`337$ : fiumhar‘ £2<E€%1?=fi§ar
`if); Muiim
`Breaking the: Stigma m A, Phygician’s PEK’fipECtiVfit
`cm SeiflCare and Raceway A3, Hi3
`Adapting Innovations in Care Delivery w The Case of
`3mm Medical Appaimsmnm K. Ramdszg and; A. £33m
`Fatiem infiummenm «m High Graft, {31' High Wine}?
`Kufii {Shaiyachairs} {1A, A‘”éfi§”¥, 3rd i1? Gz'amée
`Chm.ng iiif‘ect? Pagtwfilezcfiimi Health Care Use:
`by Undncanmnmd 311C} Miwdfimma §amaili¢s
`KR. Page arm S. mm
`flamimg maxim
`VOL. 31%?
`NHL ‘12
`MARCH 23, 20:17
`mama SP5? L823 ?8{3
`am warm. mamama
`Faumiez’s Gmgmae
`(26. Wang
`Incidental Finding OfQIEOIthK
`A Korataia am} V, Bham
`mafia mimmx «1%: “ma :«mgmawfiawg
`magma Magma,
`:3 Woman with Nausea Vamiténg, Caufimion,
`am“? Hypenatremia
`A: Nagasw, L. szrrfmd, amfi AS. might?
`it; wajfifi a ma
`Is i’xegabaiin Einérffécdve in Acute 0r Chrome Scfiadm?
`N, Mfg? waif Exit 833m:
`Romvirus VileiflGé; m A New figpe
`M fignmgmm zmfi {3‘ Smart»
`Breakfing a Vicious; Cycle
`3:. Lay
`mmmm mammm
`E‘Aamgemem wf Sciatica
`R! Ramaswamh E3. Gimgawfla, ar’zéjfi. Waingmiré
`figwmm—ziz amma
`Advantageg 0521 ’X’miy Openwmcasm DzzmSharing Mada!
`MM, Eeriagmiii amfi {3:31am
`mgmmm Am: magi-T‘s!
`’1”! e Tmmp Aflministxafian anti ti’w Envimnmam
`)M. garnet Tik Eugfia, am Bil Gmkfgmm
`31?: and Endmtkeiiai Inqu as; a Liak batman": (3%»11}
`and Mimangiapzfihy
`fish Oil in i>regnazwg amfi Asthma in Ofiépring
`Genetic Rigk, Liffiatyie, and Caronary Artery Dal-$233562
`Selumetjnib in Plexifizrm Nerumfibmmas;
`Geagmpifxic Variations; in Contmlimi ’Ifriala
`fiffi} ' " '7
`'1 43“?
`1 i
`’1 ii 31‘)
`KM”; Wfifiifi £55?
`if 212%
`Trial a? 9regaba§in f2): .Amte smd Chronii: Sciafim
`S. Mathiamm amt} Gthem
`Efficacy Ufa Lowaasn HeateSmble Oral Rotavims
`Vaccine in Niger
`3“ mamaka and Qihsss'a
`Rwandan 0f iiereéizaxzy Angmsdgma Attacks
`with a Suhcumneng Cl Inhibitor
`H. Lafighwat 3m Gmrsrrg
`BriefRfiport; Interleukinvfl am} Inmrlmkimfi
`gmckada in, LEIikOCyfiE Azihassian Deficiency ’Ifypaa 1
`NM. Mautgapmfim amfi chera
`5253mm gamma
`2% 1M“!
`*imatmmt {if Benmdiazepizw fiepandwce
`M, Seyk‘a
`flamed 5k yuhi‘ishad by m: MA$SMZFWSEWS mama; 3mm my
`:92“: 2G1?. A?! rights rmwéi Wham in
`1mm Kifigcfem 21;; Wzgmteham
`J‘i’smn. Calcézmzr Read, mam; 65/39 426W, Swim? Fiingsifim 13%
`CSL v. Shire
`Page 1 of 11
`The authors“ fizii names, améaméc de»
`gmes, and affifiafiarm are Emmi
`in the:
`Appenéix. fiddress reprint requiem: w
`Di, Longhqu at 8am; Heahh NHS Trust.
`{*aflmmgy am Pharmacy Sédgn 89 New
`{wk 3%.. Whitéchapel, Loritfion,
`{Si ZES‘
`waited Kingdom» at at hiéasylcmgéwmtifik
`"MA mmpéete 3m affixes {finimi Study {at
`Optima)! Management a? Efimvfismmg ism
`gioede'ma with Lm‘nVaiume Summaries»
`mm CMuhibitor Replacemer Thgmpy
`{CQMPACU énvestigatcm $3 pmvéded in
`the? Suppfiememary Append§x, Manama:
`at Niijh‘mrg‘
`{7:5, Langhurst, Cicmdi, Craig, 3nd} Zuraw
`mmfibmed equaiiy in this amide.
`531$” Med Zfli?;3?é;}ll§i~4fl.
