Patent Number:
`United States Patent
`Golding Aug. 3, 1999 [45]
`Date of Patent:
`Inventor: Andrew R. Golding, Cambridge, Mass.
`[73] Assignee: Mitsubishi Electric Information
`Technology Center America, Inc.,
`Cambridge, Mass.
`[5 7]
`5,689,252 11/1997 Ayanoglu el al.
`Primary Examiner—Thomas Mullen
`Assistant ExaminerfiAnh La
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Dirk Brinknian
`.................... .. 340/905
`Appl. No: 08/579,003
`Dec. 27, 1995
`Int. Cl.6 ................................................... .. GOSG 1/123
`US. Cl.
`........................ .. 340/995; 340/990; 340/988;
`701/208; 701/213
`Field of Search
`340/995, 990,
`340/989, 988, 994, 905, 364/4491, 449.2,
`449.5, 4494; 701/207, 208, 211, 213
`References Cited
`Yano et al.
`....................... .. 340/995 X
`Kirson ... . .. . . . . . . ..
`. . ... 364/4495
`Martel] et a1.
`. 340/995 X
`. 340/995
`, 340/905
`Zijerhand ..
`Yurimoto et al
`340/995 X
`Kishi et al.
`340/995 X
`. 340/990
`Peterson .
`. 340/905
`Hall et a1.
`. 340/907
`Mandhyan et al.
`340/995 X
`Behi‘ et a1.
`. 340/995
`Gazis et al.
`340/995 X
`Bouve ... . .. . . . . .
`. . .. . . .. 340/988
`32 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`A system located in an automobile provides personalized
`traffic information and route planning capabilities. This
`system uses equipment which is becoming standard in
`automobiles, such as on-board navigation systems and cel-
`lular telephones. On-board navigation systems use global
`positioning system (GPS) satellites to position the automo—
`bile with respect
`to streets in a map database. As the
`automobile moves, the navigation system updates the loca-
`tion. A central database includes travel time information for
`each street segment and transition between street segments
`in the map database. Based upon the travel time information
`in the database, a route from a current location to a desired
`destination, or series of destinations, can be planned in order
`to have a minimum travel time. The route can be provided
`to the on—board navigation system, which then directs the
`driver in traveling the route. The cellular telephone in the
`automobile can be used for communicating With the central
`database to obtain travel times for route planning. In order
`to provide dynamic travel time information to the central
`database, each automobile in the system operates as a data
`collector. As various street segments are traversed, the travel
`time for each segment is recorded. The travel time and street
`segment information is periodically transferred to the central
`database through the cellular telephone connection. The
`central database then combines the travel time data from
`each automobile to create accurate travel time data for each
`street segment.
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1006


`US. Patent
`Aug. 3, 1999
`Sheet 1 0f 2
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`US. Patent
`Aug. 3, 1999
`Sheet 2 0f 2
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1006
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1006


`travel destination and the travel times stored in the database.
`However, the patent does not describe how the information
`in the database can be obtained. It suggests that dynamic
`traffic information can be obtained through a traffic inter-
`face. A traffic interface may receive digital broadcast over
`radio sidebands, or from centralized cellular phone systems
`containing information on traffic obstacles such as accidents
`and amounts of the resulting delays. However, no suggestion
`is made as to how such dynamic information is collected or
`organized for
`transfer to the system in the vehicle.
`Therefore, a need exists for a system which provides for
`collection, organization and dissemination of traffic infor-
`mation which can be used in a route planning and navigation
`US. Pat. No. 5,459,667, assigned to Sumitomo Electric
`Industries, Ltd., is another example of a vehicle navigation
`system. The system disclosed in this patent provides for
`more accurate vehicle location determinations and a capa-
`bility to determine whether the vehicle is traveling on an
`optimum route between starting and ending locations. As
`with the previously-described system, this system uses a
`database having information relating to street segments and
`times in order
`to estimate the optimum route.
`Preferably, the travel information is stored in a CD ROM.
`Since the information is stored in a CD ROM, it is not easily
`changeable and cannot be adjusted for changes in travel
`times resulting from changes in road conditions. Again, this
`system does not determine how to create the database, to
`determine travel time, or how to adjust travel time to account
`for traffic conditions.
