
`Automobile Navigation System Using
`Beacon Information
`Junkoh Shims
`Takaharu Saito
`Iiiroyuki Kanemitsu Yoshibumi ’I‘anaka
`Toyota Motor Corporation
`1200 Mishuku, Susono,Sizuoka,410-i‘i ,Japan
`Tel 0559—97-212i Fax 0559—97—4419
`Various items of
`Road and traffic information
`road works,
`such as traffic conditions,
`location of car parks and available spaces etc., are
`transmitted from roadside beacons and may be selected
`for display on the digital map.
`The shortest route
`planning and
`between any two points can be calculated from stored
`data and indicated on the digital map. If information
`regarding delays on or impassibility of the indicated
`route is received from beacons, an alternative route
`is also displayed.
`W "No-way cmmunication for
`personal messages and fleet management etc.
`nwv;dec via the communication service system.
`" beacon
`i, individual] communication
`61\ Location
`\' be acon
`Fig.1 Road and automobile communication system
`W B
`Beacons are of three types.
`The location beacon (LB)
`transmits signals
`identifying its location, i.e. secondary mesh code
`(the map reference number of the 1/25,000 scale maps
`issued by the Geographical Survey Institute), map
`coordinates (x,y),
`link number (the number designated
`to the road ),
`link heading and beacon number.
`addition other information of a constant nature may
`be transmitted.
`The information beaconiIB)
`transmits both
`location signals and relays transient
`road and
`traffic information received via a cable.
`(See Table
`1 . )
`(iii) The individual communication beacon (ICB) will
`establish two—way radio communication with the
`vehicle. The ICB itself will be connected to the
`Driving an automobile today is
`the road
`increasingly complex: The extension of
`and highway network makes navigation more
`while the tremendous increase in vehicles has in many
`areas led to chronic traffic congestion. In order to
`an on—board
`promote road safety and ease congestion,
`/ informational system based on roadside
`beacons will soon become indispensable. In this paper,
`authors present a prototype vehicle system
`developed to operate in conjunction with the
`communication network currently being established in
`Japan as a cosoperative undertaking by the Public
`Works Reseach Institute of
`the Ministry of
`Construction and 25 private companies.
`system provides the driver with such essential
`information as present
`location and traffic
`conditions, plots optimum and alternative route to the
`destination and enables
`limited two—way
`communication to be made. Field testing of
`system is still being conducted. Here the
`the first two tests are discussed.
`results of
`communication service system center by cable. The
`A navigation and communication system utilizing
`roadside beacons
`is currently under
`development. This paper outlines the functions
`infrastructure of
`the system ( named
`RACS), describes the insvehicle equipment
`TOYOTA and reports the results of
`developed by
`field tests conducted in the Tokyo/ Yokohama
`system is considered to have
`considerable potential
`reducing and
`improving road safety as well as being of great
`benefit to drivers.
`Road/Automobile Communication System (RACS)
`is a network providing various services by means of
`roadside devices and a vehicle mounted computer.
`shows the concept of RACS, which is based on
`intermittent narrow band digital data communication
`with limited range.
`'IWo-way individual cotmmnication
`(i.e. private communication) for personal needs is
`currently under
`development and has not yet been
`subjected to field testing.
`Main Functions
`The main functions of
`RACS are as follows.
`The dead reckoning
`Detection of vehicle location
`navigation device determines the present
`location in
`real time using the vehicle directional and distance
`sensors and
`corrects any error when a signal
`received from a roadside beacon. The location is
`continuously indicated on the digital road map display.
`GH2789-6/89ION0-0139501.00 © 1989 IEEE
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1011


`Processing Unit
` Touch-
`Fig.2 Block diagram of in—Vehicle systen
`Map Display and Data
`and memory unit The core of the man—machine
`interface is the display unit. Ideally the CRT should
`be as large as possible to facilitate use, but a
`limit is imposed by the available space. As viewing
`angle is also an important consideration, the test
`car made use of a 6 inch CRT mounted in the center of
`the dash board (see Fig.3). In the prototype system,
`an IC memory (ROM) was used to store map data since
`the field test area is reasonably small. For
`commercial systems, a CD—ROM such as used in the
`ELECTRO MULTIVISION system would appear to be the
`most promising media for data storage. Specifications
`of the CRT and memory device are given in Table 3.
