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`Docket Number:
`PAGE 1 OF15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 1 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`Provisionary Patent Disclosure:
`~~A Distributed Communication and Computing Method
`across Multiple Communication Links for Embedded
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews, Cogenia Partners LLC
`Background of the invention - State of the art:
`With the decreasing cost of computing and communications, more and more
`industrial and automotive systems are controlled by one or more
`microcomputers. In an average car one can find up to 70 micro controllers
`(computing nodes), see figure 1. With additional cost reduction in communication
`and computing, this amount is likely to grow to more than 100 computing nodes
`per vehicle. In addition, telematics communications link the vehicle to a larger
`communication infrastructure outside of the embedded system in the vehicle.
`With this increasing amount of network connectivity, the process of inter-node
`information sharing is complex and in some networks it is impossible to relay
`information between two distant nodes. Today's embedded systems are not
`designed to easily network with each other and they control complex systems
`with discrete digital and analog input I output (1/0). In most cases the applications
`on distributed systems exchange messages through only one physical network
`using a very simple application level messaging protocol. While today's functions
`are mainly independent of each other, the need for inter-connection between
`nodes is increasing in the future. For instance, a hybrid-electric vehicle will need
`a very tight link between the engine controller and the brake controller.
`For embedded systems, each industry has defined a variety of control bus
`systems to link individual computing nodes together. The automotive industry has
`developed the Controller Area Network (CAN) in the 1980s and subsequently
`added new communication bus systems such as MOST, I DB, LIN, and FlexRay.
`The industrial automation industry has followed a similar route with the IEE488
`bus, the Field bus, and the Lon network.
`Each of those communication bus systems create a singular communication and
`computing environment that cannot bridge into other networks below the
`application program level.
`Echelon has designed a network using the Lon communication standard across
`multiple physical layers (US patent No. 5,513,324: Method and apparatus using
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 2 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 2 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`network variables in a multi-node network}, but does not allow for multiple data(cid:173)
`link layers as used in the automotive industry. Echelon has also introduced the
`concept of network variables in such networks that can be made available to
`distant nodes without direct physical links (US Patent No 5,737,529: Networked
`variables ). And United States Patent 6,185,466 (Distributed digital control
`system including modules with multiple stored databases and selector)
`introduces the concept of databases in computing nodes, but does not place
`those databases in communication gateways for inter-networking functionality.
`To implement this inter-network communication, the industry has defined several
`types of gateways or bridges. This approach involves translation of the various
`network protocol layers from one form to another, see figure 2. Following the
`classical approach of digital communications, in each step towards abstraction
`from the physical transportation layer, the protocol stack adds an additional
`header to the message sent through the network. While it is effective to abstract
`the application from the network complexity, this approach has several distinct
`First, the gateway must perform a variety of computations and transformations on
`every message. As a result, the number of transformations becomes large as the
`number of interconnected networks grows. For N different networks, the number
`of transformations processed by the gateway increases as N*(N-1 ).
`Second, with each layer of abstraction the message length grows and therefore
`decreases the throughput of the system or adds latency to real-time control
`Third, in many situations there is a one-to-many relationship between devices
`that generate data values and devices that use those values. In a system with
`multiple such user devices operating on multiple heterogeneous networks, the
`gateway must transform the messages containing the same basic data multiple
`times between each of the networks being served.
`Fourth, in real-time embedded systems, the messages between distant nodes in
`the network need to comply with requirements for latency and jitter. Although one
`can define time-slots for each value on a specific communication bus, with the
`standard networking scheme it is impossible to forward the time sensitive
`information to a different physical communication link without introducing
`additional unpredictable latency and jitter through the required protocol
`Fifth, current networking concepts can only cash information in pipes that are
`associated with the protocol stack. Without storage concept in a gateway that
`allows random access from multiple communication networks, it is impossible to
`exchange information between different predictable timeslots in each connected
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
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`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 3 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`Besides the use of optimized proprietary protocols, there are also proposals to
`use the standard Internet protocols for the embedded space. Even though the
`Internet and its communication protocols have shown the power of connecting
`random computers through heterogeneous networks, it's paradigm can not easily
`transferred to the embedded computing domain, because:
`1) Distributed Internet applications exchange asynchronous messages that
`do not have guaranteed respond times as required by real-time embedded
`2) Embedded systems need fail safe redundancy and protection against
`attacks. It can be shown that the Internet is relatively' fail-safe as long as
`enough connections exist. Some Web-Sites are available at mirror-site
`locations to improve access to information. But the Internet is not able to
`avoid dedicated attacks as long as intruders can execute application
`programs on remote computers.
