` U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T A N D T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E
` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` B M W O F N O R T H A M E R I C A , L L C
` P e t i t i o n e r
` v .
` S T R A G E N T , L L C
` P a t e n t O w n e r
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` C a s e I P R 2 0 1 7 - 0 1 5 1 9 , 1 5 2 0 , 1 5 2 1 , 1 5 2 2
` M a y 3 , 2 0 1 8
` T E L E P H O N E C O N F E R E N C E I N T H E A B O V E M A T T E R
` B e f o r e t h e P T A B P a n e l
` H o n o r a b l e C h r i s t a P . Z a d o
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
` H o n o r a b l e L y n n e E . P e t t i g r e w
`1 8
` H o n o r a b l e P a t r i c k M . B o u c h e r
` H o n o r a b l e C a r l L . S i l v e r m a n
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
` V E R I T E X T L E G A L S O L U T I O N S
` M I D - A T L A N T I C R E G I O N
`2 3
` 1 2 5 0 E y e S t r e e t N W - S u i t e 3 5 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
`2 4
`2 5
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
`O n b e h a l f o f P e t i t i o n e r :
` L I O N E L L A V E N U E , E S Q U I R E
` S E A N D A M O N , E S Q U I R E
` C O R Y B E L L , E S Q U I R E
` F i n n e g a n , H e n d e r s o n , F a r a b o w , G a r r e t t
` D u n n e r , L L P
` 1 1 9 5 5 F r e e d o m D r i v e
` R e s t o n , V A 2 0 1 9 0
`O n b e h a l f o f P a t e n t O w n e r :
` T h o m a s H . K r a m e r , E S Q U I R E
` O ' K e l l y , E r n s t & J o y c e
` 9 0 1 N o r t h M a r k e t S t r e e t , S u i t e 1 0 0 0
` W i l m i n g t o n , D E 1 9 8 0 1
`A l s o P r e s e n t :
` G e o r g e P a z u n i a k , E s q u i r e
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`3 4
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` * * * * * * * * *
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. Good morning.
` This is the conference call in 2017-01519, 1520,
` 1521, and 1522. I'm Judge Zado. We're joined by
` Judges Pettigrew, Boucher, and Silverman.
` So who is on the call today on
` behalf of Petitioner?
` MR. LAVENUE: For Petitioner, Lionel
` Lavenue and Sean Damon, Your Honor.
` MR. BELL: And Cory Bell from
` Finnegan.
` HONORABLE ZADO: And I'm sorry, who?
` MR. BELL: Cory Bell.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Cory Bell. Thank
` you, Mr. Bell.
` And who do we have on the call for
` Patent Owner?
` MR. KRAMER: Good morning. It's Tom
` Kramer, from O'Kelly, Ernst & Joyce, with George
` Pazuniak.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. I was going
` to start with the issues the party raised, but
` there was just one general housekeeping issue that
` I just wanted to make Petitioner aware of now that
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` I hear that George Pazuniak is on the line. It
` looks like on April 27th, 2018, Petitioner tried to
` file a motion for pro hac vice admission
` Mr. Pazuniak. I don't know if you are aware, but
` the motion was not uploaded. I don't know, was
` Petitioner aware of that?
` MR. KRAMER: I'm sorry, do you mean
` Patent Owner, because Mr Pazuniak --
` HONORABLE ZADO: I'm sorry. Yes,
` sorry, it was Patent Owner. I apologize for that.
` Yes.
` MR. KRAMER: No, I was not aware of
` that.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. Well, yeah, I
` just wanted to -- so Patent Owner is still seeking
` to -- admission for Mr. Pazuniak?
` MR. KRAMER: Yes. And my
` understanding from communication with Petitioner's
` counsel was that that was unopposed.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. Well, just so
` you're aware, that is going to need to -- the
` declaration was entered, but if you go on PTAB End
` to End, you can see that the motion wasn't
` uploaded. Just so you're aware that is something
` that needs to be done for us to be able to rule on
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` that motion.