`Fig. 3 Test car
`Digital map data Stored map data were canpiled frcxn
`the database prepared by PW'RI. As shown in Table 4,
`four scales of map are available. The smaller scale
`maps are provided to enable selection of the larger
`scale maps (1:115000 ard 1:28500), which are used for
`navigation. Fig.4 shows an example of the largest
`scale navigation maps. The display changes
`automatically when the vehicle moves
`from one
`navigation map to another. Each navigation map
`functions of the ICB may be expanded to include those
`of the IB.
`In the first two field tests, inductive radio
`was used for beacon transmissions. Cunently microwave
`based communication is being tested. The
`specifications of the inductive radio are given in
`Table 2.
`Traffic control and curmunication centers
`The traffic control center, which is
`administered by the relevant local road authority,
`outputs road and traffic data based on the map and
`link numbers to the information beacons. The data is
`updated at 5—minute intervals.
`The communication service system center and
`branches act as an interface for personal messages to
`and from particular vehicles.
`Table 1 Road and traffic information
`Car antenna
`Link No., Direction,
`Congested lane, Cause,
`Level of congestion, etc.
`Link No., Direction,
`Traffic accident
`|_Cause, etc.
`Link No., Direction, etc.
`Road/lane regulation Link No., Direction,
`Regulated lane,
`Nature of regulation,
`Cause, etc.
`Tine needed to
`travel link length
`Link No. , Direction,
`Table 2 Inductive radio specifications
`Transmission antenna Ferrite core coil
`247. ZKHz
`Transmission power
`Very weak
`Transmission speed
`Transmission data
`IB: about 8000bits
`LB: 136bits.
`Ferrite core coil
`In—vehicle equipment consists
`In—vehicle ggiflt
`of a dead reckoning device, a ROM unit in which map
`data are stored, CRT display, antenna and receiver.
`The map database was prepared by the Public Works
`Research Institute (PWRI) and ocmprises twelve files,
`e.g. link file, node (or intersection) file, railway
`file, facility location file etc. The data covers an
`area of approximately 350szincluding southwestern
`Tokyo, Kawasaki and northern Yokohama.
`Fig.2 shows a block diagram of the prototype in—
`vehicle system developed by the authors. The systan is
`composed of a dead reckoning device with geomagnetic
`sensor, gyroscope and wheel revolution sensor; a 6
`inch CRT with touch—sensitive switches; a receiver; a
`map data storage unit and a processing unit which
`controls the system. A 16 bit personal computer (NEC
`PC9801 VM21) was used as the processor.
`The prototype system was installed in an '88
`model TOYOTA CROWN as a sub—system of the multi—
`purpobe display unit cal led EEECI‘RO MULTIVISION.“ ]
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`,.i i,
`Land- buildings
`Road names
`7" v r
`Place names
`Setting of initial location
`Input of geomagnetic sensor data
`Fig.4 Navigation map (1 :2850o)
`Detection of Vehicle Location
`The dead reckoning device calculates the present
`position of the vehicle from directional and distance
`data. The calculated position is displayed on the
`navigation map. Accumulated errors in the dead
`reckoning are corrected when the vehicle passes an LB
`or IE. Consequently the navigational system operates
`with a high degree of accuracy.
`In order to minimize any
`Dial directional sensors
`error in directional data, both a flux
`gate type
`geomagnetic sensor and vibration type gyroscope are
`used to calculate heading. A geomagnetic sensor is an
`efficient means of detecting heading but its accuracy
`is affected by regional differences in magnetic
`declination and by interference caused by buildings,
`tunnels, bridges,
`railways and large vehicles which
`are travelling alongside. On
`the other hand,
`gyroscope, although unaffected by magnetic declination
`and interference, accumulates directional errors
`because it is subjected to drift as time passes.