`{343% 1%“ ifififijs‘ifijféaaiéwfifi
`29H Mmfiu’mzszm a-MfiHwS 5:443:1ng
`if}?R}if?"5' MiaL 3%ii:“ifE {I}
`3 [
`Preventian Qf Hereditary Angieedema
`Attacks with a Snbmtanems €31
`£723 mm}
`H. Langhurgt, Mfljicmdi;103:5;iii, 53min
`£3“, mm; fianfieiyjfi Eai's‘mtemd. Afidm‘sma, W3? imam H. $355485;
`{23%. Katéfiarig,
`fgutsawaragj.jamm? M,
`Mi: Marmng Hr:me
`9.}; Keith, 3, Kivéty, 5‘ Her; {‘13. Mary. ML. 83%;}; R. Naman, LB. Schwa
`T, {Zaiimieyf}, W. Mag! 5‘ Cs'isgam Mi Hernandez, E. fitsggam, M. “t”
`i7. éiréhc‘ikovzég M. (Swarm,
`Rfihmgm A: {fianerg‘g
`i3, Eenmwéfiermedyj. EdQEmm‘z, H. frauem "ems? Laway "21 fv’xacirmig.
`ii}. [fiawaakan i. Psagm, m‘
`Zszrawf {m the (TQM PACT Erwegiigaioé‘sfi
`Hereditary angiwdema is a ciigabling, gatentiafly {11m} cmditian causec‘i by defieiemcy
`(type I) {31‘ ciysfimction (type II} ofthe (3: inhibitor preterit), In :2 gahase 2 trim, the 11st: (1%”
`CSL83CI, :3 nanofiiter‘eé (33. inhibitor preparation that is suimbie. for subcutanemit; injw
`dim, rezauited Er; fimctienaé Ieveis of {31 inhibimr acfivity that wmfid be: sxpecteé to
`pmvide fif‘fective pmphylzaxisé {3F attacks;
`firogyecttive, muificmtém rammmizeé, dozibie’mmd,
`2212 mmmatima},
`We: cgnduciefi
`placebwcmnfirofieé, ééagmangingg phage 3 mg} m m1!me the efficacy 322:5 safety of
`selfiaziminisrared suhcxzmnmus (3311830 in patients. with {we I
`:1)? type 11 hamdimry
`angiflefisma wha had had Ebux‘ m mare attacks in mnsczcmiva 3411031ch pariad within
`3 mnmhs bef'me screening We mum?»me assigned the patients to we Gf'fimr treatment:
`sequences in :: crossover degigfi, each irwaiving m0 léwweek treatment parinds: either
`«am EU 01' 6C) EU 01” (353L830 per kilogram of 130d}? weight twice weekiy feimwed by pk!»
`cebcg er vice versa. ’i‘he pri; nary cffimcy {and point was {hie number at" armcka sfwzmgiax
`edéxm. Secondary efficacy and points wage the prapmtion of gmimsts wim $1231 a my
`gponse {$6050 reéuctim is} the‘ mmber of attacks with ($312239
`compareci wig}:
`Mamba} am} the nambsr 91?” Emma: that rescue nwdicatimz wag aged.
`i? 25 i} {3'35
`Of'thc. 9i) paaients who mderwem: madamizatian, 3’9 mmpieted aha trial Beth dimes nf‘
`(331330, as campamd with piawbo, reduced the mire ofatmcks afllez'cdimry angimxiéma
`(mean differencs with 40113, WEAR attzmks gar awash; 95% canfidéznce imam} [(3H,
`m «51.46; anti {1163i} differencg with {313 It: “3.51 attach; per menu); 95% CI, «4.21 {0 «2,831;
`mm: {23: Email cmnparigms'j. Response rates; were 76.3% {€}S% CI, 62 £0 37) in the 40413
`gran}; ami 90% {95% CEy “a”? in $6) if} d a? (3041? gmuga. The mad {a}: :‘fisme meciémtien W352?
`refitmezi {mm 5.55 uses pfif mmth in the piaceba gmup m 1.13 uses gag 11mm}: ii“; the
`4Q¢IU grow anti fmm
`$1353; in me placebc gmup m (3.32 um; per mend; in the (384G
`gmup. Adverse emits {1:19:21 mmmmfly miié am} {ransaéent meal site magmas} {3:111:13er
`in simfiar proportians; of'parienrs who received C-SLSBO ami mess: wim receivad placeba.
`In patiems with hereéimry angioedema, the pmphylamiz: mm (3??:1 Submtzzmmss Cl inhibitor
`twfire weekiy significantly rézducad the fiequeucy ofacute atmckg. (13115:in by (ISL Enabling;
`COMPMZT EudmC’f number, 2013—00G9‘16—10, Md Cliniczii’frizahagm' number, NCTQXWMSM
`N mm; Mist» 3%;12 Mummies;
`Mfd‘ifj-i 23‘ 201?
`Page 2 ofll
`Page 2 of 11
`1“? iii?
`l5 2"»? if: in? 1‘4 i}
`HE} R N :"x
`1?? M i? D l (J; S
`.swmcmmama i3 A 1315»
`milling mail gatezitissliy fatal conditimi
`characterizeci by itscurmm episocles Oi“
`swelling Witlmut urticaria 0r prurims. The cow
`dizion is flawed by ciei‘iciémcy (Kym: i) (31' dygfunw
`rim} (type ll} of the Cl inhibitm pmwin} Pm
`tients have inaufficient €33
`inhibitor functiim ta
`tilleS 0i? hereditary afigieedema in, pzitients with
`fiequem SitE'Z-Ifllifi.