` MR. KRAMER: We'll address it. Thank
` you.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. And also is
` there a court reporter on the line today?
` COURT REPORTER: Yes, Your Honor. My
` name is Felicia Newland.
` HONORABLE ZADO: All right. Hello,
` Ms. Newland. And just out of curiosity, was it
` Patent Owner or Petitioner who requested a court
` reporter or is it both?
` MR. LAVENUE: Petitioner, Your Honor.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. Well, we just
` ask that after today's call that the transcript be
` uploaded into the PTAB End to End in these four
` matters.
` MR. LAVENUE: Petitioner will take
` care of that, Your Honor.
` HONORABLE ZADO: All right. Thank
` you.
` So Petitioner has requested a
` conference call with the Board regarding two
` issues. The first issue regards the number of
` days to cross-examine Patent Owner's expert
` declarant and the other issue relates to the
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` impact of the Supreme Court's recent decision in
` SAS. Let's take these issues one at a time,
` starting with the number of cross-examination
` days.
` Petitioner, because you have
` requested this call, we will start with you.
` MR. LAVENUE: Thank you, Your Honor.
` Lionel Lavenue for the Petitioner.
` So we have requested this call
` because we have reached an impasse with Patent
` Owner's counsel on the number of days for a
` deposition. We note, of course, that it is the
` Patent Owner's burden to limit the deposition
` time, but we can outline our positions on this.
` There are four IPR proceedings, and for those
` four IPR proceedings we've requested two days of
` deposition. We've also offered as a compromise
` one-and-a-half days with the full admission of
` the prior deposition transcript from the previous
` IPR proceedings, which are also relevant to these
` new IPR proceedings.
` The Patent Owner's counsel has
` refused all of our offers, either the two-day or
` the one-and-a-half day compromise, stating that
` they will not offer their expert for any more
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` than a single day. We have attempted to resolve
` this through numerous correspondences over the
` last month and have been unable to do so.
` There was an email from Patent
` Owner's counsel that outlined their positions on
` this issue, and we do note that there are two
` incorrect statements. The first one is the
` Patent Owner claims that we, the Petitioner,
` agreed in the prior IPR proceedings to a
` single-day deposition, and that is not true. If
` you look at the notice of deposition in the '676
` and '677 proceedings, Paper No. 14, on page 2,
` our memorialized agreement of a two-day
` deposition is listed. And so basically we're
` asking for exactly the same amount of time for
` these four IPR proceedings that we received in
` the prior two IPR proceedings.
` And, in fact, we asked for, and we
` agreed to, 10.5 hours with seven hours on the
` first day and three-and-a-half hours on the
` second day. And the second day was also to be
` coordinated around the experts. So we made all
` of those accommodations in the prior proceeding.
` And we're asking really for nothing more here
` except if the prior deposition transcript is not
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` admitted, then we're asking two days, 14 hours,
` if the prior deposition is admitted, then we're
` asking for one-and-a-half days, so ten-and-a-half
` hours, the same time as before.
` The second erroneous statement by
` the Patent Owner in the email is they say in the
` other proceedings on these patents by the Daimler
` Company, the Daimler Petitioner, that they agreed
` to one day. That is incorrect. We checked with
` Daimler's counsel yesterday and they have agreed
` to go forward with a single day of deposition and
` then if they're not able to complete, then they
` would take up the issue with the Board as to a
` second day. But we would like to resolve that
` now, because the expert is in California and it
` requires the travel of both the Patent Owner and
` the Petitioner's counsel.
` And, in fact, because the expert is
` in California that's one of the reasons that the
` Patent Owner's counsel has insisted that they
` will not allow more than a single day because
` Patent Owner's counsel has to coordinate his
` travel to California. So for that reason, if not
` more, we would ask that the two-day arrangement
` be determined.