`The Illinois Department of Transportation is developing a
`system, called ADVANCE (Advanced Driver and Vehicle
`Advisory Navigation ConcEpt). The ADVANCE system is
`described in several articles including “Operation of the
`ADVANCE Traffic Information Center” by Jeffrey Hoch-
`muth (Jan. 25, 1995) and “ADVANCE-Initial Deployment”
`by Joseph S. Ligas and Syde Bowott, ITS America, 1995
`Annual Conference (March, 1995). A traffic information
`center collects and organizes traffic data from a variety of
`sources. These sources include a closed loop traffic signal
`system, a cellular based motorist call-in system, a motorist
`assistance system, and emergency dispatch systems. The
`information is used to create historical databases and a CD
`ROM of travel data. Each vehicle is provided with a mobile
`navigation assistant, which provides route planning using
`both static and dynamic travel time data. Static data are
`provided by the CD ROM. The mobile navigation system
`provides route planning and navigational information simi-
`lar to the systems described above. In addition to static
`information, the mobile navigation assistance communicates
`with the traffic information center through a radio frequency
`communications network to obtain dynamic traffic informa-
`tion data. The dynamic traffic data can be used for more
`accurate route planning, or for rerouting based upon new
`information. The ADVANCE system also anticipates using
`vehicles as traffic probes to provide real time traffic infor-
`mation. The vehicles would transmit data to the traffic
`information center over the radio frequency communica-
`tions network on recently traversed streets in the system.
`The traffic information center would combine this informa-
`tion with the traffic information from other sources in
`creating its dynamic traffic data. Although the ADVANCE
`system is still being developed and the descriptions are
`incomplete, several disadvantages are apparent in the sys-
`tem. Significant additional equipment
`is needed in the
`vehicle to operate the system. Much of this equipment is
`duplicative of functions performed by other equipment
`The present invention relates to a system for providing
`traffic report
`information, route planning assistance, and
`navigational assistance to automobiles. More particularly, it
`relates to a system having a central database in which travel
`time information is updated periodically from automobiles
`traveling in the system.
`Traffic reports on the radio or television provide useful
`information to travelers about accidents, heavy traffic,
`construction, and other conditions which can cause increases
`in expected travel
`times. This information is broadcast
`periodically, but may not be readily available when a person
`actually needs a report. Additionally, such reports only cover
`major highways and commuting routes. Often, drivers expe-
`rience significant delays on routes which are not reported in
`any traffic reports. Therefore, it would be useful for drivers
`to be able to obtain accurate traffic reports covering the roads
`they intend to travel.
`In addition to difficulties in providing useful reports, news
`agencies have difficulty in acquiring relevant traffic infor-
`mation for the roads which they do cover. Often,
`information is based upon personal observations
`provided to a news agency. News agencies have been using
`helicopters in order to monitor the major highways for
`significant backups and delays. They also use information
`provided to them from actual drivers as to delays, traffic
`conditions and travel times. Such sources cannot provide
`particularly useful information or objective data as to the
`likely extent of delays in traffic.
`Various attempts have been made to create automated
`systems for determining traffic information, and to provide
`more objective estimates of traffic flow. For example, US.
`Pat. No. 5,465,289 discloses a method and apparatus for
`determining vehicular traffic information using existing cel-
`lular telephone technology. Sensors are used to monitor
`cellular telephone communication information. Data from
`the cellular communications are extracted and analyzed to
`determine vehicle locations and travel
`information. The
`system requires a statistical model for determining location
`of automobiles within each cell of the cellular system. As
`with news reports, this system only provides information
`relating to major thoroughfares, and cannot provide infor-
`mation relating to individual street segments.
`In addition to traffic report information, systems have
`been and are being developed for providing route planning
`information and navigational assistance to drivers. One such
`system is illustrated in US. Pat. No. 5,272,638, assigned to
`Texas Instruments Incorporated. This system includes a
`digital road map database providing information about road
`segments, intersections, and travel times for road segments.
`Information in the database is used to plan routes having
`minimal travel time from one location to another. More
`efficient route planning is obtained by using a route hierar-
`chy of local areas around the starting and ending locations,
`major thoroughfares between local areas, and major free-
`ways for longer travel distances. Preferably, vehicle location
`information can be determined using satellite systems or
`some other positioning method. Instructions can then be
`provided audibly or visually to the driver when turns are
`necessary in the travel plan. This patent provides sugges-
`tions for a process for determining a route based upon the
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1006
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1006


`In a preferred embodiment the central database can then
`be updated using information received from the automobile
`data collection. Preferably, the travel time in the database
`would include a moving average having a certain number of
`data points or a specific time period. As traffic becomes more
`the travel
`times reported by the automobiles
`would increase, and the moving average would become
`greater. As traffic became less congested, the reported times
`would decrease and the moving average would similarly be
`reduced. The number of data points or time period used in
`producing the moving average could be varied by street
`segments depending upon the frequency of use of the street
`segment. In addition, the central database can determine a
`standard deviation for travel times on the street segments.
`The standard deviation information can be used to omit data
`points which appear erroneous. Data points caused by brief
`delays on a travel segment can also be omitted to prevent
`skewing of the data.