`Tim trial was jointly designed by the ssponfior
`(CS); Behring) and the smering committee. This
`g‘zmmml, availabk: with the Fail text of this anile
`zit Nlilifi‘ixirg, wag zippmvai by rim 313pr0§¥fl€lt€
`regulatory mitlwritiefi and {it‘lilfis mmmitmes, (3r
`instimtional review lmarcls. All the patienta prov
`videci written iziformeé tangent. An indegendem
`43am: 323d saf‘esy mimimrlng beard regularly mm—
`itored trial 33 fat}? 23ml pmvided recummenciations
`t0 the SPOHSGE on szifi?ty—releiwci trial conduct.
`The investigators at each participating mums:
`mfiactm’i the: (lam, which were amaiyzecl by the
`apensm Wild}: input fmm the meeting commitme.
`The mambers {film Steering mmmitme hail ac~
`ems to {he data am? much f0: ihi’: zismmcy ané
`mmglfitwma of film dam and imaiys’es anti fair
`the fizieiizy 05‘ the: trial m the pmmaoi. The
`manuscript was Clmfl’é‘d by the first autimr and
`revigiztfi iiy all that autimzs. Medicai writing sisal»
`mace, which was paid fan: by“ QSL gaining, writ“;
`pmvidfii‘l by Apalzbefiam.
`prevent braciykinin production by the contact 53's“
`mmz leading to episodes {if incrmfiszfi capillary
`hyperpermealiiiicy and, swelling. ’i‘lizage epism‘iea
`manifest clinically as angioeciema miraclst
`Low levels of C1 inhibitor protein antigan 0f
`low functizmal levels iii” C1 inhibiz‘m activity, as:
`well as law levels; ("IfCCllTiplm’llfth (34; are (1:21;?
`mastic for hereditary smgimrdema, and baseline
`C1 inhibitor function has been reporleci {0 cap
`mlate with disease severityf According m clini»
`cal absmmiims, a Sllfiiéiii‘m‘d tiiriasimlci
`lava} (if
`agpmximziteiy 49% functionai Gil. inhibimr actiib
`ity has brim repaired to wafer certain protectian
`against weaken: atmekgfi‘i
`Regular immwnmm Cl iiiliibimr repiawmmt
`is effective at reducing the frequemy and sever
`ity {if attacks and has: an acmpmbiié Safety and
`fiiée—efféct pmfiie. A daublevblind, glaaebswcanw
`swiiea‘l, armmver {trial iiiVGlViilg 22 patients with
`frequent attacks- slmwm sag/u reciucrimi in the
`fi’fiquency 321:3 mverity Gimmicks with the me of
`an intraveimui; C1 izshibitm at a {lease a? 1900 W
`MARCH 23,2131?
`twice weekin ivlowewn iiecauae (affix: mammal
`difficulties (3?? regular WHOBS accasa risks with
`film use of indwelling ventral: cathflem, zinci 9:»
`flan: cmmidm‘atifing,“ Kim fievalapxmm at" a (:1
`inhiifimr cmcantrate Suitabia fm regular swim»
`animus admifiistmtimi is ()finmmst.
`that adniililstration
`A 13119133: 2 trial 8lIQW€5£l
`alt” {33L83f} {(351 Behring}, a lewwalume, human
`plasmewleriwdj pagteurizafia xiamf’limmd (1:1 iii»
`liilzimr yrepamtian that ii: Suitabia far gubcumw
`nevus injemriam i'ésulteci in a dosafldepenclent 22ml
`cmgmm iz‘mrmge in tmugh 932531313 lamb {if
`filiitt‘timml i3: inhibimr amivizy almva @i)%,‘-% a
`biacliemicai finding; impacted m pz‘wide effiaw
`hive gimpliylaxis of attacks.
`W5: dascriiye this remits (33“ Elm Clinical Study
`5:): Optimal Managemmi of Previewing Augia»
`(361631333 with Lmvk’oiuma Subcummmis;fikinlxilr
`imr Replawmem: Therapy {COMMCT}, a phage 3
`trial testizig the. liypmlmsiii that: 3 twice—wefi<ly
`auhcutzmeaus .iuiestian Qi'C3L833, as; campared
`with placebo, cuulé Nance {he fi‘equency Gigi?
`‘12 yeam {lf ages Q2,” 9165::
`Eligible gamma Wé‘i'fii
`and haul a clinical axial central what-awry iiisignmw
`sis af‘tyge i {3? ii imredimry angiaaficma (funcw
`{Emmi {Eli iriliibimr aétivity {if «353% anfi {343 2211??
`gen kiwi lwlmv aha nm'mal lewi). All (he patiauts
`had hail limr m,“ film‘s? attackg requiring iiiime~
`diam treatment (if mczciical attention or causing
`cliiiimlly gigiiificant functianal impairment 9%:
`a 2*fiiflfifil perimfl withm 3 maiztiii; Mitre: $€r€EZ€lv
`ing, as ciacumenmfi in the patient‘s. medial few
`orils. Fall, inciiisimi and Exclusiml cfiteriii am pm—
`izided in Table 31 in this Supplmlenmry appgiizlix,
`avaziiéiifié a? Militarg.