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` So as far as the reasons why we
` need more than a single day of seven hours, here
` we're dealing with 60 claims, and in the previous
` proceeding where the Patent Owner agreed to 10.5
` hours, there were only 16 claims. Here we're
` dealing with twice as many pages of expert
` declaration, and also we are dealing with a
` situation here where there are similar issues
` between the prior IPR proceeding and these IPR
` proceedings, and so many of the questions that we
` asked in the prior IPR proceeding, we will need
` to address here unless the prior deposition
` transcript is admitted.
` And so for that reason, that's not
` a -- that's a reason why it would actually take
` longer and not shorter, because the expert will
` have had more time to have gone over those issues
` with his counsel and to have prepared, and that
` usually takes more time and not less.
` And my final point, Your Honors, is
` it's interesting to note that in the prior IPR
` proceeding, we were asked to in good faith do our
` best to complete the deposition in a single day
` and we were told about a soccer game that was on
` the second day, and we did our best and we did
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` complete our deposition in the prior IPR
` proceedings in a single day. Here, we have
` offered to do exactly the same thing and so even
` though we're -- we think that we can complete in
` a single day, we would like to have the second
` time period on the day after available so that we
` do not have to travel back to California again.
` And, you know, if -- if we were
` somehow prejudiced so that by completing our
` prior case deposition in a single day, if that's
` being used against us, then that would be
` inappropriate for efficiency, because obviously
` the parties are to be efficient in their
` deposition. And so we did in good faith complete
` the prior deposition in a single day, we're
` willing to do so here, but we would like to have
` the second day available.
` And with that, Your Honor, we have
` gone over our points that we would like to make.
` Thank you very much.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. Before we
` move on to Patent Owner, I just wanted to clarify
` and make sure I heard this correctly. So
` Petitioner would also have to travel to California
` or is it just Patent Owner that has to travel?
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` MR. LAVENUE: The expert is in
` California and both the Petitioner and the Patent
` Owner will require travel to California.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. And just so
` we have it on the record, what is the declarant's
` name?
` MR. KRAMER: It's Dr. Jeffrey Miller.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. Thank you.
` So all right, Patent Owner, please
` go ahead and respond.
` MR. KRAMER: Thank you.
` Preliminary I would like to ask the
` Board whether in view of the pro hac vice
` admission issue, Mr. Pazuniak has conducted by
` far the bulk of the negotiation with Petitioner's
` Counsel, and for efficiency sake, we think it
` would be easiest if he would address the issues.
` Would that be acceptable?
` HONORABLE ZADO: Please wait for a
` moment and let me confer with the Panel on this
` issue.
` Okay. So we're okay hearing from
` Mr. Pazuniak regarding just the facts of this
` issue because he was handling the negotiating,
` but he's not necessarily here representing Patent
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` Owner. But please, Mr. Pazuniak, go ahead and to
` the extent you can help describe the actual
` negotiations, please go ahead.
` MR. PAZUNIAK: Thank you, Your Honor.
` First off, regarding the facts,
` Petitioner's Counsel made -- alleged that there
` are two misstatements in the emails sent to the
` Board. Actually Petitioner's Counsel is
` mistaken. First, we never said that Petitioner
` had agreed to one day in the prior '676 and '677
` proceedings.
` If the Board refers to .7 in the
` e-mail sent by Mr. Kramer, it says very clearly
` that the parties had agreed to continue past the
` first day and into a second day. But that is
` exactly the problem that we had observed, and
` that is the Petitioner finished the deposition in
` one day and apparently had -- as far as I know,
` had plans to fly out that night, or the next
` morning, back to the East Coast.
` We set aside the time for the
` second day and -- by both Dr. Miller and myself,
` and so when we -- we found out at the end of the
` first day that the deposition was concluded, the
` second date had already been basically spoken
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` for. I had to wait and make -- it made no sense
` to reschedule my flight, so I ended up in
` California as if the deposition had continued.