`already present in many vehicles. The radio communications
`equipment would need specific frequencies and may inter-
`fere with other radio communications. Additionally, no
`method for combining dynamic data from automobiles with
`other information relating to potential traffic delays is indi-
`cated. The use of additional information may cause distor-
`tion of the dynamic traffic data unless the effect of the traffic
`conditions from the outside sources can be accurately
`reflected in the travel times used for route planning.
`Furthermore, each of the navigation systems described
`above include only travel times for various street segments.
`Often, delays are caused by transitions between street seg-
`The present invention provides a system for personalized
`traffic reports and route planning using dynamically updated
`travel information in conjunction with equipment currently
`found in automobiles. Many new automobiles include as
`standard equipment an on-board navigation system. Such a
`system uses static travel time data in connection with street
`data to provide navigational information to the operator of
`the automobile. Typically, GPS satellites are used to locate
`the automobile within the street system of the navigation
`system. A map of the surrounding streets can then be
`displayed to the operator. Sometimes, such systems also
`include route planning information. If not already included
`in the on-board navigation system, in one embodiment, the
`present invention would include a route planning system
`which uses the travel time information to determine a route
`having minimum travel time, or meeting other criteria.
`In conjunction with the navigation system in the
`automobile, in one embodiment, a central database would
`collect and store travel time information for the various
`street segments. When updated, the travel time information
`can be transferred from a central database to the individual
`automobiles. Preferably,
`the information is transferred
`through a wireless communication device, such as a cellular
`telephone. Since automobiles often include a cellular tele-
`phone as standard or add-on equipment, and a cellular
`network is already in place in most cities,
`the present
`invention can make use of this existing equipment. The
`automobile would merely require a modem in order to
`receive data from the central database. In addition to includ-
`ing time for traversing street segments, the database would
`also include times for transitions between segments. The
`transition times between segments would include different
`times for people proceeding through an intersection to a
`following street segment or turning onto adjoining street
`segments. The use of transition times can assist in more
`accurately reflecting travel time and determining optimum
`routes. Alternatively,
`the street segments can be defined
`between midpoints of blocks, which can include turns.
`In addition to providing navigation assistance, in a pre-
`ferred embodiment, the navigation system can be used to
`determine travel time data for adjusting the travel times in
`the central database. Since the navigation system determines
`the location of the automobile with respect to street seg-
`ments of a map database, the movement of the automobile
`on various street segments can be collected. A timer, which
`can include the existing clock in the automobile, can be used
`for determining times for traversing the street segments. The
`times for transitions between street segments can also be
`determined. Once the data are collected, it can be transferred
`to the central database through the same wireless commu-
`nication device, i.e., the cellular telephone. The data can be
`collected and then transferred at periodic intervals.
`These and other features of the Subject Invention will be
`better understood in connection with the Detailed Descrip-
`tion taken in conjunction with the Drawings of which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of the route planning
`and navigation system of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 represents storage of travel time information in a
`central database in conjunction with the system of FIG. 1.
`As illustrated in FIG. 1, the route planning and navigation
`system of the present invention includes a vehicle navigation
`system 1 and a central database 2. The vehicle navigation
`system 1 is located on each automobile within the system.
`The vehicle navigation system 1 includes an on-board
`navigation system 10, which can include a standard system
`currently found on some automobiles. The on-board navi-
`gation system 10,
`includes a map database having data
`relating to street segments and intersections between street
`segments. The on-board navigation system 10 also includes
`sensors for receiving transmissions from GPS satellites 3.
`An appropriately designed processor locates the automobile,
`using the satellite information, on the street segments in the
`map database. The on-board navigation system 10 can
`provide information to the operator relating to the current
`position and a map of surrounding streets. The navigation
`system can also indicate when turns are to be made in
`accordance with a particular route.
`to a destination
`The best route from a starting point
`location can be determined by the route advisor 13. The
`route advisor would include a database of travel
`information corresponding to the street segments in the map
`database. Alternative, in order to limit the required memory,
`the route advisor can have travel time information for only
`a portion of the map database in which the automobile is
`presently located. The route advisor could then obtain any
`additional travel time information from the central database,
`as needed. The route advisor can process the information in
`the database according to one of several known processes to
`determine an optimal travel route from the starting to ending
`As the on-board navigation system 10 monitors the loca-
`tion of the automobile, it outputs route segments which have
`been traversed. Atimer 11 is used to determine a travel time
`for each route segment. The clock in the automobile may be
`used as the timer 11. In addition to street segments, the
`system can include representations of transitions between
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1006
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1006


`street segments. Transitions can also be timed to represent
`times for crossing intersections or making turns. The route
`segments and travel times are stored in the data collector 12,
`to be used to update the travel time database.