`Daring the amt ilk: graham}, was ammuiesii m
`infilde gramme; wim were raceziving Oral/mali—
`castimis fin? praghyizixig 0f angiaeciéma attackg,
`if they hail gamma, 2 ambie dams £332“ 3 mamas
`bi:me acieening and {31223111516 m camimm
`{limitgimut the: axial. Ifligientg Wm had mammal
`an intravenous {31 iizl’iibimr far mating pragili?
`laxis within ‘3 manths befmré screenéi‘ig were“:
`N emu; max) gyflzm
`Page 3 of 11
`COMPACT was an lnmmatimml, pmspective,
`malticenmz’, razlclmnizesfi, doublewblilldl planebcnw
`mntmlled, {lagemanging trial. AM? ficreming‘
`eligibla patiems animal a mark; Wriod 0f 12;) m
`8 weeks. All {the patienm had 21 clialml cilagz‘msis
`all? hereditary angiaedema that had been, cam
`firmed by means af‘cemml lalmzratmy {£56223 algal
`hacl hail at law! we attacks, {liifillg em}; {2911‘
`secutive claim}: periml
`an“ :11: 2639: cm. attack
`during the firs: 2 wreaks 0? ma: Elmle garland.
`The {mamas wens madmmly assigned in a 1:1:153
`mic) by mama of an intemclfivawegponge
`Item :16 recelve (ZSL830 at 3 {less {£40 1U per
`lcilcagmm oflmcly weight during this fim iéwveek
`treatment periad follmved by placebo for Elk? my
`and léweek treatment: pariad m: vice warm (3.9.;
`placebm firm; and (331.330 seagull); m (281,830 at a
`dose OHSQ lU per kilagmm fallawezl Izzy placebo
`or vice llama {$3};
`$311. in the Supplementary Ap.
`l’atlems wlm haul 12 m’ mam attacks in a can-
`securive 4wael< pariad {excéludi mg the. first fl weeilcg
`Gfeach trfiatmem pegmd} {:mllcl mag:
`m the
`new: treatment periml m in mm camplétim} a:
`the immistigamr’s distreiixml An endwciflirial visit
`was scheduled 1 week after complfition of the:
`56mm treatment periad {31* if}; palm): W213 WM?
`(imwn {mm {23:2 trial.
`CSLét’i-li) at 911mm was; afiministerecl by {316 pav
`than: twim weakly in ;; (laublewlfilnd crasswm
`manna“ during each treammntpariaé. Elimlacl
`Ulal meclicaliozl was maximal as
`pawcler 1:0 be reconstimteci with sterile water: for
`injeciiml; Elm (103:3 was; rmmcled up in tile near“
`:33: mlllllim per 13% IU, To maintair: the! bliml«
`lug 1:2}! varying the mlume at? the 235332;}: that
`will patient resell-‘22:} during; tin? two Maxwell"
`treatment {33:16:15, we pmvidizci a higlwalmm:
`placebo (mamlxing‘
`the valume {)f {be (low
`close 0f CSLBEO) 1:0 patimrzs who remix-’66 the
`4048 dose of (331.830 zle a lmwalmm placelm
`(matching the valume oftlw 4041} {1:353 c35CSL830}
`m pmlems who maximal
`film (3041} @562 at"
`Patienfs ware trained to aémifiiawr the illicit»
`rims at home; lujecaism wane m be given by
`mama (fa maximal filmy-push mellmcl in a alngie
`site in the abalmmlml 3332.1? unless; the humming
`tor tlmuglat an alternative Slthllllélnffmlfi injectiml
`site was clinically mare appmprlai’e. l?atiemtt:~; were
`permitieci m {256% lmraveumm {3.1. inhibimr can»
`cammt‘e, icaiilmm, ecallamide, m‘ freglvfmxm
`plasma as; a ream“? meclicatirgm far £>z1~clmnand
`trezzmmm afamcks at {my time}: during; the trial
`:3: fig: prepmmduml lamphyla xisl
`cammm. “5555mm:
`(Sally magi»:
`Patients usecl 2m electrmliit (filmy an
`m mean} sympmms, use {if the {rial drug? and
`any misc-m: therapy. ’li‘he investigator reviewaci the
`elasrmnic (liary at. each trial vial: and reporteé
`the details (film 21mm; on the: electmfiic mew
`report lme Eanctéanal {:1 inhibitor activity and
`(:1 inhibitor and (24 protein levels were mam
`sated, and clinical iabamtmy assesgments were
`camlucted throughvut the trial as: apecifiefi trial
`visits (sea the trial promcol}.
`The primary efficacy end palm. was the number
`05 attacks 0f angimdema, as rapmlfted by the
`lavagtigamn Semmlary efficacy (and paints were
`the gercemage of patiimte‘, wlm had a respmme
`{£50953 reductinn vs. placelm in the: mafia: ml”
`aztackss} and ma number at” timeg tlm‘g mama?