` And Dr. Miller similarly could not have scheduled
` anything for the time that was set aside.
` So merely saying that, oh, we'll
` try to take it one day and then we may continue
` to the second day still leaves a problem because
` the second day is basically spoken for. And as
` shown in the last deposition, that second day was
` totally unnecessary and ended up just
` inconveniencing Patent Owner's expert and
` counsel.
` The second comment that was made
` was that Daimler's counsel had not agreed as
` stated in .10 of the email. That is incorrect.
` I am in communication with Daimler's counsel and
` the agreement as stated in .10 is in writing and,
` you know, if that becomes an issue, I can
` confirm, I can send the emails. You know, the
` language is very clear, it's one day, expected
` one day, provided that if some unexpected event
` occurs, then we can either agree for more time or
` go to the Board.
` The issue, again, is we have -- it
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` is expected and agreed that the deposition would
` be completed in a one extended day, and you're
` not going to get a second day merely because, you
` know, you ran out of time asking all of the
` questions.
` So in the -- the basic concern that
` we have is that this is the same issues that has
` already been tried to the Board, the same two
` patents, the same primary prior art, the same
` arguments, same experts. The issues has already,
` as I said, been tried and we explained that given
` all of those facts, we were willing to permit the
` use of the prior deposition. That was not the
` issue, but we wanted to limit it to one day, not
` have the option for a second day because that
` meant scheduling for a second day takes that day
` out of circulation for both the expert and for
` counsel. Our flights to California cannot be
` changed -- you know, is not feasible really to
` change flights at the end of the first day for a
` next-morning flight as opposed to having planned
` for, you know, a flight at the end of the second
` day.
` So because of those inconveniences
` to the expert and to counsel and the additional
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` cost involved in all of this, and given the past
` history that there was no problem in finishing
` the deposition in one day, and given the
` availability of the prior deposition, we thought
` that a limit to one day was perfectly
` appropriate.
` There's no indication that anything
` has changed materially between now and before so
` that the one day of deposition would be
` insufficient. That was the -- that was the
` nature of the discussions between the parties.
` HONORABLE ZADO: All right. And to
` clarify for the record -- and I'm going to address
` this question to Mr. Kramer since he's admitted to
` represent the Patent Owner, just to be clear, is
` Patent Owner willing to agree to admitting the full
` admission of deposition from prior art IPR
` proceedings to whittle down the deposition time to
` 1.5 days?
` MR. KRAMER: We are willing to admit
` all of the deposition testimony from IPRs '676 and
` '677, the prior -- the prior proceedings.
` Are you asking me to agree to
` one-and-a-half days?
` HONORABLE ZADO: Well, no. This was
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` just asking if the option were between two days and
` not admitting the previous IPR depositions versus
` 1.5 days and admitting the prior depositions.
` Would the Patent Owner -- you know, would the
` Patent Owner be amenable to --
` MR. KRAMER: The admission -- yes,
` the admission is acceptable.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. And just so
` to clarify with, Petitioner, when you were
` discussing being willing to agree to the -- to
` one-and-a-half days if there's full admission of
` the prior IPR proceedings, which IPR proceedings
` were you referring to?
` MR. LAVENUE: Those were IPR
` proceedings '676 and '677, Your Honor.
` HONORABLE ZADO: And is that 2017?
` 2016?
` MR. LAVENUE: Oh, I'm sorry. 2017.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Well, we won't
` necessarily decide the issue on the phone, but if
` they don't by the end of this conference call, we
` will issue an order shortly regarding this issue,
` but I wanted right now first to move on to the SAS
` issue.
` It looks as though all parties are
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` aware of the recent decision last week from the
` Supreme Court. Petitioner had asked to raise
` this issue. And, you know, Patent Owner, and
` again, this is addressed to Mr. Kramer, are you
` also familiar with the recent Supreme Court
` decision in SAS?
