`5' TheComprehenszyeStand E
`E Busii1éss,5claOol,Libm13/,and' me
`a E,
`OVer 300 illustrations and diagrams
`Extensive Internet coverage
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`Page 1 of 4
`I I
`Microsoft Press
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`Copyright © 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary.-- 3rd ed.
`ISBN 1-57231-446-X
`1. Computers--Dictionaries. 2. Microcomputers--Dictionaries.
`I. Microsoft Press.
`QA 76.1 5.M54 1997
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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
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`Page 2 of 4
`and higher microprocessors to control access to
`privileged functions, to change data segments; or
`to switch m~ks,
`gate urt•ay \giit' i>r-ir\ 11. A special type of chip
`thai starts out :1s a nonspecific collection of logic
`gates. Late in the m:mufacmring process; a layer Is
`added to co!lrieet the gates for a spedfic function ..
`13y dmngingthe.panern of connections, the mtmu.:.
`facturer c;tn make the chip suitable for 111i!l1Y
`needs. This process Is very popular because it
`5aves both design tmd mamtl~tcluring thm:. The
`dr;twb:tck is tb~n much of the chip goes unUsed.
`rllso calfed applicmion-specilk integmtecl drc:uit;
`logic array.
`gated \g~nt1d\ ai(f. I. Tr~msmiued through n gate
`to :1 subsequent electronic logic element. 2. Trans(cid:173)
`mitted through >I g;rte.w;ty to a $Ubsequent net(cid:173)
`work or service. For exnrnple, a mnlling list on
`BITNET may be g:ttecl to 11 ncwsgm\lp on the
`g:ite electrode \giit' ;;J-lek'trocl\ 1'1. See gate (defi.(cid:173)
`nition 2).
`gateway \giit'wa\ 11. A device that connects net(cid:173)
`works using diffttrem comri1unications protocols
`so thm information can l)e ]Xtssed Ji.·om one to
`the otht!r. A gmewny bmh transfers infonm!tlnn
`nnd converts it to n form compatible with r.he
`protocols used by the receiving network. Com(cid:173)
`pare bridge.
`gnting drcult \gineng sor'k;;~t\ n. An dcctronic
`swltch whose output is either on or olt dcpencllng
`on the st;Jte of.t.wo or more inputs. For cx:unple, a
`gating circLtit may be used to p:Iss or not p;L5S :ttl
`input signal, dept•ndlng on tht:! slate:> of one or
`more control signals. A gating circuit can be con(cid:173)
`.Slructecl from one or more logic: gates. See also
`gate (defii1ition 1) .
`. ga.us \clot·G-A 'dot-U-S'\ 7'1. On the Internet, the
`that an
`major geographic domain specifying
`address is located in Georgia, United States.
`:gb \dofG-B'\ n. On the Internet, the major geo(cid:173)
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located In Gre'at Britain.
`\gig'a-bif, jlg-a .. bit', G-B'\ r1. See gigabyte.
`\G'B-P-S'\ n. See gigabits per second.
`\dot'G-D'\ n. On the internet, the major geo(cid:173)
`ciomain specifying that an address is
`in Grenada.
`GDI \G'D-.n 11. Acronym for Gmphical Device
`Interface. ln Microsoft. \'\IJndows, a gmphics dis(cid:173)
`play system used by applications to clisplity or
`print bitmapped text (TrueType fonts), Images,
`:md other gmpllical elements. 'f'he Gl)! is respon(cid:173)
`sible for drawing <:li:tlog bo~es; buttQnS, and or!1er
`elemenrs in a c:onsi~tent style on sct:een by calling
`the approj)rirtte screen drivers rmd passing them
`the information on the item to be drawn. The GDT
`<llso works with GDI printers, which h:ivc Ilmit<O!cl
`ability to prepnre n page for printing . .Instead, the
`GDJ handles that wsk by calling the approprf~1te
`printer drivers and moving the imag\'! or document
`directly to the printer, rather than reform:ttting the
`hnnge.or document in PostScript or nnother printer
`htngunge. See c1l~o b!tm:rpped font, dinlog box,
`driver, . PostScript.
`.ge \dofG-E'\ u, On .the Internet, the mHjor geo·
`;m address is
`grnphlc dom:iln specifying th;tt
`locmed In the repui,Jllc of Georgia.
`gcek \gek\ 11. 1. GenemJl~·. a person who enjO>'S
`cerebrnl activities (:>uch as wordphty, computer
`progr1t111tning, :md u:;e of.the fnternet) more than
`the mainstream populmion does. Geeks in this
`sense Increasingly chtim the word \Vith pride, but
`It m:ty give oJTens.:::. when used by others, suggc:st(cid:173)
`ing Inadequacy in 11orma.l social relmionships. 2. A
`computer expert or specialist. For issues of eti(cid:173)
`quette, see definition I. ComjJWr! guru, techie.
`gender bender \jen 'd;;>r ben~d;,r\ n. See gender
`gender changer \jen'd;;Jr chih1j;>r\ n. A device for
`joiniqg two com1cctors that are ~lrher boU1 male
`(haVIilg pins) or both female (hav.ing sockets). See
`the illtlstr:t\ion. Als() c:qlled gender bender.
`Gemler cha11ger.
`Page 3 of 4
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