`mafilcatim} was {$6351 fixplmamr}! and paints
`inelasz tilt: maniac}:
`(3%” {MES (3‘? zmgioedema
`sympmms, Severity 53f masks: m, pmpartlm of"
`in Wham {ha number (3f Miami; was
`ti} 36338 than (me 3133th per 4~weak glee
`rim} from we attack 0r mere
`ell-week periacl
`with placebo. The 'numl‘mm 0%" amelcs anal uses
`elf {ESCRE meélcatlan zximsc marmaléxed for the
`number 0f? that the patient recaived the £20}?
`raspamling imminent;
`3:466:35 and the”: sideeafllvzct prefile were: mimiw
`waxed {Maugham thfi trial. film-arse: avents‘ gsrlmxs
`adverse events‘ solicited legal site reactions (112v
`dueling dificamflam swelling, bruising 0r itch»
`ing at {he injection aim), the presence {sf lnlzibl~
`Cary 2mii»Cl inhilaimr mmibadim results mfvirzzl
`serwlagic mama, and clinically signil‘lcmfi: 11131101,»
`maliciaa in labemlmy assessments WW6 afiSififéSfid,
`In additisjn, a preapecifieil plmrmacokimclc
`am} pharmamdynamic zlizaljssis that? was based
`0;: am lntervalwensured repeated time—m—evmt
`medal wag {tenstmcted m Liiz'ectly “slate 5mm
`(33. inhébiwr gczlvil‘y m [11$ attack (:2? aw
`Niz’jMKW‘fl MfiilCH 123g 2&3?
`Page 4 ofll
`Page 4 of 11
`aw N939)
`z) wasx a :3?" mum ,
`Ail efficacy mmiyses were perfumed in the irxttew
`tiomtwtreat popalatiang which includeé ail the
`patienté; “416 had undergmm s'anciamizatian. Eff}
`may data were included {mm the. beginning 0f
`wmk 3 far 6th umtmem peried £0 accaum for
`a mam or waghout periozi. That primary efficacy
`malygis was conducted witfmur impuratian for
`missing dam. Saf‘aty analyses ware Erased 0n the
`safietty papuiatian, which included 31?, the patients
`in the intentmnm—xréafi population who had re;
`ceived at: least one dose of a study drug.
`We astimamci that a, gamma size 0572 patients
`wanld previde a pcwer Mam m detect a reiav
`rive: diffemnce in the primary {and point If 30%
`hemeen the ma dams cf (ISL-839 and a pflwer of
`99% m (Meet a differance betwaten active tram»
`men: and piacebo at an alpha lava} of(3.135, 35521112»
`ing that: patients it:
`the placebs gmup wauié
`have a mean :mmber of 8.152 zittatkfi per day.
`We estimated time 1.06 patients wouid need {a}
`undergascmening on the assumgatim that 29%
`(if rm: patienaa weuld be inefigibla in (mm the
`treazrmenz periods after the runvin perimd ané that
`10% 0f the patients win) entered the treatment
`gerinda wmuid withdraw 1chan Cristi cmnpietiqn,
`Désscriptive statistics were used. Pay the camp
`parin cafrhe number efatmcks and this: number
`oftimes that {856113 medicmsn was: used, mm
`maliaed far the number m" (£31315 that Kim mama:
`receiwé the carrespanciing treatment a Mass:—
`squares; mean éifference was estimateé wk};
`95% confidence imarvfls and :3 wings with the
`um 53%“ a mimdmfidel aemuming far the within-
`patiam carremtian. Hypathcsé3 taming wag per»
`formed hierarchical}? m presarve {he pmset kiwi
`of significance (EROS, Thus, 'Wza first tegteci the
`69*}? L1 dnse 9f {281,830 versus iawwcaluma placebo,
`and {mi}! ifthe mil! hypmhfisis was tgjscmd at an
`alpha level of 0.05 did Wt? test the: 4041} dcsse
`varsus highwvninme placebo. Testing aftha {SOJU
`dose versus the 4041} dcse was considmread m bi”:
`explamtory and waa; always tesmd at an alpha
`lave} air“ 0.05 far informatianai purpasea. 1X11 stay
`ziscicai tests were twa—sidczd. Statisticai anaiyses
`were conciucted mm the 1136. M“ SEAS Swfmme,
`veraion 9.1.3 (3A8 Engtitute).