` MR. KRAMER: Yes, we are.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. So even
` though Petitioner requested to discuss it, really,
` you know, this is an issue that both parties, we
` wanted to have the opportunity to discuss on this
` call to see what impact, if any, this would have on
` our schedule in the four IPR cases and also what
` requests the parties seek, as far as additional
` briefing in view of the Supreme Court's decision.
` So actually in this case, we're
` going to start with Patent Owner instead of
` Petitioner, just because the Patent Owner
` response was just filed on March 12th, the
` Petitioner reply is due June 12, but I wanted to
` first start with the Patent Owner to see if --
` and just so both parties are aware, we have not
` issued an order yet, but, in essence, we're going
` to be instituting on all grounds and all claims
` in these four matters.
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` So in light of that, we'll start
` with you, Mr. Kramer, on behalf of the Patent
` Owner, whether Patent Owner has any requests for
` any additional briefing in light of that.
` MR. KRAMER: It's not immediately
` clear to us how we can proceed if the Board
` institutes on the additional -- on the additional
` grounds. It would appear that we would need to
` submit a response on those grounds. Is the
` Board -- is that an expectation or --
` HONORABLE ZADO: So to answer your
` question for expectation, I -- if you're asking, we
` are going to institute on all claims, all grounds.
` I believe in the 1519 and 1520 cases -- and I could
` be misremembering, so please don't -- we'd have to
` look -- but we did institute on all grounds, but
` not all claims, so -- I'm sorry, on all claims, but
` not all grounds, I would have to double-check, but
` we are going to issue an order in the four cases
` where we're going to institute on all claims, all
` grounds. So whatever we didn't institute on is
` going to be brought in.
` The order is not going to be
` substantive because as the parties are aware, at
` least at the preliminary stage based on the
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` petition, we felt -- or had decided that
` Petitioner had not made a sufficient showing
` under the reasonable likelihood standard, so this
` decision is not going to -- when we institute on
` all of the claims and grounds that were not
` previously instituted on, then the decision is
` not going to contain, you know, a substantive
` discussion. But if the Patent Owner would like
` to respond, then that is something that Patent
` Owner can ask for.
` MR. KRAMER: Okay. I think I'm
` principally concerned with preserving our rights
` going forward and not placing us in a position
` where, you know, we should have created a formal
` response to the grounds now that they're
` instituted. It's -- again, it's not clear to me
` how we could do otherwise.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. And so,
` Petitioner, we're going to hear from you in a
` moment as well, but I just wanted to clarify that
` if we already did institute on all grounds and
` claims -- and all claims, no order is going to go
` out for those cases, of course, but -- and I think
` in one of those cases, 1521, that may be the case,
` but just for the cases where we did not institute
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` on all grounds and all claims, orders will be going
`Page 20
` out very soon.
` So yeah, certainly we're not asking
` anyone today on this call, you don't have to
` commit either way, but, Petitioner, we'll hear
` from you in a moment, but just at a high level,
` you know, what we're probably going to ask the
` parties to do is after this call come up with,
` you know, what each party wants, a proposed
` schedule. Because the one thing that we're not
` changing at this point, given how early we are in
` the case, we're not going to be changing the
` 12-month statutory deadline. And, you know,
` given how early we are on the case, I don't think
` we're going to have to change the hearing date
` either. So the parties, you know, we'll
` encourage you both to get together and try to
` work out how this will fit into the schedule.
` But, Petitioner, you know, also, we
` would like just to hear from you on this quickly.
` MR. LAVENUE: On this issue, Your
` Honor, I believe that the only additional ground
` issue is not really an additional ground to the
` extent that it's new prior art or something like
` that, it's really whether or not the OSEK reference
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` is considered as a single reference or multiple
` documents that would be considered under 103. So
` that's -- that's the one issue that would be
` addressed under the -- under the Board's further
` briefing if necessary. I think that's a pretty
` narrow issue. We thought that it was discretionary
` for the Board, but if the Board is going to
` proceed, then we'll certainly do whatever the Board
` instructs.
