`Extended Frame Format
`- A New Option of the CAN Protocol
`Hans-Christian Reuss
`Product Concept & Application Laboratory Hamburg, F. R. Germany
`CAN Protocol Specification Vers. 2.0 A+B, Standard Frame Format, Extended Frame Format, Compatibility, Bus
`Performance, Products
`Report No
`: HAil AN 92 002
`: 93-05-04
`: 9
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`©Philips Export B.V.
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`In addition to the CAN "standard frame format", which is specified with an 11 bit identifier, Bosch
`introduced in 1991 the CAN "extended frame format", which operates with a 29 bit identifier. This paper
`contains a description and a comparison ofboth frame formats. The result of the comparison shows, that
`both formats have their own advantages; the advantage ofthe extended frame format is the higher number
`of different message types, the advantage of the standard frame format are the lower bus access time, the
`higher bus throughput and the availability of products. Therefore it is recormnended to use only standard
`frames, as long as the network communication can be managed with 2032 different message types.
`Revision history:
`1st release
`2nd release: pages 0,8(,9) revised
`Philips Semiconductors
`Application Note
`HAil AN 92 002
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`Table of Contents·
`Introduction ............................................................. 2
`History of the CAN specifications ............................................ 2
`Standard and Extended Frame Fonnat ......................................... 3
`Comparison ............................................................. 5
`Compatibility Aspects ..................................................... 7
`Available Products ........................................................ 8
`Conclusion .............................................................. 8
`References .............................................................. 9
`Philips Semiconductors
`Application Note
`HAil AN 92 002
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`Once specified by Bosch, CAN ('Controller Area Network') is an advanced serial communication
`protocol, which efficiently supports distributed real-time control and multiplexing with a very high safety
`level. Typical applications of CAN-based networks can be found in automotive and industrial environ(cid:173)
`Originally CAN message frames have contained 11 bit identifiers. With the CAN protocol specification
`vers. 2.0 Bosch has introduced in 1991 a second CAN message frame format: the extended frame format,
`which is based on a 29 bit identifier increasing the number of different identifiers considerably. This new
`format is only optional, that means that message frames with the 11 bit identifier will stay the 'standard
`message frames'.
`The objective of this paper is the comparison of the standard and the extended frame format with their
`advantages and disadvantages. Criterions being considered for this comparison are the bus access time,
`the bus throughput, the CPU-load, and the available products.
`The reader should be familiar with CAN fundamentals. Information is available e.g. in the CAN protocol
`specification vers. 2.0 Ill and in the Philips application notes and data sheets.
`In accordance to the CAN protocol specification vers. 2.0 frames with the number of 11 identifier bits are
`denoted with standard frame, and frames with the number of29 identifier bits are denoted with extended
`History of the CAN specifications
`Since 1985, when the CAN protocol specification was published first, it has become the basis for several
`integrated circuits being produced by the semiconductor manufacturers. Table 1 shows tl1e history of the
`CAN protocol specification with all versions being provided until today. It is important to mention that
`every new version is compatible to all older ones (not vice versa).
`1 Version
`Respecification of bit timing requirements
`Increased oscillator tolerance
`Part A - Equal to vers. 1.2
`Part B - Introduction of optional second format "extended
`frame" for data and remote frames
`Table I CAN Protocol Specification Versions
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`Application Note
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`Between version 1.0 and 1.2 only slight modifications have been implemented: in version 1.1 the bit timing
`requirements have been respecified in order to increase the performance and the understandability; in
`version 1.2 few modifications at the interpretation of dominant bits during intermission or during the
`error/overload delimiters have been introduced, thus the oscillator tolerance has been increased and the
`use of ceramic oscillators instead of crystal driven ones has been allowed.
`Version 2.0 consists of two parts: 2.0 A is equal to 1.2, and 2.0 B is again the same specification but it
`supports also the new optional extended frame format. The reason for the introduction of the extended
`frame format was to adapt CAN to the requirements of the American car-manufacturers on class C
`networks(~ 100 Kbit/s). With the 29 bit identifier a message strategy can be realized, which is similar to
`the Jl850-protocol published by the American Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) as a recommended
`practice for class A and B networks ( < 100 Kbit/s ). Consequently the SAE-Jl939 committee (bus & trucks)
`voted for CAN as network for busses, trucks, agriculture and construction vehicles (class C, 250 Kbit/s).
`11939 has made use of the advantage, that the extended frame format with its huge addressing space eases
`the standardization of the message identifiers.