`The triai was canductec} from Decamber 2913
`through Seminar 2015. Overafl, 115 patients
`was: SCI‘Eenfld em 38 centers: 18 in the Unified
`States $1115: 20 3217038 Australia, Canada the Cmch
`Rapublic,1%ungary, Israei, may, Ramzmizs, Spain,
`and the: United Kingdmm {Fig S2 in the: Supple—
`mmzm’y Appendix}. Of the 90 mama/.5 whc
`underwwt randomizaticfi2 11 dismminuefi Em
`varin reasans (Table 32 in the Supplemetxary
`Deznagraphic anti haseline. ciinicai chamcter«
`isrics fifths patients are ahawn in 'I‘abie 1. In, the
`3 menths; befbre screening, 36% 0f the patienrs
`who received 40 IU of CSLSBO pm: kimgmm and
`49% of these who receiveé 60 K) per kilogram
`had received a pmphylactic {marmam re prevent
`attacks 01’ afigz’oedema. One at“ these patienm
`cmatinucé so receive 053! pmphyiaxig ((33:23:91)
`dusing the aria}. The mam: (3:813) number a? at»
`tacks per mam}; filming the mnén pericfi, new
`malimd {by the: aumbar a? gays; mm the: patient
`receivfid the: segregpontimg drug m Mamba, wax
`«$632.2 for the 4041} trézatmem sequemag and
`éflflfl fer the 604:; treatmem secgzmnces. The
`mean dm'atian 0f expmaura was; simiim' far an
`traatmesms: 16.3i1.6 weeks far 40 EU, 16.025223
`wefiks far 60 KL and 13.3%»3 weaks far mm-
`bingd pkcebu‘
`wmmm afisuu‘s
`Among patients who received CSLEBO, the: ram of
`attacks of angioedema was 10%;): than the ram
`arxmng parisms Whi) {waived piacebcs. The mean
`differance, as camps:er with piaceaba, was «2.42
`azmckr; per mam”: {93% canf‘idenm inmrmi {Cf},
`«3.38 m «1%) with 40 EU and «$.51 aimsks peg
`manth 693%, CL ~4.2’1 m «£313 wizh 66 R]
`{112.30%} far both camparisans) {Tabie 2). Na
`nificam difihmmfi wag men bestwaeu {the 4941}
`am éOdU treatment sequences. Thflf {:{tcmmnce
`afazympmms and the: we 01” rascue mmficatim
`in each, patient; durmg each cream":st pariacfi are:
`Shawn in Figare 33:21: the Supplementary Apv-
`Secandary and explammry’ end paints are
`313:3 iismcfi in Table 2. in patients with data, that
`emit? he waiuated at both (103%,, the median
`reductian in the marmalimd number afattacks
`vergus placebo was; 8$.fi% (iatezqnartiie ranga,
`69‘63 in 109.0} wk}: 40 {E} if (231.,830 33d 95.1%
`(innguzsrtfla range, 279.0 to 180.0) with 60 EU.
`The pammmgfi of patienm who ma 3 13351391353:
`was 36% in £215 41MB g,me am} 9W0 in the 60—11}
`grams. Overall, 43% 95 the? gratéems in file 4041}
`gmup and 58% cf these in the: (SQ-EU group hm?
`2e mm) mm 37:63; wanna“;
`MAKCH 2,3, 2&1?
`Page 5 ofll
`Page 5 of 11
`was: i. gamma Charactfirisfias cf" Fafiems it} 11% intenfiwdofifmai Papumtinnfl
`CELEB!) {Bose (Swaps
`Age w yr
`Femate Sex M m). (‘36)
`Bady weightw kg,
`Endymasa index?
`Race w rm {%):§:
`4!) W
`23 (62} _.
`60 {U
`32 (7})
`History afhereditaty angéoedema m no. ’%)
`Type: M
`N9. of" attack; cfangigcdema m 3 ma bafme greening
`Use afpmphyiaxis again’st attacks éfhemdfiary angim-
`edema in 3 ma bef'me screaming m m, (32%;)
`Plasma-derived c1 inhEbitm
`40 (89}
`3 {3’}
`1 (2f)
`l (2}
`41 (91)
`4 (9}
`18 (36}
`9 (20)
`$4 {93)
`i {'2}
`3? (82)
`a as)
`:22 {49)
`14 (32,)
`Teta‘ CSL33Q
`{N “90)
`60 (6?)
`84 (93)
`4% (4}
`l {3}
`l {1)
`:78 {37’}
`12 .113)
`38 {5.2)
`23 (26)
`19 {23.)
`11 (24)
`Grad pmphyfaxis
`16 (38}
`1C} {22.)
`:3 (13}
`2 {2)
`2 {4}
`i {1}
`1 {2}
`‘r‘l' Wuswminufi vafuég are meam 3:39}. There wen": my significant diffemmtes at basefime heiwaen zhe trsatmem sequénces
`in the characteréstém shgbwn Perwmagas may mm mm Mi) because an? rounding.
`*f The body-mass index is thé weéght in, kibgrzms divided by the square affine Might in matcrs.
`:3: Race: was reported by the pafient.
`315212213: 2 90% reducticm in attacks? and 53% of
`the: patients in {the 4641} gmup am} “2:94: of thaw-3
`in the 6040 grew? had fess, than 0118 Mack per
`momb. (Dwain, 38% Mike: patientg in the 4041?
`group and 40% ofthogc in the 60—111 group did
`not have an attack, as compared with 9% and,
`Im patients, re:spectifie3yy whcs received placebu
`in, the 60»IU gmup had MM" 222: many
`attacks as these in the LIKE—1933mm).
`Tim average sevmiy
`aimcks was iower it:
`the patients win) reef“:in CSLBED than in times:
`who received 913661133 (Fig. 11). Thirteen patients
`when: received CSLSBQ had 22 mmi 0f 52 8GX’GW
`attacks, ami 64 patients W110 receiveci placeba
`had a mud {35252
`attacicg, {a fine wk}: the
`chasewad reéhzctian En the smmber af‘atmcks m:-
`garfiksa (3? their header; in the: beefy; the 3mm
`bar Bf patients M10 hm iaryngeal attacks was
`redqu with CSLSSO, with 5 patients in this 40%}
`gmup, In) patients in the (SO—[U group, and 25
`patiemg in the: pimme gimp.