` HONORABLE ZADO: Okay. Well, yeah,
` if that's the issue, then, of course, we're
` going -- if the parties feel it's necessary to have
` additional briefing, you know, like I said, after
` this call, what -- we will send out an order with
` that institution on all grounds and all claims, and
` the order will probably provide a deadline, I
` imagine, by when we'd like to hear back from the
` parties with a joint proposed schedule for fitting
` in additional briefing that the parties may be
` requesting and deadlines for that.
` If you would just wait a moment,
` I'm going to confer with the Panel to see if the
` Panel has any further questions, but while we're
` doing that, were there any further issues that
` either of the parties wanted to raise on this
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` call today?
` MR. LAVENUE: Would you entertain a
` brief response on the deposition issue from
` Petitioner to the comment by Mr. Pazuniak?
` Your Honor?
` HONORABLE ZADO: Yes, sorry. I was
` just -- what exactly -- if you would just tell me,
` what exactly is Petitioner requesting?
` MR. LAVENUE: I just am requesting,
` can I respond to the comments that were made by
` Mr. Pazuniak regarding the deposition issue?
` HONORABLE ZADO: Sure. Go ahead.
` MR. LAVENUE: Okay. It will be very
` quick.
` So on the first point that he made
` about the scheduling of the prior depositions,
` those were scheduled over two days, but those
` were scheduled over a Friday and Saturday. And
` the second deposition day, Dr. Miller had already
` scheduled to go to a soccer game and so we don't
` think that the expert was put out at all by
` having the second day scheduled in this location.
` Mr. Pazuniak said that he was unable to change
` his flight, we do not believe that's reasonable.
` As far as his allegation that we
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` had already preordained that it would be a
` single-day deposition and not a two-day
` deposition. That is incorrect. He claims that
` we already had our returned flights scheduled for
` Saturday. That is incorrect. I fly my own plane
` and so, therefore, I certainly had not already
` scheduled that, so that's clear.
` And so the other argument by
` Mr. Pazuniak, he claims that he does have an
` agreement with Daimler for a single-day
` deposition in the other IPR proceedings, and that
` is simply not true. We spoke with Daimler's
` counsel this morning and Mr. Pazuniak claims that
` he has a written agreement. While he believes he
` has a written agreement, but he and counsel for
` Daimler are actually in debate over whether or
` not that agreement says what he believes it says.
` And there is an current ongoing dispute as to
` whether or not it's one day or not. So when he
` claims that that is a final written decision by
` the parties in the Daimler matter, that is
` incorrect.
` So for all those reasons, we would
` submit that the deposition scheduling should
` include at least 10.5 hours over two days or two
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` days as we requested. Thank you.
` HONORABLE ZADO: All right. Were
` there any other issues that we needed to address on
` this call today?
` MR. LAVENUE: Nothing from the
` Petitioner.
` MR. KRAMER: None for Patent Owner.
` HONORABLE ZADO: All right. Well,
` thank you everyone for joining us on this call
` today. We will take the issues under advisement.
` And we'll be issuing orders shortly. Thank you.
` MR. LAVENUE: Thank you.
` MR. KRAMER: Thank you.
` (Whereupon, at 11:33 a.m., the telephonic
` PTAB hearing in the above-entitled matter
` was concluded.)
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` I, FELICIA A. NEWLAND, CSR, the officer before
`whom the foregoing telephonic PTAB was taken; that
`the hearing was taken by me in stenotype and
`thereafter reduced to typewriting under my
`direction; that I am neither counsel for, related
`to, nor employed by and of the parties to the action
`in which this telephonic hearing was taken; and,
`further, that I am not a relative or employee of any
`counsel or attorney employed by the parties hereto,
`nor financially or otherwise interested in the
`outcome of this action.
` <%Signature%>
` _____________________
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