizontal profile, places
`interest, place and street names. The accuracy of this
`information depends upon the scale of the map and the time at
`which it was collected. Some important information, such as
`travel times, one-way streets and prohibited turns, may not be
`available from maps and hasto be obiained bydriving the roads
`that are to be used.
`There are several sources of maps. Atlases and maps published
`by automobile clubs, state/provincial departments of transport
`andcommercial organisations specifically for route finding usually
`contain information at threelevels, overview, general, and detailed
`insets of urban or special areas. They also include an index or
`gazetter of places marked on the maps. For each of theselevels
`the cartographer has made decisions on whichroads to include
`and how to emphasise someroutes over others. A driver using
`the mapto plana route can only use the information given by the
`cartographer and interpretit in the light of experience gained by
`using the information.
`Topographical maps produced by national mapping agencies
`(eg. Ordnance Surveyin Britain, United States Geological Survey
`or Canada Map Office) are an alternative source of route
`information. These mapsare not designed specifically for route
`finding but often provide the best sourceofdetail at the start and
`end of the trip. The aim of the cartographer in topographical
`mapsis to give an even representation of the area being mapped
`rather than to highlight particular details of the road system. The
`disadvantage of using topographical maps for route planning are
`their size, number ( over 500 mapsat 1:250000 scale to cover
`USA), lack of index and their low frequency of updating.
`Mapsarea static source ofroute information, they represent the
`road system at the time of publication, with perhaps a few roads
`Route information systems have three major components;
`marked as opening in the coming year, and are only updated by
`purchasing the next edition a year ortwo later. They require skill
`i)|The product given to the driver. Products vary from simple
`and experience by the user to estimate the best route, generally
`mapsto sophisticated electronic equipmentinstalled inthe
`givinglittle information on journey times. They do have the
`advantage over other pre-trip route information systems that
`routes can be generated on demandby the user and that routes
`The infra-structure needed to create and maintain the
`can be modified while the trip is underway.
`currency of the information required by the product. All of
`The name of a town or district in a city is usually insufficient to
`the products of which we are aware require a mapidentifying
`the roads that can be used. In addition information on road
`locate the drivers precise destination. A more precise methodof
`markings, traffic signing, incidents and traffic conditions
`locating the destination and of determining where a vehicle is
`may also be required. The information is usually coded so
`relative to the map is required. Cartographers have solved this
`problem by two methods,
`the first a system of cartesian
`that itcan be stored oncomputers and presented to drivers
`coordinates, as for example the Uk’s system ofgrid references,
`as required. Most ofthe cost of providing aroute information
`serviceis spent on creating and maintaining the information.
`and the second a system ofpolar coordinates, as for example in
`the universally used system of longitude and latitude. Whilst
`iii) Communication of the route to the driver. This again can
`these systems provide a meansoflocating a paint on a map or
`the earths surface, they are not universally understood by drivers
`take many forms. With pre-trip route information systems
`and acomputerised route information service needs to construct
`communication might be by post, telephone or similar
`indexes that relate an address to the map referencing system.
`means, whereas en-route trip information systems can
`The addresses can take the form of zip codes, a house number
`demand a complicated communication infra-structure
`and street name, the intersection of iwo-namedroads or even
`providing two-way communication between vehicles and
`central control.
`the distance along a street from a named intersection.
`The task of digitising and maintaining accurate mapinformation
`and the creation and maintenanceof the necessary indexesis
`enourmous. Mostof the cost of providing a computerised route
`information service will be incurred in creating and maintaining
`all this information. Not surprisingly this is a strong barrier at the
`presenttime to the development of computerised services and
`only large organisations willing to invest considerable sums of
`money are able to develop systems.
`The traditional pre-trip route planning product offered by
`automobile clubs has been a set of preprinted pages bound or
`stapled together to form a route. They may take the form of text
`as in the case of the UK Automabile Associations Home Routes
`Service, ora strip map asin the case of the AAA ‘Triptik’ service.
`Other organisations eg oi! companies, car rental companies
`have also offered pre-trip route information services as a marketing
`aid to their main product.
`In each casethe productis free or sold
`to the customer at much below production cost and therefore
`there is a strong incentive for the producer to reduce costs and
`possibly to try and restrain demand. This need to restrain costs
`has lead several automobile clubs to turn their pre-trip route
`information systems over to a computer basedroute information
`From the providers point of view the information imparted by a
`pre-trip route information system mustbe robust without obvious
`error, and sufficient to provide the customerwith a good route.
`Usually the route provided will relate to averagetraffic conditions
`as the customer has not specified a date or time for the journey.
`The route may well be personalised sothat if the customeris
`towing a caravan(trailer) unsuitable roads are avoided or the
`customer may wish to avoid tolled routes. The route provided
`maybethe quickestor it may be the best by someother criteria.