`The mam nmmalized number of {$21an that
`$635586: medicatiofl was useci was reduced with
`both doses; of (181,830 versus placebo (Table 2).
`The rate of use mf rescue medicatimz was 71.7%
`matey amang {he patimm in firm {SO-IL? grow
`than swung thaw in the 404i} gmup. In the
`(XML? treatment: mqummess {the rate 0?" 133:? Of
`reams: mecficatiw was iawer than the rate: of
`Rt screening, rhea iavais Gffimctianal C31 iflhibi“
`tar activity, (33.. inhihiwr pmtein, and C4 pwmim
`were simiiar acmm ma three groups; after ran-
`ciamizatmm 2211mm? biemarkers slxawed a dam»
`éapendwz incrmse thai‘ marched Steady 5mm at
`week 3 {Fig 34A, 3&3; 2am} SM: in the Supple»
`mentary Appenéix). In Chi? papalatiowbased ex~
`posure—refipomé miaiysig, an inverse relatiunship
`N EEIGLj MEGE‘VFKSITfi Nijfdfiéiifi Méfi‘fl‘i 23, 31(21‘?
`Page 6 ofll
`Page 6 of 11
`3} 1‘ (V
` st38me.mmgammaammawunwwmMkcfig3%1
`Page 7 ofll
`Page 7 of 11
`E Seven:
`% Madereée
`MM {:3 Unknown sevefity
`[3 No attack
`160 1
`80 j
`304 ‘
`(9’5) .33.O
`(251330.41) «u " CSLKBO, 60 NJ
`CSLSBO Groups
`N :245
`N :45
`Placebo Gmups
`N 9:99
`i‘i‘igum L'Attacks'nfflemditary fiagiaedema, Accorfigng to the Maximum Sévérity oftha Attack.
`“Hm invésé‘igator graéed the severity a? each attack atcorriing m the'inten’s‘iiy a? the mag: severe symptam amung
`thg pafiems in the intefltéan-twtreat population‘ Percentages may not tow 108 because of rounding.
`between the predicted functime Cl
`activity at the time of an attack and the relative
`risk 0!? an attack was extablishefi (Fig. 2).
`smrgrv mm suns spams
`Adverse events were repm‘ted by similar pmpc‘m
`tims 0f patients ix: the CSLSBO gmups and the
`placebo group3 {Table 3). The majarity of re~
`parted adverse events were mild (in 95% of the
`patients in the 4045;} gmup, 76% ofthose in the
`60—IU group, and 8.3% ofrhose in the combined
`piaceho group) and were reporzed by the invest}
`gators to be resaived by the end ofth trial (98%
`of the patients in the 404D group, 94%, 0%" those
`in the 6040 group, and 96% of chase in the
`cambined phwbm gmup). Three adverse events
`fed :0 trial discontinuation: pulmmlary embon
`[ism in a patiwzwho received placebo, urticaria
`in a patieutywho received 60 IU of (351330, and
`an increase in liver amimzmnsférage ieveis in a
`i 3 i
`iTunctianai Levei ofC1 Inhibitor Activity (96)
`Figmm 2. Reiafionship batwéen Functima! Lewis ofCl Inhibitor Activity
`and we Reiafiw Rm; safari Attack cf Hereditary Angiqegfigzma.
`Th5 rafaiiva risk was axpfifasged as the? riskin xeéafian mike baseiim flak
`trafer treaimézit amcng patients; wflh an absm‘vacf geometric maan basw
`fine {unmionak hive! of C1 inhibitm activity a? appmxi‘mately 25%, The red
`daghe‘zd line indicates the {median ofthe madflbbased {53% reiatiensfiip; the
`surrmmding ghade’d area‘ifidiéamg the? predictéen’intervam (stamian er~
`mm). The bax picta indicate {fie wage (3f abserveé hasé!ine and preditteci
`funmiorga} ieveis offliinhihimr activity at steady‘statetmughs after {ha
`administration cf £51336 aidews M46 3U perrkilqgmm and 0f 68 it} per
`kyiwgfami In mach be: plotfithe red datindirfiateg the gédmetric mean, :he
`wriical'fine inéide‘the‘béx tha’ mmdiznythé'iéftfimf right-Sides of the box
`the iawer gm“: rugpmiquartilea, and fiche: {bars the minimum and maximum
`patient who received 60 IU of (251.830) {Table 32
`in {he Supplementary Appendix). Fem serious
`adverse events were: reparted in three patienm:
`{me event (umsepsis) in :1 patient wha received
`the 4041} close and three events (pulmonary
`embofiism, attack of angioedema, and syncope)
`in patients wha received placebo.
`Most reporteii adverse events were injection— Wm
`9.0 MMWMWWW, 2h
`40 H5 v
`5‘3 “1WMJZmewm—ww
`M mm} MED $592
`MARCH 23, 2017
`Page 8 ofll
`Page 8 of 11
`if 3‘95133.
`a“: N {T3
`N {A
`2 An):sarlom adverseevam
`Any advent? went
`f Any related adverse event“?
`g Any related getiaus: adverse might?