`the TOYOTA dead reckoning system utilizes data
`from both sources and weights them appropriately.
`Distance sensor Wheel sensors producing 48 pulses
`per revolution were adopted as the distance sensor and
`mounted on the non—driving (Le.
`front) wheels.
`Calculation and displaLof location Directional and
`distance data are continuously input to the control
`unit, which computes
`the movement vector of the
`vehicle at quarter—second intervals and outputs the
`location in terms of navigation map co—
`ordinates every four intervals. Thus the position of
`vehicle location mark on the CRT is updated every
`second. The flowchart and calculation principle are
`Input of gyroscope data
`Fig.5 Flowchart of dead reckoning
`Error correction
`The control unit compares location
`data received from a beacon with the calculated
`location and corrects any errors. Because of the
`intermittent communication and processing time,
`i. r _
`Page 3 of 7
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1011
`shown in Figs 5 and 6 respectively.
`Table 4 Stored map contents
`i - ii 74
`iiiiiiiiii, iiiiiiiiii.
`Mr _
`‘ Scale
`£380,001 1:190,00
`Area dis Area dis Area dis Area dis
`No. of
`No. of
`No. of
`No. of
`12 maps 182
`Lakes and marshes ‘
`Toll roads
`National roads
`Prefectual roads
`Municipal roads
`overlaps neighbouring maps by i0% so that the driver
`can easily follow the transition. In addition, a map
`of the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway System and a map
`of car park locations are provided. All maps are
`displayed in the north—up mode, i.e. north is to the
`top of tie screen.
`Table 3 Display and memory unit specifications
`Type of display
`Type of memory
`Memory capacity
`6 inches
`Center of dashboard
`10 memory
`Page 3 of 7
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1011


`Fig.8 Display of congestion on Metropolitan
`Shortest Route
`The shortest route between any two given points
`is calculated using data regarding link length and
`flow direction at intersection ( e.g. no right—hand
`turn etc.). This route is displayed on the navigation
`maps in a flashing green color. A feature of the
`systen is that an alternative route is calculated and
`displayed if signals from an IB advise of congestion
`or closure of the planned route. when data are
`the program will be extended to enable the
`quickest route to be calculated as well.
`The driver inputs the departure point and
`destination on the appropriate navigation maps, using
`the touch-sensitive switches on the screen to move
`the cursor. He must also input whether or not toll
`roads are to be used. The route is displayed from the
`node of origin (i.e.
`the intersection closest to the
`actual position of the vehicle, determined frun the
`departure point coordinates and vehicle heading ) to
`the node of destination.
`To minimize computation
`Algorithm of route search
`time, a practical algorithm adequate for navigation
`was developed.[2] Based on Nicolson's bidirectional
`path finding algorithm,
`the method deals with an O—D
`(origin—destination) pair problem and calculates an
`approximate optimum. The main features are:
`The network for search is restricted to the
`elliptical area between 0 and D, the size of which
`changes in proportion to the distance.
`A node amount equality method, whereby the
`number of nodes on the possible paths from O is
`equal to the number on the possible paths from D, is
`used to establish the shortest route.
`(iii) The principle of network degeneration is
`applied. The initial search from O and D expands
`along all classes of roads. However the network is
`degenerated by eliminating any lower grade road if a
`higher grade road may be fol lowed.
`The revised origin method enables fast
`calculation of a rerouting should the driver stray
`from the planned route. If the vehicle passes an LB
`or IE that is not on the designated route,
`shortest route from that point to D is calculated,
`making use of the previously computed possible paths
`from D. Figs 9 and 10 respectively show the concept
`and efficacy of
`the developed algorithm, which
`achieves a reduction in computation time of up to 90%
`compared to the single source algorithm.