`3) The Internet is built on relatively "heavyweight" communication protocols
`that are not very well suited for the "low-latency " and "low-resource"
`embedded environment.
`Overview of the invention
`This invention addresses the shortcomings of traditional computer networks with
`six distinct innovations:
`1) The concept of multi-mode storage to communication gateways links two
`or more communication networks via a bulletin board (see figure 3). The
`bulletin board is a multi-mode storage that can be thought of an extension
`to shared memory that can be accessed by any process in a node of the
`attached networks. There may be multiple hierarchical layers of bulletin
`boards depending on the topology of the communication system. A shared
`memory represents a local bulletin board that only processes on a local
`processor node can access. The bulletin board increases the network
`efficiency by reducing the number of transactions needed to access
`remote variables.
`2) The concept of a direct-access bulletin board that does not require a
`network layer on each node of the network. Even though this restricts the
`reach of each node to only the next gateway, this still allows cross(cid:173)
`network variable sharing with very efficient data-link communications.
`3) The concept of hierarchical bulletin board management that allows
`restriction of information access to certain levels in a network, but still
`allows the replication of information to other nodes in the network. This
`paradigm follows the path of reducing the information amount from the
`leaves of the network to central control and diagnosis hubs.
`4) The concept that a gateway can host an assembly of bulletin boards or
`embedded database that allows operations on bulletin boards and allows
`storing the result in yet another bulletin board as part of the same
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 4 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 4 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`database. This extension allows definition of a set of data processing
`operations that would be done once in a network and would be instantly
`available for connected nodes. Examples for operations are sensor data
`filtering, state observers, diagnostics, integrity checks, fail-safe controllers,
`5) The concept that a embedded communication and computing network can
`run in multiple modes in order to provide for a guaranteed deterministic
`behavior of the system. This property can be achieved by only allowing
`change to the configuration and/or the functions (SW code) in a secured
`configuration and upgrade mode. If the network is booted in the normal
`operating mode, all processors execute the existing code and only allow
`data sharing through the bulletin boards. The emergency or debug mode
`lets the network run in a fail-safe reduced operation mode or in a
`diagnostic mode that allows inspection of the system, while it is running.
`For each operating mode, the gateway can store a processing image on
`the bulletin board. The advantage of this procedure is that only the
`communication hubs need to deal with secure data transfer and
`encryption while the peripheral nodes in the network can be relative
`simple in design.
`6) The concept of designing the topology of a distributed computing and
`communication system independent of the definition of the individual
`functions that the network performs.
`Detailed Description of the presently preferred
`embodiments of the invention
`The current invention is a means for creating an information interconnection
`between two or more heterogeneous communication networks. The approach
`uses a common, or shared storage system that is connected to all of the system
`networks through network interfaces. A critically important feature of the bulletin
`board approach is that the complexity of the bulletin board grows linearly with the
`number of networks (as opposed to as N(N-1) for the gateway approach), and in
`one-to-many situations the number of message transformations is half that of the
`gateway approach.
`Each network interface translates between the network protocols for its
`associated network, and writes its variables into defined memory locations in the
`shared storage device. The shared storage device is called a Bulletin Board.
`The bulletin board may operate in one of two modes.
`Mode 1 is used for reading parameters of sensors on the networks. This read(cid:173)
`only mode is implemented by having each sensor device, or device capable of
`generating a value for a defined variable, write that value into the bulletin board
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
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`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 5 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`on a regular periodic basis. The update period is determined as part of the
`overall system design.