`Adverse 3mm ieadingto triatdiswmimatiefi
`Nonseriaus adveme avers: in :aS‘fié Mpatmnis
`2‘3 {23?}
`M (33)
`1 (3}
`I (1)
`Tuta! CSLaEO
`3‘) (6%}
`29 {34}
`2 (2)
`{152.333 Dam Grsups
`30 {7’13}
`15 {35)
`2 5}
`(N £86}
`S? {66}
`22 (26)
`2 {2)
`“I {1)
`I (1)
`Eréfiectiems’ite reacticm$
`Upperwgspimiwwam infectkm
`13: {23}
`1 (23
`3 {.73
`2 (5)
`1: 1‘9}
`13 {35}
`a {19;
`3 {7)
`3 {9’}
`217 {33}
`a»; (:1;
`6 ('3)
`5 (6)
`13 (S)
`21 {24;}
`a a?)
`6 (‘1’)
`3 {1)
`1 (1)
`2 (2)
`{s (I?)
`1 {2)
`“3W miffiwwmf
`. W
`7'? The 5»?me analysis mduded a“ 1m patients" in the»: §memian~to~tmat paguiaimn who had waived at ham; we dogs: ofa study drug, £ncluded
`are adverse events that had an (mam: within 2%; hours. after: adminisiratim, which were: {showed 3mm they reagolved.
`1" Rélatad adverse: events wme advmge mania that, wme iiafiséfiefi b33512 inveatigam; a2 wing «gated m (L‘SUS3G.
`UL pain: aaweéfing, stigma, iwmmrhage, mm? imfimmémm
`:5; éfijeaxémfifze reaciémts incémfietfi braziging‘ myths?
`g Hypermngi’tévity induciad prufliug, ragh. and uz'iiazgz'm
`{3f the
`site Immiaxm, which magnet? in
`patients who mocked {£31,833 and in 24% cf
`those who received piaceba. Ofthc §x1j<3czti<3wsitte
`reacticms, 95% in the (3313836 gmups 3:161 9%ch
`in the glaze-(aha graupg were miici; 83% m 17in:
`(381,830 groups and, 90% in the: pizmba grasps;
`rasalvad within 1 day after unset
`N0 wmmmversiong {in film human immuncw
`deficiency virus a: imparitis: B m C vims were
`Observed during mt: trial; such taming was; par-
`a Safeguard Since {381.336} is a piagmam
`(fierin praciuctt, NC) amphyiactic mmimw m
`inhibitmy anti-«Ci inhibitm amihmiies were def.»
`In COMPACT, 2mmng patients with heredit ry
`anginafiema, We fawn? that twiceweekiy Scimiw
`istmticm cf $813330 21:; {@3623 0540 EU £3131” mm.»
`gram 0: 66 EU {Jet kilagmm pmvgdx‘ad an mask
`363m and d03€~dependent
`pmventive effflfit, as;
`aviaieuced acmgg mwhipic 2.112231 mm minis. Tim
`median reduzztmn in the attack rate reiative t0 pig»
`cgiw Was 89% with 4% IE} and 935:: with (ii: iii}
`in patfiem’s whc; had data that could be evaluated
`during #316 mm 36*week tz‘eatmem mamas. This
`Regiment effect was aasaciateci with an avemfi
`redaced mac? far :‘zigcua n‘zéeéica‘iimx.
`(:1 inhibitor repiammcm For pmphylaxis is
`cmrémiy zzgpmfised {mi}; 33 intravenoug therapy.
`its 35%: was firs: (fescriheci in mm (138%? {6390113 in
`1989." 011 {he basis Ma piacebgmammflad sway"
`21m! same agmviabel stmiiésfw intermiimml
`guidaiines recanmmufi miceweekiy immvenmm
`infufiimas {Bf}: (31 inifibitm glxazpamiim {mm 113}
`for famine: pmphyiaxisfilms
`A preview ranciigxmized, cammikzd trig;
`valvng 22 gatiems ShDWffié the efficacy 6%" an
`intz‘avenmxs C1 inhibitm’ ifif‘usx‘fln mgimen in pm»
`venting attacks; wi’ angimefienm.’ This trial! Showefi
`a respmme mm {defineé m; 225 “(in mductiam in
`him f‘rfiqugsmy sziitmcka) {)9‘30%."" With the use
`01"" $imiiz'ui crimria. a regpam‘se mm {£76 {0 90%
`was {)bsarved in an}? trim.
`5% {@1281}! study sigmfisd aim: patfimm; Whit: 2'13»
`H mm)
`376:12 Ngmxjm
`MARCR 23., 23$”)! 3’
`Page 9 ofll
`Page 9 of 11
`clinical chaiienggc, and despite expert z'acivim (:0
`tin: contrary, subcutaneous parts are used, which
`“:m be assacimed with vm‘ii‘ms macficzi compr
`catiang.“ A subcutmmws C11 inhime may 2131;:
`m metre?an many of {fhfiffii disafivanmges.
`Qm‘ trial imd 21 Emitteii abserzsgtian 33mm of
`‘14 WEEKS m“ treatment periaé {after the exam”
`Sim) (31“ me BW‘VQQR rzmwm m washmfi; varied).
`”l‘bmzfiam, it was mat: poSSibla m $3535 the satin?
`and pre