`The central database 2 is used for dynamically updating
`travel time data based upon information collected from all of
`the vehicles in the navigation system. A wireless commu-
`nication device 14 is used to communicate between the
`automobiles and the central database. Preferably, the wire-
`less communications device 14 would be a cellular tele-
`phone. Such devices are becoming standard in automobiles,
`and a cellular communication system is already in place in
`most cities. The wireless communication device 14 would
`include a modem connected to the data collector 12 and the
`route advisor 13 for transferring travel time information into
`and out of the automobile. The modem will periodically call
`up the central database 2 and transfer information from the
`data collector 12. In order to limit communication time, the
`data collector 12 will only provide the information at certain
`time intervals, such as every five minutes. Additionally, the
`data collector 12 can compare the actual travel time to the
`estimated travel time in the route advisor 13 database. If the
`measured travel time is within a certain threshold of the
`currently estimated travel time, then the central database
`may not need to be updated, and no call will be made or data
`transferred. If the cellular telephone is otherwise in use, or
`the central database is busy, the data collector will refrain
`from sending a message at that time interval.
`The central database 2 includes travel time data 20, a
`database update procedure 21 and a database retrieval pro-
`cedure 22. The travel time data is illustrated more fully in
`FIG. 2. Since the map information is included in the
`on-board navigation system 10 of each automobile, it does
`not need to be included in the central database 2. The central
`database merely includes street or
`transition segment
`identifiers, and travel
`times. Alternatively, different map
`databases from different companies may be used in each
`automobile. In such a situation, the central database may
`need a map database which will permit conversion to each
`of the different databases in automobiles. Each street seg-
`ment has a unique identifier, which corresponds to the
`identifier in the map database of the on-board navigation
`system 10. Associated with each street segment identifier is
`a determined travel time. Since travel times may be different
`in each direction, each direction of the street is considered
`a separate identifier. Transition segments, such as a left turn
`from one segment to another, is also provided with a travel
`time. The database update procedure 21 determines the
`travel times based upon travel data received from automo-
`biles. Preferably, the travel times in the central database 2
`would be moving averages, covering a predefined time
`period or number of data points. Upon receiving information
`from a data collector 12, the database update procedure 21
`would eliminate the oldest data point for the identified route
`segment, add the new data point, and redetermine the
`moving average. Default data may be used when data
`received from the automobiles for a given segment
`insufficient, which could occur on less travelled segments.
`Other formulas can be used for combining data instead of
`a moving average. For example, more recent data could be
`more heavily weighted using a formula such as:
`M’=t-0L+M- (1—(1)
`where (X is a coefficient between 0 and 1, and M is the mean
`travel time.
`Additionally, standard deviations for each route segment
`can also be determined. Standard deviations can be used for
`eliminating spurious data. Such data may be caused by a
`person stopping for a short period of time on a street
`segment or a brief blockage of the street segment. Individual
`data which is significantly different from the stored travel
`times may be discarded as being erroneous. If standard
`deviations are being determined by the central database, then
`each data point becomes relevant, and the data collector in
`the automobiles should not filter the data.
`FIG. 2 illustrates a potential format for the travel time data
`20 in the central database 2. Each street segment 100 would
`include a unique street segment identifier 110 as discussed
`above. The travel
`time 115 corresponding to the street
`segment would be the mean or moving average of the
`received data. The standard deviation 120 may also be
`calculated and stored. Since different processed could be
`used to maintain data and determine the average travel time,
`the type of collection 125 (whether by time or number of
`data points), and the amount or value of the data collection
`130 (minutes of duration or number or data points) would be
`stored for each street segment. In order to determine a
`moving average, a buffer with a set of data points 135 is
`In order to simplify the calculation of the
`average and standard deviation, the number of data points
`140, sum of the data points 145, and sum of the squares of
`the data points 150 can also be determined and stored.
`The database retrieval procedure 22 communicates with
`the route advisor 13 in each of the automobiles to provide
`updated travel time information for each route segment.
`Various alternatives can be used for updating travel times.
`When planning a route, the route advisor 13 can contact the
`central database 2 to obtain updated information for the
`locations of interest. Alternatively, the central database 2
`may periodically dial up the automobile navigation system
`1 to transfer travel time information. The travel time data-
`base may also be continuously broadcast through some type
`of radio network to all
`the vehicles on the system.
`Additionally, the route advisor 13 can provide a proposed
`route to the central database, which will then update the
`route advisor if significant changes occur in travel times for
`street segments in the planned route. If significant changes
`occur in travel times, the route advisor may choose to replan
`a new route from the current location to the destination in
`order to avoid any traffic tie-ups. A threshold for improve-
`ment in estimated times should be used in determining when
`to make ch

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