`The wide variety of route selection criteria means that the
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`Figure 1 - Part of AA Prepared Route from Brookwood to
`Brookwood (crossroads)
`Follow signs Bagshot A322
`Bisley (“Hen & Chickens”public house)
`West End
`Junction with A319/B311
`At roundabout take 2nd exit
`Junction with M3
`At roundabouttake 2nd exit
`(signposted Bracknell)
`1.6 miles farther take left-hand
`lane & keep forward
`In 2.2 miles at roundabout take
`2nd exit
`In 0.5 mile at roundabout take
`2nd exit
`personalised route has to be generated from a databaseof raute
`information. It is not economic to hold ready compiled routes for
`all combinations of selection criteria, although some popular
`touring routes may be precompiled.
`Automobile clubs, as one of the longer established providers of
`route information, have built up manually maintained databases
`of route information, and, equally importantly, establishedlinks
`with highwayauthorities to record changesin the road system.
`They also conduct their own surveys of the road system to
`continuously check the currencyof their information. Over time
`many automobile clubs have created a database covering their
`entire area of operation with a uniform quality of information
`within it.
`Newer entrants to the field of route information provision have
`either restricted themselves geographically, perhaps by only
`offering asmall set of precompiled routes, or have built databases
`from cartographic sources but have notyet built in the detailed
`knowledge gained over time by the automobile clubs.
`10.0 5.3 Bracknell
`Until 1984 the AAin Britain used a text based system where each
`sheet contained text describing a section of route including
`Follow signs Reading A329
`turning movements (eg take 3rd exit at roundabout). Acomplete
`route was built up by a compiler choosingaline of route and
`12.8 2.8
`Junction with A329(M)/B3408
`At roundabout take 2nd exit
`listing the sheets to be included, which were then assembledin
`order. Often the compiler would make typewritten alterations/
`to join Motorway A329(M}
`additionsto the route before dispatch to the member. This labour
`Junction with M4
`intensive operation has now been replaced by a computer based
`Branchleft (signposted South
`Wales)to join M4
`The computer generated productis stilladescription ofthe route,
`Junction 11 (A33)
`the source material for which was an expansion of the manual
`route sheets, but the quality of the product is much improved.
`The route is produced on small fanfold stationery so that it can
`be used in a car easily. There are no alterations/deletions
`apparentto the user, although the system still has facilities to add
`detailed instructions at the start or end of the route if required and
`true cumulative distances are incorporated throughout the text.
`An example of the output trom the system is shownin Figure 1.
`Apart from labour savings the main benefits to the producer, and
`to the user, has been the ability to keep the route descriptions up
`to date by incorporating new roadsfrom the daythey are opened.
`The major problem of stockholding, updating and reordering of
`route sheets has been eliminated. The software contentof the
`system is approximately one quarter devoted to route production
`and three quarters devoted to input, updating and checking the
`database. The system produces about 500,000 routes per year.
`The AA system runs on a Prime minicomputer. As an indication
`of performance, a modern PC is capable of calculating and
`printing a route every minute. in practice the operator and printer
`are the limiting factors on throughputs and a single workstation
`has a capacity of about 12 routes per hour.
`15.5 2.7
`An alternative form of pre-trip route planning product is the
`“Triptik” produced by the AAA and CAA. This againis assembled
`from preprinted sheets, but the sheets contain strip maps,
`supplemented by descriptions of major towns, cities and a map
`giving fuller details of the area highlighted on the strip map. The
`systemis operated from a large number of regionalcentres, each
`of which has a numberoftrained counsellors who assemble the
`Triptiks and mark routes on maps. This map based system
`presents a greater level of difficulty when developing acomputer
`based system to replace it.
`In particular any text based product
`has to be entirely computer generated and the technology for
`printing a map based product at speed, at an economic cost, has
`only recently become available.
`In-vehicle navigation systems are a natural extension of the
`traditional pre-trip planning services. They fall broadly into two
`groups. Those that are self contained within the vehicle and
`those that can transmit and receive information from external
`The most elimentary of the self contained systems are thosethat
`undertake map matching. The Etak, Carin, Travel Pilot and
`Honda systems are typical examples. In these systems a mapis
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`displayed to the driver and the location of the vehicle on the map
`is shown. The benefits from these systemsis largely with the
`destination search problem and their value in relation to their cost
`is debateable. The value of these systems would be increased
`if additional informatian was available on meeting places, hotels
`and other places of interest, but it should also be remembered
`that drivers do not rate this additional information as highly as
`receiving information on traffic conditions. The commercial
`success of these systems seemslikely to depend upon their
`inclusion as part of existing in-vehicle entertainment systems.
`Other self contained systems, for example our own MicroPilot,
`have the added feature of selecting the route and presentingit to
`the driver as a set of instructions. The location of the vehicle
`relative to the map is still required but as an intersection is
`approachedinstructions are spoken to the driver and can be
`presented visually on which way to turn. For example the
`message “turn right on the A322 towards Guildford” would be
`typical of the instructions given.
`The cammunication system is the mast important feature of the
`second group of vehicle navigation systems. Forgreatest benefits
`this communication system must be two-waysothat the vehicle
`can tell the central control system its location and its required
`destination and can in turn be updated by the central control
`system ontherouteto follow,trafficconditions and otherincidents.