`Database for route search The in—vehicle database
`for route search was compiled from the previously
` where
`D=Distance Traveled
`Fig. 6 Dead reckoning navigation amputation
`beacon location data is accurate to within :t5m, but
`this error is too small to effect the accuracy of the
`navigation system.
`Reception and Display of Transient Information
`The receiver utilizes a
`digital circuit for modulation and demoiulation of the
`signal and a control unit including an 8—bit micro—
`computer. The antenna is a ferrite core coil mounted
`on the trunk lid (see Fig.7).
`Fig.7 Inductive radio antenna
`CRT display As stated above, information received
`from an IB, such as congestion, road works and local
`traffic regulations, are displayed on the CRT. Careful
`consideration was given to the content and manner of
`The principal features are as follows:
`(i) When traffic information is received, words to
`this effect are superimposed on the navigation map.
`(ii) The driver may opt to view this information
`either on the navigation map in use or on the Tokyo
`Metropolitan Expressway.
`(See Figs 4 and 8.)
`(iii) The information itself is expressed by a
`flashing color along the affected part of the road:
`violet for congestion, black for road or lane closure,
`red for an accident and yellow for road works.
`If the navigation map is showing the shortest
`route (see below) and information regarding road or
`lane closure or congestion of the route is received,
`the driver may select a textual display giving
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`N “:0 13°”
`distance equality
`Elliptical boundary
`Rerouting area
`D V“ we,
`Single dlrecnnal
`distance Equality
`Node amount equality
`(‘6 0
`on the search (e.g. whether or not toll roads are to
`be used, road restrictions on vehicle type,
`based traffic regulations etc.).
`(iii) The database is well matched with the stored
`map data. The network for the field experiment area
`contains 2867 nodes and 4219 links.
`Detour route search IB data concerning congestion is
`expressed as a congestion factor (corresponding to
`link flow rate). When such information is received,
`the shortest route from the preceding node toDis
`calculated (as above) in terms of total link cost
`(distance x congestion factor) and displayed on the
`Display of Roadside Information
`example of car park information. Space availability,
`Roadside information obtained from an IE may be
`selected for displayed on the CRT. Fig.ii shows an
`charge and opening hours are displayed.
`The road test area is shown in Fig.12. A total
`major roads in this area.
` of 93 beacons including two IBs were installed along
`Network degeneration
`Fig.9 Concept of route search algorithm
`............... "
`Node equality
`Fig.11 Display of car park information
`Fig.12 Field experiment area [3]
`- —
`0 j
`NEWS 953
`boundary(EB)\ (A
`Route distance between U-D
`Fig.10 Comparison of computation times
`mentioned digital map database and is characterised
`as follows:
`The file volume is as small as possible.
`(ii) The database can meet options of and limitations
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1011


`Navigation Accuragy
`Map gibility
`Tests were conducted along various courses and
`the error in dead reckoning was recorded at each LB.
`Fig.13 plots the relationship between navigation error
`and distance between beacons. As may be seen,
`average accumulated error is approximately 4% of the
`driving distance between beacons, which in the case of
`the average beacon interval of SKm means that
`positional error is 200m or less. In some instances
`the accumulated error was more than 7%. This is
`thought to be because the gyroscope cannot compensate
`for small deviations in ccmpass readings due to local
`magnetic sources. However, the results suggest that
`with more beacons, especially in the vicinity of local
`nagnetic sources, accurate navigation will be possible
`even with a simple device. Fig.14 shows
`differences between car headings as calculated by dead
`reckoning and link headings at beacons. Data such as
`these can be used to further improve navigation
`7% error rate
`4% error rate
`02 lo
`8 101214 1618 2022M ZéKm
`Distance between beacons
`Fig.13 Relationship between navigation error and
`distance interval
`21 error rate
`Screen size, map scale and colors were judged to
`be reasonable. To improve man—machine interface, it
`is thought that functions such as map scroll, map
`rotation‘ (to permit heading up mode) and zoom
`capability should be examined.