`Mode 2 is used when a device on one network seeks to command a process
`(device) on another network. In this case the controlling device writes the control
`parameter into the bulletin board. The controlled device is instructed to poll the
`bulletin board on a regular basis. The period of this polling is determined by the
`specific design of the system, and the necessary response times for the control
`action. Alternatively, the bulletin board can be configured with a triggering
`scheme whereby a change in a memory location associated with a control
`parameter will initiate a request to the controlled device and send the parametric
`control information. This second approach is slightly more complex, but may be
`advantageous in high speed control situations.
`Figure 1: Typical Automotive Network
`iagnostic •
`E ntertainmen .
`System 1
`System n
`Level1 :
`I Safety
`Functions '---,-__,..'---,------'
`Figure 1 shows a typical automotive network. The various Electronic Control
`Units (ECUs) control complex applications such as engine control, brake control,
`or diagnostics. They are either connected to sensors and actuators via discrete
`links or simple standard functions such as sensors and actuators are organized
`into separate sub networks.
`These complex functions such as braking, engine-control, etc. are then grouped
`into the backbone system functions for the car, such as body control, power train
`and chassis. The backbone also includes the vehicle's high level functions such
`as diagnostics, telematics and entertainment systems.
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 6 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 6 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`Figure 2: Classical SW Layers for communication network middleware
`Node Group 1
`System Gateway
`Node Group 2
`Figure 2 illustrates the logical architecture of the interconnection between two
`heterogeneous networks. The connection is fundamentally implemented at the
`physical interface (the wire, fiber or electromagnetic wireless interface). Each of
`the higher level layers (data link, network, etc) deals with specific features of the
`communication process. In practice these layers are represented in a message
`by "header" bits that contain information about that layer of the network being
`used to send the message. This is the well-known OSI data communication
`process. Using this model, each communicated message must be processed at
`each layer to remove (and use) the associated header information for that level.
`Once all layers are processed the remaining bats represent the datum or core
`information carried by the overall message. To communicate between two
`heterogeneous networks, this process must then be repeated in reverse by
`adding back the header information for the various layers of the second network,
`and eventually putting the message onto the second network's physical link.
`Figure 3 and 4 illustrate the concept of a direct access Bulletin Board, a
`communication gateway with network storage. In the embodiment of the bulletin
`board access manager described in figure 3, any process can access network
`storage via a single network interface. This approach still requires a network
`layer in each processing node and therefore adds overhead to the
`communications. The system described in figure 4 has a multi-network access
`interface (essentially a processing capability that can interpret and apply the
`header information for a variety of networks) and the bulletin board read/write
`memory. Now, the individual processing nodes do not need to know about the
`existence of multiple networks. Each variable can be accessed from all
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 7 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 7 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`connected physical networks in their proprietary format. Thus the normalization
`of the information has only to be handled at the gateway
`Figure 3:Network Communication Concept with bulletin board
`Node Group 1
`System Gateway
`Node Group 2
`Group 1
`Figure 4: -Direct Access Bulletin Board
`Node Group 1
`System Gateway
`Node Group 2
`Group 1
`Group 2
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 8 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`The bulletin board access manager is described in more detail in figure 5. The
`memory of the bulletin board is subdivided into areas that nodes on each network
`can read from and write into and other areas that a network may only read from.
`Thus the bulletin board manager provides mechanisms for access control.
`Figure 5: Architecture of Direct Access Bulletin Board
`Wllhin the Bolletin
`Board. all interfaces
`~----------------~------~ure arommoo~~
`Read/write protocol and
`nomenclature knoWn
`Access Manager
`This may be extended to the concept that the writable memory areas are unique
`for each network, so only one network may write information into the memory
`while the bulletin board access manager copies the information in other memory
`areas that are accessible from any other authorized network in a standard
`The bulletin board may be further subdivided into memory locations associated
`with specific system variables. These are the parameters that are available within
`the system in question. In practice, these are the data contents of the various
`messages sent within the various networks. It is important to note that this
`approach requires every communication, command and data parameter to be
`treated as a system variable. While all systems operate in this way, few systems
`are designed from this perspective, because there has been no need to treat
`commands and messages as variables. This concept is shown in figure 6.