`The type of communication, for example infra red or microwave,
`is not too important but in Europe systems based on infra red
`communication are already operating in Berlin, Munich and
`There are other features of a two-way communication system
`that have not yet been exploited. One can conceive pricing and
`control mechanisms that depend upon these systems and
`electronic signposts that give information on road andtraffic
`conditions ahead. For example a vehicle could receive a message
`andtell the driver “the bridge 200 metres aheadis frozen over”.
`mode, the system points, like a compass,in the direction of the
`destination. This facility helps considerably with the terminal
`search and allows the system to operate without having coded
`all the detailed information associated with local roads.
`Theinstallation of an Autoguide system in London will become
`possible when the Government's present transport bill has
`gained Parliamentary approval. Thebill provides the legisiation
`neededto introduce the system and allows the Governmentto
`offer a licence to operate a pilot system which, if successful, will
`be followed by a London wide system. The Government has
`already invited companies to bid for the licence, and whoever
`wins, the pilot system can be expected to be operational in 1991
`with the installation of the larger system starting a year later. A
`further licence to operate a system in anotherpart of the country
`can be expected within the same time scales.
`The Pilot system will be used to prove the technology and
`establish the financial viability and benefits of Autoguide. The
`Government believes that the system will provide substantial
`benefits to users and non-users. Delays should be reduced as
`the system can encouragebetter use of the road capacity. At the
`same time, by encouraging the use of main roads, sensitive
`areas can be protected. The safety of the system is an important
`matter and this will be watched closely during the Pilot phase.
`Initial trials of the Ali-Scout system were carried out in Munich
`and this led to a fullinstallation of the system covering Berlin. The
`Autoguide system in London is likely to be followed by similar
`systems installed in other European cities. Within the next 5
`years any criver with an in-vehicle unit can look forward to using
`his system anywhere in Europe.
`Wehavebeen involvedin traffic forecasting long enough to know
`that any prediction we make will certainly be wrong in some
`is however tantalising to look into the future and
`speculate on the vehicle navigation systemsthat mayexist inten
`years time.
`Webelieve therewill still be a need for two typesof service. A pre-
`trip planning service and an en-route service. The pre-trip
`planning service will be a developmentof the personal service
`currently provided by many automobile clubs. These services
`can be automated and providedrivers, at their home or in their
`Office, with detailed information abouttheir journey andfacilities
`along the route. The product we prefer is one which provides
`both a map and a written description of the journey.
`The second serviceis the en-route service of which the Ali-Scout
`system is currently the outstanding example in Europe. These
`systems can respondto traffic conditions, help drivers avoid
`incidents and traffic congestion and guide them to their precise
`destination. The systems are capable of providing firms with
`information on the location oftheir fleet of vehicles and of forming
`part of sophisticated traffic control systems. We expect the Ali-
`Scout system to becomethe de facto standard in Europe.
`The autonomous in-vehicle systems, represented by Carin and
`Travel Pilot, look likely to be left out in the cold. But it must be
`remembered that both are being promoted by large firms who
`caninfluence the market. Consequently we expect the emphasis
`of these systemsto change with navigation elements becoming
`The Siemens Ali-Scout system is now well established and
`seemslikely to become the de facto Europeanvehicle navigation
`standard. An Anglo-German agreement has established
`communication protocols and the Ali-Scout system is now being
`promoted as Autoguide in the United Kingdom and Ulysse in
`Inthe Autoguide system a unit in the car gives spoken and visual
`instructions to the driver on the best route to follow. The unit
`communicates with
`roadside beacons using infra-red
`transmission. A central computer is told the vehicles destination
`and its current
`location by the roadside beacons so it can
`calculate the best raute for the vehicle from the prevailing traffic
`conditions. The driver receives messageson the turns to make,
`routes to follow and is guided to within 50 metres of the required
`The vehicle's location is determined by an odometer andelectronic
`compass. The vehicle receives sufficient map information asit
`approachesa beacon for it to matchits position with the mapuntil
`it reaches the next beacon.
`Autoguide is also capable of operating in autonomous mode
`independant of any information from beacons. In autonomous
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`only a small part of a more general information system.In the
`longer term the autonomous systemsare unlikely to remain self
`contained and will develop communication links. Anew European
`standard for digital cellular radio is expected to come into
`operation in the mid-1990’s. Itis not unreasonable to believe that
`this will become the communication link for en-route navigation
`systems and that a rationalisation of all the existing systems
`could take place at around the sametime.
`1. Wootton, Ness & Burton. “Improved direction signs and
`the benefits for drivers”. Traffic Engineering and Control,
`May 1981.
`Lunn. “Route choice by Drivers”. Transport and Road
`Research Laboratory, SR 374. ISSN 0305 1315
`3. Outram and Thompson. “Drivers’ perceived cost in route
`choice”, Proc. PTRC Summer Annual Meeting, University
`of Warwick, 1978.
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