`Nevertheless the majority of all CAN applications will continue to work with standard frames only due to
`some reasons presented in the following chapters.
`Standard and Extended Frame Format
`(a) Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0A
`data, CRC, ACKN, EOF
`(b) Version 2.0B (Standard Frame Format)
`11-bit Identifier
`data, CRC, ACKN, EOF
`(c) Version 2.0B (Extended Frame Format)
`18-blt Identifier
`data, CRC, ACKN, EOF
`Fig. I CAN Data Frame Types
`Fig. 1 gives an overview of the different CAN data frame types: All CAN messages start with the identifier
`(arbitration) field. There are one or three control bits coming along with the identifier. These bits defme,
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`Application Note
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`whether it is a standard or an extended frame and whether it is a data or a remote frame. Fig. 1 (a) shows
`the data frame format, how it is specified in the CAN protocol specification versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0
`A. Fully compatible to that is the standard data format (Fig. 1 (b)), how it is specified in version 2.0 B. In
`contrast to that Fig. 1 (c) describes the extended data format with the 11+ 18=29 bit identifier (version 2.0
`B). The meaning of the three control bits is as follows:
`RTR bit- Remote Transmit Request
`The RTR bit differentiates between data and remote frames. In data frames this bit is dominant ('0'), in
`remote frames this bit is recessive (' 1 ').
`SRR bit- Substitute Remote Request
`The SRR bit is a recessive bit. It is transmitted in extended frames at the position of the RTR bit of standard
`IDE bit- Identifier Extension
`The IDE bit differentiates between standard and extended frames. In standard frames this bit is dominant,
`whereas in extended frames this bit is recessive.
`Similar to Fig. 1 showing the standard and extended frame formats of CAN data messages, Fig. 2 shows
`the frame formats of CAN remote messages. Here the RTR bit is set to recessive (' 1 ').
`Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0A
`Version 2.08 (Standard Frame Format)
`I o l11-bit Identifier
`R I
`T D
`R E
`Version 2.08 (Extended Frame Format)
`11-bit Identifier
`18-bit Identifier
`R D
`R E
`Fig. 2 CAN Remote Frame Types
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`In case that several nodes within one system start a simultaneous transmission of message frames with the
`same identifier, the following rules are valid: Data frames have a higher priority than remote frames, and
`standard frames have a higher priority than extended frames. That means that e.g. a standard remote frame
`wins arbitration against an extended data frame, if the 11 most significant bits of the identifiers are equal.
`Number of message identifiers
`Since the identifier of the standard frame is 11 bits wide, 2048 different message types are possible. Due
`to implementation reasons only 2032 of them can be used. The 29 bit identifier of the extended frame
`however supports more than 500 million different message types.
`Bus access time
`In worst case a message gets bus access after the completion of the preceding message, if its priority is
`high enough. When using a transfer rate of 1 Mbit/s, the maximum bus access time at standard frames is
`110/134 J.l.S, whereas the max. bus access time at extended frames is 130/159 J.l.S (without/with stuffbits).
`In Table 2 the formulas are given how to calculate the number of bit times of CAN message frames.
`Number of bits per message
`Standard Frame Format
`Extended Frame Format
`No Stuff Bits
`47+ 8 ·DLC *)
`Max. number of
`Stuff Bits
`55+ 10 ·DLC *)
`67+ 8 · DLC *)
`80 + 10 · DLC *)
`*) DLC: Data Length Code
`Tab. 2 CAN Message Length (incl. 3 Bits for Intermission)
`Bus throughput
`The maximum data rate of CAN is specified at 1 Mbit/s. This results in a max. duration of a standard frame
`of Ill us and a max. duration of an extended frame of 131 J.l.S (without stuff bits). If these message are
`transmitted cyclicly, max. net transfer rates of577 kbit/s (standard frame) and 488 kbit/s (extended frame)
`can be reached. Fig. 3 shows a diagram, where the max. net transfer rates when using standard and extended
`frames are shown as a function ofthe DLC (Data Length Code, that is the number of transmitted data bytes
`per message).
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`Application Note
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`net bus
`....... R
`+ SFF
`. + ...... .;,.sFF~1·9·
`· · I 1 Mbitls I
`....... +.
`..... :~ ..
`Fig. 3 Net Bus Throughput of Standard (SFF) and Extended Frames (EFF) at a Data Rate of 1 Mbit/s
`The reason why extended frames have been introduced is, that a much bigger number of different identifiers
`are at the user's disposal. An alternative approach is, to use standard frames and to claim one or two data
`bytes in order to extend the identifier. That is as far possible as not all of the 8 data bytes are used for the
`application. At arbitration however only the 11 bit identifier is regarded. In Fig. 3 the max. bus throughput
`of messages, at which one (SFF-19) or two (SFF-27) data bytes are used for the purpose to increase the
`identifier, are sketched additionally.