`Information Data Reception and Content
`Data from the IBs were received without error.
`It should perhaps be pointed out that because of the
`inductive radio used in these tests, transmission
`rate is rather slow and the vehicle must be within
`range of the IB for approximately one second to
`receive total information. For this reason, the IBs
`were located at toll booths. Further development of
`RACS will concentrate on microwave transmission to
`enable data to be received while travelling.
`Because the road/traffic information was
`detailed and was updated every five minutes, it was
`felt that this information is very helpful for city
`driving. Furthermore the visual display enable the
`driver to quickly discern whether the information is
`relevant or not. However, a speech mode system
`capable of replay would also be beneficial in many
`Route Search
`the route search were most
`The results of
`In most cases,
`the indicated route
`coincided with the route which the test drivers
`selected either fran local knowledge or from printed
`sheet maps, and sometimes drivers conversant with the
`test area were made aware of a better alternative to
`the route that they would have chosen. The route
`search function is therefore judged to be a
`considerable aid to drivers who are in an unfamiliar
`area. Initial calculation of the shortest route took
`about 20 seconds on average. For practical purposes,
`faster algorithms must be developed so that this time
`can be reduced to around five seconds. Because of the
`time needed to apply the congestion factors to the
`calculation of
`link costs, computation of an
`alternative route generally required 90 seconds,
`which was far from practical as the driver often had
`to make a decision at an intersection before the
`calculated alternative was available. Also, as
`previously mentioned, search of the quickest route
`will probably prove-of greater value. Thus for future
`improved software and hardware must be
`developed and the database must be revised. Further
`consideration should also be paid to the manner of
`presentation. For example, aural guidance in addition
`to the visual display would probably be welcomed by
`many drivers.
`Road/Automobile Communication System (RACS) is
`being developed by private corporations in
`conjunction with the Public Works Research Institute.
`The system is based on roadside beacons which
`transmit information to passing vehicles.
`Field testing of the in—vehicle systan developed
`by TOYOTA indicates that the navigation and route
`search functions are of great benefit to drivers in
`an unfamiliar area. However, route search calculation
`time must be reduced, especially in the _case of route
`revision in response to incoming data. In the present
`system nan—machine interface is aocanplished visually
`and it is thought that an aural interface is highly
`desirable. It will therefore be necessary to develop
`a system whereby information can be imparted by a
`synthesized voice.
`10 Degree
`Headin; error
`Fig.14 Heading error at beacon points
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`To increase data transmission speed and to enable two—
`way communication to be established,
`a microwave
`transmission system is currently under development and
`is scheduled for testing in the near future.
`The development in this paper was carried out
`in the project "Road/Autunobile Communication System",
`under a grant from the Public Works Research Institute
`of the Ministry of Construction. The authors thank
`persons concerned to promote the project and the
`public demonstration. The authors also wish to fully
`acknowledge to H. Tsuji of Toyota Central R&D Labs.
`and A. Uzu of Toyota Motor Corporation for their
`support to deVelop the in—vehicle navigation system
`and for the discussions on the project.
`"Toyota Electro Multivision"
`‘I] Y. Shoji et al.,
`"A Fast Shortest Path Method for
`2] H. Tsuji et al.,
`In—vehicle Navigation System"
`5th World
`Conference of Transport Research (wCI'R), Yokohama,
`Japan ,1989.
` 5] H. Okamoto et al.,
`"Experimental Study on
`3] S. Takaba et al.,
`Road/Automobile Communication System in Japan"
`The 78th International
`Symposium on Automobile
`Technology & Automation (ISATA)
`"Digital Map on CD (Called CD
`Ishikawa et al.,
`4] K.
`Information)“ SAE‘380221,'|988, p.39—44.
`"An Overview of AMTICS”
`on Transportation
`Intematiorial Congress
`Electronics Proceedings,1988,pp.219—228.
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1011

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