`Figure 7 illustrates the concept of various hierarchies of memory management. In
`practice it is more efficient to allow each sub network and subsystem to place
`system variable data into local bulletin boards. This is because many system
`variables are primarily used only within their subsystem or sub network. By
`placing local information in a shared memory (local bulletin board), it can be used
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 9 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`by multiple processes on this processor node. A group bulletin board allows
`devices on a sub-network to share information with a minimum of network traffic.
`A system bulletin board allows access to system-wide variables and information.
`Figure 6: Message conversion and protection mechanism
`Bulletin Board policies
`Access arbitration
`And infonnation
`Referencing model (No)
`Fig 7: Hierarchical Bulletin Board Memory Management
`- --
`. ·-- - .
`Level 1
`Level 2
`Billboar ·
`Process .
`Billboar ~
`-· -.
`Information ~ ss
`Billboar ~
`Billboar '
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 10 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 10 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`Figure 8 shows the concept of an extended bulletin board or an embedded real(cid:173)
`time database. In this embodiment the communication gateway hosts a
`database, which hosts multiple bulletin boards with relational links between the
`variables in the bulletin boards. The relations are defined by data processing
`functions that the gateway can operate on bulletin boards to obtain new
`information that can be stored in yet another bulletin board.
`Figure 8: Embedded Databases with enhanced bulletin boards
`Bulletin Board Database manager
`supports addressing mu~iple
`bulletin boards and executing
`operations between bulletin boards.
`Netwotl< X
`Bull..tln Board
`Node (n)
`Bulletin Board
`Database Client
`Figure 9 describes the various modes the communication network can be
`operated in. When the distributed computing and communication system wakes
`up from the sleep mode it can either enter a configuration and upgrade mode, an
`emergency or debug mode, or the normal operating mode. The root node in a
`bulletin board communication and computing system defines the mode based on
`the existence of external events, such as an external control command, a system
`failure, or failed integrity check. In the configuration mode, the system software
`and the information-sharing configuration can be updated via a secure
`communication link with encrypted commands. In the normal operating mode, the
`network configuration and the information sharing mechanisms can't be changed.
`That protection allows defining deterministic timing on all communication links. In
`the emergency mode, each processor installs and executes an alternate image
`that it downloads from the bulletin board , while it backs up the normal operating
`mode image on the bulletin board. This procedure allows the distributed system
`to reconfigure the communication and computing infrastructure based on
`available system resources. It also lets the system check on the integrity of
`sensors and actuators. In the maintenance and upgrade mode, an external
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 11 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 11 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`system can upgrade executable code images and the bulletin-board
`configuration via secure communication links.
`Figure 9: Network state diagram
`Network shutdown
`In Debug Mode
`Network wake-up
`n Config Mode
`In Run
`In Run
`Network Reboot
`In Run Mode
`Activation of
`Network or
`local e~~ent
`We Claim:
`A distributed computing and communication network for embedded systems:
`1. That spans over multiple physical communication links with diverse data
`link layers
`2. That abstracts the networking function away from the functions that each
`application on a node provides. Thus the function of each network node
`can be designed without having detailed knowledge of the network and
`the type of network connectivity.
`3. That exchanges information through "virtually shared memory" or bulletin
`4. That provides multiple hierarchies of bulletin boards for applications in
`form of hierarchical bulletin boards (group bulletin board, global bulletin
`5. That allows for data replication mechanisms between multiple bulletin
`6. That for each bulletin-board variable the user can define real-time
`constraints (time bound, not time bound, bandwidth, latency, jitter, time
`triggered or event triggered) and memory constraints (size, format). Each
`datum is defined by name, 10, size, type, and the data field
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 12 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 12 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`7. That allows the definition of processes that perform calculations or data
`processing on the data in one bulletin board and store the result of the
`operation in yet another bulletin board.
`8. That can be operated in at least three distinct operation modes
`a. Configuration and Upgrade Mode
`b. Normal Run Mode
`c. Emergency Run mode or Debug Mode
`9. That only allows upgrades of functionality in a secure configuration mode
`10. That allows the protection of changes in the configuration via network link
`security and command encryption.