`CPU-load caused by CAN
`All Controller Area Networks contain at least one node, which is microcontroller driven. Since at CAN
`the OSI-layers 1 and 2 are realized almost completely by hardware, the microcontroller is only responsible
`to provide messages for transmission, to process messages being received, and to handle parts of the
`network management (e.g. initialization). Comparing now standard and extended frames, the length of the
`identifier has only a very small impact to the CPU-load, if the following conditions are fulfilled:
`optimal distribution of the message identifiers within the system and
`optimal programming of the acceptance filters.
`All CAN controllers available today have any kind of acceptance filter, which has the function to reject
`messages not being interesting for the certain node. Thus the CPU-load at reception can be reduced
`considerably. For the next CAN controller generation, which will be able to handle also extended frames,
`enhanced acceptance filters are announced. These filters will compensate a possibly higher CPU-load at
`the reception of extended frames by additional features. These features are a better programming flexibility
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`and a higher number of acceptance mask and code entries. In addition increased memory buffers will
`reduce the CPU peak burden caused by message bursts.
`Summarizing it can be said that at optimal use of the acceptance filter there is hardly any difference between
`standard and extended frames concerning the CPU-load. For more details please refer to /2/.
`Compatibility Aspects
`As a matter of principle, standard and extended frames coexist in the same network. Error handling and
`fault confinement work in an unifonn way for both formats. As mentioned above the arbitration priorities
`of standard and extended identifiers are well defined.
`All CAN controllers support the standard frame format. Thus new CAN controllers, which support the
`extended frame format, can communicate with today's CAN controllers, when they use standard frames.
`Concerning the compatibility of standard and extended frames three types of CAN controllers exist:
`CAN controllers according to CAN protocol specification vers. 2.0 A, which are able to receive
`and transmit standard frames
`CAN controllers according to CAN protocol specification vers. 2.0 E, which are able to receive
`and transmit standard frames and to tolerate extended frames without detecting an error
`('extended frame passive')
`CAN controllers according to CAN protocol specification vers. 2.0 E, which are able to receive
`and transmit standard and extended frames ('extended frame active').
`In Tab. 3 a standard/extended frame compatibility matrix is shown. An error is only detected, if a CAN
`controller, which does not tolerate extended frames, meets an extended frame at its bus terminals.
`Spec. 2.0
`Part A
`Standard Frame
`"Extended Frame
`Spec. 2.0
`"Extended Frame
`Spec. 2.0
`Part A
`Standard Frame
`Spec. 2.0
`Standard Frame
`Spec. 2.0
`Extended Frame
`Tab. 3 Standard/Extended Frame Compatibility Matrix
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`Available Products
`If standard frames are used exclusively in an application, then both kinds of CAN controllers - those
`according to version 2.0 B ("passive" or "active") as well as those according to version 2.0 A (or even
`older versions)- can be used. That means that for these CAN networks the full range of available CAN
`controllers can be used. All future CAN products will still perform standard frame communication.
`When extended frames are used in a CAN network, the number of usable products is only an extract of
`the full range of available CAN controllers. Because of the aim to offer very cheap CAN controllers, it
`is likely that even some future CAN controllers will be created which do not support extended frame
`"actively". For most applications the cheaper price will be more beneficial than the additional feature of
`extended frame communication.
`Tab. 4 tries a summarizing valuation of the standard and extended frame formats regarding the number of
`different identifiers, the bus access time, the bus throughput, the CPU-load, the availability of products
`and the chip size/cost. The result is, that it is advantageous to use the standard frame format as long as the
`application allows to do so. From today's point of view only the american automotive manufacturers have
`applications needing extended frames. Therefore it should be recommended for all other applications to
`use only standard frames.
`Standard Frame
`Extended Frame
`- 0
`Number of!Ds
`Bus Access Time
`Bus Throughput
`CPU -Load
`Availability of Products
`Chip size I Cost
`better than average
`below average
`Tab.4 Comparison of CAN Standard and Extended Frame Products
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`CAN Specification Version 2.0, Philips Semiconductors, 1991
`Application of the P8xC592 Microcontroller with CAN-Interface, Application Note HKI/AN
`91014, Philips Semiconductors Hamburg, 1992
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