`11. That allows exchanging group variables across a local communication
`network without sending the full networking header between nodes on one
`physical network.
`12. That allows for bulletin boards to update applications with a different
`information update rate as the bulletin board receives from the source.
`13. That provides distributed event triggers independent of the link connection
`between the nodes in the network.
`14. That provides failure redundancy across multiple independent links across
`diverse physical connections.
`15. That provides access to group and global bulletin boards with guaranteed
`access times (latency), jitter, and bandwidth (throughput).
`The design methodology of a "bulletin board" based communication system for
`embedded systems :
`a) That separates the network topology design from the
`application program design by defining the function first
`and then allocating the function to processor nodes.
`b) That places operations on network variables with its results
`on the processor nodes that host the bulletin board
`c) That automatically determines the number of links needed
`between the nodes following a power distribution of the
`amount of links per node analog to a scale-free optimal
`d) That the system calculates the optimal placement of
`billboards based on the performance requirements and the
`most efficient network topology.
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
`PAGE 13 OF 15
`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 13 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`Reference Patents:
`United States Patent 5,513,324
`Dolin, Jr., et al. April 30, 1996
`Method and apparatus using network variables in a multi-node network
`An improved apparatus and method for communicating information in a
`networked system wherein network variables are employed to accomplish such
`communication. Network variables allow for standardized communication of data
`between nodes in a network. A first node may be programmed, for example, to
`sense certain information and to report the information as a network variable X. A
`second node may be programmed to receive the variable X and to control
`devices based on the current value of the variable. The present invention
`provides for defining connections between the first and second node to facilitate
`such communication and for determining addressing information to allow for
`addressing of messages, including updates to the value of the variable X,
`between the nodes.
`Inventors: Dolin, Jr.; Robert A. (Menlo Park, CA); Einkauf; Robert L. (Fremont,
`CA); Kagan; Richard S. (London, GB2); Riley; Glen M. (Los Gatos, CA); Von De
`Bur; James M. (San Jose, CA)
`Assignee: Echelon Systems Corporation (Palo Alto, CA)
`Appl. No.: 207229
`Filed: March 7, 1994
`United States Patent 6,185,466
`Nicewonger February 6, 2001
`Distributed digital control system including modules with multiple stored
`databases and selector
`A distributed digital control system includes a plurality of control modules which
`are interconnected by a communication link. Each module includes a processor
`unit for running a control program, and a plurality of system databases which
`correspond to nodes in the system. Each module further includes a selector such
`as a Dual lnline Package (DIP) switch for inputting a node number. The program
`automatically selects the database corresponding to the input node number when
`the module is powered up. The system preferably utilizes the industry standard
`LonTalk.RTM. protocol, with each database including Standard Network Variable
`Types (SNVTs) and Standard Configuration Parameter Types (SCPTs) for the
`respective node. A default database is also stored in each module, which is
`automatically used by the program if the system databases are not found.
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
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`Provisionary Patent DisclosurePage 14 of 14 © Cogenia Partners, LLC
`Inventors: Nicewonger; Mark R. (Aptos, CA)
`Assignee: Proteus Industries, Inc. (Mountain View, CA)
`Appl. No.: 944745
`Filed: October 6, 1997
`United States Patent 6,128,315
`Takeuchi October 3, 2000
`Distributed control network system
`In the distributed control network system, the local control server has a just-in(cid:173)
`time compiler with which the user transforms the control for each node described
`in Java into a code that can be executed on the node at the time of execution.
`Additionally, the local control server has a functional feature of transforming the
`protocol so as to make the nodes in its network able to communicate with the
`nodes in another network having a different protocol. There is also provided
`means for programming the control to be performed by each node and the flow of
`processing operations among the nodes in a GUI environment.
`Inventors: Takeuchi; Yoichiro (Urawa, JP)
`Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba (Kawasaki, JP)
`Appl. No.: 990538
`Filed: December 15, 1997
`Axel Fuchs and Scott Andrews
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